Students in Year 10 and 11 Applying to TAFE for 2016

From the Careers Counsellor
Students in Year 10 and 11 Applying to TAFE for 2016
Students that have put in an expression of interest to TAFE for courses for 2016 should have
received their enrolment packs this week for courses commencing in Semester One 2016. These
packs have been sent directly to the email addresses that the students provided on the nomination
Students are reminded to please check their emails (including their junk folder) to ensure that they
have received their enrolment pack. STUDENTS HAVE 14 DAYS TO ENROL INTO THE COURSE.
Diploma of Business – Year 12
Congratulations to the following students in Year 12 who have completed a Diploma of Business in
2015 through Careers Australia while completing their Year 12 school program. This Diploma will
offer students opportunities to participate in courses at University which they may not necessarily
have been able to and may also be able to obtain credits for courses and electives in 2016.
The students are Alexia Billings, Luke Cowell, Teah Day, Mason Donald, Jayden George, Sebastien
Maurice, Alevtina Subba and Mikaela Timms.
University Study While at School – Year 12
Congratulations to the following students that completed a university course in 2015. These courses
may attract guaranteed entry into a degree program and may provide a credit of one subject
towards study in 2016.
Griffith - Introduction to Performance Skills - Aaron Dora, Jessica Braund, Taylah Clements, Kelsey
Fraser and Karolyn Vele
Griffith - Introduction to Drawing - Jordan Burgess, Madison Muir and Chantelle Lockett
Griffith - Understanding Australian Cities - Amee Finlay
Griffith - Introduction to Criminology & Criminal Justice - Tahlia Johnston
Griffith Biology - Ashleigh Adler, Kristen Booth, Jack Christensen, Luke Cowell, Tayla Dallon, Teah
Day, Emily Finch, Kevin Fung, Tiana Holder, Ashleigh Holmes, Ashleigh Johnson, Caylum Lancaster,
Anjeli Marcos, Lachlan McAlphine, Safiyyah Odzic, Madison Smith, Dominic Squires, Trent Steiner,
Maddison Stuart, Duc Truong and Katelyn Zoethout
UQ SPARKQ-ed Research Immersion Program - Tessa Markham and Conor Anglim
Griffith Business Year 12 Program - Amber Kaats and Kelsey Fraser
Bond University - Contemporary Issues in Law and Society - Adell Ranger
Apprenticeships and Traineeships, Diploma and Certificate Courses From
Outside Providers
Besides the Certificate Courses that students have undertaken at Canterbury, some Year 12 students
have completed one or more courses or are in the process of completing traineeships with outside
employers and certificate courses through TAFE QLD, Skillstech, Careers Australia and other Private
Students in Year 12 are:
Adrian Garcia, Alexander Trickett, Andrew Jones, Angus Robb, Blake Muller, Bradley Vickery,
Brock Littlefair, Bryce Hansen, Carl Rooke, Derek Desplace, Emily Parker, Jack Pink, James Ward,
Jason Chaffey, Jessica Gumz, Jessica Walker, Kayla Wishart, Nezia Irakoze, Raymond Jenkinson,
Samuel Gill, Thomas Bowness and Thomas McHugh.
Congratulations to all students on their achievements in the Vocational Education and Tertiary
QTAC offer rounds November 2015 – February 2016
QTAC offers places in courses on specific dates. These are called ‘Offer rounds’. The offer round
dates between November 2015 and February 2016 are:
 26 November 2015 - Early offer round – offers may be made for some courses that have
their major offer round on 14 January 2016. The offers will be made to applicants who have
met the entry requirements (e.g. subject prerequisites) and already have a qualification (e.g.
AMEB seventh or eighth grade; Diploma)
 17 December 2015 - Major offer round for many Semester 1 2016 creative and performing
arts courses. See page 6 of the QTAC Guide for a list of courses offered at this time
 14 January 2016 - Major offer round for most Semester 1 2016 courses
 4 February 2016 – Subsequent offer round for most Semester 1 2016 courses
 11 – 25 February 2016 – Top-up offers for any remaining vacancies for Semester 1 2016
It is a good idea to monitor your emails on the dates of the offer rounds, as QTAC will notify you by
email if you have received an offer. Log into Application Services (in your QTAC account) for details
of your offers. Once you have received an offer you must respond to QTAC (usually within seven
days). Failure to do this could mean you forfeit your offer and that your application becomes
Educational Access Scheme
EAS helps students whose studies have been affected by circumstances beyond their control.
