陈宏 教授简介 陈宏,男,1955 年 12 月生,陕西省西安市人,遗传学博士、博士后,教授 (二级),现为西北农林科技大学动物遗传育种与繁殖学科、遗传学学科博士生 导师、学术带头人。国务院政府特殊津贴获得者、全国优秀农业科教工作者、陕 西省高等学校教学名师、陕西省师德标兵、西北农林科技大学拔尖人才支持计划 入选者、西北农林科技大学“教学名师支持计划”入选者,2012 年获全国宝钢优 秀教师奖。 1.研究方向 生物技术与家畜育种,动物基因组与功能研究、动物遗传资源与利用研究。 2.教育及研究经历 1996 年至 1998 年在德国耶拿大学,博士后; 1992 年至 1996 年在德国萨尔大学,遗传学博士; 1991 年至 1992 年在德国吉森大学,作访问学者; 1987 年至 1990 年:西北农业大学动物遗传育种学研究生,硕士; 1978 年 2 至月 1981 年 12 月:西北农业大学畜牧系畜牧专业本科,学士。 3.学术兼职 第四、第五届国家教育部科学技术委员会生命科学部委员; 国家肉牛牦牛产业技术体系遗传育种岗位专家; 中国细胞生物学学会常务理事; 中国畜牧兽医学会动物遗传标记学分会副理事长; 中国畜牧兽医学会养牛学分会副理事长; 中国农业生物技术学会动物生物技术学分会理事; 中国畜牧兽医学会动物遗传育种学分会理事; 中国黄牛育种委员会常务理事兼副秘书长; 中国肉牛经济专业委员会常务理事; 中国牛业协会理事; 农业部教材建设专家委员会委员; 中国西门塔尔牛育种委员会理事; 陕西省学位委员会委员; 陕西省遗传学会副理事长; 陕西省秦川牛产业协会副理事长; 陕西省细胞生物学学会副理事长; 陕西省生物化学与分子生物学学会副理事长; 《中国牛业科学》杂志主编; 《中国农业科学》栏目主审专家、《遗传》、《西北农林科技大学学报》、 《现代生物医学进展》、《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》、《中国草食动物》 编委; 西北农林科技大学学术委员会委员、第七、第八届学位委员会委员; 西北农林科技大学生物技术中心和陕西省农业分子生物学重点实验室副主 任兼动物部主任; 西北农林科技大学动物科技学院教授委员会副主任; 动物科学系主任; 担任 BMC Genomics, Plos one,Animal Genetics, Gene, Genome, Molecular Biology Reports, Livestock Science, Small Ruminant Research, Biochemical Genetics, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 等二十余种 SCI 期刊以及 《中国科学》、《中国农业科学》、《畜牧兽医学报》、《农业生物技术学报》、 《生态学报》等期刊的审稿专家。 4.教学及成果 多年来,一直从事动物遗传育种,细胞遗传、分子遗传、动物基因工程和现 代生物技术等教学工作。先后承担本科《动物遗传学》、《基因工程》和《学科 导论》,硕士研究生《分子遗传学》、《细胞遗传学》和《动物基因工程》,博 士研究生《遗传育种研究专题》、《现代生物技术专题》等课程。 先后编写教材和论著 12 部,其中主编国家十一五规划教材《基因工程》、 面向 21 世纪全国统编教材《基因工程原理与应用》和《基因工程实验技术》、 副主编全国统编教材《新编遗传学教程》、《动物分子生物学》、《动物遗传资 源学》和《中国黄牛学》,参编全国统编教材《动物遗传学》、《现代生物技术 概论》和《国外动物生产新技术》,主编成人教育教材《动物遗传育种学》;并 自编教材《动物遗传学实验指导》(本科用)、《细胞遗传学实验指导》(研究 生用)和《分子遗传学实验指导》(研究生用)及《遗传学习题集》等。2006 年《基因工程原理与应用》获全国农林高校优秀教材,2007 年获陕西省优秀教 材二等奖。2001 年“动物遗传育种系列课程教学改革与实践”获陕西省教学优秀 成果二等奖。2007 年“遗传工程教学实验示范中心创建及开放运行机制探讨”获 陕西省教学优秀成果一等奖。所负责的《动物遗传学》于 2009 年获得“国家级精 品课程”,所负责的动物遗传学教学团队 2010 年获“陕西省教学团队”,2013 年《动 物遗传学》列为国家资源共享课,2010 年获得西北农林科技大学“教学名师支持 计划”、2010 年获得《分子遗传学》研究生优质课程支持计划。已培养硕士研究 生 76 名,博士研究生 36 名(其中 1 人次获“全国优秀博士学位论文提名”,1 人 次获“陕西省优秀博士学位论文”,3 人获得教育部博士学术新人奖,多人次获得 “校长优秀论文奖励基金”和国家奖学金);目前在读硕士研究生 11 名,博士研 究生 14 名。 5.科研及成果 多年来,一直从事肉牛、奶牛和山羊等家畜的遗传育种、动物基因组及功能、 动物遗传资源与利用等方面的科学研究工作。多年来,先后主持 863 计划项目 3 项,参加 2 项;主持国家自然科学基金项目 5 项、国家支撑计划子项目 2 项、国 家肉牛转基因育种重大专项子课题 3 项,中华农业科教基金、教育部博士点基金、 农业部国家肉牛产业技术体系项目、陕西省“13115”重点和省自然科学基金项目 等各类科研项目 30 余项。 在肉牛、奶牛、奶山羊重要经济性状相关功能基因研究方面已取得了重要研 究进展。已在国内外重要学术期刊发表论文 350 余篇,其中 SCI 收录论文 210 余篇。获得各类科技奖项 30 余次,其中获的国家科技进步二等奖 1 项,获得省 科技进步一等奖 2 项、二等奖 2 项,三等奖 3 项。陕西省自然科学优秀论文一、 二、三等奖多项。2008 年“中国主要牛种经济性状分子遗传研究”通过教育部成 果鉴定(第一名),2008 年“南阳牛肉用性状分子育种关键技术研究”项目通过 河南省科技成果鉴定(第一名)。获得国家发明专利 31 项。 多年来的研究成果分别发表在《Scientific Reports》、《BMC Genomics》、 《Plos one》、《Genetics Selection Evolution》、《Animal Genetics》、《Mamm Genome》、《Analytical Biochemistry》、《Genetica》、《Research in Veterinary Science》、《Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications》、《Analytical methods》、《General and Comparative Endocrinology》、《Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology》、 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》、 《Gene》、 《Genome》、 《Comp. Biochem. Physiol.》