Urban Climate Studies: applications for weather, air quality, and climate change Prof. Robert Bornstein Dept. of Meteorology San Jose State University San Jose, CA USA pblmodel@hotmail.com Presented at Tel Aviv University 8 Jan 2009 Funding sources: USAID-MERC, TCEQ, NASA, NSF, SCU 1 OVERVIEW • URBAN CLIMATE – WHY STUDY IT – ITS CAUSES – ITS IMPACTS • CALIFORNIA COASTAL COOLING – DATA – ANALYSIS • URBAN ATMOSPHERIC MODELS – FORMULATION – APPLICATIONS (HOUSTON, ATLANTA, ISRAEL) • FUTURE EFFORTS 2 URBAN WEATHER ELEMENTS: battles between conflicting effects • • • • • • • • • VISIBILTITY: decreased TURBULENCE: increased (mechanical & thermal) PBL NIGHT STABILITY: neutral FRONTS (synoptic & sea breeze): slowed TEMP: increased (UHI) or decreased PRECIP: increased (UHI) or decreased WIND SPEED (V): increased or decreased WIND DIRECTION: con- or divergence THUNDERSTORMS: triggered or split 3 HUMAN-HEALTH IMPACTS OF URBAN CLIMATE • > UHI THERMAL STRESS • > PRECIP ENHANCEMENT FLOODS • > URBAN INDUCED INVERSIONS POLLUTED LAYERS • > TRANSPORT & DIFF PATTERNS FOR – POLLUTION EPISODES – EMERGENCY RESPONSE (i.e., TOXIC RELEASES) 4 NEW URBAN CLIMATE: CAUSES • GRASS & SOIL CONCRETE & BUILDINGS ALTERED SURFACE HEAT FLUXES • FOSSIL FUEL CONSUMPTION ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION AND HEAT • ATM POLLUTION ALTERED SOLAR & IR ENERGY 5 St. Louis nocturnal PBL: warm near-neutral, polluted urban-plume vs. rural stable surface-inversion 0F Tmin Tmax urban-plume inversion Clark & McElroy (1970): 6 Urban effects on wind speed • FAST LARGE-SCALE (i.e., SYNOPTIC) SPEEDS • • SMALL UHI URBAN SFC ROUGHNESS (Z0) INDUCED DECELERATION SLOW SYNOPTIC SPEEDS LARGE UHI INWARD-DIRECTED ACCELERATION CRITICAL SPEED ~ 3-4 m/s (FOR NYC & London) 7 NYC DAYTIME ∆V (z) urban rural 8 URBAN EFFECTS ON WIND DIR • FAST SYNOPTIC SPEED WEAK UHI URBAN BUILDING-BARRIER EFFECT FLOW DIVERGES AROUND CITY • SLOW SYNOPTIC SPEED LARGE UHI LOW-p CONVERGENCE INTO CITY • MODERATE SYNOPTIC SPEED CONVERGENCE-ZONE ADVECTED TO DOWNWIND URBAN-EDGE 9 NOCTURNAL UHI-INDUCED SFC-CONFLUENCE: otherwise-calm synoptic flow confluence-center over urban center of Frankfurt, Germany 10 Weak cold-frontal (N to S) passage over NYC a. Hourly positions (left) b. At 0800 EST (right): T, q, & SO2 z-profile-changes showed lowest 250 m of atm not-replaced, as front “jumped” over city See 11 URBAN IMPACTS ON PRECIP • INITATION BY THERMODYNAMICS (at SJSU) – LIFTING FROM • UHI CONVERGENCE • THERMAL & MECHANICAL CONVECTION – DIVERGENCE FROM BUILDING BARRIER EFFECT • AEROSOL MICROPHYSICS – SLOWER SECONDARY DOWNWIND ROLE – METROMEX & PROF. D. ROSENFELD (HUJI) 12 NYC two-summer daytime-average thunderstorm-precip radar-echoes (σ’s from uniform-distribution) for cases: all, convective, & moving Formed over city splitting case Split by city 13 Dispersion effects • Vertical diffusion limited by urban-induced • • elevated inversions (next slide) Transport: 3-D effects of urban-induced flowmodifications Convergence-zones effects due to – Urban effects – Sea breezes 14 Urban-induced nocturnal elevated inversion-I traps home-heating emissions Power plant plume is trapped b/t urban-induced inversions I & II Inversion III is regional inversion poor estimate of mixing depth Plume Home-heating Sources 15 California Coastal-Cooling (to appear, J. of Climate, 2009) • Global & CA observations generally show – asymmetric warming (more warming for Tmin than for Tmax) (next