1. Analysis of the Vision and
Mission of IUIC:
1.1 Vision and Mission Statement – An Introduction:
Vision: outlines what the organization wants to be, or how it wants the world in
which it operates to be (an "idealized" view of the world). It is a long-term view
and concentrates on the future. It can be emotive and is a source of inspiration.
For example, a charity working with the poor might have a vision statement
which reads "A World without Poverty."
Mission: Defines the fundamental purpose of an organization or an enterprise,
succinctly describing why it exists and what it does to achieve its vision. For
example, the charity above might have a mission statement as "providing jobs for
the homeless and unemployed".
Values: Beliefs that are shared among the stakeholders of an organization. Values
drive an organization's culture and priorities and provide a framework in which
decisions are made. For example, "Knowledge and skills are the keys to success"
or "give man bread and feed him for a day, but teach him to farm and feed him for
life". These example values may set the priorities of self-sufficiency over shelter.
1.2 Mission Statement of IUIC
To be a world-class institution of higher education and research, promoting technical
skills, critical thinking and public duty, to help develop a prosperous and progressive
Core Values
1.3 Vision Statement (Objectives) of IUIC
Develop Leadership
Promote Entrepreneurship
Promote Advanced Learning Methodology
Promote Training
Promote Lifelong Learning
Uphold Islamic Values
Promote Industry and University interaction
1.4 Components of a good Mission and vision statement:
A good mission statement has five major characteristics:
1. Firstly, they should focus on a limited number of goals
2. Secondly, mission statements stress the company’s major policies and values for
example the industry they work in, products, services and applications the firm
will supply, its competence, vertical sphere and channels and geographical
3. Thirdly, it defines the major competitive spheres in which the company will work
4. Fourthly, mission statements take a long term view
5. Finally a good mission statement is as short, memorable and meaningful as
1.5 Mission and Vision of IUIC – An Analysis:
Mission and Vision statement of an organization present the stakeholders with the
direction to the future of the organization. A Mission Statement defines the organization's
purpose and primary objectives. Its prime function is internal which is taken out from the
SWOT analysis and the core competencies the firm has, which is the first phase of
strategic planning. IUIC Mission Statements insure the followings:
1. Provides clear yet limited but SMART goals for the future, by stating the core
purpose of the organization’s existence.
2. Provides policies under which the organization is willing to work in helping the
society of prosper and progress. As IUIC is in the educational industry, its values
and norms strongly affect the society, therefore it is important to reflect as the
mission of the organization.
3. Provides the core area in which the organization has its strength. IUIC has being
ranked as one of the best research based university in Pakistan. The aspect of
research has been mentioned in the mission statement. The following have their
own forms of measures.
4. Provides future; goals which are achievable yet challenging. IUIC mission
statement requires its organization to be world-class, which is achievable,
challenging however, this require time and resources.
5. Provides the mission in just under 26 well selected words, which not only define
the direction in a memorable manner, but also ensures meaning.
On the other hand, the vision statement starts with what the organization believe, why
IUIC do what they do. The Vision Statement provides the purpose or cause on a level
higher than what the organization does.
2. Micro Analysis (SWOT) and
Macro Analysis (PEST):
2.1 SWOT Analysis – An Introduction:
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths,
Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business
venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and
identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve
that objective.
Setting the objective should be done after the SWOT analysis has been performed. This
would allow achievable goals or objectives to be set for the organization.
Characteristics of the business, or project team that give it an advantage over others.
Weaknesses (or Limitations):
Weaknesses are characteristics that place the team at a disadvantage relative to others.
Opportunities are external chances to improve performance (e.g. make greater profits) in
the environment.
Threats are external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business
or project.
