SSAwise Revenue Target & Achievement for the year 2012-13 (Upto August, 2012) (Amount in Crores) SSA Annual Target MONTHLY TARGET PROP TARGET UPTO ACHIEVEMENT UPTO THE MONTH THE MONTH Trivandrum 303.62 25.30 126.51 85.95 -32.06 Kollam 187.04 15.59 77.93 59.72 -23.38 Alappuzha 163.51 13.63 68.13 52.19 -23.40 Pathanamthitta 128.03 10.67 53.35 44.50 -16.59 Kottayam 205.24 17.10 85.52 77.57 -9.29 Ernakulam 478.38 39.87 199.33 147.29 -26.11 Thrissur 269.69 22.47 112.37 80.37 -28.48 Palakkad 159.56 13.30 66.48 46.77 -29.66 Kozhikode 261.64 21.80 109.01 70.57 -35.27 Malappuram 202.29 16.86 84.29 52.26 -38.00 Kannur 331.86 27.66 138.28 101.36 -26.70 CMTS 199.63 16.64 83.18 78.48 -5.65 CGMT 173.00 14.42 72.08 62.35 -13.50 TOTAL 3063.49 255.29 1276.46 659.36 -24.84 VARIATION (%) SSA wise / Year wise Revenue Comparison 2012-13 Vs 2011-12 (upto August) (Amount in Crores) SSA 2011-12 2012-13 % of variation Trivandrum 83.43 85.95 3.02 Kollam 57.04 59.72 4.68 Alappuzha 52.70 52.19 -0.97 Pathanamthitta 43.74 44.50 1.73 Kottayam 69.95 77.57 10.90 Ernakulam 146.91 147.29 0.26 Thrissur 72.67 80.37 10.59 Palakkad 43.39 46.77 7.79 Kozhikode 69.43 70.57 1.65 Malappuram 49.92 52.26 4.69 Kannur 94.26 101.36 7.53 TOTAL 783.44 818.53 4.48 CGMT 112.80 62.35 -44.73 CMTS 56.98 78.48 37.73 TOTAL 953.22 959.36 0.64 Portal Payments for Land line/CDMA/Mobile for May'12/June'12/July’12 May 2012 SSA June 2012 July 2012 Increase / % of Increase/ Decrease in Decrease TXN No.of TXNs w.r.t previous w.r.t. previous month month TXNs Amount TXNs Amount TXNs Amount Alappuzha 1452 939508 1564 1004951 1576 1232113 12 1 Kannur 1543 1208810 1871 1510803 2083 1690400 212 11 Ernakulam 5164 4801090 5806 4665309 6338 5448614 532 9 Kozhikode 1516 1097709 1809 1326659 2007 1714470 198 11 Kottayam 1332 913740 1642 1217658 1974 1546011 332 20 Malappuram 1147 790245 1506 1162629 1568 1233763 62 4 Palakkad 1433 1081205 1561 1206359 1742 1495589 181 12 Pathanamthitta 787 482074 957 635586 1049 683925 92 10 Kollam 1590 1066982 1724 1175507 1850 1330340 126 7 Thrissur 2924 2329293 2616 2240569 2800 2509536 184 7 Trivandrum 2533 2050413 3074 2663080 2968 2594363 -106 -3 Total Land line 21421 16761069 24130 18809110 25955 21479124 1825 8 CDMA 630 368974 941 493628 851 452428 -90 -10 Cellone 9143 6106335 10155 6966288 10617 6860197 462 5 21 22828 21 Wimax Total CFA+CM 31194 23236378 35226 26269026 37444 28814577 2218 6 Targets of Operational Parameters for Basic Services for the year 2012-13 Performance Parameters Fault Rate (%) Fault Clearance (%) a) Same Day b) By Next Day c) Within 3 Days d) Within 5 Days CCR (%) a) Local b) Junction c) STD MTTR Provision of Services in ‘Area On-Demand’ (%): a) i) New Connection (Within 3 Days) ii) New Connection (Within 7 Days) b) Local Shift (Within 3 Days) 14-Mar-16 BSNL KERALA c) Inter-Exchange Shift (Within 5 Days) Target for 2012-13 5 80.2 90 100 (For Urban areas) 100 (For Rural/ Hilly areas) 74 65 61 7 Hrs. 60 100 100 100 4 Details of NPCs During August 2012 