Students nominate EAS on their QTAC application when they apply online. If a student wants to
apply for the Educational Access Scheme (EAS) after they’ve lodged their QTAC application, they
must print the relevant EAS cover sheets from the QTAC website, fill them out, and return them to
QTAC with their supporting documentation attached.
Reminder: schools must complete the School Statement section of the English Language Difficulty,
Personal Illness and Disability and Educational Disruption cover sheets.
Students must post EAS documents to PO Box 1331, Milton, Queensland 4064 or deliver them in
person to Level 4, 154 Melbourne Street, South Brisbane.
The due date to submit EAS documentation for the 14 January 2016 offer round is 30 November
For more information email
Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre Ltd.
Level 4, 154 Melbourne Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101
QTAC’s new website for parents
This website at provides an overview of tertiary study and
useful tips for parents to help their children with the application and offer process. Other
information on the site includes choosing courses and institutions and investigating support services.
Stay connected
Once you have submitted your QTAC application, it is important that you stay connected with QTAC
and your application. Do this by:
 Interacting with your application regularly
 Checking your emails – QTAC uses email (and sometimes SMS) to communicate directly with
 Visiting the QTAC Facebook site – read current messages and watch QTAC and institution
 Looking out for QTAC Twitter feeds
 Downloading the free QTAC App.
For more contact information, see the QTAC website at
Receiving your Year 12 results
Year 12 students will receive their Senior Education Profile (SEP) from the Queensland Curriculum
and Assessment Authority (QCAA) in the mail from Friday 18 December 2015. The Senior Education
Profile will be made up of one or more of the following documents (depending on your eligibility).
 Queensland Certificate of Education
 Tertiary Entrance Statement (OP and FPs)
 Senior Statement
 Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement.
All results contributing to the Queensland Certificate of Education and OPs and FPs will be available
in your Learning Account on the Student Connect website at
from 9 am on Saturday 19 December 2015. You need your Learner Unique Identifier (LUI) and
password (initially the day and month of birth) to log in and check your results. You will be able to
access your results more quickly if you have previously accessed your Learning Account. Find out
more about the SEP at
Uni and You Guide 2016
The Australian Catholic University has produced this booklet for Year 12 students transitioning to
university in 2016. It contains information on life at university, university terminology, student
support available, differences between school and university, and much more. You can access the
booklet at
Academy of Design Open Days
The Academy of Design has campuses on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane. It offers courses in fashion
design and styling, photography, film and TV, graphic arts, makeup, beauty therapy and interior
design. VET-FEE HELP is available for eligible students. The Academy will hold the following open
 30 and 31 October 2015 at the Brisbane campus
 14 November 2015 at the Gold Coast campus.
Visit for details and to register to attend.
Australian College of Applied Psychology (ACAP) information evening
ACAP provides accredited diploma and degree courses in counselling, psychology, case
management, coaching, social work, youth work and social science. ACAP’s Brisbane campus will
hold an information session at 6 pm on Wednesday 18 November 2015. Visit for details.
SAE Qantm Info Night
SAE Qantm offers tertiary level courses in Audio, Film, Interactive Technologies, Sound Production,
Animation, Design, Screen and Media and Games Development. HELP loans are available for eligible
students. The college will hold an information night at its Brisbane campus from 6 – 8 pm on
Thursday 19 November 2015. For details about the evening, visit
University of Queensland (UQ) Online Fair for International Students and
their families
This event will be held on 12 November 2015. At the online fair, UQ representatives will be available
to chat with you and your parents about available courses, entry requirements, application and offer
processes, accommodation, future employment, scholarships, entry pathways and other information
you might require. Current UQ students will also be available to chat with you about life at UQ and
in Brisbane. Find out more at
Australian National University (ANU) Love Scholarship
There will be two scholarships available in 2016, one open to a school leaver applying for any course
and the second open to a school leaver applying for a Science degree and intending to major in
Physics. The scholarships are valued up to $50,000 over five years of full-time study. More
information can be accessed at Applications close on 6 January 2016.
