24th February 2012
Mic Porter
1582 – Pope Gregory XIII announces the Gregorian
calendar necessary as, under the Julian, the spring
equinox was moving away from astronomical
correctness and thus so was Easter!
1803 – In Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court
of the United States establishes the principle of
judicial review whereby the decisions of
Governments (and other public bodies) can be
challenged in Courts.
1809 – The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane burns to the
ground, leaving owner and playwright Richard
Brinsley Sheridan destitute. Rebuilt by Samuel
Whitbread and reopened 10th October 1812.
Mic Porter
Burning of Drury Lane Theatre from Westminster Bridge Date
1917 – Zimmermann Telegram, in which Germany
pledges to ensure the return of New Mexico,
Texas, and Arizona to Mexico if Mexico
declares war on the United States.
1920 – The Nazi Party founded.
1942 – The Battle of Los Angeles, one of the
largest documented UFO sightings in history.
Now thought to be a weather balloon that was
attacked by unskilled gun batteries thinking it
was another Japanese air attack - confusion
reigns! UFOlogists have other explanations!
Mic Porter
1989 – Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini offers a US$3M
and untold rewards after
death as a bounty for the
murder of Salman Rushdie
(the Satanic Verses author).
He goes into hiding.
1989 – A United Airlines 747
Flight 811, bound for New
Zealand from Honolulu,
Hawaii, rips open during
flight, sucking 9 businessclass passengers out. 346
passengers and crew survive.
Mic Porter
2008 – Fidel Castro retires as the President of Cuba
after nearly fifty years and brother Raúl takes over
as President.
2011 – Final Launch of Space Shuttle Discovery. Now
retired to the Smithsonian Museum.
Last Launch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPkJ8ugK3_0
Challenger : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4JOjcDFtBE&feature=related
Richard Feynman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qAi_9quzUY
“For a successful technology, reality must take
precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be
Richard P. Feynman (1918 –1988)
Report of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger
Mic Porter
Accident (Appendix F.)
1885 – Chester Nimitz, U.S. admiral whose most
significant commands were as an Admiral during
WWII who signed for the US at the Japanese
surrender. The nuclear-powered aircraft
carrier USS Nimitz was commissioned in 1975
and continues in service. (d. 1966)
1898 – Kurt Tank, German aeronautical engineer
and test pilot who headed the design
department at Focke-Wulf from 1931-45.
After the war he is involved in aeronautical
design in Argentina and India under the name
Prof. Dr. Pedro Matthies. (d. 1983)
Mic Porter
1912 – Ji?í Trnka, Czech puppet maker, illustrator,
motion-picture animator and film director (d.
1969) http://maslidukan.com/?tag=jiri-trnka-studio
1914 – Ralph Erskine, British architect mostly
working on mass housing in Sweden. Locally
responsible for the Byker Wall (1973-8) (d. 2005)
1938 – Phil Knight, American sportswear
manufacturer (Nike).
1955 – Steven Paul Jobs, friend of Steve Woznaik
and later Sir Jonny Ives .(d. 2011)
Mic Porter
Apple 1 - Kit built Personal Computer – 11th April ‘76
Originally sold for $666.66 later dropped to $475
616 – King Ethelbert of Kent. (b. c560)
1810 – Henry Cavendish, scientist and discoverer of
“inflammable air” (hydrogen), the density of the
earth, and various electrical relations including
what we now call ohms law. Mostly worked on his
Clapham Common estate (b. 1731)
1812 – Etienne-Louis Malus, French mathematician,
physicist & investigator of polarized light (b. 1775)
1815 – Robert Fulton, American inventor who while
working in France created the first steamboat and
between 1793-7 the first functional submarine Nautilus (b.1765)
Mic Porter
1825 – Thomas Bowdler, English physician and
literature editor whose “cleaned-up” version of
Shakespeare’s plays (standarding spelling among
other actions) give rise to the term bowdlerize
(bowdlerise). (b. 1754)
1856 – Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky, Russian
geometrical mathematician (b. 1792)
2005 – Dan McIvor, Canadian aviator and pioneer
of water bombing forest fires. He apparently
always gave “trick or treating” children
toothbrushes on Halloween (b. 1911)
Mic Porter
Tom Lehrer (1953) “Lobachevsky”
(Snip – sung at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL4vWJbwmqM )
“I am never forget the day I first meet the
great Lobachevsky. In one word he told me
secret of success in mathematics. Plagiarize!
Let no one else's work evade your eyes
Remember why the good Lord made your eyes
So don't shade your eyes
But plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize
Only be sure always to call it please ‘research’”
Mic Porter