AUGUST 1 TO 31 SSA Brought Forward +Booked NPC Provided within 7 days % Achievement within 7 days ( Target=100%) ALP 493 1217 1595 2455 632 675 534 413 671 1173 1153 11011 163 238 285 393 219 163 126 114 93 154 331 2279 33.06 19.56 17.87 16.01 32.64 25.79 18.67 21.35 22.52 13.13 28.71 20.70 CLT CNN ENK KTM MRX PGT PTA QLN TRC TVM CIRCLE 14-Mar-16 BSNL KERALA NPC Provided 7 to % Achievement 7 30 days to 30 days 62 142 123 223 68 39 71 48 44 91 122 1033 12.58 11.67 7.71 9.08 10.13 6.17 10.52 8.99 10.65 7.76 10.58 9.38 5 Details of Shift Reconnections During August 2012 AUGUST 1 TO 31 SSA Brought Forward +Booked ALP 198 366 561 944 257 367 265 290 135 774 600 4757 CLT CNN ENK KTM MRX PGT PTA QLN TRC TVM CIRCLE 14-Mar-16 Shift Shift % Achievement Reconnection Reconnection % Achievement 7 within 7 days Provided Provided 7 to to 30 days ( Target=100%) within 7 days 30 days 71 100 147 194 71 78 71 66 34 177 168 1177 35.86 27.32 26.20 20.55 27.63 21.25 26.79 22.76 25.19 22.87 28.00 24.74 BSNL KERALA 11 24 10 46 14 9 10 16 7 31 46 224 5.56 6.56 1.78 4.87 5.45 2.45 3.77 5.52 5.19 4.01 7.67 4.71 6 Target and Achievement of Broadband 2012-13 SSA ConnectionAchievement % of Target for upto August 2012 Achiev 2012-13 ement TCR ALP KTM ENK PTA CNN PGT KLM MRX CLT TVM Total 40% 35% 30% Net 23000 3837 18000 3350 23000 3736 49000 6276 22000 2762 43000 3427 16000 1666 29000 3259 24000 2078 45000 2771 48000 3363 340000 36525 % of Achievement 25% Gross 8272 5844 7124 12733 5402 10202 3620 5804 4356 6589 7001 76947 36% 32% 31% 26% 25% 24% 23% 20% 18% 15% 15% 23% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 36% 32% 31% 26%25% 24%23% 23% 20% 18% 15%15% BB penetration as on 31/08/2012 SSA Total Cumulative Land Line Working Lines Total Cumulative Broadband Working Line BB penetration ALP CLT CNN ENK KLM KTM MLP PGT PTA TCR TVM Total 203125 276749 392041 440474 254643 233876 264366 161374 158489 343947 297269 3026353 37704 47708 67370 105270 41484 52535 28232 34109 32528 65003 59863 571806 18.56% 17.24% 17.18% 23.90% 16.29% 22.46% 10.68% 21.14% 20.52% 18.90% 20.14% 18.89% At least 25 % penetration is expected from all SSAs by this year 3/14/2016 CFA-MKTG 8/ Status of BB Fault Rectification Name Total Fault of SSA Registered ENK KLM KTM TCR PGT ALP TVM MRX CLT PTA CNN Total 3108 1032 1189 2617 2559 1864 3481 2888 4475 1249 4461 28923 No. of fault rectified on the same day 2827 875 810 1697 712 225 265 175 137 38 102 7863 % of fault rectified on the same day 90.96 84.79 68.12 64.85 27.82 12.07 7.61 6.06 3.06 3.04 2.29 27.19 No of fault % of fault rectified on rectified by the next wkg next wkg day day 2829 935 998 1924 712 256 391 175 264 63 209 8756 91.02% 90.60% 83.94% 73.52% 27.82% 13.73% 11.23% 6.06% 5.90% 5.04% 4.69% 30.27% • * As per TRAI guidelines > 60% fault should be rectified on same day and >90% on next wkg day Recovery of rental modems from the closed BB connections for the period 1-04-2011 to 30-03-2012 (CDR figure) SSA Total cases where Total Cases LL