Humana Vitality – FAQ’s • Section A: General • Section B: Health Assessment • Section C: Vitality Check • Section D: Vitality Age / Vitality Goals • Section E: Vitality Points / Vitality Status • Section F: Fitness & Exercise • Section G: Vitality Bucks / Vitality Mall • Section H: Vitality HealthyFood Shopping Card through Wal-Mart • Section I: Dependents • Section J: Help Line Section A: General 1. Am I required to participate in the Humana Vitality Program? No. This is a voluntary program. 2. What is the difference between when Vitality is available and when my medical insurance is available (the “Vitality Plan Year” and my “Medical Plan Year”)? The time periods of the Vitality Plan Year (September 1 – August 31) are different from the Medical Plan Year (January 1 – December 31). In the first year, the Vitality Plan Year is shortened since it coincides with the renewal of our health insurance and you will have from January 1 – August 31 to earn Vitality points before they reset on September 1. So does that mean from 1 Sep – 31 Dec 2015 I will still be able to participate in Humana Vitality and earn points? If so, will it be for 2015 or 2016. Yes You will be earning points for the 2016 Humana Vitality Program Year. 3. Can I do the health assessment from my work computer? Yes 4. Can PCSB view the results of my Health Assessment or other data? No. The Health Assessment and all of your HumanaVitality information is protected by HIPPA, just like your medical records. No one at PCSB can view your private information. 5. Am I penalized for the results of my Health Assessment and/or Vitality Check? No. Health insurance premium surcharges are not based on the results of your Health Assessment or your Vitality Check. 6. If I am a new employee, when can I start earning Vitality points? You can begin earning Vitality points when your medical plan benefits become active and you have registered at 7. What is the last day of the Vitality plan year for Vitality points? The Vitality points “re-set” every year for PCSB on September 1. You will keep your Vitality bucks and 10% of your Vitality points. Your Vitality account will “re-set” to the blue status until you complete your Health Assessment for the new program year. Section B: Health Assessment 1. What is the Health Assessment? The Health Assessment is an online health and wellness questionnaire. It will help you evaluate how healthy you are now, determine future health risks, and help you decide where and how to make improvements. Based on your answers, HumanaVitality will calculate your Vitality Age, recommend goals and help you track progress. 2. How do I join Vitality? Activating your membership is simple. Go to and register. You will be prompted to complete the Health Assessment the first time you log into the Humana website. Just complete the Health Assessment and you're ready to begin. 3. Do I have to take the Health Assessment every year? Yes. To take advantage of all that HumanaVitality offers, you will need to complete your Health Assessment every year. Taking the Health Assessment activates your HumanaVitality membership. In addition, you will earn Vitality Points for completing the Health Assessment. Once you complete the Health Assessment, you will move from Blue Vitality status to Bronze Vitality status and are able to begin spending your Vitality Bucks in the on-line HumanaVitality Mall. You will have enough Vitality “bucks” to purchase a pedometer thru the Vitality Mall. 4. Does every adult on my plan have to take the Health Assessment? Only you and your spouse or significant other will have to complete the Health Assessment. Others over the age of 18 are strongly encouraged to do this also, but not required. It will help you attain a higher status if others over the age of 18 participate in the program. Each adult will add an additional 3,000 points that are required to attain a higher status. Section C: Vitality Check 1. What is a Vitality Check/Biometric Screening? A Vitality Check is also called a Biometric Screening. Your blood pressure will be taken along with your waist measurement, height, and weight to determine your Body Mass Index (BMI). Your blood will be taken (either a finger prick or a blood draw) to determine your blood glucose and cholesterol (LDL and HDL). 2. Where can I get my Biometric Screening/Vitality Check completed? All Humana medical plan members may have their Biometric Screening/Vitality Checks completed at 1) Primary Care Physician (PCP) 2) Walgreen Healthcare Clinics 3) PCSB locations (district location will be advertised as scheduled) You will need to download the appropriate form required for the location you will attend. Please go to > Vitality Check and scroll down to the appropriate form or to to print the form. You will need to submit the signed form to Humana Vitality (address on form) if you go to your PCP. Walgreens will submit the form to HumanaVitality. 3. Will I receive more points if I have my biometric screening completed at my doctor’s office? Points for Vitality check completion aren’t affected by the method in which the Health Assessment was completed. 