Course Contents

Fall Semester (1st Semester)
ECON 151 Principles of Economics (3, 0, 3, 3)
Nature, scope and methods of economics; theories of supply and demand; economic
systems and the role of government; theories of production and consumer behavior in
regulated and unregulated industries; market structures and pricing practices.
IENG 101- Chemistry (3, 0, 3, 3)
Properties of matter. Atoms, molecules, ions, chemical compounds, chemical reactions.
Reactions in solutions, gases and thermo chemistry. Periodic table and some atomic
properties. Chemical bonding. Liquids and solids. Solutions and physical properties. Acids
and bases.
SOFL 101- Academic English I (3, 0, 3, 3)
Introduces strategies of essay writing on various subjects and topics, including essays of
analyzing, defining, contrasting and comparing. Besides, the course aims to develop
students’ grammatical competence and verbal skills in English.
MATH 111- Calculus I (3, 2, 4, 6)
Functions and Models, Limits and Derivatives, Differentiation Rules, Applications of
Derivatives, Integration, Applications of Definite Integrals.
EENG 111- Physics I (3, 2, 4, 6)
Measurement; vectors. Motion in one dimension. Plane motion. Dynamics of particles.
Work and energy. Collision. Kinetics of rotation. Oscillation. Inflection of the mass. Fluid
mechanics. Heat and thermal expansion. Thermodynamics.
CENG 131- Introduction to Computing (3, 2, 4, 6)
Problem solving using computers. The concept and notation of algorithms. Problem analysis
and algorithm design. Development of algorithms and their implementation in a procedureoriented language. Topics include; Integrated programming environment (editing,
computing, debugging), data types, operators, input/output, structured programming,
program control, subprograms, passing parameters .Arrays and array processing..
TURK 011- Turkish I (2, 0, 2, 1)
The purpose of this course is to teach the students the fundamental characteristics of the
Turkish language, linguistics and grammar. Over the course by using some stories, novels
and poems of Turkish writers, the use of Turkish as a literary language will be illustrated.
Additionally, the relationship between the Turkish language and culture, and the
significance of language in expressing and expending culture will be illustrated with various
Spring Semester ( 2nd Semester)
IENG 102 - Introduction to Industrial Engineering (3, 0, 3, 4)
The history of Industrial Engineering. Illustrations of main methods and applications.
Industrial engineering profession. Industrial engineering tools and techniques. Scientific
research methodology. Preparing technical reports, posters, papers and proceedings, project
proposals, projects etc. Some applications in Industrial Engineering . Industrial Engineering
science. Models and approaches in Industrial Engineering. The future of Industrial
IENG 104 - Computer Aided Drawing (1, 2, 2, 4)
This course intends to enable students to use AutoCAD. Includes theories of projection,
section views, basic dimensioning, tolerance and other important parts of the software
package. Introduction to interactive computer graphics systems with emphasis on its
application in engineering design. Engineering graphics for manufacturing. Emphasis on
preparation and use of detail drawings.
Computer aided design is a significant tool for all designers. AutoCAD 2007 software is used
to improve the design capability of students.
SOFL 102- Academic English II (3, 0, 3, 3)
Introduces strategies of essay writing on various subjects and topics; including essays of
analyzing, defining, contrasting and comparing. Besides, the course aims to develop
students’ grammatical competence and verbal skills in English.
MATH 112- Calculus II (3, 2, 4, 6)
Integrals and Transcendental Functions, Techniques of Integration, Further Applications of
Integrations, Partial Derivatives, Multiple Integrals.
EENG 112- Physics II (3, 2, 4, 6)
Charge and matters, The electric fields and Gauss’ law, Electrical potential, Capacitors and
dielectrics, Current and resistance, Electromotive force and electric circuits Magnetic field
and Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law, Inductance and L-C-R circuits, .Magnetic properties of
solids, Alternating Currents, Electromagnetic waves, Optics, Wave optics and interference.
Diffraction. Light and quantum physics
CENG 132- Computer Programming (3 ,2, 4, 6)
Introduction to computer programming languages. Basic programming with C language,
learning tools and concepts. High level structured programming languages, developing
designs, algorithms and coding. Fault management, documentation and basic abilities of
writing programs.
