GBK344.140 Global Business 16 - Week Online Session Spring Semester: January 19 to May 11, 2016 Instructor and Contact Information Instructor: Visiting Assistant Professor D. Tevis Noelting, J.D., M.B.A. College of Business Administration Phone: (254) 519-5437 Office Phone: 254-519-5437 Office Room Number: Founder’s Hall, room #323u Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 1430 - 1730 and by appointment Email: It is recommend that you keep course-related communication inside Blackboard via course messages, and use TAMUCT email only when Blackboard is not available. Instructor-Students Correspondence: During the office hours listed above, I will be available for drop-in face-to-face consultation in my office as well as via Blackboard Collaborate for virtual consultation. Please contact me during office hours to ask questions about course activities, course work, course concepts, and/or to review grade status in the course. If you wish to meet at a different time by phone or web-conference, please email me with a time “window” you will be available and I will respond with a confirmed time. I check my emails daily during weekdays and will respond to your messages within 24-48 hours. Occasionally, a University meeting or Conference travel will preempt a prompt response to your message. When this occurs, I will post a message via an Instructor Announcement in Bb. Method of Instruction This course is a 100% online course via TAMUCT Blackboard Learn system ( An online course offers great flexibility but only students with strong self-discipline can enjoy the benefit and succeed in passing the course. Students often find an online course more time consuming than a traditional face-to-face course. Specific guidelines for taking an online course using TAMUCT’s Blackboard classroom are available under the “Distance Learning” tab on the left-hand panel. Tutorials for using Blackboard can be found under the “Student Resources” tab. Note: Technology issues are not an excuse for missing a course requirement or deadline – make sure your computer is configured correctly and address issues well in advance of deadlines. Course Management Technology Issues & Troubleshooting For technological or computer issues, students should contact Help Desk Central. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Email: Phone: (254) 519-5466 Web Chat: When calling for support please let your support technician know you are a TAMUCT student. Professor Noelting should be consulted via the “Course Q and A” discussion forum or messages for course issues (NOT technology issues--they should be directed to the Help Desk). UNILERT The Emergency Warning System for Texas A&M University – Central Texas (UNILERT) is an emergency notification service that gives Texas A&M University-Central Texas the ability to communicate health and safety emergency information quickly via email, text message, and social media. All students are automatically enrolled in UNILERT through their myCT email account. Students can connect at to change where they receive alerts or to opt out. By staying enrolled in UNILERT, university officials can quickly pass on safety-related information, regardless of one’s location. Course Description and Objectives Course Description: Broad coverage of key concepts and issues in the 21st century global business environment. Emphasis on the political, financial, cultural, regulatory effects on the operations of businesses operating in a global environment. Course Objectives: The objectives of this course are to increase the student's understanding of both the complexity and the continuously evolving nature of Global Business. To accomplished these objectives, course discussions and activities focus on global business issues such as the role of trade, investment liberalization, economic integration, the multinational enterprise, and the influence of cultural, social, religious, economic, political, geographic, philosophical, and environmental forces on the competitiveness of an international business. Student Learning Outcomes At the conclusion of the course the student will be able to: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Develop cross-cultural sensitivity to interact with individuals from different cultures in a business setting. Analyze the cultural, legal, political, and economic forces of international business environment. Understand specific trade and investment theories. Understand the impact of government intervention and trade agreements on global business decisions. Explain the reasons and methods of entering international business through foreign markets and through domestic import/export markets. Select appropriate entry modes and business organization models to match strategic international business marketing and/or production objectives. Apply basic marketing, management, and human resource principles to doing business in various countries. Objectives Disclaimer: The above are simply the main focus areas, but they are by no means the only areas where assignment or Exam questions may come from. All material in the Text, Lectures, and articles posted on Blackboard are fair game. The in-class lectures are beneficial for both general knowledge and also for HW and Exam success. Course Materials Required Reading and Textbook Wild, J. J., & Wild, K.J. (2013). International business: The challenges of globalization (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall (ISBN-10: 0133063003 • ISBN-13: 9780133063004) Reference Guide for Professional Writing American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author. ISBN-13: 978-1-4338-0561-5 Articles Good Internet access, MS Word, and Adobe Acrobat for pdf files. NOTE: A student of this institution is not under any obligation to purchase a textbook from a university-affiliated bookstore. The same textbook may also be available from an independent retailer, including an online retailer. Course Requirements The assessments below will measure the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) stated above that correspond to the material covered in that assignment or exam. In some instances, a particular outcome may be assessed by multiple methods, for example, homework and an exam question. Student Profile and Course Agreement-Meet and Greet! Please see Appendix A at the end of the syllabus for the details of completing this assignment. To earn the full credit of this assignment, you are required to post your information on the discussion board under “Meet and Greet” by the midnight of January 25 via the assignment link provided under the Learning Week 1 folder. This assignment facilitates the mastery of Course Outcome # 1. Weekly Discussion Board Assignments (DQs): It is imperative for you to keep up with the course schedule in an online course by consistently and actively participating in class discussions via the Discussion Board Assignments. Please see Appendix B at the end of this syllabus for assignment details. You will select one of the provided discussion questions in each designated learning week. Discussion question responses should be at between 100250 words. Post discussion question responses in the Discussion Questions forum in the threads provided. To respond, highlight the appropriate thread, click on Reply, type your response, and send. Please do not start a new thread for the weekly discussion questions in the Discussions Questions forum. Discussions facilitate the