、《Molecular Biology Reports》、《Molecular Biotechnology》、《Journal of Biosciences》、《Livestock Science》、《Animal Biotechnology》、《Small Ruminant Research》、《Canadian Journal of Animal Sciences》、《J Virol Methods》、《遗传学报》、《动物学报》、《中国农业科 学》、《畜牧兽医学报》、《生物工程学报》、《中国生物化学与分子生物学学 报》、《农业生物技术学报》等国内外重要学术刊物上。 发表的部分论文如下:*: 通讯作者 2014 年 1.Yong-Zhen Huang, Liang-Zhi Zhang, Xin-Sheng Lai, Ming-Xun Li, Yu-Jia Sun, Cong-Jun Li, Xian-Yong Lan, Chu-Zhao Lei, Chun-Lei Zhang, Xin Zhao & Hong Chen*. Transcription Factor ZBED6 Mediates IGF2 Gene Expression by Regulating Promoter Activity and DNA Methylation in Myoblasts. Scientific Reports, 2014,4 : 4570. 2.Yong-Zhen Huang,Jia-Jie Sun, Liang-Zhi Zhang, Cong-Jun Li, James E. Womack, Zhuan-Jian Li, Xian-Yong Lan, Chu-Zhao Lei, Chun-Lei Zhang, Xin Zhao & Hong Chen*. Genome-wide DNA Methylation Profiles and Their Relationships with mRNA and the microRNA Transcriptome in Bovine Muscle Tissue (Bos taurine)。 Scientific Reports,2014,4: 6546. 3.Liangzhi Zhang,Shangang Jia,Mingjuan Yang,Yao Xu,Congjun Li,Jiajie Sun,Yongzhen Huang,Xianyong Lan,Chuzhao Lei,Yang Zhou,Chunlei Zhang, Xin Zhao,and Hong Chen*. Detection of copy number variations and their effects in Chinese bulls. BMC Genomics,2014,15:480. 4.Liushuai Hua, Jing Wang, Mingxun Li, Xiaomei Sun, Liangzhi Zhang, Chuzhao Lei, Xianyong Lan, Xingtang Fang, Xin Zhao, Hong Chen*. An Asp7Gly Substitution in PPARG Is Associated with Decreased Transcriptional Activation Activity. PLoS ONE,2014,9(1): e86954. 5.Jiajie Sun, Yang Zhou, Hanfang Cai, Xianyong Lan, Chuzhao Lei, Xin Zhao, Chunlei Zhang, Hong Chen*. Discovery of Novel and Differentially Expressed MicroRNAs between Fetal and Adult Backfat in Cattle. PLoS ONE,2014,9(2): e90244. 6.Jiajie Sun Bowen Zhang, Xianyong Lan, Chunlei Zhang, Chuzhao Lei, Hong Chen*. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Significant Differences in MicroRNA Expression and Their Target Genes between Adipose and Muscular Tissues in Cattle. PLoS ONE,2014,9(7):e102142. 7.Yang Zhou, Jiajie Sun, Congjun Li, Yanhong Wang, Lan Li, Hanfang Cai, Xianyong Lan, Chuzhao Lei, Xin Zhao, Hong Chen*. Characterization of Transcriptional Complexity during Adipose Tissue Development in Bovines of Different Ages and Sexes. PLoS ONE,2014,9(7):e101261. 8.Yanhong Wang, Chunlei Zhang, Xingtang Fang, Yulong Zhao, Xiaohui Chen, Jiajie Sun, Yang Zhou, Jianjin Wang, Yongan Wang, Xianyong Lan, Hong Chen*. (2014) Identification and Profiling of microRNAs and Their Target Genes from Developing Caprine Skeletal Muscle. PLoS ONE,2014,9(5): e96857. 