2.2 SWOT Analysis of Iqra University Islamabad Campus:
2.2.1 Strengths
Top ranked university by HEC
Highly qulaified faculty members
Small class size for better understanding and teacher-student interaction
Higher degrees such as MPhil or PhD
Experienced staff and excellent management
Top rated publishing
Evening degree program for working students
Well designed course structure
Beautiful and well equipped campus in Pakistan’s capital city
Collaborations with universities abroad
A wide variety of pragrams including fashion and textiles
Artistic and Cultural Performances (concerts/seminars/exhibits)
Digital library
Online registration and application system
Online notes availability
Well placed Alumni
Merit based scholarship
2.2.2 Weaknesses
Quality of students is ignored while admitting them
Lack of professional programs and online degrees
Lack of hostel facility
Lack of proper sports infrastructure with a sports instructor
Limited space and time available for students activities
Weak alumni program
Lack of proper marketing campaign
2.2.3 Opportunities
Growing demad for graduates and PhDs
Increased interest in global initiatives
Technological advances
Partnership opportunities
Development of University Park
Large student pool for sports activities
increased interest in university connections
Partnerships in support of university initiatives
Expanded possibilities for the workforce in the Valley
Diversity of region (students – industry)
New construction
Demographic opportunities (Highest percentage of young population in Pakistan)
Well placed Alumni (a source of a lot of opportunities for current students for
jobs and university for sponsorships and donations)
Big pool of creative students who can build an incubation center for the university
Making use of current resources (getting students to design marketing programs
and HRM activities etc)
2.2.4 Threats
Negative public perception
Development of another university in the area
Historical public perceptions
Lack of knowledge about higher Education
Security threat
Budget crisis
Preston (On-line degree)
NUML (a wide variety of programs)
2.3 PEST Analysis – An Introduction:
2.3.1 Introduction:
PEST analysis stands for "Political, Economic, Social, and Technological
analysis" and describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the
environmental scanning. It is a part of the external analysis when conducting a
strategic analysis or doing market research, and gives an overview of the different
macro environmental factors that the company has to take into consideration. It is
a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business
position, potential and direction for operations.
2.3.2 Political
Political factors are how and to what degree a government intervenes in the
economy. Specifically, political factors include areas such as tax policy, labor
law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Political
factors may also include goods and services which the government wants to
provide or be provided (merit goods) and those that the government does not want
to be provided (demerit goods or merit bad). Furthermore, governments have
great influence on the health, education, and infrastructure of a nation.
2.3.3 Economic
Economic factors include economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and the
inflation rate. These factors have major impacts on how businesses operate and
make decisions. For example, interest rates affect a firm's cost of capital and
therefore to what extent a business grows and expands. Exchange rates affect the
costs of exporting goods and the supply and price of imported goods in an
2.3.4 Social
Social factors include the cultural aspects and include health consciousness,
population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety.
Trends in social factors affect the demand for a company's products and how that
company operates. For example, an aging population may imply a smaller and
less-willing workforce (thus increasing the cost of labor). Furthermore, companies
may change various management strategies to adapt to these social trends (such as
recruiting older workers).
2.3.5 Technological
Technological factors include technological aspects such as R&D activity,
automation, technology incentives and the rate of technological change. They can
determine barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence
outsourcing decisions. Furthermore, technological shifts can affect costs, quality,
and lead to innovation.
2.4 PEST Analysis of Iqra University Islamabad Campus:
2.4.1 Political:
Iqra University is a sole properietorship and privately owned
It has no Governmental affiliation
Since it is recognized by HEC, the educational rules and regulations are according
to HEC
2.4.2 Economic:
Due to economic crisis in the country, Iqra University being a privatized sole
properietorship has to bear the rising costs or electricity and fuel etc. With no
Govenrment affiliation or support, it has risen its fee and other products’ prices.
2.4.3 Social:
Iqra University has departments, responsible for social activities. Iqra has outdone
many institutes in its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilty)
Their societies includes:
o Iqra Welfare and Scholarship Society (IWSS)
o Iqra Blood Donors Society (IBDS)
2.4.4 Technological:
Iqra is using the most advanced technologies to facilitate their students and staff,
which includes:
o State of the art conputer labs
o Projectors or LCDs in every class for lectures
o Bright lighting indoors
o Central A/C and radiator
o Computerised attendance and other records
o Website (MIS) etc.
3 Analysis of segments and target
market of IUIC:
3.1 Introduction:
Target Marketing involves breaking a market into segments and then concentrating your
marketing efforts on one or a few key segments.