mastery of all Course Outcomes. I expect your discussion question responses to reflect critical thought. For each discussion question, cite at least one reference supporting your answer. References may include the course’s current textbooks and articles from the Texas A&M University – Central Texas online library. Please make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors may affect other students’ understanding. References and citations must also be formatted according to APA. Each correctly answered and substantive discussion question is worth 10 points. See Schedule below for due dates. Participation Participation is only counted in the Participation forum (Participation Discussion Thread). This is a required part of your grade. Participation consists of messages you post above and beyond graded assignments (i.e. discussion question answers are not considered participation). Participation consists of new ideas, perspectives, on-point follow-up questions, etc. Participation must relate to the weekly learning topics (see the instructor notes for the week). Responses to other students’ answers to a discussion question will count towards the class participation requirement. However, the discussions regarding the DQs must be “brought” to the Participation Discussion Thread. Participation is not restating the definitions of concepts from the text. However, participation may include the restatement, if the student also discusses an application of the concept. Participation facilitates the mastery of assignments and thus, all course outcomes. You will find it is much easier to keep up with an online class when you are logging in and participating regularly. Please note that both quantity and quality are important considerations when participating. A post like "I agree" does not constitute participation because it does not add anything of substance to the discussion. Note too that all of your participation posts must be supported from academically sound sources accompanied by an in-text citation crediting a source (paraphrasing, quoting, or summarizing the source), and a list of references at the end of your post. Reference lists and in-text citations must be formatted according to APA. The length of a participatory post should be between 100 – 250 words. See Schedule below for due dates. Examinations: There are three multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in the-blank examinations during the semester. All examinations are non-cumulative—each exam will include only materials covered in prior sections of the course. Exams facilitate the assessment of one’s mastery of all Course Outcomes. Exams will be closed book and closed notes. See Schedule below for due dates. Cultural Interview (100 points) You will conduct a cultural interview with a person who has different nationality from yours. Then you will write a reflection essay based on the interview. The essay should be 3-5 page, double-spaced, 12font, and APA formatted. This assignment facilitates the mastery of Course Outcomes # 1, 2, and 7. Your essay should include: 1 2 3 4 A brief introduction of how you met the interviewee and the interviewee’s demographic information, such as age, education, family, or occupation. A detailed description of the major differences between your own country and his/her country. The differences can be in diet, attire, etiquette, government, education system, family structure, etc. A discussion of cultural dimensions using any of the listed theoretical frameworks presented in Chapter 2, such as Hofestede’s cultural dimensions. A recommendation for handling cultural differences between your own culture and the interviewee’s culture. By the midnight of Feb 29, you will post your cultural interview in your assignment folder Assignment details concerning the cultural interview assignment can be found in Appendix C at the end of this syllabus, and in the Blackboard classroom under the “Cultural Interview” folder and “Learning Week 2” folder. Country Project Research & Written Proposal (100 points) Each group will select one country from emerging markets to research. Assignment details concerning the country project research assignment can be found in Appendix D at the end of this syllabus, and in the Blackboard classroom. For that country, your group will survey the socio-cultural, economic (specifically including the trade and monetary environment), political & legal, and technical environments. Using the information from this survey, each group is expected to outline the challenges and opportunities of conducting business in the country, and then provide guidelines for a successful international business product launch in the country based on the group’s survey and research about the country as well as international business principles (your guidelines should not be such that they could apply to any country – the guidelines must be tailored to and for the country that the group chose to research). The written proposal should include the following major topics (also reference the outline attached in the appendix): 1 2 3 4 An introduction summarizing the country details important to your proposal - history, climate, etc. An analysis of the socio-cultural (esp. cultural determinants, cultural dimensions, business etiquette), economic (esp. trade and monetary), political–legal, and technical environments A discussion of the challenges and opportunities of doing business in the country (your discussion should integrate information from your country research as well as from other parts of your written proposal). A (new) product proposal outlining how the product will be introduced to the country, and explaining how your proposal will be profitable, sustainable and beneficial to the country. Your research must include at least 10 references (2 peer-reviewed journals, 2 academically-sound journals or magazines, 3 well-reputed Internet articles, and 3-4 books (web-download in lieu of a book is not acceptable) and all references must be used [and cited] in the body of your written paper, using APA citation style. Using times new roman size 12-font, your group proposal must be 12 typed, doublespaced pages (not including the cover page, TOC, and reference list page, and also excluding any appendices of attached data/material for the key figures, charts, etc. used in your paper. Your proposal, in-text citations, and list of references should conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style rules. This assignment facilitates the mastery of all Course Outcomes. By the midnight of May 13, all of the groups will post the group’s written proposal in the assignment folder. Assignment details concerning the Country Project Written Assignment can be found in Appendix E at the end of this syllabus, and in the Blackboard classroom. Country Project Group Presentation (100points) Each group will present a brief summary of its findings, including all group members in the presentation. Group presentations should be 15 minutes in length and should cover key points. It is not necessary to present everything in your proposals: you should focus on a sub-sample of the most interesting and relevant points of each section of the proposal and include major challenges and opportunities as well as recommendations for successful international business product launches in the country. Creativity is encouraged in all presentations. You may wish to consider using role plays, mock