Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources - An Overview R. Hettel, SSRL Stability criteria Noise sources Orbit stabilizing technology Future directions Comments from SRI 2001 Stability Workshop Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Acknowledgments Aladdin J. Bisognano, M. Green, J. Stott ALS/LBL J. Byrd, D. Robin, C. Steier APS J. Carwardine, G. Decker, L. Emery, O. Singh BESSY II K. Holldack, R. Mueller Daresbury C. Nave ESRF L. Farvacque (“Beam Centre of Mass Stability”,1996) NSLS R. Biscardi, S. Krinsky, L.H. Yu SLS M. Boge, S.Zelenika, V. Schlott, A. Wrulich SSRL J. Corbett, J. Galayda, T. Rabedeau, J. Safranek, H. Wiedemann Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Beam Stability Requirements Users want stability of: • intensity after apertures < 0.1% apertures in phase space • steering accuracy on small samples < few % photon beam dimensions pointing accuracy • e- trajectory in IDs < few % electron beam dimensions emission pattern, off-axis energy pattern, switched polarization, etc. • photon energy • timing < 10-4 resolution < 10% of critical time scale pump-probe, etc. • beam lifetime many hours Stability requirements depend on: • time scale • machine properties • photon source phase space and experiment phase space acceptance including optics Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Electron Beam Properties and Phase Space Electron beam characterized by conjugate variable pairs in 6-D phase space: x, x E, t (or ) y, y -------- transverse ---------- longitudinal For each conjugate pair, beam occupies phase space ellipse of constant area - or emittance transverse: (s) x 2 2(s) xx (s)x 2 cons tan t y k k coupling , k ~ 0.1 e- beam size: x (s) x x (s) (s)E / E e- divergence: x (s) x x (s) (s)E / E longitudinal: (rad) y (s) y y (s) 2 2 h c dE s E ( ~ 40 / 2 y (s) y y (s) 1 2 x x dE for SPEAR 3) E Have coupling between phase space planes (6-D emittance preserved) H-V by skew quads, orbit in sextupoles, resonances transverse-longitudinal (Touschek scattering, x = E/E) Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel etc. SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Relationship Between Photon and Electron Parameters (approximate, assuming constant lattice Twiss parameters; e- = Ee-/me-c2; s is Twiss parameter) Photon Param Relationship to Electron Parameters 1. Size at L ph (L) = [ph(0) + (L'ph ) ] 2 2 1/2 ph (0) = [e- + diff ()] 2. Divergence at L 2 2 1/2 2 1/2 'ph (L)='ph (0)=['e- +' ] (unfoc) 'ph(L)= -'ph(0) (1:1 foc) 'e-=[s+(' E/E) ] -1 -1 -1/2 2 ' e- (dip, wigg) ' e- (nNu) (und harm n, Nu periods) E 3. Position at L yph (L)=ye-+L y'e- (unfoc) yph (L) = ye- (1:1 focus) ye- (Ee-) = Ee-/Ee- 4. Angle at L y'ph (L) = y'e- (unfocused) y'ph (L) = -y'e- (1:1 focus) y'e- (Ee-) = 'Ee-/Ee- 5. Critical freq/ undulator harm 2 c Ee- (dipole) 2 -2 2 n n Ee- /[1/2+ K + (/K) ] 6. Energy/freq res Eph/Eph= y'ph /B (xtal mono; B=~90-800 mrad) 7. Spectral flux density dF()/d Ee-Ie- S(/c) (dip, wigg on-axis; vert angle-integrated; S(/c) in Fig.3) 2 dF(n)/dd Ie-/'ph (n) (und, on-axis) F()= photons/s/unit freq BW; Ie-= e- curr 8. Bunch length t = (/s) E/E 2 2 1/2 (unfocused) diff () = /[4' ()] 2 2 c Ee- [1- (/K) ] (wigg.) = horiz view angle /K = max ID deflect angle (und harm n) n/n = 1/nNu (und harm n, Nu per) = momentum compaction factor, s = synchrotron frequency 9. Bunch time osc tb = /rf = (/s)Ee-/Ee- Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources ph (L) = ph(0) (1:1 focus) 2 1/2 e- = [(s) + ((s) E/E) ] rf = RF frequency R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Photon Beam Properties Photon beam dimensions (unfocused): ph (L) e 2 diff 2 (Lph ) 2 diff () ph e 2 4ph2 () 1 nN u 2 Nu = number of undulator periods (= 1 for dipoles and high k wigglers); n = undulator harmonic Notes: e- = ~100-500 m horizontal e- = ~20-100 rad horizontal ~20 - 50 m vertical order 10 rad vertical 1/ = order 100 rad dominates vertical divergence except for large Nu ph- (horiz) = order mrads for dipole and wiggler sources Translation of photon phase space between source and experiment: y y -L ya/L -ya + ya y -ya/L yexp = ysp + Lysp yexp = ysp L + ya y aperture experiment source point Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources -ya R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Beam Position Instability and Emittance Growth from Orbit Motion y cm o y eff vertical aperture For disturbance frequencies >> experiment integration time: = o + cm / = cm/o For disturbance frequencies < experiment integration time: (envelope) = o +2 o cm + cm / 2 cm/o (cm<< o; L. Farvacque, ESRF) Note: can apply similar analysis to other phase space dimensions Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Experiment Photon - Electron Parameter Sensitivity [Pexp(i)] = [M(i,j)] [Pe-(j)] Iph Ie- Eph Eph/Eph (rms) x y EeEe-/Ee- (rms) x y [Pexp(i)] = z [Pe-(i)] = z x y tbunch polarization rot x y t bunch coherence polarization Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Beam Stability - Time Scales Disturbance frequencies >> experiment integration time: Orbit disturbances blow up effective beam and , reduce intensity at experiment, but do not add noise. For / = cm/o < ~10%: ycm(rms) < ~0.3 y ycm(rms) < ~0.3 y' Note: can have frequency aliasing if don't obey Nyquist…. Disturbance frequencies experiment integration time: Orbit disturbances add noise to experiment. For / = ~2 cm/o <~10%: ycm(rms) < 0.05 y ycm(rms) < 0.05 y' Disturbance frequencies << experiment time (day(s) or more): Realigning experiment apparatus is a possibility. Sudden beam jumps or spikes can be bad (low rms) Note: peak amplitudes can be > x5 rms level Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Intensity Stability Want high level of flux (I) constancy through aperture or steering accuracy to hit small sample (sample size on order of beam size ). I/I < 10-3 (typical) Note: some experiments require < 10-4 flux constancy Photoemission electron spectroscopy combined with dichroism spectroscopy (subtractive processing of switched polarized beam signals) (H. Padmore) Flux variations caused by • orbit instability • beam size instability • energy instability Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Beam Stability at Apertures Photon Intensity Noise after Aperture Beam Position Change Photon Intensity Noise after Aperture Beam Size Change 10 d = 0.5 1 d = 1 noise factor (%) noise factor (%) 10 d = 0.1 d = 2 0.1 d = 3 0.01 d = 0.5 1 d = 1 d = 0.1 d = 2 0.1 d = 3 0.01 0.001 0.001 1 10 d =half aperture dy/ % 100 dy =displacement from center 0.1 1 d =half aperture 10 d/ % Intensity variations for beam with Gaussian size due to position motion dy from the center and beam size change d for various sized apertures. Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Intensity Stability - Orbit For 0.1% intensity stability, orbit stability should be xcm, ycm < .05 x,y at source point for focused beams xcm, ycm< .05 y' at source point for unfocused beams ~140 rad @ 3 GeV, N = 1 Vertical: y ~ 20-50 m y = ~17 rad @ 3 GeV, N = 100; ~7 rad @ 7 GeV, N = 100 ycm < ~1-3 m, ycm< ~0.5-10 rad Horizontal: for 3rd gen sources ~mrads for dipoles, wigglers x ~ 100-500 m x = ~35 rad @ 3 GeV, N = 100; ~20 rad @ 7 GeV, N = 100 But for wigglers: dF()/d Ee- Ie-S(/c) 1 S(/c) c E2[1 - (/K)2] x = /c 1.333 x1/3 xcm < ~5 - 25 m, -x 0.777 x1/2e 0.1 0.001 0.01 /c 0.1 1 10 Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources xcm< rads (for undulators and off-axis wigglers at /c >> 1) 0.01 0.0001 = horiz view angle R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, 0.1% Intensity Stability - Energy Orbit perturbation: Coherent electron energy variations in lattice dispersion sections at frequencies < data integration time (synchrotron oscillations, RF) x = E/E < .05x = ~10-20 m E/E (coherent) < ~10-4 (x= ~0.1 m at dipole sources; y= ~0.02 m) ( < 0.2o for SPEAR 3) fRF/f RF = c E/E < ~10-7 ( c = ~10-3) (fRF < 50 Hz for f RF = 500 MH); imposes limit on phase noise for RF source ~10 kHz BW) Photon emission: dF()/d Ee- Ie- S(/c) 1 c E2 (dipole, wiggler) S(/c) x = /c 1.333 x1/3 -x 0.777 x1/2e 0.1 dF(n)/d d Ie-/ph2 Ee-2 Ie- n Nu (undulator) 0.01 0.0001 E/E (coherent) < ~10-4 Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel 0.001 0.01 /c 0.1 SSILS, Shanghai, China 1 10 Sept 25, Intensity Stability - Beam Size For 0.1% intensity stability, beam size stability should be / < ~10-3 