Detailed Assessment

Assessing Resources: Maritime WFD Vessel Repair & Maintenance
8 ABYC Certification
(Both Basic and exp.–
most classes target 3
years experience)
Fuel Systems Noncredit 70 hours
(Basic - Requested by
local industry)
Pump Systems:
steerage, water, bilge,
sanitation Non-credit
70 hours
(Basic - Requested by
local industry)
Only offered through Marine League of Schools – which Kodiak
College is.
1. Basic Elect & Corrosion
2. Advanced Marine Electrical
3. Advanced Marine Corrosion
4. Marine Systems
5. ABYC standards
6. Gasoline Engines
7. Marine Composites
8. A/C Refrigeration
This class introduces students to common concerns regarding
fuel systems, including:
 Basic diagrams
 Tankage
 Filtration
 materials selection
 ventilation
 Fuel transfer
 Federal regulations
This is a hands-on class and introduces students to
 Various types of pumps (electrical, hand operated, foot
pumps, pneumatic, diaphragm, vane, centrifuge, etc.)
 pump function and application
 terminology
 pump capacities
 head pressure
 installation
 service
 maintenance
 anti-siphoning
 wire sizing
 non & self-priming
Delivery/Costs/Min Req
Place of Delivery:
At College
Local instructors must
become ABYC
Certified Technicians
Age: 16 yrs/ minimum
~$1k per class
When Delivered:
Specific certifications offered
cyclically in the fall according to
industry demands and by
industry request.
Place of Delivery:
College, Mobile and On-line
Age: 16 yrs minimum
$’s not available
When Delivered:
Specific certifications offered
cyclically in the fall according to
industry demands and by
industry request.
Responsive to
WFD Plan
P 23, Strategy 3.2
P 47, Action step
#2 “Offer training
in technical skills at
ascending levels…”
Need to assemble
training aids
offered cyclically in
the fall according
to industry
demands and by
industry request.
Kodiak Continued
Maintenance in
Control Systems Noncredit 70 hours (Some
Exp: Requested by local
Drive Trains Non-credit
(Some Exp: Requested
by local industry)
This class offer hands-on demonstration with lab props and
vessels in the field (as available) on how to install, service,
troubleshoot and maintain various types of steering and
throttle systems, including:
 Rack & pinion
 Pull cable in conduit
 Rotary pump
 Gear and torque tube
 Hand-hydraulic
 Electric jog-sticks
The class will also instruct on:
 Manufacturer’s requirements
 System fluids & cleanliness
 System Contamination
 Auto Pilot integration
 Provisions for emergency steering
 Isolation valves
This class will offer hands-on demonstration with lab props
and vessels in the field on:
 System components
 Transmission and shaft brakes
 Troubleshooting
 Fluids
 Manual vs Hydraulic units
 Connection a transmission to a propeller shaft
 Engine alignment
 Constant Velocity Joints
 Stuffing boxes and Packing glands
 Struts
 System bearings
 Propellers
 Total system alignment
Delivery/Costs/Min Req
Responsive to
WFD Plan
Place of Delivery:
College, Mobile
P 23, Strategy 3.2
Age: 16 yrs minimum
$’s not available
When Delivered:
Specific certifications offered
cyclically in the fall according to
industry demands and by
industry request.
Need to assemble
training aids
P 47, Action step
#2 “Offer training
in technical skills at
ascending levels…”
offered cyclically in
the fall according
to industry
demands and by
industry request.
Kodiak Continued
Vessel Measurements
and Capacities
Non-credit (10 days of
online training
consisting of 1 hour per
day of learning and 1
hour per day of
This class will focus on the basic math and measurements used
on vessel systems, as well as the associated terminology, such
 Cubic footage
 Volume & capacity
 Weight of tanks
 Pipe size and schedules
 Metric conversions and equivalents
 Inside and outside diameters
 Temperature conversions
 Decimals and fractions
 Measurements using scale
 Use of calipers
Fiberglass & Composite
Construction & Repair
Non-credit (70 hours
DC Electrical
Some Experience
UAS online Boat
Electrical could be prerequisite
(Requested by local
This class will focus the basic principles of stitch-and-glue
composite construction, which uses plywood, fiberglass cloth,
and epoxy resin.
