Suzanne Hanchett's resume - planning alternatives for change, llc

P.O. BOX 94859
TEL. 1-626-791-5147
MOBILE 1-917-345-3197
Co-founder of Planning Alternatives for Change, a company dedicated to holistic problem
solving and people-centered development. Services provided: Social Research and
Analysis, Planning and Program Evaluation, Organizational Development, Training,
Writing and Editing.
Areas of Expertise: Social Development & Community Organization (rural/urban); Water
and Sanitation; Gender and Development; Participatory Planning; Governance &
Management of Public Services; Public-private Partnerships; Child Welfare; Adolescent
Pregnancy and Parenting; Public Health; Women=s Health
Consultant on Qualitative Methods in Level-3 Monitoring
UNICEF Headquarters, New York
Supported a change in the world-wide monitoring system with information and training
materials on appropriate uses of various types of qualitative research techniques alongside
statistical data collection. Conducted a field test of the new approach in Benin. Reported to
the Communication for Development Unit, UNICEF Headquarters.
Team Leader
Assessment of the Sustainability of Sanitation Facilities, Programs, and Behaviors Using
Community-wide Open Defecation Free Approaches
Supervised a nine-month quantitative/qualitative study of outcomes in fifty-three localities
throughout Bangladesh, which had been covered by a national sanitation program five
years before the study. Wrote up the study report. PAC, together with Pathways Consulting
Services Ltd., was a sub-contractor working with The Manoff Group on this study. Funding
was from the World Bank Water and Sanitation Program and the Gates Foundation.
Team Leader
Social and Economic Assessment of Arsenic Removal Technologies
DART project, UNICEF Bangladesh, Water and Environmental Sanitation Section
Supervised an eight month study of social acceptance of four provisionally approved arsenic
removal technologies in multiple regions of Bangladesh, to support governmental decision
making. Developed new social assessment protocols, combining qualitative and
quantitative research methods.
Gender and Social Development Specialist
Secondary Towns Infrastructure Protection Project, Phase-II (STIFPP-II)
Bangladesh Water Development Board & Local Government Engineering Dept.
Suzanne Hanchett, Planning Alternatives for Change LLC (p. 1)
Served for six months in an advisory capacity to guide project activities on: poverty
reduction, resettlement, and local governance. Developed a monitoring framework and
produced town-level manuals for project staff. Supported gender and development training
Team Leader
Final Evaluation Study
Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation and Water Supply Project (BAMWSP)
Conducted a three-month, in-depth study of the Bangladesh government=s primary arsenic
mitigation project. Worked together with the local firm, Pathways Consulting Services Ltd.
Under contract with the World Bank.
Team Leader
Final Evaluation Study
Building Community Based Arsenic Mitigation Response
Capacity in Muradnagar, Serajdikhan and Bhanga Upazilas
Of Bangladesh
Conducted an in-depth investigation of a five-year United Nations Foundation funded
program in three rural sub-districts (upazilas), implemented by UNICEF and WHO. Did
literature review and both quantitative and qualitative field studies. In collaboration with
Pathways Consulting Services Ltd., supervised a team of approximately 14 people. Under
contract with World Health Organization Bangladesh, Environmental Sanitation Unit,
Appraisal Team Member
DFID and Danida Policy Support Unit (proposed)
For Bangladesh Water and Sanitation Sector
Assessed the feasibility of establishing a new unit within the Ministry of Local Government,
Rural Development and Cooperatives, to oversee the development of a coordinated,
sector-wide, programmatic approach in water and sanitation. Reported to Dr. Guy Howard,
Gender and Development Advisor
Small Scale Water Resources Development Project
2002 -2004
Provided total of 11months of technical assistance on gender issues and people=s
participation in a nation-wide program of planning and implementing small-scale surface
water resource improvements in rural areas. Project is conducted by the Bangladesh Local
Government Engineering Department. On contract with Arcadis-Euroconsult. Reported to
Advisory Technical Assistance Office Team Leader, Jean-René Rinfret.
Consultant to Arsenic Policy Support Unit, Gvt. Of Bangladesh
Did a review of the socio-economic issues associated with the problem of arsenic in
Bangladesh & West Bengal, India, ground water. On contract with DFID Bangladesh.