Target marketing can be the key to a small business’s success.
The beauty of target marketing is that it makes the promotion, pricing and distribution of
your products and/or services easier and more cost-effective. Target marketing provides a
focus to all of your marketing activities.
While market segmentation can be done in many ways, depending on how you want to
slice up the pie, three of the most common types are:
Geographic segmentation – based on location such as home addresses.
Demographic segmentation – based on measurable statistics, such as age or
Psychographic segmentation – based on lifestyle preferences, such as being urban
dwellers or pet lovers.
3.2 Analysis of the segments and target markets of IUIC:
3.2.1 Target Audiences
Traditional Freshmen
Community College Transfer Students
Non-Traditional Students
Graduate Students
Diverse Student Body
Focus on our target population, which consists of five prospective groups:
First-time freshmen
Community college transfers
Graduate students
Non-traditional students
Diverse student body
In addition to the general marketing approach for the university, each of these groups
requires its own marketing approach, based on the following assumptions (to be used
1. First-time freshmen rarely select a university for a particular major, program, or
academic field. They are attracted by image, reputation, cost, campus location,
campus life, etc.
2. Community college transfers and graduates, on the other hand, have a more
focused reason for selecting a campus: career, programs, convenience, etc.
3. Graduate students have a clear career purpose and seek an institution for the
strength of specific graduate programs and their reputation in the field.
4. Non-traditional students are more difficult to categorize, because each is nontraditional in a different way. Nevertheless, we can focus on offering them:
a. Opportunity (Iqra University as a place where they can pursue their
b. Comfort
“Diverse Student Body” is a broad category that includes minority students and students
from other countries. Our primary focus should be on minority students, who fall in all
the categories above. Our emphasis should be on showing that our campus values cultural
diversity and is responsive to the specific needs of its students. While we should continue
to be very receptive to international students, our support infrastructure is not solid
enough at this time to make this group a primary marketing target.
Target Audiences – Traditional Freshmen
Traditional students are the most sought-after group of potential students. Over the past
few years, there has been a decline in the registration of traditional freshmen students due
to the competition from other higher education institutions. This is a difficult group to
engage, since many of them want to pursue a traditional college experience, which
includes living in student housing and getting away from home.
Iqra University stands out from other universities by offering small class size and a
caring, involved faculty. While Iqra is not offering student housing at this time, it does
provide a beautiful, appealing campus atmosphere with some of the newest university. In
addition, Iqra offers a wide variety of academic programs.
Target Audiences – Non-Traditional Students
While we have spent a great deal of time targeting first-time freshmen, we should
consider the benefits of targeting groups that typically do not receive the same amount of
Other Target Audiences
Although five target populations have been chosen, there are associated groups, who have
great influence over these potential students that need to be marketed.
First-time Freshmen & Diversity Students – Parents, Guidance Counselors,
Teachers, Alumni
Graduate Students and Non-traditional Students – Employers, Alumni
Community College Transfers – Parents, Teachers, Alumni
A marketing initiative needs to be developed to recruit not just the potential students, but
also these groups that are influencing factors in their decision to pursue a degree.
3.2.2 Fastest Growing Occupations Requiring a Bachelor's Degree or Higher
Listed below are some occupations projected to grow the fastest during the 1998-2014
Computer engineers, which also incorporates: Computer Hardware Engineers,
Computer Software Engineers, Applications Computer Software Engineers,
Systems Software
Systems analysts, which also incorporates: Computer Systems Analysts Network
Systems and Data Communications Analysts
Electrical and electronics engineers, which also incorporates: Computer Hardware
Engineers Computer Software Engineers, Applications Computer Software
Engineers, Systems Software Electronics Engineers, Except Computer
Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents
Management analysts
Architects, except landscape and naval
Public relations specialists
Mechanical engineers
Teachers, preschool
Civil engineers
Designers, except interior designers, which also incorporates: Commercial and
industrial designers, fashion designers, floral designers, graphic designers set and
exhibit designers
Loan counselors and officers
Teachers, special education
Advertising, marketing, promotions, public relations, and sales managers
Interior designers.
