Ecology via Finding Nemo

Name: ___________________________
Ecology via Finding Nemo
Part I: Pre-Viewing
Define the following terms using your textbook.
Org. Interactions
Ecological “order”
Factors that Impact Pop. Growth:
Abiotic Factors
Biotic Factors
Energy Sources
Name: ______________________________
Part II: Viewing Finding Nemo
While watching the movie, reflect on the following questions and provide thoughtful answers.
1. Based on your knowledge of “Ecological Order” (see your chart above!), when Marlin and Cora are
talking about the “neighborhood”, what are they referring to?
2. Approximately how many eggs did Cora deposit in the anemone? How is this an example of
3. When Cora and Marlin are chased by the barracuda, this is an example of which type of organismal
interaction (see chart above)! ______________________________.
a. Cora and Marlin would be the ____________ and the barracuda is the _______________.
4. Did you know? Anemone’s have stinging cells. Most fish AVOID anemones for this reason. Clownfish
(like Marlin and Cora) have ADAPTED to the sting of the anemone by “brushing”. The clownfish (from
early age) brush the tentacles of the anemone so that the sting doesn’t affect them. The anemone also
provides the fish with protection, a home, food and nutrients. The anemone is also helped by the
clownfish: by brushing often, parasites are less likely to infect the anemone. The anemone also gets
nutrients from the clownfish urine. What kind of organismal interaction exists between the anemone
and the clownfish? ____________________.
5. How is this (the situation above) also an example of an evolutionary adaptation by the clownfish?
6. Why can it be said that the clownfish and the sea anemone have “co-evolved”?
7. Nemo and Marlin’s NICHE is their anemone and the area around it. A niche is different from a habitat.
A species habitat is like its address: where it lives. A NICHE is more like a species JOB: it is the way
of life for the species in its physical habitat. Describe the niche of a clownfish:
8. Define:
a. Fundamental Niche (The entire ocean floor would be the fundamental niche for Nemo):
b. Realized Niche (the anemone is Nemo’s realized niche):
9. When niches overlap: COMPETITION occurs! Think back to the beginning of the movie and explain
where/why and how competition occurred.
10. The symbiotic relationship between Mr. Ray and the students when they are riding on his back is
known as commensalism. Explain how this could be an example of commensalism:
11. In the doctor’s office, all of the fish in the tank COEXIST because their “realized niches” do not overlap.
What does that mean?
12. Explain how human influence impacted the different species in the movie. Is this fiction or non-fiction?
Things to do throughout the entire movie:
Look for, and document, animal adaptations:
How it’s useful
Organismal Interactions: document specific examples for each type of interaction
Name: ____________________
Part III: AFTER viewing Finding Nemo
Evolutionary Connections:
1. Name two adaptations that fish (any fish) have for living underwater:
2. Name one adaptation for organisms living in the DEEP sea:
3. What adaptations do sharks have that make them good predators?
4. Why is Marlin able to withstand the stinging of the jellyfish while Dory is so badly hurt?
Ecological Connections:
Choose from the following words to answer the next 2 questions (organism, population,
community, ecosystem)
1. When you see an entire school of the same type of fish giving Dory directions, what scientific word can
be used to describe this group? ______________________
2. When Nemo and all of his friends of different species are playing together: what scientific word can be
used to describe this group? ______________________
3. Explain 3 ways the aquarium in the dentist’s office was similar to a tiny ecosystem.
4. List and describe another type of ecosystem and habitat that are found in the movie.
5. What BIOME is Finding Nemo taking place in? Defend your answer.
Energy Flow:
1. Define:
a. Producer
b. Primary consumer
c. Secondary consumer
d. Tertiary consumer
2. Describe characters or organisms from Finding Nemo that are examples of each:
a. Producer
b. Primary consumer
c. Secondary consumer
d. Tertiary consumer
3. Do you think Nemo and Marlin are heterotrophs or autotrophs? Defend your answer.