Auswide Bank Scholarship
This scholarship, worth $5,000, is to support deserving first year students enrolling at the
CQUniversity’s Bundaberg campus in 2016 in an undergraduate Business or Finance/Accounting
program. The scholarship application due date is 30 November 2015. Find out more at
CAS Hawker Scholarships
The Charles Allan Seymour Hawker Scholarship commemorates the achievements of one of
Australia’s most respected statesmen. Selection for this scholarship is made through interview and
is based on personal qualities as well as academic ability. A full C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship normally
covers all college fees and university HECS fees. Successful applicants can chose to study at one of
the following institutions:
 Australian National University - Canberra
 Flinders University of South Australia – South Australia
 University of Adelaide – South Australia
 University of New England – New South Wales
 University of South Australia – South Australia
 Marcus Oldham College - Victoria
 University of Cambridge – the United Kingdom.
Applications for the 2016 C.A.S. Hawker Scholarships open on Monday 7 December 2015 and will
close on Friday 8 January 2016. For more information, visit
College Music Achievement Scholarships for 2016
The University of Queensland (UQ), in collaboration with St Leo's College and Duchesne College
(residential colleges at UQ), award these scholarships to encourage college residents who are
enrolled or planning to enrol in studies in music. Applications close on 13 November 2015. Find out
more at
Do a scholarship search on the myfuture website
Search for an award or scholarship on the myfuture website at You can search by using keywords or refine
your search by region, field of study, level, type of support required or target group.
Fee-free vocational training for Year 12 graduates
This program supports Queensland Year 12 graduates to transition to employment by providing feefree training for a Certificate III qualifications in high priority vocational areas. Visit for eligibility
criteria, a list of high priority qualifications and FAQs about the program.
Rural Training Queensland scholarships
Queensland Minister for Agriculture Scholarships - Ten $5,000 scholarships will be made
available to students commencing full time studies at Emerald Agricultural College and Longreach
Pastoral College in 2016. Applicants must be over 15 years of age as at 1 January 2016 and reside in
Queensland. The successful students will study either Emerald Agricultural College Australian
Primary Industries Program or Longreach Pastoral College Extensive Livestock Production Program
during the 2016 and 2017 academic year. See for more information.
The Central Highlands Cotton Growers and Irrigators Association and Cotton Australia's
Emerald Agricultural College Scholarships – Two $10,000 scholarships will be offered to
students who enrol in the Australian Primary Industries Program, to commence studies in Semester
1 2016. Applications are open now, and close on 30 November 2015. For more information visit
How to survive exam stress
The Headspace website has tips
to help reduce the stress of exams.
Keeping your cool: How to get into the right mindset for Year 12 final exams
The following information is from the ‘What degree? Which university?’ website at This website is developed by students for students.
Exercise - Exercise is anxiety’s kryptonite. There’s no better way to keep your stress levels down in
the lead-up to exams than by taking the time to exercise every day. It can be as simple as going for a
walk in your neighbourhood, and just half an hour will do the trick. Not only that, but it’s been
shown that there is a link between memory and kinetic movement. In the final days before exams,
it’s easy to feel like all your time is better spent at your desk – but the truth is, getting your blood
flowing will actually supplement your study time by helping you retain what you have learnt!
Sleep – Sleep is your best study partner! Sleep is essential to effective memory. Do you ever have
that feeling when you wake up, where something you’ve struggled to get your head around the
night before, suddenly seems clear and straightforward? Well, while you’re asleep, your brain is
actually hard at work, sorting through and reinforcing all the things you’ve learnt in a day. Listen to
an interview with American neuroscientist Penelope Lewis
( as she explains just how good sleep is for your brain.
Perspective - Repeat after me: Year 12 is just one year of my life – a life that will be filled with lots
and lots of other exciting work and opportunities. Keeping things in perspective is crucial to
maintaining your cool. And it’s not just a nice message to tell yourself to try to feel better while
secretly, a little voice in your head is screaming, “Lies, it’s all lies! This is the biggest thing you will
ever do!” as the other side of your brain tries really hard to ignore it. There is an abundance of other
paths that lead to what you love, or think you love, both at university and in the working world
beyond. When you are feeling relaxed, your thoughts flow more clearly, you show more creativity
and you can tackle any exam question that’s thrown at you with your mind at its sharpest.
Colette Naicker
Careers Counsellor
'The above information has been gathered from a range of sources including Options
Careers Information Bulletins and publicly available websites, institutional and organisational
newsletters, student and career advisers and guidance officers. Every effort has been made
to ensure the information provided is accurate and up-to-date at the time of publication.'