Background: In your possession you have Sheet 3, the handout on which you were introduced to several food, beverage, and meal vocabulary, as well as useful words for ordering in a restaurant. If you have lost that, it is available in the Foods folder on my website, along with a translation page if you can’t recall what you’ve learned. Objectives: In the next week and a half we will continue the discussion of foods and meals. By the end of this study you will be able to do the following: 1. In Spanish, I can list the meals of the day. 2. In Spanish, I can describe what is typically (what North Americans consume) eaten in the U.S. culture for all meals, in general. (Not about you, but our culture in general.) 3. 3. In Spanish, I can tell (write or say) what makes up my weekly diet. I can tell you what my family eats on a regular basis and at holidays, if you eat together, how often, and other things about your entire family’s eating habits. 4. In Spanish, I can compare and contrast the (stereotypical) diets of North American and Central/South American/Caribbean cultures. 5. I can ask and answer questions about diet (a way of eating and not something we go on from time to time), meals, healthy foods, etc. 6. I can order and ask appropriate questions in a restaurant setting. 7. I can ask someone to prepare a special meal for me for a certain event such as a birthday. How To: In order to be able to accomplish these tasks above, there must be a process of acquiring the necessary vocabulary and phrases. These following assignments will help you to do this. But, it only helps if YOU see this as a process of learning, and not simply a process of turning in paper for points and grades. From time to time, as your doing the assignments, ask yourself “What can I do with the language that I am learning?” You will now get up and get a purple, Realidades textbook and begin working. If you are lazy, you hurt no one but yourself. It is wrong to waste time. Only misguided and directionless-in-life students lose time. Those with a plan and desire to learn use every minute of every day to be better human beings. Be that person! Actividad 1: Using your textbook (páginas 144 y 168) add to the list of foods you started on the back of your Foods Sheet. Write in as many foods as possible from the book for each of these categories. Some words will appear twice. Lista de frutas Lista de verduras Lista de bebidas Lista de carnes del cerdo y de la vaca y del gallo Lista de la lechería (dairy) Lista de condimentos Lista de postres Lista de comidas rápidas Lista de comidas para la cena Lista de comidas para el desayuno Lista de comidas para el almuerzo Lista de sopas Actividad 2: Hacer un sándwich. List the ingredients for your favorite sandwhich. After reading my example you will write out your own. Follow MY EXAMPLE. “En mi sándwich favorito pongo dos pedazos de pan marrón. En un pedazo de pan pongo mayonesa y mostaza. Luego pongo la carne de pavo. Sobre la carne pongo lechuga y tomate y chile de plátano. Luego pongo más mayonesa y mostaza. No pongo el queso en mi sándwich favorito. Luego pongo el otro pedazo de pan. ¡Qué delicioso!” Te toca a ti – your turn. Write a parapgraph for yourself following My Example: (don’t forget the bread) Actividad 3: Open your book now to pages 124 y 125. Answer these questions. Cuesta = costs it / Cuestan = costs them . Write the FULL sentence following my example. 1. ¿Qué cuesta setenta y nueve centavos? El yogur cuesta setenta y nueve centavos. (example) 2. ¿Qué cuesta un dólar y ochenta y nueve centavos? _________________________________ 3. ¿Qué cuesta un dólar y veintinueve centavos? _____________________________________ 4. ¿Qué cuesta dos dólares y veintinueve centavos? ___________________________________ 5. ¿Qué cuesta dos dólares y cincuenta centavos? _____________________________________ 6. Write out the cost of the orange juice in a full Spanish sentence. 7. Write out the cost of the cereal in a full Spanish sentence. Actividad 4: Open your book now to pages 126 y 127. Read through the 8 frames and then answer these questions. Answer the questions in Spanish. 1. What meal is this scenario about? 