fr-orien-fall2011 - A. James Clark School of Engineering

Engineering Your Future
Presented by the Office of Undergraduate
Advising & Academic Support
Welcome Class of 2015!
Academic Advising and Resources
University Policies
Clark School of Engineering Policies
Clark School of Engineering Benchmarks
General Education (CORE) Course Requirements
How to Build Your Schedule
• Introduction to UM Technology
• Registration
Undergraduate Advising &
Academic Support Office
• Suite 1131 in Glenn L. Martin Hall
• Hours: 8:30am to 4:30pm
Online Forms
• How our office supports students:
Advise undecided Engineering students
CORE questions
University policies and procedures
Lower level engineering courses
Maintaining student records
Curriculum sheets
4-year degree plans
Internal major change
Exception to Policy
Permission to Enroll (at
another institution)
Double Degree Forms
Graduation Forms
Majors and Minors
Undergraduate Majors
Chemical & Biomolecular
Civil & Environmental
Fire Protection
Materials Science
• Engineering Leadership
• International Engineering
• Nanotechnology
• Project Management
• Nuclear Engineering
• Technology Entrepreneurship
What if your ‘major’ is
undecided engineering?
• First year of coursework is essentially the same for
all engineering majors
• Your advisor will make referrals based upon your
• Declare no later than your third semester
Academic Advising
• Each semester, engineering students
must have a registration block lifted
by their primary academic advisor
prior to registration
• Your registration date and time is posted on MyUM
– Academics & Testudo Tab
– Registration dates and times are based on the total number of
credits earned
– Students are responsible for knowing when they can
register and for meeting with their advisor PRIOR to their
registration date and time
Academic Advising
In the Clark School of Engineering, there are two
types of advisors.
Departmental Advisor
– A departmental advisor is a faculty or staff member
from your engineering major who you will meet with
prior to registering each semester
– Departmental advisors are available to help you with
course evaluation, research opportunities, technical
elective selection, and 4-year plan questions
• For students with a declared major, the departmental
advisor is your primary advisor
Academic Advising
The other type of advisor is:
UA&AS Advisor
– Undergraduate Advising & Academic Support
(UA&AS) advisors represent the entire college
– They are available to help with general questions,
policy violations, General Education requirements,
major changes, etc.
• For students who are undecided engineering, the
UA&AS advisor is your primary advisor and will remove
your registration block, until you have declared your
Top 10 Ways to Make the
Most of Engineering Advising
10. Full Name & UID: in all advising correspondence
9. Utilize the wealth of UM resources available to you
8. Maintain a file of all important academic documents
7. Review all instructions required for form submission
6. Follow thru on referrals made by your advisor
Top 10 Ways to Make the
Most of Engineering Advising
5. Come prepared for advising with a list of courses you
wish to take and questions about your curriculum or
major choice
4. Check your UMD email and MyUM Messages regularly
3. Utilize Degree Navigator and the UA&AS website to
stay familiar with your degree requirements
2. Be proactive and ask for help when needed
1. Take responsibility for your academic decisions,
progress and success
University Policies
Repeat Policy
Students may repeat up to 18 credit hours
Any course may be attempted twice (repeated once)
A “W” counts as an attempt
Both attempts and grades earned will appear on transcript
Both attempts are calculated into the cumulative GPA…
…except for courses originally taken during your first 24 credits, in
which case there is a grace period. If the course is repeated, only
the higher grade will count in your UM GPA.
Calculating GPA
• GPA is calculated by dividing the total number
of quality points accumulated in all courses by
the total number of credits attempted in those
• Quality points are determined by multiplying the
number of credits for a course by the numerical
value (grade points) of the grade earned.