4. Product Strategies IUIC
Should Follow:
4.1 Iqra University – A Service Industry
Iqra University is basically a service industry, dedicated to provide quality education. For
that, Iqra University should adopt following strategies for market growth:
4.1.1 The Service-Profit Chain
This chain establishes relationship between profitability, customers and employees. Iqra
University should follow this profit chain strategy which consists of five links:
1. Internal Service Quality
Employee selection and training.
Quality work environment.
Strong support for their dealing with customers.
2. Satisfied and Productive Service Employees
More satisfied, loyal and hardworking employees.
3. Greater Service Value
More effective and efficient customer value.
4. Satisfied and Loyal Customers
Loyal, satisfied students. Positive word of mouth.
5. Healthy Service Profit and Growth
Superior institutional performance.
4.1.2 Managing Service Differentiation
Develop offer, delivery and image with competitive advantages.
4.1.3 Managing Service Quality
Empower employees
Become “Customer obsessed”
Develop high service quality standards
Watch service performance closely
4.1.4 Managing Service Productivity
Train current or new employees
Increase quantity by decreasing quality
Utilize technology
4.1.5 Down-Market Stretch
Introduce lower priced short courses e.g. language courses
4.1.6 Up-Market Stretch
Introduce more programs like Engineering
5. Competitive Strategies IUIC
Should Follow:
5.1 Iqra University – A Market Challenger
Being a market challenger and competing with other leading universities in the market,
Iqra University should follow the following competitive strategies to capture larger
market share and overtake its competitors.
5.1.1 Frontal Attack
Iqra University should match its marketing mix i.e. product, advertising, price and
distribution with other leading universities. Cutting price vis-à-vis the opponent’s, with
equivalent quality education, can certainly work.
5.1.2 Flank Attack
Iqra University should look for other universities’ weak spots to target. It can be directed
along two strategic dimensions:
1. Geographic
2. Segmental
First off, Iqra University should focus on areas where no other university has focused yet.
It should also spot the areas where other universities are underperforming. As Iqra had
opened campus in North Nazimabad, Karachi, it should geographically expand more.
Secondly, Iqra University should look what market needs are and develop strategies
accordingly. It should develop its management degrees as well as should introduce short
courses like NUML does.
5.1.3 Encirclement Attack
Iqra University can also follow the encirclement strategy. It can launch a grand offence
on several fronts. Although this strategy requires superior recourses but once it works
out, it can capture a wide slice of enemy’s territory.
What Iqra can do is to open more campuses in the major cities with a wider range of
5.1.4 Bypass Attack
Iqra University can also use bypass attack strategy, by bypassing its competitors and
attacking easier markets to broaden its resource base. To use bypass strategy, Iqra
University can follow these three types of approaches:
1. Unrelated diversification.
2. Diversifying into new geographical markets.
3. Leapfrogging into new programs.
5.1.5 Guerilla Warfare
Conventional or unconventional small attacks, to harass and demoralize the competitors,
can also be adopted. Price cuts, promotional blitzes and occasional legal attacks are some
of the strategies that Iqra can use against its competitors around.
6. Promotional Strategies IUIC
Should Follow:
6.1 Image Building/Promotion of the University as a Quality
6.1.1 Website/E-recruiting
6.1.2 Promotion of Academic Programs and Halo Programs
Scholarship Development
Enrollment Advisory Group
Internal Communication
Internal Marketing
Television and Radio
Media Relations
Visit Programs
Community Involvement
6.1.3 Reinforcing University’s Image:
Reinforce the university’s image as:
1. An institution of academic excellence
2. A campus where the student is the center of the universe
6.1.4 Promoting Small Number of Academic Programs:
Concentrate on promoting a small number of academic programs, selected on the basis of
these considerations:
1. Extraordinary quality and/or reputation: halo programs.
2. High demand.
3. Enrollment flexibility (e.g., online, evening and weekend courses)
While capacity should be a factor in certain cases, the choice of programs should not be
driven by considerations of excess or insufficient capacity. Some “prestige” programs
may not have the capacity to absorb more students, but they create a “halo effect” that
makes the university as a whole attractive to prospective students. At the same time,
increased demand for a limited-capacity program would create the need to expand it.
