CHECK CARMEN FOR LATEST SYLLABUS Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University BUS M&L 4203 (prev. 752): Marketing Strategy, Course Syllabus Instructor: Office: Email: Melissa Fisher 250 Fisher Hall Classroom: TBD Office Hours: By Appointment URL: Note: There may be additional articles or materials on Carmen or sent via email. You are responsible for all info. regarding the topics. SEE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS ONLINE AS A STARTING POINT No. Date 6/16 1 6/23 2 6/30 3 Fisher Topic: CHECK CARMEN!!! May change due to speaker schedules 1. Intro. 2. Speaker: Adam Kaverman (~3pm) – Target 3. Topic: Models_Frameworks (2); Repositioning businesses (60 Min: Luxotica) 4. Barbie, BBW 5. SIGN UP FOR GROUPS! AND Tgt and class cases 6. Target Case Intro. 1. Quiz - online before class 2. Jeff Noble – Marzetti’s – Speaker 3. Topic: INTL.LV.Ikea (4); International marketing (Huawei Video) 4. Louis Vuitton – Team 1/Class 5. IKEA Case – Team 2/Class 6. Rolex Case – Team 3/Class 7. Swatch Case – Team 4/Class 8. Target Project Work 1. Quiz - online before class 2. Topic: ADV_Ohio Art_GI Joe (3) Advertising decision making 3. GI Joe Case (Team 1) (Team 2 Exec.) 4. Ohio Art Case (Team 2) (Team 1 Exec.) 5. Target Project Work/Meet with Melissa 6. Speaker: _Charles_??? BUS M&L 4203: Marketing Strategy, Page 1 Reading BBW Barbie Case Practice Cases: Rolex Swatch Louis Vuitton IKEA GI Joe Ohio Art Summer 2013 Sign Ups 7/7 4 7/14 5 7/21 6 7/28 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Quiz - online before class Topic: BrandsIntro_(MM)_Hilton_Maria (5) Speaker – Paul Reeder? Maria Sharapova A&B Case (Team 3) (Team 4 Exec.) Articles: TBD – see Carmen Hilton Case (Team 4) (Team 3 Exec.) Target Project Work Quiz - online before class Topic: Brands_Voss_Snapple (6) ??? Speaker -??? Snapple Case (Team 1) (Team 2 Exec.) Article: Harvard Snapple, POM??? Voss Case (Team 2) (Team 1 Exec.) Target Project Work 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TARGET PPT HARDCOPIES DUE TO MELISSA Quiz - online before class Topic: CreateBus.Tech.NFL.Netflix (7A) Speaker –Steve Weaver – Candle Lab??? Netflix Case (Team 3) (Team 4 Exec.) Articles: Blockbuster, Time article, Disney TV NFL Case (Team 4) (Team 3 Exec.) 1. 2. 3. 4. Quiz TBD - online before class Attendees – Target Target case presentations and discussions Final wrap-up for class Maria Sharapova Articles Hilton Snapple Articles Voss REFINE AND REHEARSE TARGET PRES. Netflix Articles NFL Subject to change. Please check emails and the information on CARMEN for updates, lecture slides, announcements, or files. *Note: Required Case Packet HARVARD COURSE PACKET: Supplementary Course Material All other course materials will either be made available on CARMEN or given out in the class. Note: There may be additional articles or materials on Carmen or sent via email. You are responsible for all info. regarding the topics. Course Objectives Marketing Strategy is a key part of the overall marketing process. Decision makers within corporations and other organizations create strategy using tools, planning, and research. You will develop strategies using the skills and concepts learned in other classes and research that you will conduct just as you would do on the job. To be successful in this class (and within a company), you must base your strategy creation and recommendations on factual, logical, analysis and justification. Your personal opinions and gut Fisher BUS M&L 4203: Marketing Strategy, Page 2 Summer 2013 feel may guide you initially, but you must support them with facts and logical arguments. Also, please note that often your gut feel will be wrong or somewhat off base. Getting the “right” answer in this course – when it is possible to determine that – has little bearing on your evaluation. You will be evaluated on the thoroughness of your analysis of the situation, the logic of your arguments, the viability of your plans, and the justification supporting your recommendations. The main benefit of this class is in developing a strategic, consumer-sensitive perspective to solving problems and making business/marketing decisions. The end product of this class will be a strategic perspective to facing business issues and successfully resolving them that you will develop. You will become a more competent critical thinker. Class Format We will use quizzes, case discussions, group discussions, and team interactions, critiques, and evaluations. There may be one or more analytical exercises as assigned. Students are responsible for readings assigned as detailed in the syllabus. Reading prior to class will be essential to productive discussion and to your learning. Refer to discussion questions and online notes prior to class. If you have other commitments that make attendance difficult or impossible, you should consider taking this course during a different quarter. You chose to take this class and, if you choose to miss class, that is also your choice. I do not accept excuses except for valid documented medical emergencies, period. Therefore, please do not miss