Criminals are strong, but not that strong they can remain forever. God is Great. They will one day be caught.
Raj since 14 years has been following me. Case no. 2198/2012 will prove this.
I gave him 1.4 million for term insurance claim. This amount is due now for which I went to HQ of Dubai - cyber crime dept. to file complaint on 14th nov. 2011 but they dint register. History of Raj will show you in this file how he has followed me to ruin me.
1. Public Prosecutor - I filed 13 complaints all were rejected by Essam Elhemadia
2. Raffa police - I filed 3 complaints from central jail - till date not filed
3. Head Quarter of CID police - i went to file complaint against Raj for torturing me did not file my complaint on 14.11.2011
4. Raj on 20.1.2012 with same printouts filed complaint on me case no. 2198/2012
No one suspects what's going on.. why they dont want me to file my cases, why are they are behind me since 1998?
Raj and SCB in collusion and connivance must have paid all the above authorities more than 10 millions to dismiss my cases, this is what he has been doing over the years, so I can not raise my voice and i am not able to fight and they get a chance to hide from law / punishment because if this file is investigated thoroughly Honorable Dubai court and Respected Judge and all the good HH Sheiks of seven Emirates will come to know how banks few others have staked Dubai's reputation.
My two bank guarantee cheques till today not paid dhs. 300,000
Amount for 9 cheques approx. dhs 900,000 in 1998 dishonored dhs. 1.4 mill. insurance claim to be received from Raj & SCB all the 14 years so many losses i have incurred that will be claimed for million dirhams
If i add up all this I must be paid back more than 35 - 40 million dirhams from Raj and SCB jointly or severally
Who will pay my losses, who is responsible for all this, have i not suffered enough, is there no one in Dubai who cares for
Dubai's reputation, I have been fighting all alone to show how Dubai is being misused i have lived in Dubai and been a part of it, it hurts me alot when i see expatriates come in Dubai and Loot Dubai its richness and peace and alot more and now its taking toll on me. I am feeling mentally tortured and sick and Dubai Authorities are not .. bothered to just re-view the file I am trying to show.
لبق 1999 ويلوي 10 ىلع يدلب ةيلمعلا ءاغلإ ىفشتسملا ريرقت ءاعولا ءابطلأا يبد يف دشار ىفشتسم )
17h 20011
7611331 مقر ىفشتسم فرعم .
9 مقر ضرعلا(
ربوتكأ يدلب ةيلمعلا ءاغلإ ىفشتسمو دشار .قئ اقد 5
( Exhibit no. 9. Hospital ID no. 7611331) Rashid hospital doctors Angio report Dubai shows hospital cancelled my operation on 10th july
1999 just before 5 mins.& Rashid hospital cancelled my operation on 17th October 20011
I am here, as well as Standard Chartered Bank and Raj Bernard, of Besco International.
.رانرب جارو ،درتراشت دردناتس كنب كلذكو ،انه انا ا
نامجع مكاح ومسلا بحاص بتكم ىلا
مكيلاعم نم مامتهاو ةياعر ضحم نوكت ىتلا ىوكشلا هذهب مكيلاعم ىلا ىناكوسنم لايد / ديسلا مدقتي
ىبد ةماقلاا لحم 1780312 مقر رفس زاوج لمحي 0559703775 ت – ةيسنجلا ىدنه ىناهكوسنم ماراسح لايد / ىكاشلا
1870100 مقر رفس زاوج لمحيو – اري مجلا ىبد – ةيسنجلاىدنه جار درانريب ناتسيروك / نم لك دض
0505142323 0503399222 :ت
ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا – ىبد كنب درتراشت ردناتسو
ىوكشلا عوضوم
ىوكشلاب ةقفرملا تادنتسملا عيمج ىلع علاطلاا مكتداعس نم ءاجرلا
ةيبرعلا ةغللاب ىلع علاطلاا كنكمي ىدناغ امتاهملا هيبش انأ
ىناثلا ىنطو هربتعاو ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملال ريخلا بحاو ملاسلاا مرتحاو ماع 33 نم رثكا ذنم ىبد ىف شيعأ ىسودنهانأ
ىناطيربلا كنب ردتراشت ردناتس ةكيرشو جار درانريب ناستسيروك نم لك اهبكترا اهلك هيرشبلل كلاه دعت ةميرجلا هذه نا
رطخ ىف هتايح لعج امم هيونعمو ةيدام رئاسخ ىف هل ببست هنأ ثيح جار درانرب ناتسيروك دض ىوكشب ىكاشلاا مدقتي
ةعافرلا ةطرش زكرم ىف ةدوجوم ر ضاحملا لك نا ملعلا عم نلاا ىتح 1998 نم
ىنوناق ءارجا ىا هدض ذختا اذا هتايح نادقفب هديدهتب ماقو لب
ىبد ىف مهضعب عم لامعلاا ىناهكوسنم لايدو جار نايتسيروك أدب نأ ذنم 1998 1996 ماع ذنم ةعقاولا هذه دوعت
ةميقب لايد ه بلاط امدنعو كنب ردتراشت ردناتس كنب ىلع ةبوحسم نامض تاك يش هل ررحي لباقملا ىف جار ناكو ةيلام غلابم جار ضرقي لايد ناكف
جيلخلا ىف لامعلاا نيمأتل مهرد نويلم 1.4
عفدب تمقو مهرد 300000 ب مهغلبم ردقمل ا نيكيشلا ةميقدادس نع جار جانرب ايتسيروك عنتما تاكيشلا
رئاسخلا نيمأت نع نويلب 1.4
عقديس وه نيحلاو مهرد 300000 ىل عفدي مل هنا ةراسخ ر لاود نويلب ىتأي نيحلاو هريثكلا رئاسخلا هيدل جيلخلا نيحلاو
ضعب ىلع ة رطيسملا هيلاملا ةوقلا مهيدل مهنا اعيمج برعلاو ملاسلاا ةعمسب ةءاسلاا نوديريو ملاسلاا نوبحيلا كنب ردتراشت ردناتس ةكيرشو جار نا
هيونعملاو ةيداملا ةراسخلا ىف ىل اوببست مهنا ىبد ىف ةيموكحلا رئاودلا
مدقتا فوس ةدعاسملا مكنم ابلاط ةلادعلا ةامحو نوناقلا لاجر متنا مكيلا مدقتا نا دبلا ناك اذهلو ىبد نوناق ىلا ءاساو ىبد ةعمسب جار درانريب ءاسا دقل
ةيضقلا ىلع ءانب ىبد ةمكحم ىف كيشلا زجحو مهر د 300.000
غلبمب ةردقملا تاكيشلا لصا ىبد ةمكحم ىدل ىاوكش ةحص دكؤت ىتلا تادنتسملا لكب
ةدوجوم كنب ردتراشت ردناتس كنبب ةصاخلا تادنتسملا عيمجو ىبد مكاحم نم تادنتسملا بلط مكنكميو 1999 / 1246 مقر ةيضقلاو 2001 / 658 مقر
2001 / 1998,138 / 557 مقر اياضقلاب ةصاخلا ىبد مكاحم ىف اضيا
نجسلا نم تجرخ امدنعو ةعافرلا ةطرش زكرم ىلا ىواكش ةثلاث تلسرا دقل 176031 نيجسلا مقر ىزكرملا نجسل ا نم 2011 رمتبس رهش ىف هنا
مهنكلو ىاوكش ىف ثدح امع مهنم رسفتسا ىكل ةعافرلا ةطرش زكرم ىف لوئسم عم تثدحت 2011 ربمفون 17 خيراتب ةعافرلا ةطرش زكرم ىلا تبهذ
قحلا مهل طقف مه ءايوقلاا حبصا له ايونعم ىنطبحاو ىتراسخ ىف اللهدبع ديجملا دبع ببست دقل 2011 ىتح 1998 ذنم هنا ةدافا ةيا ىنوطعي مل
عم ظو ظحم تسل ىننا مهاياضق بسك ىف ةيحلاصلاو ةوقلا مهل جارو كنب ردتراشت ردناتس طقف ةمادنلاو لشفلا لاا مهل ليبس لا نوهيتي ءافعضلاو
جار نايتسيروكو كنب ردتراشت ردناتس اهبلسو اهبهن ىتلا هبوهنملا ىقوقح دا درتساو ىفاصنا ىف ىبد ةموكح
نم كيشلا فرص ابلاط 1998 10 15 خيراتب كنبلل كيشلا تمدق ىننا اهيف ركذو 1998 8 5 خيراتب ى دض ىوكش ميدقتب كنب ردتراشت ردناتس ماق دقل
كنب ردتراشت ردناتس
رهش لبق ربوتكا رهش ىتأي ماع ىأ ىف . لقعلا قاطن نع ةجراخ ةئطاخ تانايب ءانب رضح ملا لجس ىذلا ةطرشلا طباضل انه لاؤسلاو
ةهيزنلا ىبد ةطرش ةعمسب ةءاسا دعي اذه كيشلا لصا ىدل ىنكلو كيشلا نم ةروص مهيلا مدق كنب ردتاتس ردناتس نا ثيح ؟ سطسغا
مدق دق لايد ديسلا نأب كنب ردتراشت ردناتس نم ءاعدا اذه ناتنس ةدمل رخأتي ذامل ناموي دعب فرصلا داعيم نوكيو صخش ىلأ كيش رادصا مت اذا (
هسفن رضي لقاعب كانه سيل هنلا لقعي لا اذهو نيماعب قاقحتسلاا خيرات دعب فرصلل كيشلا
ةيونعملاو ةيداملا رئاسخلاو رارضلأا ىب قحلت ىتح ؟ ىبد مكاحم لخاد تاكيشلا لصا بجح متي اذاملو
ىلاو ىبظوبا مكاحم ىلا ىتوكش مدقا فوس ىقح ىبد مكاحم ىنيطعت مل اذا نوناقلا ىف دايحلا وه نيا , ىبد نوناق ةعمس ىلع رثؤي ا ذه
ل وصحلا لجأ نم لتاقا فوس ىقوقح ىلع لوصحلل ةريجفلا مكاحمو ةميخلا سأر مكاحمو نيوقلا ما مكاحم ىلاو نامجع مكاحم ىلاو ةقراشلا مكاحم
نيكيشلا ناذه ىلع لوصحلل ىتدعاسم ىف ةرقوملا مكتداعس نم سمتلا ىننا ةلادعلا ىلع لوصحلا لجأ نم نيمرجملا لتاقأ ىننا .
ىقوقح ىلع
ةمكحملا ىف نيزوجحملا
مهنا ةدعاسم ل ا هل نومودقي هيموكحلا تاهجلا ىف نيفظوملا ضعب كانهو رئاسخلا ىل ببسيو يب ررضلا قحلي نا ديري جار جرانريب نايتسيروك نا
ىبد ةعمسب رضت ىتلا هبوبشملا هلامعا باكترا ىلع هنودعاسي
ءارجا نم قئاقد ةسمخ لبق 1999 7 10 خيراتب 7611331 ىحصلا مقرلا دشار ىفشتسم نم ىلولأا ةرملا يل بلقلل ناتيحارج ناتيلمع ءاغلا مت اذامل
2011 10 — 17 خيراتب ىبد ىفشتسم نم اضيا يل بل قلل ةيحارج ةيلمع ءاغلا مت ةيناثلا ةرملاو اهؤاغلا مت ةيلمعلا
ةاواسملاب نمؤت ةيملاس ا ةيبرع ةلود ىف انسلا اذامل ديدشلا نزحلاو ىسفنلا مللأا ىف يل اوببستو ىونعملاو ىداملا ررضلا دشار ىفشتسم يل تببست دقل
نوناقلا ماما
انل درانرب جار اهمدقي ناك ىتلا تاديدهتلا ءارج نم كلذو هب ةقحلا ةيبلق ةمزا ةجيتن ىخا ىفوت 1 28 خيراتب 1999 ماع ىف هنا
ببسبو ةلطاب لا جار تاماهتاو تاءاعدا ببسب مهتدقف ناوخا نع ىنضوعي ىذلا نم انه لاؤسلاو اضيا ثادحلاا سفن نم ىناثلا ىخا ىفوت ماعلا سفن ىفو
ناك ثيح نيمأ تـلا غلبم ىلع لصحأ مل نلآا ىلاو ىداملا ررضلاو ىسفن لا مللآا ىف ىل اوببستي ذامل ىبد ةموكح بناج نم ىفاصنا مدعو ىقوقح عايض
ءارجا ىأ ااهيف ذختي مل نلأا ىلاو 2000 / 157 مقر ىوعد عفرب تمقو هيلع نمؤم ىخأ
ىقوقح ىلع ل وصحلا لجا نم لتاقا فوس ىدناغ امتاهملا لثم ىريكفتو ىلقع نا كلاهلاب ىنددهي ىتايح ددهي هنا رطخ ىف ىتايح نا ىلقع فلت دقل
ىنورتكللاا عقوملا ىلع علطا ةلادعلا لجا نم
ةفاضلااب مهرد 300000 امهعومجم يل نيكيش رادصاب ةيلودلا وكسيبو جار درانرب نم معدب ةميرج كنب ردتراشت ردناتس كنب نم فظوم بكترا دقل
جار درانريب ناستسيروك فارطلاا سفن ىلا 1998 ىجيلخلا نواعتلا سلجم لود جيلخلا رارضلأب قلعتي اميف مهرد نويلم 1.4
تعفد دقل كلذ ىلا
ةمكحملا لخا د تاكيشلا بجحل بابسا ىا فرعا نا نود نلآا ىتح تبجح ىتلا تاكيشلا ةميق يل عفدت نأ ررقملا نم ىه ىتلا لانويشانرتنا وكسيبو
ىف يل ب بست اضياو هتعمسب ةءاسلاا ىف ىعدملاب ررضلا ببستلاب هيلع ىعدملا ماقدقل 2001 / 138 98 / 577 2001 / 568 ىوعدلا مقر 99 / 1246
ةيحارج ةيلمع ءارج لا دشار ىفشتسم تلخد دقل اضيا ةيضقلا هذه بسب ىخا ىنادقف ىف تلثمت هيونعم رئاسخ اضياو يلاوما لك ترسخ دقل ةيدام رئاسخ
ريخلا بحأو تراملاا بحأ و ملاسلاا مرتحاو ةيئانج قباوس ىدل سيلو ماع 33 نم رثكا ذنم ىبد ىف شيعا ىدنه انا ىب د ىفشتسم ىرخا ةرمو
لوص ا ىلع لوصحلا ىف ىتدعاسم مكتداعس نم وجرا ذل ملاسلال لاو تراملال ريخلا نوبحي لا كنب ردتراشت ردناتسو جار نم لك نكل تاراملال
ةمكحم ىدل هزوجحملا تاكيشلا
نم سم تلا اذهل . تهتنا ىتماقاو ىتجوز رفس زاوج اضياو ىبد ةمكحم ىدل زوجحم ىرفس زاوج نا ةعافرلا ةطرش زكرمل اهتمدق ىتلا ىواكشلا
نوناقلا ةلادعو ةفأرلا نيعب ىاوعد ىف رظنلا مكتلادع
هدحتملا ةيبرعلا تراملاا اهيلع لصحت فوس ايموي رلاود نويلب ىعورشم ىلع لئلادلا كيطعأ فوس كلضف نم
100 نم رثكا ى دل ىننا تاتابثلاا عيمج ىدل ىنادحتي نم نكلو ىدناغ هيبش انا نكلو ىدناغ امتاهملا تسل انا ةوقلا ىلاعتو هناحبس الله ىناطعا مويلا
ملاسلا ا مرتحا ىننلا ملاسلال راهدزلااو مدقتلاو هي رشبلا ةمدخ ديرا نكلو صخش ىا ةراحم وأ ةلتاقم ديرا لاو لاملا ديرا لا ىننأ ماع 63 ىرمعو ةيضق
نم نير يثك لامعا لاجر ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تراملاا ىف دجويو دنهلا ىدلب ىف نيملسملا نم نيريثك سان ىدل ىننا هدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا بحاو
ناريا نيب برحلا تأدب اذاف ةيبرعلا لودلا عم ناريا لتاقتت نا دي رت اهنكلو نيملسملل لاو برعلل ريخلا ديرت لا ةيبرولاا لودلا نكلو برعلا نيملسملا
ىبرعلا جيلخلا لودل ةو قلاو ةقيقحلا هورثلا دعي ىذلا لورتبلا ريدصت ىف ةيويح ةقطنم دعت اهنلا ريثكلا ىجيلخلا نواعتلا سلجم لود رسخت فوس برغلاو
طقف لورتبلا ةو ق ىلع دامتعلاا نودب نيملسملاو برعلل هوقلا ىطعي فوس ىذلا عورشملا اذه ليغشتب موقاو هب ركفا ىذلا ىدناغ لقع يل بهو الله نكلو
ةراملاا مكاح خيشلا ومس ىلاعم بتكم ىلا اذه ىبلطو ىتوكش لاسرا مكتداعس نم بلطا اذل
نيميقملاو ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تراملاا عيمج ىلع ريخلاو عفنلاب دوعي فوس ىرامثتسا عورشم ىدل ىننا نب دمحم خيشلا ومسلا بحاص انل حمس ولو اهيف
ليميلاا ىلع علطا كلضف تراملاا اهيلع لصحت ايموي ر لاود نويلب 4 لودلا ىنغا تاراملاا حبصت فوس عورشملا اذه ليعفت متو ىبد مكاح دشار
ىاوكش ىف ةينوناقلا تءارجلاا ذاختا مكتداعس نم بلطا اذهل
مارتحلااو ريدقتلا ليزج مكتدايسلو اذه
هب قفرم
1 ايموي اهيلع لصحت ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا ةموكحل مهرد نييلام ةعبرا
2 ملاسلاا ىلا ةءاسلاا ىف اوببستو ىدناغ لقع ودسفأ ىبد ةموكح نيفظوم
3 جار كيرش كنب ردتراشت رلدنداتس ىلا ةتيطعا جيلخلا ىف لامعلاا نيمأت ل مهرد نويلب 1.4
4 جار رفس زاوج نم هروص
5سطسغا لبق ربوتكا رهش نا زكرملا لؤسم هيف نيبي ةعافرلا ةطرش زكرم ىلا كنب ردتراشت ردناتس نم باطخ
6 ةيناث ىدض ةيضق حتفل 5412 مقر كنب ردتراشت ردناتس نم باطخ
هتميق ىلع لصحا مل نلاا ىتح 1998 ذ نم 404976 مقر كيش
؟ ديفتسملا وه نم 1998 ىلا 1996 نم خيراتلا ريغتو كيشلا اذه ريوزت ىف ةحلصم هل نم 404977 مقر كيش
9؟ذامل اهعيقوت نود ىتجوز باسح نم غلبم مصخ 98 / 827 مقر ةيضق
10 ىونعملاو ىس فنلا مللااو ةراسخلا ىف دشارو ىبد ىفشتسم ىل ت ببست دقل قئاقد سمخ ىف ناتيحارج ناتيلمع ءاغلا دكؤي ىبد ىفشتسم نم ريرقت
111999 ماع ىف ىخا ةافو ةداهش
12 هتايح ىلع نمأم ناك ىذلا ىخا ةافول قحتسملا نيمأت ةميق ىل عفدت مل نيمأتلل نيعلا 157 مقر ةيضق
13 لك دض ى واكشلا صوصخب رضحم ىا حتفت ملو ىنوناق ءار جا ىا مهدض ذختي ملو زكرملا نجسلا نم ىواكش ةثلاث ةعافرلا ةطرش زكرم ىلا تلسرا دقل
هدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا ةعمسو عمجا ملاعلا ةطرش ةعمسب وءاسا دقل كنب ردرتراشت ردناتسو درانرب جار نم
ىلاتلا ليميلاا ىلع علاطلاا كنكمي www.needjustice.netlfile24.docx
ةميرجلا عجشي اضيا ىزكرملا كنبلاو ةلادعلا ةلود ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا ىبد ملاسلاا يل ثدح ئش ىا اذا كلضف نم
I am not A lawyer I cannot register a law firm of my own but I have my will power and financial capacity to build up a team in international levels.
Some lawyers and auditors have damaged the reputation of Dubai. This is the reason I am today father of law, hence outcome of my miseries is the making of Mum media CLICK here:
I wish to give Dubai, an Islamic country Good Luck. I am not a criminal but I will kill crime. This reason I made the below project. Even though You cheat me I am happy to give you good luck because:
I believe in minus (-) X minus (-) = plus (+) After all, the hardships I learnt something to make a peaceful world 2012.
ةلقتسم تارارق ذاختلا تايحلاص اهل يتلا عبسلا تاراملإا ةيذيفنتلا عارذلا نم ادج ةمهم ةفيظو يهو ، ةموكحلا ةيحان نم
نم لاع ىوتس م مهفل يب صاخلا بيولا عقوم ةرايز ىجري . ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ةلودلل ماعلا حلاصلا قيقحتل يدلب ملاسلا قيقحتل ةوقلا يناطعأ
تاراملإا يف نم لك ىلع عفنلاب دوعتس يتلا انأ ةيريخلا عيراشملا
اذامل% 90 ٪
يرحسلا نيدلا ءلاع حابصم ينجو يدناغ ىماحم.أ عي مجلا نأ ىتح تقولا نم ةريصق ةرتف ىف ةرتف يف اهتادئاع ةدايز نم تاموكحلا نكمت فوسو
مكحلا ةسراممو ميسقت كانه نوكي نل هناو اديعس نوكيس. قدصلاو ملاسلا سركي ديدج يملاع ماظن قلخل يدناغ ةيؤر قيقحت يف اندعاست روملأا هذهو
ملاعلاو تاراملإا هذه ذاقنإو ، يدناغ نم فلالآا قلخ يلاتلابو راهدزلااو ةبحملاو .
ةلقتسم تارارق ذاختلا تايحلاص اهل يتلاو عبسلا تاراملإا ماكح ناك اذإ. ديد حت متيسو ةرهشلا زاهج ءاشناو ءانب لك ىلع يمازلإ رمأ يطعت نأ نكمي اهنإف
نم رثكأ سيل ةموكحلا عم لبق نم ملاعلاا لئاسو رعس 2 ىلإ 3 ةدحاولا ةيناثلا يف سلف.
عينصتلا ةفلكت عم ، ةيراجتلا ملاعلإا لئاسو و جتنملا ةدوج وه نيدلا ءلاع ح ابصم 10-25000 مهرد -- نلاعلإا نم لخدلا ناك اذإ ، دحاو تقو رامثتسا
نم ىندلأا دحلا ىلإ زاهجلا يتأي 1 ىلإ 3 ، ةدحاولا ةيناثلا يف ةئبعت
نمف 1 ىلإ مهرد 2,700 ةعاس ةدمل زاهجلا يف. ةدم ل تمدختسا اذإ 15 نم حبصي ، مويلا يف ةعاس 2,700 ايموي زاهج لكل ىندأ دحك مهرد. 2,700 X
25 X 375 ٪ = لخد
Per day per Mum media day Dhs 2,700 X 1000000 = 270000000000 X 25% 675,000,000 (Six billions seventy five millions per day). Thus the expense of the Government per day will be converted to savings. We will set up Mum media in every building when the order is passed.
ىلاوحب ىونس لخد لداعي ام ىا هدحو نويلم ىلاوحب ردقت زاهجلا مدختست ىتلا تأشنملاو ىنابملا عيمج ددع ناكاذا
675,000,000 ردقت ثيح مهرد
ىتلأك تأشنملاو تادحولا
، تاراطم ةعبس ىلاوح هيبرعلا تاراملاا ىف تاراطملا ددعو 77O ةيقدنفلا ققشلل HOLIDAY 34562 قوستلا زكارم ، 75. ةماقلإا ينابملا عومجم
66،6000 ، 245686 عومجملا يف ةيراجتلا ينابملا = 1000000 (ابيرقت)
كلذك ةديج اهتعمسو ةملأا ةيهافر نع اضيأ ةلوؤسم ةيموكحلا تائيهلاو ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
. لعجو ةدعاسمل " ةيبرعلا تاراملإا نم داوملا عيمج لك
ةدحتملا (ةدفاولاو ةيلحملا ءاوس) ماعلا عاطقلا يفظوم عيمجل فده لضفأ وه. هموهفملا ملاعلإا لئاسو نم ةليسو للاخ نم كلذب مايقلا نكمي ناك اذإ
رظنلا قحتسي رمأ هنإف ديكأتلاب لكك ناكسل او ةموكحلا نم لاك ديفت يتلا ةركتبملاو
. غلبملا سفنو ةموكحلا ذاقنلا تارلاودلا تارايلم لعجت نأ نكمي ناك اذإ
يبد ققحتو داصتقلاا شاعنا نكمي هنإف اذإ ةموكحلا باسح نم 365 اموي ىداصتقلاا راهدزلاا نم اومن ىف .
نم تائفلا عيم ج ثيح بناجلأا نييرمثتسملاو نيفظوملاو نيلماعلا مهنم صخش نييلام ةينامث نم رثكأ ىلاوح شيعي ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا ةلود ىف
ةلود ىف شيعن اضيأ نحنو تراملاا ىف هرح ةقطنم نم رثكأ دوجو عم حاتم ئش لك دجت اذهلو راجتلاو عانصلا
تا روث و تارهاظم نم ةيبرعلا لو دلا ضعب ىف ثدحي ام دحأ ىلع ىفخي لاو نمأو ملاس ىف ماع نيعبرا نم رثكا ذنم ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا
ةميركلا ةلادعلاو هيرحلا لجأ نم كلذ لك تدرش ىتلا تلائاعلا ضعبو
ةعيرشلا يملاسلإا يبد
لا انأو .يل ةبسنلاب اعفن يدجت لا غلبملا اذهو .بلقلا ضيرمو ،ةنس 63 نلآا انأو
دق اهنأو لوسك يدلاوأ لعجيس ريبكلا غلبملا اذه لثم نلأ ،يتلئاعل هيطعت نأ ديرت
CourtI ديرت يبد ىلإ فرعمو يرفس زاوجو ليكوتلا تيطعأ دقل ىتح .اضيأ كلذ مادختسا ةءاسإ
، ايبيل ،نيرحبلا يف اولتق نيذلا نيملسملا لمارأ نيب لاوملاا هذه عيزوت متيس
مه نيملسملا ءلاؤه نم لافطلأا ناك اذإ هنأ ىشخأو .نييضاملا نيرهشلا يف كلذ ىلإ امو ،ناريإو ةيروس
.باهرلاا قيرط اوراتخا دق ، حيحص ميلعتو ءاذغ لا
يل نيكيش رادصإب
ةيلودلا جار رانرب نم معدب ةميرج درتراشت دردناتس كنب نم طابض تبكترا .كنبلا عورشم لثم ةديج رايتخلاا يكنب نامض
ىلإ ) 1998 ( يجيلخلا نواعتلا سلجم لود جيلخلا رارضلأاب قلعتي اميف مهرد 1.4M
تعفد دقل ةفاضلإاب .اهميدقت دنع امهرب سيلو 300000 اهعومجم
.يبد ةعمسب ررضلا مويلا ىتح 1998 نم ةرتفلا يف نيمرجملا معد نوناق عطاوق يبد .نلآا ىتح تبجحو عفدت ن أ ررقملا نم نلآا يه يتلا فارطلأا سفن
A bank guarantee cheque is as good as a bank draft. Officers of Standard Chartered Bank committed a crime with support of Raj Bernard of Besco International by issuing two cheques to me totaling 300,000 and not honoring them when presented. In addition I have paid 1.4m aed in respect of GCC gulf damages (1998) to the same parties which is now due to be paid and is still withheld. Dubai Law breakers support criminals from 1998 up to today damage Dubai reputation. cheque no 404977 5/7/1998 Dh100,000 cheque 404976 Dh200,000 15/10/1998
Abdullatif Mohammed Al Jismi,
Yousif Hassancase 1246/99
Dar Al Adalah law firm PARTNER lawyer’s
SCB certified bank guaranteed cheque too much power of Criminal in action?
