ITS Iterative Design and Development Framework Planning SAMPLE: Project Vision Statement Here is a sample project vision statement as it might appear in the Project Charge Document (M101) : 3. Project Statement Describe the project background, project vision statement (required if project is using the ITS Iterative Framework), objectives, scope, impacts, dependencies, and assumptions. Delete this instructional paragraph from your final draft. Project Area Description Background: Project Vision Statement: For project teams providing information technology solutions, the ITS Iterative Design and Development (ITS Iterative) Framework will be developed to include tools, techniques, guidelines, and instructions that enable: Easier software development project approach decisions A consistent terminology and language A flexible and scalable IT project deliverable list based on customer needs and project types A support mechanism for continuous tool and process improvement and knowledge sharing Integration with ITS organizational standards and tools The ITS Iterative Framework will be technology agnostic, easier to learn and apply, and help project teams deliver the most important business value to campus first. Objective: Scope: Included in scope: Excluded from scope: Impacts: (Organizational & Technical) Dependencies: Assumptions & Constraints: Note: For more information on project vision statements, please refer to the ITS Iterative Framework Planning IPG. Last update: 5/10/2010 Maintained by Knowledge Support Page 1 of 1