tests or graded activities; you will not like the alternative. Quizzes – These will be online quizzes. Quizzes will cover: Cases to be discussed in next class Concepts, analysis, and information discussed in previous classes Speakers Exercises and activities Discussions Presentations Your group will make two case presentations and one Target presentation taking the role of an executive at the company or of a consultant to the company. You will be evaluated on the quality of your analysis and the justification and viability of your recommendations. Fisher Determine goals: ex. grow the company, create new business, make a profit. Contents o Summary of RELEVANT FACTS – relevant to the issue(s) at hand No more than ONE slide o Framing of the key question(s) at hand – usu. 1-2 slides o List of alternative courses of action – usu. no more than 1-2 slides o Analysis of alternatives – usu. no more than 2-3 slides Do outside internet, industry, company, competitive and other research What has happened to the product, company, and industry since? o Recommendation(s) supported by JUSTIFICATION – usu. 1-3 slides o Implementation plan – usu. 1-3 slides BUS M&L 4203: Marketing Strategy, Page 3 Summer 2013 Fisher o You may include an appendix in your hardcopy with sources, addit. Notes, etc. Notes o A case contains a set of facts and often poses a set of questions that face the company or executives o You are strongly cautioned that “do nothing” is RARELY EVER an option – if you recommend this course of action, it must be supported VERY strongly o You also do not have the option to recommend “more research” o A decision must be made, so make one and support it! o You are likely not the target consumer, so don’t judge issues from your personal perspective. You must take the perspective of the executive charged with delivering on corporate goals and you must consider the target consumer and their perspective. Questions to get started (intentionally not comprehensive – you must think for yourself). See also discussion questions online. o What is the key marketing problem? Why did the problem occur? o To solve a problem, consider analysis such as the following as appropriate: What are the organization’s internal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis)? How can the company capitalize on strengths and opportunities? How can the company address weaknesses and threats? What about the external environment – ex. customers, competitors, channel members, technology and consumer trends, government/regulatory actions, interest groups, etc.? How can the organization move forward? What customers or customer groups are key for the company? What do the facts and data from the case or your research tell you? What conclusions can you draw? What alternatives do they support? There will probably be several alternative courses of action. Evaluate each one with pros and cons. What do you recommend? Justify your recommendations. Be sure this is supported by the facts and your analysis. If you contradict facts, analysis, or your own assertions, be sure you address this and justify it. What do you need to consider regarding implementation of your recommendation(s)? ex. timing, money, talent needed, etc. What does an implementation plan look like? Presentation – SEE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS ONLINE AS A STARTING POINT o Must be emailed to instructor and to exec. committee 24 HOURS prior o Should be in bulleted outline format – concise and brief but with good content! o Bring hardcopy to class and hand to instructor prior to presentation. I use this to grade and help me remember your presentation as I finalize grades. If I don’t have it while you are presenting, it will put you at a disadvantage. o Evaluation You will be evaluated on the content: quality of analysis and recommendations You will also be evaluated on presentation effectiveness: effective written and oral presentation of information, including clarity, spelling, grammar, oral presentation skills BREVITY is important in all presentations! Some key questions: Did you identify the relevant facts and issues? How effective was your discussion of the problem and its causes? How effective was your discussion of SWOT? Did you do a good job of identifying realistic alternatives supported by the facts? BUS M&L 4203: Marketing Strategy, Page 4 Summer 2013 Is your final recommendation consistent with the rest of your info.? Is your implementation plan reasonable? Did you use data and info. provided effectively? Are there errors in spelling, grammar, presentation, or facts? Did you meet deadlines? Did you answer the exec. committee questions and discussion points effectively? Timings o Presentation 20:00 (with 2:00 grace max.) You will be scored on adherence. o Exec. Committee questions and evaluations 15:00 o Class discussion 15:00 o Other info. and discussion 20:00 Team with Exec. Committee to lead class discussion of case – also see discussion questions and add your own. o Discussion of current situation: What is going on currently with brand, company, products? What is