Stock Market Trading Via Stochastic Network Optimization Current price: p1(t) = $5.10 Buy ! Current price: p2(t) = $2.48 Sell ! Michael J. Neely (University of Southern California) Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), Atlanta, GA, Dec. 2010 PDF of paper at: Sponsored in part by the NSF Career CCF-0747525 Problem Setting: •N stocks. •Slotted time t = {0, 1, 2, …}. •Prices p(t) = (p1(t), …, pN(t)). •Stock shares Q(t) = (Q1(t), …, QN(t)) Current price: p1(t) = $5.10 Buy ! Current price: p2(t) = $1.57 Buy ! Current price: p3(t) = $2.03 Sell ! Goal: Make money over time while limiting the investment risk! Limit risk by: •Bounding the max allowable stock level Qnmax. •Bounding the amount buy/sell on a slot. Decision Variables for Buying: •An(t) = Num. shares of stock n bought on slot t. •bn(A) = Buying transaction fee (function of A). Current price = pn(t) Buy ! Expensen(t) = An(t)pn (t) + bn(An (t)) Goal: Make money over time while limiting the investment risk! Limit risk by: •Bounding the max allowable stock level Qnmax. •Bounding the amount buy/sell on a slot. Decision Variables for Selling: •μn(t) = Num. shares of stock n sold on slot t. •sn(μ) = Selling transaction fee (function of μ). Current price = pn(t) Sell ! Revenuen(t) = μn(t)pn (t) - sn(μn (t)) Control Constraints and Decision Structure: Buying Constraints: An(t) in {0, 1, 2, …, μnmax} for all n, t. ∑n An(t)pn(t) ≤ xmax for all t. Selling Constraints: μn(t) in {0, 1, 2, …, μnmax} for all n, t. μn(t) ≤ Qn(t) for all n, t. •Every slot t, observe prices p(t) = (p1(t), …, pN(t)). •Make buying/selling decisions. •Profit(t) = ∑n Revenuen(t) – ∑n Expensesn(t). •Want to maximize time average profit subject to the above constraints. Talk Outline: 1) Design optimal strategy under (simplistic) assumption that price vectors p(t) are i.i.d. over slots. 2) Use same strategy for arbitrary price vectors (assuming only that 0 ≤ pn(t) ≤ pnmax for all t). 3) For arbitrary prices, show the strategy yields profit arbitrarily close to that of an “ideal” algorithm with perfect knowledge of future prices over T-slot frames (for any integer T). “T-slot lookahead metric” Comparison to Related Work: 1) “Portfolio Optimization” (Known or approximate price distributions) [Markowitz 1952][Sharpe 1963][Samuelson 1969] [Rudoy, Rohrs 2008] (Dynamic Programming) 2) “Universal Portfolios” (Arbitrary price sample paths) [Cover 1991][Cover, Ordentlich 1996][Ordentlich, Cover 1998] [Merhav, Feder 1993] Comparison to Related Work: Different Structure for Prior “Universal Portfolio” work: • • • • • • Optimize “growth exponent.” No cap on queue size (more aggressive, but more risk!) Integer constraints relaxed to real numbers. No Transaction fees. Based on “Universal Data Compression.” $$ Solution complexity grows with time. Comparison to ours: • • • Our cap on buy/sell and queue size limits risk, but also limits to only linear growth (*not exponential). Based on “Stochastic Network Optimization.” Simple “max-weight” solution with complexity that is the same for all time. *simple modifications can get back exponential growth. time Solution Strategy: Dynamic Queue Control θn Qn(t) •Want to keep queue size high enough to take advantage of good prices that come along. •Don’t want queues too high (too risky). •Lyapunov Function: L(Q(t)) = ∑n (Qn(t) – θn)2 Control Design: •Lyapunov Function L(Q(t)) •Lyapunov Drift Δ(t) = L(Q(t+1)) – L(Q(t)) •Every slot t, observe Q(t), p(t), and minimize the drift-plus-penalty*: Qn(t) θn Δ(t) + V[Expenses(t) – Revenue(t)] *from stochastic network optimization theory [Georgiadis, Neely, Tassiulas 2006][Neely 2010] Results in the following algorithm: •(Selling) Choose μn(t) to solve: Minimize: [θn– Qn(t) – Vpn(t)]μn(t) + Vsn(μn(t)) Subject to: μn(t) in {0, 1, 2, …, min[Qn(t), μnmax]} Control Design: •Lyapunov Function L(Q(t)) •Lyapunov Drift Δ(t) = L(Q(t+1)) – L(Q(t)) •Every slot t, observe Q(t), p(t), and minimize the drift-plus-penalty*: Qn(t) θn Δ(t) + V[Expenses(t) – Revenue(t)] *from stochastic network optimization theory [Georgiadis, Neely, Tassiulas 2006][Neely 2010] Results in the following algorithm: •(Buying) Choose An(t) to solve: (“knapsack-like” problem) Minimize: ∑n [Qn(t)-θn +Vpn(t)]An(t) + V∑n bn(Αn(t)) Subject to: (already stated) constraints on (An(t)). Theorem (iid case): Choose θn = V pnmax + 2μnmax. Then: Qn(t) θn (a) μnmax ≤ Qn(t) ≤ Vpnmax + 3μnmax (for all t) (b) For all t: E{Time avg. Profit up to t} ≥ Profitopt – B V “Startup Cost” – L(Q(0)) Vt (c) As t infinity, we have with prob. 1: “Profit Gap” limtinfinity [Time avg profit] ≥ Profitopt – B/V Now for arbitrary (possibly non-ergodic) prices: •Compare to an “ideal” T-slot lookahead metric. •ΨT[r] = Optimal Profit over frame r, assuming future stock prices over the frame are known. Frame 0 Frame 1 Frame 2 Now for arbitrary (possibly non-ergodic) prices: •Compare to an “ideal” T-slot lookahead metric. •ΨT[r] = Optimal Profit over frame r, assuming future stock prices over the frame are known. Frame 0 Frame 1 Frame 2 Metric even allows “selling short” Theorem (General Bounded Prices): Under same algorithm as before: (a) μnmax ≤ Qn(t) ≤ Vpnmax + 3μnmax (for all t) (b) For all frame sizes T>0, all integers R>0: Time average profit over RT slots ≥ 1 R-1 CT ∑r=0 ΨΤ[r] RT V - L(Q(0)) RTV Simulations for BlockBuster Stock (BBI): Aug. 11, 1999 – Sept. 11, 2009 Avg Profit = Avg Profit on Trades - (1/t) x Startup Cost + (1/t) x Profit when sell all at end Simulations for BlockBuster Stock (BBI): Aug. 11, 1999 – Sept. 11, 2009 Avg Profit = Avg Profit on Trades - (1/t) x Startup Cost + (1/t) x Profit when sell all at end “Asymptotically Negligible” as t infinity (But very significant for finite t !!!) Parameters: μmax = 20, pmax = 30, V=1000 Compare bound For T=10 (2 weeks), T=100 (20 weeks) : • Avg. Profit on trades ≥ “2-week ideal” – $2.0 • Avg. Profit on trades ≥ “20-week ideal” - $20.0 Simulations for BlockBuster Stock (BBI): 30 Stock Prices (Forward Time) Cumulative Trade Profit (Forward Time) 350000 300000 25 250000 20 200000 15 150000 10 100000 5 50000 0 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 Average Profit Per Transaction = Cum. Trade Profit/t = $81.52 (2-week ideal profit no more than $30.00, 20-week idea profit no more than $60.00) Stock Prices (Backward Time) 35 Cumulative Trade Profit (Backward Time) 350000 300000 30 250000 25 200000 20 150000 15 10 100000 5 50000 0 0 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 Average Profit Per Transaction = Cum. Trade Profit/t = $95.81 What about total profit (including startup costs)? Forward Time: •Trade Profit = $206,343.20 •Startup Cost = $449,097.99 •End Reward = $33,976.80 •Total Profit = -$208,778.00 Reverse Time: •Trade Profit = $242,512.40 •Startup Cost = $35,146.80 •End Reward = $239,499.00 •Total Profit = $446,864.60 What about total profit (including startup costs)? Forward Time: •Trade Profit = $206,343.20 •Startup Cost = $449,097.99 •End Reward = $33,976.80 •Total Profit = -$208,778.00 Reverse Time: •Trade Profit = $242,512.40 •Startup Cost = $35,146.80 •End Reward = $239,499.00 •Total Profit = $446,864.60 What about total profit (including startup costs)? Forward Time: •Trade Profit = $206,343.20 •Startup Cost = $449,097.99 •End Reward = $33,976.80 •Total Profit = -$208,778.00 Reverse Time: •Trade Profit = $242,512.40 •Startup Cost = $35,146.80 •End Reward = $239,499.00 •Total Profit = $446,864.60 Conclusion: •Provide a Lyapunov Optimization (“max-weight”) approach to stock market trading. •Can quantify risk and profit guarantees compared to T-Slot Lookahead: Time average profit over RT slots ≥ 1 R-1 ∑r=0 ΨΤ[r] - CT - L(Q(0)) RT RTV V •Startup Cost is high and thus there is inherent risk, but optimizing the trading profits mitigates this risk. •Open question: Can other algorithms provide provably better tradeoffs?