2015-16 GENERAL EDUCATION REGISTRATION GUIDE SCIENCE ELECTIVES: The following science courses fulfill our gen.ed. core requirements for 4 hours of science electives: (All have online labs.) FALL SI134 Human Biology (T/H per. 5 with online lab) with Brisker— Prerequisite: Recommended completion of high school biology. SI160 General Chemistry (T/H per. 6 with online lab) with Brisker—Prerequisites: SI131, Recommended completion of high school algebra or chemistry with a grade of C or above. SI231 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (T/H per. 3) would meet our science gen. ed. requirement; however it is only open to Intercultural Ministry Nursing students and Pre-Nursing students, or by permission of instructor (Brisker). SPRING SI132 Intro. to Biology (M/W per. 6 with online lab) with Brisker— Prerequisite: Recommended completion of high school biology. SI136 Microbiology &Immunology (T/H per. 5) with Brisker would meet our science gen. ed. requirement; however it is only open to Intercultural Ministry Nursing students and Pre-Nursing students, or by permission of the instructor —Prerequisites: SI132 or high school biology with a grade of C or above. SI232 Human Anatomy and Physiology II would meet our science gen. ed. requirement; however it is only open to Intercultural Ministry Nursing students and Pre-Nursing students, or by permission of instructor (Brisker). Prerequisite SI231 with a grade of C or above. MATHEMATICS ELECTIVES: Note: Students with a Math ACT score of 16 or lower must take SI099, Fundamentals of Mathematics, offered per. 5 with Diltz. This course is offered every fall and is a prerequisite to any other math elective if the student’s math ACT is 16 or lower. Even for upperclassmen, please make sure you check their ACT score before registering them for a math course. The following mathematics courses fulfill our gen.ed. core requirements for 4 hours of mathematics electives: FALL SI122 Beginning Algebra (M/W per. 5) with Schmeltzer. No prerequisite for students with Math ACT of 17+. SI152 College Algebra (M/W per. 6) with Schmeltzer. Prerequisite: SI131 Intermediate Alg. or placement test. SI314 Discrete Mathematics (M/W per. 2) with Schmeltzer. Prerequisite: SI131 Intermediate Alg SPRING SI102 Introduction to Math Systems (M/W per. 5) with Schmeltzer. No prerequisite. SI131 Intermediate Algebra (M/W per. 6) with Schmeltzer. Prerequisite SI122 Beginning Algebra or high school Algebra I. SI226 Calculus (M/W per. 3) with Schmeltzer with extra hybrid requirement for fourth hour. Prerequisite: SI152 College Algebra. TECHNOLOGY ELECTIVES: The following technology courses fulfill our gen.ed. core requirements for 2-3 additional hours of math/science/tech electives: FALL SI100 Computer Literacy (Hybrid; T/H per. 4) with Christopher. Open as a general computer elective; no prerequisites. TE147 Educational Technology (M/W per. 1) with Burchett. Offered by TE department, but open to other majors. SPRING SI100 Computer Literacy (Hybrid; T/H per. 4) with Christopher. Open as a general computer elective; no prerequisites. TE147 Educational Technology (M/W per. 1) with Burchett. Offered by TE department, but open to other majors. CM204 Technology in the Church (M/W per. 4) with Potts. Offered by Religion department, but open to other majors. COMMUNICATION REQUIREMENTS: All students are required to take one oral communications course and the English Comp I/II sequence. FALL and SPRING SP200 Basic Oral Communications—3 hybrid sections with Forsythe: M/W per. 3, 5, & 6 ENGLISH COMPOSITION REQUIREMENTS: All students take Composition I and II. There are nine sections of each available, and all sections are hybrid. Some students are required to take Basic Writing Lab concurrently: Students with an English ACT score of 15-16 must take LA097 (1 hr) Basic Writing Lab both semesters concurrently with Comp I and Comp II; however, if they achieve a B- or higher in Comp I in the Fall, they will be exempt from taking it in the Spring. (They must register for LA097 until grades are submitted.) Students with an English ACT score of 14 or lower must take LA099 (3 