Interviewed approximately 55 professionals and prepared a report for submission to the
Ministry of Local Government, Government of Bangladesh. Reported to Dr. Guy Howard,
Suzanne Hanchett, Planning Alternatives for Change LLC (p. 2)
Output to Purpose Review Team Member
Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health (ASEH)
Took responsibility for review of social development and hygiene promotion program
development in the inception phase of a newly expanded WaterAid Bangladesh project. On
contract with DFID Bangladesh.
Team Leader, Midterm Review
Capacity Based Arsenic Mitigation Response Project
Conducted operational analysis of World Health Organization and UNICEF arsenic
mitigation project in three sub-districts of Bangladesh. Making recommendations for
program improvement. Supervising four professional team members. On contract with
World Health Organization. Report to: Han Heijnen (WHO) and Jan Willem Rosenboom
Evaluation Consultant/Team Leader
WaterAid Bangladesh - Hygiene Promotion Programme
Investigated the hygiene promotion approaches and activities of six WaterAid partner NGOs
working in Bangladesh rural and urban areas, building on previous study of urban program.
Combined survey research with in-depth observations, interviews. Study commissioned by
U.K. Department for International Development (DFID-Bangladesh). Program Officer:
Rodney Dyer.
Evaluation Consultant/Team Leader
WaterAid Bangladesh - Urban Programme
Analyzed the operations and concept of a five-year water and sanitation program in Dhaka
and Chittagong, Bangladesh, urban slums. Utilized a combination of survey research and
qualitative methods. Reported to Timothy Claydon, Country Director, WaterAid Bangladesh.
Program Evaluator/Team Leader
CARE Bangladesh - SAFER Program
Assessed the impact of a ten-year water and sanitation project in Chittagong and Cox=s
Bazar districts: analyzed community-level activities and organizational development (NGO
capacity building) activities. Reported to Dr. Zia-ur Rahman, Project Director,
Project Advisor/Team Leader
UNICEF-Government of Bangladesh
Rural Hygiene, Safe Water and Sanitation Programme
Conducted a planning study of multiple approaches to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene
promotion in Bangladesh. Supervised a team of six professionals. Worked under contract
with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Water and Environment at
London and Loughborough. Reported to Dr. Sandy Cairncross and Dr. Joy Morgan. Donor:
Suzanne Hanchett, Planning Alternatives for Change LLC (p. 3)
Consultant Anthropologist
U.S. Census Bureau, Center for Survey Methods Research
Conducted a study of community involvement attitudes and behavior and political
participation levels among young adults of American Indian and Southeast Asian
backgrounds in the northwestern U.S. Reported to project director, Melinda Crowley.
Specialist for Hygiene Education and Community Participation
18 District Towns Project, Bangladesh
Studied the impact of a campaign to inform the public about arsenic in the water of six
Bangladesh towns. Designed questionnaire and other study protocols; analyzed findings on
people=s knowledge and practice; wrote up results in booklet and article formats. Reported
to Team Leader, Mr. H.A.L. Dierx. Employed by BKH Consulting Engineers. Donor:
Government of the Netherlands.
Community Development Expert
Second Water Supply and Sanitation Project (Nine Towns), Bangladesh
Conducted an evaluation of 12 non-governmental organizations promoting the use of safe
water, sanitary latrines, and waste water disposal pits and conducting hygiene education in
nine large district headquarters towns. Reported to Team Leader, Mr. Caspar
Lambrechtsen. Employed by DHV Consultants.
Donor: Asian Development Bank.
Counterpart government agency: Bangladesh Department of Public Health Engineering.
Director, Socioeconomic Baseline Study
Five District Urban Water and Sanitation Project, Bangladesh
Designed and implemented a study of domestic and commercial water use, local
perceptions of water quality, sanitation practices, epidemiology of water-or
sanitation-related diseases, and relevant health-related ideas in 23 Bangladesh towns.
Utilized quantitative and qualitative methods. Reported to Team Leader, Mr. Jaap Butter.
Employed by DHV Consultants, of Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Donor: DANIDA.
Counterpart government agency: Bangladesh Department of Public Health Engineering.
Specialist for Hygiene Education, Community Participation, and Gender
18 District Towns Project, Bangladesh
Conducted a final evaluation of (a) hygiene education, (b) women in development, and (c)
community participation aspects of this ten-year water and sanitation project. Investigated
institutional factors relating to program effectiveness and the work of NGO contractors.