K L Bernard Raj, SCB Stewart Hamond Investigations Officer.
Public prosecution 19/5412letter (25/4/1999)
Copy of cheque 404976 in my favour for the amount of 200,000 which has a legal alteration with stamp and signature
Abdullatif Mohammed Al Jismi - Head prosecution
Yousif Hassan – public prosecutor, Public Prosecutor
Mohammed Al Mannai
Mustafa Abdul Rahman secretary
Dubai courtJudges Moh Naabil, Fuad Hamdoun Yousif Faud
Chaired: Mr Moh Mahmoud Rasim
Judge: Mr Dr Ali Ibrahim Al Iman
Judge: Mr.Al Hadi Moh.Al Jadid
Judge: Mr.Moh.Nabil Moh RYad
Judge: Mr.Kharaf Fatah Al Bab Motually.
8 Company's Criminal K L Bernard Raj 1Besco intl 2 Besco llc 3 Bintun international 4 Bintun llc 5 Ar99 trading llc 6 Kith international overseas7 Kith international 8 Kith international group Besco (LLC) is now BLACKLISTED in the UAE & Ukraine .
The photograph of the person can be received from the system by entering his\her passport number
Raj B Company's Dubai Criminal Cases No.899/98,2129/98,3046/99,4047/99,5125/99,2905/99,13021/99,
GCC big damage losses Insurance claim for 15 years coverage for amount of Dh 1,408,124 to Dayal
Check Bernard Raj
Dhs.20 about five suicides one week, check
Dubai police cars damaged Bernard Raj, Keith intl LLC workers,
The photograph of the person can be received from the system by entering his\her passport number
رهشأ 6 دعبو ةطرشلا ةسارح يف ناك كيش رهشأ 6
كيش - ببسب حيحصلا خيراتلا .اميدق ببسلا ناكو و
نم رثكأ
2002 ليربإ on 28th
داعو كيش
اضفر ماعلا بئانلا
كيش ديعأ ىرخأ ةرمو - يلاتلا مويلا يف ةصاقملا كنبل كيش
انأ تيقلت امدنع
ءاغلإ هل تبن يعدملاو AGASINT CASE ME تمدقت دق يزيلجنلإا كنبلا لازي لا - قحلا قاقحتسا خيرات ىلع تنك IGHT DEPSOITEDD
.مويلا ىتح غلبملا ىلع لصحت مل تلز امو يدض
For 12 years in Dubai some lawbreakers denying me justice, however, God has made me strong (An Aladdin’s Gin!)
I believe God has given me the strength to make my peace for the greater good of Dubai UAE I am involved in which will benefit the whole of Dubai UAE-
Standard Chartered Bank
Group Investigations
P. O. Box: 999
Complainant: Standard Chartered Bank
Complainee: Dayal Mansukhani
On 15.10.1998, the complainee presented the cheque to the bank and requested the value of the same. Upon perusal, it appeared that there is a clear alteration on the due date specified on the cheque. Therefore, the bank refused to pay the value of the cheque (Original attached).
3 The bank has previously approved the cheque No. 404976, drawn to the account of Besco International at the bank, for the benefit of the above-mentioned complainee for an amount of Dirhams One Hundred Thousand
(200,000) provided that the same is presented on a specified date, which is 15.06.1996. (Copy attached)
7One of the persons, who signed the approval of the cheqe on behalf of the complainant bank, left the service at the bank since 1996, and the other one left the said branch since 1996 and has been transferred to the branch of the bank in Qatar since April 1997. The book from which the cheques were drawn has been given in 1995.
.هيلع ةباقر كيدل نكلو مكلل ةيملاعلا قئاثولا هذه لك ىلع ليلدلا ءاطعا انأ .ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإاو يبد
1998 سطسغأ 5 لبق يتأيو 1998 ربوتكأ 15 نأ لاإ طقف يبد ةموكح نأ نكمي 1
ةنس 2 ةدمل رظتني صخشو ، 1996 ماع يف مهرد
.جردلا ىلإ
300000 efer عاجرإب كنبلا عورشم لثم ةديج رايتخلاا يكنب نامض يبد ةموكح طقف )
ىلع لوصحلل صخش اهاقلتي يتلا رايتخ
لاا يكنبلا نامضلا نأ دقتعت يبد ةموكح طقف ) 3
.ةميرجلا ذيفنت دعب لاملا درتسيو ،ةصاخلا هلاوملأ
.هتاذ دحب ةلماك ةراسخل صخش لبق نم ةميرجلا بكترا وه يبد يف طقف ) 4
.ةيلصلأا تادنتسملا سيلو ةروصملا قئاثولا ىلع قفاوت يبد ةموكح طقف ) 5
.ةمكحم لا ىلإ ةلأسملا هذه ذاختا يف قحلا هيدل دجوي لا يدنه نطاوم وهو مث ، يبد يف رايتخلاا نامض ةفضلا يف يدنهلا نطاوملا عاجرإ مت اذإ ) 7
ملظل ا اذه دض فانئتسا مدعو سولجلا ىلع هرابجلإ هيلع طغضلا يرجيو .يدنهلا نطاوملا دض ةيضق عفر متيس مث كلذ تلعف اذإ
.تأدب نوكت نأ ضرتفملا نم ناكو قئاقد 5 لبق بلقلا يدنهلا نطاوملا ةيلمع ءاغلإ مت ، 1999 ويلوي 10 موي يبد ىفشتسم يف طقف ) 8
.يبد ةمكحم نم تاونس 12 ةدمل ةلادعلا ىلع لصحت لا يدنه نطاوم يبد يف ميقملا ةنس 25 ) 9
تلعف اذإ .ةمكحملا ىلإ ةلأسملا هذه ذاختا يف قحلا هيدل دجوي لا يدنه نطاوم وهو مث ، يبد يف رايتخ لاا نامض ةفضلا يف يدنهلا نطاوملا عاجرإ مت اذإ
ملظلا اذه دض فانئتسا مدعو سولجلا ىلع هرابجلإ هيلع طغضلا يرجيو .يدنهلا نطاوملا دض ةيضق عفر متيس مث كلذ
Part C : CBI case no. 827/2001
Civil case no. 827/2001 Commercial International Bank
This refers to Fixed Deposit NO 3702020225. The deposit was in the name of my wife, Pooja Mansukhani. How can there be a withdrawal made without my wife’s signature? The bank debited my wife’s FD of an amount Dhs 425,750 without her consent? Not Under Lien. I reported this to the Central Bank of Dubai Authorities for justice. This case has not seen any satisfactory answers or development since it was first opened. I want Pooja Mansukhani signature?
يلودلا يراجتلا كنبلا 2001 / 827 .يندملا مدع ةلاح .
عيقوت نود نم باحسنا كانه نوكي نأ نكمي فيك .
اجوب ، يتجوز مسا يف عاديلإا ناك .
NO 3702020225
ةتباث عئادو ىلا ريشي اذهو .
ةيضقلا هذه .ةلادعلا لجأ نم يبد تاطلسلل يزكرملا كنبلا ىلإ كلذ تغلبأ .نايل عضخت لا ؟اهتقفاوم نود امهرد 425750 غلبمل يتجوز FD كنبلا مصخ ؟يتجوز
؟عيقوتلا Mansukhani اجوب ديرأ .ىلولأا ةرملل حتتفا ذنم ريوطت وأ ةيضرم تاباجإ يأ دهشت مل
The case against the Khaleej Times started on 28 January 1999 - Alliance Insurance Company issued – coverage starting from
28/01/1999 to 27/01/2000 (Insurance Coverage). It is clearly seen on the copy that 2000 it is over written but the starting date is genuine. I have a copy of this as proof.
The coverage was due to be paid on the death of my brother which was certified by Dubai Hospital. Time of death date 29/01/99. Why has
this claim not been received to date?
زميات جيلخ 2000 / 157 مقر ةيضقلا MansukCivil
نم اءدب ةيطغتلا - رداصلا نيمأتلا ةكرش فلاحت -1999 رياني 28 موي زميات جيلخ ةفيحص دض ةعوفرملا ةيضقلا تأدب
كلذ ىلع بوتكم وه 2000 ماع نأ ةخسن ىلع حضاو لكشب رظنيو .)ةينيمأتلا ةيطغتلا( 2000 / 01 / 27 ىلإ 1999 / 01 / 28
.ليلدك اذه نم ةخسن يدل .ةيلصأ ءدب خيرات نك لو ،
خيرات نم تقو 99 / 01 / 29 .يبد ىفشتسم لبق نم ةدمتعم تناك يتلا يقيقش ةافو ىلع ةعوفدملا ةيطغتلا نأ ررقملا نم ناك
نلآا ىتح درت مل ةبلاطملا هذه اذامل .ةافولا
يناكوسنام لاياد ديسلا
يبد ، ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا
ى لا
يحشلا الله دبع ديسلا
ةطرشلا رقم
يراذتعا مدقا انا و . اهب صاخلا طبارلا نم روصلا فذحب تمق دقل، روصلا كلت لمحا ينلعج يذلا ببسلا وه اذه و ملاسلاا يمنا يكل عورشملا اذه الله يناطعا
ىلا ةفاضلاب ملاسلاا ةمدخل اهري خست ىلا جاتحا و ةيلقع تاناكما يدل ، روصلا كلت نع ةجتانلا رارضلاا لك نع ضيوعتلل يتيزوهج نع ريبعتلا ديرا و مكتدايسل
ملاسلا مدقيس يعورشم نلا اظح رثكلاا صخشلا ينا ملعا انا . يبد ةموكح نم صخلااب و ةيملاسلاا لودلا نم ينوناقلا معدلا جاتحا اناف . تارلاودلا نييلامب عورشم
نا وجرا امك قفرملا صرقلا اذه ىلع اوعلطتا لاضفب . يفقوم مهفت مكترضح نم س متلا انا و . ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا ةلود ةلادع يف كش يا دجوي لا و . ملاعلل
وه و ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا ةلود ةيمنت ىلا وعدي يذلا يتكرش عقوم ىلع اوعلطت
يلاتلا فلملا طبار و قفرملا صرقلا ىلع علاطتلاا للاخ نم ةصوصنملا نيناوقلا لماكب تمزتلا ينا نم دكاتلا مكترضح ناكماب ام ك
يطبار ىلع روصلا ليمحت متي مل .
نجسلا يف هعضو و هيلع ضبقلل مهرد 100000 وه بتكملا نم بولطملا ناك ثيح , ديتراش دردناتس كنب دض ةيضق ليجستي تمق
عقوملاب بتكملا ديوزتب تمق دقل .
درانريب جار ديسلا هاجت رارق يا ذاختا متي مل و .
كلذ نم وقحتت نا وجرا و يلع ةبجوتملا دوقنلا عفدا مل ينلا ىلع ظفحتلا مت دقل .
جار ديسلا هاجت رارق يا ذاختا متي مل اضيا نكل و يلاتلا مويلا يف يحارس قلاطا مت دق و .
روصلا و ةلدلاا لك ىلع يوجي يذلا
2011 \ 11 \ 14 خيراتلا تاذ يتيضق يف ورظنت نا مكتدايس نم بلطا انا و
ديسلا بتكم ىلا تملس يتلا ةلدلاا و روصلا عم ىوكش 13 ليجستب تمق ينا ثيح .
1988 ةنس يف قرط ةدعب يبيذعتي ماق قيرفلا اذه ىلا ىلا مكتلادع رظن تفل وحرا
يناديماحلا ماصع
ةيلمع ءاغلا بابسا يف ورظنت و يبد ىفشم و دشار ىفشم يف يحصلا يعضو نم دكاتلا مكناكماب ثيح 7611331 مقرلا تاذ يتلاح و بلقلا يف لكاشم نم يناعا انا
ئيش يا لعفا نا عيطتسا لا و يبد ةراما ةدهع يف يتجوز رفس زاوج و يزاوج .
ادج ينبذع ام اذه و .
اهئارجا دعوم نم قياقد 5 لبق يب ةصاخلا بلقلا
: م اقرلاا تاذ ديدج نم اياضقلا وحتفت نا مكتدايس نم سمتلا و ةلدلاا ىلع اوعلطت نا وجرا ، يبد يف نودجاوتم ديتراش دردناتس كنب و جار ديسلا و انا نلاا
. 1246/1999, 658/2001 : مقر ةيضقلا
.557/1998, 183/2000 : مقر ةيضقلا
مهلعجي ام اذه و .
يناطيربلا كنبلا نم مهيرد 200000 100000 نع ديزي ام ينم وذخا مهنا ثيح جار ديسلا دنع لمعي صخش رفس زاوجل نيتروص قاحلاب تمق دقل
مكترضح ناكماب ثيح ، هرما يف رظنلا مكتدايس نم وجرا و يبد ةراما نوناق نم برهتلاب جار ديسلا ماق .
مهرفس زاو ج ىلع علاطلاا مكناكماب يبد يف نيبولطم
ةيضقلا ىلع اودهشي يكل كنبلا نم ادوهش وعدتست نا وجرا .
اضيا كنبلا طروت ىلع حضاو ليلد اذه و .
اهبجومب ضرقلا ذخا هنا حضوت يتلا كنبلا تانايب ىلع علاطلاا
و .
مهرد 20 ببسب مهتايح ودقف جار يفظوم نا ةقيقح ىلع وعلطت يكل تنرتنا عقاوم ثلاثب مكديوزتب تمق دقل .
دوهشلا ليلضت لواحي يذلا جار ديسلا اهيف طروتي يت لا
صارقلاا ىلع ة رفوتم يه و 2011 ربمفون 14 يف نجسلا يف اهببسب تعضو يتلا تادنتسملا هذه ىلع اوعلطت نا وجرا .
هعم قيقحتلا متي مل
– H3447686 : زاوجلا مقر
– A7423312 : زاوجلا مقر
ماق و .
ةدحاو ةعاس للاخ هبتكم يف ادوجوم نوكاس ينا هغلاباب تمق و , 2012 \ 1 \ 19 خيراتب سيمخلا يف يتجوزب ةينورتكللاا مئارجلا مس ق نم دمحا ديسلا لصتا دقل
دحلاا موي مودقلاب ينملعا و ءاسم ةثلاثلا يف ىرخا ةملاكم ءارجاب دمحا ديسلا ماق .
رخا اصخش ناك مقرلاب تلصتا امدنع .
2036212 فتاهلا مقر هئاطعاب طباضلا
ةقباسلا ةباتكلا تقحلا يناف ةينورتكللاا مئارجلا مسق ىلا بولطم ينا امب و .
يتدافاب ءلادلال 2012 \ 1 \ 22 يف كانه نوكاس و .
2012 \ 1 \ 22
ةمئاق نم يمسا فذح و يحارس قلاطا متي مل اذاف .
ام صخش نم ينددهي رطخب نسحا ينلا اذه و .
ةطرش لا ماسقا و تاراملاا مكاحم لك يف ىوكس ميدقتب تمق دقل
يتحص ةيلؤسم لمحتي مسقلا ناف ةعونمملا ءامسلاا
ىلا صرقلا نم ةخسن وثعبت نا و جرا كلذل .
يبد ةمكحم ةدهع يف يتجوز رفس زاوج و يزاوج ينا امب ماعلا بئانلا بتكمل لثتما نا دادعتسا ىلع ينا حضوا نا ديرا و
يبد ةمكحم
لايزج اركش
يناكوسنام تاياد
ىناخوسنم لايد :ديسلا نم
ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ، يبد
ماعلا ىعدملا ةداعس: ىلا
ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ، يبد ةمكحم
مكتداعس ىلا
.درتراشت دردناتس كنب لبق نم ةقدصم تاكيش عضب ليصافت مدقت انه انأ
404977 : مقر كيش .
/ 5 : خيرات عجري
مهرد 100000 : غلبملا
404976 : مقر كيش .
/ 15 : خيرات عجري
مهرد 200،000 : غلبملا
يف ةرفوتم ةيلصلأا تاكيشلا .اذه دض 2001 / 658 : مقر ةيضقلا عم يبد يف ةمكحم يف ةيندم ىوعد تعفر دقو
.ةيضقلا فلملا اذه
12 ةليوط ةبلاطلا هذه دعب ىتحو ، مويلا ىتحو لاملا ىلع تلصح دق نكأ مل .عامتسلاا نود كلذ ضفر هنكل
.تاكلتمملا يدلب وه اذه يتفصب رايتخلاا جاتحأ.اماع
1999 / 1119 مقر فانئتسلاا( ءادن تيطعأ دقو .
124699 يئانجلا مكحلا ةلاح نم ققحتلا اضيأ كنكمي
ءاغللإ ) 1999 / 143 ( ايلعلا ةمكحملا ىتح اوعبات نيذلا ، يبد ةمكحم يف ماعلا يعدملا لبق نم ) 1999 / 1174 و
404977 ةناخ
.يل رايتخلاا داعو لشف هنكل
ربتخم ىلإ رايتخلاا اذه لسرأ دقو .ةطرشلا ةسارح تحت ) 404976 ( رايتخلاا ىلع رهشأ 7 نم رثكأ مت دقو
رثكلأ رايتخلاا رظح مت دق ةيناثلا ةرملا يف .انوناق تريغ ققحتلا مت دق هنأ دكأو 1999 رياربف يف .
نيترم ةميرجلا
.يدلب نيفظوملا رفس تازاوج كلذكو ، يرفس زاوج تعنم دق اوناك امك .رهشأ ةتس نم
ةوخلإا 2 يدلب تدقف يننأ يلو ايلقع 2 تاكيشلا هذه ىلع بيذعتلل ضرعت دق لكاشملا هذه نيب رهشأ 7 يف
يف ةيحارج ةيلمعل ) 7611331 : تابثلإا ىفشتسم فرعمل رايتخلاا( دشار ىفشتسم يف يل فرتعا دقو .اضيأ
ةيئانج ةوق ببسب ةيلمعلا نم قئاقد سمخ لبق كلذ ءاغلإ مت نكلو .
2011 و 1999 يماع يف نيترم بلقلا
نيرشت 17 يف هدقع ررقملا نم ناك ةين اثلا ةيلمعلاو ، 1999 زومت 10 يف يل ىلولأا ةيلمعلا حلاصإ مت .ةيوق
.لاملا ىقلتي صخشلا ناك اذإ لاإ مهتدهع يف كيش يقبت نأ ةمكحملل نكميو .
2011 ، لولأا
تاراملإا يف انه تنك دقل .ةرركم يدناغ ينهذ ملاسلإا عم ومني نأ ديرأ انأو يدلب يه ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
ةيئانجلا ةوقلا مادختسا ةءاسلإ يبد ىلإ نوتأي سانلا نم ريثك .ةيضاملا 34 ل ا تاونسلا ىدم ىلع ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا
ومني نأ يمامتها تبثي يذلا يعقوم
اذهب قفرأو .ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ةلود ةعمس دسفيو
ظافحلا مكنم وج رأ يلاتلابو ، اماع 12 ذنم الله هاعر ىبد مكاح دمحم خيشلا ةداعس ومسلا بحاص ناكو.ملاسلإا
: يل ملظ مهفل يلاتلا طبارلا ةرايز ىجري .ةلادعلا ينيطعتو يبد ةعمس ىلع
.كل اهليمحت نكمي يتلا روصلا عم ةلدلأا كحنمي طابترلاا .
ريدقتلاو مارتحلاا قئاف لوبقب اولضفتو
050 7570737 ىناخوسنم لايد
هيسجلا ىدنه ىناخوسنم لايد : نم
ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ، يبد
ماعلا يعدملا ةداعس ىلا
ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ، يبد ةمكحم
، عوضوملا
وسيب مسا ةناخ يف ردصأكنب بيبح ، يتلا يحلاص يف ناك ) 2000 / 183 مقر ةيضقلا ( يف مكحلا نأ ىلإ مكهابتنا بلجل وه اذه
لوصحلا دوأ .نوناقلا يكهتنم ل ارظن يتعفد تقلت دق نكأ مل نكلو .مهرد 618383 غلبم يبد ، هيلودلا
دقل كلذ نكي مل ولو .نيرمثتسملاو ناسنلإا ةايحل ةيمهأ يأ تتبثأ ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ذنم رايتخلاا يرهظ ىلع
نكأ مل .ببس نود نم كلذ ضفر مت نكلو ، ) ةمصاعلا كلذ يف امب مهرد 10718383 نادقف ( لامعلأاو يدلب نيقيقش تدقف
تاكلتمملا يدلب وه اذهيتفصب رايتخلاا جاتحأ .اماع 12 ةليوط ةبلاطلا هذه دعب ىتحو ، مويلا ىتحو لاملا ىلع تلصح دق
يف بغرتيبد يف ميقي ، لولأا .
رايتخلاا يف تلااحلا هذه يف يبد يف درتراشت دردناتس كنب نم جار رانرب ديسلا كراشيو
نأ ديرت ينس رغص نم لامعأ لجر نوكأ نأ .
رايتخلاا بعاتم يأ نود نم يفلخلا ءزجلا ىلع لوصحلا
ةرايز ىجري .لامعلأا ملاع يف يتلااصتا يلمع ومنتو رهدزت
يل ملظ مهف ىلإ
ةيبرعلا تاراملإا يف انه تنك دقل .ةرركم يدناغ ينهذ ملاسلإا عم ومني نأ ديرأ انأو يدلب يه ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
ةلودةعمس دسفي و ةيئانجلا ةوقلا مادختسا ةءاس لإ يبد ىلإ نوتأي سانلا نم ريثك .
ةيضاملا 34 لا تاونسلا ىدم ىلع ةدحتملا
.ملاسلإا ومني نأ يمامتها تبثي يذلا يعقوم
اذهب قفرأو .
ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
ركشلا ليزج مكتدايسلو اذه
مارتحلاا قئاف لوبقب اولضفتو
050 7570737 ىناخوسنم لايد
هيسنجلا ىدنه ىناخوسنم لايد : نم
ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ، يبد
ةعافرلا ةطرش زكرم ريدم ةداعس ىلا
ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ، يبد
.ديجملا دبع ديسلا دض ةلدأ ليزنتو يل ملظ مهف ىلإ لصت
ةرايز ىجري
كيشلل متهي مل ثيح ، ةبذاك ةيضق يف يل ضارتعا ىلإ يبد يف درتراشت د ردناتس كنب دعاس ةعافرلا ةطرش نم لضاف ديجملا دبع مزلاملا نأ كشأ تنك انه غلبأ
.درتراشت دردناتس كنب نم ةقدصم تاكيش عضب ليصافت مدقي انأ .يلصلأا
404977 : مقر كيش .
July/1998 / 5 : خيرات عجري
مهرد 100000 : غلبملا
404976 : مقر كيش .
October/1998 / 15 : خيرات عجري
مهرد 200،000 : غلبملا
نيحلا كلذ ذنم لتق نوكي دق .نلآا ىتح عيراشم نم نييلام ةدع تدقف ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ىتحو 1998 ماع ذنم ىسفنلا بيذعتلا ىل مدق ديجملا دبع ديسلا ناكو
3 تيقتلا .ديجملا دبع ديسلا بلطو 2011 ربمفون يف صخش حفر يف ةطرشلا ةطحم يف ىوكش يل ناك .دوسلا نم ديدعلا بيذعتو ةيديرب لئاسر ينتلصو
يف ةدوجوم ريغ لازت لا ةدحاو ىوكش .روصلاو ةلدلأا عم نيترم ياوكش يدلب يماحملا تلجس نأ دعب .مهنم در يأ قلتأ مل نكلو صخش يف تاصصختلا
.هدصق ءوس ببسب اذه ببست دقو .تلاجسلا
يعدملا ثعب هنا لاقو .رمثتسملا نيرصاحملاو ةيئانجلا ردصأ .جردلا ىلإ ريشأ امك كنبلا قداص دق ناك ي تلا تاكيشلا هذه ىلع ىوكشلا يف اهمادختسا ءاسي دق ناك
ءاعدتسا نأ دوأو .يدض ) 1999 / 1246 مقر ةيضقلا( تعفر ةيئانج ةيضق اونب ةبذاك ةلاحلا هذهل ةجيتن .يدض ةبذاك 1999 / 160 ةيضق يف مهتا دق ناك يذلا ماعلا
، 1998 ماع يف ائطخم ناك يتلا تاكيشلا نم هنا ريرقتلا تدعأ دق يتلا طوغضلا يف هلأسأ نأ دوأو ميركلا نآرقلا مسا يف .ةمكحملل ك يشلا بحس يذلا طباضلا
.كنب لا افار ةلاسرلا سأر يف ةطرشلا زكرم ىلإ 1998 سطسغأ 5 يف يناثلا رايتخلاا ىلع ىوكش بتك دق ناك اللهدبع ديجملادبع ةداعس ىتح كلذ يف كشأ .
1998 ماع ذنم انه لثامم طباضو نوناقلا ملع لك يف سيل طباض ةءاسإ دحاو يأ نكميو .قاقحتسلاا خيراتل اموي 70 نم رثكا كانه
ءوس ةحفاكمل ةي سيئرلا ة طحملا هذه ىلإ بلطأ نلآا.ملاعلا يف ةطرشلا ةعمس داسفا يلاتلابو ةمكحملا يف كولسلا ءوس ناك يذلا همسا يف ةيئانج ةيضق ليجست نأ دوأو
بابذلا ناك اذإ .رانرب جار دض ىوكش تلجس اناو نوناقلل بلأا يننأ امب يسفن براحأ فوس .يبد ةمكحم يف ماعلا يعدملا ىلإ هلسرأو ديجملا دبع ديسلا نم كولسلا
.ةطحملا نع ةمجانلا رارضلأا نم تارايلملا ببسي دق هنإف ، ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ةلود نع اديعب
34 لا تاونسلا ىدم ىلع ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا يف انه تنك دقل .ةرركم يدناغ ينهذ ملاسلإا عم ومني نأ ديرأ انأو يدلب يه ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
تبثي يذلا يعقوم
اذهب ق فرأو .ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ةلود ةعمس دسفيو ةيئانجلا ةوقلا مادختسا ةءاسلإ يبد ىلإ نوتأي سانلا نم ريثك .ةيضاملا
ملاسلإا ومني نأ يمامتها
ركشلا ليزج مكتدايسلو اذه
مارتحلاا قئاف لوبقب اولضفتو
ناخوسنم لايد
050 7570737
زميات جيلخ 2000 / 157 مقر ةيضقلا MansukCivil
نم اءدب ةيطغتلا - رداصلا نيمأتلا ةكرش فلاحت -1999 رياني 28 موي زميات جيلخ ةفيحص دض ةعوفرملا ةيضقلا تأدب
، كلذ ىلع بوتكم وه 2000 ماع نأ ةخسن ىلع حضاو لكشب رظنيو .)ةينيمأتلا ةيطغتلا( 2000 / 01 / 27 ىلإ 1999 / 01 / 28
.ليلدك اذه نم ةخسن يدل .ةيلصأ ءدب خيرات نكلو
.ةافولا خيرات نم تقو 99 / 01 / 29 .يبد ىفشتسم لبق نم ةدمتعم تناك يتلا يقيقش ةافو ىلع ةعوفدملا ةيطغتلا نأ ررقملا نم ناك
؟نلآا ىتح درت مل ةبلاطملا هذه اذامل
لبق 1999 ويلوي 10 ىلع يدلب ةيلمعلا ءاغلإ ىفشتسملا ريرقت ءاعولا ءابطلأا يبد يف دشار ىفشتسم ) 7611331 مقر ىفشتسم فرعم .
9 مقر ضرعلا(
17h 20011 ربوتكأ يدلب ةيلمعلا ءاغلإ ىفشتسمو دشار .
