The Tower Climbing Wall ` Holy Trinity Risk Assessment – Use of the Climbing Wall Tower Date of Assessment: 28.11.15 Potential Hazards Who might be harmed and how Risk Level H/M/L Precautions needed -Helmets worn by climbers, belayers and everyone on the mat. -Persons not climbing or belaying to stay off matting area -Verbal communication -Participants advised to wear long sleeve tops, long trousers and closed toe footwear. Information regarding correct clothing to be included on parental consent/booking forms Good rope technique Training in correct and different methods of belaying will be delivered before participants take part in the activity. -The belayer will only use the recommended belay methods instructed by the Instructors -The belayer will always maintain the correct positioning. -Instructors will teach the same methods as instructed in the SPA and MIA syllabus. -Clients will always work closely with the instructors to make sure there is a clear understanding of the methods being taught. -Use of Grigri device for novice climbers Head Impact Injury Climber, belayer M Cuts & abrasions Climber L Fall from a height Climber M Person responsible/ Action Taken Instructor/supervisor All Individuals in tower -Instructor/Supervisor -After training then the participant Rachel in update forms with clothing info -Instructor/Supervisor -After training then the participant Buy 3 new grigri devices Tim Cook to source The Tower Climbing Wall Rope is tailed by a second belayer for all novice belayers All ropes should be marked at 3m intervals and tied off by instructor when this level is reached. -Max height of feet with out rope is 3ft Instructors to mark and tie off ropes Finger or hair trapped in belay plate Belayer M -Belayers to be made aware of this risk in their training and supervision -Loose hair to be tied up - Scissors and hair bands located in First Aid Box -Instructor/Supervisor -After training then the participant Rachel to purchase Finger caught in anchor point Slips & trips Climber M All L -Verbal communication not to touch anchor points -Make individuals aware of step -Keep matting area clear of clutter Paint edge of matting area a brighter colour. Hold spins Climber M -Instructor/supervisor -Participant Instructor/Supervisor Individuals Graham Corfe will paint with quick drying bright yellow satin paint – Rachel to purchase -Instructor/supervisor Fall from ladder Person who climbs it L Inability to safely manage incidents Climbers and belayers M Ongoing maintenance of holds in every session -Immediate action to be taken to secure loose holds if possible. Log a record of holds which need tightening on the white board and inform Tim Cook -Boarded up and signage Instructor/supervisor Secure the ladder with a combination lock Rachel A minimum of two adult leaders supervise All instructors climbs, except for when only one rope is in use. The Tower Climbing Wall Ensure Instructors have received emergency First Aid in the Workplace training Muscular Injury (Short and long term) Equipment failure All – Short term Instructors/supervisors – long term All M M Current First Aid training received by Tim Cook, Emily Harding, Graham Corfe. ? Steve Gladwin -Instructor/Supervisor will encourage clients Participants to warm up before participating in the activity Heaters available for use when cold weather. -Instructors & Supervisors will visually check Instructor/Supervisor all helmets, harnesses, grigris, belay plates and other equipment for stitching, fraying, Tim to number ropes cracks etc before use. Rachel to create log sheets All ropes to be numbered to enable accurate and place in file in the recording of usage Tower Ropes must be checked visually and run All instructors to maintain through hands along the entire length before log and after use Maintain a written log of all rope use -Tim Cook will be made aware of any concerns regarding equipment to see if any patterns are forming. -Any damaged equipment found before, Rachel to provide defect box during and after use will be removed from service and placed in a defect box. The Tower Climbing Wall Safeguarding All child participants and vulnerable adults M Lead adult supervisor has been safely recruited and obtained DBS clearance. All harnessing carried out in a public space and under supervision of the lead instructor Two adults always present Ongoing by all instructors. Rachel to oversee recruitment procedures. Instructors training renewed annually All instructors L Provide all instructors with annual updates to include rescue procedures, good techniques, belaying skills. Training to be planned for May 2016 Training received by Mark Garland on 8.4.15 Current Instructors: Tim Cook (Site Specific Training), Steve Gladwin (Site Specific Training) Graham Corfe (Site Specific Training but rescue experience required before leading climbing sessions) Emily Harding (Site Specific Training) See Training Report, Mark Garland Mountaineering 8.4.15