Fall Semester ( 3rd Semester)
IENG 201- Engineering Mechanics (3, 0, 3, 5)
Basic Concepts, System of Units. Statics of Particles. Rigid Bodies : Equivalent Systems of
Forces. Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies. Distributed Forces: Centroids and Centers of Gravity.
Analysis of Structures: Trusses, Frames and Machines. Friction. Kinematics of Particles.
Kinetics of Particles: Energy and Momentum Methods. Kinematics of Rigid Bodies.
IENG 205 - Engineering Economics (3, 0, 3, 5)
This course introduces the analytical techniques and approaches required to perform
economical analysis of engineering design alternatives, investment options and engineering
projects for the purpose of obtaining the highest financial return or saving. Basic topics of
this course include the time value money, basic interest formulas, present and annual worth
analysis, rate of return analysis, cost-benefit analysis, depreciation, taxes and effects of
IENG 211- Engineering Statistics I (3, 0, 3, 5)
Introduction: Population and Sample. Statistical Investigation. Inference from tables and
graphs. Measures of central tendency. Measures of variability. Probability. Random
variables and expectation. Discrete and continuous random variables and related
MATH 213- Linear Algebra (2, 2, 3, 5)
Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices. Gauss-Jordan Elimination. Matrices and Matrix
Algebra. The Inverse of a Matrix. Determinants. Properties of Determinants. Applications of
Determinant. Cramer’s Rule. Vector Spaces. Bases and Dimension. Rank of a Matrix.
Orthonormal Vectors and Projections in Rn. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Linear
MATH 210- Differential Equations (2, 2, 3, 5)
First Order Differential Equations. Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients.
Bernoulli Equations. Linear Differential Equations. D Operator. Homogenous Linear
Differential Equations. Simultaneous Linear Differential Equations with Constant
Coefficients. Laplace Transformations. Inverse Laplace Transform. Heaviside’s Expansion
Formula. Application to Differential Equations. Simultaneous Ordinary Differential
Equations. The Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations by the Laplace Transforms.
HIST 011- Principles Of Atatürk And History Of Revolution I (2, 0, 2, 1)
The reasons and forms of New Turkish Republic from Ottoman Empire, the revolutions
related to New Republic, the reasons that led Turkish Revolution and research of the
important stages of Independence War, baseline of Turkish Republic Government and
scientific interpretation of the basic principles in Constitution.
Spring Semester ( 4th Semester)
EENG 242- Fundamentals of Electronics (2, 2, 3, 5)
Circuit Theory, Kirchhoff's laws and applications, Resistive Circuits, The Node –Voltage and
The Mesh-Current Methods, Source Transformations, Thevenin and Norton Equivalent
Circuits, Maximum Power Transfer, Alternating currents with complex numbers,
Semiconductors, hole and electron diffusion, p-n junctions- diodes, Zener diodes, Diode
regulators, Clipper and rectifier circuits.
IENG 202- Work Study (2, 2, 3, 3)
Basic concepts. Method study. Operations analysis. Proposed method implementation. Time
study. Standard time calculations. Work sampling. Predetermined time systems. Wage
payment.. Process design. Work methods design.
IENG 216- Manufacturing Materials and Processes (2, 2, 3, 5)
Mechanical, physical and electric properties of materials, factors affecting the strength of
materials, engineering materials: steels and alloys, polymers, glasses and ceramics,
fundamental manufacturing processes: machining, casting, joining and finishing, materials
and process selection from a technical and economical point of view and basic parts design
and processing practice on a CNC machine.
MATH 232- Numerical Analysis (2, 2, 3, 5)
Operators. Collocation Polynomials. The Taylor Polynomials. Interpolation and Prediction.
Some Methods of Numerical Integration. Gaussian Integration. Singular Integrals. Sums and
Series. Difference and Differential Equations. Least-Squares Polynomial Approximation.
Min-Max Polynomial Approximation. Nonlinear Algebra.