business meetings, interview formats, or other devices to maintain interest. At the minimum level, a set of slides with voice over the slides should be put together as a group. This assignment facilitates the mastery of Course Outcomes # 1 and 7. By the midnight of May 8, all of the groups will post the group’s presentation material on the Discussion Board in Week 15. Country project presentation details are presented in Appendix F. Group Work I will assign you into a group in the third week, based on the composition of the class members. The goal is for you to work with people from diverse background and you will work together towards the final country project. The country project is designed for group members to share and challenge each other when analyzing the research on a given country. Note that I will not re-assign individuals to a different group after the initial assignment has been made. It is the group’s responsibility to work together and it is a great way to develop diversity awareness, as well as cultivate the ability to communicate and collaborate with people from different backgrounds. Below are four mechanisms to facilitate your group learning experience. Group Contract/Country Selection: You are encouraged to share your expectations of the group work in the beginning of the semester. A sample outline of a formalized, written group contract is provided in the Appendix G. Your group is welcome to design a group contract that can ensure each group member’s commitment and contribution to the group work. The group contract and country selection are due by midnight Feb 14. The group is required to submit the written contract as well as the documentation of the group interaction. It can be a picture of face-to-face group meeting, a chat record or recording of a Blackboard Collaborate meeting, or other means. Assignment details for the group’s country selection are attached in the assignment link on the Blackboard. Country Research I-IV assignments: Four country research assignments are scheduled in the second half of the course. Each country assignment addresses a major section of the country project. A common procedure of these country assignments is for group members to divide up the questions and each group member can do independent research and information entry. Then all group members can pitch in to edit the researched info. In the group contract, you are advised to specify the question each individual is going to take on and an individual who is in charge of the final submission of the final group work. These research assignments are the foundation for the Country Project Written Proposal and thus facilitate the mastery of all Course Outcomes. Even though the country assignment grades will be based on overall group performance, individual members who do not participate in any information entry and/or editing will receive a zero grade on the assignment. See Schedule below for due dates. Peer Evaluations: By the time the group is ready to submit the final country proposal, all group members need to fill out the evaluation for the rest of the group members before I can post the final country project grade. The evaluation is based on a 4-point scale. Individuals need to have an average rating of above 2.5 to be able to receive the full group grade. When an individual has an average rating of below 2.5 and above 1.5 from other group members, the individual will receive 60% of the group grade. If an individual receives an average rating below 1.5, the individual will receive zero on the country project. Firing Policy: Students desiring guidance on working with group members are welcome to ask me for advice. If group members are unable to work together, they have the right to fire themselves or another group member(s) from their group. In this case, the fired individual(s) must complete a different country proposal project individually, with the same specifications described above. Fired individual(s) should email me about being fired so that I can provide them with a different country to research individually. I recommend that you consider the firing option as the last resort, since an individual country project usually scores lower than a group’s work. Late Assignments will be reduced by 20% per day, unless prior coordination is conducted with the instructor. Late assignments will not be accepted after the third day (weekend days are included). Written Assignments: All essay assignments will adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual requirements. Students will submit the cultural interview essay and the country proposal project written report to the Turnitin plagiarism checking service through the link provided in the Blackboard Classroom. o Submit your assignments under the correct assignment in Blackboard and then log off the web site. o Return to the web site after 10-45 minutes (time varies based on the size of the paper and program usage). o Check your Similarity Index, both color (should be green) and number. o The ideal index is between >1% and 0% (Correct and resubmit as needed – see paragraph 4.55). o Essays and research projects with 5% or less will be accepted for grading, all others will be returned for revision and will be counted late (see late assignments statement). o Consider your assignment turned in (once submitted to TURNITIN) when the due date/time has passed. I will download from TURNITIN. o Any assignment with 20% or more similarity will earn the grade of zero (0). Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this course. o Recycling assignments from previous courses is not allowed. NOTE: If you submit your paper to TURNITIN multiple times, the processing delays for the second and subsequent submissions will be between 24-48 hours, for each submission. Plan accordingly; I will download the assignments from TURNITIN on time. Grading Information Grading Criteria and Conversion to Letter Grade: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Student Profile and Course Agreement Group contract/Country Selection Discussion Board Assignments (5 @ 20) Participation Discussion Board (10 @ 10) Cultural Interview Exams (3@100 points) Country Research Assignments (4 @ 35) Country Project (Written/Presentation) Grade Base is 20 Points 40 Points 100 Points 100 Points 100 Points 300 Points 140 Points 200 Points 1000 Points Final grades will be calculated using a traditional scale (90% A = Excellent, 80% B = Good, 70% C = Acceptable, 60% D = Needs improvement, 59% and below F = Unacceptable). TAMU-CT Policies Drop Policy If you discover that you need to drop this course, you must go to the Records Office and ask for the necessary paperwork. Professors cannot drop students; this is always the responsibility of the student. The record’s office will give a deadline for which the form must be returned completely signed. Once you return the signed form to the records office and wait 24 hours, you must go into WarriorWeb and confirm that you are no longer enrolled. If WarriorWeb reflects that you are still enrolled, FOLLOWUP with the records office immediately. You are to attend class until the procedure is complete to avoid penalty for absence. Should you miss the deadline to fail to follow this procedure, you will receive an “F” in the course. Academic Honesty (Texas A&M University-Central Texas Catalog) Texas A&M University - Central Texas expects all students to maintain high standards of honor in personal and scholarly conduct. Any deviation from this expectation may result in a minimum of a failing grade for the assignment and potentially a failing grade for the course. All academic dishonesty concerns will be reported to the university's Office of Student Conduct. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic work, plagiarism and improper citation of sources, using another student's work, collusion, and the abuse of resource materials. When in doubt on collaboration, citation, or any issue, please contact me before taking a course of action. More information can be found at: Any violation of academic integrity, such as copying the existing work and submitting as your own work, will result in a zero grade on the assignment and be reported to the university's Office of Student Conduct. Library Services Library distance education services aims to make available quality assistance to A&M-Central Texas students seeking information sources remotely by providing digital reference, online information literacy tutorials, and digital research materials. Much of the TAMUCT collection is available instantly from home. This includes over half of the library's book collection, as well as approximately 25,000 electronic journals and 200 online databases. Library Distance Education Services are outlined and accessed at: Information literacy focuses on research skills which prepare individuals to live and work in an information-centered society. Librarians will work with students in the development of critical reasoning, ethical use of information, and the appropriate use of secondary research techniques. Help may include, but is not limited to: the exploration of information resources such as library collections, the identification of appropriate materials, and the execution of effective search strategies. Library Resources are outlined and accessed at: The University Writing Center The University Writing Center at Texas A&M University-Central Texas is a free workspace open to all TAMUCT students. The UWC is located in 416 Warrior Hall. The center is open 11am-6pm MondayThursday during the spring semester. Students may work independently in the UWC by checking out a laptop that runs Microsoft Office suite and connects to WIFI, or by consulting our resources on writing, including all of the relevant style guides. Students may also arrange a one-on-one session with a trained and experienced writing tutor. Tutorials can be arranged by visiting the UWC. Tutors are prepared to help writers of all levels and abilities at any stage of the writing process. Sessions typically last between 20-30 minutes. While tutors will not write, edit, or grade papers, they will help students develop more effective invention and revision strategies. Disability Support & Access Services The Office of Disability Support and Access is responsible for ensuring that students with a disability enjoy equal access to the University’s programs, services and activities. We are committed to promoting the full participation of all students with a disability in every aspect of University life. This is achieved through advocacy, growing universal access, and collaboration among students, faculty, and staff. We believe that every student should have an equal chance to succeed and has the right to an education that is barrier-free. Services and Resources We Provide include: Accommodations Counseling and Coordination, Auxiliary Aids and Equipment, Accessibility Training and Information, Assistive Technology, Universal Design Training and Information, Community Resources Information and Referral, Disability Rights and Responsibilities Counseling, Faculty Support Some aspects of this course or the way the course is taught may present barriers to learning due to a disability. If you feel this is the case, please contact Disability Support and Access at (254) 501- 5831 in Warrior Hall, Ste. 212. For more information, please visit their website at: Any information you provide is private and confidential and will be treated as such. Tutoring Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on-campus and online. Subjects tutored include Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Mathematics, and Writing. Tutors are available at the Tutoring Center in Warrior Hall, Room 111. Visit and click "Tutoring Support" for tutor schedules and contact info. If you have questions, need to schedule a tutoring session, or if you're interested in becoming a tutor, contact Academic Support Programs at 254-501-5830 or by emailing Chat live with a tutor 24/7 for almost any subject on your computer! is an online tutoring platform that enables TAMU-CT students to log-in and receive FREE online tutoring and writing support. This tool provides tutoring in Mathematics, Writing, Career Writing, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Spanish, Calculus, and Statistics. To access, log into your Blackboard account and click "Online Tutoring." Tentative Course Schedule The following course schedule is provided to assist you in keeping up to date in your studies and in completion of your assignments. Note that changes to this schedule and to assignments could occur during the semester. I will let you know as far in advance as possible about any changes. Date Activity Tentative Course Schedule Subject 1. Jan 19-Jan 25 INTRO Chapter 1 Course Syllabus Globalization 2. 3. Jan 26-Feb 1 Feb 2-Feb 8 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 4. Feb 9-Feb 15 Chapter 4 Cross-cultural Business Politics, Law, & Business Ethics Economics & Emerging Markets 5. Feb 16-Feb 22 EXAM # 1 Chapter 1-4 6. Feb 23-Feb 29 Chapter 16 Hiring and Managing Employees 7. March 1-March 7 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 International Trade Business-government Relations 8. March 8-March 13 Chapter 9 International Financial Market Assignments Due DQ1; Participation 1; Student Profile and Course Agreement due on Jan 25 by Midnight DQ2; Participation 2 DQ3; Participation 3 DQ4; Participation 4; Group contract and country selection due on Feb 15 by Midnight Exam 1 due Thursday Feb 18 by Midnight DQ5; Participation 5; Cultural Interview due on Feb 29 by Midnight Participation 6; Country Research I on Trade Environment due on March 7 by Midnight Participation 7; Country Research II on Monetary Environment due on March 13 by Midnight None SPRING BREAK Catch-up March 14-March20 If you are behind, work on those activities 9. March 21-March 28 EXAM # 2 Chapter 5,6,9, 16 10. March 29-April 4 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 11. April 5-April 11 Chapter 13 International Strategy and Organization Analyzing International Opportunities Selecting and Managing Entry Modes 12. April 12-April 18 Chapter 14 Developing and Marketing Products Participation 10; Country Research IV on Entry Strategy due on April 18 by Midnight 13. April 19-April 25 EXAM # 3 Chapter 11-14 14. 15. April 26-May 2 May 3-May 9 Country Project Rehearsal Country Project Presentation Exam 3 due Thursday April 25 by Midnight None Presentation Posted by Sunday May 8 Midnight 16. May 10-May 13 Country Project Written Proposal Exam 2 due Thursday March 24 by Midnight Participation 8; Country Research III on International Opportunity due on April 4 by Midnight Participation 9 Written Report Due May 13 Midnight Appendix A Student Profile and Course Agreement Introduce yourself to the class by sharing the following information on the Discussion Board “Meet and Greet!” in our Blackboard Classroom. 1. General Information a. Hometown, year of undergraduate program and major 2. Work experience a. Past work experience that is relevant to what you are doing now b. Current employer, position, and length of employment 3. International experience a. Study abroad, travel, foreign station, etc. 4. Goals for taking this course a. What are your expectations about taking this course? b. How is this course related to your academic goal and career goal? 5. Anything else you would like to share with the class? Read the following statement carefully and type your name as your “signature”/date your agreement. Append the following statement in the end of your posting. “I have read the Syllabus and understand the course expectations, assignments and associated deadlines for GBK344-110. I understand it is a 100% online class, and that I must be selfdisciplined to be successful. I will try my best to be part of the positive learning community in this virtual classroom by adhering to the netiquette and showing support towards my student colleagues. I understand that there is extensive group work in this course. I will put in my best effort to contribute to the group assignments and complete the assignments on time. I will also hold myself to a high standard of ethics in all assignments and examination in this course. Finally, I have the computer set-up at my disposal to undertake a 100% online class on the TAMUCT Blackboard system.” Name Date Appendix B: Discussion Board Questions Rubric Criteria Unsatisfactory Progressing Satisfactory Discussion word count 0% 60 % 100 % Discussion is less than 100 words. Discussion is between 100150 words. Discussion is between 150-300 words. 0% 60 % 100 % Post is missing significant portions of assignment. Post adequate with only superficial thought, or small part missing; limited application of concepts. Post addresses all aspects of assignment with concepts fully developed and applied. 0% 60 % 100 % Writing is extremely confusing with multiple grammatical issues. Writing is clear but multiple grammatical issues. Writing is clear, with no grammatical errors. 0% 60 % 100 % No factual informational cited; citations do not adhere to the required APA citation style. Little factual informational cited; Citations infrequently adhere to the required APA citation style. All factual informational cited; Citations completely adhere to the required APA citation style. Weight 25.00% Posting content Weight 40.00% Clarity and Mechanics Weight 15.00% Citations Weight 15.00% Appendix C: Cultural Interview Assignment & Grade Rubric (100 points) A cultural interview is conducted with a person who has different nationality from yours. The main purpose of the interview is to discover and evaluate cultural similarity and differences. The reflection summary should cover all major points listed below. Identify your own cultural background as the basis of cultural comparison. Provide a brief introduction of how you meet the interviewee and the interviewee’s demographic information, such as age, education, family, or occupation. 1. Describe BOTH similarities and differences between your own culture and his/her culture. The similarities and differences can be in diet, attire, etiquette, government, education system, family structure, etc. 2. Reference chapter 2 and describe the cultural dimensions using Hofstede’s cultural framework. Reflect on your interview experience and suggest how the interviewee’s culture is relatively lower or higher on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions compared to your own culture. The interpretation of each dimension should incorporate supporting evidence based on what you learn from the interviewee’s culture. 3. Recommendations for handling cultural differences between your own culture and the interviewee’s culture. The interview summary is for you to reflect on your dialogue with the interviewee. The documentation of the dialogue is not required and is not graded. The interview summary should be 3-5 page, doublespaced, 12-font and professionally formatted. Based on my experience, students who turn in the summary shorter than two pages do not cover all major points listed above and will receive a less satisfying grade. In other words, you will need to at least two full page of write-up to address all major points. Additional Notes: 1. Listed below is a suggested step-by-step approach to conduce a cultural interview A. Reflect on your own background and past experience to identify your own cultural identity. Some of you may have a different cultural heritage from American culture, and some of you were born and raised in a foreign country. Which culture influences your values and beliefs the most? B. Ask your interviewees to identify his or her national culture. Then you have the reference of comparison between your own culture and your interviewee’s culture. C. Do your homework about the national cultural differences before you actually conduct the interview. a. Search cultural interview questions that are most interesting to you. Some sample interview questions are attached in the Appendix A and you can find more cultural interview questions on the web. b. Look up the national cultural comparison on Hofstede’ website at c. Formulate your questions to verify the cultural comparison based on your research. D. Conduct the interview and then reflect on the major points listed in the outline of the interview summary. 2. The reflection of the Hofstede’s cultural framework should be based on the interview experience. The mere summary of the cultural comparison based on the Hofstede’s website will result in a lower grade for this section. Q&As 1. Who should I interview? You may choose any person who has different nationality from yours. The Hofstede’s cultural framework will be the most meaningful when you compare two national cultures. You may have known the person from the past and can go back to him/her for an in-depth interview. You can also find your interviewee through the international student association on campus or an ESL program at the community college. As the last resort, you may choose a person who has the same nationality as yours and have a different ethnic background. The person with a different nationality is going to give you a more interesting comparison of cultural differences since nations usually uphold the culture dearly so you will be more likely to observe more cultural differences when your interviewee has a different nationality from yours. 2. Do I need to record the dialogue of the interview? It is not required to submit the transcript of your interview. The purpose of the assignment is for you to reflect on your interview experience and observations. You may need to go back to the interviewee to clarify things when you are working on the interview reflection summary. It is important for you to leave yourself ample time to compose the summary so you can have a second chance for a follow-up interview. 3. Do you have a sample report? I do not currently provide any past students’ work as sample reports as I value these interview reports as valuable intellectual creation. If you grant me your permission to use your reports as a sample for future classes, I will greatly appreciate it. Meanwhile, I will be happy to take a look at your report and give you some general feedback if you can give me enough time (preferably one week prior) to go through your report by the submission deadline. Sample Interview Questions What should I know of your culture’s recent history, governance and language? What do you understand as the major values and beliefs of your culture? What cultural customs might surprise me? If I were to fall in love with someone from your culture, what would you advise me in terms of dating, courtship and marriage practices? 5. What do different cultural practices look like? For example, understanding of work and leisure? 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. How do you define success? 7. How important is education in your family? 8. Is punctuality important to you? Why or why not? 9. What is the most important meal of the day? 10. What are considered the indigenous foods in your culture? 11. Do you have any eating habits/rituals that are specific to your culture? 12. How is physical contact viewed in your culture? 13. What is considered most disrespectful in your culture? 14. What is considered most respectful in your culture? 15. What would you say is, from your perspective, the most commonly held misconception about people of your culture? 16. What is the best thing about living in the USA? 17. What is the worst thing about living in the USA? Cultural Interview Assignment Grading Rubric Criteria Content (15%) Introduction of the cultural backgrounds of both interviewer and interviewee. Content (25%) Differences and similarity Content (25%) Hofstede’s cultural dimensions 1 – Unsatisfactory (0%) There is no discussion of your cultural background and your interviewee’s cultural background. Did not discuss differences and similarity between two cultures. Applies one or less dimension of Hofstede’ cultural framework and correctly interpret the cultural differences. 2 - Needs Improvement (40%) 3 – Proficient (80%) 4 – Exemplary (100%) Some discussion of your interviewee’ s cultural background. There is no discussion of your own cultural background. Some discussion of your own cultural background and your interviewee’s cultural background. Clearly identifies your own cultural background and your interviewee’s cultural background. Only discuss differences between two cultures. Discuss both difference and similarity between two cultures. Applies two or three dimensions of Hofstede’ cultural framework and correctly interpret the cultural differences. Discuss two or more aspects of differences and similarities between two cultures. Applies four Applies four or more dimensions dimensions of Hofstede’ cultural of Hofstede’ cultural framework and correctly interpret framework and insightfully the cultural interpret the differences. cultural differences based on the interview experience. Content (15%) Recommendation for handling cultural differences Structure (10%) Organization Flow of thought Transitions Format Did not provide any advice in handling cultural differences. Provides a general advice to handle cultural differences. There is no apparent organization to the paper. Difficult to follow – Frequent rereading needed No or poor transitions No format Grammar/mechanics (5%) Sentence structure Punctuation/mec hanics Uses simple, choppy sentences Many punctuation and/or mechanical errors Provides some specific advice to handle cultural differences based on the interview experience. There is some level of organiza tion though digressio ns, ambiguit ies, irrelevan ces are too many Difficult to follow – Some Rereading needed Ineffective transitions Rambling format Uses compound sentences Several punctua tion and/or mechan ical errors Provides practical substantive advice based on the interview experience. Paper has a clear organizat ional structure with some digressio ns, ambiguiti es or irrelevan ces Easily followed Basic transitions Structured format Uses complex sentences Few punct uatio n or mech anical errors Paper is logically organized Easily followed Effective, smooth, and logical transitions Professional format Manipulates complex sentences for effect/impac t No punctuation or mechanical errors Citations (5%) Proper Attribution to avoid Plagiarism Correct Form No factual informational cited Citations do not adhere to the required APA citation style Little factual informati onal cited Citations infrequen tly adhere to the required APA citations style Some factual information al cited Citations mostly adhere to the required APA citation style All factual information al cited Citations completely adhere to the required APA citation style Appendix D Country Research Assignments Country Research Assignment I Trade environment analysis For the country your group is researching, how important is trade (e.g what's the trade as a percentage of GDP for the country)? What products and services does the country export and import? With whom does the country trade? Is it dependent on any particular nation for trade, or does another nation depend on it? Does the country only trade with high-income countries or with low- and middleincome countries, as well? Is there a concerted effort by the government to promote exports to stimulate the economy? Are there any trading policies favorable for US business investors? Country Research Assignment II Monetary environment analysis For the country your group is researching, Does it have a city that is an important financial center? What volume of bonds is traded on the country’s bond market? How has the stock market(s) performed over the past year? What is the current exchange rate between its currency and the U.S. dollars as of the beginning of this month? Use the country's currency as the base currency to report a direct quote of the country's currency. What is the percentage of change in exchange rates compared to last month and last year? Reference the Appendix in Chapter 9 (p.248) for the calculation of the percent change in exchange rates. Your task is to determine the percentage of change in the country's currency over one month and one year period - in relation to the U.S. dollar. Show the calculation in your assignment submission. Is there any restriction on the exchange of the country’s currency? Country Research Assignment III International opportunity Outline your group's analysis of the opportunities and challenges raised by investing in the country. What major challenges exist for US business investors doing business in the country, given risks in the 1) socio-cultural, 2) economic/monetary, 3) political/legal environment, and 4) technical environment? What are the major opportunities for US businesses investing in the country? 2. Propose a product (good or service) for launch in the country, being sure to thoroughly explain with supported arguments: How the product proposal takes advantage of the opportunity presented in the country. Use the market-potential indicators to estimate the market demand for your product Who are the current major competitors in the country? What competitive advantages do you have vis-a-vis these major players in the country? Why the product can be successfully launched in the country given the opportunities and challenges raised in your analysis of the country’s various environments? 