6.1.5 Packaging:
Package online, evening and weekend courses as “the flexible curriculum” and promote it
to non-traditional and non-local students.
6.1.6 Student Poll and Websites:
When it comes to learning about colleges and universities, the Student Poll showed that
web sites are among the most influential sources of information for students in rank
 Visit to University
 Parents and other family
 Current students
 College admissions staff
 College web site
 Catalogs, viewbooks, Digital Library
 Graduates of University
 Friends
 College guidebooks
 Rankings
 Guidance counselor or teacher
6.2 Slogan:
IUIC uses the slogan:
Where your future begins…
6.3 Promotion Tools:
We will be promoting IUIC through the following promotional tools:
Billboards: Billboards on major areas of the major cities of the country will help
promoting IUIC. We can announce major events in the university such as the
Industrial Open House, which will be indirect marketing.
TV advertisement: Airing an informational video on TV would be a fast and
effective way to reach our target audience
Social Media: Through social media websites such as Facebook and twitter, we
will be able to reach the youth of Pakistan.
Website: Website would be a convenient way for our target market to know
details of the departments, courses, teachers and other information about
Print advertisement: By giving ads in Newspapers, we will be reaching to our
maximum target market. (Print advertisements given in Appendix 9.2)
Brochures: Brochures containing all the required information about the
university can also be distributed in events such as educational seminars or expos.
Education Expo: By putting up a stall in the Education Expos, we will be
available to answer the queries of inquisitive potential customers.
7. Suggestions and
7.1 Funding
In order to adequately address the five target populations and to strengthen the image of
the university, more funds must be allocated to marketing. Understanding that the
university is facing challenges during the next fiscal year, for the sake of the institution’s
future, marketing to prospective students is needed more than ever to stop the downward
enrollment trend.
Other public universities in close proximity to Iqra are spending substantially more
money on marketing and advertising. That assumption is based on the large amount of
radio, television and direct mail advertising that is in the marketplace from these
institutions. Iqra message is getting lost quickly in a flood of advertising from such
institutions as NUML, Bahria, Fast and others. While some of these institutions are not
direct competitors, nevertheless, potential students are choosing these schools instead of
It is recommended that departments continue to work with the Office of University
Relations to pool funds marketing projects and special events in order to maximize the
amount of advertising and cost savings.
Image Building/Promotion of the University as a Quality Institution
There must be a two-prong approach to marketing. Image building is the first step. This
will be done through the creation of television, radio and print ads. Several ads need to be
created to speak to each of the target populations. Some of the advertising should
showcase more of our most notable/successful alumni. They are the best proof IQRA has
of people achieving their goals through education. This campaign can be expanded to
include alumni with their favorite/most influential IQRA professor. This will help
potential students make the connection that one-on-one attention from faculty is an
important quality, and a unique attribute of IQRA.
The second prong of image building is promotion. Promotion includes all public relations
and media relations activities. The accomplishments of students and faculty must be
highlighted for the public. It is a strong statement about the quality of the institution.
Image building requires time. While IQRA is already thought of as a quality university,
this perception can be strengthened through promotional efforts that show the actions of
the campus community. The goal is to be a top consideration for students pursuing higher
7.2 Website/E-recruiting
University web sites are a key factor in attracting students. Iqra nearly re-designed,
interactive web site that will serve potential and current students in a more professional
manner. The new site will have an updated application form, a financial aid calculator,
and an improved catalog component. Members of the University Relations staff will
monitor all aspects of the web site weekly.
The web site must also be promoted through an image campaign. Potential students and
their families should view the new IQRA web site as a useful resource, no matter which
college they choose to attend. By having positive experiences on the web site will help to
build good word-of-mouth references for IQRA.
With a strong web site presence, more emphasis can be placed on recruitment techniques
through the IQRA web site. One recommendation from is to hold online open houses for
students. Other considerations include e-mail alerts about campus events and establishing
a dialogue with admissions counselors and faculty. In the long run, a stronger web site
and e-recruitment plan can add up to substantial cost savings by eliminating the need for
printing and postage.
