Health Care in australia What you will learn Analyse the different models of health and health promotion Biomedical model of health Social model of health The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion What you will learn Describe the role, mission and priorities of VicHealth Identify the potential health outcomes of a VicHealth funded project for promoting health Identify the principles of the social model of health evident in a project used by VicHealth what you will learn Identify and explain key Australia’s health system components of Local, state and federal governments ’ responsibility for health including funding Medicare, Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and private health insurance The values that underpin the Australian health system approaches to healthcare There are a range of ways to address healthcare BIOMEDICAL MODEL OF HEALTH SOCIAL MODEL OF HEALTH BIOMEDICAL MODEL Diagnosing and treating illnesses and conditions once symptoms are present Doctors Hospitals Medications Surgery Limitations and disadvantages Relies on professional health workers and technology = costly Does not always promote good health Not every condition can be treated Affordability Advantages Creates advances in technology and research e.g. Antibiotics Many common problems can be effectively treated Extends life expectancy Improves quality of life - medication, therapy, surgery The social model of health Addresses the broader influences on health ENVIRON -MENTAL SOCIAL CULTURAL ECONOMIC The social model of health Recognises the relationship between the social determinants of health and health status Prevention rather than cure Socioeconomic status Access to healthcare Social connectedness HEALTH STATUS KEY PRINCIPLES 1. Addresses the broader determinants of health Behaviours that affect health are often caused by broader determinants The social model of health addresses these broader determinants Gender Socioeconomic status Culture 2. involves intersectorial collaboration • The social model of health involves all interested and concerned groups Government Non-government • Employment • Service providers • Education • Manufacturers • Finance 3. Acts to reduce social inequalities • The social model of health identifies and targets inequalities in health 4. acts to enable access to healthcare The social model of health addresses Cultural and language barriers Economic and geographical factors Education levels 5. empowers individuals and communities Helps people to make decisions about their health Individuals are more likely to participate in healthy behaviours if they feel they have a sense of control quiz • What are the 5 principles of the social model of health? 1.Address the broader determinants of health 2.Involves intersectorial collaboration 3.Acts to reduce social inequalities 4.Acts to enable access to healthcare 5.Empowers individuals and communities Class activity • Work in small groups to design an acronym for the principles of the social model of health ✓ Addresses the broader determinants of health ✓ Involves intersectorial collaboration ✓ Acts to reduce social inequities ✓ Acts to enable access to health care ✓ Empowers individuals and communities Programs based on the social model of health Rural retention program Class activity • Using the health promotion strategy summary provided, outline how your strategy address key principles of the social model of health biomedical and social models of health summary The biomedical model of health focuses on diagnosing and treating illnesses and conditions once symptoms are present. Includes doctors, hospitals, medications, x-rays and surgery The social model of health focuses on addressing the broader influences on health, such as social, cultural, environmental and economic factors. It aims at prevention rather than cure the ottawa charter for health promotion Guidelines that help organisations and key stakeholders incorporate health promotion ideas into their strategies, policies and campaigns Prerequisites or basic conditions and resources that must be available if any gains in health care are to occur background Ottawa Charter was designed in 1986 at the WHO ’ s first international conference on health promotion Before then there was no framework to guide organisations on how to develop health promotion strategies the ottawa charter - three areas to remember 8 conditions and resources needed healthcare 3 basic strategies for health promotion 5 action priority areas for conditions and resources needed for health Peace Income Shelter Stable ecosystem Education Sustainable resources Food Social justice and equity basic strategies for health promotion ADVOCATE ENABLE MEDIATE Advocate Lobbying governments and organisations to improve access to and provision of health care services Making political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, behavioural and biological factors/conditions favourable to health through advocacy for health E.g. Groups/individuals working to influence public policy in cancer services • ENABLE Creating a supportive environment and providing access to information and skills to enable people to achieve