4. Do I have to do a Vitality Check every year? Yes 5. Does every adult on my plan have to get a Vitality Check? Only you and your spouse or significant other that is covered with the Humana Medical Plan is required. It is strongly recommended that every person on your plan who is 18 years of age or older get a Vitality Check every plan year. 6. Can I get my Vitality Check with my own personal physician? Yes If you get your Vitality Check with your personal physician, you will need to submit the data to HumanaVitality. The necessary form is located on the HumanaVitality website. Click on Get Healthy>Vitality Check. Scroll down to the appropriate form (PCP). When scheduling with your primary care physician, you may want to make sure they have a tape measure to do a waist circumference, which is required on the Vitality Check form. 7. If I get my Vitality Check at Walgreens, how is that verified? You will need to take a Walgreens voucher with you when you go for your Vitality Check at Walgreens. You can obtain this form on the HumanaVitality website. Go to Get Healthy > Vitality Check. Choose a Location, Walgreens, select > Walk-In Voucher. Note: You can also find a location here also. Walgreens will submit the results of your Vitality Check directly to Humana. It is recommended to keep a copy of your results in case there is miscommunication with Walgreens and Humana Vitality. Section D: Vitality Age / Vitality Goals 1. Why is my Vitality Age different from my actual age? Your Vitality Age is a reflection of your lifestyle and Vitality Check numbers. For some people whose blood pressure, BMI, cholesterol and blood sugar are within a healthy range and who practice regular healthy habits, their Vitality Age may be lower than their actual age. For some people, their Vitality and actual ages may be the same. For other people with unhealthy Vitality Check numbers and unhealthy lifestyle choices, their Vitality Age may be higher than their actual age. You can lower your Vitality Age by getting your Vitality Check numbers in normal range and by making healthy lifestyle choices. 2. How do I earn points once I have reached my goal? Each goal requires you to verify that you have met the goal. You will need to look at your specific goal to see what proof is required and then you will need to submit that proof to Humana Vitality through the Humana Vitality “secure message” site or fax to Humana Vitality 1-877-250-7814. 3. How do I set Vitality goals? Once you complete your Health Assessment, click on Get Healthy > My Goals. Here you will be able to view your recommended goals. You can choose to “accept” whichever goals you would like to accomplish. Within each goal, there will be multiple activities you can complete to earn Vitality points and to make your way toward completion of your goal. The Humana Vitality program sets your goals, you do not write them yourself. 4. When are my Vitality points for completing a goal awarded? It depends on the goal. You may be awarded completion points for some goals prior to the “end date”. Example: Goal- “lower systolic blood pressure”- If you meet this goal prior to the end date and proof is submitted, completion points will be awarded prior to the “end date”. 5. Where can I get my weight verified? If weight loss is one of your HumanaVitality goals, you can have your weight verified by different individuals. The following individuals are certified to verify your weight: • A licensed health care professional (doctor, nurse, ARNP, PA, Dietitian) • A certified trainer or health coach The individual that weighs you will attest to this by signing their name, health facility, certification, phone number, signature and date. Section E: Vitality Points / Vitality Status 1. What are Vitality points? Vitality Points are earned by completing goals and activities. Examples of HumanaVitality goals and activities include reaching or maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, educating yourself about certain medical conditions or risks, and making smart lifestyle choices such as staying or becoming tobacco-free. To learn more about activities that can earn Vitality Points, log into your Vitality account. Click on Earn Vitality Points > Ways to Earn. 2. What is Vitality status? Your Vitality Status is based upon the number of points you and your dependents earn for completing goals and activities. The Vitality Status applies to your entire family enrolled in the plan. The more Vitality Points you earn, the greater the Vitality Status you will achieve. There are five Vitality Status levels – Blue, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. You begin at Blue Status and once you complete your Health Assessment you move to Bronze. To review your points and see the number of points required to attain each status level, log into your Vitality account. Click on Earn Vitality Points > Vitality Points Statement. 3. How do I earn points once I have reached my goal? Each goal requires you to verify that you have met the goal. You will need to look at your specific goal to see what proof is required and then you will need to submit that proof to Humana Vitality through the Humana Vitality “secure message” site or fax to Humana Vitality 1-877-250-7814. 4. How long does it take for my points to appear in my account? It may take up to 45 days after your activities are completed for points to be awarded and display on the website. Often, the points are awarded much quicker. It has helped others to keep a record on their calendar of the activities and highlight 45 days after the completion. 