قئاقد 5
( Exhibit no. 9. Hospital ID no. 7611331) Rashid hospital doctors Angio report Dubai hospital cancelled my operation on 10th july 1999 before 5 mins.& Rashid hospital cancelled my operation on 17h October 20011
I am here, as well as Standard Chartered Bank, Raj Bernard.
.رانرب جارو ،درتراشت دردناتس كنب كلذكو ،انه انا ا
This statement proves that my operation is cancelled on 10 th july 1999. In this manner they have pressurized a heart patient by phone calls.
Dubai and the entire UAE, I am giving the proof of all these World Records to you that must be looked upon in interest of reputation and welfare of all those who live in Dubai.
Only in Dubai some Governing officials:
Except that the day 15th October 1998 comes before 5th August 1998.
A bank guarantee cheque is as good as a bank draft returns the refer to drawer.
Believe that a Bank Guarantee cheque received by someone for 300,000 dirhams in 1996 will the person wait for 2 years for his own money, and recover after doing a crime.
Crime is committed by a Person for his own loss.
Agrees to file charge on a Photocopied Documents and do not feel the necessity of Original Documents.
If an Indian Citizen’s Bank Guarantee cheque in Dubai is returned, the Indian has no right to take the matter to the court. If this is done a Case will be filed against the Indian Citizen. Pressure is put on him and games are played so that he should not appeal or fight against this injustice
On the day of operation i.e. 10th July 1999, Indian Citizen’s Heart Operation is cancelled just before 5 minutes; it was supposed to be begun.
After living in Dubai for 35 years an Indian Resident does not get justice for almost 12 years from Dubai Court, Dubai many governing departments, Dubai appointed many lawyers, and law firms and even Dubai court-appointed auditors.
If an Indian Citizen’s Bank Guarantee cheque in Dubai is returned / bounced, then this Indian Citizen has no right to take the matter to the court. If this is done a
Case is filed against him and is Pressured so he is not able to appeal against the injustice
Without the grace of God nothing is possible, as in the United Arab Emirates is a Muslim country we go by the grace of God.
In terms of the government, a very important function of the executive arm of the seven emirates that have powers to make decisions independently.
Given me the strength to bring peace to my country the greater good of the United Arab Emirates. Please visit my website to understand the high level of charitable projects that will benefit everyone with in the UAE
Why 90% percent of people in this world view that Gandhi likeness of God and not 100, because, because Gandhi did not act independently, resulting in victory I'm not a lawyer, Gandhi and reap the lamp of Aladdin magic. A and will enable governments to increase revenues in the period in a short period of time so that everyone will be happy and there would be no division and the exercise of power. These things help us achieve the vision of Gandhi to create a new world order of peace and dedicated honesty, love and prosperity, thus creating thousands of Gandhi, and save the
UAE and the world.
If the rulers of the seven emirates which has powers to take independent decisions. They can give is mandatory on all building and establishing a fame and the price will be determined by the media with the government, not more than 2 to 3 fils per second.
Aladdin's lamp is the quality of the product and the commercial media, with the cost of manufacturing 10-25000 AED
- invest one time, if the income comes from advertising device to a minimum of 1 to 3 per second fill,
Per day per Mum media day Dhs 2,700 X 1000000 = 270000000000 X 25% 675,000,000 (Six billions seventy five millions per day). Thus the expense of the Government per day will be converted to savings. We will set up Mum media in every building when the order is passed.
Makan number of all buildings and structures that use the device is estimated at about a million and alone, equivalent to an annual income of about 675,000,000 , with an estimated AED units and establishments Kloty:
And the number of airports in the UAE about seven airports, 77O Apartments HOLIDAY 34562, shopping centers
75. Total residence buildings 66.6000 0.245686 commercial buildings in total = 1000000 (almost)
United Arab Emirates and government agencies are also responsible for the welfare of the nation and a good reputation as well. To assist and make "all the all the materials of the United Arab Emirates (both local and expatriate) is the best goal of all public sector employees. If you can do so through the medium of the media understandable and innovative benefit both the government and the population as a whole certainly it is worth considering. If he can make billions of dollars to save the government and the same amount from the account of the government if it can revive the economy and see Dubai's 365 days in the growth of economic prosperity.
In the United Arab Emirates live more than about eight million people, including workers, employees, and foreign investors in all categories of manufacturers, traders and you will find that everything is available with more of a free zone in the UAE and we also live in a state
United Arab Emirates for more than forty years in peace and security and no one secret to what happens in some
Arab countries such as demonstrations and revolutions and a decent life and some of the families displaced by it all for freedom and justice
Dayal Mansukhani
E m a i i l l : : a d m i i n @ f f a m e .
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D u b a i i .
U A E .
Complainant / dialysis Hsaram Minsokhany Indian nationality - T. 0559703775 passport number 1780312 Residence Dubai
Against / Koristan Bernard Raj Hendygansah - Jumeirah Dubai - and the passport number 1870100
Tel: 0503399222 to 0505142323
And Standard Chartered Bank - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Subject of the complaint
Please Your Excellency examine all the documents attached to the complaint
I live in Dubai for more than 33, and respected Islam and I love the good of the United Arab Emirates and considered it my second home
This crime is a loss for all humanity committed by both Koristsan Bernard Raj and partner Standard Bank of British Chartdr
Make a complaint against Aalshaky Koristan Bernard Raj, where it caused him in the moral and material losses, which make his life in danger
From 1998 until now with the knowledge that all the records found in the police station Alrvaah
And even threatening the loss of life if taken any legal action against him
Back incident since 1996-1998 since it began Kuristian Raj and dialysis Minsokhany business with each other in Dubai
Was dialysis lends Raj sums of money and the Raj, in turn, Yun has security checks drawn on Bank Standard Chartdr Bank Asked by dialysis value of checks declined Kuristia Bernaj Raj for Sdadeghima Hekin a destined Mpelghm 300,000 dirhams you pay
AED 1.4 million to secure business in the Gulf and then Gulf has losses and then comes the many billion loss that he did not pay me 300,000 dirhams and then is Sidqa 1.4 billion for insurance losses
Tjarath destroyed his life and caused him the loss of physical and moral Bernard Raj has harmed the reputation of Dubai and offended to the law of Dubai and this had to be
That in the month Spettmr 2011 of the prison's central number prisoner 176 031 I sent three complaints to the police station
Alrvaah When I came out of prison I went to the police station Alrvaah on November 17, 2011 I spoke with an official in the police station Alrvaah in order to ask them what happened to my complaint but they did not give me any testimony that since
1998 until 2011, has caused Abdul Majeed Abdullah in my loss and Ahbtuny morally it has become a powerful they only have the right and the weak wander not for them, but failure and remorse just Standard Chartdr Bank and Raj them power and authority to win their cases I'm not lucky with the Government of Dubai in the equitable relief and recovery my rights, which looted and looted robbed a bank and Standard Chartdr Kuristian Raj
We have the Standard Chartdr Bank filed a complaint against me on 05.08.1998 and which stated I made a check of the bank on 15.10.1998 requesting to cash the check of the Standard Bank Chartdr
The question of the police officer who recorded the record at the wrong data beyond the scope of the mind. In any year comes a month before the month of October
August? As the Standard Bank Stadtdr gave them a copy of the check, but I have continued to check this is an abuse of the reputation of the Dubai police fair
(If a check was issued to any person and the deadline is two days after the exchange Why be delayed for a period of two years of this claim by Standard Bank Chartdr that Mr. Dial has presented the check for payment after the due date two years and this does not make sense because there is no harm himself Avaql
Why is it blocked out the checks in the courts of Dubai? To follow me the damage and loss of physical and moral
This affects the reputation of the law of Dubai, where he is neutral in the law if they did not give me my right to the courts of
Dubai will offer Hkoty to the courts of Abu Dhabi and to the
Courts of Sharjah and Ajman to the courts and to the courts and the courts of Umm Al Quwain Ras Al Khaimah and Fujairah courts for my rights will be fighting for my rights to obtain. I fight the criminals in order to get the justice I ask of Your
Excellency's esteemed in helping me to get these Hekin detainees in court
The Kuristian Bernarj Raj wants to hurt me and cause me losses and there are some staff in government agencies Aaddoumon they help him help him to commit his Almhboppe that harm the reputation of Dubai
Why was canceled two operations for the heart to me the first time the number of Rashid Hospital Health 7611331 on
7/10/1999 five minutes before the operation was canceled and the second time was canceled surgery of the heart to me also of the Hospital Dubai on 10/17/2011
Have caused me to Rashid Hospital material and moral damage caused to me and the mental anguish and grief Why do not we in the Arab Islamic state believes in equality before the law
In 1999 on 28-1 my brother died of a heart attack by the true and as a result of threats, which was provided to us Bernard Raj
In the same year died brother the second of the same events also question of who will compensate me for Brothers Vqdthm because of allegations and accusations Raj false and due to the loss of my rights and not to equitable relief by the Government of Dubai Why causing Li's mental anguish and physical damage and until now I did not get the amount of insurance, where he was my brother insured and you filed a No. 157/2000 and to now have not taken any action Fahaa
I have damaged my mind that my life is a danger that threatens to doom my life threaten me that my mind and thinking such as Mahatma Gandhi will fight for my rights of access to justice in order to look on the website
I have committed a staff member of the Bank Standard Chartdr Bank of crime with the support of Bernard Raj and Pisco international issue two checks to me totaling 300,000 AED in addition to that I paid AED 1.4 million with respect to Blodharar
Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC) 1998 to the same parties Koristsan Bernard Raj and Pisco International, which is scheduled to pay me the value of checks withheld until now without knowing any reasons for withholding checks within the court case number 1246/99 / 658/2001
- 577/98 -138/2001 Kdqam to the defendant in the defendant causing damage and harm to his reputation caused me also in the damage I've lost all my money and also losses in the moral was losing my brother because this issue has also entered the
Rashid Hospital for surgery and again I'm Hospital Dubai Indians lived in Dubai for more than 33 year and has no criminal record and I respect Islam and I love the Emirates, and I like good to the UAE but all of the Raj and Standard Chartdr bank that
does not love the good of Amart not of Islam harbor I request you to help me in getting the assets of the checks the reserved to the Court of
Complaints made by the police station Alrvaah that my passport is reserved to the Court of Dubai and also the passport of my wife and my stay is over. For this sought of Aadaltkm consider the judge thou my cause into compassion and justice law
I have investment project will be beneficial to all and good, the United Arab Emirates, and residents even allowed us to His
Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Ruler of Dubai, was activated this project will become the UAE's richest countries 4 billion states daily t get briefed on Emirates, Please email the next
For this, ask your Excellency to take legal measures are in my complaint
This, and you very much appreciation and respect
1 - Copy of the checks the reserved to the Court of Dubai
2 - Report on the health status of the defendant's release from hospital in Dubai
3 - Statement build the legitimacy of the defendant as he has from the amounts when the defendant
4 - Copy of the death certificate of his brother
5 - Copy of the complaint filed by Standard Chartered Bank dated 05/08/1998
6 - Copy of the investment project Charity, who is the defendant Pthouderh
I am not a lawyer, which I had a line where I wrote my experience, I respect the United Arab Emirates If you give me any information Police Station Alrvaah
Will be Raj Interpol Gulf Insurance of which harm the families of the Gulf Standard Tzlrtdr Bank of reason Alkhsar estimated one billion the role of loss to the United Arab Emirates If you gave me my rights I will not go to any other emirate since anything has happened to me and Orjal Business Standard Chartdr Bank is responsible, and I've got all Alastonat registered by the all the data if it does not work Hparway will happen to the world of big loss
Complainant: Dial Minsokhany .
Mr. Dayal Mansukhani
Dubai, UAE
Major Abdullah Al Shehhi / Officer Ahmed
The Police Head Quarters / CID Cyber Crime
Dubai, UAE
Please visit my website
I want to grow economy and reputation of UAE.
It will also show my brain works as Duplicate Gandhi and Father of Law.
Check this link; I had deleted the pictures from the link. You can download the file to get the 100% evidences of law breakers, in Dubai causing harm to Dubai’s reputation. I respect Dubai.
I am an uneducated heart patient. You can check my hospital records in reference to ID: 7611331. My wife’s passport and my passport is already in custody. Investor’s passports are in custody while criminals are leading happy life in Dubai. Now I am also in Dubai, Mr. Raj Bernard is also in Dubai and also Standard Chartered Bank. I humbly protest to please refer the above links for the evidences and re-open the two cases if you respect Islam and UAE.
Case No. 1246/1999, 658/2001 80072545
Case No. 557/1998, 183/2000
This is to bring to your kind attention that the Dubai legal team has mentally tortured me in many ways since 1998. Even the officers of Dubai court have supported the crimes intentionally or un intentionally, I don’t know. I registered 13 complaints with evidence and pictures, which has been dismissed by the Head Officer of Public Prosecutor, Mr. Esam Elhamedani. I am an uneducated heart patient.
I met the CID of Cyber Crime to register a complaint against Mr. Raj Bernard, where the officer demanded 100,000 AED to arrest him else he would put me in jail. I was taken into custody for a day since I refused to pay this money. Check whether I was in custody of CID Head Quarters. I had given the Officer the website, in which all the evidences with photographs are present. He submitted the proof to the Dubai court and I was released the next day without taking any action against Mr. Raj
Bernard. They did not take any action against me also.
In reference with my jail ID 176031, you can check that I had registered 8-10 complaints with proof. The officer of Rafa Police
Station has taken my signatures in 3 complaints. But I don’t find any information in the records since 1998. I had taken a Gulf
Insurance from the Standard Chartered Bank through Mr. Raj Bernard of 1.4 Million AED for 15 years. God was kind to me that he made me to take this insurance. Mr. Raj Bernard has undergone many damages in Dubai whose claimed insurance has been millions of dollars. Standard Chartered Bank is a UK bank who lies to Dubai and does business unethically. They justify their crime to be right, and spoil UAE’s image. And hence I was forced to upload the pictures of Rafa Police Station, Dubai Court and
Public Prosecutor so that the officials / departments will seriously consider the complaints, but till date no one has cared.
If these cases are re-opened, definitely some of the officials will be in problem. Knowing this I was declared as WANTED even though I was not. I have mental power that can stop injustice to people through my project and I am in process of developing a project worth of billion dollars. Please I need the legal help in Dubai. I know that I am the luckiest person in the world, since my project will give peace to the world. The evidences of two cases against Standard Chartered Bank and Mr. Raj Bernard can prove UAE, an injustice country. I request you to refer and order to re-open the following cases so that you may understand the game played by the above two parties in Dubai Court.
Thanking You,
Dayal Mansukhani 050 7570737
Mr. Dayal Mansukhani
Dubai, UAE
The Public Prosecutor
Dubai Court, UAE
I hereby furnish the details of a couple of cheques certified by Standard Chartered Bank.
Cheque No. :
Due Date :
Amount :
100,000 Dirhams
Cheque No. :
Due Date :
Amount :
200,000 Dirhams
A Civil case was filed in the Dubai court with Case No.: 658/2001 against these original cheques, and they are available in the case file.
The case was dismissed without hearing. Till date, I have not received the money, and the cheque’s its now been long 12 years.
I need my cheques as this is my property.
You can also check the judgement of Criminal Case 1246/99. An appeal (Appeals No. 1119/1999 and 1174/1999) has been given by the Public Prosecutor in the Dubai Court, who had followed till Supreme Court (143/1999) to cancel the 404977 cheque. But he failed and the order was to return the cheque to me.
In between 7 months the problems arousing on these 2 cheques had tortured me mentally and I had even lost my 2 brothers. I was admitted in the Rashid Hospital (check for proof Hospital ID: 7611331) twice for heart operation in 1999 and 2011. But it was cancelled five minutes before the operation. My first operation was fixed on 10 July, 1999 and second operation was to be held on 17 October, 2011. A court cannot keep a cheque in their custody unless the person receives money.
UAE is my country and I want to grow its reputation with my Duplicate Gandhi Brain. I have been here in UAE for the past 34 years. Many people come to Dubai to misuse the criminal power and spoil the UAE reputation. I hereby attach my website
which proves my interest to grow Dubai’s reputation. Kindly visit the following link to understand the injustice done on me:
The link gives you evidence with pictures that can be downloaded.
Thanking You,
Dayal Mansukhani 050 7570737
Mr. Dayal Mansukhani
Dubai, UAE
The Public Prosecutor
Dubai Court, UAE
This is to bring to your kind attention that, the judgement of my case, (Case No 183/2000) was in my favour for which,
Habib Bank issued a cheque in name of Besco International, Dubai of an amount of 618,383 AED. But I have not received my payment till today. I would like to get my cheque back. I would not have lost my two brothers and business (Loss of 10718383
AED including the capital). But it was dismissed without reason. I have not received the money till today, even after requesting these long 12 years. I need my cheque as this is my property.
Mr. Raj Bernard and Standard Chartered Bank, Dubai is involved in these cheque’s cases. I, residing in Dubai wish to get the cheque back without any inconveniences. I being a businessman from my young age want to flourish my business and grow my contacts within the business world. Kindly visit the link
to understand the injustice done on me.
UAE is my country and I want to grow Dubai’s and its reputation with my Duplicate Gandhi Brain. I have been here in UAE for the past 34 years. Many people come to Dubai to misuse the criminal power and spoil the UAE reputation. I hereby attach my website
which proves my interest to grow Islam.
Thanking You,
Dayal Mansukhani 050 7570737
Mr. Dayal Mansukhani
Dubai, UAE
The In-Charge Officer
Rafa Police Station,
Dubai, UAE
Kindly visit the link
to understand the injustice done on me and download evidence against Mr. Abdul Majid.
I hereby inform you that I doubt Lieutenant Abdul Majid Fadil of Raffa Police Station had helped Standard Chartered Bank,
Dubai to trap me in a false case, where he did not care for the Original Cheque. I furnish the details of a couple of cheques certified by Standard Chartered Bank.
Cheque No. :
Due Date :
Amount :
100,000 Dirhams
Cheque No. :
Due Date :
Amount :
200,000 Dirhams
Due to Mr. Abdul Masjid’s inappropriate service I have gone through mental torture since 1998. May be I would be killed by now but Allah is great and I am alive still, since then I have received many black mailings and gone though torturing. I had complaint in the Raffa Police Station in person on November 2011 and met Mr. Abdul Majid. I met 3 Majors in person in relation with the above cheques but I did not receive any response from them. After that my Lawyer registered my complaint twice with evidence and pictures. Still not a single complaint is in the records.
Abdul Majid mis-represented the complaints of these cheques which the Standard chartered bank had certified and was later returned as refer to drawer. Due to his mis-representation of the case he got released the criminals and trapped the investor.
He sent this complaint in 1998 to a Public Prosecutor who further registered a false/misrepresented case no. 160/1999 against me. Due to all these false events and progressiveness of false case filed and built against me (Case No. 1246/1999) recklessly, my entire life I have been through huge losses and mental trauma. I urge the Honorable courts of Dubai, Public Prosecutors of
Dubai, and the Police stations, and Dubai Head Quarter to re-open this case.. I would call the Officer who checked the cheque to the court. In name of Holy Quran I would ask him in whose pressures has he prepared the report of the cheques in which
1998 was mistaken as 1996. I even doubt that the second complaint on the second cheque dated 5 August, 1998 to the Raffa
Police Station in the bank’s letter head, was filed by Abdul Majid.
There were 70 days more for the due date.
I would like to register a criminal case against him for misconduct thereby spoiling the reputation of Police in the World. I request the Major of this station to fight against the misconduct of Mr. Abdul Majid and send him to the Public Prosecutor in
Dubai court. I will fight myself since I am the Father of Law and I had registered a complaint against Bernard Raj. If he flies away from UAE, it may cause billions of damages for the station.
UAE is my country and I want to grow the reputation of Dubai, I have been here in UAE for the past 34 years. Many people come to Dubai to misuse the criminal power and spoil the UAE reputation. I hereby attach my website which proves my interest to grow its economy and respect.
Thanking You,
Dayal Mansukhani 050 7570737
98 / 8 / 15
هافرلا ةطرش رفخم نم ، دمحأ دلاخ مزلاملا انأ
: يدنهلا خيراتلا : لاياد Hassaram ةيسنجلا Mansukhani
وحنلا ىلع باجأ هاوكش نأشب هباوجتساو ، هلاعأ روكذملا صخشلا نم ة داهش تبتك دقو ، هافرلا ةطرش رفخم نم ، دمحأ دلاخ مزلاملا ، يملع دح ىلع انأ
ةينطولا جار رانرب
اذه يف ىوكش تعدتساو
: يلاتلا
- درتراشت دردناتس كنب ىوكشلا نأشب هلاعأ يدلاب يدلاب ليصافت يف ركذ يذلا دحاو انا معن
كيشلا نم غلبملا سفنل ) 404977 ( كيشلا مقرو ، ضرقلا اذه ةيوست دض يناطعأو - / 100،000 .مهرد غلبم بلط ، ةيلودلا
ريدم ، ةيدنهلا
.قاقحتسلاا خيرات يف samwe
كيشلا نم ةنومضم ةيوستو مهتمصب اوعضو درتراشت دردناتس كنبو ، رايتخلاا اذه ىلع .
98 / 7 / 15 يف هميدقت ررقملاو
وه كلذ ببسو كيشلاو عمجل رظحلا عفرل كيشلا تلسرأ انأو ، قاقحتسلاا خيرات يف كنب د اع .هلاعأ روكذملا صخشلا ىلع ضرقلا ىطعأ ، كلذل اعبت
.جردلا ىلإ عوجرلا
ناك هنا يل لاقو صخش ثدحتو .ىوكشلا عوضوم نم ققحتلا نامض ىلع قداص يذلا وه هنلأ تيجنار ديسلا ىلا ثدحتلا بلطو كنبلا تلصتا يننا مث
ديعأ نأ ينم بلط هنأ - اناق تيجنار ناك هنكلو رايتخلاا ىلع قدص يذلا صخشلا نكي مل هنا يل لاق هنا نم ققح
نيرشت ربوتكا يف بجاولا نأ ىلع مهرد )
تلا نامضل هغلبأ نأ دعب -Renjeet
200،000 ( غلبمب رخآ كيش كانه نأ هربخأو ، اهسفن ةيدقنلا هجوتيس هنأو ، ىرخأ ةرم رايتخلاا تركش ميدقت
نا ينم بلط امدنع - ينغلبأ اهنأ كرت امدنعو ، يدل يتلا تاكيشلا نم لك تيأرو يلزنم ىلإ ، هسفن كنبلا نم اوؤاج .مهل اهلفكي
رايتخلاا ىلع قدص يذلا صخشلا ناك تيجنار نأ Asnuard Hamond
يتلا كلذكو ، 98 لولاا
ىعدي رخآ صخش عمل ءاج هناو ، اهيلع قفتم انأو ، يدل يتلا تارابتخلاا هيرأ
.ةليلق مايأ نوضغ يف دوعيسو ةزاجإ يف
.رييغتلا ناكم ديدحت نود نم هيلع تلايدعتلا ببسب عفد نود تداعو ىرخأ ةرم عمجل رايتخلاا يل تمدق .عمجل ماملأا ىلإ ققحتلا نم نكمتأ نأ اضيأ اولاق
.ددصلا اذه يف ةينوناقلا تاءارجلإا ذاختلا كل ةبسنلاب ماغللأا نم ىوكشلا هذه مدقأو ، ءيش يأ ريغت مل انأو
.عيقوتلا وه كلذ ىلعو يتداهش يه هذه
I Lieutenant Khalid Ahmad, of Al Refah Police Station
Nationality: Indian Date: 15/8/98
To my knowledge I, Lieutenant Khalid Ahmad, of Al Refah Police Station, I have written the testimony of the above mentioned person, and by questioning him regarding his complaint he answered as follows:
Yes I am the one who mentioned in my above details regarding my complaint Standard Chartered
Bank – the complaint is summoned in that Korespan Bernard Raj, Indian national, manager of Besco
International, requested an amount of Dhs. 100,000/- and gave me against settling that loan, the cheque No. (404977) for the same amount of the cheque and due on 15/7/98. On that cheque,
Standard Chartered Bank have put their stamp and guaranteed settlement of the samwe cheque on the due date. Accordingly, I gave the loan to the above mentioned person. On the due date, I sent the cheque to the ban for collection, the bank returned the cheque and the reason was refer to the drawer.
Then I contacted the bank and requested to speak to Mr. Ranjeet because he was the one who certified the guarantee of the cheque subject of the complaint. A person spoke to me and told me that he was Renjeet – after I told him about their guarantee to the cheque he told me that he was not the person who certified the cheque but it was Ranjeet Kana – he requested me to re-submit the cheque again and he would cash the same, I thanked him and told him that there was another cheque for an amount of (200,000) Dirhams that would be due in October 98 and also guaranteed by them. When he asked me to show him the cheques that I have, I agreed and he came to with another person named Asnuard Hamond – from the same bank, they came to my home and saw both cheques that I have, and when leaving they informed me that Ranjeet the person who certified the cheque was on leave and would be back within a few days.
They also told that I could forward the cheque for collection. I submitted the cheque for collection again and it returned without payment because of alteration on it without specifying the place of alteration. As I have not altered anything, I submit this complaint of mine for you to take the legal procedures in this regard.
This is my testimony and on it is sign.
Mansukhani Dayal the public prosecution is investigating with him. By questioning him he answered through the legal translator Ayyad Bu Farsha.
Request to ensure the 2002/4787
Dubai Court of
Dubai Court of First Instance
HE Mr. Qazi implementation esteemed
Sought from Your Excellency kindly given into compassion and kindness in an objective, where I was held in Dubai since the thirty-four years, spent in the trade, business and projects that accrue to the benefit, and also the Government of the United Arab Emirates, and all Almqamguen of Muslims and other benefit and good, also I am a Hindu, and respected the United Arab Emirates and the United Arab respect Islam and Muslims and the UAE is my second home where I have been here a long time and is the Emirates, has the power of oil, Dubai is the center of a commercially and globally important and also India are considered to have the strength in information technology, that offended me some haters and extortionists of the company Pisco global and Standard Chartdr Bank who detested the United Arab
Emirates and even all the Arabs do not want the good of Islam and want to die for me and that the Bank Standard
Chartrdr British did not want good for the Arabs and also Muslims, these people have distorted the reputation of
Arabs and Muslims are known to Gandhi expelled Britons and stop them they hate Invaders From this point of the each of the Bernard Raj Chartdr and Standard Bank filed a suit No. 557/98, where the rule in this case rejected for failure to complete the evidence and obliging them expenses and the amount of two thousand dirhams attorney's fees that went to Australia and without the scientific bin Suwaidan lawyer Pisco global lift Ah proceedings No. 4787 2002;
899/98, 2129/99. 4047/99, 5125/99, 2905/99, and claimed to unlawfully and without right, where the bin Suwaidan
Dubai tarnishing the reputation of lawyers that work for money only where it is trading in the hands of Your
Excellency's case No. 2002/4787 implementing a civilian was confronted by myself without you lawyer as I am not a lawyer, but I the father of lawyers, ready now that I discuss with him and Athor with him by myself in order to show the truth and justice, and therefore stayed within the central jail in Dubai for 90 days pending the issue with Alalmo that the Director of Central Prison was presented to the Aadaltkm report from the doctor confirms that with my health and life in prison on 29-1-20011 HE judge my path to ensure the evacuation of a passport book to ensure my wife and me as well as to pay half the amount remaining on the building and the implementation of it you have been ordered released me and Amhaly for a month pending Case No. 4787/2002 with science In determining the accounts of the annex to confirm my innocence of this issue and when I stayed inside the obsidian affected my business and my work and my projects, but also on my health since I am a heart condition and underwent heart surgery and I can not stay inside the prison again, which may result in my health to death and Btjarty and my projects to mass, where I am at the moment I prepare a business scientific will provide benefit and welfare of the United Arab Emirates and all the Arabs, and even for all Muslims would bring benefit and goodness., and if they entered the prison, this will stop the project and stop my business and my works I will lose everything in my life, my business my work and my projects and my family which Oraaha and I am responsible about where I have my wife and children here in Dubai and I can not finish this project, I can not direct the proceedings to allow me to give me a deadline to provide evidence of the innocence of my conscience of the money and knowledge to you I am now willing to pay an amount of AED 2500 per month if you would Akhleetm my path and to ensure booking my passport and the passport of my wife and me to ensure AED
5000 also in the treasury of the court today ......