9.Liangzhi Zhang, Mingjuan Yang, Congjun Li, Yao Xu, Jiajie Sun, Chuzhao Lei, Xianyong Lan, Chunlei Zhang, Hong Chen*. Identification and genetic effect of a variable duplication in the promoter region of the cattle ADIPOQ gene. Animal Genetics,2014,45(2):171-179. 10.Y. Zhou, H. Cai, Y. Xu, J. Sun, X. Lan, C. Lei and H. Chen*. Novel isoforms of the bovine Nuclear factor I/X (CCAAT-binding transcription factor) transcript products and their diverse expression profiles. Animal Genetics, 2014,45, 581–584. 11.Mingxun Li, Xiaomei Sun, Jing Jiang, Yujia Sun, Xianyong Lan, Chuzhao Lei, Chunlei Zhang and Hong Chen*. Tetra-primer ARMS–PCR is an efficient SNP genotyping method: with an example from SIRT2. Analytical methods, 2014, 6:1835. 12.Yong-Zhen Huang,Zhao-Yang Zhan,Yu-JiaSun,Xiu-Kai Cao,Ming-XunLi, Jing Wang,Xian-Yong Lan,Chu-Zhao Lei,Chun-Lei Zhang,HongChen*.Intragenic DNA methylation status down-regulates bovine IGF2 gene expression in different developmental stages. Gene,2014,534:356-361. 13.Mei Liu, Mijie Li, Shaoqiang Wang, Yao Xu, Xianyong Lan, Zhuanjian Li, Chuzhao Lei, Dongying Yang, Yutang Jia,Hong Chen*. Association analysis of bovine Foxa2 gene single sequence variant and haplotype combinations with growth traits in Chinese cattle. Gene,2014, 536(2):385–392. 14.Yao Xu,Tao Shi,Hanfang Cai,Yang Zhou,Xianyong Lan,Chunlei Zhang, Chuzhao Lei,Xinglei Qi,Hong Chen*. Associations of MYH3 gene copy number variations with transcriptional expression and growth traits in Chinese cattle. Gene, 2014, 535(2):106–111. 15.Zi-nian Wang, Mi-jie Li, Xian-yong Lan, Ming-xun Li, Chu-zhao Lei, Hong Chen*. Tetra-primer ARMS-PCR identifies the novel genetic variations of bovine HNF-4 alpha gene associating with growth traits. Gene,2014,546:206–213. (IF=2.082) 16.Yonglong Dang, Mingxun Li, Mingjuan Yang, Xiukai Cao, Xianyong Lan, Chuzhao Lei, Chunlei Zhang, Qing Lin, Hong Chen*. Identification of bovine NPC1 gene cSNPs and their effects on body size traits of Qinchuan cattle. Gene,2014, 540:153-160. 17.Gang Ren, Yong-Zhen Huang, Tian-Bao Wei, Jun-Xia Liu, Xian-Yong Lan, Chu-ZhaoLei,Chun-Lei Zhang, Zhi-Ying Zhang, Xing-Lei Qi, Hong Chen*. Linkage disequilibrium and haplotype distribution of the bovine LHX4 gene in relation to growth. Gene,2014, 538:354–360. 18.Zhuan-jian Li,Wen-jiao Guo,Ya-dong Tian,Rui-li Han,Yu-jia Sun,Jing Xue,Xian-yong Lan,Hong Chen* . Characterisation of the genetic effects of the ADFP gene and its association with production traits in dairy goats. Gene,2014, 538 (2):244–250. 19.Mijie Li,Mei Liu,Dong Liu,Xianyong Lan,Chuzhao Lei,Hong Chen*. The novel coding region SNPs of PPARGC1A gene and their associations with growth traits in Chinese native cattle. Mol Biol Rep,2014,41:39-44. 20.Yong-Zhen Huang,Zhao-Yang Zhan,Xin-Yi Li,Sheng-Ru Wu,Yu-Jia Sun, Jing Xue,Xian-Yong Lan,Chu-Zhao Lei,Chun-Lei Zhang,HongChen*. SNP and haplotype analysis reveal IGF2 variants associated with growth traits in Chinese Qinchuan cattle. Mol Biol Rep,2014,41:591–598. 