Reported to Rik Dierx , Team Leader. Donor: Royal Netherlands Embassy. Counterpart
government agency: Bangladesh Department of Public Health Engineering.
Team Leader, Final Process Evaluation
Bara Province Maternal and Child Health Project
CARE International, The Sudan
Conducted a final process evaluation of a reproductive health project. Coordinated an
internal assessment of achievements, problems, and future program strategies. Made
recommendations about program design modification and local government accountability.
Prepared detailed report including a literature review on multiple reproductive health issues
and related social factors. Reported to Joe Kessler (CARE International), Country Director
Suzanne Hanchett, Planning Alternatives for Change LLC (p. 4)
for Sudan. Donor: UNFPA. Counterpart government agency: Sudan Ministry of Health,
Kordofan State.
Planning Consultant
HIV/AIDS Needs Assessment
Oregon/Washington Regional HIV Planning Council
& Multnomah County Health Dept., Portland, Oregon, USA
Working in collaboration with an epidemiologist, provided background information and
program recommendations on specific topics of concern to six-county regional Planning
Council. Topics included: the end of life, care-givers' needs and concerns, women with
HIV/AIDS, and special concerns of African-American and Hispanic populations with
HIV/AIDS. Did focus group interviews and visited all local hospice care facilities providing
care for people with AIDS. Interviewed service providers. Synthesized findings in a
substantial report. Reported to Jeanne Gould, Director of Planning, Multnomah County
Health Department.
Social Impact Consultant
Environmental Mitigation Action Programme
Bangladesh Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Project
Investigated economic and social effects of a river branch closure on commercial fishermen.
Methodology combined focus group discussion with analysis of Bangladesh census data and
extensive literature review. Made recommendations for mitigation of economic harm.
Reported to Ismail Mobarek, World Bank Infrastructure Department (Washington, DC)
Gender & Health Specialist
USAID Health Sector Technical Assistance Program
West Bank and Gaza
Prepared a thorough overview of gender issues in the Palestinian health sector. Conducted
a review of published and unpublished literature and interviewed individuals and groups at
all levels of Palestinian society, nongovernmental organizations providing health services or
training, and U.N. agency representatives. Among the topics covered were: gender
differentials in health professions, the need for uniform protocols, relationships between
nongovernmental/political organizations and the Palestinian Authority, revising the concept
of "maternal and child care," appropriate uses of paraprofessionals, age specific gender
differentials in health status. Recommended 13 specific program strategies. Reported to
Larry Heilman, Management Systems International (Washington, DC). Donor: USAID.
River-island (Char) Population Study
Environmental Study, Flood Action Plan
Supervised and participated in the work of a seven-person team that conducted rapid rural
appraisal investigations of sandbar island dwelling populations throughout Bangladesh.
Topics covered included: land holding arrangements, education and literacy levels, family
structure, relations with the mainland, water and sanitation knowledge, attitudes, and
practices (seasonal), women=s perceptions of water, sanitation, and health issues,
community structure, crisis management (when islands disappear), and other topics.
Conducted a full literature review to provide historical background to the study. All data
collected were from group interviews, key informants, and village transect walks. Reported
to G.T. Keith Pitman (of ISPAN/Irrigation Support Network for Asia and the Near East).
Suzanne Hanchett, Planning Alternatives for Change LLC (p. 5)
Donor: USAID. Counterpart government agency: Bangladesh Ministry of Water Resources,
Flood Plan Coordination Organization.
Writing Group Member
Guidelines for People=s Participation
Bangladesh Water Development Board
As part of a small working group, drafted Bangladesh Water Development Board Guidelines
for People's Participation (first version). Guidelines were adopted as agency policy.
Senior Advisor and Gender Specialist
Flood Response Study
Bangladesh Flood Action Plan
As director of a five-person Gender Study team, conducted a study of 80 rural women=s
flood-coping strategies in five rural villages, 1991-92. Collected data on women=s
employment status, education and literacy, asset control and ownership, uses of credit,
domestic water supplies, water purification techniques, and individual and household
characteristics. Compared female-headed households with others. Integrated findings with
data from a 30-village survey of flood response patterns in more than 2000 sample
households. Methods: survey research and participatory rural appraisal. Reported to G.T.
Keith Pitman (of ISPAN). Donor: USAID. Counterpart government agency: Bangladesh
Ministry of Water Resources, Flood Plan Coordination Organization.
