ASTEC Schools Weekly Lesson Plan 2014-2015 Name: Melanie Stephens Class: English III Monday Core Standard/Pass Skill: Various Today’s Objective: Test over unit one Bell Work/Starter: Study Anticipatory Set: n/a Tuesday R/L 3.1. a. Analyze the characteristics of genres including short story, novel, drama, poetry, and essay. Describe the elements of short story and analyze them throughout the reading Dom watch?v=Pm1vPzbKeI&feature=related Bio of Poe Lesson Line: (Process and Product) Test SIOP Strategy: Assessment: (points) Use notes Exam (100) Closure/Exit Ticket: n/a Memory List Items: Select Technology: Select Method(s): Period(s): 4 Date: 9.22.2014 Wednesday R/L 3.2. b. Analyze the way in which irony, tone, mood, the author’s style, and the ―sound‖ of language achieve specific rhetorical (communication) or aesthetic purposes Discuss the tone and mood of a piece of literature. Analyze its effect on the work. Dox Thursday R/L1. 5. Use word meanings within the appropriate context and verify these meanings by definition, restatement, example, and analogy. Friday R/L 3.2. d. Evaluate the significance of various literary devices and techniques, including imagery, irony, tone, allegory, and symbolism, and explain their appeal. Describe a character based on thoughts and actions Describe the theme of a literary work. Discuss how the author used literary devices to develop theme. Study for quiz /watch?v=5So_E6yPW40 Ask students to come up with the ways they know about a character- discuss with table. Trailer for “Fall of the House of Usher" Dorm watch?v=n0zkFo3IkcY “Vincent” Later- compare and contrast the themes found in the film and the story Finish story Finish Comic strip Final box should be a pictorial image of theme Take notes on short story Begin reading “The Fall of the House of Usher” Portray visually the atmosphereEverybody writes, table read Comic strip with summary Continue “Fall of the House of Usher” Continue discussion Continue Comic strip Vocab Quiz STEAL a character Groups Comic strip TPS, everybody writes STEAL Chart Name the four elements of short stories What is the difference between mood and tone? Orally-name one way we learn about a character? TPS, everybody writes, Completed comic strip (10) Formative Allegory (4) What is the overall takeaway from this week? Puritans, Tone, Symbolism Puritans, Tone, Symbolism Subject verb agreement, tense Allegory, symbolism, Puritans Allegory, symbolism, Puritans x SMART Overhead SMART Interact Computer Responder Navigator Other x Teacher Centered Lecture x Discussion Demonstration Hands-on Art x Collaborative x SMART Overhead iPad SMART Interact NEO2 Computer x Video Responder Digital Camera Navigator Calculator Other x Teacher Centered Student Centered Lecture Simulation x Discussion Role Play Demonstration Drama Hands-on Experiment/lab Art Project Based x Collaborative Other SMART Overhead iPad SMART Interact NEO2 Computer x Video x Responder Digital Camera Navigator Calculator Other Teacher Centered Student Centered Lecture Simulation x Discussion Role Play x Demonstration Drama Hands-on Experiment/lab Art Project Based Collaborative Other SMART Overhead SMART Interact Computer x Responder Navigator Other x Teacher Centered Lecture x Discussion Demonstration Hands-on Art x Collaborative SMART Overhead SMART Interact Computer Responder Navigator Other x Teacher Centered Lecture x Discussion Demonstration Hands-on Art Collaborative iPad NEO2 Video Digital Camera Calculator Student Centered Simulation Role Play Drama Experiment/lab Project Based Other x iPad NEO2 Video Digital Camera Calculator Student Centered Simulation Role Play Drama Experiment/lab Project Based Other iPad NEO2 Video Digital Camera Calculator Student Centered Simulation Role Play Drama Experiment/lab Project Based Other