21.Yao Xu,Hanfang Cai,Yang Zhou,Tao Shi,Xianyong Lan,Chunlei Zhang, Chuzhao Lei,Yutang Jia,Hong Chen*. SNP and haplotype analysis of paired box 3 (PAX3) gene provide evidence for association with growth traits in Chinese cattle. Mol Biol Rep,2014,41: 4295–4303. 22.L.-Z. Zhang, G. Ren, L.-S. Hua, X.-Y. Lan, C.-Z. Lei and H. Chen*. Polymorphism in the 5-UTR of the insulin-like growth factor I gene associated with production traits in Chinese cattle. Genetics and Molecular Research,2014,13 (3): 6899-6905. 23.Jiajie Sun, Limin Shan, Chunlei Zhang and Hong Chen*. Haplotype combination of the bovine PCSK1 gene sequence variants and association with growth traits in Jiaxian cattle. J. Genet. 2014,93, e123–e129. 24.Huang YZ, Sun YJ, Zhan ZY, Li MX, Wang J, Xue J, Lan XY, Lei CZ, Zhang CL, Chen H*. Expression, SNP Identification, Linkage Disequilibrium, and Haplotype Association Analysis of the Growth Suppressor Gene ZBED6 in Qinchuan Beef Cattle. Anim Biotechnol,2014,25(1): 35-54. 2013 年: 25.Jiajie Sun, Mijie Li, Zhuanjian Li, Jing Xue, Xianyong Lan, Chunlei Zhang, Chuzhao Lei, Hong Chen*. Identification and profiling of conserved and novel microRNAs from Chinese Qinchuan bovine longissimus thoracis. BMC Genomics, 2013, 14: 42. 26.Yong-Zhen Huang,Ming-Xun Li,Jing Wang,Zhao-Yang Zhan,Yu-Jia Sun, Jia-Jie Sun, Cong-Jun Li,Xian-Yong Lan,Chu-Zhao Lei,Chun-Lei Zhang,Hong Chen*. A 5′- Regulatory Region and Two Coding Region Polymorphisms Modulate Promoter Activity and Gene Expression of the Growth Suppressor Gene ZBED6 in Cattle. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(11): e79744. 27.Ming-xun Li, Xiao-mei Sun, Liang-zhi Zhang, Jing Wang, Yong-zhen Huang,Yu-jia Sun. Shen-rong Hu, Hong Chen*. A novel -274 C > G polymorphism in bovine SIRT1 gene contributes to diminished promoter activity and increased body size. Animal Genetics,2013, 44(5): 584-587. 28.Yao Xu,Liangzhi Zhang,Tao Shi,Yang Zhou,Hanfang Cai,Xianyong Lan, Chunlei Zhang,Chuzhao Lei,Hong Chen*. Copy number variations of MICAL-L2shaping gene expression contribute to different phenotypes of cattle. Mamm Genome,2013,24:508–516. 29.Hanfang Cai, Aimin Li, Xianyong Lan, Chuzhao Lei, Hong Chen*. Genetic variations of HGF gene and their effects on growth traits in Chinese cattle . Research in Veterinary Science, 2013, 95(2): 483-488. 30.Yong-Zhen Huang,Yong-Jie Jing,Tian-Bao Wei,Xian-Yong Lan,Chu-Zhao Lei,Chun-Lei Zhang,Hong Chen*. The effect of haplotype variation in the bovine PAX6 gene. Mol Biol Rep,2013, 40(12): 6775-6784. 31.Jing Wang,Xiukai Cao,Hong Pan,Liushuai Hua,Mingjuan Yang,Chuzhao Lei,Xianyong Lan & Hong Chen*. Cell death-inducing DFFA-like effector c (CIDEC/Fsp27) gene: molecular cloning, sequence characterization, tissue distribution and polymorphisms in Chinese cattles. Mol Biol Rep,2013, 40(12): 6765-6774. 