graph) – acceleration since mid-1970s • CA downscaled global-modeling (next map) – done onto 10 km grids – shows summer warming that decreases towards the coast (but does not show coastal cooling) 16 Not much change from mid40s to mid-70s, when values started to again rapidly rise 17 Statistically down-scaled (Prof. Maurer, SCU) 1950-2000 Summer (JJA) IPCC temp-changes (0C) show warming rates that decrease towards coast; red dots are COOP sites used in present study & boxes are study sub-areas 18 Current Hypothesis INCREASED GHG-INDUCED INLAND TEMPS INCREASED (COAST TO INLAND) PRESSURE & TEMP GRADIENTS INCREASED SEA BREEZE FREQ, INTENSITY, PENETRATION, &/OR DURATION COASTAL AREAS SHOULD SHOW COOLING SUMMER DAYTIME MAX TEMPS (i.e., A REVERSE REACTION) NOTE: NOT A TOTALLY ORIGINAL IDEA 19 Results 1: SoCAB 1970-2005 summer (JJA) Tmax warming/ cooling trends (0C/decade); solid, crossed, & open circles show stat p-values < 0.01, 0.05, & not significant, respectively ? ? ? 20 Tmax Results 2: SFBA & CV 1970-2005 JJA warming/cooling trends (0C/decade), as in previous figure ? ? ? 21 Results 3: JJA Temp trends; all CA-sites • LOWER TRENDS FROM 1950- 70 (EXCEPT FOR TMAX) • Curve b: TMIN HAD FASTEST RISE (AS EXPECTED) • Curve c: TMAX HAD SLOWEST RISE; IT IS A SMALL-∆ B/T BIG POS VALUE & BIG NEG-VALUE (AS IN ABOVE 2 GRAPHS) • CURVE a: TAVE THUS ROSE AT MID RATE • Curve d: DTR (diurnal temp range) THUS DECREASED (AS TMAX FALLS & TMIN RISES) 22 Significance of these all-CA Trends • HIGHER TRENDS FROM 1970-2005 • • • • FOCUS NEEDED ON THIS PERIOD TMIN HAS FASTER RISE ASSYMETRIC WARMING IN LITERATURE BUT TMAX HAS SLOWER RISE, BECAUSE IT IS A SMALL DIFFERENCE B/T BIG POS-VALUE & BIG NEG-VALUE (AS SEEN IN ABOVE SPATIAL PLOTS) TAVE & DTR ARE ALSO THUS “CONTAMINATED” NEXT 2 SLIDES THUS SHOW SEPARATE TRENDS FOR CA COASTAL AND INLAND AREAS 23 Result 4: JJA Tave, Tmin, Tmax, & DTR TRENDS FOR INLAND-WARMING SITES OF SoCAB & SFBA a Curve b: TMIN INCREASED (EXPECTED) b c d Curve c: TMAX HAD FAST RISE; (UNEXPECTED), COULD BE DUE TO INCREASED UHIs OR INCREASED DOWNSLOPE FLOWS CURVE a: TAVE THUS ROSE AT MID RATE Curve d: DTR THUS INCREASED (AS TMAX ROSE FASTER THAN 24 TMIN ROSE Result 5: JJA Tave, Tmin, Tmax, & DTR TRENDS FOR COASTAL-COOLING SITES OF SoCAB & SFBA a b c d Curve b: TMIN ROSE (EXPECTED) Curve c: TMAX HAD COOLING (UNEXPECTED MAJOR RESULT OF STUDY) CURVE a: TAVE THUS SHOWED ALMOST NO CHANGE, AS FOUND IN LIT.), AS RISING Tmin & FALLING Tmax CHANGES ALMOST CANCELLED OUT Curve d: DTR THUS DECREASED, AS TMIN ROSE & TMAX FELL 25 Note IPCC 2001 does show cooling over Central California!! 26 Significance of above Coastal-Cooling and Inland-Warming trends • CA ASSYMETRIC WARMING IN LITERATURE IS • HEREIN SHOWN TO BE DUE TO COOLING TMAX IN COASTAL AREAS & CONCURRENT WARMING TMAX IN INLAND AREAS PREVIOUS CA STUDIES – DID NOT LOOK SPECIFICALLY AT SUMMER DAYTIME COASTAL VS. INLAND VALUES HAVE – THEY THUS REPORTED CONTAMINATED TMAX, TAVE, & DTR VALUES – THEY, HOWEVER, ARE NOT INCONSISTENT WITH CURRENT RESULTS, THEY ARE JUST NOT AS DETAILED IN THEIR ANALYSES & RESULTS 27 Result 6. JJA 1970-2005 2 m Tmax trends for 4 pairs of urban (red, solid) & rural (blue, dashed) sites Notes: 1. All sites are near the cooling-warming border 2. UHI-TREND (K/DECADE) = absolute sum b/t warming-urban & cooling-rural trends a. SFBA sites > Stockton (0.38 + 0.17 = 0.55) > Sac. (0.49) b. SoCAB sites > Pasadena (0.26) > S. Ana (0.12) 28 Notes on JJA daytime UHI-trend results • Faster growing cities (not shown) had faster growing UHIs • As no coastal sites showed warming Tmax values, calculations could only be done at these four pairs (at the inland boundary b/t the warming and cooling areas) • Coastal sites would have cooled even more w/o their (assumed) growing UHIs 29 BENEFICIAL IMPLICATIONS OF COASTAL COOLING • NAPA WINE AREAS MAY NOT GO EXTINCT • • • (REALLY GOOD NEWS!) (next map) ENERGY FOR COOLING MAY NOT INCREASE AS RAPIDLY AS POPULATION (next graph) LOWER HUMAN HEAT-STRESS RATES OZONE CONCENTRATIONS MIGHT CONTINUE TO DECREASE, AS LOWER MAX-TEMPS MEAN REDUCED – ANTHROPOGENIC EMISSIONS – BIOGENIC EMISSIONS – PHOTOLYSIS RATES 30 NAPA WINE AREAS MAY NOT GO EXTINCT DUE TO ALLEGED RISING TMAX VALUES, AS PREDICTED IN NAS STUDY 31 Result 7: Peak-Summer Per-capita Electricity-Trends Down-trend at cooling Coastal: LA (blue) & Pasadena (pink, 8.5%/decade) > Up-trend at warming inland Riverside (green) Up-trend at warming Sac & Santa Clara Need: detailed energy-use data for more sites to consider changed energy efficiency 32 Future Coastal-Cooling Efforts (PART 1 OF 2) • EXPAND (TO ALL OF CA & ISRAEL?) – ANALYSIS OF OBS (IN-SITU & GIS) – URBANIZED MESO-MET (MM5, RAMS, WRF) MODELING • SEPARATE INFLUENCES OF CHANGING: – LAND-USE PATTERNS RE • AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION • URBANIZATION & UHI-MAGNITUDE – SEA BREEZE: INTENSITY, FREQ, DURATION, &/OR PENETRATION • DETERMINE POSSIBLE “SATURATION” OF SEABREEZE EFFECTS FROM • FLOW-VELOCITY & COLD-AIR TRANSPORT • AND/OR STRATUS-CLOUD EFFECTS ON LONG- & SHORT-WAVE RADIATION 33 POSSIBLE FUTURE EFFORTS (PART 2 OF 2) • DETERMINE CUMULATIVE FREQ DISTRIBUTIONS OF TMAX VALUES, AS – EVEN IF AVERAGE TMAX DECREASES, – EXTREME VALUES TMAX MAY STILL INCREASE (IN INTENSITY &/OR FREQUENCY) • DETERMINE CHANGES IN LARGE-SCALE ATM FLOWS: – HOW DO GLOBAL CLIMATE-CHANGE EFFECT POSITION & STRENGTH OF: PACIFIC HIGH & THERMAL LOW? – THESE TYPES OF CLIMATE-CHANGES ARE THE ULTIMATE CAUSES OF TEMP AND PRECIP CHANGES 34 OUR GROUP’S MESO-MODELING EXPERIENCE • SJSU (MM5 & uMM5) – – – – – – – Lozej (1999) MS: SFBA winter wave cyclone Craig (2002) MS: Atlanta UHI-initiated thunderstorm (NASA) Lebassi (2005) MS: Monterey sea breeze (LBNL) Ghidey (2005) MS: SFBA/CV CCOS episode (LBNL) Boucouvula (2006a,b) Ph.D.: SCOS96 episode (CARB) Balmori (2006) MS: Tx2000 Houston UHI (TECQ) Weinroth (2009) PostDoc: NYC-ER UDS urban-barrier effects (DHS) • SCU (uRAMS) – Lebassi (2005): Sacramento UHI (SCU) – Lebassi (2009) Ph.D.: SFBA & SoCAB coastal-cooling (SCU) – Comarazamy (2009) Ph.D.: San Juan climate-change & UHI (NASA) • Altostratus (uMM5 & CAMx) – – – – – SoCAB (1996, 2008): UHI & ozone (CEC) Houston (2008): UHI & ozone (TECQ) Central CA (2008): UHI & ozone (CEC) Portland (current): UHI & ozone (NSF) Sacramento (current): UHI & ozone (SMAQMD) 35 SJSU IDEAS ON GOOD MESO-MET MODELING MUST CORRECTLY REPRODUCE: – UPPER-LEVEL Synoptic/GC FORCING FIRST: pressure (“the” GC/Synoptic driver) Synoptic/GC winds – TOPOGRAPHY NEXT: min horiz grid-spacing flow-channeling – MESO SFC-CONDITIONS LAST: temp (“the” meso-driver) & roughness meso-winds 36 Case 1: ATLANTA UHI-INITIATED STORM: OBS GOES & PRECIP (UPPER) & MM5 w’s & precip (LOWER) 37 Recent Meso-met Model Urbanizations • Need to urbanize momentum, thermo, & TKE • • – Surface & SfcBL Diagnostic-Eqs. – PBL Prognostic-Eqs. (not done in NCAR uWRF) Start: veg-canopy model (Yamada 1982) Veg-param replaced with GIS/RS urban-param/data – Brown and Williams (1998) – Masson (2000) – Martilli et al. (2001) in TVM/URBMET – Dupont, Ching, et al. (2003) in EPA/MM5 – Taha et al. (‘05, ‘08a,b,c) [& Balmori et al. (‘06)]: his uMM5 uses improved urban dynamics, physics, parameterizations, & inputs 38 From EPA uMM5: Within Gayno-Seaman Mason + Martilli (by Dupont) PBL/TKE scheme New Roughness approach Sensible heat flux Rn pav Hsens pav LEpav Drag-Force approach Net radiation Latent heat flux Storage heat flux Anthropogenic heat flux Precipitation Ts roof roof natural soil Qwall Ts pav Gs pav Tint Paved surface bare soil Surface layer water Drainage outside the system Infiltration Drainage network Drainage Root zone layer Diffusion Deep soil layer 39 But, uMM5 needs extra GIS-derived inputs as f (x, y, z, t) land-use (38 categories) roughness heights z0 (see next slide) anthropogenic heat building heights paved-surface 2-D fractions building H to W, wall-plan, & impervious-area 2-D ratios building frontal, plan, & rooftop 3-D area densities 40 S. Stetson: Houston GIS/RS zo inputs But, values are too large, as they were f(h) & not f(ơh) h = building height Values up to 413 m uMM5 for Houston: Balmori (2006) Goal: Accurate urban/rural temps & winds for Aug 2000 O3 episode via – uMM5 – Houston LU/LC & urban morphology parameters – TexAQS2000 field-study data – USFS urban-reforestation scenarios UHI & O3 changes 42 uMM5 Simulation period: 22-26 August 2000 • Model configuration • • – 5 domains: 108, 36, 12, 4, 1 km – (x, y) grid points: (43x53, 55x55, 100x100, 136x151, 133x141 – full-s levels: 29 in D 1-4 & 49 in D-5; lowest ½ s-level=7 m – 2-way feedback in D 1-4 Parameterizations/physics options > Grell cumulus (D 1-2) > ETA or MRF PBL (D 1-4) > Gayno-Seaman PBL (D-5) > Simple ice moisture, > urbanization module NOAH LSM > RRTM radiative cooling Inputs > NNRP Reanalysis fields, ADP obs data > Burian morphology from LIDAR building-data in D-5 > LU/LC modifications (from Byun) 43 1-km grid, uMM5 Houston UHI: 8 PM, 21 Aug UHI UHI Bay Gulf MM5 UHI (2.0 K) uMM5 UHI (3.5 K)44 UHI-Induced Convergence: obs vs. uMM5 C C Krieged Obs uMM5 output 45 min max increase Base-case (current) veg-cover (0.1’s) urban min (red) rural max (green) Modeled changes of veg-cover (0.01’s) Urban-reforestation (green) Rural-deforestation (purple) 46 Run 12 (urban-max reforestation) minus Run 10 (base case) near-sfc ∆T at 4 PM shows that: reforested central urban-area cools & surrounding deforested rural-areas warm warmer cooler warmer 47 DUHI(t): Base-case minus Runs 15-18 Urban temp difference between runs 0.4 run14-run13s run15-run13s run16-run13s 0.2 run17-run13s run18-run13s RURAL Tdiff (K) 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 URBAN Max-impact of –0.9 K on a 3.5 K noon-UHI, of which 1.5 K was from uMM5 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 20 0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 LST • UHI = Urban-Box minus Rural-Box • Runs 15-18: Urban re-forestation scenarios • DUHI = Run-17 UHI minus Run-13 UHI max effect (green line) • Reduced UHI lower max-O3 (not shown) EPA emission-reduction credits $ saved 48 RAMS, MM5, & CAMx SIMULATIONS OF MIDDLE-EAST O3 TRANSBOUNDARY TRANSPORT E. Weinroth1,2, S. Kasakseh1,3 M. Luria2, R. Bornstein1 1San Jose State Univ. 2Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem, Israel 3Applied Research Institute Jerusalem (ARIJ), Bethlehem, West Bank In Atmos. Environ. (2008) 49 USAID-MERC project (2000-) • Involves scientists from Palestinian Territories, Israel, • USA (& now Jordan and Lebanon) Objectives accomplished: – Installation of environmental stations in West Bank & Gaza (and now Jordan & Beirut) – Preparation of environmental databases (SJSU web page) – Field campaigns during periods of poor air quality (Prof. Luria) – Application of numerical models for planning • RAMS & MM5 (Kasakseh 2007) meso-met • CAMx photochemical air-quality (Weinroth et al. 2007 in Atmos. Environ.) 50 10 m obs speed (m/s) & O3 at 0300 LST or 0000 UTC on 1 Aug 33 50 m 250 m 750 m 1000 m Night obs of sfc flow: 3-AM LST (00 UTC) 3 m/s H H 32.4 Flow Dir: weak down-slope off coastal-mountains at Coastal plain: offshore (to W) from W-facing slopes Haifa Pen. (square): offshore (to E ) from E-facing slopes Inland sites: directed inland (to E) from E-facing slopes Med iterr anea n Se a LATITUDE (Deg N) 32.7 32.1 31.8 31.5 34.5 L Low-O3 generally <40 ppb) Haifa still at 51 ppb L 34.8 35.1 LONGITUDE (Deg E) 35.4 51 10 m obs speed (m/s) at 1200 LST or 0900 UTC on 1 Aug 33 Day Obs: 1200 NOON LST 50 m 250 m 750 m 1000 m L Winds: Reversed Stronger: up 6 m s-1 3 m/s 32.4 Med iterr anea n LATITUDE (Deg N) Sea 32.7 Coastal plain: Onshore/upwind, from SW Inland sites: Channeling (from W) in corridor (box; focus of modeling) from Tel-Aviv to J. area (at Modiin site). H H 32.1 H L Higher daytime O3 max at Mappil, 66 ppb 2nd max at Modiin, 63 ppb 31.8 31.5 34.5 34.8 35.1 LONGITUDE (Deg E) 35.4 52 MM5 Configuration Version 3.7 3 domains – 15, 5, 1.67 km Grid Spacings – 59 x 61, 55 x 76, 58 x 85 Grid Points 32 σ-levels – up to 100 mb – first full σ-level at 19 m Lambert-conformal map projection (suitable for mid lat regions) Two-way nesting 5-layer soil-model Gayno-Seaman PBL Simulations – End: 00 UTC, 3 Aug – Start: 00 UTC, 29 July Single CPU , LINUX 53 MM5 Domain-3 winds (m/s) at 1100 LST on 1 Aug ‘97 red lines = topo heights (m); yellow line = sea breeze front; note reverse upslope-flow & channeling to J. Sea Max J. Max 54 Same, but at 2300 LST; where yellow line = land breeze front; note down-slope flow; still inland directed flow in inland areas & still channeling to J. Sea Max J. Max 55 Mid-east Obs vs. MM5: 2 m temp (Kasakech ’06 AMS) First 2 days show GC/Syn trend not in MM5, as MM5-runs had no analysis nudging Obs Run 1 July 29 August 1 obs July 31 Aug 1 Run 4: AugustReduced 2 Seep-soil MM5:Run 4 T Aug2 Standard-MM5 summer night-time min-T, 56 But lower input deep-soil temp better 2-m T results better winds better O3 Obs vs. MM5: wind speed (m/s) Run 3 OBS July 31 August 1 August 2 57 RAMS/CAMx (left) O3 vs. airborne obs (right) at 300 m: > Secondary-max: over J. in obs; due to coastal N-S highway > Primary-max: in Jordan (no obs); due to Hadera Airborne obs Jerusalem O3 ppb Hadera Power 0 . Irbid, Jordan 0-20 20-40 Plant 40-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-95 95-105 105-120 1 Aug, 1500 LST 58 Overall Modeling Lessons • > Models can’t be – assumed to be perfect (i.e., model user vs. modeler) – used as black boxes • > Need good large-scale forcing model-fields • > If obs are not available, OK to make reasonable educated estimates, e.g., for rural – deep-soil temp – soil moisture • > Need data to compare with simulated-fields • > Need good urban – morphological data – urbanization schemes 59 Thanks for listening! Questions? 60