STATISTICAL CONSIDERATIONS IN POSTMARKETING SAFETY EVALUATION A. Lawrence Gould Merck Research Laboratories West Point, PA [] FDA/Industry Workshop 29 September 2006 Washington, DC OVERVIEW September 29, 2006 1 Spontaneous AE Reports • Clinical trial safety information is limited & relatively short duration • Safety data collection continues after drug approval o Detect rare adverse events o Obtain tolerability information in a broader population • Large amount of low-quality data collected o Not usable for trt comparisons or risk assessment o Unknown sensitivity & specificity • Evaluation by skilled clinicians & epidemiologists • Long history of research on issue September 29, 2006 2 Information Available Postmarketing • Previously undetected adverse and beneficial effects that may be uncommon or delayed, i.e., emerging only after extended treatment • Patterns of drug utilization • Effect of drug overdoses • Clinical experience with study drugs in their “natural” environment September 29, 2006 3 The Pharmacovigilance Process Traditional Methods Insight from Outliers Type A (Mechanism-based) Type B (Idiosyncratic) September 29, 2006 Data Mining Detect Signals Generate Hypotheses Refute/Verify Public Health Impact, Benefit/Risk Estimate Incidence Act Inform Change Label Restrict use/ withdraw 4 Considerations & Issues (An Incomplete List!) • Incomplete reports of events, not reactions • Bias & noise in system • Difficult to estimate incidence because no. of pats at risk, pat-yrs of exposure seldom reliable • Significant under reporting (esp. OTC) • Synonyms for drugs & events → sensitivity loss • Duplicate reporting • No certainty that a drug caused the reaction reported • Cannot use accumulated reports to calculate incidence, estimate drug risk, or compare drugs September 29, 2006 5 DATA MINING September 29, 2006 6 Data Mining is a Part of Pharmacovigilance • Identify subtle associations (e.g., drug+drug+event) and complex relationships not apparent by simple summary • Identify potential toxicity early • Finding ‘real’ D-E associations similar to finding potential active compounds or expressed genes – not exactly the same (no H0) – more like model selection • Still need initial case review respond to reports involving severe, potential lifethreatening events eg., Stevens-Johnson syndrome, agranulocytosis, anaphylactic shock • Clinical/biological/epidemiological verification of apparent associations is essential September 29, 2006 7 Typical Data Display No. Reports Target AE Other AE Total Target Drug a b nTD Other Drug c d nOD nTA nOA n Total Basic idea: Flag when R = a/E(a) is “large” Some possibilities Reporting Ratio: E(a) = nTD nTA/n Proportional Reporting Ratio: E(a) = nTD c/nOD Odds Ratio: E(a) = b c/d • Need to accommodate uncertainty, especially if a is small • Bayesian approaches provide a way to do this September 29, 2006 8 Currently Used Bayesian Approaches • Empirical Bayes (DuMouchel, 1998) & WHO (Bate, 1998) • Both use ratio nij / Eij where nij = no. of reports mentioning both drug i & event j Eij = expected no. of reports of drug i & event j • Both report features of posterior dist’n of ‘information criterion’ ICij = log2 nij / Eij = PRRij • Eij usually computed assuming drug i & event j are mentioned independently • Ratio > 1 (IC > 0) combination mentioned more often than expected if independent September 29, 2006 9 Comparative Example (DuMouchel, 1998) • No. Reports = 4,864,480, Mentioning drug = 85,304 Reports Mentioning Reporting Ratio Expected RR 5% Quantile Excess n September 29, 2006 Headache AE Both 71,209 1,614 Polyneuritis AE Both 262 3 1.23 2.83 WHO FDA WHO FDA 1.29 -300 1.23 1.18 225 0.76 -0 1.42 0.58 0 10 DATA MINING EXAMPLES INCORPORATING STATISTICAL REFINEMENTS September 29, 2006 11 Result From 6 Years of Reports on Lisinopril Events w/Lower 5% RR Bnd > 2 (Bold N 100) N 6 8 9 51 53 50 124 225 696 904 99 214 102 216 E 0.55 0.82 1.15 8.39 9.37 11.5 30.9 60.5 195.9 290.6 31.0 81.6 38.6 91.9 