9° Conference at Berkeley, Califórnia in 2005

ALACDE Conference
April 28-30, 2005
University of California
Berkeley, California USA
Guest Speakers
" Law Institutions and Development; A Review of the Evidence,"
Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes
"The Future of Global Antitrust," Daniel Rubinfeld
“Why Law, Economics and Organization?" Oliver Williamson
ALACDE Sessions: Agenda-- Friday, April 29, 2005
GUEST SPEAKER: “Law Institutions and Development; A Review of the
Evidence," Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes
Law and Economic Development (Thomas Ulen, Chair)
“Innovation, Information, and the Poverty of Nations,” Robert Cooter
"The Economic Implications of Property Rights in the Current Land Tenure Regime in Rural Mexico: A Policy
Review," Lilia V. Pous and Luis A. Villanueva
"The Tax Treatment of Transfer Pricing in the 21st Century: A Proposal for Both Developed and Developing
Countries," Eduardo A. Baistrocchi
"Understanding Government Reform through Agency Problems," Juan Jose Martinez
GUEST SPEAKER: "The Future of Global Antitrust," Daniel Rubinfeld
Labor Law (Carlos Pena, Chair)
"2005 Social Security Report of the Americas,“ Gabriel Martinez
“The Regulation of Labor and the Informal Sector in Mexico," Rodrigo Garcia-Verdu
“Reforms to Labor Law in Chile," Marisol Aravena
"Market for Lawyers in Chile," Raphael Mery
Public Law (Eugene Bardach, Chair)
• “The Chilean AFP Retiring System," Rodrigo Barcia
• "Carrots, Sticks and Multiplication Effect," Gerrit DeGeest
Crime and Courts (Raphael Mery, Chair)
"Crime and Punishment," Joaquin Andrade
“The Effects of Corruption Organization and Punishment on the Allocation of Resources,” Alfredo Canavese
ALACDE Sessions: Agenda– Saturday, April 30, 2005
Corporate and Business Law (Gerrit De Geest, Chair)
“What Works in Security Laws?" Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes
"Corporate Constituencies in Latin America,“ Angel Oquendo
"The Role of Habits in Returns Behavior:Evidence from the Stock Market," Jose L. Fillat and Hugo Garduno
“Regulating the Rating Agencies,” Claire Hill
Private Law (Pablo Salvador, Chair)
"Mandatory Third Party Insurance: God, the Devil, and the Details,“ Hugo Acciarri and Andrea Castellano
"Scope of Liability. The Vanishing Distinction Between Negligence and Strict Liability," Pablo Salvador, Nuno Garoupa,
and Carlos Gomez
"The Future of the Economic Analysis of the Law in Latin America: A Proposal for ALACDE Model Law and Economics Civil
and Commercial Codes," Juan Javier del Granado
GUEST SPEAKER: "Why Law, Economics and Organization?"
Oliver Williamson
International Private Law
• “Intellectual Property Law, Is It A Form of Theft?” Alfredo Bullard
• "Copyright Law and Deterrence: Gentle Nudges versus Hard Shoves," Ben Depoorter
• "Power Plays & Capacity Constraints: The Selection of Defendants in WTO Disputes," Andrew Guzman
and Beth A. Simmons
• "Intellectual Property Rights Violation: The Incidence of Culture, Education and Institutions in Software Piracy," Pablo