(Also comes up with a Yellow Pages on social websites etc)
7.3 Direct Mail:
While e-mail can help to save on printing and postage costs, it cannot be used alone,
especially in efforts to attract non-traditional and graduate students.
Promotion of Academic Programs and Halo Programs
Each of the programs chosen for advertising was selected based on three factors: interest
from prospective students, growth potential and employment trends.
The programs identified for the promotion pool include:
Communication Skills Development
Computer Information Systems and Computer Science
English (Language Courses)
Psychology (More Importance in the Orgz)
School of Management (all programs)
Social Work
Graduate Programs (all programs)
Beyond marketing material development, detailed marketing plans need to be developed
for each program. With the unique needs of each area, plans must be tailored to address
specific attributes of each program, and the needs of various target audiences.
Halo programs are an important component for helping to build the image of IQRA as a
quality academic institution. Members of the Marketing Strategy Purpose Group
identified the following academic programs as Iqra halo programs:
Honors Program
Music/Acting (Dramatic and Singing Clubs)
7.4 Scholarship Development:
With rising tuition costs at public universities in Pakistan, it is recommended that
scholarship development continue at an accelerated pace to help potential students offset
the price of pursuing a degree. Furthermore, a concentrated effort should be made to
develop more opportunities for minority scholarships to create a diverse campus
7.5 Internal Communication:
Communicating the marketing initiatives through the campus will be a major undertaking
and this can be done through a series of workshops, e-mails, and the formation of a
Marketing Representatives Group. This group would be made up of designees from each
unit on campus. The group would meet monthly to review marketing initiatives across
units, and to coordinate efforts. Each representative would report back to their unit on the
ongoing promotional efforts across the university.
Internal Marketing:
Many of IQRA employees have children or are themselves considering going to school to
get a degree. We should offer a Faculty/Staff Family night with information on
admissions, tuition, and financial aid. Many IQRA faculty/staff members have children in
high school, but never receive information from us. This will help solve part of that
For faculty and staff members, marketing is part of routine everyday business. Marketing
is in the form of responding in helpful ways to phone calls or e-mails, assisting students
with problems or questions, and being involved in the community. A continued emphasis
must be placed on services to students at the institution. If a student or alum talks about
their experience at IQRA as positive, it is one of the most believable and affordable forms
of advertising.
Media Relations:
7.6 Media
IQRA needs to build a strong relationship with the media. Mounting a media strategy
campaign can help position the university as the ideal place to receive a liberal arts
education in Region. Through the proper use of the media, IQRA can receive free
advertising and promotion of positive campus events and the accomplishments of
students, faculty and staff.
In an effort to take advantage of media attention, IQRA should implement a media
strategy including:
Identifying events/information that are appropriate for press conferences
Keep an updated list of all media contacts
Establish a contact with each department to find out newsworthy events
Work with local media in the creation of public service announcements that
promote events on campus.
Meet with the community relations leaders of media outlets to form partnerships
that can provide free promotion of events
Maintain an up-to-date media resource guide for providing experts to various
media outlets.
7.7 Alumni:
In an effort to re-engage alumni, it is important to make them part of the public relations
activities at IQRA. Alumni should be used for recruitment at events or through phone-athons as well as for mentoring programs and job shadowing opportunities. They can be
featured as success stories in publications or commercials. By using alumni as part of the
marketing effort, it will also have the side benefit of increased contributions for IQRA.
7.8 Community Involvement:
The campus should continue to support and open the doors to such events as Destination
Imagination. During the annual Cultural Festivals, University Pavilion should be opened
as a resource for the community. An effort should be made to attract other academic and
community events to campus such as science fairs, competitions, health fairs, business
expos and others. By this gesture of goodwill to area organizations and businesses, it will
build positive momentum for IQRA.
Housing Facility:
By providing a housing facility at IQRA will also makes a big edge because most of the
students studying in IQRA came from other cities or rural areas and they are using a
external hostel facilities which are available near the campus so by providing this facility
will definitely increases the ratio of the students and ensures a good impact.