Performance Budgeting 2.0: Budgeting in the New Normal Environment Dr. Alfred Ho School of Public Affairs & Administration University of Kansas Defining Public Budgeting Budgeting is not just about numbers … It is a mechanism for setting social, economic, and political goals and objectives, and for managing organizations, programs and activities to achieve these goals. Budgetary decisions on revenues, spending, and debt reflect many underlying values, ideologies, and policy priorities. The Budgeting Context Priorities & Strategies Budget Institution & Process Leadership The socialdemographic environment The mass cultural & value system Budgetary decisions do not happen in an institutional & value vaccum! Budget outcomes Spending policies (operating & capital) Revenue policies Fund balance and debt The geo-political & global economic environment The local economic environment The domestic politicallegal environment The media- IT environment The “New Normal” for State & Local Governments The “new normal” fiscal environment for the US Serious federal deficit and foreseeable worsening of the problems State and local fiscal challenges Structural change in the U.S. economy and upcoming economic challenges due to globalization and the changing geo-political and global economic environment Changing demographic structure of the US Increasingly diverse and fragmented society with increasingly ineffective mechanisms of social and value aggregation All these will make public budgeting harder and harder! U.S. Government Spending Trends Spending as a percentage of GDP 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 Year Total government Source: OMB Federal outlays Federal grants State & local expenditures from own sources U.S. Government Spending Trends Federal revenues: FY2008: $2.5 trillion FY2009: $2.1 trillion FY2011: $2.3 trillion FY2010: $2.2 trillion FY2012: $2.5 trillion (est.) Federal spending: FY2008: $3 trillion FY2009: $3.5 trillion FY2010: $3.5 trillion FY2011: $3.6 trillion FY2012: $3.8 trillion (est.) So the deficit of FY2009 was about $1.4 trillion. FY2010, FY2011, FY2012 -- about $1.3 trillion, respectively. -1,000.0 -2,000.0 1940 1942 1944 1946 1948 1950 1952 1954 1956 1958 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 estimate 2014 estimate 2016 estimate U.S. federal deficit as a percentage of GDP 5,000.0 Amount in billions 4,000.0 3,000.0 2,000.0 1,000.0 0.0 Receipts Outlays Surplus or Deficit(−) What are driving the spending increases? U.S. Government Spending as a Percentage of GDP, by Major Spending Categories FY 1960 1970 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2008 2009 2010 Total 24.4 28.0 30.9 32.6 32.4 31.4 28.8 31.6 32.4 36.5 35.0 Defense & Inter-national 9.9 8.5 5.4 6.5 5.5 3.9 3.2 4.3 4.5 5.0 5.1 Net Interest 1.7 1.9 2.6 4.1 4.2 4.0 3.1 1.7 1.8 1.4 1.4 Social Security & Medicare 2.2 3.6 5.5 6.2 6.2 7.0 6.4 6.9 7.4 8.3 8.4 Other individual payments 2.5 2.8 4.7 4.1 4.0 5.0 4.5 5.2 5.3 6.5 7.3 Other federal 1.9 3.0 4.2 2.9 3.0 1.6 2.1 2.2 1.8 3.8 1.6 State & Local 6.3 8.2 8.5 8.9 9.6 9.9 9.5 11.2 11.6 11.5 11.1 Comparing Healthcare and Social Security Spending Changes with Revenue Changes 120% Annual Percentage Change 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% -20% -40% Health Dr. Alfred Ho, Public Admin. Univ. of Kansas Medicare Social security Total Revenues The “New Normal” -- Structural Deficit Problems of the Fed. Govt. Even if the federal government has collected all the income tax and social security payroll tax revenues it is supposed to collect, it still cannot keep up with the rapid growth in healthcare and social security spending. And not all baby boomers have retired yet. The worst challenges are yet to come! This is a “structural problem” that can only be fixed by policy changes. A better economy won’t solve this problem It requires hard choices by politicians and the public Dr. Alfred Ho, Public Admin. Univ. of Kansas Economic Challenges in the New Normal Environment Globalization and technological revolution have led to structural changes in the U.S. economy Decline of manufacturing, rise of the service economy, outsourcing … personal income is not likely to grow rapidly, and we can’t afford consuming in the same way as before. Foreseeable baby boomer retirement and the rapid rise of healthcare costs will force the government spend more on social security and healthcare Potential “crowding-out” effects on other spending, including defense, community development, environmental protection and energy, R&D, education, corrections … Some of these burdens will be shifted to state and local governments Dr. Alfred Ho, Public Admin. Univ. of Kansas The “New Normal” Challenges & the State & Local Fiscal Gap State and local governments faced tremendous fiscal challenges for the few years during the Great Recession in 2008-2010. (McNichol, et al. 2012) Many states still have budget shortfalls despite the recent economic recovery (see Table 2, p. 6) State & Local Responses to the “New Normal” Challenges Cut higher education spending allow tuition to increase (privatization of state universities) Cut local fiscal assistance (California, Connecticut, Maine, New York, N. Carolina, Illinois …) Cut capital and infrastructure spending (the stimulus package in recent years reversed the trend slightly) Withheld money for pension contribution Drained the rainy day fund Lay-offs, furloughs, cut new positions, stop hiring new people Renegotiate with the unions on post-retirement benefit policies Innovative ways to reduce health care costs Demographic Changes in the New Normal Environment Wolf & Amirkhanyan (2010): Aging population