hrs) Basic Writing Lab both semesters concurrently with Comp I and Comp II. If they achieve a B- or higher in Comp I in the Fall, they will have the option of moving from LA099 (3 hrs) to LA097 (1 hr) in the Spring. (They must register for LA099 [3 hrs]until grades are submitted.) HUMANITIES CORE: Each major requires 8 hours of humanities. Students must take courses from at least 3 of the four humanities divisions: Literature, History, Philosophy/Ethics, and Fine Arts. The following courses count toward the humanities core: LITERATURE ELECTIVES: FALL LA399 Special Topics in Literature (Hybrid meets Tuesdays; T/H per. 3) with Barr. Course title: "Joining Hands: American Literature and the Beloved Community." LA211 Children’s Literature (T/H, per. 5) with Stevenson. (NOTE: Discourage students from taking this course unless they are entering a career field in which they will be working with children. This course is not to be viewed as an easy literature elective!) LA351 Literature for Adolescents (meeting time TBA) with Stonerock. (NOTE: This course is geared toward middle childhood education majors. As a TBA scheduled course, it is not designed to be a large course. Most students needing a general literature elective should be encouraged to wait until Spring and take Introduction to Literature or Selected Topics in Literature. If they must have a fall literature elective course, however, they may choose this one. SPRING LA302 Introduction to Literature (Hybrid meets Thursdays; T/H per. 3) with Stonerock. FINE ARTS ELECTIVES: FALL MU100 Fine Arts Appreciation (M/W, per. 4) with Anthony ONLINE: FA108T Art Appreciation (ONLINE-T) with Everett REMEMBER: Chorale and all Vocal and Instrumental Ensembles also satisfy the 2 hours of eligible fine arts electives to count toward the humanities core. Studio lessons do not count toward the core. SPRING MU107 Music Appreciation (M/W, per. 4) with Anthony REMEMBER: Chorale and all Vocal and Instrumental Ensembles also satisfy the 2 hours of eligible fine arts electives to count toward the humanities core. Studio lessons do not count toward the core. HISTORY ELECTIVES: FALL SS205 US History I—2 sections (M/W per. 2; 2nd section T.B.A.) with Burchett SS201 Western Civ: Ancient-Medieval (M/W per. 5) with Burchett GOV101 Introduction to Government (T/H per. 1) with Burchett SS401 Church History I (M/W per 3) with Williamson SPRING SS206 US History II—2 sections (M/W per. 2; T/H per. 2) with Burchett SS202 Western Civ: Ancient-Medieval (M/W per. 5) with Burchett SS402 Church History II (M/W per. 3) with Williamson PHILOSOPHY/ETHICS ELECTIVES: FALL PH301 Intro. to Philosophy (T/H per. 6) with Case PH302 Ethics (M/W per. 1) with D. Brown. SPRING PE CREDIT FOR STUDENT INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETES: Changes have been made regarding our credits offered for intercollegiate sports participation. Read this carefully, and make sure that you student athletes are aware of this option. Many are not or assume that they are automatically registered. They MUST register for the course to get credit for the course: All intercollegiate (Varsity and JV) student athletes can register for one hour of elective academic credit per year per sport for free. The list of intercollegiate sports and their semester offering is listed below: o o o o o o o o o o PE 201 Women’s Volleyball--FALL PE202 Women’s Softball—SPRING PE203 Men’s Soccer—FALL PE204 Men’s Basketball—SPRING PE205 Women’s Soccer—FALL PE206 Women’s Basketball—SPRING PE207 Golf—SPRING PE208 Men’s Baseball—SPRING PE210 Cross Country—FALL PE211 Track & Field—SPRING One hour of credit can count per year played per sport. The hour is repeatable, so a 4-year student could potentially earn 4 elective credits. However, with NAIA rules, repeated hours do not count toward the credit hours for athletic eligibility. The hour can only count one time toward eligibility. The course is now a pass/fail course. To earn credit, the team member must complete the season. Ben Belleman will be overseeing the assignment of P/F letter grades for athletes registered for academic credit. HUMANITIES