PHY 111T Physics I, Theory L T P C 3 1 - 3 1: INTERFERENCE: Interference: Conditions for sustained interference. Interference due to (i) division of wave front ( Fresnel’s Biprism) and (ii) division of amplitude (Wedge shaped film, Newton’s Rings). Michelson Interferometer and its application for the (i) determination of wave length and (ii) resolution of closely spaced spectral lines. 2: DIFFRACTION: Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction. Fraunhofer diffraction through a single slit. Diffraction pattern due to a Plane transmission diffraction grating, absent spectra. Dispersive and Resolving Power. Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution. 3: POLARIZATION: Polarization as the violation of symmetry of light vibrations. . Uniaxial crystals and the concept of double refraction. Nicol Prism, Quarter and half wave plates. Polarimetry ; optical and specific rotation. Laurent’s half shade polarimeters. 4: LAGRANGE’S AND HAMILTON’S FORMULATIONS: Constrained Motion, Constraints and degree of freedom, Generalized Co-ordinates, D’Alembert’s Principle and Lagrange’s Equations, Velocity Dependent Potentials and the Dissipation function, Hamilton’s Principle, Some Techniques of the Calculus of Variations. 5: ELECTROMAGETIC WAVES: Gradient of Scalar field. Divergence and curl of a vector field and their physical significance. Statement of Gauss divergence and Stokes theorems (without proof). Law of conservation of charge (continuity equation). Basic laws of electromagnetic fields (differential and integral forms), concept of displacement current. Maxwell’s Equations in free space and conducting medium. EM –Waves and their transverse nature. Poynting vector. Conservation of electro-magnetic field energy (Poynting Theorem). 6:STATISTICAL MECHANICS: Statistical Distributions, Maxwell Boltzmann Statistics, Molecular Energies in an ideal gas, Quantum Statistics, Rayleigh-Jeans and Planks Formula. Free electrons in a metal. Electron energy distribution. 7:SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY : Michelson’s-Morley experiment and the concept of ether (medium). Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity. Lorentz space-time transformations and its consequences ( length contraction and Time dilation). Addition of velocities. Variation of mass with energy. Mass-energy equivalence. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Introduction to Electrodynamics-D.J.Griffith, 3rd Edition, PHI Learning Private Limited, 1999. 2. Solid State Physics – S.O. Pillai, Revised Sixth Edition, New Age Int.(P) Ltd. Pub., 2005. 3. Modern Physics for Engineers- S.P.Taneja, R.Chand & Co. Publishers, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2009 4. Classical Mechanics- Herbert Golstien, Narosa Publishing House, 2nd Edition. REFERENCE BOOKS 1.Fundamentals of Physics – David Halliday, Robert Resnik and K S Krane, 5th Edition, Wiley India, Reprint, 2011. 2.Concepts of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser, Sixth Edition, TMH Publication. 3.Quantum Mechanics Theory and Applications, A Ghatak & S Lokanathan, Macmillan Publishers India Limited, 2010. 4.Modern Engineering Physics- A.S.Vasudeva, S.Chand & Co. Publication ,LTD, 5th Edition, 2010. REFERENCE WEB SITES PHY 111P- PHYSICS-I PRACTICAL L T P C As per BU Physics Lab Manual - - 2 1 PHY 112T Physics II, Theory L T P C 3 1 - 3 1: QUANTUM PHYSICS: Difficulties with Classical physics, Black Body radiations Discovery of Planck’s constant, Introduction to quantum mechanics-simple concepts. Wave packet representation of quantum particle, phase velocity and group velocity. Schrodinger wave equations-time dependent and time independent, Concept of stationary states, particle in a onedimensional box. 2: CRYSTAL STRUCTURE: Amorphous and crystalline solids. Space lattice, unit cell and translation vector, Miller indices, X-ray diffraction (Bragg Law), Laue’s treatment to Bragg’s law, powder method, Scattered Wave Amplitude; Fourier Analysis, Inverse Fourier Series, Reciprocal Lattice Vector, Diffraction Conditions, Laue Equations. 