Students will work in pairs to complete an actual project such
as small kayak, dog house, or a minor repair project (pending
instructor approval.)
Delivery/Costs/Min Req
Place of Delivery:
On-line / Also able to deliver in
villages with minimum training
aids to ship
Training aids must be
prepared, packaged,
and made available
through the book
Age: 16 yrs minimum
$’s not available
Soft Skills Required
P 23, Strategy 3.2
When Delivered:
Annually in the fall
And by industry request
P 47, Action step
#2 “Offer training
in technical skills at
ascending levels…”
(P 49 on e-copy
Place of Delivery:
Local Community
Also able to deliver in villages
via mobile shop
Age: 16 yrs minimum
$’s not available
Soft Skills Required
When Delivered:
Offered cyclically in the fall
according to community needs
This course presents a core foundation for marine electrical via Place of Delivery:
hands-on labs and teaching aids. Use of multi-meters, meaning Local Community
of the readings, and the basics of cathodic protection for
Also able to deliver in villages
vessels will be taught as well as terminology and theory for
via mobile shop
vessel DC electrical and cathodic protection
Age: 16 yrs minimum
$’s not available
Soft Skills Required
When Delivered:
Annually in the fall
Responsive to
WFD Plan
Need to assemble
training aids
Kodiak Cont’d
This course give an industry recognized certification to entry
level students, enabling them to participate in clean-up
operations of hazardous wastes.
Delivery/Costs/Min Req
SRVES = client
Usually in Spring in local
The class is presented and organized by SERVES, using Kodiak
College as a host campus and often hiring our instructors to
teach for them.
Locals may not know
about this opportunity
New vessel workers
and cannery workers
may not know about
this opportunity
Responsive to
WFD Plan
P 23, Strategy 3.2
P 47, Action step
#2 “Offer training
in technical skills at
ascending levels…”
(P 49 on e-copy)
Kodiak Near and Long-Term Capabilities/Offerings/Goals
Kodiak College intends to provide courses in the entry -evel subjects that will start students on the path of industry certification via ABYC Courses.
These same courses will fill the additional niches of being portable to villages along the marine highway, and preparing new fishing-crew and independent vessel owners
with basic knowledge about vessel systems.
As a member of the Marine League of Schools, Kodiak College will also offer all possible ABYC courses, thus allowing experienced persons to become Certified Technicians.
Kodiak College needs:
Well-established collaboration with industry partners, community campuses, and other training providers.
SHORT TERM (less than 3 years):
Kodiak College will begin towards our long term goal by developing specific curriculum for four of the nine course offerings according to the most immediate needs of of
workforce development and industry demands and has hired a part-time WFD Coordinator.
- The mobile shop/classroom will be purchased and outfitted, and pilot courses will be offered.
- Kodiak College will host an ABYC instructor and offer an ABYC certified course
Kodiak College needs
 Full-time coordinator of Maritime Workforce Development
 Part time/temporary instructor to outfit the mobile shop
 A fully developed list of adjuncts
 Selected adjuncts receive ABYC training/courses in Lower 48
 Curriculum Development
To work with community campus partners, other training providers, and industry in choosing what courses to be offered by Kodiak College.
Qualified Member of the
Engine Department
Entry level
Diesel, Power plant
operator, welding, heavy
equipment, electricity
Delivery/Costs/Min Req
Prepares QMED- oilers for jobs in
engine rooms of ships. Introduces
them to all engine room systems and
trains them for job skills needed as an
oiler. Uses engine room equipment
Where: Seward
Systems: Freon, RSW, Ammonia
$’s: ?
Target Audience: Seafood plant
processor engineers,Commercial
Shipping company engineers.
Gain skills required for working on
engine room mechanical systems.
