Development Plan

The Development Plan
Tawatchai Iempairote
September 2, 2557
แผนที่สมดุลเป็ นอย่ำงไร
TSPi Support Tools
PLAN1 Script
(The Need for Planning)
• ทำแผนเพื่ออะไร
(simple or complex?)
work more efficiently
know what and remind when to do
framework + context = work in a rational order
(with firmed schedule & fixed resources) => amount of work *** realistic plan =>
– แผนที่มีคุณภำพ จะมีส่วนอย่ำงมำกที่จะทำให้โครงกำรประสบควำมสำเร็ จ
• แผน..ทิ่ balanced
– Unbalanced workload
– แผนที่ Balanced คือ ทุกคนในทีมทำงำนที่ตนรับผิดชอบได้ในเวลำที่กำหนด (ไม่ตอ้ งรอ
– กำร balance แผน เพื่อให้กิจกรรมสำมำรถทำได้ต่อเนื่อง
(The Need for Planning)
• กำรติดตำมควำมก้ำวหน้ำตำมแผนที่ได้วำงไว้
– แผนที่มีรำยละเอียดจะช่วยในกำรติดตำมและจัดกำรกับงำนของคุณ
– => ต้องกำรวิธีกำรที่จะบอกว่ำ ahead or behind schedule เท่ำไหร่
– Planned Value (PV) & Earned Value (EV)
Planned-Value Calculations
Plan Hours
Cumulative Hours
Plan Value (PV)
Cumulative PV
• ดูตวั อย่ำงที่ Table 5.1
of the total job
EV: when A + B had
No partial credit for
half-done tasks
PV =
planned percentage of the
total job that each task
EV =
The sum of all PVs for the
tasks that have been
completed at that point.
(The Need for Planning)
• กำรวำงแผนในรำยละเอียด
– TSPi process requires that teams estimate tasks to a granularity
of about 10 or fewer hours.
– However, this level of granularity is needed only at the engineer
• กำรจัดกำรงำนแทรก
(Unplanned Tasks)
– TSPi provides a phase when you can record time spent on
“management and miscellaneous” (M&M)tasks.
– 5-10% of total project time
(The Need for Planning)
• ระดับกำรประมำณกำร
• Sizes of parts and assemblies
– Modules (assemblies of objects)
– Components (assemblies of modules)
– Products (assemblies of components)
– System (assemblies of products)
(The Need for Planning)
• กำรติดตั้งแผน
(Implementation Planning)
– STRAT: conceptual design ในแต่ละ cycle
TSPi Planning Process
• ดู Figure 5.2 มี 9 steps
TSPi Planning Process
TSPi Planning Overview
Produce conceptual design
Development Strategy
Enter size data on SUMS
Produce Team Plan
Make Quality Plan
Engineer make personal plan
Produce team member plan
Balance team workload
Produce the final team plan
TSPi Planning Process
Strategy phase
Initial estimates of list the component name and size
parts for each cycle to be developed in 1st cycle + Calculate PV and
test plan & requirement
expected completion date
for each task
Enter the info on the …form
How long each task will take &
Time for the full team each week
What you do?
- Use the adjusted
individual plans to
regenerate the overall
- Give these to all team
members and instructor
Review the TASK and
SCHEDULE forms for each Determine PV and estimated
person, and balance the completion for each personal task
- Copy TASK and
each person
- deleting tasks others
will perform
Generate new
The products you produce
TPSi Support Tool
• The TSPi Support Tool can be used to
help support the process, but it doesn’t
fully automate the process.
• *** To build a common team
understanding of the work and a shared
team commitment to the plan.***
• Appendix F
Development Plan Sripts
P. 74-91
Based on the conceptual design
Planning overview
List the products to be produced in this development cycle and
estimate their size.
Produce the task plan: Time required to perform each process task;
Rough order ; Planned value(PV)of each task.