is Wkg and BB where LL & BB Closed Closed BB Conn: DNP for Total more than 90 days TVM 2933 2353 430 5716 KLM 1395 1104 167 2666 PTA 1124 345 105 1574 ALP 1204 391 98 1690 KTM 72 37 3 112 ENK 39 46 4 89 TCR 867 279 94 1240 PGT 1712 452 197 2361 MRX 196 72 9 277 CLT 275 337 18 630 CNN 981 268 78 1327 Total 10795 5684 1203 17682 All SSAs are requested to collect the rental modems from the BB closed connections USOF BB Connection SSA PC Bundling Kiosks Target Achievement as on 31.07.2012 Target Achievement as on 31.07.2012 Alleppey 113 0 25 0 Calicut 168 0 50 7 Cannanore 254 0 58 0 Ernakulam & LD 279 0 58 8 Kottayam 177 0 39 3 Malappuram 175 0 34 0 Palghat 180 0 34 0 Pathanamthitta 185 0 36 0 Quilon 148 0 32 0 Trichur 151 0 34 3 Trivandrum 150 0 50 0 1980 0 450 21 Total SSA WISE CDMA CONNECTION STATUS DURING APR-AUG 2012 Target for Gross Net CDMA Voice FY 2012- Achievement Achievement connections as 13 up to 31-08-12 up to 31-08-12 on 31/8/2012 SSA No. of BTS ALP CLT ENK KNR KLM KTM MLP PGT PTA TCR TVM 51 154 145 160 79 51 108 89 55 65 116 3500 6900 7600 6700 5100 3000 5500 4700 2900 4700 5200 767 1231 1937 1581 1293 545 837 1122 638 1327 1003 -6958 -6126 -10380 -4440 -7153 -6037 -5227 -2613 -6159 -8158 22150 32883 40073 28921 33988 18715 29533 26810 16573 34185 21249 Total 1073 55800 12281 -66802 305080 -3551 SSA WISE WIMAX CONNECTION STATUS DURING APR - AUG 2012 SSA Target No. of FY BTS 2012-13 WIMAX WIMAX Gross Net Conns Conns Achivement Achivement as on as on Up to 31-08-12 up to 31-08-12 31/3/2012 31/8/2012 ALP CLT ENK KNR KLM KTM MLP PGT PTA TCR TVM 22 44 79 58 44 34 26 27 18 44 54 1800 3500 6000 5200 3800 2800 2000 2300 1200 2700 4700 360 889 1898 640 646 569 628 379 540 1722 654 274 245 698 346 522 128 162 263 175 710 291 167 -42 236 133 324 -57 13 173 18 311 150 527 847 2134 773 970 512 641 552 558 2033 804 Total 450 36000 8925 3814 1426 10351 SSA WISE GSM CONNECTION STATUS DURING APR-AUG 2012 SSA Net GSM Target Achievement for 2012-13 APR to AUG-12 % Achmnt Alleppey Calicut 61000 108500 19827 27782 32.50 25.61 Ernakulam 165000 73576 44.59 Kannur Kollam Kottayam Malappuram Palghat 136000 69000 73500 87500 70000 53326 23748 30799 15289 19748 39.21 34.42 41.90 17.47 28.21 Pathanamthitta 46000 19882 43.22 Thrissur Trivandrum 80500 103000 18942 30676 23.53 29.78 TOTAL 1000000 333595 33.36 SALE OF 3.6 Mbps/14.4 Mbps HSDPA DATA CARDS (Apr - July 2012) SSA Sales up to Jun-12 Sales during Jul-12 Total sales during 2012-13 (up to Jul-12) 3.6 Mb 14.4 Mb 3.6 Mb 14.4 Mb 3.6 Mb 14.4 Mb ALP 0 63 1 48 1 111 CLT 5 91 1 41 6 132 ENK 0 324 0 188 0 512 KNR 0 192 0 97 0 289 KLM 0 216 0 97 0 313 KTM 4 88 0 85 4 173 MLP 0 31 0 19 0 50 PGT 0 39 1 11 1 50 PTA 0 103 0 58 0 161 TCR 0 129 2 71 2 200 TVM 0 271 0 178 0 449 Total 9 1547 5 893 14 2440 No of Colleges and Domain creations for NME a) SSA ALP CLT No of Colleges Govt Pvt Total 10 51 61 29 94 123 Govt 10 29 Covered Pvt 31 79 Total 41 108 % Coverage Govt Pvt 100 61 100 84 Total 67 88 CNN 32 98 130 31 57 88 97 