their health potential Making health equal for all • E.g. Enabling access to health promotion • E.g. Providing dietary guidelines to enable people to choose a balanced diet mediate Ensuring the coordination of health services across and within sectors E.g. Working between clinicians and consumers to reorient health services to bring about a greater focus on health promotion rather than treatment • E.g. Ensuring that government and nongovernment organisations work together to improve health outcomes for people • quiz • What are the three basic strategies for health promotion as outlined by the Ottawa Charter? Advocate Enable Mediate ottawa charter priority areas The Ottawa Charter also sets out 5 priority areas that should be taken into account when devising health promotion initiatives An effective strategy does not necessarily need to address all 5 priority areas ottawa charter priority areas 1.Build healthy public policy 2.Create supportive environments 3.Strengthen community action 4.Develop personal skills 5.Reorient health services 1. Build healthy public policy Public policy - rules and laws that affect individuals within a community These decisions are made by government and organisations Removing Increasing tax Banning GST on on alcoholic smoking in unprocessed drinks certain places foods Compulsory wearing of seat belts 2.Create supportive environments Environment - can be physical or social One that promotes health and assists people in making healthy lifestyle choices Recognises the impact broader environments have on health 3. strengthen community action • Building links between Individuals Community Centres around the community Giving the community a sense of ownership of a health strategy increases its effectiveness Government immunisation strategies The Central Australian Aboriginal Congress (CAAC) 4. develop personal skills Education is the focus - individuals need to be taught how to look after their health Involves schools, work settings, families, government and non-government organisations Attending classes to learn healthy cooking techniques Learning to talk to people to resolve conflict rather than use violence 5. reorient health services Changing the health system so it promotes health rather than just focusing on treatment Involves doctors, hospitals, individuals in the community, community groups, health professionals, health service institutions and governments Focus on health eating as opposed to surgery to treat cardiovascular disease Doctors recommending physical activity to prevent type 2 diabetes quiz • What are the 5 action priority areas of the Ottawa Charter? 1.Build healthy public policy 2.Create supportive environments 3.Strengthen community action 4.Develop personal skills 5.Reorient health services Class activity • You will be allocated a health promotion strategy • Restoring the Balance – Victoria’s Alcohol Action Plan • Sunsmart • Swap it, Don’t stop it • Healthy Spaces and Places • Quit • Identify which Ottawa Charter priority areas it addresses strategies that incorporate the ottawa charter “ Restoring the balance ” - Victoria ’ s Alcohol Action Plan 2008 - 2013 Sunsmart Quit Swap it don’t stop it Healthy spaces and places Ottawa charter summary The Ottawa Charter was designed so organisations would have a framework to guide them when designing health promotion policies It outlines 8 basics conditions and resources that must be available if any gains in health are to occur There are 3 strategies for health promotion advocate, enable and mediate It also sets out 5 action priority areas and should also be taken into account when devising health promotion initiatives “The Victorian Health Promotion Foundation” A Victorian Government body Works with Organisations Communities Individuals Main focus Health Promotion Illness Prevention To achieve goals, VicHealth works with a range of community groups including sport, community, urban planning, transport, local government, education and the arts vichealths mission • Promote good health in partnership with others • Recognise that the social and economic conditions for all people influence their health • Pomote fairness and opportunity for better health • Support initiatives that assist individuals, communities, workplaces and broader society to improve wellbeing • Seek to prevent chronic conditions for all Victorians. Vichealths priorities Promote healthy eating Encourage regular physical activity Prevent tobacco use Prevent harm from alcohol Improve mental wellbeing Main contribution to health promotion is through funding of programs 85% of its budget goes towards research and programs that promote health and wellbeing VicHealth and the social model of health VicHealth uses the social model of health as the foundation of its work Programs include the Food for All program the Walking School Bus program funding the QUIT program Food for all VicHealth provides funds to local councils with high numbers of disadvantaged people Helps to reduce food insecurity Improves access to healthy food by making it accessible physically and economically Works to education individuals on healthy eating The walking school bus School