Beam size-perturbing mechanisms: • changes in horizontal-vertical electron beam coupling ID gap change, orbit in sextupoles, energy ramp without coupling correction • collective effects coupling resonances, single- and multibunch instabilities in transverse and longitudinal planes, intrabeam scattering • gas bursts, ions, dust particles • electron energy variations in lattice dispersion sections at frequencies > data integration time (synchrotron oscillations, Landau damping mechanisms, etc.) 2 = + (E/E)2 + (E/E)2 ( = ~350 m; E/E = ~100 m for = 0.1 m and E/E (natural energy spread) = ~ 0.1%; 0 = ~360 m) E/E (rms) < ~ 10-4 Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Photon Energy Resolution Photon energy resolution <10-4 after monochromator: Bragg: E ph E ph where B = ~5o-45o (~90-800 mrad) B ycm < ~10 rad Note: some monochromators reaching 10-5 resolution ycm < ~1 rad Undulator line energy and width not degraded: line wavelength = n = n u(1+k2/2)/22 d n/ n = -2 E/E natural width = n/n = 1/Nn (N = # periods, n = harmonic • for <10% line width increase (N = 100, n = 10) E/E (rms) < ~2 x 10-4 • for <10-4 coherent energy shift (N = 100, n = 10) E/E (coherent) < ~5 x 10-5 Note: for 10-5 resolution E/E (coherent) < ~5 x 10-6 ( < 0.01o for SPEAR 3 Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources fRF < 2.5 Hz for f RF = 500 MHz) R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Timing/Bunch Length Stability Bunch time-of-arrival stability (tbunch): tbunch < ~0.1 of critical time scale in experiment (pump-probe sync, etc.) - or < ~0.1 bunch ( bunch = ~5-50 ps) whichever is larger Time-of-arrival variations caused by energy oscillations: t bunch (rad ) 2f rf tbunch = ~1.3 ps for dE/E (coherent) = 10-4 in SPEAR 3 ( = ~0.08 bunch) Bunch length variations associated with changes in energy spread causes beam size variation: E/E (rms) < 10-4 bunch < 0.5% bunch Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Lifetime Lifetime contributors: quantum lifetime gas scattering lifetime (Coulomb, bremsstrahlung) Touschek lifetime ions and dust particles Touschek usually dominant lifetime factor for low E rings (< 3 GeV): x y s 2 p m p Touschek N p/p = ring momentum acceptance N = number of particles in bunch control and stabilize bunch volume Ion trapping prevented by having gap in bunch fill pattern Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Sources of Electron Beam Instability Long term (weeks-years) ground settlement (mm) seasonal ground motion (< mm) Medium term (minutes-days) diurnal temperature (1-100 m) river, dam activity (1-100 m) crane motion (1-100 m) machine fills (component heating, BPM intensity dependence) filling patterns (heating, BPM processing) (1-100 m) RF drift (microns) gravitational earth tides (sun and moon) (C = 10-30 m) coupling changes Short term (milliseconds-seconds) ground vibration, traffic, trains, etc. (< microns, <50 Hz typ) ground motion amplified by girder + magnet resonances (x~20 if not damped) and by lattice (x10-x40) nm level ground motion can be amplified close to m level cooling water vibration (microns) rotating machinery (air conditioners, pumps) (microns) booster operation (microns) insertion device motion (1-100 m) power supplies (microns) vac chamber vibration from BL shutters, etc. (microns) High frequency (sub-millisecond) high frequency PWM and pulsed power sources (microns) synchrotron oscillations (1-100 m) single- and multibunch instabilities (1-100 m) Note: relative component motion more critical than common mode motion Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Ground Motion - slow Ground settling (ALS) Gravitational earth tides due to sun and moon (ESRF) Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Ground Vibration APS worldwide G. Decker V.D. Shiltsev Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Vacuum chamber, BPM stability INVAR INVAR INVAR NSLS chamber motion SPEAR 3 chamber/BPM supports J. Safranek 3 m/oC vert, 15 m/oC hor Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Beam Stabilizing Technology Accelerator component motion • short girders, rigid supports (high frequency modes) • damping materials (visco-elastic double-sided sticky