5. How do I submit proof of my activities so I can earn points? Depending on the activity, you will need to obtain the proper form from the HumanaVitality website and determine what proof is required and then you will need to submit that proof to Humana through the Vitality site or fax. Most forms are available on your HumanaVitality website under Earn Vitality Points > Claim Vitality Points. 6. If I take a CPR class, will the points be automatically sent in to Humana Vitality? CPR points are not automatic. Members must self-submit the form from the Humana Vitality site in order to have points awarded. Go to Earn Points > Claim Vitality Points to access the appropriate form. 7. How can I earn points for a nicotine test? The necessary form can be obtained on the Humana website under Earn Vitality Points > Claim Vitality Points. 8. Are there “maximum points” in each category? Yes. Each category has a point maximum. Each adult member on the plan can earn no more than the maximum number of points in each category. Point maximums are as follows: • Education – 2000 points • Fitness – 8300 points • Prevention – 3000 points • Healthy Living – 2700 points 9. How do I spend my Vitality Bucks? Log into your HumanaVitality account. Click on Earn Vitality Points > Mall. Once in the Vitality Mall, find the item you are interested in purchasing and click “Shop around.” Follow the instructions 10. What is the difference between Vitality Points and Vitality Bucks? You are awarded one Vitality Buck for each Vitality Point earned for completing goals and activities. You can spend Vitality Bucks in the HumanaVitality Mall on exciting rewards, such as gift cards, movie tickets, music downloads, name-brand merchandise and hotel discounts. 11. Do I lose my status when I spend my points? No When you spend your Vitality Bucks it does not deplete your Vitality Points. 12. What happens to my points at the end of the Vitality plan year (August 31, 2015)? In 2015, you will not have a full 12 months to earn silver status (January 1 – August 31, 2015). The following Vitality plan years will always be September 1 – August 31. You will carry over 10% of your earned Vitality Points from the previous Vitality plan year as long as you stay on the PCS Humana medical insurance and end the Vitality plan year in Bronze Vitality Status or higher. The points you carry over will display in your Vitality account once you complete the Health Assessment for the following year. You will have twelve (12) months to earn enough points to maintain your status for another year. 13. What happens to my status at the end of the Vitality plan year? Each Vitality plan year, you will need to complete your Health Assessment for your membership to remain active. On the first day of the new Vitality year, you status will show “Blue” until you complete your Health Assessment. Once you do, your Vitality Status earned during the prior year will be activated. You will also carry over your unspent Vitality Bucks (Up to 18,000) earned during prior years and 10% of your points from the previous year. 14. When are my Vitality points for completing a goal awarded? It depends on the goal. You may be awarded completion points for some goals prior to the “end date”. Example: Goal- “lower systolic blood pressure”- If you meet this goal prior to the end date and proof is submitted, completion points will be awarded prior to the “end date”. 15. Are points awarded for dental exams? How? Yes. You can obtain 200 points for each dental exam (up to 2 times per year). If you use a dentist on your Humana dental plan, you do not need to submit anything to Humana yourself. If you use another dentist, you will need to submit proof of your visit. You can obtain the necessary form on the HumanaVitality website. Click on Earn Vitality Points > Claim Vitality Points and print the form for “Prevention Activity.” PCS has two dental plans available: Met Life and Humana Comp Benefits. Met Life Dental will have to be submitted by the member. Humana Comp Benefits should update automatically through Humana system. 16. Are points awarded for vision exams? How? Yes. You can obtain 200 points for each vision exam (once per year). The PCS vision benefit is through Eye Med not Humana. You will need to submit proof of your visit to Humana Vitality. You can obtain the necessary form on the HumanaVitality website. Click on Earn Vitality Points > Claim Vitality Points and print the form for “Prevention Activity.” 17. If I have a preventive screening at my doctor, how are the points awarded? For approved preventive screenings, you do not need to submit anything to Humana to receive your Vitality points. As long as you receive this service from a Humana doctor, your Vitality points will be triggered by the claims system. It is recommended to keep track of your preventative screenings in case claims are not processed appropriately. 18. Are mammograms free with Vitality? A routine preventative screening mammogram is free with your plan under the Affordable Care Act regardless if you participate in Vitality, if coded as a routine preventative screening when ordered by your doctor. 19. How do I get points for completing CPR certification? Once you complete a CPR, you will need to submit proof to Humana to earn Vitality points. Log into your Vitality account, click on Earn Vitality Points > Claim Vitality Points > CPR. It may take up to 45 days for the points to appear in your Vitality account. 