Chapter 4 Socialization Chapter Outline The Socialization Process Agents of Socialization Theories of Socialization Growing up in a Diverse Society Socialization Across the Life Course Resocialization The Socialization Process Humans learn the expectations of society through socialization. Socialization is different based on race, gender and class. Socialization as Social Control Socialization and SelfEsteem How much value one sees in oneself is greatly affected by socialization how you are seen by society. A national study of 9th and 12th graders examined the eating behaviors: 57% of the girls and 31% of the boys reported eating disorders. Fear about one’s appearance to others was is associated with this risky behavior. Consequences of Socialization 1. 2. 3. 4. Establishes self-concepts. Creates the capacity for role taking. Creates the tendency for people to act in socially acceptable ways. Makes people bearers of culture. Agents of Socialization Institutions pass on expectations about appropriate social behavior: Family Media Peers Religion Sports The Family Families introduce children to the expectations of society. How parents define and treat a child is crucial to the development of the child’s sense of self. Some families emphasize educational achievement; some may be more permissive, whereas others emphasize strict obedience and discipline. The Media The average young person (age 8–19) spends 6 3/4 hours per day immersed in media in various forms, often using multiple media forms simultaneously. Television is the dominant medium, although half of all youth use a computer daily. Analysts estimate that by age 18, the average child will have witnessed at least 18,000 simulated murders on television. Polling Question Which media source do you think has the strongest impact on attitudes and behaviors of your generation? A. Advertising B. Television C. Music and music videos D. The Internet E. Magazines Peers For children, peer culture is an important source of identity. Through interaction with peers, children learn concepts of self, gain social skills, and form values and attitudes. Girls’ peer groups tend to be closely knit and egalitarian. Boys’ peer groups tend to be more hierarchical, with evident status distinctions between members. Religion Children tend to develop the same religious beliefs as their parents. Very often those who disavow religion return to their original faith at some point in their life, especially if they have strong ties to their family of origin and after they form families of their own. Religious socialization also influences beliefs about sexuality, including the likelihood of tolerance for gay and lesbian sexuality. Sports Through sports, men and women learn concepts of self. Men learn that being competitive in sports is considered a part of “manhood.” Current research finds that women in sports develop a strong sense of bodily competence, which is typically denied to them by the prevailing cultural images of women’s bodies. Student-Athletes: The Impact of Title IX Schools In school, teachers and other students are the source of expectations that encourage children to think and behave in particular ways. Research finds that teachers respond differently to boys than to girls, with boys receiving more of their attention. The hidden curriculum consists of the informal and often subtle messages about social roles conveyed through classroom interaction and materials. Polling Question Which agent of socialization do you think is the most responsible for gender differences in how males and females are socialized? A. The family B. Religion C. The peer group D. Education E. Mass media Moments in America for Children Every 9 seconds a high school student drops out. Every 20 seconds a child is arrested. Every 37 seconds a child is born to a mother who is not a high school graduate. Every 43 seconds a child is born into poverty. Every minute a child is born to a teen mother. Every 2 minutes a child is born at low birth weight. Moments in America for Children Every 4 minutes a child is born to a mother who received late or no prenatal care. Every 4 minutes a child is arrested for drug abuse. Every 8 minutes a child is arrested for a violent crime. Every 19 minutes a baby dies. Moments in America for Children Every 3 hours a child or youth under 20 is killed by a firearm. Every 3 hours a child or youth under 20 is a homicide victim. Every 5 hours a child or youth under 20 commits suicide. Every day a young person under 25 dies from HIV infection. Psychoanalytic Theory of Socialization Individual Unconscious mind shapes Learning behavior process Formation of self Emerges from tension between id and superego Influence of Societal expectations are society represented by the superego Object Relations Theory of Socialization Individual Learning process Formation of self Influence of society Infants identify with same-sex parent Emerges through separating oneself from primary caretaker Division of labor in the family shapes identity Social Learning Theory of Socialization People respond to social Individual stimuli in their Learning process environment Created through Formation of self interaction of mental and social worlds Influence of Young children learn society principles that shape the external world Functionalist Theory of Socialization Individual Learning process Formation of self Influence of society People internalize role expectations in society Internalizing the values of society reinforces social consensus Society relies on conformity to maintain social equilibrium Conflict Theory of Socialization Individual Learning process Formation of self Aspirations that are part of identity are shaped by available opportunities Group consciousness is formed in the context of a system of inequality Influence of society Social control agents exert pressure to conform Symbolic Interaction Theory of Socialization Individual Learning process Formation of self Influence of society Children learn by taking the role of significant others Emerges as the creative self interacts with social expectations of others Expectations of others form the context for learning social roles Piaget: Social Learning Theory Stages of cognitive development: Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete operational Formal operational Looking-glass Self • • • How we think we appear to others. How we think others judge us. How these make us feel - proud, embarrassed or something else. The Looking-glass Self Mead: Taking the Role of the Other 1. 2. 3. Imitation stage - children imitate behavior of those around them. Play stage - children take on the role of significant others. Game stage - children internalize an abstract understanding of how society sees them. Children in the United States The World’s Children Socialization Across the Life Cycle Childhood - establish identity and values. Adolescence - form a consistent identity. Adulthood and Old Age - learn new roles and expectations in adult life. Work and Play Among Youth Gender % Work % Play % Both % Neither Male 29.4 29.6 8.2 32.7 Female 27.9 26.9 9.6 35.7 Work and Play Among Youth Race/Ethnicity % Work % Play % Both % Neither Asian 31.4 26.8 11.2 31.5 Hispanic 29.1 23.9 7.5 40.6 African American 29.3 22.8 7.5 38.4 White 27.9 30.9 10.0 31.9 Native American 23.9 29.9 10.8 35.4 Resocialization Existing social roles are altered or replaced. Takes place in organizations that maintain strict social control. Examples: military, prison, cults, fraternities and sororities Quick Quiz 1. According to Piaget, at what stage do children begin to use language and other symbols? a. play stage b. sensorimotor stage c. concrete operational stage d. preoperational stage Answer: d According to Piaget, children begin to use language and other symbols at the preoperational stage. 2. According to Mead, at what stage do children become capable of taking on a variety of roles at the same time? a. the preoperational stage b. the imitation stage c. the play stage d. the game stage Answer: d According to Mead, children become capable of taking on a variety of roles at the same time at the game stage. 3. Psychoanalytic theory originates in the work of: a. George Herbert Mead b. Sigmund Freud c. Charles Horton Cooley d. Jean Piaget Answer: b Psychoanalytic theory originates in the work of Sigmund Freud. 4. The process of resocialization involves: a. learning the values and beliefs of a new school b. relearning existing social roles c. changing or replacing existing social roles d. adjusting to new significant others Answer: c The process of resocialization involves changing or replacing existing social roles. 5. Society has no influence on one's identity. a. True b. False Answer: False Society does influence one's identity. 6. Socialization is a subtle form of social control. a. True b. False Answer: True Socialization is a subtle form of social control.