Let’s say that you took ENGL101, a three credit course, and
earned a grade of CTo determine the number of quality points earned for ENGL101:
3 (credits) x 2 (grade points) = 6 quality points earned for this course
Example of Grade
Course (credits)
ENES100 (3)
CHEM135 (3)
ENES182 (1)
MUET200 (3)
MATH140 (4)
Semester Credits: 14
Semester QP:
Cumulative GPA: 1.571
QP: 22
+ 32 (2nd semester)
– 4 (for earned credit being
50 total quality points earned
50 (quality points) ÷ 23 (credits
attempted) = 2.174 GPA
Credits Attempted:
14 (1st semester)
+ 16 (2nd semester)
– 7 (can’t double count credits of
courses that are repeated)
23 total credits attempted
Course (credits)
CCJS105 (3)
ENES102 (3)
MUET200 (3): Repeated
MATH140 (4): Repeated
Semester Credits: 16
Semester QP:
Total Credits: 23
Total QP:
Cumulative GPA: 2.174
University Policies
Student Academic Success Policy
• All students are required to create a 4-Year Plan
• Your 4-year plan is your personal map for registration and
progression toward a timely graduation; it is a flexible plan
which can be adjusted as needed
University Policies
Drop Policy
• After the schedule adjustment period ends, and prior to the end
of the Drop Period, students may drop a maximum 4 credits in
any given semester
– Dropping a course (withdrawing) results in a ‘W’ on your transcript
• In the event of an extenuating circumstance, students may
withdraw from all classes one time
Probation and Dismissal Policies
• Students with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 are placed on
academic probation for the following semester
• Students who do not raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.0 during
their probationary semester will be academically dismissed
from the university and the Clark School of Engineering
Semester Calendar
• My UM,
– Registration & Advising
– Deadlines
• Deadlines
– Last Day of Schedule Adjustment for Fall 2011:
Wednesday, September 14 at 4:30pm
• Last day to add a course
• Last day to drop a course without a “W”
• Last day to change credit level
– Drop Period: Last Day to drop a course
with a “W”:
Wednesday, November 9 at 11pm
– Other Deadlines:
• Spring Pre-Registration will start in mid-November
• Last Day of Class: December 13
Engineering Policies
Good Academic Standing
• In the Clark School, students must maintain a 2.0 to be
considered in good academic standing
Non-Maryland Coursework Policy
• A ‘Permission to Enroll’ (PTE) form must be submitted and
approved prior to taking any course at another institution
– Students MUST be in good academic standing (GPA ≥ 2.0)
– Students must meet all prerequisites for the requested course
– Students may not attempt a course at another institution for which they
have earned a ‘D’ or ‘F’ at UM
• Freshmen and Transfer students are limited to a maximum of
17 credits in their first term
• 18 credits maximum allowed in each subsequent term
Engineering Policies
Graduation Policies
• 2.0 (C+, C, C-) or better in all technical courses
– A technical course would include any course that will count toward your
major and the engineering or basic sciences (non-CORE)
• 120 credits minimum (124 credits minimum for Aerospace)
– No more than ½ of your UM degree credits can be from a community
• All degree applicable courses must be regular grading method
• Graduation will be denied if any Incompletes (I) or No Grades
(NG) have not been resolved
CORE Folder
We will now distribute CORE folders for everyone.
Please locate the Benchmark Contract and the
FERPA Release Form in the front pocket.
Have a writing utensil available.
A benchmark is a progress indicator that looks at coursework
completed by a certain point in a student’s academic career
45 Credit Benchmark Review
• After 45 UM credits (excluding AP and transfer credits), all
Engineering students must meet the following requirements:
CHEM135 (Chemistry for ENGR)with a minimum grade of 2.0 (C+, C, C-)
ENES100 (Intro ENGR Design)with a minimum grade of 2.0 (C+, C, C-)
MATH141 (Calculus II) with a minimum grade of 2.0 (C+, C, C-)
PHYS161 (Physics I) with a minimum grade of 2.0 (C+, C, C-)
Completion of ENGL101 (Academic Writing) Fundamental Studies English
Completion of at least one Distributive Studies CORE course from the
Humanities or Social Sciences
• Only one gateway course may be repeated and that course may
only be repeated once. A grade of ‘W’ (Withdrawal) counts as an
2nd & 3rd Benchmarks
• The 2nd and 3rd benchmarks evaluate coursework completed by the
end of the second and fourth semesters after you are initially
reviewed for the 45 Credit Review Benchmark.
• Each benchmark specifies course criteria that must be met for
satisfactory progress. Failure to meet the benchmark requirements
could jeopardize one’s status as a student in the Clark School.
• Students can track their benchmark progress on Degree Navigator.
• Find additional information at:
Your signature on this form today acknowledges your
understanding of these performance reviews!
Student Rights
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) a.k.a. Buckley Amendment
• You have the right to inspect your education records and seek
to correct these records where appropriate
• You have the right to limit disclosure of your education records
to others without your written consent (if you are at least 18
years old)
You must COMPLETE the FERPA release form
• Print your name and date on the form
• It is your choice whether or not to sign giving UA&AS
permission to discuss your academic records with your
parent/guardian, if they request information.