32.Wang A,Zhang Y,Li M,Lan X,Wang J,Chen H*. SNP identification in FBXO32 gene and their associations with growth traits in cattle. Gene,2013, 515(1): 181-186. 33.Xiao-Mei Sun,Ming-Xun Li, Ai-Min Li, Xian-Yong Lan, Chu-Zhao Lei, Wei Ma, Liu-shuai Hua, Jing Wang, Shen-Rong Hu, Hong Chen*. Two novel intronic polymorphisms of bovine FGF21 gene are associated with body weight at 18 months in Chinese cattle. Livestock Science,2013,155:23–29. (IF=1.249) 34.Yong-Zhen Huang, Ke-Yi Wang, Hua He,Qing-Wu Shen, Chu-Zhao Lei, Xian-Yong Lan, Chun-Lei Zhang, and Hong Chen*. Haplotype distribution in the GLI3 gene and their associations with growth traits in cattle. Gene, 2013, 513(1): 141–146. 35.Yao Xu, Yang Zhou, Ning Wang, Xianyong Lan, Chunlei Zhang, Chuzhao Lei, and Hong Chen*. Integrating haplotypes and single genetic variability effects of the Pax7 gene on growth traits in two cattle breeds. Genome, 2013, 56: 9–15. 36.Yong-Zhen Huang, Zhao-Yang Zhan, Yu-Jia Sun, Jing Wang, Ming-Xun Li, Xian-Yong Lan, Chu-Zhao Lei, Chun-Lei Zhang, and Hong Chen*. Comparative analysis of the IGF2 and ZBED6 gene variants and haplotypes reveals significant effect of growth traits in cattle. Genome,2013,56: 327–334. 37.Yong-Zhen Huang,Jing Wang,Zhao-Yang Zhan,Xiu-Kai Cao,Yu-JiaSun, Xian-Yong Lan,Chu-ZhaoLei,Chun-Lei Zhang,Hong Chen*. Assessment of association between variants and haplotypes of the IGF2 gene in beef cattle. Gene, 2013,528:139-145. 38.Yong-Zhen Huang,Hua He,Zhao-Yang Zhan,Yu-Jia Sun,Ming-Xun Li, Xian-Yong Lan,Chu-Zhao Lei,Chun-Lei Zhang,Hong Chen*. Relationship of polymorphisms within ZBED6 gene and growth traits in beef cattle. Gene,2013,526: 107–111. 39.Jing Wang, Chen Wang, Qianqian Zhang, Yuan Gao, Mingjuan Yang, Yao Xu, Hong Chen*. Impacts of single nucleotide polymorphisms and haplotypes in the bovine Dapper1gene on body weight. Genetics and Molecular Research,2013,12(2): 1254-1268. 40.Xinsheng Lai,Chenge Zhang,Jing Wang,Chen Wang,Xianyong Lan, Chenlei Zhang,Chuzhao Lei,Hong Chen*. mRNA expression pattern and association study with growth traits of bovine vaspin gene. Mol Biol Rep,2013,40: 4499–4505. 41.Jing Xue, Yujia Sun, Wenjiao Guo, Ziqi Yang, Huibin Tian, Chunlei Zhang, Chuzhao Lei, Xianyong Lan, Hong Chen*. Haplotypes and effects on growth traits of bovineWnt7agene in Chinese Qinchuan cattle. Gene,2013,524(2):241-245. 42.Mingxun Li, Xiaomei Sun, Liushuai Hua, Xinsheng Lai, Xianyong Lan, Chuzhao Lei, Chunlei Zhang, Xinglei Qi,Hong Chen*. SIRT1 gene polymorphisms are associated with growth traits in Nanyang cattle. Molecular and Cellular Probes, 2013, 27(7-8): 215-220. 43.Mingxun Li, Xiaomei Sun, Liushuai Hua, Yongzhen Huang, Jing Wang, Xiukai Cao, Zhaoyang Zhan, Xianyong Lan, Chunlei Zhang,Shanzhai Liu, Hong Chen*. Molecular characterization, alternative splicing and expression analysis of bovine DBC1. Gene,2013,527(2): 689-693. 