tape, Anocast) • reduced vibration from water pipes, machinery, pumps, booster, etc • minimal chamber temp gradients, chamber water cooling, discrete photon stops • temp-stable BPM supports (Invar, carbon fiber - <3 m/oC @ 1 m) • tunnel air and cooling water temperature stabilization (<0.2oC). • component position sensors (HLS, micron-res encoders, etc.) • calibration of temperature-induced motion • at-energy and top-off injection Corrector magnets • high frequency, low inductance (kHz) strong DC correctors (iron core) + low inductance tweeters (e.g. air core) • high transverse linearity vs. frequency • high resistance vac chamber sites (low eddy currents) • uniform magnetic environment at all sites (field clamps) Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Beam Stabilizing Technology - cont. Power supplies • low-ripple PWM chopper technology (20 kHz for mains, 40-60 kHz for correctors) • high stability (transductors, even for correctors) • high frequency, low quantization noise corrector supplies (>18-bit DACs) • digital control and regulation Orbit monitoring systems • > kHz orbit acquisition • 1st turn, turn-turn and narrowband (high resolution)orbit processing modes • non-multiplexed button processing (calibration tones, hybrid combiners) • compensation for BPM motion, intensity dependence, etc. • beam-based offset correction (quadrupole modulation) • digital processing (including digital receivers) Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Beam Stabilizing Technology - cont. Feedback and other active systems • unified global/local orbit feedback with electron and photon BPMs (up to ~200 Hz BW) • automatic magnet girder alignment (ESRF, SLS, etc.) • mode-damped RF cavities • mode-0 longitudinal feedback through RF system • multibunch feedback systems (longitudinal and transverse) • harmonic cavities for bunch length control and Landau damping (NSLS, ALS, etc.) • tune feedback (Aladdin) • beam line component feedback (mirror, monochromator, etc.) More sophisticated orbit feedback algorithms include: • compensation for ID gap changes • compensation for accelerator component motion (measured or calibrated) • real-time digital processing and high speed data links • RF feedback Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, ESRF Girder Damping L. Zhang beam line intensity noise Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, SLS Girder Mover System V. Schlott and S. Zelenika et al. System System cam mover and hydrostatic level detector (micron res.) Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Local 3- and 4-Magnet Feedback Systems SSRL, 1982-86 Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Global Orbit Feedback Systems NSLS Harmonic Feedback System APS SVD Global Feedback System - 1990s 1988 J. Carwardine, Y. Chung, F. Lenkszus, et al. L.H. Yu, R. Biscardi, J. Bittner, E. Bozoki, J. Galayda, S. Krinsky, R. Nawrocky, O. Singh, G. Vignola • 360 BPMs • 80 correctors/plane • BPM de-spiking “DSP Scope” 1) Poor regulation of sextupole supply 2) Steering supply oscillating at 248 Hz 3) Bad BPM with broadband noise Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Local vs. Global Feedback yID y’ID y1 Local correction: + + L BPM 1 yID = (y1 + y2 )/2 y2ID = y2/2 y2 yID = (y1 - y2 )/2L BPM 2 y2ID = y2/2L2 y = measurement error e.g., y = 10 m, L = 3 m 7 m rms position error, 2.4 rad rms angle error want L to be large Multi-loop crosstalk reduced performance Global correction: • reduced set of correction eigenvectors filters response to BPM noise lower spatial BW, more BPMs in average ESRF • correction matched to most likely disturbances Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, SVD Orbit Correction SPEAR (J. Corbett) NSLS X-Ray ring inverse response matrix with different SVD thresholds (J. Safranek) SVD threshold = 0.01 SVD threshold = 0.0001 Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SVD threshold = 0.001 SVD threshold = 0 SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, RF Feedback NSLS Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Orbit Feedback - Performance Limitations Electron BPMs (electron) BPM mechanical motion (thermal) intensity or fill pattern dependence TE10 mode in antechamber