For these reasons, ask your Excellency Saadkm
Approval of the extension to ensure my wife / Puja Minsokhany dialysis, where they are bound to me at this issue since 10.27.2011 so far, full of capable and committed to all the obligations which fall upon me in the face of opponents in Case No. 2002/4784, and also in the face of others and provide all my documents proving my innocence
was presented as Case No. 577/98 has been rejected and obliging them to court expenses and attorney's fees
And give me a period of three months until the Attny Li settlement of all dealings with adversaries and provide evidence of my innocence, where the documents, proving my innocence and also submitted a complaint to the Office of the Attorney General explaining the innocence of my conscience Finance and also the completion of the drafts of the trade prevail benefit and good of all mankind in the United Arab Emirates members of the Arab governments.
This and you are always bright symbol of justice and defending the oppressed
Yours sincerely,
* Todhah attached image of the business that I prepare him to serve both in the United Arab Emirates
* Report of the Account of the keeper of the computational confirms patent scrutiny of this money belongs to me
The case file No. 477/98, which the court refused to Salehi
Also attached medical report confirms that my ability to stay healthy in prison
My Account annex to the report of the spring to check the mean and also confirms the legal innocence of the money belongs to me
Complaint to the Office of the Attorney General
Applicant / dialysis Minsokhany
4787 / 2002
اهتيضق، ماع نوث لاثو ةعبرأ ذنم ىبد ىف ميقا ىننأ ثيح ، ىعوضوم ىف هقفشلاو ةمحرلا نيعب رظنلاب مركتلا مكيلاعم نم سمتلا
نم نقم يقملا عيمجو، ةدحتملا هيبرعلا تاراملاا ةموكح ىلع اضياو ،عفنلاب يلع معت ىتلا عيراشملاو لامعلااو هراجتلا ىف
تاراملاا ربت عتو نيملسملاو ملاسلاا مرتحاو ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا مرتحاو ىسودنه انا اضيا ريخ لاو عفنلاب مهريغو نيملسم
اضياو مهم ايملا عو ايراجت زكرم ىبد ربتعتو لورتبلا نم ةوقلا اهيدل تراملاا ربتعتو ةليوط ةرتف ذنم انه ميقا ثيح ىناثلا ىدلب
ردناتسو ةيملاعل ا وكسيب ةكرش نم نيزتبملاو نيدقاحلا ضعب ىل ءاسا نا ىلا, تامول عملا ايجولونكت ىف ةوقلا اهيدل ربتعت دنهلا
ردناتس كن ب نا و يل كلاهلا نوديريو ملاسلال ريخلا نوديري لاو اعيمج برعلاو لب تاراملاا ىلع نودقحي نيذلا كنب ردتراشت
نا فورع ملا نمو نيملسملاو برعلا ةعمس اوهوش صاخش لاا ءلاؤه نيملسملا اضياو برعلل ريخلا ديريلا ىناطيربلا ردرتراشت
كنب ر دتراشت ردناتسو جار درانرب نم لك ماق قلطنملا اذه نمو نولتحملا نيدقاحلا مهنا مهدض فقوو نيناطيربلا درط ىدناغ
نيفل ا غلبمو ت افورصملاب مهتمزلاو ةلدلاا لامكتسا مدعل ضفرلاب ىوعدلا هذه ىف مكح ثيح ىوعد 98 / 557 مقر ىوعد عفرب
مق ر ىواعد ةع عفرب ةيملاعلا وكسيب ىماحم ناديوس نب ماق ىملع نود نمو ايلارتسا ىلا تبهذ كلذ ةاماحملا باعتا مهرد
نب ماق ثيح قح هجو نودبو لطابلاب يلع اوعداو، 99 / 99,2905 / 99,5125 / 4047 .
99 / 2129 , 98 / 899 2002 ؛ 4787
4787 / 2002 مقر ةيضقلا مكتداعس ىديا نيب لوادتي هنا ثيح طقف لاملا لجأ نم لمعي هنا ىبد نيماحم ةعمس هيوشتب ناديوس
هعم شقان تا نا نلاا دعتسمو نيماحملل ابأ ىنكلو ايماحم تسل ىننأ ثيح ىماحم نودب ىدرفمب ةتهجاومب تمق دقو ىندم ذيفنت
هذه ةمذ ىلع موي 90 ةدم ىبدب ىزكرملا نجسلا لخاد تث كم كلذ ىلع ءانبو ةلادعلاو قحلا راهظا لجا نم ىدرفمب هعم رواحتاو
و نجسل ا لخاد ةايحلا ىتحص لمحت مدع دكؤي بيبطلا نم ريرقت مكتلادع ىلا مدق ىزكرملا نجسلا ريدم نأ وملعلا عم ةيضقلا
غلبملا ف صن عفدب كلذكو ىل ةليفكلا ىتجوز رفس زاوج زجح نامضب ىليبس ءلاخاب ىضاقلا ىلاعم ماق 20011 1 29 خيراتب
ملعلا عم 2002 / 4787 مقر ىوعدلا ةمذ ىلع رهش ةدم ىلاهماو ىليبس ءلاخأ متو هرمأ ذيفنتب تمق هيلع ءانبو يلع ىقبتملا
لب ،ىع يراشمو ىلامعأو ىتراجت ترثأت جسلا لخاد تثكم امدنعو هيضقلا هذه نم ىتءارب دكؤي قفرم تاباسح ريرقت ىدل
ةرم نجسل ا لخاد ثكمأ نا عيطتسأ لاو بلقلا ىف ةيحارج ةيلمع تيرجاو بلقلاب ضيرم ىننأ ثيح ةيحصلا ىتلاح ىلع اضيأو
عورشم ر يضحتب موقأ نهارلا تقولا ىف ىننأ ثيح ، رامدلا ىلا ىعيراشمو ىتراجتبو كلاهلا ىلا ىتحصب ىدؤي دق امم ،ىرخأ
مهيلع دوع ي فوس نيملسملا عيمجل و لب اعيمج برعلاو ةدحتملا هيبرعلا تاراملاا ةلودل ريخلاو عفنلا مدقي فوس ىملع ىراجت
ىتراجت ىتا يح ىف ئش لك رسخأس ىلامعأو ىتراجت فقوتتو عورشملا اذه فقوتي فوس نجسلا تلخد ام اذاو ،. ريخلاو عفنلاب
اذه نم ءاه تنلأا عيط تسأ لاو ىبد ىف انه ىئانبأو ىتجوز ىدل ثيح اهنع لوئسم انأو اهاعرأ ىتلا ىترسأ و ىتاعورشمو ىلامعأ
لاوملا ا هذه نم ىتمذ ةءارب ىلع ةلدلاا ميدقتل ةلهم ىئاطعاب يل اوحمسا يلع ةعوفرملا ىوعدلا ةرشابم عيطتسأ لاو، عورشملا
ىرفس زاوج زجح نامضب ىليبس متيلخاو متمركت اذا ايرهش مهرد 2500 هردق غلبم عفدل دادعتسا ىلع نلاا ىننأ مكتدايسل ملعللو
...... مويلا ةمكحملا ةنيزخ ىف اضيا مهرد 5000 و يل ةليفكلا ىتجوز رفس زاوجو
مكدايس ىلاعم نم بلطا بابسلأا هذهلو
نلاا ىتح 2011 10 27 ذنم ةيضقلا هذه ىف ىل ةليفك اهنأ ثيح ،ىناهكوسنم لايد اجوب / ىتجوز ةلافك ديدمت ىلع ةقفاوملا
ىف اضياو 4784 / 2002 مقر ةيضقلا ىف موصخلا ةهجاوم ىف ىقتاع ىلع عقت ىتلا تاماز تللاا ةفاكب دهعتتو ةئيلم ةليفك ىهو
ةمكحملا مهتمزلاو اهضفر متو 98 / 577 مقر ىوعدلا ميدقت مت ثيح ىتءارب ىلع ةلادلا ىتادنتسم عيمج ميدقتو ريغلا ةهجاوم
ةاماحملا باعتاو تافورصملاب
تادنتسملا ىدل ثيح ىتءارب ىلع ةلدلاا ميدقتو موصخلا عم ىتلاماعم عيمج ةيوست ىل ىنثتي ىتح رهشا ةثلاث ةلهم ىئاطعاو
ىعورشم ن م ءاهتنلاا اضيا كلذكو هيلاملا ىتمذ ةءارب اهيف حضوت ماعلا بئانلا بتكم ىلا ىوكش مدقم كلذكو ىتءارب ىلع ةلادلا
. تاموكح دارفا نم ة يبرعلا تاراملاا ةلود ىف هيرشبلا عيمج ىلع ريخلاو عفنلاب معي ىذلا ىراجتلا
مولظملا ةرصنو لدعلا قيقحتل ارينم ازمر امود متنكو اذه
مارتحلاا قئاف لوبقب اولضفتو
To the technical bureau of the public prosecutor,
I am an Indian national and throughout my 63 years, my experience has shown that God & Allah is the same and nothing will happen without the will of Allah. Without the grace of god nothing is possible
. For 12 years I have been damaged by a group of Dubai lawbreakers - a conspiracy of accomplices who have been intent on denying me justice. However, God has made me strong (An Aladdin Gin!) and committed to fight for justice. I believe God has given me the strength to make my peace for the greater good of Dubai UAE. Please visit my website to understand the high level of philanthropic project I am involved in which will benefit the whole of Dubai UAE-
I have lived in this country for 34 years and consider it my own and it is with this love and respect that I do this. Who so ever damages the reputation of the Dubai legal system, I will not forget or forgive – This is my motivation in life. My passport is already deposited with the
Dubai Court and all my dependants reside in Dubai. If I am proved wrong, I am prepared to take the consequences.
I have made a complaint no: 2011/123511- which has been legally translated with evidence and pictures (12 pages) into Arabic which is with the court. This consists of six cases and six complaints. This was sent to all departments in 1998 (And in 2006 it was registered as a complaint in the bar council of Abu Dhabi). In 2008 I send notice to all my dependants. I believe that while this matter is unsettled, it damages the good reputation of HH .Sheik Mohammeds legal system & the Dubai Courts and naturally I would like to make this right for the good and the reputation of all.
A bank guarantee cheque is as good as a bank draft. Officers of Standard Chartered Bank committed a crime with support of Raj Bernard of
Besco International by issuing two cheques to me totalling 300,000 and not honouring them when presented. In addition I have paid 1.4m aed in respect of GCC gulf damages (1998) to the same parties which is now due to be paid and is still withheld.
Please note that Mr. Raj Bernards’ company Besco (LLC) is now BLACKLISTED in the UAE & Ukraine.
I feel that whilst cases like this are outstanding, we are not experiencing justice and by cheating me, Bernard Raj and his accomplices are also cheating the justice system in the UAE.
All the people involved in these issues are currently resident or operational in Dubai - Mr.Dayal, Bernard Raj and SC Bank. As such, I feel that Mr.Bernard Raj should be taken into custody until this matter has been settled.
All these cases are interlinked with the same defendants starting in 1998 till the present. I ask you to please refer to these six cases (two criminal and four civil) no: (1246/99, 1246/2003) 658/2001, 557/1998, 183/2001, 827/2001, 157/2000 and six complaints.
I will present each case on 2011/126929,2011/2011/128018,2011/128020,2011/1280212011/12024,2011/128514, 2011/128515,
I believe criminal acts have been committed by members of Standard Chartered Bank, KL .Raj, Bernard, K.K. Bose (lawyer), Dar Al-Adalah
(law firm) , Dar Al Mekma (law firm) ,Haris Auditors and Guoyin Zhang. I present this therefore to the technical bureau’s public prosecutor
Mr. Ismail, who has give me the advice to make each complaint a separate case. In the coming days I will present each case on its own merits and would request that you choose in which order you wish them to be presented.
The case of Besco - Dayal: 557/1998 - Appeal (454/02) the Court of cassation4787/2002
Spring, and the audit report - evidence against him, and refused to issue
The judges rejected 454/2002 cases are less clear for the rule of the Court and the spring, and the audit report for the group that Haris review the report does not represent adequately the States to the budget (two pages only). Lost control of the
Panel's report, Haris, Bernard Raj.
Dear Mr. Dayal Mansukhani,
Referred to the notice of your letter dated July 10, 2006 sent to me via e-mail.
Besco - Dayal: the report itself is working on several pages.
Verbal objection noted in the minutes of the court is as good as a written objection, and there is no difference between the two.
Court refused to give us time on the basis that the case itself has taken a long time ago.
The appeal was accepted in the figure, after the hearing, was sentenced by the Court of Cassation and the Court of Cassation rejected our objections and comments on the audit report and approve the report and endorsed the Court of Appeal.
With regard to verification the original Credit and Savings Bank, we have made a request to the court to bring the file from the archives and get us the check until the date of the original file has not come to judge.Da.
تضرعت دق اماع 12 ةدمل .نكمم ءيش لا الله ةمعن نودب .الله ةدارإ نود نم ثدحي نل ائيش نكلو هسفن وه اللهو الله نأ ترهظأ يتربخ اماع 63 لاوطو يدنه نطاوم انأ
نا نيدلا ءلاع( ةيوق يل الله لعج دقف ، كلذ عمو .ةلا دعلا يل ةين يفن ىلع اوناك نيذلا نيئطاوتملا نم ةرماؤم - يبد نوناقلا ىلع نيجراخلا نم ةعومجم لبق نم يل فلتلل
عقوم ةرايز ىجري .يبد ةدحتملا ةي برعلا تاراملإا ةلودلل ماعلا حلاصلا قيقحتل يدلب ملاسلا قيقحتل ةوقلا يناطعأ الله نأ دقتعأ .ةلادعلا لجأ نم لاضنلا ةمزتلمو )!نجلا
تاراملإا يف يبد نم لك ىلع عفنلاب دوعتس يتلا يف ةطرخنم انأ ة يريخلا عيراشملا نم لاع ىوتسم مهفل يب صاخلا بيولا
تس نم فلأتتو اذه .ةمكحملا عم يه يتلا ةيبرعلا ةغللا ىلإ )ةحفص 12 ( روصلاو ةلدلأا عم ةينوناقلا ةيحانلا نم تمجرت يتلا 123511 / 2011 : ىوكش يأ يل مدق دقل
يف .)يبظ وبأ يف نيماحملا ةباقن سلجم يف ىوكش اهفصوب ةلجسم تناك 2006 ماع يفو( 1998 ماع يف تارادلإا عيمج ىلإ هذه تلسرأو .تسلا ىواكشلاو تلاا ح
ينوناقلا ماظنلا Mohammeds خيشلا ومس نم ةبيط ةعمسب رضي هنإف ، ةرقتسم ريغ ةلأسملا هذه نأ نيح يف هنأ دقتعأو .يدلب عيمج نيلاعملا راعشإ ثعبأ 2008 ماع
ةبحملا عم لاحلا وه اذهو يدلب اهنأ نوريو ، اماع 34 ذنم دلبلا اذه يف تشع دقل .عيمجلا ةعمسو ريخ هيف امل قحلا اذه نم لعجت نأ دوأ لاحلا ةعيبطبو ، يبد مكاحمو
.تاعبتلا لمحتل دادعتسا ىلع انأو ، ائطخم تنك ول .يبد يف نيميقملا نيلاعمل او يبد نم يدنع ام لك ةمكحملا عم يرفس زاوج لعفلاب تعدوأو .كلذ لعفأ نأ مارتحلااو
.ةايحلا يف يزفاح وه اذهو - رفغي وأ ىسني نل انأو ، يبد يف ينوناقلا ماظنلا ةعمسب رضي كلذ ىضم تقو يأ نم نيذلا
اهعومجم يل نيكيش رادصإب Besco ةيلودلا جار رانرب نم معدب ةميرج درتراشت دردناتس كنب نم طابض تبكترا .كنبلا عورشم لثم ةديج رايتخلاا يكنب نامض
يه يتلا فارطلأا سفن ىلإ ) 1998 ( يجيلخلا نواعتلا سلجم لود جيلخلا رارضلأاب قلعتي اميف مهرد 1.4
M تعفد دقل ةفاضلإاب .اهميدقت دنع امهرب سيلو 300000
.ةلأسملا هذه ةيوست متي ىتح زجحلا يف جار
ذاختا ي غبنيو .نلآا ىتح تبجحو عفدت نأ ررقملا نم نلآا
تلاز ام امنيب ، تلااحلا هذه لثم نأ رعشأ .ايناركوأو ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا يف )ش(
ةكرش" زدرانرب جار ديسلا نلآا ءادوسلا ةمئاقلا نأ ةظحلام ىجري
.ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ةلود يف ةلادعلا ماظن اضيأ شغلاو هعم نيئطاوتملاو جار را نرب ، يل شغلاو ةلادعلا نم يناعت لا نحنو ، ةقلعم
يغبني هنأ رعشأ ، وحنلا اذه ىلع .
SC كنبلاو درانرب جار ، Mr.Dayal
- يبد يف ةيليغشتلا وأ ميقملا رضاحلا تقولا يف اياضقلا هذه يف نيطروتملا صاخشلأا عيمج
.ةلأسملا هذه ةيوست متي ىتح زجح لا يف جار
ةيئانجلاو ةيندملا نانثا( تسلا تلااحلا هذه ىلإ عوجرلا ىجري نأ مكنم بلطأ .رضاحلا تقولا ىتح 1998 ماع نم اءدب هسفن نيمهتملا عم اياضقلا هذه لك ةطبارتم
. ىواكش ةتسو ، 2000 / 157 ، 2001 / 827 ، 2001 / 183 ، 1998 / 557 ، 2001 / 658 ) 2003 / 1246 ، 1299 1246 ( : يأ )ةعبرأو
Mekma راد ، )ةاماحملا( ةلادع راد ، )ماحم( سوب KK ، درانرب ، جار .روبمل لااوك ، درتراشت دردناتس كنب نم دارفأ يديأ ىلع ةيمارجإ لاامعأ تبكترا دق دقتعأ
ىوكش لك لعجل ةروشملا ينيطعي يذلا ، ماعلا يعدملا ليعامسا ديسلا ةماعلا ينقتلا بتكملا ىلإ يلاتلاب اذه مدقأ .
صيراح تاباسحلا غناشتو ، )ةاماحملا(
ةمدقملا نوكت نأ اهل ديرت يذلا ماظنلا راتخت نأ مكنم بلطأ فوسو ، اهتايثيحل اقفو ةدح ىلع ةلاح لك مدقأس ةمداقلا مايلأا يف .ةلصفنم ةيضق
2002 / cassation4787
ةمكحم ) 02 / 454 ( فانئتسلاا -1998 / 557 : لاياد -
ةيضقلا تضفرو ،هدض ةلدأ - تاباسحلا يعجارم ريرقتو ،يعيبرلا
لا ريرقتلا ضارعتسا صيراح يتلا ةعومجملا نع تاباسحلا يعجارم ريرقتو ،يعيبرلاو ةمكحملا مكحل احوضو لقأ تلااحلا 2002 / 454 ةاضقلا ضفرو
.جار رانرب ،صيراح ، قيرفلا ريرقت ىلع ةرطيسلا دقف .)طقف نيتحفص( ةينازيملل لودلل فاك وحن ىلع لثمي
لاياد ديسلا يزيزع
.ينورتكللإا ديربلا ربع يل لسرأ 2006 ويلوي 10 ةخرؤملا مكتلاسر راعشإ ىلإ راشي
.تاحفص ةدع ىلع لمعي هسفن ريرقتلا : لاياد Besco
.نينثلاا نيب قرف كانه سيلو ،يطخ ض ارتعا لثم ةديج وه ةمكحملا رضحم يف راشأو يظفللا ضارتعلاا
.ليوط تقو ذنم تذختا دق اهسفن ةيضقلا نأ ساسأ ىلع تقولا انيطعت نأ ةمكحملا تضفر
ةعجارم ريرقت ىلع اهتاقيلعتو انضارتعا تضفر ضقنلا ةمكحمو ضقنلا ةمكحم لبق نم مكحلا ردص ، ةسلجلا دعبو ، لكشلا يف تلبق انءادن ناكو
.فانئتسلاا ةمكحم مكح تديأو ريرقتلا ىلع ة قفاوملاو تاباسحلا
خيرات ىتحو ةيلصلأا تاكيشلا انيتأيو تاظوفحملا نم فلملا راضحلإ ةمكحملا ىلإ بلطب انمدقت دقو ،راخدلااو فيلستلا كنب يلصلأا ققحتلاب قلعتي اميف
.يضاقلا ىلإ تأي مل فلملا
al Rafa police Abdul Magid case of 160
Place: Investigation office – Registries Time: 11:20 Date: 4/8/98 Name: Mohammad Abdullah Al Obaidally
Nationality: UAE : Lawyer Tel: 050-6468616
I, Lieutenant Abdul Magid Fadil, have written the testimony he testified as follows:
Represented by Advocates / Obaid Ali Obaid and Abdullah Taleb Mohd. Defendant:
Mr. David Martin – in his capacity as the manager of Standard Chartered Bank. Facts:
1. Mr. Kuresapan Bernard Raj, in his capacity as the general manager of Besco International has issued a cheque
No. 404977 for the benefit of the plaintiff drawn to standard Chartered Bank for the value of Dhs. 100,000 – due to be paid on 15/7/1998. The said bank certified the cheque and guaranteed settlement of its value on its due date.
2. The plaintiff submitted the said cheque to the said bank for collection. The bank refused settlement of the cheque and requested the plaintiff to refer to the drawer because there was no balance to the account.
3. As stated in article No. 600 of the commercial dealings law, that certification of the cheque by the said bank means that there was balance in the account to settle the said cheque and having the same balance kept in the account was the responsibility of the bank.
4. And as he act of the said bank forms a crime of non-settlement of the cheque with bad intention, which is punished by article (402) of the punishment law No.3 of 1987, and also by article (641) of the commercial dealings law No. (18) of 1993.
Please kindly take all the necessary procedures against the defendant for justice with reserving the rights of the plaintiff for claiming the value of the cheque and the compensation for the damages incurred by him, and consider him alleging for his personal right against the defendant.
With due respect (Signed) Advocate / Obaid Ali Obaid
We had a copy of the same cheque that we took from the owner f the account when we suspected the cheque to be forged?
يناطيرب : ةيسنجلا
تراويتس : مسلاا 98 / 8 / 4 : خيراتلا
ةيناطيربلا : تراويتس
: تقولا تاقيقحتلا بتكم : ناكملا
ةماقلإا نوسطاو : مسلاا تاهمأ ايناطيرب : دلايملا ناكم ةنس 40
: نسلا يرحتلاو قيقحتلا سيئر : للاتحلاا
: فتاه كنب درتراشت دردناتس : لمعلا ناونع
كيشلا ةعقاو يف قيقحتلا متي يذلا هلاعأ روكذملا صخشلا نم ةداهشو ، لضاف ديجملا دبع مزلاملا ، تبتك دقل
اهصلاختسا رايتخلاا 404977 مقر
: يلاتلا وحنلا ىل ع دهش هنا .هيلع ىعدملا كنبلل لثمم وهف .عجترملا
تردصأ دق ةيلودلا ةكرشلا نم
Korespan lorence
نأ ثدح ، معن
موي هتفيظو كرت يذلا
اهب ءافولا متي كنبلا لبق نم ةقدصم انفرصم نم
ديشروخ ديسلا ةداهش ىلع اوعقو نيذلا سانلا نم ادحاو ناك .مهرد فلأ ةئام غلبم
97 موي رطق يف كنبلل عرف ىلا يناثلا صخشلا لقنو ، 96
؟ةروزم نوكتل رايتخلاا يف هبتشي انك امدنع و باسحلا بحاص نم هانذختا يذلا هسفن كيشلا نم ةخسن انيدل ناك
ةدعاسملا هيجوتل نيدعتسم نوكنس ، ددصلا اذه يف صخش يا دض ىوكش ميدقت ديري ناك اذإ هنأ ديفتسملل تحرش دقل
.ةمز لالا
اذه نم ىوكشلا نع كنبلل ةلاسرلا يه هذهو ريوزتلا ةمهت ،ل ةطرشلا ىلإ مدقت ىوكش رادصإ ةيلمع يف نحن
رايتخلاا dated 15/10/98
متي نأ نم دكأت رخآ ضارعتسا مت دق ناكو .رايتخلاا ىلع ريوزتلا ناك دقل .مهرد فلأ ةئام غلبم
404976 / كيشلا نم ددعو ، 96 نم لادب 98 ىلا ماعلا اذه رييغت مت .ةنسلا نم خيراتلا يف اضيأ ةروزم ،
.كيشلا فرص ضفرو قباسلا يف تلعف
.لجاع عامتجا يف اوضفر مهنكل رايتخلاا خسن و ينيطعت نأ مهل
ذ ةثلاثلا تاكيشلا نم خسن ثلاث يل ، )ةيلودلا
( جرد هنا يماحم تلصتا 98 /
Irequested ، لا
8 / 30 دحلاا موي اهلاسرإ
وه اذهو ةغايص و كلام ناكو نم هانذختا يذلا هسفن كيشلا نم ةخسن انيدل ناك ديفتسملا مسا يف عوضوملاب ةلصلا
لل اقفو .ةروزم رايتخلاا نوكي نأ يف هبتشي امدنع اننأ رابتعلاا .كيشلا ءافولل انضفر ببسلا
ناك رايتخلاا نأ نم نيقي ىلع انك ، ةخسن
I, Lieutenant Abdul Magid Fadil, testimony returned cheque.
Place: Investigation office Time: 12:30 Date: 4/8/98 Name: Stewart Hamond Nationality: British
Occupation: Chief of Investigation –investigation Age: 40 years Place of Birth: Britain Mothers Name: Watson Residence
Work Address: Standard Chartered Bank Tel: 5070670
I, Lieutenant Abdul Magid Fadil, have written the testimony of the above mentioned person who is investigated in the fact of the returned cheque. He is the representative of the defendant bank. He testified as follows:
Yes, it happened that Korespan Lorence of Besco International Company have issued a cheque No. 404977 drawn from our bank certified by the bank to be fulfilled
The amount is One Hundred thousand dirhams. one of the people who signed on the certification was Mr. Khorshid Anphala, who left the job on 96, and the second person was transferred to a branch of the bank in Qatar on 97
We had a copy of the same cheque that we took from the owner f the account when we suspected the cheque to be forged?
I have explained to the beneficiary that if he wanted to make a complaint against anybody in this regard, we would be ready to forward the necessary assistance.
We are in the process of issuing a complaint to submit to the police- for the accusation of forgery and this is the letter of the bank for the complaint of this cheque,
The amount is One Hundred thousand dirhams. It was a forgery on the cheque. Another cheque had been reviewed that is dated 15/10/98, it was also forged on the date of the year. The year was altered to 98 instead of 96, and the number of the cheque / 404976.As previously did and refused to cash the cheque.
No, Irequested them to give me the copy f the cheque but they refused in the urgent meeting.
