“The Green Office: How to be more environmentally conscious at work” Presented by: Vanessa M. Graber Hispanic Family Center 2009 Employee Retreat Overview • Facts and figures on energy consumption • Importance of an environmentally conscious workplace • Tips on how to contribute to a green office • Watch two videos which show us ways to be “green” • Share ideas for implementation The Problem of Energy Consumption • Global warming occurs when extra carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse gases” move into the atmosphere and Earth’s temperatures go up as a result. • Carbon dioxide is found in green plants, especially trees, and in fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and gas. • So, the more fossil fuel energy we use and the more paper products we buy, the more we contribute to global warming. • Scientists predict by the year 2050, the population will grow to 9 billion. • More people = less resources. – So, let’s save resources now! Carbon Footprint • What, might you ask, is a carbon footprint? – The measure of the amount of carbon dioxide -the major man-made global warming greenhouse gas -- that goes into the atmosphere as you go about your daily life. Carbon Footprint • Efficiency is the least expensive way to cut down on your carbon footprint. • On average, every American is responsible for about 22 tons of carbon dioxide emissions every year, according to statistics compiled by the United Nations. That is far above the world average of 6 tons per capita. Importance of Being Environmentally Conscious • Wasteful energy consumption can contribute to such environmental problems as deforestation and global warming. • Simple workplace activities have impacts that are not visible to us and that may extend beyond our life times. • The choices that we make in buying products, how we use them, and how we dispose of them have wide reaching environmental impacts. Importance of Being Environmentally Conscious • We have the power to take control of our wasteful actions and change our environment! • By saving the agency money and resources, more can be invested into quality programming for our clients. • We can be a GREEN leader for other organizations in Camden. Resource Areas • Electricity • Heating and cooling • Paper and other office products • Water • Transportation Green Dollars • HFC spends _____ each year on the following: – Energy costs: – Gas: – Office Supplies: – Water: “It’s not easy being Green” • HFC uses 45-60,000 gallons of potable water a month & 60 gallons of drinking water • We use 3,000-3,800 kWh of power each month • We use 35,000 sheets of paper for copies each month Save Electricity Facts: • Electrical appliances (including chargers) draw power from the outlet when plugged in, even when they are turned off • If every US computer and monitor were shut off at night, the nation could shut down 8 large power stations and avoid emitting 7 million tons of Carbon Dioxide each year. • IBM found it saved $17.8 million one year when it encouraged employees to turn off equipment and lights when not needed. Save Electricity • Lighting – Shut off lights when not in use • Office equipment – Turn off computers, copiers, printers, scanners, etc. when not in use (especially during vacations and holidays) • Electronic devices – Unplug cell phone and MP3 player chargers when finished charging Save Electricity Energy saving tips: • Put your computer to sleep when you leave the office for a short period of time. • Put appliances on a power strip; you can turn off plugged in items all at once! • Activate sleep mode for copiers, printers, and fax machines so they will sense inactive periods. Heating and Cooling Facts: • Heating, cooling, and powering office spaces are responsible for almost 40% of carbon dioxide emissions in the US. • Heating, cooling and ventilation accounts for about 39% of the energy use in a typical office • An adjustment of only a degree or two can cut heating or cooling bills by 2-3%, three or four degrees can produce savings of 10% or more. • For example, moving a thermostat down two degrees in winter and up two degrees in summer will save 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide and $98 a year. Heating and Cooling Energy saving tips: • Keep the office thermostat at no more than 70 degrees • Keep a sweater or light jacket during cold weather • Make sure windows are closed • Try to keep outside doors shut to keep air inside • Keep blinds closed to keep air insulated Save Paper Facts: • The average U.S. office worker goes through 10-12,000 sheets of copy paper a year. • As single-sided 10 page letter costs $0.84 to mail domestically. • The same letter copied on both sides of paper (on only 5 sheets of paper) costs $0.43 for postage. Save Paper Facts: • In the US over 40% of municipal solid waste is paper – about 71.8 million tons each year. • Every ton of recycled paper saves: – 4,100 kilo whatts of energy – 7,000 gallons of water – 60 lbs. of air emissions – 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space Save Paper Paper Saving Tips: • Make it a habit to print on both sides • Reduce the document size to print two pages on each side of the sheet of paper (For a total of 4 pages on 1 sheet). • Use the back side of old documents for faxes, scrap paper, or drafts. • Distribute memos via email and review documents on your computer screen. Save Paper Paper Saving Tips: • Recycle paper which can’t be used again. • Shred confidential documents instead of throwing them away (this way they can still be recycled). • Examine files for unnecessary pages which do not need to be printed. • For large quantities of printing, use the copier (it uses less ink and costs less). Save Office Products Product Saving Tips • Use reusable dishes and cups instead of paper, plastic, and Styrofoam products. • Use scrap paper instead of Post-its. • Only take products that you need and use. • Update files and reuse file folders. • Use napkins, paper towels, and toilet paper conservatively (take what you need). Save Water Facts: • The United States uses about 346,000 million gallons of fresh water every day. • The average person in the United States uses anywhere from 80-100 gallons of water per day. Flushing the toilet actually takes up the largest amount of this water. • People in rich countries use 10 times more water than those in poor ones Save Water Water Saving Tips: • Report leaky (or running) plumbing and faucets by filing a building report to Clay • Avoid letting water from faucets run when not directly in use. • Ask who’s drinking coffee before you make an entire pot. • Don’t use the toilet as a trash can for tissues and trash. Transportation • An average car, driven 10,000 miles in one year releases 5.5 tons of carbon dioxide into the environment Transportation Gas Saving Tips: • Carpool! – Share rides with coworkers who live in the area – Find a carpool budding for regularly scheduled meetings • Try to multi-task when you are out running errands • Don't Idle in Your Car – Idling wastes money and gas, and generates pollution and global warming causing emissions. Except when in traffic, turn your engine off if you must wait for more than 30 seconds. How to Videos • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isrgGzf_oj4 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDWLVSZvTn8 Educate Others • Share your green tips with others (especially clients). • Encourage each other to practice environmentally conscious behaviors. • Find new ways to be green at home and at work. • Lead by example. Conclusion • Our actions have a direct impact on the environment. • By being environmentally conscious we can preserve resources, save money, and reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. • By making simple changes to our work habits, we can create big changes in the environment. • By educating others we can have a bigger, more positive impact on the world!