3: FREE ELECTRON THEORY: Elements of classical free electron theory and its limitations. Drude’s theory of conduction, quantum theory of free electrons. Fermi level, density of states. Fermi-Dirac distribution function. Thermionic emission, Richardson’s equation. 4: BAND THEORY OF SOLIDS: Origin of energy bands, Kronig-Penny model (qualitative), E-K diagrams, Brillouin Zones, concept of effective mass and holes. Classification of solids into metals, semiconductors and insulators. Fermi energy and its variation with temperature. Hall Effect and its applications. 5: PHOTOCONDUCTIVITY & PHOTOVOLTAICS: Photoconductivity in insulating crystal, variation of photoconductivity with illumination, traps and their effect on photoconductivity, photodiodes, light emitting diodes, photo voltaic process and photovoltaics cells ( solar cell and its characteristics). 6: MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF SOLIDS: Atomic magnetic moments, orbital diamagnetism, Larmor’s theorem and Langevin’s theory of diamagnetism. Classical theory of paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, molecular fields and domain hypothesis. 7:SUPERCONDUCTIVITY: Introduction to superconductivity (definition and experimental survey). Meissner effect, London’s equation and theoretical basis for Meissner effect. Types of superconductors, BCS theory, Josephson Superconductor Tunneling; AC Josephson effect, DC Josephson effect, Macroscopic Quantum Interference. 8: NANO-SCIENCE: Features of nano-systems, concept of quantum size effect, Quantum well, wire and dots. TEXT BOOKS 1. Solid State Physics, S O Pillai, Revised Sixth Edition, New Age Int (P) Ltd. Pub., 2005 2. Modern Physics for Engineers- S.P.Taneja, R.Chand & Co. Publishers, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2009 3. Engineering Physics, Satya Prakash, Pragati Prakashan, 2010 4. Modern Engineering Physics- A.S.Vasudeva, S.Chand & Co. Publication ,LTD, 5th Edition, 2010. REFERENCE BOOKS 1.Introduction to Solid State Physics, C Kittel, 7th Edition, John Wiley, India. 2.Concepts of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser, Sixth Edition, TMH Publication 3.Quantum Mechanics Theory and Applications, A Ghatak & S Lokanathan, Macmillan Publishers India Limited, 2010. 4.Modern Engineering Physics- A.S.Vasudeva, S.Chand & Co. Publication ,LTD, 5th Edition, 2010. Reference Web Sites PHY 111P- PHYSICS-II PRACTICAL L T P C As per BU Physics Lab Manual - - 2 1 Bahra University, Shimla Hills, Waknaghat, Solan H.P List of Experiments in Engineering Physics Lab Branches: Common to All B Tech Branches. Experiment-1 To Find the Refractive Index and Cauchy’s Constants of a Prism by using Spectrometer. Experiment-2 To Find the Wavelength of Sodium light by Newton’s Rings Experiment. Experiment-3 To Calculate the Wavelength of Laser Beam. Experiment-4 To Study the diffraction using laser beam and hence determine the grating element of the given grating. Experiment-5 To Find the Wavelength of various Colours of white light with the help of a plane transmission diffraction grating. Experiment-6 To Determine the (i)Value of g by a Bar Pendulum. (ii)Radius of Gyration and the Moment of Inertia of the Pendulum. Experiment-7 To Study the Magnetic Susceptibility of FeCl3 by Quink’s method. Experiment-8 To determine the frequency of AC Mains using an Electric Vibrator Transverse arrangement. Experiment-9 To Study the Variation of Magnetic Field along the Axis of a Circular Coil Carrying Current and estimate the Radius of Coil. Experiment-10 To find the dielectric constant and atomic polarizability of a dielectric material. BAHRA UNIVERSITY, WAKNAGHAT, SOLAN, HIMACHAL PRADESH FIRST SEMESTER 2013 -2014 Course Code Course Title :PHY 111T : Physics-I Theory 1. Scope & Objective: The study of Subject matter related to Light, Mechanics and Electromagnetic waves is presented for the I semester B Tech students of all the Branches. 