Overview of Biofuel Activities in SE Asia & China presented at the Dutch Brokerage Event on Biorefinery and Biofuels January 18 th -19 th , 2007 Amsterdam, the Netherlands by David Tee Liang & Prof Tay Joo Hwa Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering (IESE) Singapore Presentation Outline 1. Global and Asian Biomass Resources 2. Biofuel Production Status in SE Asia and China 3. R&D Focus and Advances 4. Issues Affecting Biofuel Markets 5. Opportunities Use of renewable sources of energy by regions, in Mtoe primary energy Region Modern Biomass Traditional Biomass 1 New Renewable energy 2 Large Total Total Total renewable hydro renewable primary as % of total power energy energy primary North America 19 38 12 127 196 2,157 9.1 Latin America 46 125 3 80 254 577 44.0 Western Europe 10 20 10 99 139 1,462 9.5 Central/Eastern 10 30 5 55 100 1,739 5.8 5 162 2 14 183 583 31.4 23 351 9 70 453 1,843 24.6 8 204 2 20 234 446 52.5 121 930 12 465 1,559 8,807 1.4% 10.6% 0.1% 5.3% 17.7% 100.0% Europe/CIS Middle east and Africa Southeast Asia and Pacific South Asia TOTAL % of global primary 17.7% energy 1. Traditional biomass energy consumption is, by its nature, very hard to estimate. 2. New renewable energy includes solar, wind, geothermal, wave and ocean energy, and micro hydro power. Primary Energy Demand of Fuel in Asia, 2000-2020 Singapore Energy Demand in 2003: 88% oil and 12% NG – heavy reliance on fossil fuels. Source: Kokichi ITO, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan. “Asia/World Energy Outlook”, a presentation in 385th Forum on Research Work, 10 March 2004, Tokyo, Japan Projected Oil Demand by Region in Asia (2000-2020) Projected Gas Demand by Region in Asia (2000-2020) Projected Oil and Gas Demand in Singapore during 2000-2020: 2.6% share in total oil incremental increase and 0.9% in total of gas increase in the region. Singapore sits in a region teeming with Biomass Energy Sources…. Energy Potential of Agro-processing Residues as Percentage of Total Primary Energy Production, % 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 s d ia ia n e s am s n a n y e l i i t p la a e on p i a i h d il V T M In Ph Traditional biomass: Open burning, small domestic/industrial burners/boilers lead to Low efficiency High emissions Haze episodes SUGAR INDUSTRY Process energy required: 25-30 kWh/tonne of sugarcane 0.4 tonne of steam 1 tonne of sugarcane 100-120 kg Sugar Waste: 290 kg Bagasse ~ 100 kWh WOOD INDUSTRY (PLYMILLS) Energy required: Plywood: 110 kWh/cu.m. log + 1.2 tonne of steam 1 cu.m. of Debarked Wood Log 0.5 cu.m. Plywood Waste: 0.5 cu.m. Wood Residues ~ 120 kWh WOOD INDUSTRY (SAWMILLS) Energy Required: Sawmill: 35 - 45 kWh/m3 1 m3 of Debarked Wood Log Waste: 0.5 m3 Wood Residues 0.5 m3 Sawn Wood ~ 80 kWh RICE INDUSTRY Process energy required: Paddy milling and drying: 30-60 kWh/tonne paddy 650-700 kg White rice 1 tonne of Paddy Waste: 220 kg Husks ~ 90-125 kWh PALM OIL INDUSTRY Process energy required: 20-25 kWh/t 0.73 tonne of steam 1 tonne of fresh fruit bunches 200 kg palm oil Waste: 600-700 kg POME ~ 20 m3 biogas 210 kg fibers + shells ~ 45 kWh 230 kg empty fruit bunches ~ 35 kWh Energy from Biomass Waste Residues Issues Preventing Widespread Exploitation of this Abundant Energy Source in SE Asia Lack of awareness by stakeholders Remote and diffused site/locations Low energy density of the raw material No grid connectivity Plant operators unskilled/unwilling to cope with new, unfamiliar processes Lack of funds for new capital projects Lack of government support Critical Needs for Biomass Wastes Technologies for Conversion of Waste Value add for Animal Feed/Fertilizer Production Efficient direct combustion w/steam cycles Pyrolysis/Gasification with diesel gen. Pyrolysis/Gasification with GTL Enhanced biogas production plus purification/compression Cellulase based fermentation for ethanol Other innovative conversion technologies… Critical Needs for Biomass Wastes Market Drivers that will enhance its use Government Policy and Support Carbon credits and CDM projects Escalating Fossil Fuel Costs Availability of Grid and Buy-back Structure New cost effective technology for biofuels conversion Integrated planning by