On Sunday 30/8/98 I contacted the lawyer of he drawer (Besco International), they sent me three copies of the three cheques related to the subject in the name of the beneficiary We had a copy of the same cheque that we took from the owner f the forge and that was why we refused to fulfill the cheque. account when we suspected the cheque to be forged. According to the copy, we were sure that the cheque was
A – I signed the cheque but the details had been typed by the bank in my presence and the presence of the bank manager and the concerned officer, they have signed on the bank of the cheque with the guarantee of its collection by the beneficiary on the due date
Q – Are you the one who delivered the cheque to Dayal Mansukhani? A – Yes,
When asked the defendant Mansukhani to return my cheques to me. He said he will keep the cheques with him and he is ready to give me another loan at any time if I want.
عم كيشلا ةفض ىلع اوعقوو ،صتخملا فظوملاو كنبلا ريدم روضحو يروضح يف كنبلا لبق نم ليصافتلا ةباتك متي مل نكلو رايتخلاا ىلع تعقو - أ
خيرات عجري ىلع ديفتسملا لبق نم عمج نامض
، معن - أ ؟لاياد Mansukhani ل رايتخلاا ىقلا يذلا دحاو تنأ له - س
.ديرأ اذإ تقو يأ يف رخآ ضرق يئاطعلا دعتسم هناو هعم ققحتي يقبيس هنا لاقو .يل يدلب تاكيشلا ةدوع لل
امدنع هيلع ىعدملا بلط
عم كيشلا ةفض ىلع اوعقوو ، صتخملا فظوملاو كنبلا ريدم روضحو يروضح يف كنبلا لبق نم ليصافتلا ةباتك متي مل نكلو رايتخلاا ىلع تعقو - أ
، معن - أ ؟لاياد
خيرات عجري ىلع ديفتسملا لبق نم عمج نامض
ل رايتخلاا ىقلا يذلا دحاو تنأ له - س
.ديرأ اذإ تقو يأ يف رخآ ضرق يئاطعلا دعتسم هناو هعم ققحتي يقبيس هنا لاقو .يل يدلب تاكيشلا ةدوعلل
امدنع هيلع ىعدملا بلط
عم كيشلا ةفض ىلع اوعقوو ، صتخملا فظوملاو كنبلا ريدم روضحو يروضح يف كنبلا لبق نم ليصافتلا ةباتك متي مل نكلو رايتخلاا ىلع تعقو - أ
خيرات عجري ىلع ديفتسملا لبق نم عمج نامض
، معن - أ ؟لاياد
ل رايتخلاا ىقلا يذلا دحاو تنأ له - س
.ديرأ اذإ تقو يأ يف رخآ ضرق يئاطعلا دعتسم هناو هعم ققحتي يق بيس هنا لاقو .يل يدلب تاكيشلا ةدوعلل
امدنع هيلع ىعدملا بلط
12:30 99 / 3 / 15
جار رانرب
يف قيقحتلا ةماعلا
Koresapan Lowrence
: ةرهشلاو مسلاا
، ةيضقلا هذهب قلعتي اميف .
1996 ماع ذنم
يدنهلا Kirla : دلايملا ناكم ةنس 42 : رمعلا
لاياد هيلع ىعدملا نيبو ينيب ةيراجت ةقلاع كانهو ،
ةيلودلا ةكرشلا بحاص انأ - أ
.هنع ةرداصلا ةثلاثلا تاكيشلا كلت دض
و هيلع ىعدملا نم ةسمخ فلأ ةئام هردق اغلبم تضرتقا يننأ ركذتأو
لبق .ديرأ اذإ تقو يأ يف رخآ ضرق يئاطعلا دعتسم هناو هعم ققحتي
.ةنسلا نم ةحاسم ىلع رايتخلاا trhe
يقبيس هنا لاقو .يل يدلب تاكيشلا ةدوعلل
امدنع هيلع ىعدملا بلط
قاقحتسا خيرات تماقأ دق هيلع ىعدملا نأ فرعأ تنكو ةطحملا يف يئاعدتسا مت دحاو رهش
؟كيلع هعقو كل ردصو اهب تدوز يتلا رايتخلاا انيدل له - س
عم كيشلا ةفض ىلع اوعقوو ، صتخملا فظوملاو كنبلا ريدم روضحو يروضح يف كنبلا لبق نم ليصافتلا ةباتك متي مل نك لو رايتخلاا ىلع تعقو - أ
. 96 / 7 / 15 خيرات عجري ىلع ديفتسملا لبق نم عمج نامض
ل رايتخلاا ىقلا يذلا دحاو تنأ له - س
96 / 7 / 15 يف كيشلا ردص يذلا ترشأ امكو ، معن - أ
Public Prosecution.Bureau of Investigation 15/3/99 at 12:30 pm
Name and Surname: Koresapan Lowrence Bernard Raj
Age: 42 years Place of Birth: Kirla Indian
A – I am the owner of Besco International company, and there is a commercial relationship between me and defendant Mansukhani dayal since 1996. Regarding this case, I remember that I have borrowed an amount of five hundred thousand from the defendant Mansukhani and against that issued three cheques for him.
When asked the defendant Mansukhani to return my cheques to me. He said he will keep the cheques with him and he is ready to give me another loan at any time if I want. One month ago I was called at the station and I knew that the defendant have forged the due date of trhe cheque on the space of the year.
Q – Is the cheque that we have furnished to you was issued and signed by you?
A – I signed the cheque but the details had been typed by the bank in my presence and the presence of the bank manager and the concerned officer, they have signed on the bank of the cheque with the guarantee of its collection by the beneficiary on the due date 15/7/96.
Q – Are you the one who delivered the cheque to Dayal Mansukhani?
A – Yes, an as I have mentioned that the cheque was issued on 15/7/96.
(404 976) a value of (20000 I handed over the check with no data the Bank has changed the due date
I signed the amendment reported at the front of the check as adopted by the Bank once again from behind and with respect to the change that I see now the most stylish of any in the there are two checks others were Aatmahma to push the coffee one amount (200000) AED As to how any change to
obliterate the ancient history and print the new date does not mention that he had been to check
Bureau of Investigation
Time: 11 am
Date: 12/02/99
The minutes of testimony interrogator
Site: Center Alrvaah
Name: Lawrence Bernard Korisaban Nationality: Indian Age: 42 years
Occupation: Merchant Place of birth: Kerala Gender: Male Mother's Name: Baby Lars
Address: Bisco World - Dubai Phone: 346 789 Dubai
Address: Region Jafiliya - Dubai Tel: 3982616 Dubai
I Bmarafta Lieutenant - Khaled Ahmed - from the police station Alrvaah you note the statement above and asked about the content of its relationship with Standard Chartered Bank filed a complaint answered by the following:
Yes, I am of the said Me above and for the check number (404 976) a value of (200000) AED, the theme is to that I liberated this check in the year 96 AD, for the invitee / humus and in particular citizen, I handed over the check with no data asked them to edit the amount of (200000) AED for the benefit of the beneficiary and then guaranteed to pay for the purpose of enabling me to get a loan from the called / humus - the part of banking facilities and has already been done and release the check on 15/06/1996 AD , but I told the bank I can not meet the value of the check that date and requested an extension and was before the days of the date of Due the above-mentioned and already asked me to bring the check to them, where the Bank has changed the due date to be 10/10/1996 m any change that occurred digit months and not digit years, it is important that after that change, you re-check of the invited
/ humus - note that I signed the amendment reported at the front of the check as adopted by the Bank once again from behind and with respect to the change that I see now the most stylish of any in the box months, I do not think one may be caused by other than the beneficiary of any humus because the check has stayed with him until now and I would like to add that there are two checks others were Aatmahma to push the coffee one amount (200000)
AED As to how any change to obliterate the ancient history and print the new date does not mention that he had been to check one or all of history, as is evident by check subject of this complaint and this can advise me on the validity of the overall sign.
The record closed on that at 2 pm and we decided the following:
First, ensure the continuation of the accused on bail earlier signed by the police.
Second, the presence of a request by the Director of a company called Global Bisco N bernard Raj and the company accountant named Harry in the session to achieve M 15/03/1999
Reopened the record on Monday, 15/03/1999 m at exactly 12:30 pm at the Public Prosecution
احابص 11 : تقولا
99 / 02 / 12 : خيراتلا
ةعافرلا زكرم : ةهجلا
ةنس 42 : رمعلا يدنه : ةيسنجلا درانريب سنرولا ناباسيروك : مسلاا
سرلا يبيب :ملأا مسا ركذ : سنجلا لاريك : ةدلاولا ناكم رجات : ةنهملا
يبد 346789 : فتاه فتاه يبد – ةيملاعلا وكسب : لمعلا ناونع
يبد 3982616 : فتاه يبد – ةيلفاجلا ةقطنم : نكسلا ناونع
نع هلاؤسبو هلاعأ روكذملا ةدافإ نيودتب تمق ةعافرلا ةطرش زكرم نم – دمحأ دلاخ – مزلاملا انأ يتفرعمب
: يلي امب باجأ كنب درتراشت دردن اتس ىوكشب هتقلاع نومضم
صخلتي هعوضوم نإف مهرد ) 200000 ( ةميقب ) 404976 ( مقر كيشلل ةبسنلابو هلاعأ يتانايب تركذ نم انأ معن
تبلط تانايب نود كيشلا كلذ تملس يننأ نطأ ديدحتلابو لابد /وعدملا حلاصل م 96 ةنس يف كيشلا اذه تررح يننأب
يلع لوصحلا نم ينيكمت ضرغب كلذو عفدلل هنامض مث نمو ديفتسملا حلاصل مهرد ) 200000 ( غلبمب هريرحت مهنم
لاإ م 1996 / 06 / 15 خيراتب كيشلا ررحو كلذ مت لعفلابو ةيكنبلا تلايهستلا نم ءزجك يأ – لابد /وعدملا نم ضرق
قاقحتسلاا خيرات نم مايأ لبق ناكو هديدمت تبلطو خيراتلا كلذب كيشلا ةميقب ءافولا عيطتسا لا يننأ كنبلا تغلبأ يننأ
حبصي يكل قاقحتسلاا خيرات رييغتب كنبلا ماق ثيح مهيلإ كيشلا راضحا ينم اوبلط لعفلابو ركذلا فنآ
ةداعإب تمق رييغتلا كلذ دعب يننأ مهملا تاونسلا ةناخب سيلو طقف روهشلا ةناخب ثدح رييغتلا نا يأ م 1996 / 10 / 10
نم يرخأ ةرم كنبلا هدمتعا امنيب كيشلا ةهجاو يف هتركذ يذلا ليدعتلا يلع ت عقو يننأ املع – لابد / وعدملل كيشلا
يأ ديفتسملا ريغ هثدحأ دق دحأ نظأ لاف روهشلا ةناخ يف يأ كيشا يلع نلآا هارأ يذلا رييغتلاب قلعتي اميفو فلخلا
غلبمب امهدحأ نبلا نم ع فدلل امهامتعا مت نيرخآ نيكيش كانه نأ ةفاضإ دوأو نلآا يتح هعم يقب كيشلا نلأ لابد
مت دق ناك نأ ركذأ لاف ديدجلا خيراتلا ةعابطو ميدقلا خيراتلا سمط يأ رييغتلا ةيفيكل ةبسنلاب امأ مهرد ) 200000 (
.عقوأ اهتحص يلع يتدافإ لمجم هذهو ىوكشلا هذه عوضوم كيشلاب حضاو وه امك خيراتلا لكل وأ ةدحاو ةناخل
: يتلآا انررقو ارهظ 2 ةعاس لا مامت يف كلذ يلع رضحملا قلغا
. ةطرشلا لبق نم ةعقوملا ةقباسلا ةلافكلاب مهتملا ةلافك رارمتسا : لاوأ
ةسلجب يراه وعدملا ةكرشلا بساحمو جار درانربن وعدملا ةيملاعلا وكسب ةكرش ريدم نم لك روضح بلط : ايناث
م 1999 / 03 / 15 يف قيقحت
ةماعلا ةباينلا رقمب ارهظ 12:30 ةعاسلا مامت يف م 1999 / 03 / 15 قفاوملا نينثلاا مويلا رضحملا حاتتفا ديعا
Public Prosecution – Dubai
Minutes of Investigation
The minutes is opened today 22/2/99 at 10:30 am at the Public Prosecution:
We, Yousif (illegible) the Public Prosecutor
And Mustafa Abdul Rahman, secretary of the Investigation
The file of the lawsuit No. 1246/99 is referred to us, of the case No. 160/99 Al Refah, the defendant is Mansukhani Dayal Hassaram (illegible) for the accusation of forgery on an unofficial document and using the same.
The minutes are closed on the date and hour and we have repeated the following:
To call the dependant on the investigation session of 3/3/99.
Public Prosecutor
Secretary of the Investigation
The minutes are re-opened today Wednesday 3/3/99 at 1:00 pm. At the Public Prosecution.
Age: 49 years
Place of Birth: India
Place of residence: Dubai – Al Mansoor Video Bldg. T: 536069
Occupation: Businessman
Nationality: Indian
Q – What do you think of the accusation attributed to you?
A – I loaned Korespan an amount of Dhs. 100,000/ bearing the number 404977 due date on
15/7/1998 and the second cheque for an amount of Dhs. 200,000/- bearing the number 404976 due ddate on 15/10/1998.
Both cheques are drawn to Standard Chartered Bank and bear the stamp of the same bank as a cetification and guaranteed payment on the due date. On the due date of the first cheque, I submitted the same to the bank for collection, it was returned from the bank with the note to refer to the drawer without any clear reason.
I checked with the bank and specifically with Ranjeet who certified the guarantee of the cheque.
They told me that Ranjeet is out of the country, and not fulfilling the cheque is only a mistake by the bank and asked me to sum it the cheque again for payment. I deposited the cheque at the
Commercial International bank to be deposited in my account.
The bank informed me that there is an alteration on the due date of the cheque. On 2/8/1998, I submitted a complaint at the police station for the return of the cheque. Fifteen days ago I was called at the Police Station and informed me that (illegible) forgery on the date of the cheque.
Q- Within and where did you receive the cheque subject of the case?
A – Within (illegible) 20/12//1997 at my house at Al Musalla road, Burdubai.
Q – With the preence of whom did you receive the cheque subject of the case from Kresapan?
A – It was in the presence of Mr. Raj the manager of Besco International and Mr. Harry the accountant of the same company.
Q- When you received the cheque from Koresapan, was the cheque certified and guaranteed by the bank to be paid on the due date,or such procedures were done after you have received the cheque?
A – No, I received the cheque ready and fulfilling to its all details, and certified with the stamp of
Standard Chartered bank with a guarantee for payment on the due date.
Q – Stewart Hammond, the read of the investigations at Standard Chartered bank testified at the
Police minutes that the photographs of the cheque subject of the case is indicating that the due year is 1996. Isnt that what was stated on cheque on 1991?
A – This is not true, what is evident from the statement of my account that I paid an amount of One
Hundred Thousand dirhams to Koresapan by a cheque on 21/12/1997.
Note: The present defendant forwarded a statement of account from Mashreq bank as a proof for his testimony.
Public Prosecutor Secretary
Reference Orders
In the case NO .
After reading the paper of the above mention case and the investigations made therein the public Prosecution is accusing:
Name &surname: Mansukhani Dayal Hassaram
Age 49 years
Occuppation: businessman
Place of residence: Dubai
Nationality: India
Becouse on 17/21999 at the Refah police Station
First (illegible) forgery on an un-official document cheque No.(404977)
Which is issued for his benefits (illegible)-that Standard chartered Bank have erased the number (6) on of the due year and typed instead the number (1) so that the cheque would be due on (illegible)
We order referring the defendant to the court of penal and misdemeanor in Dubai to punish him with article of accusation on a session to be specified by court
In the name of H.H Sheikh Marktoum Bin Rashid Al Maktoum,the Ruler of Dubai
Reasons of the judgment in the penal/1246 of1999.
In public hearing convened in the premises of Dubai Court on 16/5/1999.
Under the chairmanship of judge:Fuad Hamdoun,
And the presence of Yousuf Faud, the republic prosecutor
And the presence of Mohammed Al Mannai,the hearing clerk.
The accused is/Mansukhani Dayal HASSARAM
After reading the paper of the case and hearing of pleading:
Whereas the republic prosecution have forwarded the defendant for trail by virtue of he referring order, registration and description stated on it that on 17/2/1999 ,at Refah police Station :
1. Have committed forgery on as un-official document the cheque No.404977 which is issued for his benefits and drawn to
Standard Chartered Bank,by erasing the number(6) on the date of the due year of the cheque and typed instead of it 8 so that the cheque would be due on 15/7/1998 instead of 15/7/1996 and that (illegible).
2. Have used the above mentioned forged documents by depositing it in the bank as evident on the papers.
The republic prosecution requested punishing him according to articles 121/1,216/1,218 and 222/1 of Federal Punishment Law
No3 of 1987
And in the present trial and after reading the accusations, the accused party said that he is not guity
The public prosecution was satisfied with the investigations and requested conviction of defendant is evident to the court that the conviction attributed to the defendant is evident according to the article of conviction
And whereas all previous facts were evident to the court that the conviction attributed to the defendant is evident according to investigations.
(illegible) 15/7/1998 to the encase it from the drawing bank and the witness Stewart Hamond and Koresapan LORENCE
Bernand Raj have testified that the cheque No.404977 had been forged on the year due date whereas the number 6 hand been erased to become number 8, and the drawing bank have forwarded a copy of the cheque before forgery. It is appearing from the due date of the cheque that the due date 15/7/96.
The Criminal Laboratory report stated that the year date space on face of the cheque subject of examination where the present number is typed number 8, has been done by a mechanical erasure and there are traces of (illegible) on this place could be read 6. And there are trances of the number 8 from the number 9 (illegible) to the tens space of the date of the year in away that could be (illegible)of the date of the due year, and it had sustatained a mechanical erasure and typing of number
(illegible) instead of it, and not in a accurate way whereas the distance between them and the number 9 which(illegible) and typing the present number8 instead of it.
The single space of the du3e date of year on the cheque which is typed on the back of the cheque subject to the examination and where the number 8 is typed, has been mechanically erased. There the are traces of typing on the subject that could be(illegible) the number 8 issued on the on the single space of the due date of the cheque on the bank of the cheque subject to examination (illegible) to type of of the writing under which it was issued near the due date and phases of guarantee issued from (illegible) on the face of the cheque.
And the denial of the defendant to the forgery made on the cheque is meant by it bankruptcy (illegible) the defendant in the penal form of the two accusations attributed to him that he punished by the the previous article, and having the two accusation attributed to him (illegible) of the Federal punishment law (illegible)
Court Department
Date: 15/05/1999
Minutes of a Session
System of the Case
Which is permitted to proceed trial in the name of H.H .Shaikh Maktoum Bin Al Maktoum,the Ruler of Dubai.
Sunday Corresponding to: 16/05/1999
Department: Panel (illegible)
Case: 1246/1999-panal
Chairmanship of Mr.Fuad Hamdoum,the judge of the court of first instance,Yousif Mohammed Faloz, member of the prosecution and Mohammed Obaid Al Mannaei,the clerk of the session.
The trail is proceeded in the public:the defendant attended.
Whereas there was nothing to say,the end of trial is declared and the following judgement is declared:
The court had presently decided to punish the defendant by fining him one thousand dirhams for what is attributed to him
Judge (signature) (Signed)
Public Prosecution-Dubai Appeal Prosecution Date: Hour:
Appeal report In the case No.1119/1999-appeal penal Date of he appeal:23/05/1999
Appeal attended by: Member of the prosecution/Hassan Khamis Mohammed.
And decided appeal of judgment issued on 16/06/1999 from Dubai court of first instance on the case No.1246/1999-penal.
Appelle:Mansukhani Dayal Hassaram
For the following reasons:
The public prosecution finds default the judgment petitioned by default in applying the law that the article (82/1) of the
Federal Punishment law No.(3) of 1987 states that (the court, when judging by conviction in apenal,should the judge by
compensating the detained material used in the crime or which could have been used in crime with out prejudice to the rights of others who have good intentions.
As so, and the court did not judge for compensation of the cheque No.404977 subject of the case,and that the public
Prosecution did not use artice (82) when referring the same,the court should have judged for the compensation, and as the court did not do so, it had defaulted law which necessitate appeal of its judgment.
Therefore, we plead the Public Prosecution
First: Accept the appeal as to the form.
Second: and in the subject, apply the law
According to the above mentioned, this report have been issued and signed:
Application of the appeal
Member of the Prosecution/Hassan Khamis ohammed
Concerned Officer
Mohammed Ibrahim Ali
(Signed) Head of the appeal procedure (Signed)
A session is specified for this appeal on Saturday corresponding to 26/06/1999 before the court of appeal in the premises of
Dubai Court at eight in the morning in the hall number(13
A notice has been made on the same and signed.
Reporter (signed) Secretary (signed)
Issued on 23/5/1999
Appeals Nos.1119 and 1174/1999 penal
In the name of H.H .Shaikh Maktoum Bin Al Maktoum, the Ruler of Dubai.
Appeal Court
In the public hearing convened on Saturday corresponding to 14/8/1999 at the premises of Dubai Court of Appeal,
Under chairmanship of Mr.Salim Abdul Hamid,judge in court, And Member ship of Mr.Mohmmed Abdullah Al Saed,judge in court,
And Membership of Mr.Ramadan Amin Al Laboudi, judge in court,
With the presence of Mr.Musabbah Saeed Bakheeet,head of appeal prosecution and, Mr.Mohammed Mohammed Saeed, the hearing clerk,
In the two appeals Nos.1119/1999 and 1174/1999 penal
Appeal No.1119/1999 penal The Appellant: Public Prosecution.
Appelle:Mansukhani dayal Hassaram
The appeal No.1174/1999 penal
Appellant:Manuskhani Daya Hassaram
Appelle:Puplic Prosecution.
The appealed judgement issued on the case No.1246/1999 penal on 16/5/1999.
In the appeals No.1174/1999 rights.
After reading the papers and the summarized report prepared by the judge Moh Naabil Ryad and legally hearing the pleading.
Whereas both petitions fulfilled the specified form in law.
And whereas the public prosecution convicted Mansukham Dayal Hassaram that on 19/02/1999 at Rafa police Station
1.Hecomitted forgery on an un official issue cheque No.404977 which was issued for befit and drawn to Standard Chartered
Bank .He deleted the number6 from the year due of cheque and instead typed number 8; so that the cheque would be due
15/07/1998 as stated on the paper.
2-The defendant used the forged cheque and forwarded it to the said bank as stated on the papers. The public prosecution request punishing him by article 121//216-1/217-1/218-1,222/1 punishments
And on 16/5/1999 the judgment of court of First instance was to punish the defendant by fining him Dhs.2000/- for the accusation.
The Public Prosecution and defendant did not accept the said judgement; therefore, the first challenged the judgment with appeal No.1119/99.
On 14/08/1999, the judgment of Appeal of Court was rejecting both and supported the appealed judgment.
The defendant made his petition this judgment by cassation under No.148/99 by Virtue of a report dated 19/9/1999 attaching with it a memorandum starting the reason of the petition and signed by the defendant’s representative. The Public
Prosecution did impugn on the said cassation prosecution and requesting in it confiscation of the two challenges to issue one judgment
The Judgment
After hearing the pleading, reading the papers and deliberation.
Whereas the public prosecution attributed, to the defendant Mansukhanoi Dayal Hassaram that on 17/2/99 at the Refah Police
He committed forgery on un-official issue of cheque No.404877 which was issued for his benefit and drawn to
Standard Charted Bank. He erased the No.6 on the single space of the due year of the cheque, and typed instead of it the No8 so that the cheque would be due on 15/7/98 instead of 15/7/96 as evident on the papers.
He used the above mentioned forged issue despite his knowledge of the forgery, and he deposited it the bank for collection as evident on the papers.
And requested punishing him with articles (121/216,1/217,/218,1/1/222) of the punishment Law.
And on session of 16/5/99, the defendant petitioned this judgment by appeal No1174 of 99 virtue of report which was attached a long with a memorandum of its reasons with in an application to cancel the appealed judgment and to announce his innocence of that attributed to him alleging that the judgment was contrary to the real facts and to the law and did not discuss the elements of the crimes for having he defendant not altering any of the details on the cheque.
The Public Prosecution also petitioned on this judgment by virtue of the report dated 23/5/99 with the appeal No.1119 of
99penal, included the criticism on the judgment by default in applying the Law for not judging for the confiscation of the cheque subject of the case .
For the reason specified for both appeals, the defendant attended and denied that attributed to him and Public Prosecution requested rejection of his appeal and insisted on the requests of its appeal.
And whereas regarding the subject of the appeals have fulfilled the legally prescribed forms, therefore, both are accepted as to the form.
And whereas regarding the subject of the appeal of the public prosecution, it is, as the amount subject of the cheque have something to do with dealings connected with rights and obligatuions,and it is legal in itself, and have nothing to do with crime committed by the defendant,therefore,the court do not see that it is necessary to confiscate the cheque within the cases of article 82 of punishment law in the way that is formed by the public prosecution in its criticism which has no place in the appealed judgment of trial.Therefore,both appeals should be rejected and the appealed judgment should be supported
For these reasons
The court decision is
Accept both appeals as to the form, reject them in subject and support the appealed judgment
Chairman Hearing clerk
(Signed) (Signed)
(in hand writing:Mr.SalimAbdul Hami,the judge on leave and will be replaced by judge Mr.Mohammed Al Saed,to sign the judgment)
Judge (signed) 28/8/1999Appeals No.143 &145/19999 penal
Petition No.145/1999 made by defendant Mansukhani Dayal Hassaram.
Petition No.143/1999 made by public prosecution.
No.82 of punishment law the cheque was not considered a crime judge compensation of the cheque,
Dubai Government Court of Cassation Judgment
In the name of H.H .Shaikh Maktoum Bin RashidAl Maktoum, the Governor of Dubai.
In the public session convened on Satunday 10 amadan 1420H,corresponding to 18/12/1999 at the premises of Dubai Court of
Cassation with,
Chairmanship of Mr.Moh.Mahmoud Rasim.
And membership of judges:
Mr.Dr.Ali Ibrahim Al Imam
Mr.Al Hadi Moh.Al Jadid
Mr.Moh.Nabil Moh RYad
Mr.Kharaf Fatah Al Bab Motually.
And the presence of the chairman of the cassation prosecution Mr.Abdul Aziz Al Zarooni.
And in the presence of Mr.Hikmat Ibrahim aeed the hearing clerk.
The following judgment has been issued in the petition by cassation No.143/1999 penal.
Petioner:Public Presecution
Respondent:Mansukhani Daya Hassaram
Represented by:Ouni Abdul Hadi,Sharif Moh.Sharif and Abdul Hadi Al Quasim.
And in the petition by cassation No145/1999 penal
Petitioner: Mansukhani Daya Hassaram
Petioner: Public Prosecution
On the judgment issued by Dubai court of appeal on 14/08/1999
Petition No.145/1999 made by defendant Mansukhani Dayal Hassaram.
Whereas the petitioner is finding default with the petitioned judgment that it convicted him with two forgery crimes and usage lacking rationale and evidential findings. The petitioned judgments did not forward evidence for the case and as a reply to the petitioned defense, the drawer issued the cheque for his benefit and it is not logical that he could amend it to harm himself.
The cheque No.404976 issued on 15/10/1998 was issued from the same cheque book, and the bank did not return the cheque,when it was forwarded for the first time,for the reason of alteration on the date ;although the cheque had been forwarded on the same date which was 1998 and not 96.No damage had been caused to others as a result of the alleged alteration.Also ,the drawer of the cheque did not object or alleged any right against the statement of the petitioner and the court did not respond to his application by hearing the witnesses,which was the reason to overrule the judgment.
