Advanced fundamental topics (3 lectures) Why study combustion? (0.1 lectures) Quick review of AME 513 concepts (0.2 lectures) Flammability & extinction limits (1.2 lectures) Ignition (0.5 lectures) Emissions formation & remediation (1 lecture) Basic concepts Minimum ignition energy (mJ) Experiments (Lewis & von Elbe, 1987) show that a minimum energy (Emin) (not just minimum T or volume) required for ignition Emin lowest near stoichiometric (typically 0.2 mJ) but minimum shifts to richer mixtures for higher HCs (why? Stay tuned…) Prediction of Emin relevant to energy conversion and fire safety applications AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 2 Basic concepts Emin related to need to create flame kernel with dimension () large enough that chemical reaction (w) can exceed conductive loss rate (/2), thus > (/w)1/2 ~ /(w)1/2 ~ /SL ~ Emin ~ energy contained in volume of gas with T ≈ Tad and radius ≈ ≈ 4/SL k T -T¥ ) 4p 3 4p 3 2 ¥ ( ad Þ Emin » d rC p (Tad -T¥ ) » 0.3 d r¥C p (Tad -T¥ ) » 34a¥ 3 3 S L3 AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 3 Predictions of simple Emin formula Since ~ P-1, Emin ~ P-2 if SL is independent of P Emin ≈ 100,000 times larger in a He-diluted than SF6-diluted mixture with same SL, same P (due to and k [thermal conductivity] differences) Stoichiometric CH4-air @ 1 atm: predicted Emin ≈ 0.010 mJ ≈ 30x times lower than experiment (due to chemical kinetics, heat losses, shock losses …) … but need something more (Lewis number effects): 10% H2-air (SL ≈ 10 cm/sec): predicted Emin ≈ 0.3 mJ = 2.5 times higher than experiments Lean CH4-air (SL ≈ 5 cm/sec): Emin ≈ 5 mJ compared to ≈ 5000mJ for lean C3H8-air with same SL - but prediction is same for both AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 4 Predictions of simple Emin formula Emin ~ 3∞ hard to measure, but quenching distance (q) (min. tube diameter through which flame can propagate) should be ~ since Pelim = SL,lim q/ ~ q/ ≈ 40 ≈ constant, thus should have Emin ~ q3P Correlation so-so AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 5 More rigorous approach Assumptions: 1D spherical; ideal gases; adiabatic (except for ignition source Q(r,t)); 1 limiting reactant (e.g. very lean or rich); 1-step overall reaction; D, k, CP, etc. constant; low Mach #; no body forces Governing equations for mass, energy & species conservations (y = limiting reactant mass fraction; QR = its heating value) ¶r 1 ¶ 2 rT = r¥T¥ = constant + 2 ( r rv ) = 0 ¶t r ¶r ¶T 1 ¶ 2 k ¶ æ 2 ¶T ö rC p + rC p 2 ( r vT ) = 2 ç r ÷ + rQR yZ exp ¶t r ¶r r ¶r è ¶r ø ¶y 1 ¶ 2 rD ¶ æ 2 ¶y ö -E r + rv 2 ( r y ) = 2 ç r ÷ - ryZ exp ÂT ¶t r ¶r r ¶r è ¶r ø ( ) + Q(r,t) -E ÂT ( ) AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 6 More rigorous approach Non-dimensionalize (note Tad = T∞ + Y∞QR/CP) T e-b Z v E -b qº ;t º te Z;R º r ;U º ;b º -b Tad a¥ ÂTad Za ¥e leads to, for mass, energy and species conservation ¶(1/q ) 1 ¶ æ 2 1 ö + 2 ç R U÷ = 0 ¶t R ¶R è q ø ¶Y 1 ¶ 2 1 q 1 ¶ æ 2 ¶Y ö +U 2 R Y = çR ÷ -Yexp - b (q1 -1) ( ) 2 ¶t R ¶R Le e R ¶R è ¶R ø ( with boundary conditions q(R,0) = e;Y(R,0) =1;U(R,0) = 0 for all R (Initial condition: T = T∞, y = y∞, U = 0 everywhere) (At infinite radius, T = T∞, y = y∞, U = 0 for all times) (Symmetry condition at r = 0 for all times) AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 7 ) Steady (?!?) solutions If reaction is confined to a thin zone near r = RZ (large ) 1- e Rz R R > Rz : q = + e; Y = 1- z R T* 1- e T -T * q º =e+ or T * = T¥ + ad ¥ Le R Tad Le Le R < Rz : q = q * = constant; Y = 0 æ b æ 1 öö æ -b ö 2eLea¥ Z d a Rz = expç ç * -1÷÷;d = ;SL = expç ÷ øø è 2ø Le è 2 è q SL b This is a flame ball solution - note for Le < > 1, T* > < Tad; for Le = 1, T* = Tad and RZ = Generally unstable R < RZ: shrinks and extinguishes R > RZ: expands and develops into steady flame RZ related to requirement for initiation of steady flame - expect Emin ~ Rz3 … but stable for a few carefully (or accidentally) chosen mixtures AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 8 Steady (?!?) solutions How can a spherical flame not propagate??? Space experiments show ~ 1 cm diameter flame balls possible Movie: 500 sec elapsed time AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 9 Lewis number effects Energy requirement very strongly dependent on Lewis number! 