IENG 212- Engineering Statistics II (3, 0, 3, 5)
Sampling and sampling distribution. Confidence interval for the mean of a normal
distribution. Confidence interval for population proportion. Confidence intervals for
differences between means and proportions of two populations. Hypothesis tests for means
and proportions. Hypothesis tests for the difference between two population means and
proportions. Correlation, regression, non-parametric tests.
IENG 214- Cost Analysis In Engineering (3, 0, 3, 5)
Introduction to financial accounting and costing, introduction to acounting terms, cost
management, cost sources, cost-quantity-profit relations, costing in manufacturing services,
activity based costing, inventory costing, management and control systems, cost tracking,
cost of time and quality
Fall Semester ( 5th Semester)
IENG 301- Operations Research I (2, 2, 3, 5)
Introduction to Operations Research (OR). OR methodology. Introduction to mathematical
modeling, concept of optimization. Linear models. Geometry of inequalities and graphical
solution of mathematical linear models. Algebraic solutions. Simplex method. Duality.
Revised simplex method. Sensitivity analysis. Assignment and transportation models and
solution techniques. Mathematical models from different industrial engineering topics.
Solutions of models using computer software.
IENG 303- Quality Engineering (3, 0, 3, 4)
Quality concept, total quality management, control and test. Identifying control points.
Sampling. Statistical process control. Quality control and quality key numbers Acceptance
sampling and inspection. Quality assurance systems, ISO 9000, CE ,etc. certification.
Drafting a quality manual. Application of standard statistical methods. Structure of a quality
management system. Contemporary issues in quality management.
IENG 305- Engineering Thermodynamics (3, 0, 3, 3)
Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics, Energy Transfer and General Energy Analysis,
Properties of Pure Substances; Zeroth, First, Second, Third Laws of Thermodynamics,
Entropy and applications, Gas Power Cycles, Refrigeration Cycles.
IENG 307- Information Systems Analysis (2, 2, 3, 3)
Techniques, tools and perspectives essential for system analysts. Effective and efficient uses
of computers in business as a problem solving tool. Topics also include data flow diagrams,
information systems components, creating information systems, requirements structuring
and process modeling, data-driven systems architecture, telecommunications, productivity
techniques, and mini-projects related to computer-based solutions to business problems.
IENG 321- Project Planning and Management (2, 2, 3, 4)
Introduction and basic concepts. Classification of projects. Project management techniques.
Introduction of engineering ethics. Costs and benefits of project management techniques.
Stages of project management. Network drawing. Source planning and speeding of project.
Utilization of engineering design process and project management techniques in proposal
development. Case studies. Computer aided project management.
Spring Semester ( 6th Semester)
IENG 302- Operations Research II (2, 2, 3, 5)
Introduction to Integer programming. Integer programming models. Solution techniques of
integer programming: Branch-and-bound algorithm, cutting-plane method. Integer
programming applications. Dynamic programming. Forward and backward recursive
algorithms. Introduction to Queuing Theory. Analysis of basic queuing systems.
Introduction to Non-linear programming.
IENG 304- Facilities Planning and Design (2, 2, 3, 5)
The objective of this course is to teach the general principles of the design of manufacturing
and service systems with an emphasis on quantitative methods. Topics of this course include
objectives and scope of facilities planning, facilities locations: factors affecting the facilities
location decisions and mathematical models, product, facilities layout: calculation of
machine fractions and manpower requirements, basic layout types, analytical models for
layout design, computer-aided layout design, personnel requirements, material handling
equipment and warehousing.
IENG 312 – System Simulation (2, 2, 3, 5)
Fundamentals of simulation. Concept of modeling. Types of modeling. Simple discrete event
simulation models. Random numbers and generation of random numbers. Random
variables. Probability distributions. Input analysis and distribution fitting. Output analysis of
simulation. Variance reduction techniques. Modern simulation languages and environments.
Computer applications and experiments of simulation for production and service systems.
IENG 314- Production Systems Planning and Control I (3, 0, 3, 6)
Design of production planning systems using mathematical, computational and other
modern analytical techniques. Master scheduling including bill-of-material, and inventory
master file. Assembly line balancing. Job sequencing and scheduling. Forecasting, integrated
production-inventory systems, deterministic inventory and lot-sizing models, multi-echelon
supply networks, machine scheduling and CRP.