And whereas the preliminary judgement supporting its reason by the petition judgment,and the incident of the case,wherewith providing all the legal elements for the two crimes for which the petitioner was convicting that the lawdid not specify a form to present-in it the judgment subject of the incident which called for punishment and the circumstances under which it took place ,how ever the total appeared in the incident in all its circumstances as summarized by the court,that would achieve judgment of the law.
And according to the judgment to be complete,it has to provide the correct evidence as summarized by hime for the crime committed by the defendant and do not have to partially follow it in his defense judgment of the law. the papers and do not proceed in any investigations unless necessary to make any procedures acconding to article 239 of the penal procedures law and will not listen t any witness to what had been forwarded the whole petition shall be rejected in subject because of no grounds
Petition No.143/1999 made by public prosecution.
Whereas the public prosecution criticized the petitioned judgment and finds it violating the law because the judgment did not compensate the forged cheque subject of the case according to article 82/2 of the punishment law on grounds that that its possession is considered a crime and the petition judgment had contradicted this point of view.therefore itt was to be petitioned
And whereas the article No.82 of punishment law sttes in its first clause that the “the court when judging conviction in a crime its judgment should be compensation of things caught,used or could have been use in the crime without violating the rights of other”and states in the second clause that”if the mentioned things were the kind that be manufactured/used,possessed,soldor could be funished for sale,is a crime in itself and the judgment should be compensation in all circumstances even if things did not belong to the defendant”
According to that and as the text in the law was to compensate the things used in the crime ,it should be interpreted as protection to the none good intention.By none good intention is meant all who were not participarting in the crime or knowing it being committed
And wherwas,the cheque was nit considered a crime in possessing it according to article 82/2 punishment as previously mentioned and as the bpetition judgement wa bound to the point of view and judge compensation of the cheque, there fore it would be falling in with the sound be ness of the law and the public prosecution criticism would be irrelevant and misplaced acconding to all that petition on no grounds shall substantially be rejected.
The court decision is to reject both petition and compensate the deposit amount.
(Signed) (Signed)
Hearing clerk Chairman of the Court
(Signed &Stamped) Dubai Court
Fri, 14 Jul 2006 13:07:32 +0530
"KK SARACHANDRA BOSE" <> Add to Address
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Criminal Complaint against Dar Al Adalah Advocates and Legal Consultancy Services
Investors languish in jail while the criminals walk free. His misconduct led to the cheating of the investor who is me and at the same time misleading his own firm partner KK Bose and Galadari Associates legal firm.
I believe it there is a very big connection to the office of Public Prosecution and the local Courts of Dubai. How can you represent someone impartially when the subject of the case is a dispute over a particular ruling that has been made by the Public Prosecution office?
Why do Investors languish in jail while the criminals walk free. Dar Al Adalah are guilty of cheating the investor who is me and at the same time misleading their own Islamic Sharia Law from Al Ain University , their partner KK
Bose and Galadari Associates legal firm. I also believe that this audit report was intentionally suppressed under pressure from the opposing side on Dar al Adalah. Perhaps it is the power of Criminals in action? Instead a very brief and vague 2 page report was presented from the audit firm Haris associates which did not adequately highlight these arrangements.
Dar Al Adalah A law firm can have too much power and influence. I came to Dar Al Adalah as my lawyer KK Bose moved there from Galadari Associates who previously represented me as far back as 1999. I believe this firm has to much vested interest in the business of certain individuals and cannot therefore represent a client such as me if the subject of the case is against these influencial individuals.
My genuine cases with picture evidence no. 557/98 was dismissed., as was appeal (454/02) case no 658/2001, case no. 183/2000, case no 1247/2003, case no CBI 827/02 case no 157/2000. I lost all my criminal and civil cases I placed with this firm.
KK Bose is Indian and does not know how to read and write Arabic. Nor does he go to the court. There are only
Arabs speakers going to the court. All the procedures that takes place in the court are in Arabic not English (Written).
It seems this law firm did not translate any of the court documents for KK Bose. This meant that Mr. Bose did not make a proper presentation of my cases and ultimately resulted in me loosing the cases.I believe that Mr Bose has not been given the backing of his new law firm of which he is a partner. As a lawyer, K.K.S Bose is very astute – he
realised that with one of my cases 1246/1999 regarding my dispute with Standard Chartered Bank, wherein a SCB certified bank guaranteed cheque was returned not once but three times, that if the case was won then we could sue the bank which could involve the lawyer sharing as much as 25% of the settlement – In this case 10 million damages against Besco International. There was potentially another four to five cases involving big amounts of more than two million approx. These would also attract lawyers fees of 10%. All the cases were very genuine and with supporting documents which indicated that the cases could be won, so after agreeing this I made a 2.5% down payment. These
Dar Al Adalah arrangements were agreed on 29/10/01 signed by KK Bose and myself. I can also supply an email signed by KK Bose on 14th of July 2006. After the deposit was paid, no effort was made to represent me competently and because of this I lost.
I also believe that this Al Rubaie & Co audit report was intentionally suppressed under pressure from the opposing side on Dar al Adalah. Perhaps it is the power of Criminal in action? Instead a very brief and vague 2 page report was presented from the audit firm Haris associates which did not adequately highlight these arrangements.
Therefore I am launching a case for damages against this firm. By loosing the case 557/1998 vs Raj Bernard and the subsequent appeal 454, I had to suffer great losses 10,000,000 in business and reputation, I was sentenced to a spell in the central jail, and of course I want damages of 50 million aed to compensate
Dar Al Adalah partners (taken from their website)
Dar Al Adalah legal firm
I believe that they have not enough legal knowledge. Many of their genuine cases have been lost and they damage the reputation own Islamic Sharia Law from Al Ain University and of law forms in the UAE as a whole. For this reason I want to get their licence revoked which would be a lesson to other law firms.
I am attachingSummary of cases
557/1998 – Al Rubaie audit report – evidence against, case is dismissed
454/2002 Judges lower court judgement cancelled my case and dismissed Al Rubaie audit report in favour of Haris group whose audit report did not adequately represent my financial state of affairs (only two pages). The Haris group report was controlled by Raj Bernard.
183/2001 – Where is the ten million damages I should have received with regard to the insurance relating to my two brothers deaths? I need a reason why this has not been paid.
1246/1999 – I receive a 2000 aed penalty. This should never have happened as I believe that the legal team paid insufficent attention to the evidence I presented before them, and were not fully knowledgible in their professional practice.
658/2001 – Regardless of all the intricate detail in this case, the fact remains that I was issued two bank guarantee cheques in my favour. I can see no reason why I was not paid.
827/2001 – Where is the signature of my wife Pooja Mansukhani that would certify a withdrawal form her fixed deposit account? No where!
157/1999 – The Khaleej times insurance policy. My brother died on the 29 th and the policy was take out on the 28 th so why not pay the amount?
1246/2003 – I registered this case. Why is there no record in the Dubai court? I have paid all legal costs for this case.
1246 – I believe that this case was manipulated behind the scenes. Witness the two cheques in my favour. Standard Chartered
Bank letterhead which also mentions the cheques in my favour as does the written statement. There is also a statement on
Besco International letterhead (Raj Bernard’s company) confirming that he was to give me two cheques for this amount.
K.K. Bose email From2003to 2006 website Click
Mr. KKS Bose He graduated law in 1976 from the Karnataka University, India. He started his practice in Dubai and
Sharjah in 1977 as a partner with the law firm. Mr. KKS Bose, could not practice in the court, Mr. KKS Bose, cannot read and write Arabic documents.
Prosecutor till the establishment of Dar Al Adalah Advocates and Legal Consultants in the year 1991 so joined as a founder Partner. Practicing before the UAE Federal Courts as well as the local Courts of Dubai. Specialises in banking and insurance,
Mr. NABIL ABDULLAH AL-SHAWAB (PARTNER) Resident of Dubai, Served as Public Prosecutor in Dubai
Court for more than nine years till his unification with Dar Al Adalah Advocates and Legal Consultants as a Founder
Partner in the year 1991. Practicing before the UAE Federal Courts as well as the local courts of Dubai. Specialises in corporate and trade, banking and criminal law.
Mr. MAHMOOD JAMAL AHLI (PARTNER) Resident of Dubai, with more than 19 years experience in diverse legal fields. Served as Public Prosecutor in Dubai Court for more than nine years till his unification with Dar Al
Adalah Advocates and Legal Consultants as Founder Partner in the year 1991. Practicing before the UAE Federal
Courts as well as the local courts of Dubai. Specialises in corporate and trade, banking and criminal law.
I am attaching an email sent by Mr. KK Bose as a civil case No. 557, appeal 454 taken verbal objection and this email has damage the court reputation. A notice was sent by me to this law firm from 2003 to 2008 saying to help me find justice and I have filed a complaint to Bar Council of UAE, Abu Dhabi Dar Al Adalah A law firm can have too much
Criminal power and influence. for which I had no reply.
From : "Bose Bose" <>
to My Messenger Contacts.
To :
CC :
Subject :
Date :
Mon, 14 Apr 2003 07:18:15 +0000
I repeat that I will not file criminal case against the expert even if you promise to pay me
Dh.100,000/-, simply
With Best Regards,
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 13:07:32 +0530 From:"KK SARACHANDRA BOSE" <> Add to Address Book Add
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July 14, 2006 (By email:
Dear Mr. Dayal Mansukhani,
Reference is made to your notice dated 10 July 2006 sent to me via email.
Besco-Dayal: the report itself runs on several pages.
A verbal objection noted in the minutes of the court is as good as written objection, and there is no difference between the two.
The court refused to give us time on the grounds that the case itself has taken long time.
Our appeal was accepted in form, and after hearing, the judgment was passed by the court of cassation and the court of cassation dismissed our objection and comments on the audit report and approved the report and upheld the appeal court's judgment.
In respect to SCB original cheques, we have filed application to the court to bring the file from the archives and get us the original cheques and till date the file has not come to the judge.
In respect to your Bombay cases, I had handed over all the original cheques to the Bombay lawyer
MRS. VANDANA D. JAISINGH ADVOCATE & NOTARY She had at that time informed me that all the cases were time barred as per the laws applicable in India.
All below mentioend cases please send me detail andjudgment, in english and arabic - you must have got them translated in english for your reference.
You may note that since all the dates are in Arabic, I needed the help of the Arab lawyer to take all the files and get the dates and hence the delay.
For releasing all the files to you, I had discussed with Mr. Abdulla Muzaina who is our managing attorney and he said as per the law we cannot release the files of the clients,
For your information, we do not maintain copy in the computer of all the submissions that we made to the court as we are retaining hard copies and hence we do not require to keep soft copies. my total practice duration of 29 years in Dubai.
Mr. KKS Bose, could not practice in the court, Mr. KKS Bose, can not read and write Arabic documents. In Dubai courts, all the papers/ documents are filed in Arabic language.
I will not have any hesitation to file a case against you in Australia for using threats and defamation, if necessary, you and your family travel on the right path).
Mr. Dayal, I have a better suggestion for you, spend your money (This reply is sent not as a duty nor that I am afraid of your threats, but only as a matter of courtesy so that good sense and reason may prevail in you and your advisors and
May stop using your language of threat against me and my firm, and
You will not send any more mail to me, nor your advisors will send, and any mail coming from you or your advisors will go to the junk mail.
With Best Regards,
Criminal HARIS & Associates (AUDITORS & BUSINESS CONSULTANTS is affected very badly
99% All Legal AUDITORS & own approved client
My lawyers email From: "Bose Bose" < 27 Mar 2003 confirmation-
I believe that the auditor's report is biased and is one sided. I think that you should file a criminal case against the auditor.
Tel : +9714-2959958 Fax : +9714-2959945
We are approved by:Standard Chartered Bank Central Bank of U.A.E
The photograph of the person can be received from the system by entering his\her passport number
This controlled by the legal team and they wants to finish my plan . for this reason the fiber crime wants to delete the picture
0561700046, and 05042886453
Abdulla Abou-baker0509817297 and 0504221336
Dayal Mansukhani
Free Ad Media LLC
Atruim Center 3 rd Floor 306
Bank Street Bur Dubai
The Chief Prosecutor
Dubai Court
Dear Sir,
A complaint Against Mr Zhang Guoyin and Dar Al Mekma Law firm for False Pretence and
Misrepresentation regarding suit number 48820/2011,
It is with profound respect and honour that I forward this present complaint and facts to your high office for your immediate reaction.
I wish to state that Mr. Zhang Guoyin use to be an employee in my establishment and he worked with me for some time until he breached the employment contract we had last year.
I had engaged his services in China from 2006 and later asked him to move to Dubai since the business was now located in Dubai. He was my main buyer and also assumed the role of main secretary and personal assistant. He therefore knew my banking information.
Mr. Zhang had illegally transferred money from my accounts in China and Australia to his account since he had my ATM card information. He obtained my ATM card information fraudulently and without my authorization cleared my accounts in Hong Kong, China and Australia. I made a complaint to the Chinese police but I later dropped the charges. He admitted the above facts in an email and I have evidence to prove the bank transfers he made to banks in China. It was not until late last year that I realized my ATM card that had gone missing in China was in his possession. He cleared my accounts in China and Australia such that I could handle my projects both countries.
These are people who tarnish the reputation of China by duplicating goods belonging to others.I hag paid up to 70 000 rmb for patent registration but he did not register the patents rights before any
Chinese authority.
From 2008 to July 2010, he received money from my wife but could not setup the project. Instead he used my idea and made duplicate products and sold in China.
Still I hired his services and for one month to work in my company in India before moving to Dubai.
I also gave him the sum of thirty thousand (AED 30 000) to book a container from China to Dubai but he failed to do so and till date I have not received the container.
Mr. Zhang filed a compliant against me with the labour department after we had some misunderstanding over my products since it came to my knowledge that he and some other persons were duplicating my product and wanted to introduce it into the market.The labour suit was later sent to Dubai court.
I then engaged the services of Dar Al Mekma law Firm to represent me and protect my interest before the court and other authorities as the need may arise.
One Mr Shri Pal Jain and Mr.Abdallah Abou-baker were assigned to follow-up my case but he never deed.
The labour suit was decided in Mr. Zhang’s favour and I was asked to pay the sum of Twenty
Five(AED 25 000) to the count.
I issued two checks to Mr. Shri Pal Jain,that is one a check of Twenty Five thousand (25000) to deposit at the court registry and one of Ten thousand(10 000) to establish a civil or criminal case against Mr. Zhang. Copies of both checks are herein attached. It is to my understanding that he failed to do both and to and was left to wonder whether or not he even bothered to represent my interest in court.
Mr Shri Pal told me he had registered a compliant with Rafa Police station and that he has filed an appeal of the labour suit.It therefore seems to me that some expatriate legal consultants use the name of local law firm to deceive foreign investors.
Since then he has not bothered to keep me informed and has been out of my reach. I honestly believe he is misrepresenting the reputation of the firm he works for as both his telephone numbers are unreachable that is 0561700046 and 05042886453.Also Mr. Abdulla Abou-baker has neither called nor brief me on the proceeding. His mobile numbers are 0509817297 and 0504221336.
It seems there have relocated to Fish Roundabout, Snow White Shop Building,2 nd floor, suit number
At this juncture, I have been asked to bring the passport of Mr Zhang that has been in my custody and I have deposited the passport in Dubai court on the 17 th day of July 2011.I pray this passport should not be released as it will hold him back in the UAE until this case against him be decided.
Sir, I wish to crave your indulgence to use your high office to register this complaint if my above mentioned legal advisers have failed to establish one.
I also pray that you use your high office to bring this people to order. I am a 63 years old cardiac patient who has suffered a lot in the hand s of law breakers.I am willing to have an amicable settlement should they reply me with 24 hours and I will withdraw the compliant failing which, the complaint stands.
While waiting and hoping that this complaint be taken into consideration, I wish you all the best in your endeavours. I will also send the mail to all lawyers in UAE seeking their assistance. I am willing to pay any fees to a lawyer who will provide his services.
In anticipation thereof I remain your humble complainant
2006 took my idea made my product damage and 2007 registered patent but did not registered patent for me and damage the China reputation.
深圳 维纳 科技
.ذ ةرحلا ملاعلإا لئاسو نلاعإ
306 زكرملا 3 قباطلا
يبد رب عراش كنب
ةباينلا سيئر
يبد ةمكحم
، زيزعلا يديس
، 2011 / 48820 ىوعدلا ددعب قلعتي اميف ليلضتلاو ةبذاكلا رهاظتللا ةكرش
لآ رادو نوناقلا
غناشت ديسلا دض ىوكش
.روفلا ىلع درلل عيفرلا مكبصنمل قئاقحلاو ةيلاحلا ماملأا ىلإ ىوكشل ا هذه نأ يل فرشو قيمعلا مارتحلاا عم لاحلا وه اذه
ناك لمعلا دقع قرخ هنا ىتح تقولا ضعبل يعم لمعي ناكو يب ةصاخلا ةسسؤملا يف افظوم نوكيل اهمادختسا Guoyin غناشت ديسلا نأ ركذأ نأ دوأو
.يضاملا ماعلا يف انيدل
يف لامعلأا عاطق يف نلآا عقي ناك ذنم يبد ىلإ لاقتنلال هل قحلا تقو يف تبلطو ، 2006 ماع نم ةرتف لا للاخ نيصلا يف هتامدخ اهل تدصت دق تنك
.ةيفرصملا يتامولعم كلذ فرعي هنا .يصخشلا هدعاسمو يسيئرلا ريتركسلا رود اضيأ ضرتفيو يرتشملا يسيئرلا يمامتها ناك .يبد
لصح .يللآا فارصلا يتقاطب تامولعم هيدل نا ذنم هباسحل ايلارتساو نيصلا يف يتاباسح نم ةعورشم ريغ قرطب ةلوحملا لاوملأا غناشت ديسلا ناكو
ىلا ىوكشب تمدقت .ايلارتساو نيصلاو غنوك غنوه يف يتاباسح حسم يدلب صيخرت نودو لايتحلاا قيرط نع يللآا فارصلا يتقاطب تامولعم ىلع
تابثلإ ةلدلأا يدلو ينورتكللاا ديربلاب ةلاسر يف هلاعأ ةروكذملا قئاقحلا فرتعا .تام اهتلاا هذه قحلا تقو يف تعجارت يننكل ةينيصلا ةطرشلا
يف نيدوقفملا دادع يف تناك يتلا يللآا فارصلا ةقاطب تكردأ نأ يضاملا ماعلا رخاوأ ىتح نكي مل .نيصلا يف كونبلل اهب ىلدا يتلا ةيفرصملا تلايوحتلا
ةعمس نوهوشي نيذلا سانلا مه ءلاؤه .نيدلبلا لاك يعيراشم عم لماعتلا نم نكمتأ نأ لثم ايلارتساو نيصلا
تاءارب قوقح ليجست متي مل هنكل عارتخلاا تاءارب ليجستل ناوي 000 70 ىلا عوفدملا
HAG others.I
يف يتاباسح هتحا .هتزوح يف ناك نيصلا
ىلإ نومتني علسلا راركت للاخ نم نيصلا
.ةينيصلا ةطلس يأ لبق نم عارتخلاا
يتلاو ةرركملا تاجتنملاو يتركف هنا كلذ نم لادب مدختسا .عورشملل دادعلإا نكمي لا نكلو يتجوز نم لاملا ىلع لصح ، 2010 ويلوي ىلا 2008 نم
.نيصلا يف عابت
.يبد ىلإ لقتني نأ لبق دنهلا يف اهب لمعأ يتلا ةكرشلا يف لمعلل دحاو رهشلو هتامدخ ترجأتسا تلز ام
.ةيواحلا قلتا مل نلآا ىتحو ، كلذب مايقلا يف لشف هنكل يبد ىلإ نيصلا نم ةيواح زجحل 000 )امهرد 30 ( 30000 غلبم هل م دقو اضيأ انأ
نيرخلآا صاخشلأا ضعبو هنا يملع دح ىلع ءاج هنلأ يدلب تاجتنملا لوح مهفلا ءوس ضعب ناك نأ دعب لمعلا ةرازو عم يدض ةقفاوتم غناشت ديسلا مدقو
.يبد يف ةمكحم ىلإ تلسرأ قحلا تقو يف market.The
لمعلا ةلدب يف هلخدن نأ دارأو يب صاخلا جتنملا ر
.أشنت دق ةجاحلا نإ ثيح ، ىرخلأا تاطلسلاو ةمكحملا مامأ يمامتها ةيامحو ينلثميل Mekma
اركت اوناك
ةاماحم راد تامدخ تعرش مث انأ
.ادبأ لعفلا هنكل يتلاح ةعباتمل ركب وبأ
و نياج دحا لاب يرش ديسلا نييعت مت
.دعلا ىلإ 000 )امهرد 25 ( نورشعو ةسمخ غلبم عفد ينم بلطو غناشت ديسلا حلاصل ىوعدلا لمعلا تررق دقو
ةرشع نم دحاو ةمكحملا ملق يف عدوت نأ ىلع ) 25000 ( فلأ نيرشعو ةسمخ نم ققحتلا نم ةدحاو يه يتلا ، يرش نياج ديسلا لاب يف نيكيش تردصأ
، ر اسيلا ىلإو ، اعم نيرملأاب مايقلا يف لشف هنأب يمهفل نمف .تاكيشلا نم خسن انه درتو .غناشت ديسلا دض ةيئانج وأ ةيندم ىوعد ةماقلإ ) 10 000 ( فلاآ
نيينوناقلا نيراشتسملا ضعب نأ يل ودبي اذل لمعلا suit.It
.ةمكحملا يف يمامتها ليثمتل ىتح تجعزا ناك اذا ام لءاستي ناكو
لل افانئتسا مدق هنأو افار ةطرشلا ةطحم عم ةقفاوتم تلجس هنا يل لاب يرش ديسلا لاقو
.بناجلأا نيرمثتسملا عادخل يلحملا نوناقلا ةكرشلا مسا مادختسا نيبرتغملا
دح ىلع اهباسحل لمعي يتلا ةك رشلا ةعمس هيوشت هنأ قدصب دقتعأو .يدلب لوانتم نع اديعب ناكو ملع ىلع ظافحلل يل تجعزا دق نكي مل نيحلا كلذ ذنم
هفتاه ماقرأ .ةعباتملا ىلع يل لاو ةريصق اعدو ركب وبأ الله دبع ديسلا Also .
05042886453 0561700046
وه اذهو لوصولل ةلباق هفتاه ماقرأ ءاوس
0504221336 0509817297 و لومحملا
.ىوعد 212 ددع ، 2 قباطلا ، تياو ونس لحم ، كمسلا راود ىلإ تلقتنا دق هنأ ودبي
17 موي يبد يف ةمكحم يف تعدوأ رفس زاوج يدلو يدلب ةدهع يف تناك يتلا غناشت ديسلا رفس زاوج راضحإ ينم بلط دقل ، ةلحرملا هذه يف يلصن
تررق ةلاحلا هذه نو كت ىتح ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ةلود يف ىرخأ ةرم هل دقعت فوس اهنلأ ردص زاوجلا اذه نوكي نأ يغبني لا
2011 نم ويلوي
.دحاو عضو يف تلشف دق هلاعأ ةروكذملا ةينوناقلا يراشتسم اذإ ىوكشلا هذه ليجستل عيفرلا مكبصنم مادختسلا لهاست بلاطأ نأ دوأ ، سيئرلا يديس
دعتسم نوناقلا breakers.I
دي يلاي ل يف اريثك ىناع يذلا بلقلا ةنس 63 ضيرم انا .لجلأ بعشلا اذه قيقحتل عيفرلا مكبصنم مادختسا نأ اضيأ وعدأ
.ىوكشلا يف فقي يذلا لشفلا ةقفاوتم بحست فوس انأو يل ةعاس 24 للاخ درلا مهيلع يغبني ةيدو ةيوست ءارجلإ
يف نيم احملا عيمج ىلإ ديربلا اضيأ لسرأس .مكيعاسم يف قيفوتلا لك مكل ىنمتأو ، رابتعلاا نيعب ىوكشلا هذه ذخؤت نأ يف لمأتو رظتنت نيح يف
.هتامدخ مدقيس يذلا يماحملا ىلع موسر يأ عفدل دادعتسا ىلع انأو .مهتدعاسم ىعست ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
عضاوتملا صاخلا ىوكشلا تلز امو هنم اعقوت
Without the grace of God nothing is possible, as in the United Arab Emirates is a Muslim country we go by the grace of God.
In terms of the government, a very important function of the executive arm of the seven emirates that have powers to make decisions independently.
Given me the strength to bring peace to my country the greater good of the United Arab Emirates. Please visit my website to understand the high level of charitable projects that I will benefit everyone in the UAE
Why 90% percent of people in this world view that Gandhi likeness of God and not 100, because, because Gandhi did not act independently, resulting in victory I'm not a lawyer, Gandhi and reap the lamp of Aladdin magic. A and will enable governments to increase revenues in the period in a short period of time so that everyone will be happy and there would be no division and the exercise of power. These things help us achieve the vision of Gandhi to create a new world order of peace and dedicated honesty, love and prosperity, thus creating thousands of Gandhi, and save the
UAE and the world.
If the rulers of the seven emirates who have the powers to take independent decisions can make a mandatory decision to have MUM Media on all buildings and establishing fame and the price can be determined by the governing mediacouncil for not more than 2 to 3 fils per second.
Aladdin's lamp is the quality of the product and the commercial media, with the cost of manufacturing 10-25000 AED
- invest one time, if the income comes from advertising device to a minimum of 1 to 3 per second fill,
From 1 to 300 dirhams in the machine for an hour. If used for 15 hours a day, it becomes a minimum of AED 1500 per device per day. 1500 X 25 X 375% = income
Makan number of all buildings and structures that use the device is estimated at about a million and alone, equivalent to an annual income of about 37000000, with an estimated AED units and establishments Kloty:
And the number of airports in the UAE about seven airports, 77O Apartments HOLIDAY 34562, shopping centers
75. Total residence buildings 66.6000 0.245686 commercial buildings in total = 1000000 (almost)
United Arab Emirates and government agencies are also responsible for the welfare of the nation and a good reputation as well. To assist and make "all the all the materials of the United Arab Emirates (both local and expatriate) is the best goal of all public sector employees. If you can do so through the medium of the media understandable and innovative benefit both the government and the population as a whole certainly it is worth considering. If he can make billions of dollars to save the government and the same amount from the account of the government if it can revive the economy and see Dubai's 365 days in the growth of economic prosperity.
In the United Arab Emirates live more than about eight million people, including workers, employees, and foreign investors in all categories of manufacturers, traders and you will find that everything is available with more of a free zone in the UAE and we also live in a state
United Arab Emirates for more than forty years in peace and security and no one secret to what happens in some
Arab countries such as demonstrations and revolutions and a decent life and some of the families displaced by it all for freedom and justice
Dayal Mansukhani
To main fit property honour.First you have to stop your media cost. The people who stay’s in your building they will never say to decrease the rent. If there is any empty flat it will also be full and you will get the monthly profit. For that you have to give
5sqmeter place in you are building. You will get millions of benefit in it every ---.
If you store this device in you are building you will get 50% profit in it. Public will watch it and they will call or apply for the AD in you are building. You will get every information in you are building trough it.
If you want to sell any product you also cams apply AD on it. If there is any job seeker they also have benefit in it. Every kilometer there is office of FAME. Everything will be original. Anyone will bring this covering letter to you. You sign it and handle it to building honor.
If there is no FAME device in you are building .We will give notice of 15 days to cancel the contract. In that you will be the responsible. This notice is to public demand to inform that the Tendency also will be happy from the both side.
The profit of you and your Tendency. Your business Media cost will be saved. Anyone gives AD in your building you will get
15%profit income. First time set upping cost with your Internal Decorator. And internet service also will be provided. It will be great useful to you are carrier.
You will save millions of media cost. You will increase millions of credit. Your business turns to Festival city with in 365 days.