When Delivered: Semi-annually
Machinery and equipment (what
Responsive to
WFD Plan
Minimum Requirements: 3 month
wiper experience recommended
Qualified instructors with journey
level experience in the fields they
teach in, prepare students for
entry level jobs using most recent
Where: Seward
Minimum Requirements: Some
mechanical experience recommended
$’s: ?
Target Audiences: Engineers
When Delivered: Annually
AVTEC Near and Long-Term Capabilities/Offerings
Having developed a US Coast Guard approved Qualified Member of the Engine Room-Oiler course, AVTEC would like to add upgrading courses such as: Marine Electrician,
Refrigeration Engineer, Deck Engineer, Pumpman, Diesel Mechanics, Hydraulics, Designated Duty Engineer, and Rating Forming Part of an Engineering Watch assessments.
We are in the process of adding Ammonia Systems Operator, and hope to offer it to the public with-in 2 years.
AVTEC needs to increase space for and acquire Ammonia Refrigeration equipment for demonstration and practice purposes. We are currently in the process of including
an Ammonia simulator which we hope to also utilize for Maritime refrigeration and engine room familiarization. At this time the course for ammonia is mainly theory with
field trips to the fish processing facilities in Seward.
AVTEC niche focus is its three-week, and 4 month refrigeration course developed with well equipped labs.
AVTEC could use/needs ammonia refrigeration systems, Refrigerated Seawater systems demonstrator, and a blast and/or plate freezer.
Maritime & MultiSkilled Worker
19 Credits
U.S. Coast Guard Approved
Delivery/Costs/Min Req
Place of Delivery:
Age: 18 yrs minimum
Coast Guard Credential
$’s : 2,945
When Delivered:
Near and Long-Term Capabilities/Offerings
Long term: Offer short classes in the spring.
Shorter Term (less than 3 years): instructor and Equipment (need equipment)
Responsive to
WFD Plan
Pages 22-24
USCG Vessel
Commercial License
Preparation Some
3 credits
Target Audiences: All ( Independent boat owners; charter
boats, Support services: cold storage, new entrants)
Delivery/Costs/Min Req
Place of Delivery:
Homer Campus
Responsive to
WFD Plan
Page 44
Age: 18 yrs
Campus classrooms.
$’s : 3 credit course
When Delivered: Semi-Annually
Boating Safety and
Basic and some
1 credit
Place of Delivery:
Homer Campus
Age: 17 yrs
$’s : 1 credit course + $50 fee
Page 14-15, 30
When Delivered: Annually
Small Boat
Basic / 3 credits
Place of Delivery:
Homer Campus/High School
Adequate facility
Age: 17 yrs
$’s: 3 credit course + $75 fee
When Delivered: Semi-Annually
Welding Certification
classes and training
Entry – 3 credits
Target Audiences: All ( Independent boat owners; shore
support services; City of Homer Port, aluminum fabrication,
arc, pipe welding. “Cross-cutting” with construction industry
Place of Delivery:
Homer Campus
High School shop is
ONLY 2 nights a week
is available to us.
Age: 17 yrs
$’s : 3 credit course + $225 fee
High school and future KBC facility, employer/partner shop
When Delivered: Each Term
NEED Facility to offer
welding training 4
days a weeks during
daytime hours.
Page 14-15, 30
HOMER: Near and Long-Term Capabilities/Offerings
NEEDS/PLANS: Due to planned industry and anticipated employment changes, this area of the state (pop.14,000 plus significant # who port boats here) has great needs
for training to offer more welding(esp. aluminum fabrication), construction, vessel maintenance and repair(electrical, fiberglass repair, diesel mechanics, small
boatbuilding, etc.- ABYC Certification) and fiberglass repair. NEED Facility to offer daily welding training during daytime hours / aluminum fabrication training
NEEDS: Place to offer training and equipment.
Expand welding classes working local marine trades’ advisory group.
Offer non-credit Deck Hand training next semester to meet growing needs of fishing fleet.
Offer non-credit diesel engine, marine electronics,/electrician, fiberglass repair, industrial sewing skills training
Gaps: Working with industry to identify instructors and training space.