large plantation owners Regional agreements and actions to abate haze episodes Presentation Outline 1. Global and Asian Biomass resources 2. Biofuel Production Status in SE Asia and China 3. R&D Focus and Advances 4. Issues Affecting Biofuel Markets 5. Opportunities Biofuel Production Status in SE Asia and China Fossil energy demand growth in Asia outpacing production/new discoveries Asia is the largest producer/consumer of edible oils including soy, rapeseed, vegetable, peanut, coconut and palm oil etc. Ethanol fermentation has also been long practiced and well understood SE Asia is teeming with biomass resources and has potential for large energy crop plantations Biofuels production buoyed the market demand for renewable and low sulfur fuels Many new projects are being developed and new investments are pouring in CDM and EU/Japan/Regional demands a major driver Potential Plant Sources for Ethanol Switch Grass Sugar Cane Corn Sunflower Sugar Beet Sugar Beet Casava Comparison of selected bioethanol feedstocks Crop Liters ethanol/ha US gal/acre Miscanthus 14031 1500 Switchgrass 10757 1150 Sweet Potatoes 10000 1069 Poplar Wood 9354 1000 Sweet Sorgham 8419 900 Sugar Beet 6679 714 Sugar Cane 6192 662 Corn 3461 370 Casava 3835 410 Wheat 2591 277 Source: Petroleum Club (with permission) Potential Plant Sources for Biodiesel Soybean Jetropha Sunflower Canola Oil Palm Comparison of selected biodiesel feedstocks Conversion to biodiesel, % Yield liter/ha Palm Oil 68 5,800 Coconut Oil 68 2,689 Jetropha 54 1,892 Rapeseed 44 1190 Sunflower 45 952 Source: 2feelgood website Biofuels Production Plants in SE Asia Feedstock Plant Location (city/region) Capacity (T/y) Technology Employed Intended Market Country BiofuelType Cambodi a Biodiesel Jatropha oil Prey Veng Province Biodiesel Palm oil 8 Biodiesel plants Ethanol Sugar cane 3 Ethanol plants 150,000 Biodiesel Catfish fat An Giang Province 10,000 Agifish An Giang Province 600 Pilot plant Saigon Petro 730 Pilot plant Nil Planning Indonesia Vietnam Biodiesel Biodiesel Ethanol Used oil Sugar cane, molasses, cassava, maize Thailand Bangkok Ethanol Philippin es Biodiesel/ Ethanol Cassava Sugar cane, cassava, sweet sorghum, corn, coconut oil n/a 28 400,000 400,000 100,000 Chemical basic catalytic Mixing palm oil to diesel Remarks Domestic Maharishi Vedic University project demonstration Domestic and Export Total production will be187 ML (2007) Domestic and Export Year unknown 10 ML of diesel fuel (2007) from 10,000 T of catfish Domestic Domestic 400,000 in 2006, projecting 1 million in 2007 5~10% bioethanol/ gasoline blending; 1% coconut methyl ester blending in diesel Ethanol Production Plants in China Bio Fuel Type (EtOH) Feedstock Plant Location Capacity (T/y) Technology Employed Intended Market Remark (Company or investor) Fuel alcohol (EtOH) Corn Jiling 400,000 Fermentation and distillation Domestic vehicle (blend with gasoline, B10) JI LIN FUEL ALCOHOL COMPANY LIMITED (吉林燃料乙醇公司) EtOH (Drinkable and fuel alcohol) Dated foodstuff and corn Heilongjiang 370,000 Fermentation and distillation Domestic vehicle and ethanol market 黑龙江华润酒精有限公 司 Fuel alcohol (EtOH) Dated wheat or straw Henan 500,000 Fermentation and distillation Domestic vehicle Fuel alcohol (EtOH) Corn and cassava Anhui 440,000 Fermentation and distillation Domestic vehicle HENAN TIANGUAN FUEL ETHANOL CO. LTD (河南天冠集团燃料乙醇 有限公司) ANHUI BBCA BIOCHEMICAL CO., LTD. (安徽丰原生物化学公司) Fuel alcohol (EtOH) Cassava Guangxi, Hebi and Liaoning 800,000 NA Domestic Under Construction 中粮集团(正在兴建中) Biodiesel Production Plants in China Biodiesel Usedcooking oil, vegetable oil Hainan 20,000 Chemical catalytic method Domestic 海南正和生物能源公司 Biodiesel Waste vegetable oils, animal fats, rapeseed oil Sichuan 20,000 Chemical basic catalytic method Domestic 四川古杉油脂化学公司 Biodiesel Waste vegetable oil,s animal fats Fujian 150,000 Chemical catalytic (Solid basic, possible) method Domestic China Biodiesel International Holding Co., LTD Biodiesel Jatropha oil and teaseed oil Guangxi 300,000 Chemical catalytic and molecule extraction Domestic 广西柳州明惠生物燃料 有限公司(其中10 T/y 已投产;20 T/y兴建中) Biodiesel Rapeseed oil Shandong 250,000 Enzyme catalytic transesterification Export to Europe (威海碧路生物能源有 限公司, 兴建中) Handling by Austria Biolux company Biodiesel Cotton-seed oil Xinjiang 100,000 Biology method (building…) 中国生物柴油国际控股有限 公司(包括福建龙岩和厦门 卓越新能源发展有限公司) NA 新疆生物柴油炼油厂 ( 规划建设中) Biodiesel Production Plants in Taiwan Biodiesel White tung oil Chang-hua county, Taiwan 200,000 NA NA 世界生物能源公司 Biodiesel Waste vegetable oil, sunflower, soy-bean and rapesed oil Chiayi county, Taiwan 3,000 NA (Demonstration plant) Domestic Taiwan NJC Corp. Biodiesel Waste vegetable oils Kaohsiung city and Taipei city, Taiwan 4,000 NA (blending gasoline with import biodiesel) Domestic 積勝企業股份有限公司; 台灣新日化公司「生質 柴油示範工廠」 承德油脂股份有限公司 Biodiesel Plants in Singapore & Malaysia Investor Plant Size(t/yr) Location Remarks Wilmar International 250,000 Malaysia Advanced Holdings Ltd 100,000 Malaysia MAE Engineering Ltd 60,000 Malaysia Jan’07 End’07 38% equity in Natural Fuel of Australia 600,000 S’pore 1st Lereno phase Nov’07 Peter Cremerof Germany 200,000 Nexsol 100,000 Biofutures of UK 200,000 VDH-IESE 200,000 VDH-IESE 200,000 S’pore Johore Sabah S’pore Malaysia Mid’07 Mid’07 End’07 Early 2008 Mid 2008 Observations of the Biofuels Status SE Asia & China China: Government subsidy exists for ethanol, but not yet for biodiesel (expected to be announced shortly). Natural Jetropha located in Southwestern region, Once planted as part of reforestation and soil conservation measure. Recent activity focused on biodiesel has caused escalating price in waste food oil (~$600 US/T). Plan for massive Jetropha plantation (~10 Million acres) proposed and seed selective breeding research has yielded impressive results (~48% yield). Other R&D include glycerin conversion, marine algae, and yeast fermentation. Domestic market for ethanol and biodiesel expected to be huge. Indonesia: Gradually replacing Malaysia as the largest Palm oil producer in the region with more large plantations under development. Biodiesel a relatively new development due to availability of indigenous fossil fuel resources. Recently signed a major deal with China on biodiesel production (see next page). Observations of the Biofuels Status SE Asia & China Quote from Economist: Jan13th-19th 2007, p.7 China National Offshore Oil Corporation agreed to invest in a $5.5 billion Indonesian biofuels project, thought to be one of the world's largest. The state-owned company is looking for energy sources that could one day ease China's reliance on oil and coal. However, the news was not welcomed by environmentalist worried about the rainforest that will be cleared to make way for crops needed to produce the biofuels. . Observations of the Biofuels Status SE Asia & China Thailand: Government mandate for biofuel blend in gasoline and diesel products. Several large ethanol plants are already in production with more to come. Considered one of the most advanced in the region in terms of policy supporting the development of biofuels and renewable energy. Cambodia: With large areas available for energy crops, the government has been courting investors to develop Jetropha plantations/agronomy . Small biodiesel demonstration plant underway. Philippines: One the region’s large sugar producers and is poised to engage in ethanol/biodiesel production. Recently passed legislation for 5% blend of ethanol and 1% blend of biodiesel in all fuels sold. Observations of the Biofuels Status SE Asia & China Malaysia: Once the world’s largest palm oil producer, Malaysia has millions of acres of palm plantation invested and has gained considerable knowledge for palm oil processing. It aims to remain as the major producer of palm oil and is ready to supply to the biofuels market. This may lead to a boom to the palm oil market and push up the price of crude palm oil which had seen a drop when compared with its peak of almost $850 US per ton. Taiwan: The estimated demand for biodiesel is 32 million liters per year if the target of 5.5% blend is to be achieved. With no government subsidies announced yet, several major plants are already being constructed including one with 400,000 t/y. Government plans to use dormant and contaminated farmland for the use of energy crops which can provide approximately 25 million liters of biodiesel. Additional 7 million liters can come from waste food oil and animal fats. Observations of the Biofuels Status SE Asia & China Singapore: With no indigenous fossil resources nor arable land, Singapore remains to be the favorite in the region for investors to site biodiesel plants, despite its higher costs. This is due to its political stability, financial clout, strong IP protection, oil tanker traffic & shipping hub status plus it has also established as the world’s major oil refinery center (ranked number 2 in capacity). Logistically it sits in the middle of two largest oil palm producers (Indonesia & Malaysia). With easy access to the feedstock by tankers, and ready infrastructure for oil trading and oil product distribution to all major markets. It is no surprise that investors consider it a safe & strategic location for biodiesel production. Together with industrial partners, IESE has become an equity partner in a JV company with plan of setting up two biodiesel plants at 200,000 t/y each. This one in a series of developments in Singapore with total capacity now approaching 1.2 million t/y!! Presentation Outline 1. Global and Asian Biomass resources 2. Biofuel Production Status in SE Asia and China 3. R&D Focus and Advances 4. Issues Affecting Biofuel Markets 5. Opportunities R&D Focus and Advances On Ethanol Enzyme (cellulase) based production process Membrane based ethanol/methanol dehydration DME conversion On Biodiesel High yield Jetropha and other low cost feedstocks Marin algae or yeast + carbon sequestration Enzyme based production process Glycerin conversion to higher value products On Biogas/biomass gasification Membrane based biogas upgrading Gas to liquid (GTL) processes Presentation Outline 1. Global and Asian Biomass resources 2. Biofuel Production Status in SE Asia and China 3. R&D Focus and Advances 4. Issues Affecting Biofuel Markets 5. Opportunities Issues Affecting Biofuels Market Conventional energy costs (coal, oil and gas) CDM and its extension Food or Fuel debate Land use: arable land/rainforest depletion Government policies/subsidies Political stability of the host country Supply/demand imbalance Possible Cartel for crude palm oil? (palm oil supply dominated by a few processors/traders in the region) Presentation Outline 1. Global and Asian Biomass resources 2. Biofuel Production Status in SE Asia and China 3. R&D Focus and Advances 4. Issues Affecting Biofuel Markets 5. Opportunities Opportunities in SE Asia on Biofuels Providing Technologies for biofuel production Join consortium for project development Production of high yield seeds and seedlings Development of large scale plantations Marketing of biofuel products Carbon credits and CDM projects What are we looking for at this event?? 1)Turnkey Suppliers for 2X 200,000 t/a biodiesel plants; 2)Engineering Contractors for the same; 3)R&D partners for innovative biofuel/bioenergy technologies, can match EU funding; 4)Markets/buyers for the biodiesel products. Looking forward to meet you in the next 2 days!! Bioenergy Outlook 2007, April 26-27 Issues, Advances and Opportunities in BioEnergy Singapore welcomes you in April 2007!! Abstract Acceptance Full Paper Conference 31 Jan 28 Feb 15 Mar 26/27 Apr Selected papers will be published in Energy& Fuels under American Chemical Society (ACS) Publications. Send Abstracts NOW to: ryan@ntu.edu.sg For Exhibition, contact: kstan@ntu.edu.sg Thank You ! Institute of Environmental Science and Engineering The Business of Innovation for the Environment Mission “ to lead in ET innovation & accelerate ET commercialization to meet the regional needs for the sustainable economic development” Vision “ to become a Leading Technology Company built on Innovations in Environmental Science & Engineering and serving as the Environmental Technology (ET) Receptacle for Singapore.” Research Leading in Technology Development for Membranes for Water Resource Recovery & Gas Separation Applied Environmental Biotechnology Advanced Air Pollution Control Clean & Renewable Energy Marine Environment & Ballast Water Waste Utilization & Resource Recovery IESE Manpower Core Scientists 20 Contract/Project Staff 9 Corporate 7 Business Development 4 Research Assistants 20 Total 60 IESE Organization R&D Centres Water & Membranes Environ Biotechnology Clean Air & Energy Marine & Resources Recovery IESE Facilities S$13.5 million of equipment 400 sq m of laboratory space Hollow Fibre Membrane Spinning Machine Crossflow MF/UF/NF/RO-filtration Rigs DOTM – for real time membrane fouling studies Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Ultrasonic Reflectometry (UDTR) Optical MicroscopeContact Angle Measuring system Rheometer Zeta Potential Analyser Streamline Potential Analyser (SPA) Particle Size Analyser (PSA) Total Organic Carbon Analyser (TOC) High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) Scanning Electron Microscope with EDX Ion Chromatograph (IC) Transmission Electron Microscope X-Ray Diffractometer UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Gel Permeation Chromatograph IESE Facilities Pilot Equipment: High-Temp Fluidized Bed Reactors Fixed Bed Reactors Fermentors Membrane Bioreactors Hollow Fibre Membrane Casting Unit Ceramic Membrane Casting Unit Rotary and Box Furnaces Ferrator Advanced Oxidation Equipment Shipboard BWT pilot plant Patent Output per S$ Million 1.60 1.43 1.40 1.25 1.20 1.00 0.86 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0.21 0.21 0.014 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. IESE Achievements Patents Filed 22 New Disclosures 8 SCI Papers 281 Joint Venture Companies Spin-Off Companies International Collaboration 4 28 International Conferences 18 IESE (Planned) Group of Companies IESE PTE LTD REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES IESE WATER ASIA PTE LTD IESE SOLUTIONS PTE LTD INVESTORS IESE NEW OIL PTE LTD IESE CDM CONSULTANCY PTE LTD IESE MEMBRANE TECH PTE LTD IESE AIR & ENERGY PTE LTD IESE MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY PTE LTD ENVIPURE PTE LTD INVESTOR INVESTOR IESE - ENVIPURE [JV] IESE – INTEGRITY SENSOR [JV] BALLAST WATER TREATMENT [JV] FEDERAL ENV & ENERGY PTE TD INVESTOR INVESTOR IESE-FEDERAL SHANGHAI [JV] IESE – MD / MBR [JV] BIODESULPHURIZATION OF BUNKER OIL [JV] PAN ASIAN WATER SOLUTIONS LTD PA WATERTECH PTE LTD [JV] ENVIPURE PTE LTD IESE-ENVIPURE [JV] WATER PRODUCTS USED OIL CDM MEMBRANE AIR & ENERGY WATER & WASTE WATER TREATMENT PROJECTS SMALL SCALE / LOW COST WATER / WASTEWATER / WASTE TO ENERGY PRODUCTS USED OIL RECYCLING CLEAN DEVELOPMENT MECHANISM MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL / RENEWABLE ENERGY MARINE MARITIME ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY Membranes- Water Applications Membrane Fabrication – Development of PVDF and PAN hollow fibre membranes for water and wastewater; CA membrane for oil/water separation (1); solvent resistant membrane Membrane Distillation / Crystallisation – recovery of valuable salts from industrial wastewater eg. sodium sulphate Membrane Bioreactors – Sustainable MBR operation & fouling control; MDBR-Membrane distillation with MBR for water reclamation (1); Anaerobic MBR - treatment of ship-board & municipal wastewater plus high strength industrial wastewater; Membrane integrity sensor – development of sensor for rapid detection of membrane failure (1) Portable Membrane Filters – For disaster relief applications Membranes - Gas Separation PVDF Membranes for CO2 Separation & Sequestration: CO2 Capture from Combustion Flue Gas using membrane contactors(1* ), Polyimide Membranes for CO2 Separation from Natural Gas, Syngas & Biogas(3); Ceramic Membranes Catalytic Functional Membranes: Synthesis of perovskite ceramic membranes used in the partial oxidation of methane (POM) for Syngas production and hydrogen purification (1); Ceramic Membrane Modules for Used lubricant oil recycling (1); Ceramic Membrane Filters for Silica fume and HCl recovery from Fibre Optics production process. Environmental Biotechnology Bio-granulation: Anaerobic and Aerobic Bio-granulation for domestic and Industrial WWT (2); Granular MBR (GMBR) (2), regarded as the next major breakthrough in WWT Biocarbon :Novel bio-film combined with activated carbon sorbent proven effective to treat low-concentration odor compounds (1*); Bio-desulfurization: New sulfur metabolizing microbes identified capable of removing complex sulfur compounds from the bunker oil matrix (1); Ballast