1. Country Research Assignment IV Entry Strategy Considering the 1) production and 2) marketing requirements for a successful launch of the product in the country, what are your major advantages and disadvantage as a US business investor? Identify an ideal entry mode and explain how this entry mode can best leverage your advantage and disadvantages as a US business investor. Reference Chapter 14, what aspects of host country culture do you expect to influence your promotion strategy? How will you tailor your promotion strategy accordingly? Reference page 362 regarding the five types of communication strategy (i.e. production/communication extension, product extension/communication adaptation, product adaptation/communication extension, product/communications adaptation, product invention). Which strategy will you use in the host market and why? Appendix E COUNTRY WRITTEN PROJECT: SAMPLE OUTLINE & Grade Rubric I. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Include a list of any appendixes also. II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Short and concise. A broad overview of the country and the proposed product for entry. Not over 2 pages. Cover the principal points of the report, (prepare your summary after your plan has been written) III. COUNTRY ANALYSIS: A. Socio-cultural environmental analysis (cultural determinants, cultural dimensions, cultural norms) B. Economic environment (economic system, main products and services, economic risk) C. Monetary environment (currency system, currency risk) D. Trade environment (major exports/imports, main trading partners, regional economic integration, tariff and trade barriers, government incentives for conducting business there) E. Political environment (political system, structure, political parties, political risk) F. Legal environment (legal system, legal issues in international business, legal risk) G. Technical environment (number of yearly patents granted, percentage of population with phone, TV, and other modern means of electronic communication, existence of aerospace and aeronautical industry, geographical scope of domestic modern means of transportation). VI. PROPOSAL FOR PRODUCT LAUNCH/ENTRY: A. Outline of challenges and opportunities of doing business in the country (i.e. analysis and integration of information from country research and other parts of the paper). B. Propose a new product to launch in the country. Be specific concerning why what you see in this country as an opportunity for the selected product. C. Entry strategy: 1. Selecting entry mode. 2. Channels of distribution. 3. Promotion methods. 4. Etc. VII. CONCLUSION Country Project Written Report Grading Rubric on next page Country Project Written Report Grading Rubric Criteria Content (35%) Information presented for socio-cultural, political/legal, economic/monetary/tra de and technological environments in the host country 1– Unsatisfactory (0%) Content (25%) Outline of challenges and opportunities for investing in the country Limited evidence of critical, careful selection of information researched for some aspects of the country. Central idea and clarity of purpose are absent or incomplet ely expressed and maintaine d Only discuss opportunities or challenges There is no discussion in relation to your team’s home country specific concerns 2 - Needs Improvement (40%) Some evidence of critical, careful selection of information researched for some aspects of the country. The central idea is expressed though it may be vague or too broad; Some sense of purpose in some sections of country information presented. Some discussion of the challenges and opportunities based on one or two previous sections of country information There is no discussion in relation to your team’s home country specific concerns 3 – Proficient (80%) Some evidence of critical, careful selection of information researched for all aspects of the country. Central idea and clarity of purpose are generally evident throughout all sections of country informatio n presented. Some discussion of the challenges and opportunities given the previous sections of country information Identify some challenges and opportunities based on your team’s home country perspective. 4 – Exemplary (100%) Abundance of evidence of critical, careful selection of information presented for all aspects of the country, including socio-cultural, political/legal, economic/monetary/ trade, and technological environments in the host country. Central idea is well developed and clarity of purpose is exhibited throughout all sections of country information presented. Sufficient discussion of the challenges and opportunities given the previous sections of country information Clearly identify the challenges and opportunities based on your team’s home country perspective. Content (20%) Product/Service proposal Structure (10%) Organization Flow of thought Transitions Format The product/ser vice introduced does not flow logically from the opportunitie s identified in the country. There is no consideratio n of the challenges of doing business in the host country. There is no discussion of the benefit of the product/ser vices for the local community in the host country. There is no apparent organizat ion to the paper. Difficult to follow – Frequent rereading needed No or poor transitions No format The product/se rvice introduced meets the demands of the host market. There is no considerat ion of the challenges of doing business in the host country. There is no discussion of the benefit of the product/se rvices for the local communit y in the host country. There is some level of organizati on though digression s, ambiguitie s, irrelevanc es are too many Difficult to follow – Some Rereading needed Ineffective transitions Rambling format The product/servic e introduced meets the demands of the host market. Show consideration of some aspects of the challenges of doing business in the host country and formulate entry strategy accordingly. There is some discussion of the benefit of the product/servic es for the local community in the host country. Paper has a clear organiza tional structure with some digressi ons, ambiguit ies or irrelevan ces Easily followed Basic transitions Structure format The product/service introduced meets the demands of the host market. Demonstrate sufficient consideration of the challenges of doing business in the host country and formulate an effective strategy, such as entry/marketing/manag ement strategy, to mitigate the threats There is substantial discussion of the benefit of the product/services for the local community in the host country. Paper is logically organized Easily followed Effective, smooth, and logical transitions Professional format Grammar/mechanics (5%) Sentence structure Punctuation/mechanics Citations (5%) Proper Attribution to avoid Plagiarism Correct Form Uses simple, choppy sentences Many punctuation and/or mechanical errors No factual informa tional cited Citations do not adhere to the required APA citation style Uses compound sentences Several punctuati on and/or mechanic al errors Little factual informatio nal cited Citations infrequentl y adhere to the required APA citations style Uses complex sentences Few punctuation or mechanical errors Some factual informatio nal cited Citations mostly adhere to the required APA citation style Manipulates complex sentences for effect/impact No punctuation or mechanical errors All factual informational cited Citations completely adhere to the required APA citation style Appendix F Country Proposal Presentation - Grading Rubric Element Unsatisfactory (0%) The content lacks a clear point of view and logical sequence of information. Includes little persuasive information and only one or two facts about the topic. Information is incomplete, out of date and/or incorrect. Sequencing of ideas is unclear. Partially Proficient (60%) The content is vague in conveying a point of view and does not create a strong sense of purpose. Includes some persuasive information with few facts. Some of the information may not seem to fit. Sources used appear unreliable. Proficient (80%) The content is written with a logical progression of ideas and supporting information. Includes persuasive information from reliable sources. Exemplary (100%) The content is written clearly and concisely with a logical progression of ideas and supporting information. The project includes motivating questions and advanced organizers. The project gives the audience a clear sense of the main idea. Organization (20%) The sequencing is unclear and does not appear interesting or relevant to the audience. The introduction shows some structure but does not create a strong sense of what is to follow. May be overly detailed or incomplete and is somewhat appealing to the audience. Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow. Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Text (10%) The text is extremely difficult to read with long blocks of text and small point size of fonts, inappropriate contrasting colors, poor use of headings, subheadings, indentations, or bold formatting. Overall readability is difficult with lengthy paragraphs, too many different fonts, dark or busy background, overuse of bold or lack of appropriate indentations of text. Sometimes the fonts are easy-to-read, but in a few places the use of fonts, italics, bold, long paragraphs, color or busy background detracts and does not enhance readability. The fonts are easy-to-read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text. Use of italics, bold, and indentations enhances readability. Text is appropriate in length for the target audience and to the point. The background and colors enhance the readability of text. Writing Mechanics (10%) Errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, usage and grammar repeatedly distract the reader and major editing and revision Spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors distract or impair readability. (3 or more errors) The text is clearly written with little or no editing required for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. The text is written with no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Content (50%) is required. (5+ errors) Citations (5%) No way to check validity of information. Some information, photos and graphics are not documented and some sources do not include proper citation format. Most sources of information use proper citation format, and sources are documented to make it possible to check on the accuracy of information. Sources of information are properly cited and the audience can determine the credibility and authority of the information presented. All sources of information are clearly identified and credited using appropriate citation format. Graphics, Sound and/or Animation (5%) The graphics, sounds, and/or animations are unrelated to the content. Graphics do not enhance understanding of the content, or are distracting decorations that create a busy feeling and detract from the content. Some of the graphics, sounds, and/or animations seem unrelated to the topic/theme and do not enhance the overall concepts. Images are too large/small in size. Images are poorly cropped or the color/resolution is fuzzy. The graphics, sound/and or animation visually depict material and assist the audience in understanding the flow of information or content. Images are proper size, resolution. The graphics, sound and/or animation assist in presenting an overall theme and enhance understanding of concept, ideas and relationships. Original images are created using proper size and resolution, and all images enhance the content. There is a consistent visual theme. Appendix G Group contract GROUP CONTRACT Group name:_____________________________________________ In this class, the group work is to facilitate the country project in which you will work as a group to study an emerging economy and propose a product or service to enter the market. The group contract is designed to formalize group members’ expectations towards group work. First, your group will select a group name that is best representative of your group spirit. Second, all group members will supply their detailed contact information. The phone number and emails are the mandatory information. Then your group can decide if you want to use other forms of social media for communication, such as Facebook or Twitter. Third, the group can communicate on how to meet the deadline for all the group tasks. The due dates listed are the firm deadlines listed on the syllabus. Within the group, you will discuss an earlier date for individual to complete the assigned tasks. So your group will have some time to review the work and edit the work if it’s necessary. This helps group members avoid procrastination. Forth, your group will discuss a list of expected behavior from group members. The group contract’s intention is to promote academic integrity among all group members. This is similar to the career world which we are training our students for that requires contracts to be followed. If group members do not follow the contract, group members have the right to warn that group member of their need to contribute. If not, with the instructor’s permission the group member can no longer participate in the group and can result in a failure. When the contract is typed up by a group member, all members electronically sign it, keep a copy and email the instructor a copy. I will periodically check in with the group and see how the contract is fulfilled. The group contract and country selection are due on Feb. 15. See the assignment link on the Blackboard for the detailed instruction on country selection. Behavior and Expectations (The listed behaviors are for illustration. Your group needs to list detailed expectations) As a group member, I agree with the following listed expectations to ensure smooth group coordination and generate excellent group work. -Everyone needs to participate and communicate. -Help your other group members if they are struggling with something. -Group members have the right by consensus to approach a group member who is not participating and ask them to leave the group at his/her loss. I assume the responsibility for doing my task in the project and fulfilling the responsibilities assigned to my role in the group. Electronic Signatures and Date____________________________________________________________________ Group member information Group member full name Preferred name Phone Email Study schedule (designated time to study for this class) Work Table Preferred time for group coordination Preferred media for communication Tasks Due Date Individual completion date Role Country research I on Trade Environment March 7 final editing Country research II on Monetary Environment March 13 final editing Country research III on International Opportunity April 4 final editing Country research IV on Entry Strategy April 18 final editing Group presentation May 8 Written Report May 13 final submission final submission Group members (Note that the roles listed in the table are only for illustration and your group should discuss how you will proceed with the group work and who are responsible for each role)