LEAN GREEN VENDING MACHINE Andria Fitzer Nia Luu Kate Reagan Haley Tran Overview History Product & Content Potential Revenue Target Market & Location Potential Endeavors Marketing Tactics Target Objective History Founded by John Mackey in 1980, Austin, TX Social Responsibility 5th on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Top 50 Green Power Partners roster Product & Content Dry vending machines Fruit Strips, Popcorn, Kettle Style Chips, Veggie Chips, Pita Chips, Pretzels, Sunflower Seeds, Trail Mix, Granola Pistachios, Banana Chips, Cookies Refrigerated vending machines White Tea, Black Tea, Oolong Tea, Mint Tea, Orange Juice, Lemonade, Water, Red Delicious Apple, California Navel Orange, Turkey Slices, Mozzarella Cheese, Greek Yogurt, Frozen Mixed Berries, Salads, Frozen Peaches, Frozen Yogurt Potential Revenue COGS is 25% of retail price: Revenue: $30,600 per machine/year Profit: $8,806 per machine/year Expenses Vending Machine, Maintenance Expense, Delivery Truck, Gas, Electricity, Space Rental, Advertising, Overhead Revenue Continued 制作: 2007.9.15 Five Year Projection million 10.57 10 Stores 9 7.92 8 Net Income 7 6 4.75 5 4 2.64 3 200 1.05 2 1 150 .31 0 20 50 90 6 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Target Market 18-25 young adults (college students) 25-60 (professionals) Target Location Potential Endeavors Ages 14-18: high school locations Targeting locations with limited access to Whole Foods stores Marketing Tactics Rewards/Loyalty program 1 Social Media 2 Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc 3 Advocate healthy lifestyle by way of seasonal launches New Years’ Resolution, Back-to-school 4 Promotional trucks/tents Target Objectives To combat the “Freshman 15” To combat obesity issues To provide convenient access to healthy food To use as testing points for future locations objectives To provide an incentive to eat healthy To raise awareness and promote Whole Foods Our Mission Mission Statement: To revamp the world of vending machines by implementing healthy alternatives and maintaining and advocating Whole Foods Inc.’s high quality standard of organic, minimally processed goods. Work Cited http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/about-our-products/product-lines/365everyday-value http://www.indeed.com/salary/Truck-Driver.html http://www.ssfp.ca/course/pricing.html http://www.perksco.com/equipment/vending_equipment.php?gclid=CJOG8d Gk97MCFQUFnQodlC8Aag http://www.franchisedirect.com/vendingfranchiseopportunities/costofoper atingavendingmachine/121/301 http://www.tokcommercial.com/MarketInformation/LearningCenter/Rental RateCalculations.aspx https://parkscoffee.com/For-the-Office/RefreshmentsPLUSVending?gclid=CMOG0aCl97MCFQ4EnQodnAoAVQ