children walk to school in groups lead by volunteers Encourages physical activity in children and adults Promotes road safety Children have increased • opportunity to socialise Anti smoking campaign Support and education for those attempting to quit and deter others from taking it up Radio and TV ads Phone counselling Website Vichealth summary VicHealth is a government body that works with individuals, communities and organisations It’s main focus is health promotion and illness prevention VicHealth mainly contributes promotion by providing funding to health VicHealth uses the social model of health as the foundation for all its work Australian governments responsibility for health • Australia’s health system is the responsibility of all levels of government FEDERAL STATE LOCAL FEDERAL GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBILITIES 1.The administration of Medicare 2.The administration of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) 3.Quarantine 4.Funding (allocating funds - to states/territories) 5.Regulation (availability of pharmaceuticals, private health insurance, food safety laws) Medicare Health insurance for Australians Provides access to health care for Australians subsidised by the government all what does medicare cover? OUT OF HOSPITAL EXPENSES IN HOSPITAL EXPENSES All or some fees for essential health care services Covers costs for public patients in public hospitals Doctors, specialists, tests (x-ray, pathology, eye tests) and some dental Medicare pays 75% schedule fee of private patients Not covered by medicare Cosmetic or unnecessary procedures Additional costs from treatment in a private hospital General dental Ambulance Alternative medicines Glasses, hearing aids, artificial body parts Medications (this is covered through the PBS) Advantages of medicare Choice of doctor for out of hospital services Available to all Australian citizens Reciprocal agreement between Australia and other countries allows Australian citizen s to access free health care in selected countries Covers tests and examinations, doctors and specialists fees (schedule fee only) and some procedures such as x-rays and eye tests Disadvantages of medicare No choice of doctor for in-hospital treatments Waiting lists for many treatments Does not cover alternative therapies Often does not cover the full amount of a doctors visit How is medicare funded? Medicare levy Medicare levy surcharge General tax • • • • • From the 1 July 2012 the Australian government made changes to both the Medicare Levy Surcharge and the Private Health Insurance Rebate. As a consequence, the VCAA provides the following information to be incorporated into teaching of Unit 3 of VCE Health and Human Development for 2013. • Medicare is the scheme that gives Australian residents access to health care. To help fund the Medicare scheme, most taxpayers pay a Medicare levy of 1.5% of their taxable income. • The Medicare Levy Surcharge (MLS) is levied on Australian taxpayers who do not have private hospital cover and who earn above a certain income. The surcharge aims to encourage individuals to take out private hospital cover, and where possible, to use the private system to reduce the demand on the public Medicare system. The Medicare Levy Surcharge is calculated at the rate of 1% to 1.5% of annual income. The Medicare Levy Surcharge is in addition to the Medicare Levy of 1.5%. • Lifetime Health Cover is a government initiative designed to encourage people to take out hospital insurance earlier in life and to maintain their cover. People who are over 30 and do not have hospital cover but decide to take out hospital cover later in life pay a 2% loading on top of the cost of the health insurance for every year they are aged over 30. For example a person who takes out hospital cover at aged 40 will pay 20% more than someone who first took out hospital cover at age 30. • Most Australians with private health insurance receive a rebate from the Australian Government to help cover the cost of their premiums. The Private Health Insurance Rebate is income tested. This means the Private Health Insurance Rebate is reduced or no rebate is paid if people earn more than a certain amount. The Pharmaceutical benefits scheme (pbs) The government medications subsidises Consumers make a co-payment $34.20 per prescription or $5.60 per prescription for concession card holders essential the pbs If health costs to families and individuals exceed $1317.20 in a year, the only pay $5.60 for PBS medications for the rest of the year Not all medications are covered by the PBS The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee decides which medications are included in the PBS Federal gov’t responsibility summary The federal government is responsible for the administration of Medicare and the PBS, quarantine, funding and regulation Medicare provides access to health care for all Australian citizens, subsidised by the government It covers all or some fees for out of hospital expenses for essential services and in-hospital costs for public patients in public hospitals Federal gov’t responsibility summary continued Medicare is funded by the medicare levy, medicare levy surcharge and general tax The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) subsidises essential medications. Consumers make a co-payment and the government pays the rest state and territory governments DELIVERY OF HEALTH SERVICES REGULATING STATE BASED SERVICES DELIVERY OF HEALTH SERVICES Public hospitals Psychiatric hospitals School health curriculum Public dental health Maternal and child health regulatory responsibilities Licensing GP’s Licensing private hospitals Industry regulations - sale of tobacco, alcohol, food safety guidelines Legislation - road rules, smoking bans local governments (councils) Health inspections Removal of waste Water quality testing Maintaining parks/recreational facilities state/territory and local gov’t responsibilities for health summary The state and territory governments run public hospitals and engage in service delivery Local governments promote health by focusing on the needs and challenges faced by the local people, such as waste disposal Private health insurance Members pay a fee/premium Insurance covers some costs towards health related services not covered by Medicare GIVES AUSTRALIA NS CHOICE OF CARE TAKES PRESSURE OFF MEDICARE COVERS ‘EXTRAS’ PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE Cost of private health insurance depends on the level of cover desired Higher cover = higher cost Greater choice of hospitals and doctors Own room, no waiting period private health insurance + costs Most private hospitals and doctors charge more than the schedule fee Private health insurance companies will cover the remaining cost (or most of it) incentives to take up private health insurance When Medicare was introduced, lots of Australians chose not to have private health insurance as their medical needs were covered This put a big strain on the public system The government then introduced a number of incentives to encourage Australians to take up private health insurance incentives to take up private health insurance 1.30% rebate - government pays 30% of the cost of your health insurance 2.‘ Lifetime cover ’ - if you don ’ t have private health insurance after age 30, you pay 2% extra for health insurance for each year of age over 30 3.Medicare surcharge - higher income earners ($77,000) pay 1% surcharge if they don’t have private health insurance Advantages of private health insurance Choice of doctor/hospital Private room Less waiting time disadvantages of private health insurance Additional costs (premium) Out of pocket expenses (gap) Qualifying periods private health insurance summary Private health insurance is a type of insurance whereby members pay a premium (cost) in return for payments towards health related costs not covered by Medicare It helps take the strain off the public healthcare system values of the australian health system • Australia’s health system is based on a number of values that have been established to ensure we maintain a health system that adequately services the Australian maintaining high quality care population while values • There are 9 values that provide direction for future decision-making with regard to the health system Effective Appropriate Efficient Responsive Accessible Safe Continuous Capable Sustainable 1. Effective • Achieving desired outcomes in an appropriate time frame Looking at immunisation rates and incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases in a two year period Improvements in health status in a set time Results from surgery 2. appropriate • The health care provided is culturally relevant and tailored to the individuals needs and wants Allergies and reactions to treatment The stage of disease Patients preference to the type of care given 3. Efficient • Achieve desired outcomes with cost effective use of resources Using whatever funds you have to achieve maximum benefits Money can be wasted on management issues 4. Responsive • Treating people with respect • and • Ensuring the health system is client-oriented Healthcare system should be based on users needs Rated by waiting lists, access to services and public satisfaction of health system 5. accessible • The ability of people to obtain health care at the right place and time irrespective of income, cultural background or physical location Encompasses equity Access to healthcare regardless of location, culture, religious beliefs and cost 6. safe • Reducing the risks associated with the delivery of health care Infection spreading in hospital Compromised safety - slipper floors, no fire action plan Non-sterile environment for surgery 7. Continuous • The ability to provide uninterrupted, coordinated care/intervention/action across programs, practitioners, organisations and levels over time Aims to increase the level of communication and care planning between different health professionals 8. capable • Relates to the skills and knowledge of those providing care Health professionals educated in their field Appropriate training and qualifications Updated knowledge 9. sustainable • Provide infrastructure such as workforce, facilities and equipment, be innovative and respond to emerging needs (research, monitoring) Relates to funding