20. How do I get points for completing First Aid certification? When you complete first aid, you will need to submit proof to Humana to earn Vitality points. Log into your Vitality account, click on Earn Vitality Points > Claim Vitality Points > First Aid. You must submit your certification to Humana Vitality within 90 days of completion. Section F: Fitness & Exercise 1. How do I find a partner gym? Partner health clubs include both national and regional clubs. More information about these health clubs is available by logging into your Humana Vitality account. Click on Get Healthy > Fitness and Exercise > Participating Health Club Finder. 2. How do I join a partner gym? To join a partner gym, log into your HumanaVitality account. Click on Get Healthy > Fitness and Exercise > Participating Health Club Finder. Search by the zip code where you would like to find a gym. Once you locate the gym you are interested in, click on “Earn Vitality Points at this club.” Click on “Connect Your Membership.” Enter the requested information. 3. Can I belong to more than one partner gym? Yes You can belong to as many partner gyms as you like. 4. How do I get the discount offered by L.A. Fitness? To receive the L.A. Fitness discount offered to HumanaVitality members, log into your HumanaVitality account. Click on Get Healthy > Fitness and Exercise > Participating Health Club Finder. Search by the zip code where you would like to find an L.A. Fitness location. Once you locate the gym you are interested in, click on “Join L.A. Fitness.” This will take you to the L.A. Fitness website where you can join their gym at a reduced rate. 5. How do I earn fitness points if I don’t go to a partner gym? HumanaVitality has an extensive network of partner health clubs that you can go to for your workouts. However, you do not need to join a specific health club to earn Vitality Points. Vitality Points can also be earned with fitness devices, such as a pedometer or heart rate monitor, if you exercise at home, outside, or at a health club. 6. What fitness devices are compatible with Vitality? There are many devices and SmartPhone apps that are compatible with HumanaVitality. For a complete listing of these devices, log into your HumanaVitality account. Click on Get Healthy > Fitness and Exercise > Fitness Devices > Learn more about fitness devices > HumanaVitality fitness devices compatibility grid. You can also download the app, Runkeeper, and this device will sync to your HV account. Runkeeper can only be used outside for walking, running, or bike riding. 7. How do I get a pedometer? You can get a pedometer by going to the HumanaVitality Mall and clicking on the pedometers storefront. This will take you to a page to select and purchase a pedometer. You can use Vitality Bucks to purchase a pedometer. Once you complete your Health Assessment, you will earn enough points to purchase a pedometer that you can use along with your computer. 8. How do I sync my fitness device? Log into your HumanaVitality account. Click on Get Healthy > Fitness and Exercise > Fitness Devices > Connect and Manage > Connect a fitness device. Locate the device you wish to connect and click to “Connect” that device. Enter the requested information. NOTE: You must set up an account with your device prior to linking that account to your HumanaVitality account. 9. What do I do if my fitness points aren’t showing up? Confirm that you have linked your device and/or gym with your HumanaVitality account. If you have linked your device and/or gym, but your points still aren't showing up, call 1-866427-7478. 10. Can I earn points for multiple fitness activities in one day? No You can only earn 15 fitness points per day. In other words, even if you log 10,000 steps on your fitness device and log into a partner gym, you will only earn 15 points (not 30). 11. Is it true I can earn bonus fitness points? Yes The fitness week begins every Monday. The first day of each week that you complete a fitness activity that earns 15 points, you will be awarded 15 bonus points. On Fridays of each week that you complete a fitness activity that earns 15 points, you will be awarded 40 bonus points. 12. How do I earn points for completing a fitness event (5k, 10k, bike race, etc.)? To submit proof of an athletic event for Vitality points, log into your HumanaVitality account. Click on Earn Vitality Points > Claim Vitality Points > Athletic Event. For most events, you can provide proof by submitting a copy of your race registration, a screenshot of the race results from the event website, a copy of your race bib or a photograph of yourself at the event. It may take up to 45 days for the points to post to your Vitality account. If you participate in an “run”, you are also able to walk at your own pace. You can also use the HumanaVitality app for this and send a photo of yourself at the race/walk. Section G: Vitality Bucks / Vitality Mall 1. What is the difference between Vitality Points and Vitality Bucks? You are awarded one Vitality Buck for each Vitality point earned for completing goals and activities. You can spend Vitality Bucks in the HumanaVitality Mall on exciting rewards, such as movie tickets, music downloads, name brand merchandise and hotel discounts. 