CORE Folder
Please open your CORE folder to page 2.
CORE - Fundamental
• Introduction to Writing
– Attempt course within first 30 credits,
complete course within first 60 credits
– Exemptions:
• SAT: Critical Reading score 670 or above
• AP English Language & Composition Test
score equal to 4 or 5
• Transfer credit from another institution
• Mathematics
– Attempt course within first 30 credits,
complete course within first 60 credits
• Professional Writing
– Required for all engineering students
– Taken after 60 credits earned
Three Courses
Introduction to
ENGL 101
MATH 140
ENGL 393
CORE - Distributive
Humanities and the Arts
– 3 courses required
• Later today, you will pick
options you are interested in
taking for these categories
• *Only ONE Interdisciplinary
and Emerging Issues (IE)
course (3 credits) may count
towards CORE
and the Arts
1 Literature
1 The History or Theory
of the Arts
1 other Humanities and
the Arts
(HL, HA, HO)
or Interdisciplinary and
Emerging Issues (IE*)
CORE – Distributive
Science and Mathematics
– 3 courses required
– Courses in this category are
satisfied by Engineering major
• 1 Lab Science
– Please input PHYS260/261
– Taken typically in your Soph Yr
• 1 Science
– Please input ENES100
• 1 Science or Math
– Please input MATH140
Science and
1 Lab Science
(PL or LL)
PHYS 260
and 261
1 Science
(PS, PL, LS, or LL)
ENES 100
1 Science or
Mathematics and
Formal Reasoning
(PS, PL, LS, LL, or MS)
MATH 140
CORE – Distributive
Social Sciences and History
– 3 courses required
• Later today, you will pick options
you are interested in taking for
these categories
• *Only ONE Interdisciplinary and
Emerging Issues (IE) course (3
credits) may count towards
Social Sciences and
1 Social or Political History
1 Behavioral and Social
Sciences (SB)
1 additional Behavioral
and Social Sciences (SB)
or Interdisciplinary and
Emerging Issues (IE*)
CORE – Advanced Studies
& Human Cultural Diversity
Advanced Studies
– Two upper level 3-credit courses
outside of your major (may
include an approved CORE
Capstone course)
– See your individual major
curriculum sheet or an advisor for
further guidelines
Human Cultural Diversity
– 1 course required
– May be double counted with one
of the Distributive Studies
Advanced Studies
3xx/4xx Level Course
3xx/4xx Level Course
Math Placement Exam
(MPE) Result
We will now return your MPE Result, please
listen for your name.
Math Placement Exam
(MPE) Result
• Your MPE eligibility is highlighted
• Highest math eligibility is MATH140 for this exam
• Acceptable sequence of lower-level math courses:
MATH220 is NOT acceptable as Calculus I
• Required sequence for most engineering degrees
Math Placement Policies
The Clark School relies on the Math Placement
Exam to place students into the most appropriate
course up to MATH140 for the Fall semester
• Engineering does not consider Math SAT results in
determining math placement
• Confirmed AP or IB scores on your UM transcript or official
score reports will override MPE result (up to MATH140)
– If there is a discrepancy between MPE result and AP/IB
scores, please discuss this with an advisor
• If MPE result is lower than your AP/IB score and you do not
have confirmation of the score, please speak with an
Math Placement Exam
Students may retake the Math Placement Exam
• May only retake the MPE once per semester
• Utilize the MPE practice test and resources provided to help
you prepare for your retake
• Must request the retake via email at:
– Include your name and UID in the email
• More information and resources are available at:
UM Transcript
AP/IB and Transfer Credits
• Your printed transcript reflects what UM currently has on record
for you
– If you feel it is missing information, speak with your advisor tomorrow
• If there are courses on your transcript that you do not
understand, speak with an advisor tomorrow
– Examples include PHYS141, PSYC100, GVPT170, ENGL240
Freshman Schedule
Builder (FSB)
On the front:
• The purple boxes refer to required major courses/labs
• A sample schedule is provided in the blue box
– Basic outline for most students, adjustable for all majors
• Utilize the ENGL101 box to determine whether or not you are
exempt from the Fundamental English requirement (FE)
On the back:
• The blue boxes refer to optional courses
• The red boxes refer to special program courses which are required