58 68 ENK 29 160 189 27 95 122 93 59 65 KLM 7 75 82 7 44 51 100 59 62 KTM 14 61 75 14 51 65 100 84 87 MRX 11 86 97 11 75 86 100 87 89 PGT 11 55 66 11 23 34 100 42 52 PTA 7 44 51 7 30 37 100 68 73 TCR 20 67 87 20 42 62 100 63 71 TVM 35 103 138 35 50 85 100 49 62 TOTAL 205 894 1099 202 577 779 99.09 65 71 Target Of Colleges to be connected under NMEICT Present Status of connectivity SSA Total Colleges Colleges covered as per updates available in Google Docs Remaining colleges to be covered ALP 61 44 17 CLT 123 106 17 CNN 130 88 42 ENK 189 122 67 KLM 82 51 31 KTM 75 65 10 MRX 97 81 16 PGT 66 34 32 PTA 51 38 13 TCR 87 62 25 TVM 138 85 53 Total 1099 776 323 The following activities may be taken to cover all the colleges under NMEICT. Visit the colleges/institutions and to explain the importance of NME project along with the tariff for taking connectivity. To put in all efforts to convince the colleges and obtain their consent. Colleges can be included additionally in the project If the colleges provides one of the documents a) approval of AICTE b) accreditation letter by NAAC c) letter of affiliation to any University & d) 12B/2F college status by UGC. Scanned copy of any of the above documents may please be sent to this Office so as to obtain domain from NME Cell. Survey of QoS of MS –period April’12 to June’12 – Parameters monitored NW KPIs/NW availability/NW development/NW usage & CAF/ Call center/Customer care & awareness/ Metering & billing. SSA Score achieved ALP EKM 75.04 86.66 KKD 80.97 KLM 79.77 KNR KTM 77.66 Major Deviations(Scored 0 marks) Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 82.47 Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 MLP 70.42 Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 PKD 81.75 PTA 83.70 TCR 80.54 TVM 73.32 Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 Achievement of Net Subscribers addition target-0/8, Percentage (%) of SSA CAF scanned- 0/5, Issue of welcome kit along with SIM- 0/2 BTS Outages due to media SSA No of No of Instanc Total down time BTS es LINK FAILURES No of Down time due to Instances media Average Down % out of Total Time (media) EKM 775 691 3539:24:56 154 1001:10:57 6:30:04 28.29% ALP 251 124 581:09:48 26 154:16:20 5:56:01 26.55% KTM 405 374 1452:49:22 26 100:17:46 3:51:27 6.90% PTA 271 186 801:08:10 11 78:16:44 7:06:59 9.77% KLM 321 442 1813:12:51 44 259:35:13 5:53:59 14.32% TVM 497 423 1641:43:03 71 371:21:21 5:13:49 22.62% TCR 409 203 681:33:32 50 197:14:40 3:56:42 28.94% PKD 379 151 652:37:58 37 228:56:44 6:11:16 35.08% MLP 328 204 834:09:26 52 273:28:31 5:15:33 32.78% KNR 636 580 2736:31:59 75 464:39:53 6:11:44 16.98% KKD 436 561 3136:58:03 118 925:24:25 7:50:33 29.50% OFC Targets & Achievements SSA Target 2012-13 RKM Achieved as on 31.07.2012 Achievement (in %) ALP 40 12.423 31.01 CLT 80 3.781 4.73 CNN 100 14.268 14.29 ENK 160 24.348 15.22 KTM 60 23.72 39.53 MRX 70 0 0 PGT 80 0 0 PTA 40 0 0 QLN 60 3.616 6.02 TCR 90 32.178 35.75 TVM 120 2.7 2.25 Total 900 117.034 