Take a step into the wild for BGR 2013… “Come find your place in the BGR Kingdom” Online Application Instructions: 1. Before opening the application, please read the Team Leader position description. 2. Once you have a clear understanding of the position description, complete your essays in a separate document. 3. Once you have your essays completed, go to the Boiler Gold Rush website www.purdue.edu/BGR. Applications can be accessed January 24th at 8:00PM. 4. Find the line where it states, “Interested in being a Team Leader?” and click on the link that says, “Click here.” 5. Once you feel you have a clear understanding of the position description, please complete the online application. 6. Once you have completed the application, please sign up for the group interview. Double check your conflicts before applying. Interviews will take approximately two hours so please keep this in mind when you are choosing an interview slot. 7. After selecting your interview, you will be asked to provide availability for the two Team Leader retreat dates, March 3rd or March 24th. Have your mortar board ready with this information. Once again, double check your conflicts before applying. 8. You will then receive a confirmation sheet with the date and location of the interview. Please print this confirmation and bring it to your assigned interview time. An additional copy of your confirmation will also be emailed to you. *This process must be completed before 5:00PM on Friday, February 1st. Good Luck! For application or interview questions and concerns please contact Alex Rodriguez at: (765)494-2274 or abrodrig@purdue.edu Online Application Essay Question: You will be expected to answer the following questions on the online application. You MUST first type your response in a word processor program and then copy and paste it into the online application. Please keep your answers under 300 words. Why do you want to be a Team Leader for Boiler Gold Rush? What is something you wish you had known as a new student? What advice would you give new students in their first year at Purdue? Important Dates for Team Leaders: *Team Leader Applications due………………………………….February 1st, 2013 at 5pm (online) Team Leader Notification: February 27th, 2013 from 8:30am – 4:30 pm (Black Cultural Center) Team Leader Retreat #1………………………..……………….March 3rd, 2013 from 12pm-7:15pm Team Leader Retreat #2………………………….……………..March 24th, 2013 from 12pm- 7:15pm Team Leader Training #1………………..………….……………. April 2nd, 2013 from 6:30pm-9:30pm Team Leader Training #2……………….…...…….….………..... April 10th, 2013 from 6:30pm-9:30pm Team Leader Training #3………………..…….…..….…………. April 16th, 2013 from 6:30pm-9:30pm Team Leaders move into Residence Halls………….………………………..August 7th, 2013 by 4pm All Staff Training……………………………………………….………………………..….August 8-9th, 2013 BGR Participants Move-In………………………………….………..........................August 10-11th, 2013 Boiler Gold Rush 2013…………………………………….…………………………….August 11-17th, 2013 *Applications are due February 1st, but interview slots are given on a first come first serve basis. Once all the slots have been filled, you will be given a chance to attend an interview only on a “standby” basis. Also, be mindful that once you have chosen your interview slot and submitted your application, it cannot be modified. Frequently Asked Questions: 1. Do I have to attend both retreats on March 3rd and March 24th? No. Each Team Leader attends only one of these retreats. When you are completing the application, please specify if you have a conflict with one of the dates. You are put in your group based on what date you can attend and the retreat is mandatory. If you mark a conflict with one of the dates, please give a reason for your conflict to be honored. Although the retreat is mandatory, if you have a conflict with both dates please list your reasons and your conflicts will be evaluated by the selection committee. No changes to retreat dates will be allowed after February 22nd at 5 pm. 2. Does everyone who applies get an interview? We have a limited number of interview spots that will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Although we will be accepting applications until February 1st at 5 pm, once all of the interviews are filled, no more will be added. You will have an opportunity to be placed on a “waitlist” and to attend an interview as a “stand-by” candidate, but we cannot guarantee you an official interview slot. Apply early! 3. What if I do not have a printer to print off the application confirmation sheet? The confirmation sheet will also be emailed to you. You must print off the confirmation sheet and bring it to the interview—use a campus computer or ask a friend! 4. Am I able to change my application after I submit it? No. Once the application is submitted it is final. 5. Am I able to complete the application in parts? No. If an application is not completed in one sitting, the application will be considered incomplete and tossed out electronically. 6. Who do I contact if I have questions about my interview slot? For questions regarding your interview, contact Interim Assistant Director of Student Success Alex Rodriguez at abrodrig@purdue.edu