HIST 012- Principles Of Atatürk And History Of Revolution II (2, 0, 2, 1)
The revolutions which are actualized on political, legal, social, economical and cultural
fields, foreign policy of Atatürk’s period; determining the new economy policy; Armenian
issue, domestic and foreign developments between 1938-1945 and 1945-1950.
TURK 012- Turkish II (2, 0, 2, 1)
The purpose of this course is to teach the students the fundamental characteristics of the
Turkish language, linguistics and grammar. Over the course by using some stories, novels
and poems of Turkish writers, the use of Turkish as a literary language will be illustrated.
Additionally, the relationship between the Turkish language and culture will be illustrated
with various examples.
Fall Semester ( 7th Semester)
IENG 415- Production Systems Planning and Control II (3, 0, 3, 6)
Just in time systems (JIT), cellular manufacturing systems, uniform scheduling, lean
manufacturing, optimized manufacturing systems and bottleneck systems, theory of
constraints, metrial requirement planning ang benchmarking optimized manufacturing
IENG 417- Human Factors Engineering (2, 2, 3, 4)
The relation between work study and ergonomics. The main elements of man-machine
systems. The general principles of Ergonomics. Anthropometry. Productivity and human
work. Energy expenditure. Psychological aspects of work. Physical and social environment
of work. Design of machines, operations, human computer interface and work environment
to match human capacities and limitations, including the handicapped situations. Ergonomic
and physiological capacity. Measuring mental work load. Measuring physical work load.
Alternative methods for increasing the productivity.
IENG 419- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (2, 2, 3, 4)
Definition and evolution of ERP. Following modules of any basic ERP system will be
introduced to the students using a commercial ERP software: Basic applications and
development tools (BAS Basic Module, SYS Systems Management, DEV TROIA
Development Tool). Purchasing Management (PUR Purchasing, VER Invoice Control).
Material Management (INV Inventory Management, QLT Quality Control, MRP Material
Requirement Planning). Finance and Accounting (FIN General Accounting, BUD Budget
Management, COS Cost Center Accounting). Engineering (BOM Bill of Material, ROU
Routing, CAL Product Costing). Sales and Customer Relationship Management (SAL Sales
Management, CRM Customer Relationship Management, SRV Service Management, EXP
Export Management). Production (PRD Production planning and Control, CAP Capacity
Planning, PRC Product Costing, MNT Maintenance Management). Human Resources
Management (HCM1 Personel Management, HCM2 Human Resource Management).
Spring Semester ( 8th Semester)
IENG 402-Integrated Manufacturing Systems (2, 2, 3, 5)
Introduction to automation, computer aided manufacturing. Group technology (NC, CNC
and DNC Systems). Parts Programming. Introduction to CAD/CAM Systems. CAQ, CAPP
Systems. Manufacturing, inventory philosophies (JIT, MRP, OPT), Factory of Future,
Automation of Manufacturing Processes.
IENG 410- Stochastic Models (3, 0, 3, 5)
Basic probability theory; random variables and stochastic processes; including, counting
processes, Bernoulli process, Poisson processes, renewal processes, discrete time Markow
chains, continuous time Markow chains and queuing systems. Emphases on the engineering
applications including, basic reliability modeling, warranty modeling, acceptance sampling,
inventory control, maintenance modeling and so on.
IENG 442- Graduation Project (0, 6, 3, 5)
Utilization of industrial engineering skills and engineering design concepts including
development of alternative solutions and economic analysis of alternatives to complete an
industrial project.
IENG 408- Occupational Safety and Health (2, 0, 2, 3)
Basis of occupational safety and health, safety of chemicals and products, fire protection and
prevention, safety and health for SME's, occupational and enviremental disease, personal
protective equipments, transportation of products, safety and healy for managers and
supervisors, ergonomic factors and health conitions in office environment.
LAWS 260 – Business Law (3, 0, 3, 4)
The meaning and comprehension (individual – collective business) of business law and the
fundamental concepts of business law is being analysed, the establishment and dissolution of
the contract, the legal results of the dissolution of the business relation, working periods,
overtimes, holidays, permissions, etc. are being explained.
