Annex 2 Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2009-2014 RO20 Programme ”Domestic and Gender-based violence” Fund for bilateral relations at programme level Grant contract for the implementation of the project …………. between the Ministry of Justice (Programme Operator - PO) and ………………………………… (Beneficiary) FINANCING CONTRACT For the implementation of the project “…………………….” financed under the Fund for bilateral relations at the level the RO20 Programme ”Domestic and Gender-based violence” No. ....................... / ......................... Considering the following legal framework: a) Agreement between the Kingdom of Norway and the European Union on the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014; b) Regulation on the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014; c) The Memoranda of Understanding on the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 20092014; d) Guidelines adopted by the Financial Mechanism Committee/Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs according to the Regulations, such as the Guideline for strengthened bilateral relations - EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014; e) Government Emergency Ordinance no. 6/2013 on the modification and completion of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 96/2012 establishing measures to reorganize the central government and for amendment of legislation; f) Government Emergency Ordinance no. 88/2012 on the institutional framework for coordination, implementation and management of financial assistance granted to Romania through the EEA Financial Mechanism and Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the programming period 2009-2014, approved and amended through the Law no. 246/2013; g) Government Emergency Ordinance no. 23/2013 on the financial management of the external nonreimbursable grants related to the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and to the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, approved and amended by the Law no. 242/2013, as well as the methodology rules for its implementation, approved by Order no. 659/24.07.2013; h) Government Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2006 on the assignment of public procurement contracts, public works concession contracts, and services concession contracts, as amended; i) Government Emergency Ordinance no. 66/2011 on the prevention, identification and sanctioning of irregularities appeared in the management of European funds and / or national public funds, as modified. j) Minister of European Funds’ Order no. 1055/2014 regarding the application of lump sums in the case of travels financed under the Funds for Bilateral Relations at national and programme level under the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 The parties, The Ministry of Justice, with the offices in Bucharest, 17, Apolodor street, sector 5, postal code 050741, Bucharest, Romania, fiscal code no. 4265841, represented by ......................, as ............................., as Programme Operator, and 2 ………………………………….., legal entity, with the offices in ……………. , street................................., postal code……….. , fiscal code no. ……………………, represented by the legal representative ..........................................., as …………………………...., as Beneficiary agreed to sign this Financing Contract. CHAPTER 1 – OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT AND ANNEXED DOCUMENTS Art. 1.1 The object of this Contract is granting non-reimbursable funds for the implementation of the project “............................................................................ ” financed under the Fund for bilateral relations at the level of the RO20 Programme ”Domestic and Gender-based violence”. These funds shall be used for the commitments included in the Grant Application. Art.1.2 The Beneficiary shall be granted non-reimbursable funds under the terms and conditions provided in this Contract, in compliance with all the rules established by the regulations for the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014. Art. 1.3 The Annexed Documents part of this contract are: the Grant Application and its supporting documents (declarations, partnership agreements/letters of intent etc.), together with the clarifications during the evaluation and selection period, if applicable. Art. 1.4 The Beneficiary accepts the non-reimbursable grant and commits to carry out the Project under its own responsibility, according to the provisions in this contract and in compliance with the applicable national and European legislation. CHAPTER 2 – DURATION OF THE CONTRACT Art. 2.1 This contract comes into force on the date of its signature by both parties and shall terminate when all parties fulfil their obligations resulting therein. Art.2.2 The implementation period of the project starts on the date of entry into force of the present contract and ends in 30 days from the finalization date of the action as established in the application approved by the Programme Operator. Art. 2.3 The duration of the contract or of the implementation period may be modified by an addendum with the mutual consent of both parties, in exceptional and justified situations, in accordance with the provisions of art. 9.1.1 of the present contract. CHAPTER 3 – BUDGET AND ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURE Art. 3.1 The total budget allocated under the Fund for bilateral relations at programme level is ......... EURO, the equivalent of ………. RON, representing 100% grant, calculated at the Inforeuro exchange rate from the month of the contract’s entry into force. Art. 3.2 The grant shall be used in compliance with the eligible expenditure principles and categories provided under art.7.7 in the Regulation for the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2009-2014 and with the provisions in the Grant Application. The VAT is an eligible expenditure provided that it cannot be recovered by the beneficiary and/or partner. Art. 3.3 The period of eligibility of expenditure - eligible expenditures are those actually incurred between the date of entry into force of the contract, according to art. 2.1, and until no more than 30 days from the finalization of the 3 implementation period as provided in art. 2.2. Expenditures are considered to have been incurred when the cost has been invoiced, paid and the subject matter delivered / performed. Art.3.4 The detailed budget of the project is foreseen in the application attached to the present contract. CHAPTER 4 – PAYMENTS Art. 4.1 The payments shall be made as follows: a. a. advance and final payment; The advance payment of 90% of the grant shall be made within 10 working days from the date of the entry into force of this contract. The final payment or the settlement, as the case may be, shall be made within 10 working days from the date of approval of the implementation report, the final payment request and the supporting documents/audit report submitted by the Beneficiary (deducting the advance payment), in accordance with