AE (preferred term) toxic erythema obstipation labile hypertension erythrocytes decreased peripheral vascular disorder angina pectoris hyperkalemia palpitation cough dizziness serum creatinine increased angioedema renal failure edema September 29, 2006 RR 8.19 7.97 6.15 5.85 5.41 4.08 3.91 3.66 3.54 3.10 3.09 2.59 2.57 2.32 5% Lwr Bnd Excess N 2.73 0.9 3.30 1.9 2.79 2.1 4.53 29.6 4.21 30.1 3.18 25.0 3.36 72.7 3.28 137.7 3.32 454.5 2.93 562.0 2.61 49.9 2.31 107.0 2.18 45.5 2.08 98.8 12 Persistence (& Reliability) of Early Signals As of Dec 1996 Mean Lower Adverse Event N EBGM 5% Bnd renal artery stenosis 6 6.96 2.41 exanthema 23 4.74 3.23 peripheral vascular disorder 23 4.74 3.23 angina pectoris 15 4.36 2.68 serum creatinine increased 36 3.94 2.95 dizziness 349 3.86 3.53 myocardial infarction 26 3.67 2.62 palpitation 73 3.59 2.95 hyperkalemia 32 3.46 2.55 renal failure 53 3.39 2.69 pulmonary edema 10 3.16 1.82 cough 209 3.11 2.77 migraine 19 2.87 1.95 vertigo 22 2.51 1.75 angioedema 62 2.35 1.91 edema 72 2.32 1.91 September 29, 2006 headache 255 2.21 2.00 As of Oct 2000 N 7 48 53 50 99 904 -225 124 102 -696 -84 214 216 -- Mean Lower EBGM 5% Bnd 4.78 2.03 2.73 2.14 5.41 4.23 4.08 3.18 3.09 2.60 3.1 2.93 --3.66 3.27 3.91 3.36 2.57 2.17 --3.54 3.32 --2.36 1.97 2.59 2.31 2.32 2.07 13 --- Accumulating Information over Time • Lower 5% quantiles of RR stabilized fairly soon 4 Lower 5% RR Bnd 3.5 dizziness 3 cough palpitation 2.5 edema 2 angioedema 1.5 hyperkalemia renal failure 1 incr. serum creatinine 0.5 0 96 00 nJu 9 -9 ec D 99 nJu 8 -9 ec D 98 nJu 7 -9 ec D 97 n- ec Ju D 95 96 n- ec Ju D September 29, 2006 14 Time-Sliced Evolution of Risk Ratios September 29, 2006 a 20 00 a 19 99 a 19 98 a 19 97 a 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 19 96 kalemia = hyperkalemia edema = angioedema Cough edema kalemia tension Failure a tension = hypotension failure = heart failure 4 3.5 3 2.5 19 95 Change in ICij for reports of selected events on A2A from 1995 to 2000 Exp. RR • See how values of criteria change over time within time intervals of fixed length Half-year interval 15 Masking of AE-Drug Relationships (1) • Company databases smaller than regulatory databases, more loaded with ‘similar’ drugs eg, Drug A is 2nd generation version of Drug B, similar mechanism of action, many reports with B • Elevated reporting frequency on Drug B could mask effect of Drug A • May be useful to provide results when reports mentioning Drug B are omitted September 29, 2006 16 Table 6. Effect of omitting Drug B. Quantities tabulated are lower 5% quantil of EBGM and corresponding excess cases over independence Masking of AE-Drug Relationships (2) Drug B Preferred Term atopic dermatitis hypotension left cardiac failure lichen planus pharyngeal edema psoriasis vulgaris pulmonary congestion pulmonary edema renal insufficiency sudden death tachycardia tongue edema vertigo September 29, 2006 Included Omitted EBGM05 Excess 1.96 9.8 1.87 29.5 1.99 3.0 1.79 4.1 1.47 5.8 1.92 8.4 1.65 3.8 EBGM05 Excess 2.11 10.9 2.44 38.2 2.20 3.7 2.04 5.1 2.32 10.8 2.37 10.4 2.23 5.4 2.12 6.1 2.10 12.2 2.58 4.0 2.21 49.0 2.73 10.7 2.51 41.7 1.96 1.86 3.0 40.9 1.97 33.4 17 Example 2: Vaccine-Vaccine Interaction • From FDA VAERS database, reports from 1990-2002 • Intussusception is a serious intestinal malady observed to affect infants vaccinated against rotavirus • Look at reports of intussusception that mention rotavirus vaccine (RV) and DTAP vaccine • DTAP is a benign combination vaccine commonly administered to infants • Demonstration question: Intussusception very commonly reported with RV – but does the reporting rate depend on whether DTAP was co-administered? • Not easy to address using standard pharmacovigilance procedures September 29, 2006 18 Outline of Analysis • Standard tools provide intussusception reporting rate for pairs of vaccines, and for vaccines singly • Result is a 3-way count table (corresponding to RV + or -, DTAP + or -, and intussusception + or -) • Use log-linear model to see if intussusception is mentioned with the two vaccines together more often than the separate vaccine-intussusception reporting associations would predict • Turns out that there is an association – Likelihood ratio chi-square is 17.41, 1 df, highly significant September 29, 2006 19 Observed and Expected Report Rates Observed Expected 8 Symbol area no. of reports Report Rate, % 6 4 2 RV+ DTAP+ RV+ DTAPRV DTAP+ RVDTAP- 0 -2 September 29, 2006 20 Comments • Intussusception seems to be reported more often than expected when RV and DTAP are given together than when RV is given without DTAP, after adjusting for individual vaccine-intussusception associations • Reports of intussception without RV are very rare, about 4.5/10,000 reports if RV is not mentioned • The joint effect of RV and DTAP on intussusception reporting is small, but does reach statistical significance • Not clear that apparent association means anything - actual synergy between RV and DTAP seems unlikely, but explanation requires clinical knowledge September 29, 2006 21 A NEW BAYESIAN APPROACH (Gould, Biometrical Journal 2006, to appear) September 29, 2006 22 Model for Process Generating Observations • ni = no. of reports mentioning i-th drug-event pair ~ Poisson (true for EB approach as well) f(ni | Ei, i) = fPois(ni ; iEi) Expected count under independence Association measure • i drawn from a gamma(a0, b0) distribution or from a gamma(a1, b1) distribution o A model selection problem o Dist’ns reflect physician/epidemiologist’s judgment as to what range of values corresponds to ‘signals’, and what does not September 29, 2006 23 Prior/Model Density of • Bayes approach starts with a random mixture of gamma densities, Analyst specifies f0( ; , a0, b0, a1, b1) parameter values = (1 - )fgam(; a0, b0) + fgam(; a1, b1) Use value of Ppost( = 1) for inference • EB approach starts with expectation wrt given p nonrandom mixture of gamma densities, Data determine f0( ; p, a0, b0, a1, b1) parameter values = pfgam(; a0, b0) + (1-p)fgam(; a1, b1) Use quantiles of posterior dist’n of for inference September 29, 2006 24 Comments • Bayes and EB approaches both model strength of drug-event reporting assn as a gamma mixture • Diagnostic properties of Bayes method can be determined analytically or by simulation • Unknown separation of the true alternative dist’ns for more important than prior dist’n used for analysis • Methods described here can be applied to other models – Scott & Berger (2005) used normal distributions – could also use binomial instead of Poisson, beta instead of gamma distributions to develop screening methods for AEs in clinical trials September 29, 2006 25 DISCUSSION September 29, 2006 26 Discussion • Bayesian approaches may be useful for detecting possible emerging signals, especially with few events • MCA (UK) currently uses PRR for monitoring emergence of drug-event associations • Signal detection combines numerical data screening, statistical interpretation, and clinical judgement • Most apparent associations represent known problems • ~ 25% may represent signals about previously unknown associations • The actual false positive rate is unknown September 29, 2006 27 What Next? • PhRMA/FDA working group has published a white paper addressing many of these issues Drug Safety (2005) 28: 981-1007 • Further refine methods, look for associations among combinations of drugs and events, timing of reports • Data mining is like screening, need to evaluate diagnostic properties of various approaches • Need good dictionaries: many synonyms difficult signal detection º Event names: MedDRA may help º Drug names: Need a common dictionary of drug names to minimize dilution effect of synonyms September 29, 2006 28 Data Used to Construct Plot Intussception + Intussception - Observed Expected Observed Expected RV + DTAP + 85 74 1111 1122 DTAP 29 40 608 597 RV - DTAP + 4 15 33520 33509 DTAP 293 282 610714 610725 September 29, 2006 29