Justin Career Plan A

 My plan A job is to play in the NHL and in the NHL your job is to
play hockey. The job description is you play hockey every single
day, it's like its not even a job because you get to live playing the
game you love. You also don't need any schooling to play in the
NHL. You get paid to play hockey and if you start not playing well
you might get sent down to the minors or get traded to a
different team.
 A typical day for an NHL player would be going to the rink having
practice and a quick work out, then either getting ready for the
game at home or getting on a plane and playing an away game
the following day.
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSNPnWxpFM4&feature=rel
 Hours expected to work: you're not really working your playing
hockey, you don’t have expected hours a lot of things you do
you come to the rink on your time. But they do have to be
certain places at certain times, just got to never be late.
 Risk of injury: In the NHL you can get injured a lot if you don't
stretch well you will pull lots of muscles and if you take a huge
hit you can get a concussion or badly hurt.
 Time of day and year: A lot of NHL players prepare all day long
and You play hockey all year except summer.
 Clothing required :of course hockey is indoors and hockey
equipment is required and suites before games and to meals.
 For your rookie year in the NHL you make 100,000$
and depending on how good your season goes in
your upcoming years you could make anywhere from
350,000-11,000,000 and if you're really good plus
 the NHL will be around forever because they are not
going to get rid of hockey, people love to watch it
and people love to play it.
 People couldn’t live without hockey. Hockey is just
one of those things that will be around forever,
because of how many people support it.
 Hockey is not just a sport to lots people its their life's,
some people live to play hockey and some to watch.
 university of western Ontario, start with getting my
bachelors of sciences degree and then go to med
 Cost: free full ride scholarship (WHL)
 to get in I would need my English 12 and any other three of
these ,Any Language 12,Biology 12,Calculus 12,Chemistry
12,Comparative Civilizations 12,Computer Science
12,Computer Studies 12,Economics 12,English 12,English 12
First Peoples English Language ,and Composition 12English
Literature ,12English Literature ,and Composition 12First
Nations Studies 12,Geography 12 ,Geology 12,History 12,
Human Geography 12,ICT: Computer Programming 12
,Information Technology 12,Introduction to Calculus
12,Jewish History 12,Philosophy 12 Physics 12,Principles of
Mathematics 12 and a B+ average
 University of Alberta located in Edmonton and I am
going to get my English degree and then apply to law
 Cost: free full ride scholarship (WHL)
 To get in you need all regular classes and have a gpa
of 3.0 to apply and then it’s the professors decision if
you have good enough grades and most importantly
English grades.
 Michigan state university and to get my bachelors of
science degree. To eventually become a sports
 Cost: if I went BCHL full ride scholarship
 To get in you need in high school I would have to take all
the normal courses and physics or biology or chemistry and
a really high grade in them for science, and prinicialbles of
math12 and to get in you need a minimum GPA of 3.10.Then
hopefully the professor thinks your worth his time.
 If the nhl didn’t work out I would…. They are related because I
like all these jobs and I’d have fun doing them.
 Number one I’d be a sports physiotherapist because I would
love helping people with sports injuries because I use to play
 Number two I’d be a . Anesthesiologist I would really like this job
because its only 5 hours a day and you’re the guy who has the
patient's life in your hands during surgery, also get to safe
peoples lives and I love pressure and when I do the job right I get
a big fat check.
 Number three I’d be a Lawyer because I would really like trying
to win in court and make the person I'm fighting for smile when I
win in court.
 I'm interested in this career because I have played
hockey my whole life and I'd like to continue doing so
and I have been interested in doing this since I was 6
years old. This job fits perfectly for my life style
because I eat, breathe and sleep hockey. My
personality because I'm classy and confident, my
interests travel and the NHL and strengths hockey
and leadership. It's all hockey hockey hockey. I'm
bound for the NHL.
 http://www.welcome.uwo.ca/preview/admissions/bcc
 For the nhl I got most of my information from TJ
galiardi who plays in the NHL
 www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/mact/nav03.cfm?nav03=83
 http://admissions.msu.edu/admission/transfer_limited
 Ms. Flannigan was a great help.