the provisions of art. 4.3. Or b. a. reimbursement of expenditures; The advance payment of 30% of the grant shall be made within 10 working days from the date of the entry into force of this contract. The reimbursement of expenditures incurred after spending the advance payments shall be made within 10 working days from the date of approval of the implementation report, the reimbursement payment request and the supporting documents/audit report submitted by the Beneficiary, in accordance with the provisions of art. 4.3, subject to the availability of funds in the PO’s bank accounts. Art 4.2 The payments shall be made by the Programme Operator in Lei or Euros to the following bank account of the Beneficiary: Bank account: Bank: The beneficiary shall notify the Programme Operator of any change that may occur as regards the bank account details. Art. 4.3 The payments shall be conditioned by: a. The approval of the implementation report, according to the model established by the PO, which provides a detailed description of the project implementation. The implementation report shall outline the outcome of the project, provide detailed information on the procurement made (if applicable), detailed information on the publicity, its impact in the media (if applicable), on reaching the objectives and indicators, as well as information on the sustainability of the outcome; b. The verification of the supporting documents requested as proof of expenditures or, as the case may be, the submission of the audit report related to the expenditures and the authorization of expenditure. c. A report issued by a certified and independent auditor, certifying that all expenditures have been made in compliance with the regulations in force, with the national legislation and with the accounting practices in the country of the Partner, shall be considered sufficient proof of the expenditures incurred by a Project Partner whose main offices are located in a donor state. 4 CHAPTER 5 - WRITTEN NOTIFICATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Art. 5.1 Any communication between the parties referring to or in connection with this Grant Contract or with its execution shall be drafted and submitted in writing in Romanian or English. Art. 5.2 The communications between the parties shall be sent by mail, fax, e-mail or given personally to the addresses indicated by the parties for this purpose. Any written document shall be recorded both upon transmittal and upon receipt. Art. 5.3 Whenever there is a deadline for the receipt of a written communication, the sender shall request the acknowledgment of receipt for the said communication. Art.5.4 Any notification, consent, approval, certification or decision of any party having signed the Contract shall be made in writing, unless otherwise stipulated, and shall be sent without any unjustified delay. Art.5.5 The official addresses where all documents shall be submitted are: (1) Contact person (PO): Mrs. Diana POPESCU Director Department for European Programmes Ministry of Justice Str. Apolodor, nr. 17, sector 5, cod postal 050741 Bucharest, Romania Tel. 0372.041.159, Fax. 0372.041.161 E-mail: (2) Contact persons (Beneficiary): …………………………………… The parties shall communicate any change of the official addresses mentioned under the previous paragraph in writing, within 5 business days. CHAPTER 6 – COMMON COMMITMENTS OF THE PARTIES Art. 6.1 The parties undertake to fulfil their tasks and obligations related to the implementation of this contract, based on an adequate management, transparency and partnership principles, according to the national legislation in force and with the relevant legal framework of the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2009 - 2014. Art. 6.2 The parties undertake to use the information and documents obtained to which they have access during the project implementation period in compliance with this contract, with the national legislation in force and with the legal framework applicable to the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 (according to the provisions of art. 1.4 in the Regulation for the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014), as concerns the legal provisions related to the transparency, access to information and protection of personal data. CHAPTER 7 – RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES Art. 7.1 Responsibilities of the Programme Operator The Programme Operator undertakes: a. to verify the outcome of the project, based on the documents submitted by the Beneficiary, who is responsible for the accuracy of the information submitted, as well as to verify whether the expenditures declared by the Beneficiary have really been incurred and paid according to the Regulation for the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and to the national and European legislation; 5 b. to make the payments related to the project, subject to the availability of funds in the PO’s bank accounts; c. to ensure the transparency and availability of the documents whose obligation to submit is stipulated by the Regulation for the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014; d. to ensure, based on the data, information and facts presented and assumed by the Beneficiary, that the latter is fully committed and capable of implementing the project; e. to verify the reports and/or supporting documents submitted by the Beneficiary within 30 calendar days from the date of their submission. Art. 7.2 Beneficiary’s obligations: The Beneficiary shall: a. use the non-reimbursable funds only for the purpose of completing the project that is object of this contract; b. implement the project under its own responsibility and in compliance with the application (including the budget), together with, if applicable, the clarifications during the evaluation and selection period, which are annexed to this contract, aiming at fulfilling the objectives as stipulated and accepted; c. ensure that all the conditions imposed on it equally apply to all its partners. The Beneficiary shall include provisions in this respect in all the partnership agreements/contracts signed with them. The Beneficiary shall be individually responsible against the Programme Operator for the implementation of the project; d. provide the Programme Operator with all the information requested in relation with the implementation of the project. If the submitted reports and/or supporting documents are not complete or require modifications, the Beneficiary shall make the requested completions and modifications and resend the report and/ or supporting documents within 3 (three) business days after the receipt of the notification. e. comply with all the applicable norms if the project requires procurement, the Beneficiary being fully responsible on the progress of the procurement process; f. ensure the sustainability of the project outcome; g. comply with the visual identity elements of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 and ensure adequate publicity of the project and of its financing sources; h. accept