Coordinator, Kinship and Foster Care Program
Child Welfare Administration
1990 - 91
Had oversight and executive advisory responsibility for policy and operation of a multi-divisional
program placing more than 20,000 children with relatives. Developed a management monitoring
system and plans to modify agency procedures. Advised the commissioner on program and
administrative modifications. Reported to Robert Little, Deputy Commissioner, Child Welfare.
Coordinator, Mayor=s Office of Adolescent Pregnancy
and Parenting Services
1988 - 1990
Managed a five-person mayoral office dedicated to improving services for at-risk youth and
pregnant or parenting adolescents. Conducted regular surveillance of available statistics and
frequent public education activities, as well as monitoring the activities of more than ten municipal
agencies (through a very participatory inter-agency council), and presenting testimony to legislative
committees. Developed City policies and programs. Advised the Mayor on reproductive health
issues. Reported to Stanley Brezenoff, Deputy Mayor.
Project Director, Community Planning for Teens
Bureau of Maternity Services and Family Planning
New York City Department of Health
Designed and implemented a community-based planning project oriented to teen pregnancy
prevention. Used census data to identify small, high-risk communities otherwise by-passed by public
programs; wrote a request for proposals and provided orientation to grant-seekers; managed the
grant review, contracting, and monitoring process. Reported to Dr. Wendy Chavkin, Bureau
Suzanne Hanchett, Planning Alternatives for Change LLC (p. 6)
Senior Planner, Office of Services Planning,
Human Resources Administration
1986 - 1988
Planned and supervised study of adolescents in foster care. Researched community participation
programs. Organized welfare reform conference. Reported to Glauco Perez, Office Director.
Development Director,
Community Family Planning Council, New York, NY 1983-86
Developed proposals, managed grants, and supervised program-related research.
Researched patient origins and evaluated a program to reduce teen pregnancies. Reported
to Dr. Ana O. Dumois, Executive Director, CFPC (new name: Community Healthcare
Director, Government and Foundation Grants 1979 - 83
Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration Corp.
Brooklyn, New York
Managed solicitation of public and private grants of $10,000 to $1 million.
1969 - 78
Visiting Assistant Professor, Barnard College, Department of Anthropology (1978)
Assistant Professor, Queens College, City University of New York (1971 -1978)
Ogden Mills Fellow, Department of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History (1970-71)
Instructor, Anthropology, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY (1969 -1970)
Conducted more than two years of field research in rural communities of South India (Karnataka
State) as supervisor of a five-person local team while residing full-time in two villages, 1966-67,
1976 and 1977, plus follow-up studies in 1985. Research was supported by nationally competitive
grants from: National Institutes of Mental Health, the American Institute of Indian Studies (and
Smithsonian Institution), and the Fulbright Faculty Research Abroad Program. Data analysis was
supported by the American Museum of Natural History (New York). Book writing was supported by
the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council.
Research Topics: land reform, caste and class, kinship systems, social networks, peasant
markets, gender concepts and practices, social and cultural meanings of folk rituals.
Courses Taught: Introduction to Anthropology, Anthropological Theory, Gender, Religion
and Society, Folklore, Peoples and Cultures of South Asia, peoples and Cultures of East
Asia, Seminar on Applied Anthropology (Zurich University).
Ph.D., Anthropology, Columbia University, New York
B.A., Sociology and Anthropology, Reed College, Portland, Oregon
American Anthropological Assn., Fellow; Society for Applied Anthropology, Fellow; Association for
Women’s Rights in Development; NGO Committee on the Status of Women, NY; International
Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES); International Women’s Anthropology
Conference; American Public Health Association; Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
Woodrow Wilson Fellow; National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship; Fulbright Faculty Research
Abroad award; American Institute of Indian Studies research grant; American Council of Learned
Societies writing grant
Suzanne Hanchett, Planning Alternatives for Change LLC (p. 7)
English, native speaker; French good (conversation and writing); Bengali, basic (conversation only);
Kannada good (conversation only); Russian intermediate (conversation and writing; not used
1988, Coloured Rice; Symbolic Structure in Hindu Family Festivals. Delhi: Hindustan Pub. Corp.
2000, (with co-authors) Arsenic Awareness in Six Bangladesh Towns. Dhaka, Bangladesh: The
Royal Netherlands Embassy.