2. According to the mother in frame #1, why is she preparing so much food? 3. According to Tomás in frame #3, what does he typically eat for the break fast? 4. What types of drinks are being consumed in this meal? 5. What types of foods are being served in this meal? Actividad 5: El Cuerpo (body) Humano y La Nutrición. Read this article about your body and nutrition. At this point you should read this with 80 – 90% accuracy. Step 1 – read through all and guess at meaning of unfamiliar words; underline what is unknown and look it up AFTER this first reading. Step 2 - You are responsible for learning unknown vocabulary. La comida que nosotros comemos es la fuente de energía y nutrición para nuestro cuerpo humano. Aquí en los Estados Unidos no hay problema en encontrar la comida – hay muchas comidas – pero hay problema en encontrar comida saludable. El cuerpo humano necesita 45 nutrientes diferentes cada día. Ellos son, más o menos, de 5 clases de comidas: Las 5 Clases de Comida Son 1. Los Carbohidratos (*féculas, azucares, y fibra) * = starches 2. Las Proteínas 3. Las grasas 4. Los Minerales 5. Las vitaminas ¿Qué es lo que hacen las comidas en tu cuerpo (body)? 1. Proveen las materiales que construyen, reparan, y mantienen los tejidos (tissues). 2. Proveen las sustancias que regulan los procesos de los órganos. 3. Son la gasolina de tu motor. Proveen la energía que tu cuerpo, tu cerebro, que todo necesita para funcionar normalmente diariamente (daily). Cada nutriente tiene un trabajo, y cada nutriente trabaja con los otros nutrientes. Por eso es importante que cada día comes y bebes comidas y bebidas saludables que contienen todos los nutrientes en la lista de arriba. La necesidad más básica de tu cuerpo es energía. Sin la energía no se puede ni caminar, nadar, jugar a los deportes, estudiar, leer, pensar ni respirar. La energía viene de tres: los carbohidratos, las grasas, y la proteína. ¿Todas las comidas y bebidas que consumes tú contienen las tres? ¿Cada comida que contiene las tres son buenas para la salud? ¡Recuerda (remember)! Cada comida tiene calorías. Pero, cada comida no tiene vitaminas, minerales, proteína, grasa, etc. Step 3 – Questions 1. What are the 5 categories of foods in Spanish? 2. What do foods do in your body? 3. What is the most basic need food gives to your body? 4. What does energy in food come from? 5. Answer these questions here, in Spanish: Y si tú consumes calorías pero no usas (no quemas) las calorías, ellas se convierten en grasa. ¿Cuántas calorías necesitas cada día? ¿Cuánto pesas (weigh you)? ¿Haces ejercicios? ¿Recibes suficiente nutrición en tu dieta? Actividad 6: Go back to your lists of food here and on your other sheet. Identify ítems in YOUR DAILY/WEEKLE diet - what you eat every day not what you go on – and make a fill out the chart on the next page. Use general words, NOT slang, to describe. Refer to your book, notes, etc, before making guesses. Remember, some words don’t translate so well. Mi Dieta – Por lo general yo consumo… En la casa o en la cafetería de la escuela En los sábados en la casa u otro lugar En los domingos en la casa u otro lugar El desayuno El almuerzo La cena La merienda Actividad 7 – La Pirámida de Alimentación – NOW you will compare your diet with what humans SHOULD eat every day, a balance of what is here. Draw arrows out from each of the 5 categories and indicate how many foods you consume each day from these categories. IF you eat a lot of snack foods, cookies, chips, soda pop, create a 6th food group, call it Comida Basura. Actividad 8 – Now write a few summary sentences about your diet using these opening (you complete) words. 1. Yo consumo mucho _____________________________________________ 2. Yo consumo poco ______________________________________________ 3. Yo no consumo suficiente _________________________________________ 4. Yo consumo demasiado (too much) ____________________________________ 5. Yo necesito más ____________________________________________ en mi dieta Actividad 9 – página 125. Use the menú at the top of that page for this activity. You have $10 (pesos) to spend. Those prices ARE in Pesos Mexicanos. Choose from the menú to make a full meal. Fill in this chart with your choices. You must have food and drink. Yo comería… (I would eat…) Comida o Bebida (example) Tomo el café con leche. (example) Tomo la sopa de verduras. El Precio write out in words Cuesta un peso (no centavos) Cuesta un peso y ochenta centavos. Actividad 10 – página 128, actividad 4 – Using the foods in the picture on this page, make a Venn diagram here below to compare and contrat these two meals, El desayuno y El almuerzo. Use ALL the foods you see. Activdad 11 – página 129, actividad 6 – Follow the directions for this activity. Be sure to tell me for each of the 7 pictures how often you eat or drink. Use a FULL sentence for each one. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Actividad 12 – página 129, actividad 7 – In this activity you are interacting with another person. One of you is asking (switch) “¿Comes …”in the picture? And the partner is responding with one of the answers in the Estudiante B (yellow) box. (todos los días = all the days, a veces = at times, siempre = always, nunca = never, ¡qué asco! = how nasty!) Actividad 13 – página 130, actividad 8 – In this activity you are also working with a partner. One of you asks the question, “Te gustan los / las… “in the picture. The other responds with answers from the Estudiante B (yellow) box. (Por supuesto = of course, más o menos = more or less, no me gustan = they no please me, ¡qué asco! = how nasty!) Actividad 14 – página 131, actividad 9 / Leer – Read this article carefully. It begins to describe the result of the collision of cultures following the invasion of the Spanish. How did the diet of the indigenous peoples changes? What was there, and what was imported? Inglés Hen / Rooster / Chicken Español El aguacate El azúcar El bistec/La hamburguesa El chile El chocolate El limón El maíz El pavo El puerco El queso El tomate El trigo La gallina/El gallo/ El pollo La leche La piña La vaca Las nueces Las papas Las uvas Origen de Europa / Las Américas Europa After reading, translate the words in the chart above. All of these words are in the article you just read. Use your notes if you don’t know. Next, indicate if the food or animal originated in Europa o Las Américas. Actividad 15 – página 131, actividad 10 “Las enchiladas” – Read the recipe and decide if the ingredient has origin in Europe or in the Americas. Write your answers here below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Actividad 16 – página 132, Gramática – Read this page – ALL of it – carefully! After reading the top you will be able to do Actividad 12, 1- 7. Write out in full sentences. 1. Tomás comparte una pizza con María 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Yo y mi amigo Miguel comemos una cena en el restaurante. Actividad 17 – página 133, actividad 14, Gramática – Una tarjeta postal (a post card). You will pretend to write a post card. Most of it is done for you. You have to choose the Correct Word then change it to the Correct Person. Look at my examples. 4. beber/beben (they drink = beben) 8. Comprender/comprende (she understands = comprende) Your turn to write. You now have 2 answers. Rewrite the entire tarjeta postal here. Actividad 18 – página 134, Fondo Cultural (yellow box) – Read this entire passage. Now you know the difference between a TYPICAL light breakfast versus a heavy breakfast. Based on what you read, fill out this chart. La comida El pan dulce El tocino con huevos El Yogur Un tazón de cereal Papas fritas con jamón Las salchichas con panequeques Los churros con chocolate Un bistec con huevos fritos y pan tostado Pan tostado con mermelada Desayuno Ligero (light) Desayuno Americano Actividad 19 – página 136, actividad 19 - ¿Qué te gusta más? – Follow the directions for this activity. This IS a partner activity. Keep track of both your answers. Tell me the results here. Actividad 20 – página 137, actividad 20 / El Ciberc@fé – By now you can understand instructions in Spanish. Read this menú and then answer the ¿Comprendes? Questions here below. DON’T say “I doonntt’t undeeeerstaaaand, waaaa” Figure it out! 1. 2. 3. 4. Actividad 21 – página 138 – 39, ¡Adelante! You will read the entire page 138 – yes! It is in Spanish. Don’t be a whiner! Figure it out! – and then answer the questions on page 139. Answer in full sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is a Licuado and which ingredients are necessary according to this instruction? Revisit the Objectives: Don’t just SAY you can, prove that YOU CAN. 1. In Spanish, I can list the meals of the day. 2. In Spanish, I can describe what is typically (not what I eat) eaten in the U.S. culture meals, in general. (Not about you, but our culture in general.) for all 3. In Spanish, I can tell (write or say) what makes up my weekly diet. I can tell you what my family eats on a regular basis and at holidays, if you eat together, how often, and other things about your entire family’s eating habits. 4. In Spanish, I can compare and contrast the (stereotypical) diets of North American and Central/South American/Caribbean cultures. 5. I can ask and answer questions about diet (a way of eating and not something we go on from time to time), meals, healthy foods, etc. 6. I can order and ask appropriate questions in a restaurant setting. 7. I can ask someone to prepare a special meal for me for a certain event such as a birthday.