the control and the verifications of the entities and structures with attributions for control/verification/audit in the frame of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, in relation with the use of the non-reimbursable funds granted. i. take full responsibility for the damages caused to third parties by its fault, during and in relation with the implementation of the project. The Programme Operator shall be released from any liability for the prejudice caused to third parties by fault of the Beneficiary; j. take all the measures required to avoid any conflicts of interest and to inform immediately the Programme Operator on any circumstance that is or may determine such conflict of interest; k. keep all its documents and the documents related to its partners, including the accounting documents, related to the eligible activities and expenditures, in order to ensure an adequate audit track, according to the European and national regulations. All documents shall be kept for a period of 5 years after the approval of the final report of the programme RO 20 ” Domestic and Gender-based violence”; l. provide the PO with the applications for final payment/reimbursement, together with all the supporting documents requested to prove the expenditures incurred and with the implementation report, within 45 days after the end of the project implementation period as specified in art. 2.2. The payment applications shall be drafted in Romanian/English, as the case may be, according to the model established by the PO. The Beneficiary shall take the proper measures as to ensure the financial settlement of the project upon the PO’s request in this regard, where the case may be, according to the provisions of article 4.1 letter b. 6 m. provide the PO with all the supporting documents to justify the expenditures made, marked with the mention “financed under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 according to the contract no ……” in copy bearing the words “true copy of the original” and with a list of the supporting documents provided, according to the model established by the PO; n. agree for his personal data to be used and processed for the purpose of its activities by the PO; o. provide a report issued by a certified and independent auditor, certifying that all expenditures have been made in compliance with the regulations in force, with the national legislation and with the accounting practices in the country of the Partner whose main offices are located in a donor state. The audit report shall be submitted into English, signed and stamped; CHAPTER 8 – RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES Art. 8.1 The PO has the right – in case of suspicion there is a breach of the contract by the Beneficiary – to immediately suspend all payments until the suspicion is invalidated; Art. 8.2 The PO is entitled to terminate the contract if it finds out that the project objectives and indicators, as declared by the Beneficiary in the approved grant application, have not been reached. In this case, the Beneficiary shall fully/partially reimburse the amounts received; Art. 8.3 The PO may carry out any activities related to the verification of the implementation of the financed initiative at Beneficiary level, according to this contract; Art. 8.4 If, after the verification of all the supporting documents required for payment, there are discrepancies, the PO is entitled to recover them from the Beneficiary, according to the GO 66/2011. CHAPTER 9 - CONTRACT MODIFICATION Art. 9.1 Any modification of the contract or of its annexes shall be made in writing, with the mutual consent of both parties, by an addendum in case of major modifications or by a notification annexed to the contract, in case of minor modifications. 9.1.1 Major modifications a. A major modification is deemed any amendment with an impact on the value, duration, activities and results of the project, changes that may question the decision to grant the non-reimbursable funds and the eligibility of the Beneficiary. b. If the modification is requested by the Beneficiary, it shall submit the request to the PO at least 10 working days prior to the date when the coming into force of the modification is desired. In exceptional situations, justified by the Beneficiary and accepted by the PO, this deadline may be reduced to 6 working days. c. The Beneficiary shall submit, together with the request, the justification of the modification it wishes to make, the possible impact on the budget lines and the assessment of risk on the project outcome, as well as the amendment proposal. d. The PO analyses the documents received and, should the amendment be necessary and correctly justified, grants the approval for the amendment of the contract through signing the addendum which becomes part thereof. 9.1.2 Minor modifications a. Minor modifications are deemed: change of address, bank account, contact person or contact details, the modification of the activities calendar without changing the project implementation deadline, or any other such modifications. 7 b. At the same time, minor modifications are deemed the modifications within or between the categories of expenditures in the project budget, unless it has a significant impact on the activities, results and main objective of the project. c. Notifications on minor modifications shall be sent to the OP 10 working days prior to the date when the coming into force of the modification is desired. Minor modifications can be only notified to the PO, notwithstanding its right to oppose any modification made by the Beneficiary, in writing. The Beneficiary shall provide detailed justifications of the changes occurred, as well as an analysis of their impact on the project. CHAPTER 10 – APPLICABLE LAW Art 10.1 This contract shall be governed, interpreted, understood and implemented according to the national legislation in force and to the legal framework of the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2009-2014. Art. 10.2 All the disputes that may arise from the execution of this contract or in relation thereto, which cannot be settled amicably, shall be submitted for settlement to the competent courts. Art.10.3 The parties agree for this contract to be governed by the Romanian law. CHAPTER 11 – FINAL CLAUSES Art. 11.1 The language of this contract and of all the written communications shall be Romanian or English, as the case may be. Art. 11.2 The term “day” shall be understood as calendar day, unless otherwise stipulated. Art. 11.3 If there are inconsistencies or discrepancies between the provisions of this contract, on one hand, and of the national legislation in force or of the Regulation for the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2009-2014, on the other hand, the latter shall prevail. This Contract is signed in 2 (two) originals, in Romanian/English, one for each party. Ministry of Justice Programme Operator Beneficiary Legal representative Name: Legal representative Name: Position: Position: Signature: Signature: Stamp: Stamp: Date: Date: 8