2012, (with Kazi Rozana Akhter) Managing Domestic Water in Bangladesh After the Arsenic Crisis:
A Case Study. In Water, Cultural Diversity, and Global Environmental Change; Emerging Trends,
Sustainable Futures? Barbara Rose Johnston, ed. Jakarta and Dordrecht: UNESCO/IHP and
Springer. pp. 241-244.
2012, A New Type of Social Problem. In Water, Cultural Diversity, and Global Environmental
Change; Emerging Trends, Sustainable Futures? Barbara Rose Johnston, ed. Jakarta and
Dordrecht: UNESCO/IHP and Springer. p. 249.
2010, (with Richard Bart Johnston and Mohidul Hoque Khan) Commentary: The Socio-economics of
Arsenic Removal. Nature Geoscience 3:2-3.
2004, (with Begum Shamsun Nahar) Gender Issues in Bangladesh Sanitation Programmes. In South
Asian Conference on Sanitation SACOSAN 2003; Dhaka, Bangladesh 21-23 October-2003. Editors:
M. Feroze Ahmed, Sk. Abu Jafar Shamsuddin, and Ryan Knox. Dhaka: Local Government
Division, Ministry olf Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Government of the
People=s Republic of Bangladesh. pp. 231-233.
2003, Applied Anthropology. Encyclopaedia Britannica (on-line).
2003, (with S. Akhter and M.H. Khan) Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Bangladeshi Slums: An
Evaluation of the WaterAid-Bangladesh Urban Programme. Environment & Urbanization 15:2:43-55.
2002, Rites of Passage; Puberty Rituals. In Encyclopedia of Indian Folklore, Peter Claus, Sarah
Diamond, and Margaret Mills, eds. Taylor & Francis.
2002, (with Q. Nahar et al.) Increasing Awareness of Arsenic in Bangladesh: Lessons from a Public
Education Programme. Health Policy and Planning 17:4:393-401.
1997, Participation and Policy Development: A Bangladesh Case. Development Policy Review
1997, (with R. Akhter & J. Akhter) Gender and Society in the Bangladesh Flood Action Plan. In
Culture, Power and the Environment: Water Resource Development and Its Effects on the Human
Community, ed. J. Donahue and B. Johnston. Washington, DC: Island Press. pp. 209-234.
1997, Women's Empowerment and the Development Research Agenda: A Personal Account from
the Bangladesh Flood Action Plan. Feminist Issues 15:1-2:42-71.
1995, Not To Be Beaten Down [Fourth World Conference on Women]. Populi (UNFPA) 22:8:15-17.
1990, Urban Poverty and Community Development in the United States. In Urbanization and
Slums, edited by A. R. Desai and S. Devadas Pillai. Bombay: Popular Prakashan (revised edition).
1978, Recent Trends in the Study of Folk Hinduism and India's Folklore. J. of Indian Folkloristics.
1976, Land Tenure and Social Change in a Mysore Village. In Changing India: Studies in Honour of
Professor G. S. Ghurye, ed. S. Devadas Pillai. Bombay: Popular Prakashan. pp. 181-188.
1975, Hindu Potlatches: Ceremonial Reciprocity and Prestige in South India. In Competition and
Modernization in South Asia, edited by Helen E. Ullrich. Delhi: Abhinav. pp. 27-59.
1974, Reflections and Oppositions: on Structuralism. In Structural Approaches to South India
Studies, edited by Harry M. Buck and Glenn E. Yocum. Chambersburg, PA: Wilson Books. pp. 5-16.
1972, Festivals and Social Relations in a Mysore Village: Mechanics of Two Processions. Economic
and Political Weekly (Bombay), vol. VII, nos. 31-33, pp. 1517-1522.
Suzanne Hanchett, Planning Alternatives for Change LLC (p. 8)
2012, Bengali Women’s Ideas About Water Quality. Presentation to U.N. Conference on Sustainable
Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2012, Is Qualitative Research Scientific? Presentation to annual meetings of the Society for Applied
Anthropology, Baltimore, MD.
2011, Arsenic Removal Filters in Bangladesh: A Technical and Social Assessment (with Richard
Johnston and Mohidul Hoque Khan). Presentation to Water and Health Conference: Where Science
Meets Policy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
2011, Programs and Pollution: Establishing Universal Sanitation Coverage in Rural Bangladesh.
Presentation to annual meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle, WA.