Implications for the future workforce, the consumption power, and the economic growth rate Who will stay and who will leave? Will new immigrants come to your community? Nationally, we will have a more diverse and heterogeneous population, but Significant between-state and intra-state differences in population growth Different implications for education and community development programs and spending Culture, Values, and IT To resolve the above economic, social, and demographic challenges require social dialogues about: What are important to society? How should resources be distributed among different social groups? Who should have access to the decision-making process? Does everyone have equal access to power? Is it possible to build any social consensus on some of these tough policy issues? A Video on the Great Recession Impact know-december-16-2011-mayor-under-siege/12637/ Big-city mayors across the United States are under growing pressure to balance their budgets while still providing necessary services. Need to Know chronicles three days spent with Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, illuminating how one mayor spends his time trying to drum up business, even while facing withering attacks from some of his hard-pressed constituents. What is even more interesting are the comments by Dr.Tricia Rose, professor of African-American cultural politics at Brown University, on the impact of government cutback on inner-city minority residents. Culture, Values, & the Media As shown above, factors that have a significant role in our future policies: The political culture of society – are we willing to listen to diverse views, compromise, and sacrifice some of our self interests, given the growingly diverse and heterogeneous population? What values and ideologies are driving our decisions? Are these values helpful to solving these policy problems, or make the problems worse? The Mass Media and IT What are their roles in facilitating the social discourse and fostering social consensus? Do you think they are helping or hurting? Why? Culture, Values, the Mass Media, and IT Research has shown that the mass media and the new social media have allowed more user-differentiation and market segmentation Decline of the traditional mass media (e.g., TV channels, local newspaper) More customer-tailored media (e.g., cable TV ) More self-selective clustering of users Implications for democracy and social consensus building? Implications for the budgetary process? The Budgeting Context Priorities & Strategies Budget Institution & Process Leadership The socialdemographic environment The mass cultural & value system Budget outcomes Spending policies (operating & capital) Revenue policies Fund balance and debt The geo-political & global economic environment The local economic environment The domestic politicallegal environment The media- IT environment Performance Budgeting A tool that has been proposed since the turn of the 20th century Use quantitative performance indicators to help budgetary decisions Types of performance measures: Outcome measures (e.g., crime rates, % of users achieving the desirable social/economic outcomes …) Output measures (e.g., unit of products / services produced, # of clients served) Efficiency measures (e.g., cost per user, time used per case) Effectiveness measures (e.g., jobs created per $1 investment) Traditional Performance Budgeting Use performance, especially outcomes, to drive budgetary decisions Cut ineffective or unproductive programs Strive to get better value for money Gained popularity in the late 1980s & the 1990s Response to the anti-government movement that labeled government as wasteful and ineffective The movement of “reinventing the government” Outcome-driven management A tool of accountability by managers Does not work! Failures of Traditional Performance Budgeting Too managerially driven; Ignore the concerns and priorities of politicians. Too much emphasis on “scientific objectivity” and quantifiable measurability, and not enough focus on perceptions. (To policymakers, “perception” is reality!) Mostly done by the management; seldom involve the line workers, policymakers, service users, and citizens “What outcomes matter, and outcomes for whom?” The report tends to be too long and technical, and is not user-friendly to the general public and policymakers Result: Policymakers ignore performance measurement results in budgetary decision-making Failures of Traditional Performance Budgeting This is not to say that the traditional performance measurement exercise is completely useless. We need to differentiate two types of resource allocation activities, and different types of performance measurement and reporting: “Boundary” allocation decision “program- /activitylevel” allocation decision driven mostly by values, priorities, ideologies, and political tactics Can be more open to economic, effectiveness, and efficiency analysis Failures of Traditional Performance Budgeting We should not mix up the “boundary” decisions with “program decisions. Accountability of “boundary decisions” need to address the fundamental values and priorities (e.g., equity and distribution questions, accessibility to services, societal outcomes) The public and their elected officials should play an important role in the process Accountability of program or activity-level decisions Focus more on the technical issues of effectiveness and efficiency Managers should drive the decisions, given the priorities set by citizens and their representatives However, citizen participation may be critical in some cases Time for Performance Budgeting 2.0! 