local position/angle calculation errors orbit acquisition rate (rate ~10x fdbk BW 1 kHz for 100 Hz BW; rate ~2 kHz to avoid 720 Hz alias) BPM muxing (switch rate > ~10x orbit acq BW to avoid H-V coupling; limited by switch settling time) Photon BPMs • corruption of undulator photon monitor signal by dipole radiation • dependence on ID gap (emission pattern) and beam intensity • blade surface contamination Orbit corrector system transverse field uniformity: orbit-dependent response matrix field uniformity vs. frequency: freq-dependent response matrix vacuum chamber BW hysteresis quantization noise and step resolution Response matrix • inadequate BPM and/or corrector quantities (>4 per period desirable) • inefficient BPM and/or corrector placement (low orthogonality) • non-optimized eigenvector cut-off for R-1 (trade-off between azimuthal correction resolution and corrector strengths, sensitivity to BPM noise) Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Undulator Photon Monitor Limitations • ID photon emission pattern (flux and energy) changes with ID gap • Causes apparent beam motion of ~1-100 m, which can propagate around ring if photon monitors used in feedback. • Can compensate for gap changes with calibrated feedforward orbit and tune corrections + feedback to correct residual perturbations. ESRF Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources • Blade monitors work better for low-E rings (photon spectrum better matched to blade photoemission properties) - K. Holldack et al., BESSY II) R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Photon Monitors - Blade Geometries APS O. Singh BESSY II K. Holldack Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, APS Undulator Soft-Bend Chicane G. Decker Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Orbit Feedback - Corrector Resolution R. Mueller et al., BESSY II Noise from 16-bit DACs solved with 24-bit DACs (~20-bit ENOB) (feedback cycle rate = 0.2 Hz) 16-bit DAC noise beam line intensity noise Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, SPEAR 3 Cu Chamber Eddy Current Break Horizontal Corrector - Chamber Frequency Response (on-axis) (from Mafia) 0.00 -3.00 0.1 1 10 100 1000 attenuation (dB) -6.00 -9.00 CuNi -12.00 Cu -15.00 -18.00 -21.00 -24.00 -27.00 frequency (Hz) Vertical Corrector - Chamber Frequency Response (on-axis) (from Mafia) 0.00 0.1 1 10 100 1000 attenuation (dB) -3.00 CuNi -6.00 Cu -9.00 -12.00 CuNi Cu f = 200 Hz -15.00 frequency (Hz) Cu CuNi CuNi f = 200 Hz Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel Cu insulation SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Multibunch Feedback Longitudinal J. Fox et al., SLAC Transverse W. Barry et al., ALS Harmonic Cavities • increase bunch length and Touschek lifetime • induce tune spread to damp multibunch instabilities ALS 1.5 GHz cavity J. Byrd, R. Rimmer et al. (Landau damping) Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Mirror Feedback • error signal obtained from position sensitive detector near beam focus T. Rabedeau, SSRL • error signal used to control piezo high voltage • piezo provides mirror fine pitch control with typical full range of motion +/- 30 rad or +/- 0.6mm or more focus motion. focus 1.4 m rms source 17.3 m rms Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Future Light Sources Energy Recovery Linac MARS, G. Kulipanov (Budker Inst.); ERL, S. Gruner et al.(Cornell, JLab) PERL, J. Murphy et al. (NSLS); Ultrafast Light Source, A. Zholents et al. (LBNL) x = ~0.15 nm-rad @ 5-7 GeV x,y = 3-40 m x,y = 3-10 rad ~ 0.1 m, 0.1 rad, <100 fs stability Challenges: energy stability bunch charge stability pump-probe s = 100 fs - 10 ps timing sync other LCLS (& SPPS) = ~0.05 nm-rad @ 15 GeV x,y = ~30 m x,y = ~0.4 rad s = 85 fs micron, 10s nrad, <100 fs stability Challenges: < < 0.9 ps gun timing jitter <0.05% klystron voltage stability 0.07 S-band klystron phase stability pump-probe timing sync other Diffraction-limited storage rings (J.