Produce the schedule plan: Each Engineer’s planned time for each
project task;The total planned team hours by week;The anticipated
completion week for each task;PV for each week
Produce the quality plan: the quality performance for every part and
assembly in the system
Break out individual plans based on the team TASK and SCHEDULE
Balance workload, then reconsolidate the team TASK and
Produce and distribute the plans: send TASK, SCHEDULE, SUMS,
SUMP, and SUMQ to team members and instructor
Quality Plan
• Summary rates
• Percent defect-free
• Defects per page
• Defect per KLOC
• Defect ratios
• A/FR (appraisal to
failure ratio)
Review rates
Inspection rates
Defect injection rates
Defect removal rates
Phase yields
Process yields
Handing poor-quality
• Quality criteria
TSPi Project Tracking Process
- When a task is completed, enter the week in the TASK form
- will feed the EV for that week
At the end of each work week,
generate the updated TASK and SCHEDULE
to show the time and EV status of your work
(WEEK form)
Record your time
in the time recording log
Enter defects on
the defect recording log
- These feed the SUMP form for each assembly
Update SUMP to track the time, size,
and defect data for each engineer
Once a component has been developed,
enter its size in SUMS for that part
Generate the SUMQ form for each assembly,
with time, size, and defect data
+ documentation size
Generate team level TASK & SCHEDULE,
and assembly-level SUMP and SUMQ
The Quality Plan
• The quality plan gives the quality performance for every part and
assembly in the system.
• It is a summary of the quality results for the project to date, comparing
the quality goals with the actual results as they become available.
• The quality plan has the following sections:
Summary Rates
Summary section has the overall team productivity (LOC/hour), and the
% of reuse and % new reuse (if any)
=> provide an overall perspective on TSPi process quality
Percent Defect-Free
Percent Defect-Free (PDF) section describes the percent of components
which had no defects, by life cycle phase
*** PDF data provide an early indication of quality problems. High-quality
products should have steadily improving PDF numbers throughout the
development process and should reach or exceed 90% in system test.
Defects per Page
shows the average number of defects removed from each page of the
requirements and HLD (High-level Design)documents.
The numbers of defects per KLOC = the total number of defects which were
found during development
(A product profile should steadily declined after the code review.)
The Quality Plan
Defect Ratios
compare the defect rates for different activities
Code review/compile defect ratio (>2):when engineers find twice as
many defects in a code review as they find in compiling, they have
generally done a good code review.
Design review/unit test defect ratio (>2)
Development time ratios
compare the amount of time spent in phases to their review activities
A/FR(Appraisal to Failure
is the ratio of the time spent in appraisal-type activities (such as reviews and
inspections) to the time spent in failure-type activities (such as compile and
Review Rates and Inspection
- measure how fast reviews and inspections are performed
- to achieve high quality, plan to spend enough time in reviews and
Defect injection and removal
measure how quickly defects were made and discovered during each life
cycle phase or inspection
- When you have data on defect-injection rates, you have a basis for
estimating how many defects you will inject during each phase of a
programming job.
- When you have data on defect-removal rates, you have a basis for
estimating how many defects you will remove during each phase of a
programming job.
The Quality Plan
Phase Yields
- the percent of defects entering the phase which were removed
-refers to the percentage of the defects in a program that were removed during
a given phase.
Ex:If you had 19 defects in a program at code review entry, injected 1 defect
during the code review, and found 15 of these defects in the review, then
Code review yield = (defects found) / (defects in the product)
= 15 / (19+1)
Process Yields
= 75%
measures the percentage of the defects removed before entering a phase.
EX : 30 defects were injected and 20 defects were removed before compile. Thus
the process yield before compile is 66.7% (20/30).
the process yields of 75% before the first compile and 85% before the first unit test.
• Use the TSPi tool to generate the final quality plan on form SUMQ
(the team-level quality plan)
• The quality plan is heavily dependent on having sound data input
• Hence the data recorded for every task and every defect must be as accurate as
possible, or the final results will quickly become gibberish!
งำนที่ตอ้ งส่ ง
• สำมำรถนำเสนอแผนของทีมได้ เมื่อต้องกำร
• สำมำรถแสดงหลักฐำนกำรปฏิบตั ิตำมแผน/ปรับแผนได้