44.Mingjuan Yang,Junhui Fu,Xianyong Lan,Yujia Sun,Chuzhao Lei,Chunlei Zhang,Hong Chen*. Effect of genetic variations within the SH2B2 gene on the growth of Chinese cattle. Gene,2013,528:314–319. 45.Yong-Zhen Huang,Xin-Lei Wang,Hua He,Xian-Yong Lan,Chu-Zhao Lei, Chun-Lei Zhang,Hong Chen*. Identification and genetic effect of haplotype in the bovine BMP7gene. Gene,2013,532:281–287. 46.Zhou, Yang, Li C, Cai Hanfang, Xu Yao, Lan Xianyong, Lei Chuzhao & Chen Hong*. Novel polymorphisms of the APOA2 gene and its promoter region affect body traits in cattle. Gene, 2013,531(2): 288-293. 47.Xiu-Kai Cao,JingWang,Xian-Yong Lan,Chu-Zhao Lei,Chun-Lei Zhang, Xing-Lei Qi,Hong Chen*. Genetic variants in BMP8B gene are associated with growth traits in Chinese native cattle. Gene,2013,532:108–113. 48.Liangzhi Zhang, Mijie Li, Xinsheng Lai, Mingjuan Yang, Yao Xu, Liushuai Hua, Xianyong Lan, Chunlei Zhang, Hong Chen*. Haplotype combination of polymorphisms in the ADIPOQ gene promoter is associated with growth traits in Qinchuan cattle. Genome, 2013, 56(7): 389-394. 49.Xinsheng Lai, Chenge Zhang, Jing Wang, Chen Wang, Xianyong Lan, Chuzhao Lei, Hong Chen*. Developmental expression patterns and association study with growth traits of bovine Bhlhe40 gene. Molecular Biology, 2013, 47(5):774-781. 50.Lan Xian-Yong,Zhao Hai-Yu,Li Zhuan-Jian,Zhou Rui,Pan Chuan-Ying, Lei Chu-Zhao and Chen Hong*. Exploring the Novel Genetic Variant of PITX1 Gene and Its Effect on Milk Performance in Dairy Goats. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(1): 118-126. 51.Mijie Li,Mei Liu,Dong Liu,Xianyong Lan,Chuzhao Lei,Dongying Yang, Hong Chen*. Polymorphisms in the promoter region of Chinese bovine PPARGC1A gene. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci, 2013,26(4):483-487. 52.Sun Y., Xue J., Guo W., Li M., Huang Y., Lan X., Lei C., Zhang C. and Chen H*. Haplotypes of bovine FoxO1 gene sequence variants and association with growth traits in Qinchuan cattle. Journal of Genetics,2013,92, e8–e14. 53.Gao Y, Liu D, Ma W, Li A, Lan X, Zhang C, Lei C and Chen H*. Two novel SNPs in the coding region of bovine VDR gene and their associations with growth traits. Journal of Genetics,2013,92, e53–e59. 2012 年: 54.Zhuanjian Li, Xianyong Lan, Wenjiao Guo, Jiajie Sun, Yongzhen Huang, Jing Wang, Tinghua Huang, Chuozhao Lei, Xingtang Fang, Hong Chen*. Comparative Transcriptome Profiling of Dairy Goat MicroRNAs from Dry Period and Peak Lactation Mammary Gland Tissues. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(12): e52388. 55.Yang Zhou, Xianyong Lan, Yao Xu, Bao Zhang, Mijie Li, Yongzhen Huang, Jiajie Sun, Hanfang Cai, Chuzhao Lei, and Hong Chen*. 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