-L. Laclare) x = ~0.1 nm-rad y = ~8 pm-rad (1Å diffraction limit) x = ~100 m y = ~10 m y = <10 rad s = ~10 ps ~ 0.1 m, 0.1 rad stability Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Beam Stability Requirements - Summary Parameter Present Future trend intensity stability <0.1% <0.01% steering accuracy <5-10% e-, ph <2% e-, ph beam size stability <0.1% ph 10-4 <10% bunch length <0.01% ph 10-5 <10% bunch length ~10-2 - 105 Hz ~10-2 - 106 Hz hrs days emittance ~5-20 nm-rad ~0.05-0.2 nm-rad e- beam size (vert) ph beam divergence e- bunch length ~30-300 m ~10-200 rad ~3-30 m ~0.5-10 rad ~10-100 ps ~100 fs (FEL) ~1-5 m ~1-10 rad ~1-10 ps <~5 x 10-5 ( < 0.1o) ~0.1-1 m ~0.05- 0.5 rad ~10-100 fs (FEL) <~5 x 10-6 ( < 0.01o) energy resolution timing stability data acquisition rate stability period e- position stability (vert) e- angle stability e- bunch length stability e- energy stability Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Beam Stability Requirements DRAFT rev. 8/27/01 e- stability need beam param user stability need Parameter Present sources (rings) Future sources (ring, ERL, FEL) intensity (shot-shot with normalization) <0.1% <0.01% steering accuracy <5% e-, ph <2% e-, ph beam size stability <0.1% ph <0.01% ph -5 -4 energy resolution/accuracy 10 -10 10-5 timing stability <10% bunch length <10% bunch length -3 polarization stability (switched) 10 (?) 10-4 (?) expt data acquisition rate ~10-2-105 Hz ~10-2-106 Hz stability period (w/o realignment) secs-hours secs-days beam availability >90% >90% emittance ~5-20 nm-rad ~0.05-0.2 nm-rad ph beam size (vert) ~30-300 m ~3-30 m ph beam divergence ~0.5-10 rad ~10-200 rad H-V emittance coupling <0.1-10% <0.01-100% e- beam rotation <?? mrad <?? mrad e- bunch length ~10-100 ps ~10 ps (ring); ~100 fs (ERL,FEL) position stability (vert) ~1-5 m ~0.1-1 m angle ~1-10 rad ~0.05- 0.5 rad coupling <0.1% <0.01% rotation <?? mrad <?? mrad -2 -11 -2 -11 bunch-bunch / turn-turn charge ~10 / 10 ~10 /10 (ring); ~10-2/10-2 (FEL, ERL) bunch length ~1-10 ps ~1 ps (ring); ~10-100 fs (FEL) -5 o energy <~2-5 x 10 ( < 0.04-0.1 ) <~5 x 10-6 ( < 0.01o) stability bandwidth 1/hrs - 105 Hz 1/hrs - 106 Hz Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, SRI 2001 Beam Stability Workshop - Comments Madison, WI Aug. 24, 2001 • ~50% users, 50% accelerator people at Workshop • More communication between users and accelerator groups needed to understand instability requirements • Users could specify stability needs for experiments; could specify generic needs for different classes of experiments via specialized committees • Characterize photon-electron sensitivity for each beam line - joint effort between accelerator and beam line staff • More robust experiment designs might be possible (i.e. optimization of experiment phase space acceptance with respect to photon phase space) • Accelerator group could be more actively involved working on beam line problems • More cooperative accelerator and beam line diagnostics • “Look at the light” -- i.e., use optical monitors in beam lines to determine beam stability, don’t rely solely on electron monitors • Facility user meetings could include stability discussion session Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, User observable - electron observable sensitivity matrix M. Greene, Aladdin Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Summary Stability requirements are stringent: intensity stability < 0.1% pointing accuracy < 5% beam dimensions photon energy resolution < 10-4 timing stability < 10% bunch length orbit < 1-5 m, <1-10 rad beam size < 0.1 % e- energy < 5 x 10-5 Requirements are becoming more stringent: x 5-10 more stringent stability with beam source and beam line development orbit < .1-1 m, <.05-.5 rad beam size < 0.01 % e- energy < 5 x 10-6 faster data acquisition time-scales short bunch machines present pump-probe timing sync challenge: <100 fs fast-switched polarization, ID changes Stabilizing technology development: control noise sources temp-stable materials vibration-damping materials motion sensors, calib automatic alignment better BPMs (e- and photon) faster orbit feedback adaptive optics improved signal processing robust expt design expt component feedback (integrate with accel feedback?) may relieve need for absolute accelerator stability Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25, 1 m Beam Stability Issues at Light Sources R. Hettel SSILS, Shanghai, China Sept 25,