13.01 14-Mar-16 BSNL KERALA 22 BB Connections for Agriculture Dept SSA Landline Applied Landline provided BB applied BB Provided TVM 11 10 85 54 KLM ALP PTA KTM ENK TCR PGT MRX CLT CNN TOTAL 54 17 33 63 87 67 13 33 85 48 520 41 10 32 52 63 43 11 17 81 47 407 74 72 52 79 124 86 68 106 97 99 942 64 59 51 53 70 54 64 59 92 81 701 Leased Line for KWA SSA A/N issued Provided TVM 3 3 KLM 4 1 ALP PTA KTM ENK 3 3 4 21 2 0 1 13 TCR PGT MRX 8 3 2 7 1 1 CLT CNN TOTAL 2 7 60 0 3 32 CAF SCANNING STATUS AS ON 31-08-2012 SSA CAF Given to the old tender (30th Sept 2009) Forms scanned % Forms scanned ALP CLT CNN EKM KLM KTM MLP PGT PTA TCR TVM 164697 298043 413662 805843 210377 281901 254382 188162 182572 234410 312696 42500 72000 50000 758000 27500 255000 25000 60000 182572 42500 62500 25.8 24.16 12.09 94.06 13.07 90.46 9.83 31.89 100 17.28 19.99 % Forms Forms Uploaded (out uploaded of Forms scanned) 0 0 72000 100 0 0 5,80,000 76.52 0 0 75000 29.41 25,000 100 0 0 1,82,572 100 38,600 95.29 62,500 100 TOTAL 3346745 1577572 47.08 10,35,672 65.77 CAF Penalty details for the period From 2009 to 2011 2009-10 ALP 17000 3000 12000 3000 CLT 21000 16000 12000 2000 EKM 111000 88000 19000 3000 KNR 112000 98000 26000 2000 KLM 12000 1000 4000 1000 KTM 17000 12000 8000 0 MLP 82000 188000 236000 42000 PGT 15000 1000 3000 0 PTA 8000 5000 9000 0 TCR 45000 44000 25000 6000 1000 TVM Others 151000 2000 195000 4000 205000 0 4000 62000 1000 1,25,000 4,000 Total 2010-11 Apr-Sep 11 Oct -Dec 11 Dec-11 Special Audit SSA 5,93,000 6,55,000 5,59,000 2000 PHASE VII : PROGRESS IN SITE IDENTIFCATION Count CANDIDATE SITEs RECEIVED FROM PROGRESS SSA Under DIVISIONs : STATUS AS ON : SINCE TURN TEY AS ON 07-08- AS ON 27-08- AS ON 20-09DIVISION (TK) 2012 2012 2012 28-08-2012 1 0 0 2 9 2 1 UPL 4 3 1 7 11 3 4 1 17 2 6 12 7 7 5 3 Total 93 KNR P KNR T TLY P TLY T MTR CUU TMB SKM PAY KSZ CNG KNG NLS CVU PDL Pending as on 9/15/2012 1 2 0 4 9 3 3 1 9 0 5 7 2 5 2 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 1 4 1 4 4 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 9 3 2 1 4 0 5 4 2 4 2 2 3 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 2 2 0 1 0 4 2 0 5 5 2 3 1 31 40 55 15 31 5 0 PHASE VII : SITE ACQUISITION STATUS AS ON 20 – 09 - 2012 BSS SSA DIVISIO DIVISIO N N Candidate Count Received From Deferred Division KNR KSZ KNR P 4 KNR T 3 TLY P 1 TLY T 7 MTR Candidate HPC required Received from BSS Verific. BSS in Progress Over Agreemnt BSS Acquired gave Candidate suitabilit y Sites Not received HPC from PENDING Pending DIVISIONs 1 0 0 1 0 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 2 1 2 1 0 11 9 0 4 5 0 2 CUU 3 3 0 1 2 0 0 TMB 4 3 0 1 0 2 1 SKM 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 PAY 17 9 8 2 0 0 4 KSZ KNG CNG 2 12 6 0 7 5 0 2 0 0 5 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 5 0 NLS 7 2 0 1 1 0 5 CVU 7 0 2 0 3 2 PDL 5 0 1 1 0 3 UPL 3 5 2( 1 MARR SITE) 2(1 MARR SITE) 0 1 1 0 1 MJR 0 0 55 ( 2 MARR sites) 0 0 0 0 0 25 14 6 29 Total 93 1 1 1 3 13 3 3