The repeating “ I am” in each stanza is suggesting a steady beat. This beat can means the on going length on time. Moreover this personifies time and suggest power over human. “Mileage on the yellow signs” suggest that time is constantly moving forward. No one will be exception from this. “Dust” is something that scatters everywhere but can’t be felt. It is describing the existence of Time is like dust. A sense of perfection in single moments. Time is all the things around us and beyond. “Measurable” suggest that the world tries to put a measurement on Time. However refuse to face the fact that Time is not measurable This may refer to Time’s dominance in every area. Everything obeys to Time. However it as a strong force it is not fearful. Time “Air” is something essential to all living things. It is so easy to find but no one will forget how valuable it is. Perhaps describing what time is to human. Without time our world wouldn’t be moving on. Allen Curnow I am the nor’west air nosing among the pines I am the water-race and the rust on railway lines I am the mileage recorded on the yellow signs. “Rust” suggest a sense of old and ancient. Perhaps hinting the history to time. This line suggest that Time treats everyone equally. It is the real elder being that looks after us. I am dust, I am distance, I am lupins back of the beach I am the sums the sole-charge teachers teach I am cows called to milking and the magpie’s screech This line is describing an everyday routine. Suggest Time is part of our life. Moreover this scene is something we don’t Perhaps Time is really appreciate. something peaceful This time may not and sweet. be appreciated or These sounds suggest valued. the intangibility of time and highlight that time full fill our life. I am nine o’clock in the morning when the office is clean I am the slap of the belting and the smell of the machine I am the place in the park where the lovers where seen. I am the recurrent music the children hear I am the level noises in the remembering ear I am the sawmill and the passionate second gear. I, Time, am all these, yet exist Among my mountainous fabrics like a mist, So do they measurable world resist. I, Time, call down, condense, confer On the willing memory the shapes these were: I, more than your conscious carrier, “Mountainous” suggest the world is something that have actually shapes and volume. However Time, like a “mist” covers the mountain and is intangible. Time is something mysterious and it’s beautiful that way. This line suggest the length of time is beyond what you can imagine. It started before you’re birth, passes by while you’re asleep and continues after you die. Am island, am sea, am father, farm, and friend Though I am here all things my coming attend; I am, you have heard it, the Beginning and the End. In this line we can sense a very confident and convincing tone. It is as if “Time” is talking directing to the reader. Moreover, this kind of reminds me of elder person full of wisdom. Time is gently watching over us through all of our lives like we are it’s children. Time maybe strong and absolute, but it is also like someone loving and pleasant. Structure On the stanzas all contain three lines and there are constant rhymes at the end of lines. It give us a sense that things are all well planned out and organized. This may suggest that life is well in order, things that happened stays happened. No matter how much strength we’ve got, we change Time. Time goes above us. “the Beginning and the End” make reference to the Bible. It suggests something superior. Themes/Ideas •Time cannot be defined by human. •Time is not measurable. •Time cannot be controlled. •Time is not appreciated. •Time is beyond human knowledge. BY JESSICA YEH 11D