Freshman Schedule
Builder (FSB)
Math course selection
• AP/IB Credit
– Depending upon your AP/IB score, you may have earned credit for MATH140
and/or MATH141
– You may elect to retake a math course for which you have earned credit
• MATH340 and MATH341 are courses available by invite only
• Students in the Honors Programs may register for “H” versions of
math courses
• Input your math course into the first green box
Freshman Schedule
Builder (FSB)
Fundamental English requirement (FE)
• Exemptions from the FE requirement
– SAT Critical Reading score
• Credit for FE requirement
– AP Language and Composition score of a 4 or 5
• Must be attempted in your first 30 credits at UM
– Bioengineering students should take ENGL101 in the spring
• Students in the Honors Programs may register for the “H”
version of ENGL101
• Input your English course in the second green box, write
‘exempt’ OR input ‘Spring Term’ (if you are BIOE)
Freshman Schedule
Builder (FSB)
Engineering Sciences courses (ENES100 and 102)
• Co-requisite of MATH140
• Completion of ENES100 and ENES102 required for Aerospace,
Bioengineering, Civil, Fire Protection, Materials and Mechanical
Engineering programs
– Take ENES102 in the Fall, ENES100 in the Spring
– Students in the Honors Programs should register for ENES102H
• Completion of only ENES100 required for Electrical, Computer
and Chemical Engineering programs
– Take ENES100 in the Fall
• Undecided students should speak with an advisor
• Input ENES100, 102, or 102H in the third green box
Freshman Schedule
Builder (FSB)
General Chemistry for Engineers (CHEM135)
• Co-requisite of MATH115
• Credit for equivalent to CHEM135
– AP score of a 5 OR IB score of a 6 or a 7 (AP CHEM271 accepted for
• Input CHEM135 in fourth green box, if needed
General Chemistry Lab for Engineers (CHEM136)
• Required for Chemical, Material Science, and Bioengineering
• Credit for equivalent to CHEM136
– AP score of a 4 OR IB score of a 5 (AP CHEM132 accepted for CHEM136)
• Input CHEM136 in fourth green box with CHEM135, if needed
Freshman Schedule
Builder (FSB)
Possible Courses for your Major
• Review purple major boxes for required/suggested courses
• Input any further coursework in the fifth/sixth green boxes
– Ex. ENAE100 for Aerospace Engineers
• ENEE140: Exemption exam offered OR AP credit
– JAVA A: score of a 5
– JAVA AB: score of a 4 OR 5
• CMSC131: Exemption exam offered OR AP credit
– JAVA A: score of a 5
– JAVA AB: score of a 4 OR 5
• If you have the above exemption, input ENEE150 for Electrical
Majors and CMSC132 for Computer Engineering Majors
Contact the department for more information about exemption exams
Freshman Schedule
Builder (FSB)
Optional Course Offerings
• Undecided students are recommended to register for a onecredit seminar first semester (e.g. ENES181, UNIV100) or
departmental one-credit courses of interest
• Many optional courses are only offered in the fall semester
Special Program Courses
• Please consult your Special Program sheets for other
– Involvement with multiple special programs may require speaking with an
advisor due to limit of 17 credits
CORE General Education Options
• In the orange boxes, list 5-7 CORE courses for which you
would be willing to register
Show What You Know!
• Question #1
– How many credits do
you need to complete
to earn an Engineering
• Answer
– 120 credits (124 for
Aerospace majors)
• Question #3
– What is an IE course and how
many can be used to satisfy
• Answer
– Interdisciplinary and
Emerging Issues
– Only ONE (3) credit IE course
will apply towards CORE
• Question #2
– In order to complete 120
credits in 4 years, how
many credits would you
need to take each fall
and spring semester?
• Answer
– 15 credits per semester
(for 8 semesters)
Show What You Know!
• Question #4
– Who is your
primary advisor
once you declare
a major?
• Answer
– Your departmental
• Question #6
– What is the corequisite for
• Answer
– MATH140
• Question #5
– In which Math course
must you achieve a
2.0 for the 45 Credit
Review Benchmark?
• Answer
– MATH141
Show What You Know!
• Question #7
– What is the maximum number of credits
for which you can register in the Fall
• Answer
– 17 credits
• Question #8
– What should you bring to
orientation tomorrow?
• Answer
– Everything! (CORE Folder, FSB,
MPE Letter, list of desired courses,
Go Terps!