2. Course Description: The present course deals with the study of light as well as Mechanics. Interference, Diffraction, Polarization are the topics those deals with the study of light. Then in the next portion of the syllabus the Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Waves, Statistical Mechanics and Special Theory of Relativity is discussed for the B Tech Students of I year, in the I semester. Text Book: TB1. Introduction to Electrodynamics-D.J.Griffith, 3rd Edition, PHI Learning Private Limited, 1999. TB2. Solid State Physics – S.O. Pillai, Revised Sixth Edition, New Age Int.(P) Ltd. Pub., 2005. TB3. Modern Physics for Engineers- S.P.Taneja, R.Chand & Co. Publishers, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2009 TB4. Classical Mechanics- Herbert Golstien, Narosa Publishing House, 2nd Edition. Reference Book: RB1.Fundamentals of Physics – David Halliday, Robert Resnik and K S Krane, 5th Edition, Wiley India, Reprint, 2011. RB2. Concepts of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser, Sixth Edition, TMH Publication. RB3.Quantum Mechanics Theory and Applications, A Ghatak & S Lokanathan, Macmillan Publishers India Limited, 2010. RB4.Modern Engineering Physics- A.S.Vasudeva, S.Chand & Co. Publication ,LTD, 5th Edition, 2010. 3. Lecture Plan/Course Plan: Lecture Learning Topics to be covered Chapter/Secti Number Objectives on 1-2(2) Interference Interference: Conditions for sustained interference. TB3 1.1-1.6 3-5 (3) Interference Interference due to (i) division of wave front TB3 (Fresnel’s Biprism) and (ii) division of amplitude 1.7(brief), 1.8, (Wedge shaped film, Newton’s Rings). 1.11 6-7 (2) Interference Michelson Interferometer and its application for the TB3 1.12 (i) determination of wave length and (ii) resolution of closely spaced spectral lines. 8-9 (2) Diffraction 10-13 (4) Diffraction 14-16 (3) Polarization 17-18 (2) Polarization 19-21 (3) 2225(4) 26-28(3) 29-32 (4) 33-37 (5) 38-39 (2) 40-42 (3) Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction. Fraunhofer TB3 2.1-2.4 diffraction through a single slit. Diffraction pattern due to a Plane transmission TB3 2.5-2.11 diffraction grating, absent spectra. Dispersive and Resolving Power. Rayleigh’s criterion for resolution Polarization as the violation of symmetry of light TB3 3.1-3.9 vibrations. Uniaxial crystals and the concept of double refraction. Nicol Prism. Quarter and half wave plates. Polarimetry; optical TB3 3.11, and specific rotation. Laurent’s half shade 3.14.1 polarimeters. Lagrange’s and Constrained Motion, Constraints and degree of TB4 1.2, 1.3 Hamilton’s freedom, Generalized Co-ordinates. Formulations Lagrange’s and D’Alembert’s Principle and Lagrange’s Equations, TB4 1.4, 1.5, Hamilton’s Velocity Dependent Potentials and the Dissipation 2.1, 2.2 Formulations function, Hamilton’s Principle, Some Techniques of the Calculus of Variations. Electromagnetic Gradient of Scalar field. Divergence and curl of a TB3 Waves vector field and their physical significance. 7.1(7.1.1Statement of Gauss divergence and Stokes theorems 7.1.3), 7.5 (without proof). Law of conservation of charge TB1 (continuity equation). 1.3.4-1.3.5 Electromagnetic Basic laws of electromagnetic fields (differential and TB3 7.7, 7.8. Waves integral forms), concept of displacement current. 7.9, 7.10,7.11 Maxwell’s Equations in free space and conducting medium. EM –Waves and their transverse nature. Poynting vector. Conservation of electro-magnetic field energy (Poynting Theorem). Statistical Statistical Distributions, Maxwell Boltzmann RB2 9.1 to Mechanics Statistics, Molecular Energies in an ideal gas, 9.6 and 9.9 Quantum Statistics, Rayleigh-Jeans and Planks Formula. Free electrons in a metal. Electron energy distribution. Special Theory Michelson’s-Morley experiment and the concept of TB3 9.1-9.6 of Relativity ether (medium). Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity. Special Theory Lorentz space-time transformations and its TB3 9.7-9.10 of Relativity consequences (length contraction and Time dilation). Addition of velocities. Variation of mass with energy. Mass-energy equivalence. BAHRA UNIVERSITY, WAKNAGHAT, SOLAN, HIMACHAL PRADESH SECOND SEMESTER 2013 -2014 Course Code Course Title :PHY 112T : Physics-II Theory 1. Scope & Objective: The study of Subject matter related to Light, Mechanics and Electromagnetic waves is presented for the I semester B Tech students of all the Branches. 