S en I ors - St. Cloud High

Class of 2010
Meet Your St. Cloud
HS Administrators…
Ms. Tapley, Principal
Ms. Luttrell, Assistant Principal
Mr. Hague, Assistant Principal
Visit Our Guidance
Make an appointment !
Staff to… Come
in before school,
Ms. Buehler
during lunch, or after
school to make an
appointment to see your
counselor. Walk-ins will
still be seen during
lunches, but…
appointments are better
for you!
Ms. Woodruff, Data Specialist
See Ms. Barber in the College & Career Center
GPA: Cumulative 2.0
Pass: FCAT R&M
24 Total Credits:
4 – English
3 – Math (Algebra 1 or equivalent)
3 - Social Studies
World History
American History
Econ/Am Government
3 – Science
.5 – Health: LMS
.5 – Personal Fitness
.5 – Physical Education
.5 – Fine Art**
.5 – Practical Art**
8.5 – Electives
** - Or 1 full credit of either
What direction?
Do you have a professional looking
Dress the part – Dress for Success.
See if they have tuition
Get hands on experience.
Bombed the FCAT - Options
Walk with the class, receive a Certificate of Completion, and retake FCAT
until you pass.
Take the SAT and ACT – qualifying scores.
Take the GED.
Attend a technical center for more training.
Take a job that does not require a HS diploma.
Go to Community College and get an AA Degree after passing the CPT –
must have completed grad credit requirements AND have a 2.0 GPA.
Check out local opportunities at TECO. Don’t forget Mid-Florida
Tech, Westside Tech, Orlando Vo-Tech, or Winter Park Tech, or
the NEW Avalon Technical Center in Orlando/Orange County!
Community Colleges have technical programs with certification
and licensure. Check out their web site – www.valencia.cc.fl.us.
Bright Futures may be used at Technical Centers & Community
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard
Lots of benefits, e.g., housing, uniforms, tech
training, college funding, etc.
Check in Student Services for more
See a recruiter
Complete Application online at www.valenciacc.net
any time after January 1 – the earlier, the better!
VCC dual enrolled students do not reapply - send final
transcript only!
Take the Computer Placement Test (CPT) in the spring
at Valencia
Attend VCC registration and orientation in the late
Request a final transcript to be sent after graduation
Complete an application (available in either hard copy or online). The state
universities all prefer the online application. ALWAYS complete required and optional
Submit a transcript request through Prep HQ (??? - See Ms. Barber in College & Career
) No fee for Florida public universities or Valencia CC.
Apply even if you do NOT have SAT or ACT scores yet. Scores can be sent later – don’t
Important - submit OFFICIAL SAT and ACT scores from www.collegeboard.com and/or
Algebra II and 2 consecutive years of the same foreign language are minimum
requirements to attend a 4-year college or university.
Request a “final” transcript in May to be sent after graduation (Part of Senior Survey
on Prep HQ).
Request and complete applications (available online) and submit by
the due date. Visit the College and Career Center if you need internet
services at school. The Common Application is available at
Request a transcript through Prep HQ (??? – see Ms. Barber). There is
a $2 fee for private colleges and out of state schools.
Take mid-year reports, recommendation requests, & counselor
sections to your guidance counselor at least 2 weeks before the due
Request a final transcript through Prep HQ in May (Senior Survey).
PLAN AHEAD – Check deadlines & complete applications early!
Let’s talk about
Log in to Prep HQ and click on Transcript Request.
ADD Transcript Request.
Choose school in drop-down box or type in school if not listed.
NO FEE for transcripts sent to Florida public universities or Valencia
Community College.
$2.00 fee for hard copy transcript to private universities (in-state or outof-state) or out-of-state public universities or community colleges.
Plan Ahead – 24 hour delay to send ALL
Alphabet Soup
CEEB: 101-485
The ACT is given 6 times a year, the SAT 7 times a year. These are College Entrance Examinations. Check in
Guidance or go to the web pages.
Check registration deadlines for the ACT and SAT. It costs more $ to register late and even more to stand by. On
free or reduced lunch? See your counselor for a fee waiver (you may receive 2 lifetime ACT and 2 SAT fee waivers).
Some Universities & colleges will look at your best combined scores; however they do not integrate scores from the
two tests. Send all scores—they look at progress too.
Take a prep course & participate in a practice SAT or ACT before taking the test. It can make a huge difference!
ACT or SAT may also be used as an alternative to FCAT.
More Alphabet Soup…
PSAT: Preliminary Scholastic Assessment Test
SAT II: These are subject achievement tests use in some colleges and universities – usually used
for placement in classes
CPT: College Placement Test – Required by Community Colleges
FCAT: Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. You must pass both Reading and Math to
receive a standard high school diploma.
ASVAB: Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
TOEFL: College Placement Test for Native speakers of a foreign language – check to make sure
the college you are interested in will accept this test.