Warning : This course is given in Turkish.
LAWS 280 – Commerce Law (3, 0, 3, 4)
This is an introductory course, dealing with commercial legal resposibilities of the merchant,
types of firms and valuable papers that can be used in commercial life.The purpose of this
course is to inform students about the Turkish legal system related to commerce and about
the Turkish Commercial Code. This course concentrates on the distinctive characteristics and
functioning of being a merchant. It aims to provide an introduction to the provisions related
to the commercial enterprises and firms and valuable papers of the Turkish Commercial
Warning : This course is given in Turkish.
BUSN 355 – E-COMMERCE (3, 0, 3, 5)
Basic business practices using electronic commerce and examination the aspects of electronic
commerce. Current practices and opportunities in electronic shopping, electronic
distribution and database issues. In addition, security, privacy, intellectual property and
economic analysis
BUSN 401 Marketing Research (3, 0, 3, 5)
Marketing research process, research and application arrangements, data analysis with
statistical computer programs, comparison of researches of different market types and case
IENG 364 -Decision Models (2, 2, 3, 4)
Focus on quantitative and qualitative decision models and techniques for technical and
managerial problems with emphasis on application and interpretation of results. Topics
include decision trees, influence diagrams, weighting methods, value of information,
Analytic Hierarchy Process, utility theory, and so on.
IENG 366- Introduction to Industrial Management (2, 2, 3, 4)
Manufacturing, marketing, accounting, finance, human resources management in worldwide
companies, basic concepts and functions of research and system development,
relationships with information technology, understanding of organizations, organizational
culture, and organizational operations, data flow architecture of corporate organizations,
database driven e-commerce systems, feasibility analysis, CASE tools, sample case studies on
industrial management.
IENG 368 - Introduction To Energy Systems Management (2, 2, 3, 4)
This course will be an introduction to the field of energy studies. Students will be
encouraged to investigate and debate how we currently produce and use energy in our
society and some of the economic, technical, social and environmental issues this raises.
Topics include oil depletion, global warning, Solar Energy, Wind Power, Hydrogen Energy,
sustainable Biomass Energy. A study of the efficient use of energy in buildings, factories and
transport systems; techniques for measuring and monitoring energy use; design principles to
minimize energy use in buildings and devices and an assessment of the relative costs of
energy conservation and energy production in various applications.
IENG 461- Advanced Topics in IE I(2, 2, 3, 4)
An examination of new developments or current practices in industrial engineering. Special
topics will be selected for this course and the content of this course may vary from semester
to semester. Possible topics include production planning and control, job sequencing and
scheduling, inventory control and management, modern heuristic methods for continuous
and discrete/combinatorial optimization problems etc.
IENG 463- Lean and Agile Business Systems (2, 2, 3, 4)
Historical development of production systems, basic concepts of Toyota Production System:
customer value approach, lean thinking and Takt time, types of wastes and methods of
elimination, 5S, push and pull systems, Kanban cards, lean manufacturing implementation
steps, agility concept in manufacturing and service systems, real-life applications.
IENG 467 - Introduction to Fuzzy Logic (2, 2, 3, 4)
This course introduces the fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic and examines their applications in the
industrial engineering field. The topics covered in this course include necessity of fuzzy
modeling, definition and mathematical representation of fuzzy sets and fuzzy numbers,
fuzzy arithmetics, defuzzification methods, Boolean and fuzzy logic, fuzzy inference
methods, fuzzy expert systems and fuzzy decision making. MATLAB, Fuzzy Logic Tool-Box,
Neural Network Tool-Box and FuzzyTech software will be used throughout this course..
IENG 473- Industrial Psychology (2, 2, 3, 4)
This course is a basis for understanding the psychology behind the workplace. Subjects
include job analysis, psychological testing, interviewing, performance appraisal,
employment law, leadership, motivation, training, job satisfaction, job evaluation,
organizational theory, and research methods.
IENG 471-Knowledge Based Business Models (2, 2, 3, 4)
Knowledge-intensive business services ( KIBS), fastest growing areas of the world economy.