2. What happens to my Vitality Bucks at the end of the Vitality plan year (August 31, 2015)? Your unspent Vitality Bucks will carry over year-to-year (up to 18,000 bucks) but you must redeem them within 3 years. Your Vitality Bucks will expire if you are no longer covered by your plan and/or sponsor's plan, or if you end the plan year in Blue Vitality Status. 3. Is there a maximum number of Vitality Bucks I can earn each year? Yes. The maximum Vitality Bucks that you can earn per plan year is 18,000 per adult. At the end of the plan year, you carry over your Vitality Status earned, 10% of your Vitality points from the previous year and any unspent Vitality Bucks. 4. What is the Vitality Mall? The HumanaVitality Mall is where you redeem your Vitality Bucks for exciting rewards, such as movie tickets, music downloads, name brand merchandise and hotel discounts. The cost of the merchandise is discounted based on your status. 5. Do I get a discount in the Vitality Mall for achieving higher status? Yes When you reach Silver status, you receive a 10% discount in the Vitality Mall. When you reach Gold status, you receive a 20% discount in the Vitality Mall. When you reach Platinum status, you receive a 40% discount in the Vitality Mall. 6. Do I lose my discount in the Vitality Mall at the end of the Vitality plan year? No Whatever your Vitality status is at the end of the Vitality plan year, you will keep that status in the Vitality Mall for the following plan year. During the following plan year, you will have the opportunity to reach that status again in order to maintain it for the next upcoming year. Otherwise you go back to blue status. (Ex: You reach silver status in 2015. You are granted silver status in 2016 again after talking health assessment. You must get enough points in 2016 to reach silver status to maintain that status into 2017 after taking the yearly online health assessment. Otherwise, you will go back to the lowest status, which is blue.) Section H: Vitality HealthyFood Shopping Card through Wal-Mart. 1. What is Vitality HealthyFood? The Vitality HealthyFood program is an innovative way to encourage healthier eating by offering eligible HumanaVitality members 10% savings on Great for You™ healthier food purchases at Wal-Mart. For every “Great For You healthier food” purchase you make at Wal-Mart, you will receive a 10% instant savings, right at checkout. 2. How do I obtain a Vitality Healthy Food Shopping Card? Sign in to or the HumanaVitality App and complete the Health Assessment. Enroll in the Vitality HealthyFood program and request their Vitality HealthyFood Shopping Card. Accept the “Vitality Healthy Food Terms & Conditions,” and in 7-10 business days, you can use your Shopping Card to start earning 10% savings. If you already have a card, you can start using it to receive real-time savings. No further action is required on their part. 3. Do I have to take the Health Assessment in order to be eligible for the Vitality HealthyFood program? Yes Section I: Dependents 1. What if I get married or divorced to another plan member during the plan year? If you get married to or divorced from another PCSB plan member during the plan year, you will need to contact 1-866-427-7478 and explain the changes in your account 2. Do my children under 18 need to create a Vitality account? No. Children under 18 do not have their own Vitality accounts. The points they earn will show up under the primary member's Vitality account. 3. What happens if my dependent turns 18 years old prior to August 31, 2015? Will I lose Vitality Bucks- NO Will I lose Vitality Points- NO Will I have to obtain additional points (3,000) to maintain or achieve silver statusYes To obtain Silver Vitality Status- One adult -5,000 vitality points, two adults- 8,000 vitality points For each additional member 18 years of age or older, add….. 3,000 points. Example: Two adults and one dependent turning 18 years old prior to August 31, 2015, will now need to earn 11,000 points to either maintain or achieve silver status . 4. What if my adult child leaves the plan during the plan year? The number of Vitality Points to achieve the next higher status level will be adjusted down appropriately to account for less adults being on the medical plan. Your Vitality Statement will retain the activities and points accumulated by the adult child, for the period of time that they were on your policy. 5. How do I set up an account for my children under 18? Children are added to your HumanaVitality account through your enrollment in a Humana medical plan. If your children are not part of your medical plan, they will not be part of your account with HumanaVitality. Children under 18 do not have their own HumanaVitality accounts. Their points will appear in the main policyholder's Vitality account. Section J: Help Line How do I get help if there is a problem or I have a question about my Humana Vitality account? Call: 1-866-427-7478. You will be asked for your member ID, date of birth, and zip code. This information is on your Humana insurance card. Email: Using the secure Communications Center in your HumanaVitality account (Click on small green envelope in the upper right corner of your HumanaVitality screen) Fax: 1-877-250-7814 Mail: HumanaVitality Post Office Box 14613 Lexington, KY 40512-4613 For Vitality questions or support, please reach out to Jessica O’Connell PCS Vitality Wellness Nurse: 727-588-6134 or email