10% increase in Le: 2.5x increase in Emin (PDR); 2.2x (Tromans & Furzeland) From the relation Rz = æ b æ 1 öö expç ç * -1÷÷ øø Le è 2 è q d From computations by Tromans and Furzeland, 1986 AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 10 Lewis number effects Ok, so why does min. MIE shift to richer mixtures for higher HCs? Leeffective = effective/Deffective Deff = D of stoichiometrically limiting reactant, thus for lean mixtures Deff = Dfuel; rich mixtures Deff = DO2 Lean mixtures - Leeffective = Lefuel Mostly air, so eff ≈ air; also Deff = Dfuel CH4: DCH4 > air since MCH4 < MN2&O2 thus LeCH4 < 1, thus Leeff < 1 Higher HCs: Dfuel < air, thus Leeff > 1 - much higher MIE Rich mixtures - Leeffective = LeO2 CH4: CH4 > air since MCH4 < MN2&O2, so adding excess CH4 INCREASES Leeff Higher HCs: fuel < air since Mfuel > MN2&O2, so adding excess fuel DECREASES Leeff Actually adding excess fuel decreases both and D, but decreases more a eff = a mix Const1 Const 2 Const 3 ~ ;DO2 ~ + M mix M mix MO2 AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 11 Dynamic analysis RZ is related (but not equal) to an ignition requirement Joulin (1985) analyzed unsteady equations for Le < 1 s q(s ) dc (s) ds c (s ) ln( c (s )) + = c (s ) ò 2 ds s - s 0 æ * 2 ö2 q ) ( R(s ) Le ÷ at Q ç cº ;s º 4 p 2 ;q º * 2 ç 1 - e 1 - Le ÷ Rz Rz 4 plRzTad (q ) è ø (, and q are the dimensionless radius, time and heat input) and found at the optimal ignition duration E min 2 æ ö æ1- e ö 1- Le 3 » 14 bç ÷ç * ÷ rad C p (Tad - T¥ ) Rz è e øè q Le ø which has the expected form Emin ~ {energy per unit volume} x {volume of minimal flame kernel} ~ {adCp(Tad - T∞)} x {Rz3} AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 12 Dynamic analysis Joulin (1985) Radius vs. time Minimum ignition energy vs. ignition duration AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 13 Effect of spark gap & duration Expect “optimal” ignition duration ~ ignition kernel time scale ~ RZ2/ Duration too long - energy wasted after kernel has formed and propagated away - Emin ~ t1 Duration too short - larger shock losses, larger heat losses to electrodes due to high T kernel Expect “optimal” ignition kernel size ~ kernel length scale ~ RZ Size too large - energy wasted in too large volume - Emin ~ R3 Size too small - larger heat losses to electrodes Sloane & Ronney, 1990 Kono et al., 1976 Detailed chemical model 1-step chemical model AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 14 Effect of flow environment Mean flow or random flow (i.e. turbulence) (e.g. inside IC engine or gas turbine) increases stretch, thus Emin Kono et al., 1984 DeSoete, 1984 AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 15 Effect of ignition source Laser ignition sources higher than sparks despite lower heat losses, less asymmetrical flame kernel - maybe due to higher shock losses with shorter duration laser source? Lim et al., 1996 AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 16 References De Soete, G. G., 20th Symposium (International) on Combustion, Combustion Institute, 1984, p. 161. Dixon-Lewis, G., Shepard, I. G., 15th Symposium (International) on Combustion, Combustion Institute, 1974, p. 1483. Frendi, A., Sibulkin, M., "Dependence of Minimum Ignition Energy on Ignition Parameters," Combust. Sci. Tech. 73, 395-413, 1990. Joulin, G., Combust. Sci. Tech. 43, 99 (1985). Kingdon, R. G., Weinberg, F. J., 16th Symposium (International) on Combustion, Combustion Institute, 1976, p. 747-756. Kono, M., Kumagai, S., Sakai, T., 16th Symposium (International) on Combustion, Combustion Institute, 1976, p. 757. Kono, M., Hatori, K., Iinuma, K., 20th Symposium (International) on Combustion, Combustion Institute, 1984, p. 133. Lewis, B., von Elbe, G., Combustion, Flames, and Explosions of Gases, 3rd ed., Academic Press, 1987. Lim, E. H., McIlroy, A., Ronney, P. D., Syage, J. A., in: Transport Phenomena in Combustion (S. H. Chan, Ed.), Taylor and Francis, 1996, pp. 176-184. Ronney, P. D., Combust. Flame 62, 120 (1985). Sloane, T. M., Ronney, P. D., "A Comparison of Ignition Phenomena Modeled with Detailed and Simplified Kinetics," Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 88, pp. 1-13 (1993). Tromans, P. S., Furzeland, R. M., 21st Symposium (International) on Combustion, Combustion Institute, 1986, p. 1891. AME 514 - Spring 2015 - Lecture 2 17