Discussing some articles in the sector forms of services and knowledge-intensive
activities, knowledge-intensive business services in the world, key similarities and
differences in their development across countries. Issues of outsourcing, the
internationalization of services, and the growth in demand for certain forms of knowledge.
IENG 452- Computer Based Ergonomy (2, 2, 3, 4)
Introduces the fundamentals and applications of industrial ergonomics for improving
equipment, tool, workplace, and job design. Engineers, as well as safety and health
professionals, will benefit from the course by understanding the design principles for human
operators and current issues in industrial ergonomics, and a variety of evaluating
methodologies for the design. Functional anatomy of the human body, work physiology and
body energy expenditure, and biomechanics for people at work. Commonly used analytical
tools for ergonomics will be introduced in the course.
IENG 454- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (2, 2, 3, 4)
Definition of intelligence and Artificial Intelligence (AI), historical development, related
disciplines, fields of AI: expert systems, fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks, genetic
algorithms and robotics and industrial applications of AI. Students are expected to perform
various design and applications by using MATLAB, Fuzzy Logic Tool-Box and Neural
Network Tool-Box.
IENG 456- Cognitive Work Design Principles (2, 2, 3, 4)
Design and evaluation of cognitive work, including the human/computer interface, visual
displays, software design, and automated system monitoring, with emphasis on human
performance. Information theory. Human information processing model. Perception and
signal detection theory. General design principles. Human computer interaction.
IENG 468- Quantitative Methods In Supply Chain Management (2, 2, 3, 4)
Logistics studies of the efficient delivery of goods and services. A total-cost approach
involves not only the obvious vehicle-routing issues but also shipment size and mix,
warehouse location, product design, and customer services. Study of real companies'
logistics problems. Fundamentals of supply chain management. Use of material and supply
chain management in manufacturing and service organizations to reduce inventory levels
while providing adequate service to customers. That lecture includes the design applications
such as determination of convenience of supply chain models with data analysis, selecting
the right model, customizing for the current firm or sector, and appearing and solving the
related problems. That is why especially in system data analysis phase, in design of
information, money and property flow, SAP R/3, SPSS, MS VISIO programs are used.
IENG 464- Advanced Topics in IE II (2, 2, 3, 4)
An examination of new developments or current practices in industrial engineering. Topics
will be selected for thorough study and content of this course may vary from semester to
semester. Possible topics include production planning and control, job sequencing and
scheduling, inventory control and management, modern heuristic methods for continuous
and discrete/combinatorial optimization problems etc…
IENG 466- Mathematical Modeling and Applications (2, 2, 3, 4)
Development of mathematical models for real life problems. Examples of optimization
software and modeling languages. Large scale optimization models and computer solutions.
Basic heuristics of optimization problems.
UFND 010 - Human Sciences (2, 0, 2, 2)
Introduction to human science, sociology, social anthropology, psychology. Historical
development, basic terminology and theories of human sciences.
UFND 020 - Techniques Of Reporting And Presenting (2, 0, 2, 2)
Presentation techniques required to visually present a product idea. Presentation techniques
for various designs to customer or producer before implementation. Computer programs to
assist this process and techniques to use them.
UFND 030 - Design Culture (2, 0, 2, 2)
Interaction of designs like art objects, daily used objects and architectural structures with
culture. Reflection of cultural structures like mythology, religion, life styles and economy to
art and design.
UFND 040 - Aesthetics (2, 0, 2, 2)
Theories of aesthetics theorists like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hume, Burke, Kant, Schiller,
Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Benjamin, Heidegger, Brecht, Adorno and their reflections to past
current art.
UFND 050 - Ethics (2, 0, 2, 2)
Study of basic theories of ethical philosophy of Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Kant, Mill,
Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Camus, Sartre and their reflection to today’s ethical problems.
UFND 060 - Project Design (2, 0, 2, 2)
Stages of various products from idea to consumer and reflection of this process to design.
Production techniques, economics, target audience, marketing and their relationships to
UFND 070 - Social Responsibility Project** (0, 2, 1, 1)
Social Responsibility course offers a cutting-edge and practical instruction to prepare
individuals for leadership roles and other activities related to civic engagement, public
service, social action and environmental sustainability.
**This course can be taken in any one of eight semesters