Your products will sold it out before expare.You will get self confidence to purchase item with is near to expaire.You will get idea within 1 month. And you will see the benefit of FAME. You will put special offer like buy 1 get 1 free. And you will provide gift voucher who purchase items more than 100AED.And its validity will be 7 to 15 days. You should not discount you are product price. Through this your business will grow up. You should AD the discounts and sales of 30% or 40% etc.The public will watch it and you will be in great profit in business. If you give 50% discount also you will be in profit of 100% plus 70%.You will never get this type of offers and profits.
In you are shopping mall there is plenty of shops.3 to 4 Enterence.Give a little place to Fame in you are Entrance and watch the benefit of it. we will put every AD in it and through that the visitors coming to shopping they will watch it. Through that there will be no problem in shopping. Through that way they can save there time. You will be in great profit.
You have a chance to be a Gandhi. To live in piece. The Ministers should be approved to have a FAME device. You should have to know that home minister is more power than minister. If they apply public partition in court then the every court have to
accept the order. Women are home minister even ministers home. This FAME device is grateful for you are carrer.It only costs
10 to 25000AED. FAME device is a piece weapon. It is helpful all over the world.
In every family with in to 5 to 7 days they are going to finish there items which they brought from Supermarkrt.Every supplier they will try to finish their product before expaire.That is the reason the retailers gives discounts.Example,if there is 3 months to expire 1 product the shop retailers will discount up to 20%.If there is 2 months to expire 30%,If 1 month 50 to 60% discount,
If 15 days to expire 60 to 70% discount. Mostly housewives are ordering item’s in supermarket. Did they got any discount?
Answer: No. First their was a Telecom. But now it came’s to be two. In this competition who get’s profit? Answer; Public.Now a day’s every product’s there is to Compatatier.Ex;Electronic,cosmatis item’s,Medical’s,Computer etc,even the car’s. For this product they will invest million’s of money to AD. In that they are increasing their product price. Their are many product’s which is not sold before expire through that they get loss in that. According to that first they are calculating it. After that they are raising their price. Through this way everything became costly day by day. There are many other companies who make duplicate items in low price. The public going through it. But they don’t think that it is harmful to health.
From 2012 their will be no problem. Because the Commercial Media will be free. Each and every building FAME device will be kept. Every business man will get free AD. Through that they can improve their Business and easy to sell their product’s. If product is sold it out before expire there will be no loss. Through that the price also will be less. In this case which option you will select.
All Professional fresher like 2D, 3D Designer, Director, Camera man or Model. You should do your own team.Atleast 5 people you can take 7 days to make a team Your team will be made or selected in the office. Each of them will get 15,000AED will be given.75, 000AED will invest upon 5 professionals .You will get payment in three installment will invest 1 lakh AED upon you. In that you 5 of them will be the Foundation. In that 111 people will be the business member of it. They will pay weekly for u.Minimun you will get 10,000 per month. Plus daily bones system also .you cam work at home in that u cam save u r money of transport etc.You will get 1 covering letter also. In that covering letter will be written that you will get free AD to the business man. Our FAME device is in many hotels. We are one media team. We are supply you model also. We will AD you are product’s which 100% free is. After reading this covering letter every businessman calls to make an AD to improve in product.
It will take 1 day to distribute it. 1sq/km Area, 6.5km will be covered. In which there will be at least 100 to 200
Building. Two to Three Shopping malls, Two to Three supermarket etc.In that area 1000 of Businessman will be there. In news paper u have seen many AD of jobs etc.This project is made by god. In every country anyone can copy this project. But the name should not be changed. The name is Aladdin Media. Many businessmen have shoppingmall, Showroom etc.1000 of product’s u r marketing. What is the guarantee that you can be success in that. To be success in u r business make place of it.
You will get great benefit in it.
Complaint no. 1
Mr. Dayal Mansukhani
Dubai, UAE
Major Abdullah Al Shehhi/Officer Ahmed
The Police Head Quarters/CID Cyber Crime
Dubai, UAE
Please check my website that proves growth of UAE
Check this link; I had deleted the pictures from the link. You can download the file to get the 100% proofs of law breakers. I respect Dubai.
I am an uneducated heart patient. You can check my hospital records in reference to ID: 7611331. Mine and my wife’s passport as guarantor, is already submitted in the Dubai court. I am in Dubai’s custody while criminals are leading a happy life in Dubai. I am in Dubai; Raj Bernard is also in Dubai and Standard Chartered Bank too. Please refer the above links for the evidences and re-open the two cases and give me long awaited justice. I plead for the same.
Case No. 1246/1999, 658/2001
Case No.557/1998, 183/2000
This is to bring to your kind attention that due to some recklessness by few Dubai’s governing teams I have been facing immense problems and facing them since 1998 causing me, mentally torture and have been a TARGET. Even some officers of
Dubai court (intentionally / unintentionally) have got involved in this criminal powerful man, Raj Bernard’s misdemeanours. I registered 13 complaints with evidence and pictures, which has been dismissed by the Head Officer of Public Prosecutor, Mr.
Esam Elhamedani. I am an uneducated heart patient.
Here is one more of his criminal act:
Same man with different passport and different name:
Passport Number – H3447686
Same man with different passport and different name:
Passport Number – A7423312
I hereby attach 2 passport copies of one same- person, an employee of Raj Bernard. They have taken more than 100,000 -
200,000 AED from HSBC bank. This man is already declared WANTED in Dubai, check his records. Mr. Raj Bernard is involved in such malpractices and have got some bank officials involved too criminal acts thereby misusing Dubai law and creating grievances in many people’s lives in Dubai. It is your responsibility to handle this person. This man can come in danger if Raj comes to know that you have the proof against him. You can check the labour contract to confirm on which grounds the bank approved loans. This is very powerful evidence against the involvement of bank officers also. If you investigate this person he will witness and give you 100’s of proof’s against Mr. Raj misusing manpower and banks. I had given you 3 websites in which you can see how Raj's employees loose their life for 20 AED and has spoiled Dubai reputation. Why the Dubai Police Head
Quarter doesn’t take any action against such malpractices that are ruining the reputation and peace of nation? Even after seeing all this on 14 November, 2011, you put me in jail. This application is also available in the CD.
I even met the CID of Cyber Crime to register a complaint against Mr. Raj Bernard, when the officer demanded 100,000 AED to arrest him or else he would put me in jail. I was taken into custody for a day since I refused to pay this amount. You may check my record, whether I was in custody of CID Head Quarters. I had given the Officer the website, in which all the evidences with photographs were present. He submitted the proof to the Dubai court and I was released the next day, but no action was taken against Mr. Raj Bernard.
In reference with my jail ID 176031, you can check that I had registered 8-10 complaints with proof. The officer of Rafa Police
Station has taken my signatures in 3 complaints. But I don’t find any information in the records, today and since 1998. I want to grow reputation of Dubai and so I had taken a Gulf Insurance from the Standard Chartered Bank through Mr. Raj Bernard of 1.4
Million AED for 15 years. God was kind to me that he gave me intelligence to take this insurance. Mr. Raj Bernard has
undergone many damages to Dubai if claimed insurance can be millions of dollars. Standard Chartered Bank is a UK bank who can even lie, to Arabs or anyone. They justify their crime to be right, to spoil UAE reputation hence I helplessly uploaded the pictures of Rafa Police Station, Dubai Court and Public Prosecutor for them to pay some heed to my pleadings, and may seriously consider my complaints.
God has given me the project to grow Dubai’s reputation and economy. And this is the reason why I had uploaded the pictures. If the cases re-open, definitely some of the officials will come in big problem.
Knowing this I was declared as WANTED even though I was not. The cyber crime has taken a case against me for uploading these pictures. I am sorry and ready to compromise the loss of your reputation due to the pictures, if I am proved guilty. I had deleted the pictures too. I believe, I am the luckiest person in the world, as my project will bring peace to Dubai and then to the world, too.
The evidences of two cases against Standard Chartered Bank and Mr. Raj Bernard can prove UAE, an injustice country and I cannot bear this as I respect Dubai Law and Dubai.
I plead the Honourable Dubai Court and the Honourable Judges to take immediate action and give justice to these cases, if not me. I request you to refer the following cases so that you may see the games played by few corrupt departments or officers in charge etc. in Dubai in cooperation with Bernard Raj and Standard chartered bank.
UAE is my country I respect Dubai and with my Duplicate Gandhi Brain and in good intensions I want to fight against the injustices. I have been here in UAE for the past 34 years. Many people come to Dubai to misuse Dubai and spoil the UAE reputation. I hereby attach my website
which proves my interest in growth and peace of Dubai.
Thanking You,
Dayal Mansukhani 050 7570737
Mr. Dayal Mansukhani
Dubai, UAE
The Public Prosecutor
Dubai Court, UAE
I hereby furnish the details of a couple of cheques certified by Standard Chartered Bank.
Cheque No. :
Due Date :
Amount :
100,000 Dirhams
Cheque No. :
Due Date :
Amount :
200,000 Dirhams
A Civil case has been filed in the Dubai court with Case No.: 658/2001 against this. The original cheques are available in this case file.
But it was dismissed without hearing. I had not received the money till today, even after requesting these long 12 years. I want my cheques as this is my property.
You can also check the judgement of Criminal Case 1246/99. An appeal ( No. 1119/1999 and 1174/1999) was given by the
Public Prosecutor in the Dubai Court, that followed till Supreme Court (143/1999) to cancel the 404977 cheque. But he failed and the cheque for returned it to me.
More than 7 months the cheque (404976) has been under the police custody. This cheque has been sent to crime lab twice. On
February 1999 it was confirmed that the cheque has been legally altered. On the second time the cheque has been blocked for more than six months. Also they had blocked my passport as well as my staff’s passports.
In these 7 months the problems to encash these 2 Bank guarantee cheques tortured me mentally and I even lost my 2 brothers. I was admitted in the Rashid Hospital (check for proof Hospital ID: 7611331) twice for heart operation in 1999 and
2011. But was cancelled five minutes before the operation.. My first operation was fixed on 10 July, 1999 and second operation was to be held on 17 October, 2011.
A court cannot keep a cheque in their custody unless the person receives money.
UAE is my country and I want to grow and be a part of its welfare with my Duplicate Gandhi Brain and in good intensions I want to bring peace and flourish. I have been here in UAE for the past 34 years. Many people come to Dubai to misuse its power and spoil the reputation, but I will fight against such bad acts. I will not let anyone put down Dubai. I hereby attach my website
which proves my interest to grow Dubai and its reputation. Sheikh Mohammed has been ruling since 12 years and hence I request you preserve Dubai reputation and give me justice. I have been suffering from 12 long years. Kindly visit the following link to understand the injustices on me:
. The link gives you evidence with pictures that you can download.
Thanking You,
Dayal Mansukhani 050 7570737
Mr. Dayal Mansukhani
Dubai, UAE
The Public Prosecutor
Dubai Court, UAE
This is to bring to your kind attention that, the judgement of my case, (Case No 183/2000) was in my favour for which,
Habib Bank has issued a cheque in name of Besco International, Dubai of an amount of 618,383 AED. But I had not received my payment due to the law breakers. I would like to get my cheque back since UAE proved no importance for human life and investors. Otherwise I would not have lost my two brothers and business (Loss of 10718383 AED including the capital).But it was dismissed without reason. I had not received the money till today, even after requesting these long 12 years. I need my cheque as this is my property.
Mr. Raj Bernard of Standard Chartered Bank, Dubai is involved in these cheque’s cases. I, residing in Dubai wish to get the cheque back without any inconveniences. I being a businessman from my young age want to flourish my business and grow my contacts within the business world. Kindly visit the link
to understand the injustices I have gone through since 12 long years, till today.
UAE is my country I respect Dubai and with my Duplicate Gandhi Brain and in good intensions I want to fight against the injustices. I have been here in UAE for the past 34 years. Many people come to Dubai to misuse Dubai and spoil the UAE reputation. I hereby attach my website
which proves my interest in growth and peace of Dubai.
Thanking You,
Dayal Mansukhani 050 7570737
Complaint no. 4
Mr. Dayal Mansukhani
Dubai, UAE
The In-Charge Officer
Rafa Police Station,
Dubai, UAE
Kindly visit the link
to understand the injustice done on me and download evidence against Mr. Abdul Majid. Please refer the above links for the evidences and give me long awaited justice. I plead for the same
I hereby inform you that I doubt Lieutenant Abdul Majid Fadil of Rafa Police Station had helped Standard Chartered Bank,
Dubai to trap me in a false case by registering a complaint on behalf of copies of the cheques produced by standard chartered bank officer, where he did not care intentionally or unknowingly and got me in tremendous troubles, by not caring to ask for
Original bank guarantee Cheque’s. I furnish the details of a couple of cheques certified by Standard Chartered Bank, then in my favour and custody.
Cheque No. :
Due Date :
Amount :
Cheque No. :
Due Date
100,000 Dirhams
200,000 Dirhams
Mr. Abdul Masjid’s carelessly filed complaint against me; by Standard chartered bank and has put me in great trouble causing me mental torture and huge un-repairable losses since 1998. Till date I am suffering. I have gone through multiple heart attacks and a surgery and lost two of my brothers in 1999 due to stress and mental trauma we all went through. May be I would have even been killed also as I had received many black mailing and torturing calls, too.
I had complained in the Rafa Police Station in person on November 2011 and related Mr. Abdul Majid, about all the mis happening I was going through. I met 3 Majors in person but did not receive any response from them. After that my Lawyer registered my complaint twice with evidence and pictures still not a single complaint was not found lodged in records.
He has misused the complaint on these cheques which the bank had certified as refer to drawer. His careless registration of complaint released the criminal and trapped the investor. Later this complaint was sent to a Public Prosecutor who charged me with a false case no. 160/1999. On behalf of this bogus case they built up a criminal case which was filed as Case No.
1246/1999 against me. I would like to call the Officer who checked the cheque, to the court and In the name of Holy Quran I would like to ask him under whose pressure did he prepare this report of the cheques in which 1998 was mistaken as 1996?
I even doubt that Mr. Abdul Majid, must have written the second complaint too, on the second cheque dated 5 August, 1998 to the Rafa Police Station in the bank’s letter head.
There were 70 days more for the due of this cheque.
I would like to register a criminal case in his name for his wrongdoing thereby causing me grievance and spoiling the reputation of Dubai Police. Now I request the Major of this station to fight against the wrongdoing of Mr. Abdul Majid and send him to the
Public Prosecutor in Dubai court. I will fight myself.
Secondly, I had registered a complaint against Bernard Raj. If he flees away from UAE, it may cause billions of losses to the station.
UAE is my country I respect Dubai and with my Duplicate Gandhi Brain and in good intensions I want to fight against the injustices. I have been here in UAE for the past 34 years. Many people come to Dubai to misuse Dubai and spoil the UAE reputation. I hereby attach my website
which proves my interest in growth and peace of Dubai.
Thanking You,
Dayal Mansukhani 050 7570737
Public Prosecutor / Rafaa police / Dubai Head Quarter police station
Attach: CD / Medical report / copy of case no. 2198 / 2012
Criminal Raj Bernard from Kerala has being playing unethical games to destroy me since 1999 and has a very bad record in Dubai over the years. Due to his immoral ways he has even got involved Dubai Police (Rafaa Police & Bur
Dubai Police) just to avoid payment for 2 bank guarantee cheques amounting to Dhs. 300,000 that is not paid till today.
Dubai police has filed two wrong criminal cases against me 1246/99 and 2198/2012 and without court’s order I am put behind bars and have been beaten up, by Police officer in the Bur Dubai Police station jail, spoiling Dubai’s reputation and causing me tremendous mental torture.
My Application no. 9296/2012 for bail is rejected.
I, Dayal H Mansukhani, was put in jail for 7 days by Public prosecutor. I am 64years old and a heart patient; I have suffered heart pain two times, in the jail.
My sentence has been extended for more 15days.
I am not declared a criminal, yet. Why did the officer at Bur Dubai Police station beat me?
I am innocent and complaining about the two bank guarantee cheques of amount Dhs 300,000 since 1999. I have attached evidences with pictures in this link: www.needjustice.netlfile24.docx
and am ready to face any consequences if I am proved guilty. I submitted these evidences in Dubai Police Head Quarter and was held in prison for one night, but released the next day.
I am in jail from 22.1.2012 without any courts order; Raj is pressurizing me and my health is deteriorating, since 1999. I have even lost two brothers in 1999 due to his immoral actions. I need protection and justice, from the Honorable courts of Dubai. I have lived 34 years in Dubai without any criminal records and with respect. It is a home-place for me. I am in deep pain for the injustices I have faced; I have constant pain in my heart.
I plead the Honorable court to look into the case, complaints filed by Raj Bernard, Standard Chartered bank, Dubai Police and even Public Prosecutors and due to their injustice, carelessness and or negligence, I have gone through tremendous losses for more than 12 years. I have suffered great miseries and pain in this period of time I want justice. I plead the Honorable Dubai court righteousness.
طبارلا نم روصلا فذحب تمق دقل، روصلا كلت لمحا ينلعج يذلا ببسلا وه اذه و ملاسلاا يمنا يكل عورشملا اذه الله يناطعا
يدل ، روصلا كلت نع ةجتانلا رارضلاا لك نع ضيوعتلل يتيزوهج نع ريبعتلا ديرا و مكتدايسل يراذتعا مدقا انا و . اهب صاخلا
لودلا نم ينوناقلا معدلا جاتحا اناف . تارلاودلا نييلامب عورشم ىلا ةفاضلاب ملاسلاا ةمدخل اهري خست ىلا جاتحا و ةيلقع تاناكما
كش يا دجوي لا و . ملاعلل ملاسلا مدقيس يعورشم نلا اظح رثكلاا صخشلا ينا ملعا انا . يبد ةموكح نم صخلااب و ةيملاسلاا
امك قفرملا صرقلا اذه ىلع اوعلطتا لاضفب . يفقوم مهفت مكترضح نم س متلا انا و . ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا ةلود ةلادع يف
وه و ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملاا ةلود ةيمنت ىلا وعدي يذلا يتكرش عقوم ىلع اوعلطت نا وجرا
فلملا طبار و قفرملا صرقلا ىلع علاطتلاا للاخ نم ةصوصنملا نيناوقلا لماكب تمزتلا ينا نم دكاتلا مكترضح ناكماب امك
2011 \ 11 \ 14 خيراتلا تاذ يتيضق يف ورظنت نا مكتدايس نم بلطا انا و
و روصلا عم ىوكش 13 ليجستب تمق ينا ثيح .
1988 ةنس يف قرط ةدعب يبيذعتي ماق قيرفلا اذه ىلا ىلا مكتلادع رظن تفل وحرا
يناديماحلا ماصع ديسلا بتكم ىلا تملس يتلا ةلدلاا
يبد ىفشم و دشار ىفشم يف يحصلا يعضو نم دكاتلا مكناكماب ثيح 7611331 مقرلا تاذ يتلاح و بلقلا يف لكاشم نم يناعا انا
رفس زاوج و يزاوج .
ادج ينبذع ام اذه و .
اهئارجا دعوم نم قياقد 5 لبق يب ةصاخلا بلقلا ةيلمع ءاغلا بابسا يف ورظنت و
. ئيش يا لعفا نا عيطتسا لا و يبد ةراما ةدهع يف يتجوز
اياضقلا وحتفت نا مكتدايس نم سمتلا و ةلدلاا ىلع اوعلطت نا وجرا ، يبد يف نودجاوتم ديتراش دردناتس كنب و جار ديسلا و انا نلاا
: ماقرلاا تاذ ديدج نم
. 1246/1999, 658/2001 : مقر ةيضقلا
.557/1998, 183/2000 : مقر ةيضقلا
ىواكشلا عيمج ءاغلاب ناديمحلا ماصع ديسلا ماقو كنب ردتراشت ردناتسو درانريب جار دض ىوكش 13 تلجس دقل 1998 ماع ذنم هنا
كنب ردتراشت ردناتس وا درانريب جار دض ىنوناق ءارجا ىا ذاختا متي ملو
م اقو هيبرعلا تاراملاا ةلود لوخد نم نيوم رحملا دحا رفس زاوج ريوزتب همايق ىهو درانريب جار اهبكترا ةيئانج هميرج انهو
صخشلا مسا ىتلااك هتانايب ىه هذهو روزم رفس زاوجب هلودلا ىلا هبلجو هرفس زاوج ريوزتب م اقو نيناوقلا ةفلاخمب
– H3447686 : زاوجلا مقر
– A7423312 : زاوجلا مقر
نم مهيرد 200000 100000 نع ديزي ام ينم وذخا مهنا ثيح جار ديسلا دنع لمعي صخش رفس زاوجل نيتروص قاحلاب تمق دقل
يبد ةراما نوناق نم برهتلاب جار ديسلا ماق .
مهرفس زاوج ىلع علاطلاا مكناكماب يبد يف نيبولطم مهلعجي ام اذه و .
يناطيربلا كنبلا
اذه و .
اهبجومب ضرقلا ذخا هنا حضوت يتلا كنبلا تانايب ىلع علاطلاا مكترضح ناكماب ثيح ، هرما يف رظنلا مكتدايس نم وجرا و
يذلا جار ديسلا اهيف طروتي يتلا ةيضقلا ىلع اودهشي يكل كنبلا نم ادوهش وعدتست نا وجرا .
اضيا كنبلا طروت ىلع حضاو ليلد
مهرد 20 ببسب مهتايح ودقف جار يفظوم نا ةقيقح ىلع وعلطت يكل تنرتنا عقاوم ثلاثب مكديوزتب تمق دقل .
دوهشلا ليلضت لواحي
14 يف نجسلا يف اهببسب تعضو يتلا تادنتسملا هذه ىلع اوعلطت نا وجرا .
هعم قيقحتلا متي مل و
صارقلاا ىلع ةرفوتم يه و 2011 ربمفون
متي مل .
نجسلا يف هعضو و هيلع ضبقلل مهرد 100000 وه يىنم بولطملا ناك ثيح , ديتراش دردناتس كنب دض ةيضق ليجستي تمق
يا ذاختا متي مل و .
كلذ نم وقحتت نا وجرا و يلع ةبجوتملا دوقنلا عفدا مل ينلا ىلع ظفحتلا مت دقل .
مويلا يطبار ىلع روصلا ليمحت
ةلدلاا لك ىلع يوتحي يذلا عقوملاب ةطرشلا ديوزتب تمق دقل .
درانريب جار ديسلا هاجت رارق
جار ديسلا هاجت رارق يا ذاختا متي مل اضيا نكل و يلاتلا مويلا يف يحارس قلاطا مت دق و .
روصلا و
نم طباض تذختا دقو . ناهرب عم ىواكشلا 10 8 تلجس دق تنك نا نم ققحتلا كنكميو ، 176031 يتيوه عم نجسلا ةراشإ يف
ومنت نأ ديرأ . 1998 ماع ذنمو مويلاو ،تلاجسلا يف تامولعم يأ دجأ لا انأ نكل . ىواكش 3 يف يل تاعيقوتلا افار ةطرش زكرم
15 ةدمل مهرد نويلم 1.4
رانرب جار ديسل ا للاخ نم درتراشت دردناتس كنب نم نيمأتلل جيلخلا تذختا دق يننإف اذلو ،يبد ةعمس
ىعدا اذإ يبد ىلإ رارضلأا نم ديدعلا جار رانرب ديسلا عضخ . نيمأتلا اذه ذاختلا تارابختسلاا يناطعأ هنأ يل عون الله ناكو . اماع
،ىتح عقت نأ نكمي نيذلا ةدحتملا ةكلمملا يف كونبلا دحأ وه كنب درتراشت دردناتس . تارلاودلا نم نييلاملا نوكت نا نكمي نيمأتلا
انأ عفرلا مت مث نمو ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ةلود ةعمس دسفي نأ ،قح ىلع نوكيل مهتميرج ريربت مهنا . صخش يأ وأ برعلا ىلإ
،يدلب تاعفارملا ىلإ تفتلت ضعب عفدل مهل ةبسنلاب ةماعلا ةباينلاو يبد ةمكحم ،ةطرش زكرم افار نم روصلا ةوق لاو لوح لاب
يتلااغشنا يف ةيدجب رظنت نأ نكم يو
ةداعا تلااحلا تناك اذإ . روصلا عفرلا مت دق يننأ يف ببسلا وه اذهو . اهداصتقاو يبد ةعمس ةعارزل عورشم يل الله ىطعأ دقو
ةريبك ةلكشم يف يتأت نيلوؤسملا ضعب نإف ديكأتلابو ،حتف
فذح دق تنكو . هتنادإ تبثت انأ اذإو ،روصلا ببسب كتعمس ةراسخ تلازانت ميدقتل دادعتسا ىلعو فسآ انأ . روصلا هذه ليمحتل
اضيأ ،ملاعلا ىلإ مث نمو يبد ىلإ ملاسلا بلجيس عورشملا يدلب امك ،ملاعلا يف صخش اظح دعسا اناو ،دقتعاو . اضيأ روصلا
لا انأو ملظلا ةلود ،ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ةلود تبثت جار رانرب ديسلاو ،درتراشت دردناتس كنب دض نيتلاح ىلع ةلدلأا نأ نكمي
يبدو يبد يف نوناقلا مرتحأ انأ امك اذه لمحت عيطتسأ
نكمتت يكل ةيلاتلا تلااحلا ريشأ نأ وجرأ .
ىوعدلا هذه ىف ىنوناق ءارجا ذاختلا ةيروف لا تاءارجلاا ذاختا مكتلادع نم سمتلاو
كنبو رانرب جار عم نواعتلاب يبد يف ةمهت كلذ يف طابض وأ ةليلق ةدساف تارادإ لبق نم تبعل يتلا تايرابملا ةيؤر نم مكتلادع
درتراشت دردناتس
ةلود يف انه تنك دقل . ملظلا دض لاتقل ا ديرأو ةبيطلا ةينلاو يدناغ ينهذ عم يبد مرتحأ انأو يدلب يه ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
ةلود ةعمس دسفيو يبد مادختسلاا ءوسل يبد ىلإ نوتأي سانلا نم ريثك . ةيضاملا 34 تاونسلا ىدم ىلع ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
يبد يف ملاسلاو ومنلا يف يمامتها تبثي يذلا يعقوم اذهب قفرأو . ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
ىناخوسنم ماراسح لايد مكتدايسل ةمدقم
مارتحلاا قئاف لوبقب اولضفتو
ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ،يبد ةمكحم
يـــــــــــــــــــبد ـ ةـــــــماعلا ةـــباينلا
ما ــــ علا بــــئان لا /ةداعــس
,,,,,,دـــــعبو ةبيط ةيحت
ىناخوسنم ماراسح لايد / مكتدايسل مدقم
درتراشت دردناتس كنب لبق نم ةقدصم تاكيش ليصافت .
/ عوضوملا
404975 : مقر كيش /July/1998
1998 7 5 خيرات
م هرد 100000 : غلبملا
404976 : مقر كيش
15 / 10 /1998
مهرد 200،000 : غلبملا
ةيضقلا فلم يف ةرفوتم تناك يتلاو ، ةيلصلأا تاكيشلا هذه ةميقب 2001 / 658 : مقر ةيضقلا ب يبد يف ةمكحم يف ةيندم ةيضق تعفر دقو
ريغ لاملل يق لتملا صخشلا ناك اذإ لاإ ا هتدهع يف كيش لا ةميق يقبت نأ ةمكحملل نكميو ، تاكيشلا هذه ةميق ي قلتا مل نلآا ىتح و .عامتسلاا نود ةيضقلا تضفرو
. دجاوتم
ةمكحم يف لبق نم ) 1999 / 1174 و 19 99 / 1119 مقر فانئتسلاا( يف مكح ىلع تلصح دقو 1999 1246 مقر ةيضقلا يف رداصلا مكحلا نم ققحتلا اضيأ كنكمي
. اضيا لشف هنكل .