2. Course Description: The present course deals with the study of light as well as Mechanics. Interference, Diffraction, Polarization are the topics those deals with the study of light. Then in the next portion of the syllabus the Classical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Waves, Statistical Mechanics and Special Theory of Relativity is discussed for the B Tech Students of I year, in the I semester. Text Books: TB1.Solid State Physics, S O Pillai, Revised Sixth Edition, New Age Int (P) Ltd. Pub., 2005 TB2.Modern Physics for Engineers- S.P.Taneja, R.Chand & Co. Publishers, New Delhi, 3rd Edition, 2009 TB3.Engineering Physics, Satya Prakash, Pragati Prakashan, 2010 TB4.Modern Engineering Physics- A.S.Vasudeva, S.Chand & Co. Publication ,LTD, 5th Edition, 2010. Reference Books: RB1.Introduction to Solid State Physics, C Kittel, 7th Edition, John Wiley, India. RB2.Concepts of Modern Physics – Arthur Beiser, Sixth Edition, TMH Publication RB3.Quantum Mechanics Theory and Applications, A Ghatak & S Lokanathan, Macmillan Publishers India Limited, 2010. RB4.Modern Engineering Physics- A.S.Vasudeva, S.Chand & Co. Publication ,LTD, 5th Edition, 2010. 3. Lecture Plan/Course Plan: Lecture Learning Topics to be covered Number Objectives 1-2(2) Quantum Difficulties with Classical physics, Black Body Physics radiations Discovery of Planck’s constant, Introduction to quantum mechanics-simple concepts. 3-4 (2) Quantum Wave packet representation of quantum particle, phase Physics velocity and group velocity. 5-6 (2) Quantum Schrodinger wave equations-time dependent and time Chapter/Secti on TB2 4.1-4.4 TB2 4.7-4.8 TB2 6.1-6.3, Physics 7-9 (3) Crystal Structure 10-11 (2) Crystal Structure 12-13 (2) Free Electron Theory Free Electron Theory 14-16 (3) 17-20 (4) Band Theory of Solids 21- 24(4) Band Theory of Solids 25-29(5) Photoconductivi ty & Photovoltaic 30-34 (5) Magnetic Properties Solids of 35-37 (3) Superconducti vity 39-40 (3) Superconducti vity 40-42 (3) Nano-Science independent, Concept of stationary states, particle in a one-dimensional box. Amorphous and crystalline solids. Space lattice, unit cell and translation vector, Miller indices, X-ray diffraction (Bragg Law), Laue’s treatment to Bragg’s law, powder method. Scattered Wave Amplitude; Fourier Analysis, Inverse Fourier Series, Reciprocal Lattice Vector, Diffraction Conditions, Laue Equations. Elements of classical free electron theory and its limitations. Drude’s theory of conduction, Quantum theory of free electrons. Fermi level, density of states. Fermi-Dirac distribution function. Thermionic emission, Richardson’s equation Origin of energy bands, Kronig-Penny model (qualitative), E-K diagrams, Brillouin Zones, concept of effective mass and holes. Classification of solids into metals, semiconductors and insulators. Fermi energy and its variation with temperature. Hall Effect and its applications. Photoconductivity in insulating crystal, variation of photoconductivity with illumination, traps and their effect on photoconductivity, photodiodes, light emitting diodes, photo voltaic process and photovoltaics cells ( solar cell and its characteristics). Atomic magnetic moments, orbital diamagnetism, Larmor’s theorem and Langevin’s theory of diamagnetism. Classical theory of paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, molecular fields and domain hypothesis Introduction to superconductivity (definition and experimental survey). Meissner effect, London’s equation and theoretical basis for Meissner effect. Types of superconductors BCS theory, Josephson Superconductor Tunneling; AC Josephson effect, DC Josephson effect, Macroscopic Quantum Interference Features of nano-systems, concept of quantum size effect, Quantum well, wire and dots 6.10 TB2 1.1-1.8 TB2 2.9-2.11 RB1 TB2 7.1-7.3 TB2 7.6-7.10 TB2 8.1-8.7 TB2 8.8-8.11, 8.14 TB2 9.1-9.10 TB2 10.9 10.1- TB211.111.5 RB2 LECTURE NOTES