Interference Fields

Interference Fields
The reaction to pain from injury, emotional or physical, puts the body into survival
mode. This is affected by a person's perception of the threat and is influenced by past
experiences positive and negative. This survival mechanism is in the limbic system of
the brain and controls the autonomic (automatic) nervous system which is the master
controller of biochemistry.
The nerves of the autonomic system provide a vast network of electrical circuits,
having a total length of twelve times the circumference of the earth, and connecting
every one of the 40 trillion cells that form a living whole human organism. As you
know this autonomic (or neurovegetative) system controls every vital process in the
body. What is often overlooked is that virtually every cell in the body is not only
connected to each other through the autonomic nervous system but is also in large part
controlled by the autonomic nervous system.
Because of the inner connectedness of every cell through the sympathetic nervous
system, no matter how seemingly distant from each other, it is truthful to say that any
illness indicates that the living organism as a whole has lost its ability to regulate itself
in a completely healthful way. An organ (heart, gallbladder, eye, joint etc.) never
becomes diseased in isolation, but always as a symptom of the whole individual.
Likewise, any interaction affects the nervous system.
Interference fields are created or triggered mainly by three events:
1. Localized bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections (ex - dental, boils,
appendix, etc).
2. Emotional trauma.
3. Physical trauma from any type of surgery, accidents, deep cuts,
biopsies, childbirth, dental procedures, vaccinations, etc.
To understand this more fully, one has to understand that the autonomic nervous
system is made up of two divisions. One is the sympathetic nervous system that is
activated by stress. It speeds up your heart rate, makes you burn sugar more rapidly,
tenses your muscles, and in general increases your ability to "fight or flight." The
other side of the autonomic nervous system is the parasympathetic nervous system. Its
job is to promote healing, digestion, repair etc. It slows your heart rate down,
increases mucus and digestion, etc.
The key features of the sympathetic nervous system is that it links all of the cells of
the body together, regulates the contraction and expansion of blood vessels, regulates
the activity of the connective tissue necessary for regenerating body systems, and it
regulates the voltage (membrane potential) across the cell wall in every cell in the
body. While either the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system could be
overly dominant and lead to symptoms, most people are stuck in an overly reactive
sympathetic state. A person stuck in sympathetic mode is stuck in survival mode.
In the sympathetic mode, an extraordinary demand is placed on the body for
nutrients. The body tries to provide the extra components it feels it needs to deal with
the perceived threat to its survival. The normal energy stores in the body is limited to
a amount for short period of time. The nutrient maintenance system our bodies have
is not able to supply a prolonged demand. If this occurs, a degenerative processes
occur. The best example of this is an extremely painful condition called reflex
sympathetic dystrophy. The blood vessels constrict and shut off flow to vital
structures and in time the bone and muscle tissue wane. When this condition is
present the tissue is not able to completely heal. This is the mechanism that also
produces post traumatic degenerative changes after an injury. It is vital to supply the
extra needed nutrients to keep up with the extraordinary demand this condition places
on the body. Not only because of nutrient deprivation but the lack of oxygen and
circulation, extra scar tissue develops in the tissue beyond what the body needs for the
repair process.
Fleckenstein showed, scar tissue can create an abnormal electric signal. In turn this
signal is transmitted throughout the rest of your body via the autonomic nervous
Interference fields are based on the theory that trauma can produce long-standing
disturbances in the electrochemical function of tissues. A German neurophysiologist,
Albert Fleckenstein, demonstrated that the cells in scar tissue have a different
membrane potential from normal body cells, functioning much like a 1.5 volt battery
implanted into the body. Whenever a cell has lost its normal membrane potential, ion
pumps in the cell wall stop working. This means that abnormal minerals and toxic
substances accumulate inside the cell. As a result, the cell loses the ability to heal
itself and resume normal functioning.
Neural therapy, as promoted and popularized by Deitrich Klinghardt, M.D., utilizes
procaine (Novocain) to act on the cell wall to allow the ion pumps to resume normal
action and restore the membrane potential that is at the root of the bioelectric
disturbance at a specific site or nerve ganglion. By re-establishing the normal
electrical condition of cells and nerves, the disturbed functions are also restored to
normality, and the patient returns to health as far as this is anatomically still possible.
The amazing part of Neural Therapy is that the site being treated can be very far away
for the tissue in the body that is not functioning properly. For example, a scar on the
chin can affect the low back. This is possible because of the vast network of the
Autonomic Nervous System. Neural Therapy acts as a sort of "Reset Button" on your
Procaine delivered by direct injection to scars or through other nerves that travel into
deeper scars through tiny tubules in the cellular matrix to these areas of bioelectrical
disturbance for treatment. As a result, Procaine is capable of eliminating autonomic
regulatory dysfunction. Since the autonomic nervous system is the master controller
of the body, Neural Therapy can have a profound impact on your condition and your
ability to heal.
Nutritional programs should be prescribed which will promote healing only to the
point at which the nervous system will allow. When there is an extraordinary demand
beyond what the oral nutritional pathway can keep up with, IV nutrition is more
appropriate. Damaged or inflammed tissue should be put at rest. A very advanced
device that can accomplish this is an instrument called an Electroacuscope which is a
combination micro current and bioresonance feedback device. This very sophisticated
instrument makes very quick work of putting the stressed tissue to rest. In other
words it removes the threatening provocation from the tissue that perpetuates the
sympathetic response. Research on this methodology also shows changes to the cell
membrane channels that enhance nutrient transport and can result in an increase of
protein and dna synthesis by 2 to 7 times normal. That means accelerated repair of
tissue damage. Naturally this device cannot do its work if it doesn't have enough
nutrients to assist in the accelerated transport. Therefore when this condition is
identified, it is imperative that IV nutrition be given. Nutrients along with the
procaine can be combined when performing Neural therapy to give a more optimal
If oxygen levels are low in these regions, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is also
prescribed. Again this is why we refer to these combined therapeutic approaches
delivered by practitioners who are collaborating with each other. It is best when
health care practitioners co-operate with each other to deliver optimal health care
because each modality in and of itself when delivered by one practitioner is not
sufficient to address the needs the body has to deal with some of the very difficult
cases our clinic treats. Some offices have very limited recourses and cannot deliver a
comprehensive combination service.
In the United States, "trigger-point injections" and "nerve blocks" are used all the
time. The term Neural Therapy merely encompasses a broader (and much more
powerful) technique. A more optimal therapy approach encompasses an even broader
approach by adding nutrition, oxygen, and neural feedback relaxation technique to
Neural Therapy.