404977 مقر كيشلا نم ماوعلاا ةناخ ءاغللإ ) 1999 / 143 ( فانئتسلاا مقر ، يبد ب ةيئازجلا
: دشار ىفشتسم يف نيوؤسملا يل فرتعا دقو .ةوخلاا نم نينثا تدقف يننأ و ىسفنلا مللأا ىلا تضرعت تاكيشلا هذه يف لكاشملا ةراثإ نيب رهشأ ةعبس ي فو
يل ىلولأا ةيلمعلا ءارجا مت .ةيلمعلا نم قئاقد سمخ لبق اهؤاغلا مت نكلو .
2011 و 1999 يماع يف نيترم بلقلا يف ةيحارج ةيلمع ءارجا نم دبلا ىننأ ) 7611331
2011 ،لولأا نيرشت 17 يف ا هدقع ررقملا نم ناك ةيناثلا ةيلمعلاو ، 1999 زومت 10 يف .
سانلا نم ريثك .ةيضاملا 34 لا تاونسلا ىدم ىلع ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا تناك دقل اهتعمس ولعتو اهداصتقا اوني نأ ديرأ انأو يدلب يه ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإ ا
اذهب قفرأو .ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ةلود ةعمس اودسفيو ةيئانجلا ةوقلا مادختسا ةءاسلإ يبد ىلإ نوتأي www.fame
ae .
يلع ومن نأ تبثي ام وهو يعقوم
عقو ىذلا ملظلا مهفل يلاتلا طبارلا ةرايز ىجري .يبد ةعمس ب يمامتها : يتلا روصلا عم ةلدلأا كحنمي طابترلاا
اهليمحت نكمي .
ما رتحلاا قئاف لوبقب اولضفتو
ىناخوسنم مراسح لايد
050 7570737
ة دحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
يبد ـ ةماعلا ةباينلا
3 ماعلا ىعدملا ةداعس
ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ،يبد ةمكحم
تدقف ..مويلا ىتح غلبملا اذه قلتا مل نكلو .مهرد 618383 ةميقب ، ، ي حلاص يف ناك ) 2000 / 183 مقر ةيضقلا( ، ةيضق يف مكحلا نأ ىلإ مكهابتنا بلجل وه اذه
مه رد 10718383 تد قف( و يل ن يقيقش .
.،كنب درتراشت دردناتس هلامعا عيمج ىف جار رانرب ديسلا كراشيو
نم ريثك .ةيضاملا 34 لا تاونسلا ىدم ىلع ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا يف انه تنك دقل اهتعمس ولعتو اهداصتقا ومن ي نأ ديرأو يدلب يه ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
اذهب قفرأو .ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ةلود ةعمس او دسفيو ةيئانجلا ةوقلا مادختسا ةءاسلإ يبد ىلإ نوتأي سانلا ملاسلإا ب يمامتها تبثي يذلا يعقوم .
مارتحلاا قئاف لوبقب اولضفتو
مراسح ىناخوسنم لايد
050 7570737
ةعافرلا ةطرش زكرم ةباين ليكو ةداعس
دعبو ةبيط ةيحت
ىوكش عوضوملا
: ىلاتلا عقوملا ةرايز ىجري ىدل ديجملا دبع ديسلا دض ةلدأ .
ةقدصم تاكيش ليصا فت مدقي نأ .متهي مل ثيح ، ةبذاك ةيضق يف يل ضارتعا ىلإ يبد يف درتراشت دردناتس كنب دعاس نم وه لضاف ديجملا دبع مزلاملا نأ كشأ تنك
ب درتراشت دردناتس كنب نم .
1. 404977 : مقر كيش
مهرد 100000 : غلبملا
1998 7 5 خيرات
2. 404976 : مقر كيش
15 / 10 /1998
مهرد 200،000 : غلبملا
زكرم يف ىوكش يل ناك .ءادوسلا لئاسرلا نم ديدعلا تيقلت دقل نيحلا كلذ ذنم ، 1998 هيونعملاو هيداملا هراسخلاب ديجملا دبعوهو ةطرشلا لاجر دحا ىل ببست د قل
ىتوكش ىلع درلاب وموقي مل نلاا ىتح مهنا لاا ىتوكشب مهغلبا ىتح ةطرشلا لاجر دحا عم تيقتلا .
ةعافرلا ةطرش .
ىبد يف ماعلا بئانلا ىلإ هلاسرإو ىبد يف ةطرشلا ةعمس داسفا يلاتلابو كولسلا ءوس ببسب هدض ةيئانج ةيضق لجس ا نأ دوأو .
نم ريثك .ةيضاملا 34 تاونسلا ىدم ىلع ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا يف تشع دقل ، يبد اهت عمس ولعتو اهداصتقا ومني نأ ديرأو يدلب يه ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا
اذهب قفرأو .ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ةلود ةعمس او دسفيو ةيئانجلا ةوقلا مادختسا ةءاسلإ يبد ىلإ نوتأي سانلا ومني نأ يمامتها تبثي يذلا يعقوم
اهداصتقا .
م ارتحلاا قئاف لوبقب اولضفتو
ىوكشلا مدقم
ىناخوسنم ماراسح لايد
050 7570737
ىبد رب ةطرش زكرم ةباين ليكو ةداعس
مارتحلااو ةيحتلا دعب
ىبد ىف ميقم – ةيسنجلا ىدنه ىناخوسنم ماراسح لايد / ىكاشلا
ىبد ىف ميقم ةيسنجلا ىدنه جار جرانريب نابشيروك دض ىوكشب مكتداعسل مدقتا
مهرد 300000 غلبمب هردقم تاكيش ةميق دادس نود هلوليحلل هينوناق ريغ بيلاسا مادختساب ماق جار ديسلاو 1999 ماع ذنم هنا ثيح
طق مرج ىا
نيو خا تدقف
ب كترا مل
علاطلاا مكنكميو
دقل هيونعم
درانريب جار
دكؤ ت
دقو تاكيشلا هذه ةميق
دقل ةطرشلل
جار اهمدقي ىتلا ةيديكلا ىواكشلا
مل هخيرات
ىتحو ىحلاصل
تاراملاا ربتعاو
: ىلاتلا عقوملا www.needjustice.netlfile24.docx
هتنادا تبثت مل اذا بقاوع ىا ةهجومل دادعتسا ىلع اناو طبرلا اذه ىف روصلا عم ةقفرملا هلدلاا عيمج ىدل
متو ىبد ةطرشل ةماعلا ةدايقلا ىلا ىئاعدتسا متو 2012 رياني
مق ر ةيئازج هي ضق تلجسو ىدض ىئانج غلاب حتف متو
رهش ىف ىدض ىئانج غلاب ميدقتب جار درانريب ديسلا ماق دقو
ىبد رب ةطرش زكرم ىلا ىليوحتب اوماق كلذ دعبو ىباوجتسا
مقر هلافك بلطب تمدقتف مايا ةعبس ةدمل 2012 1 22 خيراتب هيضقلا ةمذ ىلع ايطايتحا ىسبح متو 2012 / 2198
2012 1 29 خيرات ىفو قيقحتلا ةمذ ىلع ىرخا اموي رشع ةسمخ ةدمل ىطايتحلاا سبحلا ديدجت متو هضفر مت 2012 / 9296
ىسفنلا رر ضلا و مللأا ىب قحلو ىتعمسب ءاسا دقل ىبد رب ةطرش زكرم ىف ةطرشلا لاجر دحا لبق نم برضلاو بسلل تضرعت
ءارجلاا ذاخت
تبثي ام ميدق ت يل
ا مكتداعس نم سمتلا اذهلف ؟ ىبرضب ةطرشلا لاجر
ىنثتي ىتحو تقو برقا ىف ىوعدلا
موقي اذامل بلقلاب ضيرم ىننأ ثيح ةيبلق ةبون ىنتباتنا امم
رظنل ةصتخملا ةمكحملا ىلا ىوعدلا فلم ميدقت و هنأشب مزلالا ىنوناقلا
ىتلاحو ىتح صب رضي ىسبح ديدمتو رارمتسا نأو موي دعب موي روهدت هيحصلا ىتلاح نأ ثيح , ماهتا نم يل دنسم وه امم ىتءارب
سبحلا تلخد نا ذنم تلطعت ىتلا ىلامعاو ىتراجتب رضي اضياو هرمد ملا هيسفنلا
وأ تقو برق ا ىف اهيف ىنوناقلا ءارجلاا ذاختلا ةصتخملا ةمكحملا ىلا اهتلاحاب ىوعدلا ىف لصفلا ةعرس مكتلادع نم سمتلا اذل
ىوعدلا ىف لصفلا نيحل ىت لافك لوبق
بلقلاب ضيرم ىننأب ىئاعدا ةحص دكؤي ىبط ريرقت هب قفرم
ريدقتلاو ركشلا ليزج مكتدايسلو اذه
ىناخوسنم ماراسح لايد مكتدايسل ةمدقم
Criminal Raj buy lawyer KK. Bosse who is part of Dar Al Dalah. Before 1999 is nothing but after now support crime now is the biggest law firm in Dubai UAE and damaged Sharia Law and Dubai UAE.
Now 618,000 AED judgement and recover the money case 557/1998 dismissed case and misused and change the judgment. 28 th January 1999 my brother died and until now not yet paid from
Insurance Company.
Judgment with cases
A 100% UAE mafia Bernard Raj (2claim 14 PDC’s checks +claim GCC big damage case183/2000
In the case183/2000 of Dayal-Besco, the court ordered Raj and Besco jointly and severally to pay you a sum of Dh.618,383/- plus coststo Dayal unpaid .
Please re-open these Case nos. 1246/99, 557/98.
تلعج هذه ةرقفلا Besco قافتا ضرقلا لايادو يف 23 ويلوي 1996. لك نم أرقي ةرقفلا ميلسلا ، اذهو ديكأت لاياد PDC كيش اذا
نزاوتلا thuis ضوح يبد فاجلا لا قافتا فقو عفدلا . ءدب ضوح يبد فاجلا عفد ربمتبس ربوتكأو ربمفونو . باسح نامتئا لاياد رثكأ
نم 401075 ةلاح قافتلاا وه 400 ، 000 طقف تفقوت هذه تاعوفدملا يف ماع 2006. نكل يبد لا لازي ضوحلا فاجلا عفد باسحلا
لاياد 1463175 مهرد 15 رياني 1998. لبق ليجست يأ ىوكش يأ ام برقي نم نويلم يباسح لضفلا . نكلو هذه ةيضقلا ةديدجلا
اضيأ ققحتلا PDC 20 ربمسيد 1997 ، و 12 ةناخ PDC كانهو اضيأ ضوح يبد نامض عفدلا فاجلا ةلبقملا يف نوضغ 12 طاسقأ
، مدقو تاكيشلا PDC 12. دكؤي اذه ضرغلا 96 ىلإ 98 نم رياني لامعلأاو Besco لاياد ريست ةسلاسب . لاك نيبناجلا مل لجست يأ
ىواكش مسق يف تاراملإا ةيبرعلا ةدحتملا .
ديسلا جار اضيأ ةيضق كنب دردناتس درتراشت 3 تاكيش حلاصل يدلب لصت ىلإ 500 ، 000 مهرد عم ددع تاكيشلا 3 404975 ،
200000 مهرد . 404977 ، 100000 مهرد . 404976 ، 200000 مهرد . اذه رايتخلاا 15 خيرات ةباتكلا ةميلسلا ينوطعأو اضيأ
Besco ةيسأر . عقوو اضيأ نم لبق ديسلا جار . رياني 1998. موي 20 ربمسيد 1997. اذه اضيأ ناك عقو ديسلا جار عفدلا ضوحل يبد
فاجلا . اذهو لمعي هعم نيب ربمسيد 1995 ىلإ رياني 1998 ريرقت ةكرش قيقدت يدلب Rabiae دادعإ 21 ليربأ 1998. اذامل هذه
ةميرجلا يتلا تأدب ريرقت ةعجارملا ريغ ةعورشملا first ةيضق ةلاسرلا ىلع ضوح يبد فاجلا ، تفقوتو نع عفدلا لاياد 7 رياربف
1998. نكل هذه ةلأسملا PDC 12 ربمسيد 1997 اهنا ققحت راشأ اضيأ ىلإ نامض ضوح يبد فاجلا نأ لك PDC رايتخلاا ةدوع
ريغ ةددسملا ، انأو تمدق ىوكش يف ةطحم روب افار ةطرش يبد . موي 23 ويلوي لباقم قافتا ضرقلا عم ةدئافلا لاياد أطخلاو مقر
903/98 ىوكش ةيضقلا . هنكل ىفن هذه ةباينلا ةماعلا فلم هذه ةيضقلا يتلاحو chack عفدلا . تملتسا كيشلا نم ةمكحم يف يبد
223796 17 وينوي 1998. ارظنو ةبوقعل جار . تلمع يريرقت ةعجارملا ةديج ادج ، فلمو ةحفاكم 557/1998. هذه ةلاحلا تبث
اضيأ نينثا نم عجارملا 1999-2001 ادحأ قيقدتلا يدلب ئطاخ . لك ةقفص يتأت فرصم رخلآ . ىطعأ لمعلا عفدو ةيضقلا يف تقو
ام . اذه يدلب نيتنس ىوقلا ةلماعلا Besco تاعوفدملا ةديعس . نيماع ىلع يأ لاح سيل لمعلا دض جار . دقل تدعاس جار هنكل بوطعم
ةقيرط يتايح ريغ ةعورشملا ، يرفيإ ةرطيسلا governement مسق يكهتنم نوناقلا ، يف لك ضوح يبد فاجلا ببس ةلكشملا
يحلاص رايتخلاا ؟يفرصملا اذامل 16 ارهش لاملا يباسح يأ لاصتا عم يأ ضوح يبد ؟فاجلا اذامل ةيضق كنب دردناتس درتراشت يف
يحلاص كيش يفرصم قدصم 500000 مهرد . دكأو كنبلا ةيسأر ةخرؤملا 5 سطسغأ 1998 ثيح جار باسح يأ ديصر كنبلا . دعب
اذه رايتخلاا ةداهش Besco حلاص ذخأ ةوشر ةددحم . نكلو ، كنب دردناتس درتراشت كنب يف ةكلمملا ةدحتملا وه لك يبرع لكو
مارتحلاا ةكلمملا ةيبرعلا ىوكشلا الله ةفضلاب SC 5th سطسغأ 1998 ىلإ 15 ربوتكأ 1998 لاياد عضو رايتخلاا يف كنبلا . لا دحأ
يتأي قافتلاا لبق سطسغأ ربوتكأ . اذه تبثي ةيبرعلا MAFI لا غامدلا .
صخش بلطي كنم كيطعأ كيش يفرصم مويلا تسيل ةدحاو نكلو نينثا نم 102 ةئم ليف تنك ntake اهيلع مويلا وأ دعب ؟نيتنس
عضو كنبلا SC يبد مل دكؤت نوناقلا ةلادعلاو نيرمثتسملا يف نجس يئانج ، يتأتو ىلع لاملا . اذهل ببسلا ديسلا جار ةعمسو ةلود
تاراملإا ةيبرعلا ةدحتملا SC كنبلا ررضلا . نلآا ، مدقو ديسلا سوب KK ةينوناقلا صيراح ريرقتلا يذلا audtiing ليلضت نوناقلا
تمق هب يف نجسلا
يدلب ديربلا ينورتكللإا نم نيماحملا : " سوب سوب " < 27 سرام 2003 ، اديكأت
يزيزع ديسلا لاياد ،
دقتعأو نأ اذه ريرقتلا زاحنم ريغو ققدملا نم بناج دحاو . دقتعأ هنأ بجي عفر ىوعد ةيئانج دض عجارملا .
قافتا دحاو كنيب نيبو ضرقلا Besco ، يأ ةدحاو تعقو يف 23/06/1996 نع 000 ، Dh.400 /، )- اذإ تناك هذه تاقيلعتلا يه
نم نيماحملا نيرخلآا ، زلب ثحب مهعم يف طاقنلا ةروكذملا هاندأ ، دعبو كلذ ذخأي مهتروشم و مث كرت يل نأ فرعأ ام وه مهيأر --
دعب اهماوق ةلاحلا -- اذامل لا عيطتسن فلملا ( يدحتلا ) هذه ؟ةيضقلا
لاياد تاقيلعتلا :
حجن ديسلا جار يف ضقن رارق يف نوضغ ةرتف ةريصق . ةفاضلإاب تحنم اموسرم يدض . ناك اذه امداص . تدب ةقلحلا ةلماك لثم
ةلحرم تنكمت اماردلا .
ناكو هيجوت ديسلا جار ةلسلسو ةلماك نم تلاماعملا نم للاخ تاباسحلا ةيفرصملا .
تنك دق كحنم 1998 -- ريرقت ةعجارم تاباسحلا يلصلأا يلصلأا ، فشك باسح يفرصم ، عيمجو روص تاكيشلا خسنلا -- نا تنك
دق ردصي ل Besco. ناكو جار و / وأ هيفظوم بحس عيمج هذه لاوملأا لكشب يرود -- يتلاو تناك رثكأ نم 2.8 نييلام . يفو ةيسأر
Besco -- ركذو عيمج PDC يف ليصافتلا . تنأو لوقت كنا دق ترفو لك هذه ةلدلأا ىلإ ققدم تاباسح . ىتح دعب اذه ققدم تاباسح --
يف ريرقت ةعجارم تاباسحلا يذلا مل ركذي حوضوب -- نأ لاك نم نيفرطلا سيل هيدل رتافد تاباسحلا . ىتح دعب ، نحن انيدل ميدقت عيمج
قئاثولا ةلدلأاو -- يتلا لا لازت ردص ريرقت ةعجارم تاباسحلا حلاصل Besco
هذه ةقيثولا يه ريرقت ةعجارم يعيبرلا نواعتلاو . ن وه ققدم تاباسحلا دمتعملا ةمكحمو يف يبد لبقي هريرقت قيقدتلا . دقو مت اذه
ريرقتلا ةبسنلاب يل يف ماع 1998 ، هنلأ يف رياربف 1998 جار 7 ، بتك ةلاسر ىلا ضوح يبد فاجلا ىلإ فقوتلا نع عفد يل اذكهو
لك ام يدنع نم صحفلا تناك باذك نم كلذ نيحلا ادعاصف . تنك دق تمدق اريرقت ىلإ ةمكحملا ةروكذملا هاندأ يف ماع 1998. يف
تاراملإا ةيبرعلا ةدحتملا ، ضرف دئاوف ريغ ةينوناق جارو دق تعفر ةيضق ىلع أطخلا امم لعجي هل مهتلا يتلا تنك يضاقت ةدئافلا
هيلع . اذل ناك يل مدق اذه ريرقتلا يف ةمكحم يف يبد .
ىجري ةظحلام قافتا ضرقلا ةطقنلا ةيانعب مقر 6 و 7.
ةطقنلا مقر 6 : دعب مصخ طاسقأ يدلب يطعأ عفدي هل غلبم هل نزاوتلا . يتلا تنك دق تعفد هل -- ( تاكيشلا يدلب يه ليلد و ).
ةطقنلا مقر (7) : ركذي لكشب حضاو ىتح لا ىوسي يضرق هنا نل فقوي طاسقأ ضاوحلأا ةفاجلا يبد -- اذهو تبثي نأ اذه قافتلاا مل
نكي امهردل طقف 400 ، 000 / -.
اذإ ناك ضرقلا وه طقف 400 ، 000 مهرد / مث يف 3 طاسقأ -- يف ماع 1996 تمت ةئربت ضرق 400 ، 000 مهرد / مث اذامل مل فقوت
عفد كلذ ؟تقولا
اذامل مل لسرت يل رخآ مهرد 1000000 -- يذلا وه 14 طاسقأ -- ىتح ماع 1998 ؟ ( اذامل ىتح نيتنس رثكأ 98 هنكلو ظفتحا عفد يل
هنا مل نكي ىلع ةيمك ةريغص -- ىعداو ادبأ .
يف ماع 1997 ، اذإ ناك يدل مهرد هل 1000000 / مث هنا مل ىوكش يدض لادب نم كلذ تردصأ رخآ PDC رثكلأ نم 1000000
مهرد / ؟
يف ماع 1998 تنك دق تعفر ةيضق ةيئانج رثكلأ نم 220 ، 000 مهرد / اذامل مث عفد يل 220000 مهرد / اذامل كانه هجعطلا ربخي
يننأ نيدم هل مهرد 1000000 / لادب نم كلذ هنا عفد غلبملا ةمكحملل .
دعب كلذ امك يننأ تمدق رثكأ نم 6 تلااح ةيئانج -- يف يبد نامجعو ةقراشلاو ، اذامل مل قبسي هل نا ريرقتلا وأ نلعت ىتح يننأ
نونيدم هل ؟لاملا
ةظحلام : اقفو ةطقنلل مقر 7 -- دنع ءاهتنلاا نم هضرق هناو فقويس ةعفدلا -- اذامل مل فقوتت دنع هذه ةعفدلا مت ءاهتنلاا نم هضرق
اهسفن يف ماع 1996 ، ىتح ماع 1998 ناك ببسلا يف ءودهلا -- اذامل مل عفدي امهرد 1000000 -- له كانه يأ صخش نكمي --
بلطأ هنم ؟كلذ
كانهو ةلدأ ىلع نأ تيقلت غلبم مهرد . 1463175 / -- نم ضوح يبد فاجلا مساب Besco ، ريرقتو ريبخلا دق لا ىقري هيلإ كشلا ،
فقومو ديج .
دقو تردصأ Besco 400-500 اخسن اهنم ىلإ ةمكحملا -- مهيماحم ىكذأ همدق ريثكلا نم قارولأا ىلإ ةمكحملا . تنيعو ةمكحملا ،
قباسلا (2) ققدم تاباسحلا ، عم ريرقتلا يذلا دعاسي يريرقت ةعجارملا خسنو تاكيشلا يتلا ناك يل نيعم ، مهنكمي اضيأ لا يطعي
رارقلا يدض تضفرو ةيضقلا -- ىتحو ديسلا . لب تلسرأو دحاو مهنم ءارو نابضقلا -- -- مشاه ناكو لماعتلا عم هذه ةيضقلا -- ىلع
دح ءاوس نيعجارملا ةمكحملا -- مل ركذي ريرقتلا يف حلاص (BESCO 'S) ةصاخلا مهب اضيأ .
ريراقتلا ةصاخلا يتلا تدعأ دجويلا ةميق ةينوناق امك تنيع ةمكحملا agianst ريرقت ريبخلا .
دقو دعأ اذه يف بايتراب صاخلا -- امك نوملعت اذامل تلصح ىلع ؟ةمدقملا ديكأتلاب ناك كلذ ايرورض -- زاجنلا كلذ -- كيلع نأ
فرعت -- اذإ مل نكي رملاا ايرورض مث اذامل لأست نأ لعفت ؟كلذ
مكنايب يننأ مل مكعلطأ ىلع ريرقتلا يذلا همدق ريبخلا ريغ حيحص . كلت مايلأا مدختست ةوعدل نم ايلارتسا يل نيب نيحلا رخلآاو ، تلقو
كل ةدع تارم نا ءاربخلا دق مدق هريرقت دض مكل لاقو يل لاتقلل اهدض .
اذامل مل اولتاقي يف تقولا ؟هسفن اذامل ينلأست هجعطلا كلذ تقولا -- انأو نل مكولتاقي يتأي ةحفاكمو هذه ؟عجارملا ببسلا انأف ناك نكمي
نأ يتأي ةلوهسب ، انأو نل عدت هذه ةيضقلا جرخت نع قاطن ةرطيسلا يدلب / حلاص . ( نلآا كنكمي نأ ينيطعت باوجلا نع اذه -- تنأ
لوقت نلآا نأ عفدي ةمكحملل ذيفنتلا ، يتأيو فلمو ةيضقلا )
سيل يدل يأ ةزيم يف statying تنك اديعب ، يف عقاو رملأا تسيل ةديفم ادج ةبسنلاب يل اذإ تنك لا يف يبد ، هنلأ امك امدنعو تنك
ةجاحب ىلإ يأ حيضوت ، لا دب يل نم لاصتلاا كب يف جراخلا ، وأ رظتنا مكتاقيلعت .
لوح تلااصتلاا يف جراخلا -- املك تنك دق تلصو يل ربع ديربلا ينورتكللإا -- انأو مل درت ىلع ؟روفلا
كل نأ دوعأ ىلإ يبد ، فوسو لا كعنمي مسجلا ، ةطيرش نأ ليوحت غلبملا ةمكحملل ذيفنتلا . انأو دكأتم نم نأ هذه تسيل ةقفص ةريبك
ةبسنلاب كل ، امك تلق يل يف تقو قباس .
اذامل يلاومأ ، اذهو غلبملا -- رثكأ نم 1000000 مهرد / وه -- ةيمك ؟ةريغص سيل طقف 1000000 مهرد / نكلو يتعمس يتحصو ،
هنأو لا ةميق ؟اهل
عفرل ىوعد ةيئانج دض ريبخلا جاتحي ريثكلا نم تاريضحتلا ، ريثكلاو نم قئاثولا ةمعادلا يتلا نيعتي اهميدقت ، ريثكلاو نم تارايزلا
ىلإ ةطرشلا ةباينلاو ةماعلا يه يتلا بجي اهذاختا ، دعبو لك ءيش ، اهنا تسيل ةدكأتم نم نأ ةباينلا نل لبقت ةيضقلا ، و دعب كلذ اذا
ليحا ىلا ةمكحملا ، نم يردي اذام نوكتس ةجيتنلا .
دعب امم حيتي كل لك هذه تاريسفتلا -- يتلاو فوس كدعاست ىلع زوفلا ةلوهسب ىلع ةدح ، عم عيمج هذه طاقنلا قئاثولاو يف ةدهع
ةيتاوم يدلب -- اذامل دقتعت ةطرشلا وأ يعدملا ماعلا فوس بلطأ كنم نأ لخدت ةدع تارم ، لا دحأ عيطتسي نأ تبثي يل هذه قئاثولا
ةبذاك -- اذإ تنك هميدقت مهفو ةقيرطلا يتلا اهتحرش كل .
تلق كل انأ لا ديرأ نأ فلملا وأ عافدلا نع يأ ةيضق ىرخأ ةبسنلاب كل هنلأ ةطاسبب تنك امئاد موللا يل طقف ، يل ةدع تارم نا كانه
نيماحم cleverar يف يبد ، مهنأو نورداق ىلع زوفلا تلااح نادقف صاخلا .
لق يل ائيش ادحاو ديسلا سوب -- اذإ تنك ذخأت ةياعرلا ةبسانملا تلااحلل ةصاخلا يب اذامل فوس مولأ كل ، اذامل دقفتس ةيأ ؟لاح
اذإ تنك لاقن نع ةيقافتلاا ةعقوملا اننيب ، ءاجو قافتلاا ىلع عضو دح ل 14/2/2003 ، مسرو Dh.3 ، 000 / -- ، بسح ام تلقن
هنع مكل ةيضقل ةيئانج ، تسيل ىوس عافدلل نع يأ ةيضق ةيئانج ىرخأ " تعفر كدض " ىتح 14/2/2003 ، سيلو عفرل ةيضق
ةيئانج " حلاصل وأ ةباينلاب كنع "( رظنا دنبلا ( اسداس ) نم قافتلاا ).
كنكمي ءاجرلا سكافلا ةخسن يل اذه قافتلاا -- يف 55275640 +617 +. ( تنك دق عطتقت هذه تاماهتلاا سكافلا ، انأو ملعأ كنأ نل يل
سكافلا اناجم ). انأو ملعأ كنأ نل سكافلا ىتح يل .