Water Treatment: UV-hydrocyclone for BWT (1), Automatic self-cleaning filtration test, Chemical treatment evaluation, Dockside pilot plant, Shipboard trials Advanced Oxidation Technologies TiO2 based Photo-catalytic Oxidation (PCO) Processes for wastewater treatment, air pollution control and synthesis of functional membranes with surface modifications (1); Ferrate (Fe 6+) Oxidation for ballast water disinfections, WWT, odor control, and other environmental applications; Hydrogen Cool Flame for the cleaning of glass/ceramic substrates and destruction of odor/VOC, as well as medical waste disinfections (3); DBD (Dielectric Barrier Discharge) Hydroxyl Generator for innovative environmental oxidation applications (3*) . CDM & Renewable Energy Biogas & Biohydrogen: Biohydrogen Production(1), Enhanced Biogas Production, Biogas purification & enrichment, Small household biogas generators Biofuels Production: Biodiesel production and glycerin by-product utilization; Cellulose-ethanol/methanol production and separation; Biomass Combustion & Gasification: Direct combustion for heat & power production, Biomass gasification systems for clean and cost effective power production; Carbon Credits & Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): New Methodology development, validation and verification. Strategic Alliance Private Companies: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Air Liquide GE (Water) Zenon Katadyn Salcon Imprimatur Capital Juniper Investment Sembenviro Keppel Seghers Aqua Systems Glowtec Kureha Kolon Asahi SembCorp Industries Hyflux Norit Singapore Technologies Beca Carter Envipure Windnergy Statutory Boards, Government Agencies & NGO’s : • • • • • • • • • • • Economic Development Board (Singapore) Public Utilities Board (Singapore) Surbana Building Construction Authority (Singapore) Maritime and Port Authority (Singapore) National Environmental Agency (Singapore) SGX Lien Foundation Jurong Town Corporation (Singapore) International Enterprise (Singapore) Institution of Engineers (Singapore) Research Institutes / Universities and Polytechnics : • • • • • • • • • IMRE ICES SIMTECH ITRI (Taiwan) NUS TMSI Ngee Ann Polytechnic Temasek Polytechnic Singapore Polytechnic Global Experiences IESE Staff has executed Water and Environmental Projects for the World Bank, WHO, IEA, IMO, APO, EUCogen & UNEP in many regional countries including: China, HK& Macao, Iran, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Philippines, Oman, Indonesia, Korea… Technology Used Lubrication Oil Recycling using Membrane Technology ~ Patented Technology Laboratory Test 0 5 10 Tim e (hr) 15 20 25 30 16 16 Flux (L/M2/H) 14 o Ceram ic m em brane: 85 psi, 100 C 12 14 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 Polym eric m em brane: 90 psi, 70oC 2 0 0 4 2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 Tim e (hr) Flux (L/M2/H) Pilot Plant Technology Environmental Resource Recycling ~ ERS Feed Meal Food Processing Center - Markets, Slaughter House, Industries, Kitchen Waste Fertilizers Technology Awards Winning Technology ~ Biogranulation for Wastewater Treatment Home-grown technology: Robust microbial granules for aerobic and anaerobic degradation of organics from industrial and process wastewaters Advantages: rapid start-up, high biomass retention, high tolerance to chemical toxicity, high versatility, high loads, small footprint Global WWT market is US$300 billion, with growing needs in Asia, especially China Technology Awards Winning Technology ~ Biogranulation for Wastewater Treatment Pilot-scale studies of aerobic granules with toxic industrial wastewaters Full-scale application of anaerobic granulation technology on chemical wastewaters in Jurong Island Technology Bio Activated Carbon ~ Patented Technology 100 Removal Efficiency (%) 90 20 ppm 30 ppm 40 ppm 50 ppm 70 ppm 100 ppm 80 70 60 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 GRT (sec) GRT can be shortened as low as 2s to achieve a 99.9% removal efficiency 7 Technology Technology Demonstration ~ Shipboard Ballast Water Treatment Primary treatment – automated selfcleaning filtration Secondary treatment – ferrate (VI) Linkages with MPA, TMSI, NOL, NA etc. Thank You !