Jan 16 - Kutztown University


Introduction to Special Topics

Intelligent Robotics


January 16, 2007

Basic Definitions

 Artificial Intelligence

Study intelligence

Apply – design intelligent systems

 to better serve mankind

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Basic Definitions

 Robot




 Intelligent robot

 +


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 Situated

Located in the world

 Sensor (receptor)

 Receive “raw” information about world

 Effector (actuator)

Accomplish an action

» with respect to self

» with respect to world

 “one who brings about a result or event; one who accomplishes a purpose”

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 Autos :: self

 Nomos :: law

 Definition


» Note: The term cybernetics stems from the Greek

Κυβερνήτης (kybernetes, steersman, governor, pilot, or rudder — the same root as government).

Independent in mind or judgment


Not controlled by others or outside forces

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 Definition

One that acts or has power/authority to act

One that represents another

Root meaning – one that acts or exerts power

Means of effecting a result

 Software agent ( David Croft )

Delegacy – discretionary authority

 Competence

Amenability – ability to adapt

 Software resident

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Many definitions

MSN Encarta

: “general mental capability to reason, solve problems, think abstractly, learn and understand new material, and profit from past experience. Intelligence can be measured by many different kinds of tasks . . . Intelligence draws on a variety of mental processes, including memory, learning, perception, decision-making, thinking, and reasoning.”

Einstein: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

Henk Tuten: “complex use of creativity”

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 Another view


 Creative simplicity

 Examples

Every mileage divisible by 3000

Cutting the Gordian knot

Efficient use of cars

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Robot “Primitives” – Murphy

 Sense

 Plan

 Act

 Perhaps a 4 th – Learn

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Origin of Robot Basics

 Serve


 Autonomous


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Origin of Robot Basics

 The most basic ::



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Origin of Robot Basics

 Serve


 Autonomous


 Changing environment


 Plan


 Plan

Represent knowledge

 Knowledge


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Robot Basics

 Sense

 Act

 Represent knowledge

 Reason

 Learn

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Central Issues of A.I.

Knowledge representation & reasoning

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Chapter One

I. Robotic Paradigms

1. From Teleoperation to Autonomy

1.1 Overview

1.2 How Can a Machine Be Intelligent?

1.3 What Can Robots Be Used For?

1.3.1 Social implications of robotics

1.4 A Brief History of Robotics

1.4.1 Industrial manipulators

1.4.2 Space robotics and the AI approach

1.5 Teleoperation

1.5.1 Telepresence

1.5.2 Semi-autonomous control

1.6 The Seven Areas of AI

1.7 Summary

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 Linguistics

A pattern of conjugation or declension to memorize which serves as a template for a class of words.

 Thomas Kuhn

Shared scientific theories

Common methods of solving problems

Common norms for scientific activity

Shared metaphysics

 Current usage

Example, pattern

Conjugation, declension

Theoretical framework

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Paradigm – current usage

 Merriam-Webster:

Main Entry: par·a·digm

Pronunciation: 'per-&-"dIm, 'pa-r&also -"dim

Function: noun

Etymology: Late Latin paradigma, from Greek paradeigma, from paradeiknynai to show side by side, from para+ deiknynai to show -- more at DICTION

1 : EXAMPLE , PATTERN ; especially : an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype

2 : an example of a conjugation or declension showing a word in all its inflectional forms

3 : a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated; broadly : a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind

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The Structure of Scientific


 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy ::

“one of the most cited academic books of all time”

Development of “science”


» Steady cumulative progress

» Ever closer approximation to “truth”

Normal phase

Revolutionary (extraordinary) phase

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Phases of Science

 Normal

Ruling paradigm

High degree of conceptual uniformity

Steady progress in:

» Accretion of knowledge

» Solving existing “puzzles”

 Pre-revolutionary :: mounting set of anomalies

 Revolutionary :: paradigm shift

Alternative paradigm(s) proposed

Period of competition

Resolution – old paradigm dies out

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Norwood Russell Hanson

 Observation is theory-laden

 Observation language and theory language deeply interwoven

 Historical & contemporary comprehension deeply interwoven

 Sought logic of discovery

 Note :: key issues for robotics

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Patterns of Discovery

 Norwood Russell Hanson

Perception is theory-laden

Rock or clump of algae?

Optical illusions

Duck or rabbit ?

Wiki article

Triangle puzzle

Ệ theoretical incommensurability



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 Gestalt shift

 From sensor data to percept

 Role of theory

Pre-process sensor data

Organize percepts

Basis of discovery plans

 Reasoning

Deduction (includes mathematical induction)



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Theory-laden-ness Examples

 Recognition




 Critical nature of perceptology

Shadow vs. cliff

Rock vs. algae

The Measures Taken , Brecht

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Logos-telos-teleios Triad

 Design

 Basic components

 Teleology

 Component interaction

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Logos-telos-teleios Triad

 Design – the oft missing component in software

 Basic components

Logos – logic, internal structure, organizing principle

Telos – goal, purpose, objective, aim, function, intention, reason

Teleios – complete, finished, mature, perfected

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 The philosophical study of purpose

The triad’s central relational kernel

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Component Interaction

 Reference

 Logos

 Mind, understanding

Comprehend need

 Generate purpose

 Create design

Determine level of achievement

 Telos

Provides focus

 Provides measure of efficacy of design

 Teleios

 Circumscribes design

 Measures artifact utility

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Knowledge Representation for

Intelligent Agents

Fall ’06 ppt

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