your evaluation of the current situation? What issues are they likely facing now? Do you know what happened after the case? Would you invest if you could? why or why not? Target Presentation – 20:00 MAX. o Refer to the questions provided in case and those above; then go further. o Do online research, industry research, and market research. You must do primary research – focus groups, surveys, interviews, etc. o Be sure to provide support for your recommendations and consider implementation. o Bring 2 hardcopies TO CLASS for instructor and Target reps. o Do not rehash the facts of the case. Consider your audience. Give a very brief summary for your fellow students who worked on different cases and then focus most of your time on analysis, recommendations, and justifications. Executive Committee You will take the role of a Board of Directors or Executive Team evaluating the situation and the presenting group. You will read and analyze both the case and the presenting group’s presentation. You will be evaluated on the quality of your analysis and your evaluation of the presentation. Ask relevant questions of the group o This is not a “gotcha” moment o You must not shy away from clear analysis and critique or go “soft” Challenge any areas that lack focus or are unclear or inconsistent with the facts or analysis Critique (in a professional manner) the presentation and discussion of the presenting group o Did they identify the problem appropriately? o Do you agree with their analysis, SWOT, etc. ? o Do you agree with their alternatives and would you evaluate them differently? State whether you agree or disagree with group’s recommendations and WHY Present your own recommendation(s) Outline an implementation plan and considerations o (Consider key questions above) Fisher Team with presenting group to lead class discussion of case – also see discussion questions and add your own. o Discussion of current situation: What is going on currently with brand, company, products? What is your evaluation of the current situation? BUS M&L 4203: Marketing Strategy, Page 5 Summer 2013 What issues are they likely facing now? Do you know what happened after the case? Would you invest if you could? why or why not? Dress – given the summer, you may dress casually, but you should act professionally. o For Target, you must dress up Presentation of all information will be judged on brevity, clarity, and persuasiveness All info. should be presented and discussed in a professional manner. Sell your ideas, be confident, show enthusiasm! Evaluation Criteria Presenters Exec. Committee Content quality Completeness/thoroughness Presentation/communication Follow instructions Professionalism Weight 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% Important note: We are all consumers and have interactions with products, brands, and companies. Our own opinions, gut feels, and viewpoints may be initial guides, but those impressions must be investigated and supported by careful analysis. Further, you are not the target consumer for most products and services. Therefore, you must learn to ignore your own feelings and open yourself to the impressions of the target consumer and create strategy from the perspective of the business. Course Evaluation Your grades will be evaluated as follows: 1. Presentation I and II (2) 50%, (25% each) 2. Executive Committee Evaluations (2) 10% (5% each) 3. Quizzes 10% 4. Target Case Study 30% There may be other opportunities for extra credit TOTAL 100% Please plan to attend ALL presentations. Someone listened to you; you owe them the same courtesy. If you do not attend all Target presentations, you will suffer a grade penalty. Re-grading requests will be accepted in writing within 1 week of receipt of the grade. NOTE: Not all testable material will be covered in class; some will be from the required reading. Grading Scale – DIFFERENT FROM OSU STANDARD The grading scale that will be utilized for the final grade is as follows (note: you must reach the minimum of each range to get that grade – ex. an 86.5 would be a B without rounding): Grade GPA Grade GPA A = 94-100 % 4.0 C+ = 77-79.XX % 2.3 A= 90-93.XX % 3.7 C = 73-76.XX % 2.0 B+ = 87-89.XX % 3.3 C= 70-72.XX % 1.7 B = 83-86.XX % 3.0 D+ = 67-69.XX % 1.3 B= 80-82.XX % 2.7 D = 63-66.XX % 1.0 E = below 63 Grades may or may not be rounded at the end of the quarter. Fisher BUS M&L 4203: Marketing Strategy, Page 6 Summer 2013 ATTENDANCE Class attendance and active, quality participation in discussions are critical to your learning. Therefore, please attend all classes and offer reasoned, thoughtful input that incorporates concepts learned in other classes and our lectures/discussions versus your personal opinions and random thoughts off the top of your head. Though those thoughts are valuable to you, business strategy must be based on critical thinking, reasoning, and analysis of facts. You will have the opportunity to develop these skills and demonstrate them in our class discussions; therefore, you must attend class. Class Participation: Class participation is a very important factor in making the classroom experience productive. Your ability to gain knowledge in the course and actively contribute to classroom discussions is dependent on your attendance during class sessions. In my classes, I observe a very high correlation between attendance, active participation, and final calculated grade. If you care about your grade, be there and participate! FIRST BONUS OPPORTUNITY: You can earn two bonus points when you will turn in bio-sheet (see end of this document) with your picture by the second class session. Important Notes Please make note of dates and plan your term accordingly. If you are unable to attend a class, please notify me by email unless it is an emergency. With a valid written medical excuse, missed assignments or quizzes will be dealt with on an individual basis and there may be a points penalty. Without a valid written excuse, missed assignments or quizzes will be recorded as zero pints. You are encouraged to ask questions by email and/or set up an appointment. Emails will not be counted as class participation. Questions will be answered by return email, during a one-on-one meeting, or during the next class session. At any time, you are encouraged to set up an appointment for one-on-one assistance. Please let me know if you have a disability and need accommodations to make the learning environment more effective. You are responsible for everything that takes place in class, including changes to assignments or schedules, whether you are present or not. If you must miss class, please arrange with a classmate to share notes and insights. Please come to class on time. Turn off your cell phones and pagers before you come to class. Do not take calls in class. Do not use your PDA while class is being conducted. They cause the class to become distracted from the main issues. Any changes to the syllabus will be posted online and discussed in class. You are responsible for following the most recent syllabus. Have fun! This course lets you conduct marketing research without risking your own money or your job! Fisher BUS M&L 4203: Marketing Strategy, Page 7 Summer 2013 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY (ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT) Academic integrity is essential to maintaining an environment that fosters excellence in teaching, research, and other educational and scholarly activities. Thus, The Ohio State University and the Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) expect that all students have read and understand the University’s Code of Student Conduct, and that all students will complete all academic and scholarly assignments with fairness and honesty. Students must recognize that failure to follow the rules and guidelines established in the University’s Code of Student Conduct and this syllabus may constitute “Academic Misconduct.” The Ohio State University’s Code of Student Conduct (Section 3335-23-04) defines academic misconduct as: “Any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the University, or subvert the educational process.” Examples of academic misconduct include (but are not limited to) plagiarism, collusion (unauthorized collaboration), copying the work of another student, and possession of unauthorized materials during an examination. Ignorance of the University’s Code of Student Conduct is never considered an “excuse” for academic misconduct, so I recommend that you review the Code of Student Conduct and, specifically, the sections dealing with academic misconduct. If I suspect that a student has committed academic misconduct in this course, I am obligated by University Rules to report my suspicions to the Committee on Academic Misconduct. If COAM determines that you have violated the University’s Code of Student Conduct (i.e., committed academic misconduct), the sanctions for the misconduct could include a failing grade in this course and suspension or dismissal from the University. If you have any questions about the above policy or what constitutes academic misconduct in this course, please contact me. Other sources of information on academic misconduct (integrity) to which you can refer include: Fisher The Committee on Academic Misconduct web pages ( Ten Suggestions for Preserving Academic Integrity ( Eight Cardinal Rules of Academic Integrity ( BUS M&L 4203: Marketing Strategy, Page 8 Summer 2013 Due: SECOND CLASS BIO SHEET: Bonus Opportunity BUS M&L 4203 Name: __________________________________________ (e-mail):___________________________________ (phone). ( ) - . Major: Why did you pick this major? Year in School: Courses taken (in the areas of marketing): Marketing: Others that you enjoyed or disliked and why: What are your comments on marketing courses? What do you hope to gain from this class? Why did you take this class? Work experience in marketing, if any: What do you hope to get out of this course? What are your career goals? One interesting fact about yourself: Please attach your photo in the upper right and corner of this sheet. NO PHOTO=NO CREDIT Fisher BUS M&L 4203: Marketing Strategy, Page 9 Summer 2013