Average tuition and fees as follows:
4-year Public Institution
2-year Public Institution
4-year Private Institution
Room & Board/Public $8,728
Books/miscellaneous $4,600
Fsu—estimated costs
What will
That depends – you must consider the cost of tuition, books, room, food,
transportation, parking, clothing.
Stetson university- Estimated costs:
University of Miami- estimated costs:
rollins college—estimated: $51,857
Scholarships & Financial Aid
Sources of money – there are 3
Family and your self
Scholarships based on exceptional talent: athletic, academic or artistic
Financial Aid:
a. Based on family income
b. Application: FAFSA on line. Plus individual college’s financial aid application.
c. Based on parent’s 1040 IRS form
d. How is it figured?:
Cost of University – Family contributions = Financial Aid
Types of Financial Aid:
F.G.S.L; and P.L.U.S
Pell Grant, S.E.O.G.
College Work Study:
College a
Family Contribution -
Financial Aid
University B:
Family Contribution
Financial Aid
Can come from Teachers or Counselors
Require a completed Brag Sheet or English class
Give plenty of time – 2 weeks
Scholarships, Private colleges, some Public
Provide stamped, addressed envelopes for all
May need extra requests
Communication is the key – stay in touch
Bright Futures
FAS: Florida Academic Scholarship
 3.5 GPA in selected subjects
 75 hours community service
 1270 SAT or 28 ACT
FMS*: Florida Medallion Scholarship
 3.0 GPA in selected subjects
 970 SAT or 20 ACT
 3.0 in selected subjects
 3.5 in 3 vocational subjects
 SAT – 880
 – 440 verbal, 440 math
 ACT – 17 English
 18 Reading
 19 Math
 CPT – 83 – Reading
 83 – Sentence Structure
 72 - Mathematics
* See www.florida studentfinancialaid.org for changes in awards and renewal
Bright Futures
You may apply online at www.floridastudentfinancialaid.org after
December 1 of senior year.
Counselors & Ms. Barber will help you apply in the College and
Career Center.
REMEMBER! These scholarships are good at any Florida state
university or community college. GSV is also good at a technical
school, community college, college or university.
BF may be used at a private Florida college or university, but BF
will only pay what it would pay at a public college or university.
Other Financial Aid
Federal aid: Remember to file your 2010 FAFSA after January 1 at
http://www.fafsa.ed.gov . If you plan to attend college during summer
following graduation, you must also file a 2009 FAFSA.
Prep HQ: Scholarship opportunities and links to applications are listed.
Check routinely and get organized!
Attend Financial Aid Workshops
Scholarship news on the web:
What it takes to get in:
Based on information on entering freshman class of 2009
FSU: 3.4-4.2, GPA; SAT: minimum 1730;-1960; ACT: 26-29
UF: 4.3 – 4.4; GPA. SAT: 1970-2090; ACT: 30-32
*2008 class
*Stetson: 3.69 Average GPA in a college prep curriculum; average
SAT 1030-1240 (CR & M) or ACT 21-24
*Rollins: B+ average in college prep classes; average SAT 11801590 and average ACT 26-35
University of Florida
When should I apply?
Deadlines: Apply between July 1 and November 1 (earlier is better!).
Applications received later then November 1 will be considered on a
space available basis only.
Do not procrastinate!
Admissions to FSU
Freshman Requirements
Admissions Criteria
a "B+" average in all academic subjects (additional weight is assigned to Honors, Dual
Enrollment, and AP coursework) 3.46– 4.12 using only academic subjects.
26-29 Composite ACT or a 1730-1960 Combined Verbal, Math, & Writing SAT
Written essays
The following are also considered:
Quality of Course work and Curriculum
Class Rank
Educational Objectives
Community Service
Visual and performing artists and skilled athletes may receive additional consideration.
NEXT Magazine
Important sections for Seniors
66 Scholarships
How to buy a car
Budgeting basics
Picking a College
Career and College Planners
Financial Aid
In demand jobs/careers
Florida Colleges and Universities listed in the back
College and Career Center
Available computers with internet access. You
Sign up for ACT and SAT!
Check scholarship opportunities on Prep HQ!
Work on college & scholarship applications & essays!
Remember to update Prep HQ!
Register with the NCAA Clearinghouse! Log on at
Apply/update Bright Futures!
Pick up literature on colleges & universities!
See Ms Barber for help!
Use Prep HQ & the Saint Cloud HS website, www.schs.osceola.k12.fl.us, to
check important senior news.
Remember to see your counselor often senior year!
Submit recommendation requests (brag sheets) 2 weeks before needed.
Order hard copy transcripts at least 2 business days before needed – the
$2.00 charge must be paid before printing.
Most scholarships require transcripts – BE PREPARED!
All “final” transcripts are ordered when the Senior Survey is available on
Prep HQ (Spring ’10), but they are not sent to colleges until after school is
It is your responsibility to make up any work you
missed today while attending this seminar!!
Have a remarkable senior year! It is what you make it!!