2011, (with Mohidul Hoque Khan, Laurie Krieger, Craig Kullman, and the World Bank Water and
Sanitation Program) Sustainability of Sanitation in Rural Bangladesh. Presentation to 35 th WEDC
International Conference on The Future of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: Innovation, Adaption
and Engagement in a Changing World. Loughborough, UK.
2009 (with Kazi Rozana Akhter, Shireen Akhter, and Anwar Islam) Meanings of Water in Bengali
Culture. Presentation to Fifth World Water Forum, Istanbul, Turkey.
1997, NGOs and Government: Shifting Relationships Viewed from a Comparative Public
Administration Perspective. Presentation to annual meetings, Society for Applied Anthropology.
1995, Adolescent Childbearing in the U.S.: Social and Policy Considerations. Presented at 1995 NGO
Forum, Fourth World Conference on Women, Huairou, Beijing, China.
1996, A Participation Program Abandoned; District Advisory Councils and the New York City Social
Service Bureaucracy. Presentation at annual meetings, Society for Applied Anthropology.
1995, Turmoil at the Top: Policy Development and Policy Implementation in New York City
Bureaucracy. Presentation at annual meetings of the Society for Applied Anthropology,
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
1993, Riverain Sandbars (Chars) of Bangladesh: Constraints and Potential in Socioeconomic
Development. (with Md. Mustafa Alam) Paper presented to the joint meeting of the International
Studies Association, Western Region, and Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast. Monterey, California,
Monterey Inst. of International Studies.
2010, The Bangladesh Sanitation Revolution: It Takes a Country. Washington, DC: The Manoff
Group (report submitted to the World Bank Water and Sanitation Program)
2009, Final Summary Report on Social and Economic Assessment of Arsenic Removal Technologies.
Planning Alternatives for Change and Pathways Consulting Services Ltd. (report submitted to
UNICEF Bangladesh, Water and Environmental Sanitation Section)
2006, Final Evaluation: Building Community Arsenic Mitigation Response. Dhaka: WHO.
2004, Social Aspects of the Arsenic Contamination of Drinking Water; A Review of Practice in
Bangladesh and West Bengal. Dhaka: MLGRD,C, Arsenic Policy Support Unit (available on web)
2002, WaterAid Bangladesh Hygiene Promotion Evaluation Study. Dhaka: DFID-Bangladesh.
2001, WaterAid Urban Project Evaluation Report. Dhaka: WaterAid-Bangladesh.
2001, Rural Water-sharing, Sanitation & Hygiene: the Social Aspect. Dhaka: Environmental Sanitation,
Hygiene and Water Supply in Rural Areas (GOB-UNICEF/WES).
2001, Final Evaluation, CARE-SAFER. Dhaka: CARE Bangladesh, Health and Population Section.
1999, Final Evaluation: Hygiene Education, Gender, and Community Participation, 18 Districts Town
Project, DHV Consultants (Dhaka, Bangladesh), 4 volumes.
1997, Bara Maternal/Child Health and Family Planning Project (Sudan): Final Evaluation. Khartoum:
1998 & 1999, Baseline Study, Five Districts Water and Sanitation Project. Dhaka:DPHE-Danida & DHV.
1996, HIV Planning Council Needs Assessment: Focus Groups and Individual Interviews. Portland,
Oregon: Multnomah County Health Department.
1995, Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Project/Environmental Management Action Plan; World Bank
Fisheries Supervision Mission, May-June: Socioeconomic Assessment. Wash., DC:World Bank.
Suzanne Hanchett, Planning Alternatives for Change LLC (p. 9)
1994, Women and the Palestinian Health Sector: A Gender Assessment for the USAID Health
Program. Washington, DC: Management Systems International.
1992, Economic and Social Significance of Flood for the Rural Household: Findings of the Gender
Study. In Final Report; Flood Response Study (FAP 14). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Report by
ISPAN/USAID, done for Flood Plan Coordination Organization.
1991, Restructuring the Kinship Foster Care Program; A Concept Paper. New York City Child
Welfare Administration.
Dr. Stanley Freed, Department of Anthropology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY
Dr. Richard Johnston, EAWAG, Switzerland, Email:
Dr. Abraham Rosman, Emeritus Professor, Barnard College, Columbia University
Suzanne Hanchett, Planning Alternatives for Change LLC (p. 10)