
Bibliography [CV Section 12]
Peer-Reviewed Articles
S Harrington and T Smith “The Role of Chemotherapy at the End of Life: ‘When is
enough, enough?’” JAMA 2008; 299 (22): 2667-2678.
Primary author, high-impact journal. Cited 78 times in most recent search. Reported in
several news articles after publication, including the NY Times Health section.
J Khatcheressian, S Harrington, L Lyckholm, T Smith “Futile Care: What to Do When
Your Patient Insists on Chemotherapy That Won’t Likely Help?” Oncology 2008; 22 (8):
Second author, practical review article
Yanni LM, Weaver MF, Johnson BA, Morgan LA, Harrington SE, Ketchum JM.
Management of chronic nonmalignant pain: A needs assessment in an Internal
Medicine Resident Continuity Clinic. J Opioid Manage. 2008;4(4):201.
Resident during initial study, wrote most of the IRB and helped with data collection and
reporting. Researched background and wrote intro/background portion of the paper.
L Yanni, JW Priestly, J Schlesinger, J Ketchum, S Harrington “Development of a
Comprehensive E-Learning Training Resource in Pain Management” Pain Medicine.
2009; 10(1): 95-105.
Yanni LM, Ketchum JM, Harrington SE “Preparation, Confidence, and Attitudes about
Chronic Noncancer Pain in Graduate Medical Education” Journal of Graduate Medical
Education. 2010; 2(2): 260-268.
One of 5 members of team who wrote the VCUHS online pain curriculum. The first
article described the process of developing and publishing the curriculum. The second
article was using pre- and post-test data of residents who went through the curriculum
intervention. Dr. Harrington wrote the resident study IRB, collected and analyzed data,
and wrote several sections of the final article.
Swetz KM, Harrington SE, Matsuyama RK, Shanafelt TD, Lyckholm LJ “Strategies for
Avoiding Burnout in Hospice and Palliative Medicine” Journal of Palliative Medicine.
2009; 12(9): 773-7.
Co-author. Highly involved in study and paper.
Harrington SE and Smith T “Providing Palliative Care and Transitioning Patients to
Hospice: How Oncologists and Palliative Care Specialists Can Work Together.”
Community Oncology. 2010; 7(3): 67-72.
Primary author. Practical paper in oncology journal.
Kunther A, Safar M, Kyasa MJ, Makhoul I, Harrington S, Mehta P “Addressing End-ofLife Care – When the Patient or Family Doesn’t Want to Let Go.” Federal Practitioner.
2010; 27 (5): 34-36.
Mentor to Hem/Onc fellow (primary author). Based on a case initially presented at
Hem/Onc ethics conference with fellow.
Coyne P, Lyckholm L, Bobb B, Blaney-Brouse D, Harrington S, Yanni L “Managing Pain
with Algorithms: An Opportunity for Improvement? Or: The Development and
Utilization of Algorithms to Manage Acute Pain” Journal of Pain Management Nursing;
Available online Dec 2011.
Description of a novel pain algorithm piloted at VCUHS. Worked with primary author in
creating the original algorithms. Contributed to the paper.
Harrington SE, Curseen K, Devan R. “Updates in Palliative Medicine” Journal of
Arkansas Medical Society. 2013; 10 (2): 34-37.
Primary author, focus on Palliative Care in Arkansas.
Book Chapters
Harrington SE, Smith TJ. The Role of Chemotherapy at the End of Life: “When is
Enough, Enough?” In: McPhee SJ, Winkler MA, Rabow MW, Pantilat SZ, Markowitz
AJ, eds. Care at the Close of Life: Evidence and Experience. New York, NY: McGrawHill; 2011: 285-300.
JAMA (2008) article made into a book chapter. Updated evidence and references to reflect upto-date evidence-based medicine and practice.
Curseen, K and Harrington, S. “Ethics” Geriatric Rehabilitation. Ed. Kevin Means.
New York, NY: Demos Medical Publishing, 2012.
Curseen K and Harrington, S. “Palliative Care” Geriatric Rehabilitation. Ed. Kevin
Means. New York, NY: Demos Medical Publishing, 2012.
Short practical chapters in a Geriatric Rehab textbook.
Weinstein, S., Portenoy, R, Harrington, S. UNIPAC 3: Assessing and Treating Pain.
Hospice and Palliative Care Training Series for Physicians: A self-study program.
Published by the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 4th Edition,
May 2012.
UNIPAC is a 9-book comprehensive study program for hospice and palliative care
providers that reviews the latest evidence and best practices in palliative care. Many
places use these books as the ‘foundation’ texts for palliative care fellowships, or as
comprehensive study guides for the HPM Boards. The above UNIPAC book was 67
pages long and had 270 references. Dr. Harrington was one of 3 authors who wrote the
3rd book in the series, which focused on pain assessment and treatment. Dr. Harrington
also wrote the post-test questions and answers/explanations for the online CME portion
of this publication.
“Medical Student Preclinical Attitudes about Chronic Nonmalignant Pain” Scientific
Abstract Southern SGIM Regional Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2007
“Internal Medicine Residents’ Management of Chronic Nonmalignant Pain: Deficits and
Inconsistencies” Scientific Abstract Southern SGIM Regional Meeting, New Orleans, LA,
February 2007
“Preventing Burnout in HPM Fellowship Program” Oral abstract, AAHPM Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, LA 2013.
“Chronic Nonmalignant Pain Management: An Online Competency-Based Curriculum”
Society of General Internal Medicine International Conference, Toronto, Canada, May