1. Think about the “value” of public services, not just the “performance” The “Value” Formula: 𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 × 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 Driven by political decisions and priorities, values, and ideologies Managers recognize that input includes not only governmental budgetary investment, but also investment by other sectors through Partnership and leveraging Defined not just by managers, but also by the public and their representatives Example: Best Cars 2012 Time for Performance Budgeting 2.0! 2. Engage the public and major stakeholders What “outcomes” are important to the public / service users? Tools: citizen surveys (stated importance + derived importance analysis), focus groups, citizen committees, neighborhood meetings, service user feedback, data analysis of citizen service requests Example – the Iowa Citizen-Initiated Performance Assessment project. Lessons learned: Need a portfolio of engagement strategies Mindful of the costs and time of engagement on the staff and citizens Time for Performance Budgeting 2.0! 3. Focus on “outcomes” that matter! Don’t try to measure and report everything Outcome-driven logic model and strategic planning Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes Output Activities Input & Resource Allocation Time for Performance Budgeting 2.0! 4. Think about “Governance”, not “Government” At each level, think about how to partner with other sectors and leverage their resources and capacity Outcomes Intermediate Outcomes What are the roles of the government and other sectors? Should the government provide, produce, lead, coordinate, and/or foster? Output Activities Input & Resource Allocation Time for Performance Budgeting 2.0! 5. Effectiveness and cost-efficiency still matter Need to build a culture and system of business process improvement Example: INDYSTAT in the City of Indianapolis How to allocate resources more cost-effectively among activities/programs to achieve the desired outcomes? Time for Performance Budgeting 2.0! 6. Capacity Building for Data-Driven Decision-Making Governments today do not lack data on program activities Service requests, program outputs, police and fire statistics, GIS-based data, housing and property data, survey data …. A “smart” government knows how to leverage and harness the “intelligence” of the data to make better decisions and deliver services more cost-effectively Needs capacity building on: IT infrastructure, GIS, data interoperablity and integration efforts, data analysis Time for Performance Budgeting 2.0! 6. Capacity Building for Data-Driven Decision-Making (con’t) Example – an ongoing project by Alfred Ho Time for Performance Budgeting 2.0! 7. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate! IF: citizens are thinking about the “value” of public services, not just performance; and value is partly derived from “values” and perceived importance of services; and o perception is fluid and moldable, and not a static phenomenon Then: The government should proactively communicate with citizens about its values and underlying rationales of policy decision-making It should also proactively counter the growingly fragmented political culture Time for Performance Budgeting 2.0! 7. Communicate … (con’t) There should be a portfolio of communication strategies to target different citizen types and preferences Different media should be used not as “mutually exclusive” strategies, but as mutually reinforcing mechanisms Percentage of Jury Pool Respondents Citizen Engagement – Communication Channel Preferences in 2009 (Aug-Nov) 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% How do Indianapolis residents want to receive information from the City? n = 1,152. All responses were weighted by household income. 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice Citizen Engagement – Communication Channel Preferences in 2010 Communication Channel Preferences in 2011 – Pew Source: Rainie, L., et al. (2011). How the Public Perceives Community Information Systems. Washington, D.C.: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. Time for Performance Budgeting 2.0! Come to Mayor’s Night outs Get the e-newsletters Are they effectively linked? Visit the City’s website Get the mail newsletter Facebook targeting the younger generation Conclusion Strategies matter, but policymakers and managers should be mindful of the political environment Strategies suggested above should be adapted to the political environment Roles and strategies of the union matter System and capacity building matter You may engage the citizens and get their input very effectively, but if you don’t have the capacity and good management system to deliver, you have a bigger problem because expectations have been raised. Leadership matters Visioning, bringing people together, and communicating Conclusion Budgeting under the New Normal will be about: Doing more with less Doing less with less for some departments and programs Doing more with more for some programs, if those programs are of high priorities and value to the public How to cut spending and raise more revenues depends heavily on: How the social discourse of values and priorities are conducted The values and ideologies of the leadership & the community The managerial capacity of the government to deliver “Performance” matters, but the old way of measuring and reporting performance may not. Questions? Please feel free to email me if you have any questions. Alfred Tat-Kei Ho Associate Professor School of Public Affairs & Administration Wescoe Hall, room 4076 University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 Email: