Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 PREREQUISITE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS Any manufacturer submitting a proposal or bid, to these specifications; shall meet the following conditions. The manufacturer of the apparatus herein specified; shall be wholly owned (100%) and managed by a Company, Corporation, and/or Parent Company that is wholly based, and permanently resides in the United States of America. The Company, Corporation, and/or Parent Company, and all assets belonging to such; shall be wholly owned and managed (100%) by the entities specified above. Any proposal, bid, or response to these specifications by any foreign based, owned, or managed (in part or in whole) Company, Corporation, and/or Parent Company; shall be cause for immediate rejection. Any proposal, bid, or response to these specifications by any Company, Corporation, and/or Parent Company, that is owned, operated, managed, or held in contract; in part or wholly by a partnership or other agreement; shall be cause for immediate rejection. Exceptions to these conditions will not be allowed under any circumstances. NFPA 1901-2009 The National Fire Protection Association “Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, 2009 edition, is hereby adopted and made a part of these specifications, the same as if it were written out in full detail, with the exception of the section dealing with "Equipment Recommended for Various Types of Apparatus". Bidders shall provide the equipment requested herein and the buyer shall supply the rest before the apparatus is put into service. It is the intent of the purchaser to purchase an apparatus that meets 100% of the minimum standards defined and outlined in NFPA 1901-2009 edition. There are to be no exceptions to this requirement. STATEMENT OF EXCEPTIONS The proposed apparatus as described in this specification document and all related material with the bid package shall meet or exceed all applicable sections for the category of apparatus as defined by NFPA 1901 newest edition, unless specifically noted within this specification or other official documents associated with this bid. Should any area, section or portion of the apparatus not meet the intent and applicable requirements, a clearly defined listing or explanation of what and why compliance was not achieved shall be provided to the purchaser at the time of delivery. VEHICLE STABILITY The apparatus shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 1901, newest edition, as it applies to vehicle stability. The particular apparatus as described in the specification provided within the bid package shall be classified into one of the following categories: Revised April 11, 2012 Page 1 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The apparatus shall go through actual tilt table testing. This shall be determined by the apparatus manufacturer The apparatus shall be equipped with rollover stability control systems as defined in section of NFPA 1901, newest edition The apparatus shall be deemed a similar apparatus and meeting the intent of section of NFPA 1901, newest edition INTENT OF SPECIFICATIONS It is the intent of these specifications to cover the furnishing and delivery to the purchaser of a complete apparatus equipped as herein specified. With a view to obtaining the best results and the most acceptable apparatus for service in the fire department, these specifications cover the general requirements as to the type of construction, together with certain details as to finish, equipment, and appliances with which the successful bidder must conform. Minor details of construction and materials where not otherwise specified are left to the discretion of the contractor, who shall be solely responsible for the design and construction of all features. Bids shall only be considered from companies that have an established reputation in the field of fire apparatus construction and have been in business for a minimum of 50 years. Each bidder shall furnish satisfactory evidence of his ability to construct the apparatus specified, and shall state the location of the factory where the apparatus is to be built. The bidder shall also show that they are in a position to render prompt service and furnish replacement parts for said apparatus. CONTRACTOR'S SPECIFICATIONS Each bid shall be accompanied by a set of "Contractor's Specifications" consisting of a detailed description of the apparatus and equipment proposed and to which the apparatus furnished under contract must conform. These specifications shall indicate size, type, model, and make of all component parts and equipment. TIMELY PROPOSALS It is the bidder's responsibility to see that their proposals arrive on time. Late proposals, facsimiles, emails, telegram, or telephone bids shall not be considered. DRAWINGS All bid drawings will be stamped PRELIMINARY DRAFT. A total of six (6) “C” size drawings and one (1) 11” x 17” drawing will be supplied All drawings will be drawn and printed in a 3/8 to 1 scale Compartment door opening dimensions will be shown on table on the drawing which will refer to each compartment number, such as L1, R1, T1 Drawings will be five (5) view. (left, right, front, rear, top) with the exception of chassis that are not always available as AutoCAD drawings Revised April 11, 2012 Page 2 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 Rear plumbing, such as 2-1/2” discharges, rear steamers, and direct tank fills, will be shown Ladders will be labeled with a letter designation referring to the table for an explanation of the ladder type OAL (overall length) in feet & inches Estimated length will be rounded up to the nearest inch OAH (overall height) in feet & inches Estimated height will be rounded up to the nearest inch Body dimensions shown - pump house width & front of the body to centerline of the rear axle Wheelbase in inches Estimated in-service weight Turning clearance radius Front and rear overhang in inches No pump panel or instrument panel controls, discharges or inlets. To be blank and labeled “Pump Panel” Water tank outline Warning lights Foam tank(s) fill towers Exterior mounted hard suction hose D.O.T. lights Generator outline No front bumper layout Rollup doors will be shown in open position. Lap doors will be shown in the closed position Compartment depth break over measurement. The measurement where the compartment switches from full depth to shallow depth Angle of approach and departure Top view of chassis Text Block Items Chassis model Water tank capacity Foam tank capacity Hose bed capacity in cubic feet Total compartment cubic feet Drawing box is to read “BID” and utilize the bid number Drawings will be printed on white paper with black ink, blue line drawings will not be acceptable. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 3 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 PURCHASER'S OBLIGATIONS The purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids on such basis as the purchaser deems to be in its best interest. All bidders shall be advised that the purchaser is not bound in any manner to automatically accept the lowest bid. The purchaser shall only be obligated to purchase the lowest bid that meets these detailed specifications as closely as possible. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS It is required that the bidder shall meet all State and Federal safety standards and laws that are in effect on the date of the bid for the item(s) that are being specified and the particular use for which they are meant. ACQUAINTANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS It is the responsibility of the bidder to review all of the bidding requirements. Failure of a bidder to be acquainted with this information shall not relieve them from any obligations of the bid requirements. QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP The design of the apparatus shall embody the latest approved automotive engineering practices. Experimental designs and methods shall not be acceptable. The workmanship shall be of the highest quality in its respective field. Special consideration shall be given to the following points: accessibility of the various units that require periodic maintenance, ease of operation (including both pumping and driving), and symmetrical proportions. Construction shall be rugged and ample safety factors shall be provided to carry loads as specified. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION The complete apparatus, assemblies, subassemblies, component parts, and so on, shall be designed and constructed with due consideration to the nature and distribution of the load to be sustained and to the general character of the service to which the apparatus is to be subjected when placed in service. All parts of the apparatus shall be strong enough to withstand the general service under full load. The apparatus shall be so designed that the various parts are readily accessible for lubrication, inspection, adjustment and repair. The apparatus shall be designed and constructed, and the equipment so mounted, with due consideration to distribution of the load between the front and rear axles, and side to side loading that all specified equipment, including a full compliment of specified ground ladders, full water tank, loose equipment, and firefighters; shall be carried without overloading or injuring the apparatus as per requirements defined in NFPA. 1901. The main apparatus body structure shall have an approximate width of 100" in order to maximize the enclosed compartment space of the apparatus. The 100" wide measurement represents the main body structure measured from the bottom, outermost rear corners of the apparatus body structure. Components affixed or fastened to the apparatus will increase the body width proportionately. LIABILITY Revised April 11, 2012 Page 4 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The bidder, if their bid is accepted, shall defend any and all suits and assume all liability for the use of any patented process, device or article forming a part of the apparatus or any appliance furnished under the contract. WARRANTY A copy of the warranties for the pump, body, paint, and water tank shall be furnished with each bidder's proposal. BID FORMS / SPECIFICATIONS All bid forms shall be submitted on the attached bid form. The bid form and / or these specifications shall be filled out by checking either the "YES" or "NO" column for each and every section / paragraph. Failure to use this form and / or these specifications shall be cause for immediate rejection of any bid. EXCEPTION TO SPECIFICATIONS The following chassis, pump, and body specifications shall be strictly adhered to. Exceptions shall be allowed if they are equal to or superior to that specified (as judged by the customer), and provided they are listed and fully explained on a separate page entitled "EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS". Exception lists shall refer to the specification page number. Each check in the "NO" column shall be listed and fully explained. Where no check is made in a particular paragraph either "YES" or "NO", it shall be assumed the bidder is taking exception to that paragraph. If a paragraph contains an empty column, where the bidder neglected to check the proper “YES” or “NO” column, it is assumed the bidder is not conforming to the requirements of this paragraph. If no explanation is given in the “EXCEPTIONS TO SPECIFICATIONS” document the bid is subject to immediate rejection. PROPOSALS TAKING TOTAL EXCEPTION TO THESE SPECIFICATIONS WILL BE IMMEDIATELY REJECTED. The buyer is aware that all bidders shall have to take some exceptions therefore; BIDDERS THAT TAKE NO EXCEPTIONS shall BE REQUIRED TO MEET EVERY PARAGRAPH TO THE FULLEST EXTENT SHOULD THEIR BID BE ACCEPTED. It is the intent of the purchaser to receive bids that do not require telephone calls or other communications to ascertain what a bidder is intending to supply. Upon delivery, the apparatus shall be inspected against THESE specifications and not those supplied by the bidder with their proposal. Deviations shall not be acceptable unless they were noted as exceptions at the time of bid and the apparatus shall be rejected until said deviations are corrected to the satisfaction of the buyer. Decisions regarding equal to or better than, shall be the sole responsibility of the recipient of the bids rather than those companies submitting bids. All deviations, regardless of significance must be explained in the “Exceptions to Specifications” section of the bid. When exceptions are not taken but inconsistencies are noted in the submitted detailed specifications, the bid may be subject to rejection. ROADABILITY The apparatus, when fully equipped and loaded, shall be capable of the following performance while on dry paved roads that are in good condition: Revised April 11, 2012 Page 5 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 From a standing start, the apparatus shall be able to attain a speed of 35 mph (55 kmph) within 25 seconds on a level road. The apparatus shall be able to attain a minimum top speed of 50 mph (80 kmph) on a level road. The apparatus shall be able to maintain a speed of at least 20 mph (30 kmph) on any grade up to and including 6 percent. FAILURE TO MEET TESTS In the event the apparatus fails to meet the test requirements of these specifications on the first trials, second trials may be made at the option of the bidder within 30 days of the date of the first trials. Such trials shall be final and conclusive and failure to comply with these requirements shall be cause for rejection. Failure to comply with changes as required to conform to any clause of the specifications within 30 days after notice is given to the bidder of such changes, shall be cause for rejection of the apparatus. Permission to keep or store the apparatus in any building owned or occupied by the Department during the specified period, with the permission of the bidder, shall not constitute acceptance. No Exceptions PROPOSAL SEQUENCE Bid specifications shall be submitted in the same sequence as these specifications for ease of checking compliance. There shall be no exceptions allowed to this requirement. The apparatus committee intends to be thorough during the evaluation of bids process. In order to maximize efficiency and minimize the time it takes to thoroughly evaluate all received bids this requirement must be strictly adhered to. AWARD OF CONTRACT All bids submitted shall be good for a minimum of 30 days during which time bid securities submitted with the proposals shall be held by the purchaser. Criteria for the award shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Apparatus Performance And Safety Levels / Considerations Completeness of proposal Accuracy of accompanying data Past performance of bidder Compliance with the detailed specifications Compliance with purchasers request(s) for personnel qualifications or certifications Exceptions and clarifications Financial stability of bidder Local representation of the manufacturer Serviceability of the proposed apparatus Service capabilities of the bidder's local representative Compliance with NFPA Pamphlet 1901 (newest edition) Any other factor the purchaser deems relevant After the evaluation and award process is complete, all bidders shall be notified of the results and securities shall be returned. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 6 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION The contractor shall supply, at the time of delivery, at least one copy of the following documents: 1. The manufacturers record of apparatus construction details, including the following information: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. Owners name and address Apparatus manufacturer, model, and serial number Chassis make, model, and serial number GAWR of front and rear axles Front tire size and total rated capacity in pounds (kg) Rear tire size and total rated capacity in pounds (kg) Chassis weight distribution in pounds with water and manufacturer mounted equipment (front and rear) Engine make, model, serial number, rated horsepower and related speed, and governed speed Type of fuel and fuel tank capacity Electrical system voltage and alternator output in amps Battery make, model, and capacity in cold cranking amps (CCA) Chassis transmission make, model, and serial number; and if so equipped, chassis transmission PTO(s) make, model, and gear ratio Pump make, model, rated capacity in gallons per minute (liters per minute where applicable), and serial number Pump transmission make, model, serial number, and gear ratio Auxiliary pump make, model, rated capacity in gallons per minute (liters per minute where applicable), and serial number Water tank certified capacity in gallons or liters Aerial device type, rated vertical height in feet (meters), rated horizontal reach in feet (meters), and rated capacity in pounds (kilograms) Paint manufacturer and paint number(s) Company name and signature of responsible company representative 2. Certification of slip resistance of all stepping, standing, and walking surfaces 3. If the apparatus has a fire pump, a copy of the following shall be provided: pump manufacturers certification of suction capability, apparatus manufacturers approval for stationary pumping applications, engine manufacturers certified brake horsepower curve showing the maximum governed speed, pump manufacturers certification of the hydrostatic test, and the certification of inspection and test for the fire pump 4. If the apparatus has an aerial device, the certification of inspection and test for the aerial device, and all the technical information required for inspections to comply with NFPA 1914, Standard for Testing Fire Department Aerial Devices 5. If the apparatus has a fixed line voltage power source, the certification of the test for the fixed power source 6. If the apparatus is equipped with an air system, test results of the air quality, the SCBA fill station, and the air system installation 7. Weight documents from a certified scale showing actual loading on the front axle, rear axle(s), Revised April 11, 2012 Page 7 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 and overall fire apparatus (with the water tank full but without personnel, equipment, and hose) 8. Written load analysis and results of the electrical system performance tests 9. When the apparatus is equipped with a water tank, the certification of water tank capacity OPERATION AND SERVICE DOCUMENTATION The contractor shall supply, at time of delivery, at least two sets of complete operation and service documentation covering the completed apparatus as delivered and accepted. The documentation shall address at least the inspection, service, and operations of the fire apparatus and all major components thereof. The contractor shall also provide documentation of the following items for the entire apparatus and each major operating system or major component of the apparatus: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Manufacturers name and address Country of manufacture Source of service and technical information Parts and replacement information Descriptions, specifications, and ratings of the chassis, pump, and aerial device Wiring diagrams for low voltage and line voltage systems to include the following information: representations of circuit logic for all electrical components and wiring, circuit identification, connector pin identification, zone location of electrical components, safety interlocks, alternator-battery power distribution circuits, and input/output assignment sheets or equivalent circuit logic implemented in multiplexing systems Lubrication charts Operating instructions for the chassis, any major components such as a pump or aerial device, and any auxiliary systems Precautions related to multiple configurations of aerial devices, if applicable Instructions regarding the frequency and procedure for recommended maintenance Overall apparatus operating instructions Safety considerations Limitations of use Inspection procedures Recommended service procedures Troubleshooting guide Apparatus body, chassis, and other component manufacturers warranties Special data required by this standard Copies of required manufacturer test data or reports, manufacturer certifications, and independent third-party certifications of test results A material safety data sheet (MSDS) for any fluid that is specified for use on the apparatus The contractor shall deliver with the apparatus all manufacturers operations and service documents supplied with components and equipment that are installed or supplied by the contractor. NFPA REQUIRED MANUALS The construction, operation, and service documentation shall be provided on a CD-ROM. These manuals shall be written in a "step by step" format for ease of reference. There shall be two (2) copies of the CD Revised April 11, 2012 Page 8 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 provided with the apparatus as standard. BODY STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY TEN (10) YEAR WARRANTY The body shall be free of structural or design failure or workmanship for a period of ten (10) years or 100,000 miles starting thirty (30) days after the original invoice date. PAINT LIMITED WARRANTY The apparatus body and pump house shall be free of blistering, peeling and any other adhesion defect caused by defective manufacturing methods or paint material selection for exterior surfaces for a period of three (3) years starting thirty (30) days after the original invoice date. Paint on the undercarriage, body interior (line-x coating included) or aerial structure related paint, if applicable, is covered only under the Standard One Year Limited Warranty. CORROSION LIMITED WARRANTY The body exterior paint shall be warranted against corrosion perforation for a period of ten (10) years starting thirty (30) days after the original invoice date. STAINLESS STEEL TEN (10) YEAR LIMITED PLUMBING WARRANTY The stainless steel plumbing shall be free from corrosion perforation for a period of ten (10) years starting thirty (30) days after the original invoice date. BASIC NINETY (90) DAY LIMITED WARRANTY ON OEM PURCHASED PARTS The apparatus shall be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days starting thirty (30) days after the original invoice date. STANDARD ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTY The apparatus shall be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year starting thirty (30) days after the original invoice date. OVERALL HEIGHT The overall height of the vehicle shall be approximately 122" (10' 2") from the ground. This measurement shall be taken with the tires properly inflated with the apparatus in the unloaded condition. The actual measurement shall be taken at the highest point of the apparatus. VEHICLE TOP SPEED The vehicle’s top speed shall be 68 MPH. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 9 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 OVERALL LENGTH The overall length of the vehicle shall be approximately 400" (33'- 4"). FIRE PUMP RATED ALTITUDE - 1349' MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT, PUMPERS Miscellaneous equipment, as defined in the newest edition of NFPA 1901, sections 5.8.2 and 5.8.3, shall be the responsibility of the purchaser. The apparatus shall be designed and manufactured in such a manner as to provide ample enclosed space for which to store such equipment. FIRE PUMP MOUNTING The fire pump shall be mounted within a separate body module that is not directly connected to the apparatus body. The pump shall be frame mounted; therefore minimizing the likelihood of the pump casing cracking should the apparatus be involved in a collision. The pump module shall be mounted to the frame in four (4) locations and shall be reinforced appropriately in order to carry the expected load for the life of the apparatus. Pump Package,Waterous CXSC20 1500 GPM Midship, SS (Pumper) WATEROUS MIDSHIP PUMP The pump shall be a Waterous CXSC20 - 1500 GPM midship fire pump. SINGLE STAGE FIRE PUMP The pump shall be a single stage centrifugal class "A" rated fire pump, designed specifically for the fire service. INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTY PUMP CERTIFICATION The fire pump shall be tested and certified by Underwriter's Labratories, a nationally recognized independent third party testing company. Tests shall be conducted so that the pump performs as listed below: 100% of rated capacity at 150 pounds net pressure 70% of rated capacity at 200 pounds net pressure 50% of rated capacity at 250 pounds net pressure 100% of rated capacity at 165 pounds net pressure Revised April 11, 2012 Page 10 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The entire pump, both suction and discharge passages, shall be hydrostatically tested to a pressure of 600 PSI. The pump shall be fully tested at the pump manufacturers factory to the performance spots as outlined by the latest NFPA pamphlet numer 1901. The pump shall be free from objectionable pulsation and vibration. THERMAL RELIEF VALVE W/INDICATOR There shall be a Waterous Overheat Protection Manager (OPM), installed on the pump. The relief valve shall automatically relieve water from the pump when the temperature of the pump water exceeds 140°F. In addition a warning light on the pump panel shall be triggered by a thermal switch when the water in the pump reaches 180°F. The warning light acts as an additional protection device if the temperature inside the pump keeps rising although the valve is open. The valve shall automatically reset after activation. IMPELLERS The pump impellers shall be bronze, specifically designed for the fire service and accurately balanced for vibration free running. The stripping edges shall be located on opposite sides of the impellers to reduce shaft deflection. The impeller shaft shall be stainless steel, accurately ground to size and supported at each end by oil or grease lubricated anti-friction ball bearings for rigid, precise support. The bearings used on the impeller shaft shall be automotive type bearings, easily cross-referenced and readily available at normal parts or bearing stores. MECHANICAL SEALS The pump shall be equipped with self-adjusting, maintenance free mechanical shaft seals that shall not require manual adjustment. These seals shall be designed in a manner such that they shall remain functional enough to permit continued use of the pump in the unlikely event of a seal failure. IMPELLER WEAR RINGS The pump shall be equipped with replaceable bronze wear rings for increased pump life and minimum maintenance cost. The wear rings shall be designed to fit into a groove in the face of the impeller hubs forming a labyrinth that, as the clearance increases with age, directs water from the discharge side in several directions eventually exiting outward, away from the eye of the impeller hub. PUMP TRANSMISSION The pump shall have a Waterous model C20 series transmission. The housing of the transmission shall be constructed of high strength, three piece, horizontally split aluminum. The drive line shafts shall be made from alloy steel forgings, hardened and ground to a size 2.350 inch 46 tooth involute spline. The drive and driven sprockets shall be made of steel and shall be hardened and have ground bores. The drive chain shall be a Morse HV™ high strength involute form chain. Bearings shall be deep groove, anti friction ball bearings and shall give support and proper alignment to Revised April 11, 2012 Page 11 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 the impeller shaft assembly. Bearings shall be oil splash lubricated, completely separated from the water being pumped, and protected by a V-ring and oil seal. An internal lubrication system shall deliver lubricant directly to the drive chain. This unique design eliminates the need for an external lubrication pump and auxiliary cooling. The pump and transmission shall be easily separable. A two-piece shaft shall be splined allowing for individual repair of either the pump or transmission, to keep down time to a minimum. All drive line components shall have a torque rating equal to or greater than the final net engine torque. AIR OPERATED PUMP SHIFT The pump shift actuating mechanism shall be air operated from a valve in the cab identified as "PUMP SHIFT". Full instructions for shifting the pump shall be inscribed on the valve plate. PUMP SHIFT INDICATING LIGHTS There shall be two (2) green pump system shift indicator lights in the chassis cab. The first light shall become energized when the chassis parking brake has been set and the pump has completed its shift into pump gear and shall be labeled "Pump Engaged". The second light shall become energized and when the pump and the chassis transmissions have been shifted completely into the correct gears for pumping, this light shall be labeled "OK To Pump". There shall be one (1) green pump system shift indicator light located on the operator's panel. This light shall only become engaged when the chassis parking brake has been set, and when the pump and the chassis transmissions have been completely shifted into the correct gears. The light shall be located adjacent to the throttle control and shall be labeled "Throttle Ready". WATEROUS VPO/VPOS, OIL LESS PRIMER The priming pump, model VPO/VPOS shall be included in the pump assembly. The priming pump shall be an electrically driven rotary vane pump mounted firmly within the pump area. The pump shall be controlled from the pump operator's panel. An indicator light on the pump panel shall show when the primer motor is engaged. The pump shall be capable of creating suction and discharging water from a lift of 10 feet through 20 feet of suction hose of the appropriate size, in not more than 30 seconds starting with the pump dry. It shall be capable of developing a vacuum of 22 inches at an altitude of up to 1000 feet. WATEROUS VPA, VACUUM ACTIVATED PRIMING VALVE There shall be a Waterous model VPA vacuum activated priming valve supplied with the pump. The valve shall open automatically when the priming system is activated. The valve shall be installed on the pump or mounted remotely. PRESSURE GOVERNOR, MONITORING, and MASTER PRESSURE DISPLAY Revised April 11, 2012 Page 12 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 Fire Research InControl series TGA300 pressure governor and monitoring display kit shall be installed. The kit shall include a control module, intake pressure sensor, discharge pressure sensor, and cables. The control module case shall be waterproof and have dimensions not to exceed 5 1/2" high by 10 1/2" wide by 2" deep. Inputs for monitored information shall be from a J1939 databus or independent sensors. Outputs for engine control shall be on the J1939 databus or engine specific wiring. The following continuous displays shall be provided: Pump discharge; shown with four daylight bright LED digits more than 1/2" high Pump Intake; shown with four daylight bright LED digits more than 1/2" high Pressure / RPM setting; shown on a dot matrix message display Pressure and RPM operating mode LEDs Throttle ready LED Engine RPM; shown with four daylight bright LED digits more than 1/2" high Check engine and stop engine warning LEDs Oil pressure; shown on a dual color (green/red) LED bar graph display Engine coolant temperature; shown on a dual color (green/red) LED bar graph display Transmission temperature: shown on a dual color (green/red) LED bar graph display Battery voltage; shown on a dual color (green/red) LED bar graph display. The dot-matrix message display shall show diagnostic and warning messages as they occur. It shall show monitored apparatus information, stored data, and program options when selected by the operator. All LED intensity shall be automatically adjusted for day and night time operation. The program shall store the accumulated operating hours for the pump and engine to be displayed with the push of a button. It shall monitor inputs and support audible and visual warning alarms for the following conditions: High battery voltage Low battery voltage (engine off) Low battery voltage (engine running) High transmission temperature Low engine oil pressure High engine coolant temperature Out of water (visual alarm only) No engine response (visual alarm only). The program features shall be accessed via push buttons located on the front of the control panel. There shall be an USB port located at the rear of the control module to upload future firmware enhancements. Inputs to the control panel from the pump discharge and intake pressure sensors shall be electrical. The discharge pressure display shall show pressures from 0 to 600 psi. The intake pressure display shall show pressures from -30 in. Hg to 600 psi. The governor shall operate in two control modes, pressure and RPM. No discharge pressure or engine RPM variation shall occur when switching between modes. A throttle ready LED shall light when the interlock signal is recognized. The governor shall start in pressure mode and set the engine RPM to idle. In pressure mode the governor shall automatically regulate the discharge pressure at the level set by the operator. In RPM mode the governor shall maintain the engine RPM at the level set by the operator except in the event of a discharge pressure increase. The governor shall limit a discharge pressure increase in RPM mode to a maximum of 30 psi. Other safety features shall include recognition of no water conditions with an automatic programmed response and a push button to return the engine to idle. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 13 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The pressure governor, monitoring and master pressure display shall be programmed to interface with a specific engine. Location of the governor and monitoring display shall be: INTAKE RELIEF VALVE There shall be an Elkhart 40-41 intake relief valve installed on the suction side of the pump. The valve shall be the preset type, adjustable from 75 to 250 PSI, and shall be designed to prevent vibration from altering the setting. The relief outlet shall be directed below the pump with the discharge terminating in a 2-1/2" male NST connection. The discharge shall be away from the pump operator and labeled "Do Not Cap". PUMP DRAIN VALVE A Trident manifold drain valve assembly shall be supplied. This drain shall provide the capability to drain the entire pump by turning a single control. The valve assembly shall consist of a stainless steel plate and shaft in a bronze body with multiple ports. The drain valve control shall be mounted on the left side pump panel and identified as "Master Drain". LUBRICATION SYSTEM, WATEROUS PUMP An internal lubrication system shall deliver lubricant directly to the drive chain. This unique design shall eliminate the need for an external lubrication pump and auxiliary cooling. Oil shall be supplied with the lubrication system. 1/2" PUMP COOLER LINE There shall be a 1/2" line installed from the discharge side of the pump to the water tank. The line shall be used to cool the pump during long periods of pumping when water is not being discharged. The pump cooler shall be controlled with a quarter-turn ball valve on operators panel, and shall be clearly labeled "Pump Cooler". PUMP COOLER CHECK VALVE There shall be a check valve installed in the pump cooler line to prevent tank water from back flowing into the pump when it is not in use. 40,000 BTU PUMP COMPARTMENT HEATER There shall be a 40,000 BTU marine heater installed in the pump compartment. The heater meets Coast Guard requirements for ignition protection and all hardware is marine grade. The heater shall have an electric fan to circulate the heat throughout the pump compartment. The heating coil shall be connected to the engine cooling circuit with 5/8" heater hose and there shall be valves located in the engine compartment in order to turn off the flow to the heater in the event of hose failure. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 14 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 PUMP COMPARTMENT HEATER THERMOSTAT A thermostat control shall be provided with the pump compartment heater. PUMP MANUAL Two (2) Pump Operation & Maintenance manuals in CD format shall be supplied at the time of delivery. FIVE YEAR PUMP WARRANTY The fire pump shall be warranted by Waterous for a period of five (5) years from the date of delivery to the fire department or five and one-half (5-1/2) years from the shipment date by Waterous. TANK TO PUMP CHECK VALVE There shall be a check valve between the pump suction and the booster tank valve. The check valve shall eliminate back flow into the water tank when the pump is connected to a pressurized source. TANK TO PUMP VALVE There shall be one (1) 3" Elkhart uni-body valve connected with a flexible hose from the tank to the suction side of the pump. TANK FILL VALVE There shall be one (1) Elkhart uni-body 2-1/2" tank fill valve plumbed with 2-1/2" plumbing from the pump to the tank. Installation shall be completed with 2-1/2" Class 1 rubber hose and stainless steel hose couplings. The tank fill valve shall be controlled from the operator's control panel. PAINT PUMP - GRAY The pump body shall be painted with PPG polyurethane enamel paint. The paint color shall be a neutral gray. The pump enclosure shall be painted the same color as the apparatus body. PAINT STEAMER AND INLET VALVES JOB COLOR The steamer and partially recessed inlet valves shall be painted with a PPG polyurethane enamel paint. The paint color shall be the same as the apparatus body. STAINLESS STEEL RAM HORN There shall be a Ram Horn supplied with the pump. This Ram Horn shall be stainless steel and flanged Revised April 11, 2012 Page 15 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 for bolting to the pump. The ends of the Ram Horn shall have Victaulic grooves for ease of connecting the pump intake manifolds. INLET STAINLESS STEEL MANIFOLD The intake side of the pump shall contain a manifold specifically designed for this apparatus. The stainless manifold shall be constructed of 304-316 eleven-gauge stainless steel material. All required fittings shall utilize schedule 40 material. The manifold shall be tested to 500 PSI. PUMP STAINLESS STEEL MANIFOLD The discharge side of the pump shall contain a manifold specifically designed for this apparatus. The stainless manifold shall be constructed of 304-316 eleven-gauge stainless steel material. All required fittings shall utilize schedule 40 material. The manifold shall be tested to 500 PSI. This manifold shall also accommodate the tank fill, engine cooler and other accessory valves. WATEROUS DISCHARGE ANODE, ( MANIFOLD ) There shall be Waterous zinc anode provided with the discharge manifold. The anode shall aid in preventing galvanic corrosion. The anode shall be installed in the discharge manifold of the pump and shall be easily replaceable. INTAKE DRAINS Each gated intake shall be equipped with a Trident Emergency 3/4" quarter turn bleeder valve. The bleeder valve shall be equipped with a chrome plated rectangular handle to provide a positive grip while personnel are wearing gloves. INTAKE TRIM PLATES Each gated intake shall have a chrome plated die cast zinc trim plate around the intake valve and fitting. The trim plate shall be easily removable without the need to disturb the valve. SLOW CLOSE MECHANISMS Gated intakes that are 3" or larger shall be equipped with a mechanism to prevent changing the position of the valve from full open to full close, or vice-versa, in less than 3 seconds. INTAKE STRAINERS Removable strainers shall be provided with each gated intake. RIGHT SIDE 2-1/2" GATED INTAKE(S) Revised April 11, 2012 Page 16 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 There shall be one (1) 2-1/2" gated intake(s) provided on the right side of the pump compartment. The intake shall be furnished with a 2-1/2" valve and 2-1/2" plumbing. The intake shall terminate with a 2-1/2" NST female chrome swivel. The suction valve(s), unless otherwise noted in the specifications, shall be an Elkhart Uni-Body valve. The valve shall be designed in such a manner that the action of water against the regulating element shall not affect its position. Each valve shall be individually attached to the manifold of the pump with stainless steel pipe. The plumbing to the valve shall contain a minimum of elbows to keep friction loss to a minimum. The valves located in the pump compartment area shall be partially recessed behind the panel in order to keep the valve(s) protected from the elements. PLUG W/CHAIN 2.5" There shall be a South Park model HPC3008AC, 2-½" NST plug with chain supplied. The plug shall be manufactured from high quality brass and shall be polished to remove manufacturing irregularities with a chrome finish applied to the polished surface. LEFT SIDE 2-1/2" GATED INTAKE(S) There shall be one (1) 2-1/2" gated intake(s) provided on the left side of the pump compartment. The intake shall be furnished with a 2-1/2" Elkhart Uni-Body valve and 2-1/2" plumbing. The intake shall terminate with a 2-1/2" NST female chrome swivel. The associated bezel shall be black. The suction valve(s), shall be an Elkhart Brass uni-body valve. The valve shall be designed in such a manner that the action of water against the regulating element shall not affect its position. Each valve shall be individually attached to the manifold of the pump with stainless steel pipe. The plumbing to the valve shall contain a minimum of elbows to keep friction loss to a minimum. Each intake shall be partially recessed behind the pump panel. PLUG W/CHAIN 2.5" There shall be a South Park model HPC3008AC, 2-½" NST plug with chain supplied. The plug shall be manufactured from high quality brass and shall be polished to remove manufacturing irregularities with a chrome finish applied to the polished surface. INLET, STEAMER, 6", LEFT SIDE, PUMPER There shall be one 6"steamer inlet supplied on the left side of the pumper. The suction fittings shall include a removable die cast screen to provide cathodic protection for the pump thus reducing corrosion. SHORT STEAMER BARREL - LEFT SIDE To accommodate an intake valve without exceeding the legal overall body width, a shorter steamer barrel Revised April 11, 2012 Page 17 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 shall be installed on the left side of the apparatus. CAP, LONG HANDLE, SOUTHPARK, 6" NST There shall be one (1) 6" NST thread, South Park LHC26P14AC long handle cap(s) provided. The cap shall be manufactured from high quality brass that shall be polished to remove manufacturing irregularities with a chrome finish applied to the polished surface. INLET, STEAMER, 6", RIGHT SIDE, PUMPER There shall be one 6" steamer inlet located on the right side of the pumper. The suction fittings shall include a removable die cast screen to provide cathodic protection for the pump thus reducing corrosion SHORT STEAMER BARREL - RIGHT SIDE To accommodate an intake valve without exceeding the legal overall body width, a shorter steamer barrel shall be installed on the right side of the apparatus. CAP, LONG HANDLE, SOUTHPARK, 6" NST There shall be one (1) 6" NST thread, South Park LHC26P14AC long handle cap(s) provided. The cap shall be manufactured from high quality brass that shall be polished to remove manufacturing irregularities with a chrome finish applied to the polished surface. PUMP DISCHARGE PACKAGE, ELKHART VALVES, SIDE MOUNTS CROSSLAY PRECONNECT HOSE BED Crosslay preconnects shall have 90 degree elbow type swivel on discharge outlets. The divider(s) between the hose bed areas shall be fabricated of 3/16" aluminum. It shall be mounted in a channel on each end for adjustability. ABRADED FINISH CROSSLAY HOSE BED The crosslay hose bed and dividers shall have a maintenance free abraded finish. ALUMINUM CROSSLAY COVER There shall be an aluminum non-slip treadbrite cover installed on the crosslay hose bed. The cover shall not interfere with hose loading when in the open position. When in the open position, the cover shall remain open due to automatically engaging mechanisms that require no type of latch operation to engage or release. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 18 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The cover shall be provided with one full length stainless steel piano style hinge that shall attach the cover to the body. The cover shall be light yet rigid. Opening of the cover may be performed by one person on one side of the apparatus and yet the cover shall be rigid enough to support weight without deformation. CROSSLAY FLAPS There shall be a vinyl end flap / cover located on each end of the pre-connected crosslay. The cover shall be attached to the body with straps and footman loops. Color of vinyl flaps shall be black. 1-1/2" CROSSLAYS There shall be two (2) 1-1/2" crosslays above the side mount control panel. Each crosslay shall be plumbed with a full-flow 2" Elkhart valve. Class 1 high pressure flex hose with stainless steel couplings shall be used in plumbing the discharge to an 1-1/2" male swivel elbow. The swivel for each crosslay hose bed shall be located outboard for ease of making connections while changing hose. The floor of the crosslay shall be covered with Dura-Dek fiber reinforced material. The Dura-Dek shall have "T" beams in parallel connected with cross slats that are first mechanically bonded and then epoxied. The "T" sections shall be spaced 3/4" apart to allow for drainage and ventilation. Each crosslay hose bed shall have a capacity of 200' of 1-3/4" double jacket fire hose. THUEMLING LIQUID FILLED 2-1/2" PRESSURE GAUGES There shall be two (2) Thuemling individual pressure gauge(s) installed on the pump panel. Each gauge shall be fully filled with pulse and vibration dampening Interlube to insure proper operations to minus 40 degrees and to reduce lens condensation. Each gauge shall read 0-400 PSI and shall be a minimum of 2-1/2" in diameter. A removable polished, stainless steel trim ring will be provided with each gauge. CROSSLAY ROLLERS Stainless steel rollers shall be provided at each end of the crosslay hose bed to facilitate deployment of hose. Vertical rollers shall be installed on each side of the hose bed opening, and a horizontal roller shall be installed under the opening. DISCHARGE VALVES All discharge valves, unless otherwise noted in the specifications, shall be quarter-turn, full flow, swingout type. The flow regulating element of each valve shall not change its position under any condition of operation involving discharge pressures to the maximum pressure of the pump. The means to prevent a Revised April 11, 2012 Page 19 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 change in position shall be incorporated in the operating mechanism and shall be permitted to be manually controlled. LOCATION OF DISCHARGE OUTLETS No discharge outlets larger than 2-1/2" shall be located on the pump operator's panel. STAINLESS STEEL PLUMBING Each valve shall be individually attached to the manifold of the pump with stainless steel pipe. The plumbing to the valve shall contain a minimum of elbows to keep friction loss to a minimum. The use of high pressure hose will be used in as many places as practical. DRAIN VALVES Each discharge 2-1/2" or larger, with the exception of the crosslays and hard to access plumbing, shall be equipped with a 3/4" quarter turn Trident Emergency drain between the valve and the discharge. There shall be a chrome plated rectangular handle provided on each drain valve to facilitate use with a gloved hand. Drain valves shall be located in a row just above the running board and below the pump panel on each side of the apparatus pump compartment to reduce clutter in the pump panel area. Each drain valve shall have a color coded bezel to match the appropriate line it is connected to. The drain valves shall be connected to the individual valves with flexible hose that is routed in such a manner as to assure complete drainage. Discharge from the drain valves shall be routed to below the apparatus. AUTOMATIC DRAINS A Class 1 model 34AD automatic drain shall be installed on all crosslay, deluge gun and discharge plumbing that flows in low routed areas that are located below the 1/4 turn manual drain. The drains shall be located in areas where there is a possibility of back flow. These drains will open whenever pressure in the line drops below 6 PSI. DISCHARGE ELBOWS All discharges that are 2" or larger and are 42" or more above grade shall be equipped with a downward pointing elbow of 30 degrees or more. DISCHARGE CAPS All discharges, except for those designated as preconnects, shall have a chrome cap. Caps for discharges 3-1/2" and smaller shall be secured to the apparatus with suitable chains or cables. DISCHARGE TRIM PLATES Each gated discharge shall have a chrome plated die cast zinc trim plate around the discharge valve and fitting. The trim plate shall be easily removable without the need to disturb the valve. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 20 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 SLOW CLOSE MECHANISMS Discharges that are 3" or larger shall be equipped with a valve mechanism to prevent changing the position of the valve from full open to full close, or vice-versa, in less than 3 seconds as required by NFPA. FRONT BUMPER 2-1/2" DISCHARGE There shall be one (1) 2-1/2" NST discharge installed to the left side of the front bumper. The discharge shall be plumbed with a 2-1/2" Elkhart Uni-body valve and 2-1/2" plumbing. Class 1 high pressure flex hose with stainless steel couplings shall be used in the plumbing of this discharge. CHROME DISCHARGE SWIVEL The front bumper discharge shall be equipped with a chrome swivel elbow. The swivel elbow assembly shall have a 2-1/2" victaulic pipe end and a 2-1/2" male NST end. The elbow shall be specially deigned to reduce friction loss. THUEMLING LIQUID FILLED 2-1/2" PRESSURE GAUGES There shall be one (1) Thuemling individual pressure gauge(s) installed on the pump panel. Each gauge shall be fully filled with pulse and vibration dampening Interlube to insure proper operations to minus 40 degrees and to reduce lens condensation. Each gauge shall read 0-400 PSI and shall be a minimum of 2-1/2" in diameter. A removable polished, stainless steel trim ring will be provided with each gauge. LEFT SIDE 2-1/2" DISCHARGES There shall be two (2) 2-1/2" NST discharges on the left side of the pump compartment. The discharges shall be plumbed with 2-1/2" Elkhart Uni-body valves and 2-1/2" plumbing. The 2-1/2” valves shall be controlled by a Trident quarter turn locking type push/pull control with direct linkages and universal yokes. Control rods shall be hard coated anodized aluminum 3/4'' rod and polished chrome plated zinc handles. The centerline of any valve control shall be no more than 72" vertically above the platform that serves as the pump operator's position. THUEMLING LIQUID FILLED 2-1/2" PRESSURE GAUGES There shall be two (2) Thuemling individual pressure gauge(s) installed on the pump panel. Each gauge shall be fully filled with pulse and vibration dampening Interlube to insure proper operations to minus 40 degrees and to reduce lens condensation. Each gauge shall read 0-400 PSI and shall be a minimum of 2-1/2" in diameter. A removable polished, stainless steel trim ring will be provided with each gauge. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 21 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 DISCHARGE ADAPTER(S) There shall be two (2) South Park model SE394505AC, 2-½" NST swivel female x 2-½" NST male 45° adapter provided. The adapter shall be manufactured from high quality brass and the swivel shall be attached using ball bearings. The adapter shall be polished to remove manufacturing irregularities with a chrome finish applied to the polished surface. CAP W/CHAIN, SOUTHPARK, 2.5"NST There shall be two (2) 2 ½" NST South Park HCC2808AC cap(s) with chain(s) provided. The cap shall be manufactured from high quality brass that shall be polished to remove manufacturing irregularities with a chrome finish applied to the polished surface. RIGHT SIDE 2-1/2" DISCHARGE There shall be one (1) 2-1/2" NST discharge on the right side of the pump compartment. The discharge shall be plumbed with a 2-1/2" Elkhart Uni-body valve and 2-1/2" plumbing. The 2-1/2" valve shall be controlled by a Trident quarter turn locking type push/pull control with direct linkage and a universal yoke. The control rod shall be hard coated anodized aluminum 3/4'' rod with a polished chrome plated zinc handle. The centerline of the valve control shall be no more than 72" vertically above the platform that serves as the pump operator's position. THUEMLING LIQUID FILLED 2-1/2" PRESSURE GAUGES There shall be one (1) Thuemling individual pressure gauge(s) installed on the pump panel. Each gauge shall be fully filled with pulse and vibration dampening Interlube to insure proper operations to minus 40 degrees and to reduce lens condensation. Each gauge shall read 0-400 PSI and shall be a minimum of 2-1/2" in diameter. A removable polished, stainless steel trim ring will be provided with each gauge. DISCHARGE ADAPTER(S) There shall be one (1) South Park model SE394505AC, 2-½" NST swivel female x 2-½" NST male 45° adapter provided. The adapter shall be manufactured from high quality brass and the swivel shall be attached using ball bearings. The adapter shall be polished to remove manufacturing irregularities with a chrome finish applied to the polished surface. CAP W/CHAIN, SOUTHPARK, 2.5"NST There shall be one (1) 2 ½" NST South Park HCC2808AC cap(s) with chain(s) provided. The cap shall be manufactured from high quality brass that shall be polished to remove manufacturing irregularities with a chrome finish applied to the polished surface. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 22 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 LEFT REAR 2-1/2" DISCHARGE There shall be one (1) 2-1/2" NST discharge located at the left rear of the apparatus. The discharge shall be plumbed with a 2-1/2" Elkhart Uni-body valve and 2-1/2" plumbing. The 2-1/2” valve shall be controlled by a Trident quarter turn locking type push/pull control with direct linkage and a universal yoke. The control rod shall be hard coated anodized aluminum 3/4'' rod with a polished chrome plated zinc handle. The centerline of any valve control shall be no more than 72" vertically above the platform that serves as the pump operator's position. TANK SLEEVE, UPF, 4" There shall be a 4" sleeve installed through the United Plastics Fabricating tank to accommodate plumbing for a rear discharge. THUEMLING LIQUID FILLED 2-1/2" PRESSURE GAUGES There shall be one (1) Thuemling individual pressure gauge(s) installed on the pump panel. Each gauge shall be fully filled with pulse and vibration dampening Interlube to insure proper operations to minus 40 degrees and to reduce lens condensation. Each gauge shall read 0-400 PSI and shall be a minimum of 2-1/2" in diameter. A removable polished, stainless steel trim ring will be provided with each gauge. DISCHARGE ADAPTER(S) There shall be one (1) South Park model SE394505AC, 2-½" NST swivel female x 2-½" NST male 45° adapter provided. The adapter shall be manufactured from high quality brass and the swivel shall be attached using ball bearings. The adapter shall be polished to remove manufacturing irregularities with a chrome finish applied to the polished surface. CAP W/CHAIN, SOUTHPARK, 2.5"NST There shall be one (1) 2 ½" NST South Park HCC2808AC cap(s) with chain(s) provided. The cap shall be manufactured from high quality brass that shall be polished to remove manufacturing irregularities with a chrome finish applied to the polished surface. RIGHT SIDE 4" LARGE DIAMETER DISCHARGE There shall be one (1) 4" NST discharge(s) located on the right side pump panel. The discharge shall be plumbed with a 3-1/2" Elkhart Uni-body valve and 4" plumbing. ELKHART RC-10 HANDWHEEL ACTUATED CONTROL The discharge valve shall be controlled by an Elkhart RC-10 slow-closing remote linear output screw-type Revised April 11, 2012 Page 23 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 actuator. The actuator housing and push-rod shall be constructed of light weight extruded aluminum. A precision needle thrust bearing and hardened thrust washers shall assure smooth, efficient operation and accurate flow and pressure control capability. A 5" cast aluminum handwheel shall allow for compact through-the-panel installation. The valve status indicator module shall provide the pump operator with the status of the valve at a glance. Red shall mean fully closed; Green shall mean fully opened; Yellow shall indicate a gated position. Incandescent lamps shall provide a reliable signal with a wide viewing angle even in bright sun light. Reliable solid state valve position sensors shall be water and lubricant resistant. The integrated circuit board and lamp sockets shall be completely encased in epoxy for total protection from the elements. THUEMLING LIQUID FILLED 2-1/2" PRESSURE GAUGES There shall be one (1) Thuemling individual pressure gauge(s) installed on the pump panel. Each gauge shall be fully filled with pulse and vibration dampening Interlube to insure proper operations to minus 40 degrees and to reduce lens condensation. Each gauge shall read 0-400 PSI and shall be a minimum of 2-1/2" in diameter. A removable polished, stainless steel trim ring will be provided with each gauge. ELBOW ADAPTER There shall be one (1) Snap-tite model AS50T40NER, 4" NST female rocker lug x 5" Storz 30 degree elbow adapter(s) shall be supplied with the apparatus. 5" STORZ CAP & CHAIN There shall be one (1) Snap-tite model BS50 5" Storz blind cap(s) with chain supplied with the apparatus DELUGE MONITOR RISER, CENTER There shall be one (1) 3" riser for a deluge monitor installed on the centerline above the pump on the apparatus. The discharge shall be plumbed with a 3" Elkhart valve and 3" plumbing. ELKHART RC-10 HANDWHEEL ACTUATED CONTROL The discharge valve shall be controlled by an Elkhart RC-10 slow-closing remote linear output screw-type actuator. The actuator housing and push-rod shall be constructed of light weight extruded aluminum. A precision needle thrust bearing and hardened thrust washers shall assure smooth, efficient operation and accurate flow and pressure control capability. A 5" cast aluminum handwheel shall allow for compact through-the-panel installation. The valve status indicator module shall provide the pump operator with the status of the valve at a glance. Red shall mean fully closed; Green shall mean fully opened; Yellow shall indicate a gated position. Incandescent lamps shall provide a reliable signal with a wide viewing angle even in bright sun light. Reliable solid state valve position sensors shall be water and lubricant resistant. The integrated circuit board and lamp sockets shall be completely encased in epoxy for total protection from the elements. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 24 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 THUEMLING LIQUID FILLED 2-1/2" PRESSURE GAUGES There shall be one (1) Thuemling individual pressure gauge(s) installed on the pump panel. Each gauge shall be fully filled with pulse and vibration dampening Interlube to insure proper operations to minus 40 degrees and to reduce lens condensation. Each gauge shall read 0-400 PSI and shall be a minimum of 2-1/2" in diameter. A removable polished, stainless steel trim ring will be provided with each gauge. NO - DECK GUN ENGINEERING FOR FUTURE FOAM SYSTEM The stainless manifold on the pump shall be engineered for the future installation of a future foam system. In addition to the plumbing, the pump operators control panel shall also be engineered for future installation of foam controls. Space will be made available. No cut-outs shall be provided. The system shall be plumbed for a FoamPro foam system. Foam capable discharges shall be two (2) crosslays, front bumper discharge. POLYPROPYLENE FOAM TANK There shall be one (1) Pro Poly 20 gallon polypropylene foam cell(s) incorporated into the polypropylene water tank. There shall be one (1) pressure/vacuum vent installed on the foam tank. There shall be one (1) drain hose connected to the foam cell. The drain shall have a 1/4 turn valve installed inside the pump house and it shall drain below the frame rail of the chassis. WATER TANK The water tank shall have a capacity of 1000 U.S. gallons. Certification of the tank capacity shall be recorded on the manufacturer's record of construction and shall be provided to the purchaser upon delivery of the apparatus. WATER TANK TREADBRITE COVER The water tank shall be booted upward in front to allow for a lower hose bed design. The raised portion of the tank shall be covered in treadbrite to protect it from the elements. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 25 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 PRO POLY TANK CONSTRUCTION The tank shall be constructed of Polyprene® sheet stock. This material shall be non-corrosive, stress relieved thermoplastic, black in color and U.V. stabilized for maximum protection. BOOSTER TANK The tank shall be of a special configuration and is so designed to be completely independent of the body and compartments. All exterior tank joints and seams shall feature Pro Lock™ design, which includes snap-in tank components for a mechanical lock as well as extrusion welding and the Bent Edge®, All joints shall be tested for maximum strength and integrity. The top of the tank is fitted with removable lifting eyes designed with a 3 to 1 safety factor to facilitate easy removal. PRO LOCK DESIGN The Pro Lock™ system is an exclusive and proprietary mechanical locking of all tank and body parts prior to welding. Pro Lock™ incorporates a mechanical lock and Bent Edge® technology into each exterior joint by utilizing a dado to join two parts. This system interlocks the baffle with the tank wall to give superior strength to the tank and body through the entire service life of the tank. BENT EDGE TECHNOLOGY This technology is a patented process, exclusive to Pro Poly, of heating and bending sheet stock to form a continuous, seamless corner void of any joints, therefore eliminating the chances of leaks in these areas. TANK BAFFLES The transverse and longitudinal swash partitions shall be manufactured of Polyprene® material. All partitions shall be equipped with vent and air holes to permit movement of air and water between compartments. The partitions shall be designed to provide maximum water flow. All swash partitions interlock with one another and are welded to each other as well as to the walls and floor of the tank. TANK SUMP There shall be one (1) sump standard per tank. The sump shall be constructed of ½” black Polyprene® and be located in the left front corner of the tank, unless specified otherwise. On all tanks that require a front suction, a schedule 40 polypropylene pipe shall be installed that will incorporate a dip tube from the front of the tank to the sump location. The sump shall have a minimum 3” FNPT threaded outlet on the bottom for a drain plug. This shall be used as a combination clean out and drain. All tanks shall have an anti-swirl plate located approximately 2-1/2” above the dip tube. TANK FILL CONNECTION All tank fill couplings shall be backed with flow deflectors to break up the stream of water entering the tank, and shall be capable of withstanding sustained fill rates of up to 1,000 GPM at 100 PSI. TANK LID The tank cover shall be constructed of recessed and mechanically locked ½” thick black Polyprene® stress relieved, U.V. stabilized material. A minimum of two (2) lifting dowels shall be drilled and tapped 1/2” x 2” to accommodate the lifting eyes. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 26 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 TANK MOUNTING Unless otherwise specified, a picture frame type cradle mount shall be utilized with a minimum 2”x 2” x 1/4” mild steel, stainless steel or aluminum angle. Where aluminum or steel tubing and channel sub frames are incorporated in the body structure, the use of corner angles having a minimum dimension of 4”x 4” x 1/4” by 6” high are permitted for the purpose of capturing the tank. LIFETIME TANK WARRANTY The tank shall have a rated capacity in U.S. gallons, complete with a lifetime warranty. The tank manufacturer shall mark the tank and furnish notice that indicates proof of warranty. WATER TANK FILL TOWER The tank shall have a combination vent and fill tower. The fill tower shall be constructed of 1/2” thick Polyprene® and shall be a minimum dimension of 8”x 8” outer perimeter. The tower shall be located in the left front corner of the tank unless otherwise specified by the purchaser. The tower shall have a 1/4” thick removable Polyprene® screen and a Polyprene® hinged-type cover. TANK OVERFLOW Inside the fill tower, there shall be a combination vent overflow pipe. The vent overflow shall be a minimum of schedule 40 pipe with a minimum I.D. of 6” that is designed to run through the tank, and shall be piped behind the rear wheels where specified by the purchaser so as to maximize traction. TANK DRAIN VALVE One (1) 1-1/2" tank drain valve(s) shall be provided under the tank sump. The valve shall have a locking lever to prevent accidental draining of the tank. WATER TANK INDICATOR Fire Research TankVision model WLA200-A00 tank indicator kit shall be installed. The kit shall include an electronic indicator module, a pressure sensor, and a 10' sensor cable. The indicator shall show the volume of water in the tank on nine (9) easy to see super bright LEDs. A wide view lens over the LEDs shall provide for a viewing angle of 180 degrees. The indicator case shall be waterproof, manufactured of aluminum, and have a distinctive blue label. The program features shall be accessed from the front of the indicator module. The program shall support self-diagnostics capabilities, self-calibration, and a datalink to connect remote indicators. Low water warnings shall include flashing LEDs at 1/4 tank, down chasing LEDs when the tank is almost empty, and an output for an audio alarm. The indicator shall receive an input signal from an electronic pressure sensor. The sensor shall be mounted from the outside of the water tank near the bottom. No probe shall be placed on the interior of the tank. Wiring shall be weather resistant and have automotive type plug-in connectors. CONTROL PANEL Revised April 11, 2012 Page 27 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The left side of the pump enclosure shall be divided into two sections. The lower section shall be where all valve controls, the primer control, the discharge relief valve controls (pilot valve), and other mechanical controls are located. This surface shall be referred to as the "control panel". All valve controls shall be the self locking type, activated by either direct control or with a direct linkage utilizing friction locking bell cranks and universal ball swivels. The primary valve handles shall have color coded tags installed in a recessed area to clearly denote the purpose of each control. INSTRUMENT PANEL The surface above the control panel shall contain all instruments, gauges, test fittings, and optional controls. This surface shall be referred to as the "instrument panel". The instrument panel shall be independent and hinged and latched so that it may be opened. All instruments, gauges, and other equipment shall be installed with sufficient slack in any cabling, tubing, or plumbing to allow the panel to swivel to the fully open position. The instrument and gauge panel shall be vertically hinged " swing out " to provide access for service. COLOR CODED LABELS To improve identification of discharges and intakes, color coded tags shall be provided. The tags shall utilize an etching process to provide easy visibility and improved field service life. Tags shall be affixed using an industrial grade adhesive backing, eliminating the need for pop rivets or screws into the panel or control handle. RIGHT SIDE PUMP PANEL A single panel shall be installed on the right side of the pump enclosure. This shall be the area where any right side discharges, inlets, steamers, and other pump associated equipment are located. This panel shall be easily removable and held in place with quick release push latches. It shall be fully removable for pump and plumbing access without the need to use hand tools. Any electrical equipment that may be installed shall be equipped with connectors so they may be easily separated from the opening created when the below described front access panel is removed. PUMP PANEL LIGHTS - ON SCENE The pump operator's control panel and the right side pump panel shall each be illuminated by a On Scene LED night stik lighting, The pump panel lights shall become energized upon setting the parking brake so the gauge information provided may be consulted at any time the apparatus is parked. A stainless steel shield shall be installed over the pump panel lights to further protect them from the elements and to act as a reflector for additional illumination. PANEL SURFACES The control panel, instrument panel, and right side pump panel shall be fabricated from 12 gauge and 16 gauge stainless steel with #4 brushed finish. PRESSURE/VACUUM TEST PORTS Revised April 11, 2012 Page 28 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 Class1 model 115100 pressure and vacuum test ports shall be provided on the pump panel. PUMP COOLER VALVE Class1 model 38BV pump cooling control valve shall be provided on the pump panel. ENGINE COOLER VALVE Class1 model 38BV engine cooling control valve shall be provided on the pump panel. WHITE FACE/ BLACK NUMERAL GAUGE DISPLAY The master pump gauges and individual pressure gauges shall have a white face with black numbers and lettering. This shall provide a high contrast and allow the gauges to be easily read by the operator. THUEMLING INSTRUMENT PANEL MASTER PUMP GAUGES, PSI The pump vacuum and pressure gauges shall be supplied by Thuemling. Each gauge shall be fully filled with pulse and vibration dampening Interlube to insure proper operations to minus 40 degrees and to reduce lens condensation. The gauge shall read -30-0-400 PSI and shall be a minimum of 4-1/2" in diameter. DUNNAGE COMPARTMENT There shall be a dunnage compartment above the pump compartment. The dunnage compartment shall be constructed of treadbrite. INDEPENDENT PUMP COMPARTMENT The main body and the pump compartment shall be fabricated as individual units. Both the body and pump compartment shall be fabricated using precision holding fixtures to ensure proper dimensions. All attachment points shall be heavily reinforced. ALUMINUM BODY CONSTRUCTION The apparatus body shall be fabricated from 1/8” 5052-H32, smooth aluminum sheet. The complete apparatus body shall be fabricated utilizing the break and bend techniques in order to form a strong, yet flexible, uni-body structure. The body shall be constructed with holding fixtures to ensure proper dimensioning. Each apparatus body shall is specific in design in order to meet the unique requirements of the purchasing fire department. The main body compartments on each side, as well as the rear center compartment if applicable, shall contain a sweep out floor design. Each compartment shall be made to the most practical dimensions in order to provide maximum storage capacity for the fire department's equipment. The door opening threshold will be positioned lower than the compartment floor permitting easy cleaning of the Revised April 11, 2012 Page 29 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 compartments. Continuous, solid welded seams shall be located at the upper front and upper rear corners of the apparatus body. The flooring of all lower, main body compartmentation shall also have solid weld seams. All door jams, on both the top and the bottom, shall be solid welded as well. Each main door jam shall consist of a double jam design, this is comparable to a double struck frame design, which provides superior strength and durability. All double door jams are to be welded together utilizing the plug weld technique. All remaining compartment walls shall be stitch welding. The compartment floors, specifically L1 and R1, shall have a minimum of two (2) 1” x 2” rectangular tubes welded to the entire width of the compartment floor. The two (2) rear side compartments as well as the rear center compartment, if applicable, shall be welded to the rear deck support structure. This rear deck support structure is specially designed for the galvanized apparatus body substructure. A minimum of two (2) squares tubes, which are 1/4” x 3” x 3”, shall run the entire width of the body from sidewall to sidewall. Each lower, rear compartment will be adequately stitch welded to the cross tubes providing strength and durability to the entire apparatus body. The body design shall include a “false wall” design in the lower portion of each lower, rear compartment. This is required in order to allow for easy accessibility to the rear electrical components found in the rear taillight cluster area. The upper area of the apparatus body, directly above the side compartment door openings, a header is to be fabricated from smooth, aluminum sheet. This area shall be free from any body seams and shall be painted the same color as the apparatus body. The height of the header may vary depending on the following factors: apparatus design, lettering requirements, scene lights and warning light requirements as well as various other options. BODY SUB FRAME To assure proper body alignment and clearance, the body sub frame shall be constructed in a jig and fitted directly on the chassis. The chassis frame rails shall be fitted with fiber reinforced rubber to isolate the body frame members from direct contact with chassis frame rails. The main body sub frame shall be constructed from steel tubing. The sub frame shall run the full length of the body and shall be spaced the same width as the chassis frame rails. The main sub frame shall also be the integral support for the water tank. Vertical drop tubes shall be welded to the sub frame. From these vertical drop tubes shall extend cross members constructed of steel angle. These cross members shall extend out to support the compartments. Cross members shall be located at the front and rear of the body and in front and rear of the wheel well opening. The compartment area behind the rear axle shall be supported by a drop frame fabricated of steel tube and steel angles. The rear drop frame shall be constructed using vertical drop tubes, welded to the main sub frame. All drop frame structures shall be welded directly to the body sub frame to allow the body to be a completely separate structure from the chassis. After fabrication the sub frame shall be hot dip galvanized for maximum protection against corrosion. BODY MOUNTING The body sub frame shall be fastened to the chassis frame with a minimum of six (6) spring loaded body Revised April 11, 2012 Page 30 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 mounts. Each mount shall be configured using a two-piece bracket. The two (2) brackets shall be fabricated of steel plates. The plates shall be painted to prevent any corrosion. Each mounting assembly shall utilizing two (2) plated bolts and two (2) heavy duty springs. The assembly design shall allow the body and sub frame to act as one (1) component, separate from the chassis. As the chassis frame twists under driving conditions, the spring mounting system shall limit any stress from being transferred into the body. The spring loaded body mounts shall also prevent frame side rail or body damage caused by unevenly distributed stress and strains due to load and chassis movement. Body mountings that do not allow relief from chassis movement shall not be acceptable. TANK MOUNTING The water tank shall rest on the sub frame cross members which are spaced as required by the tank manufacturer. The tank shall be isolated from the cross members through the use of hard rubber strips with a minimum Rockwell hardness of 60 durometer. Additionally, the tank shall be supported around the entire perimeter and captured both front and rear as well as side to side to prevent the tank from shifting during vehicle operations. Although the tank shall be designed on a free floating suspension principle, it shall be required that the tank have adequate hold down restrains to minimize movement during vehicle operations. The tank shall be completely removable without disturbing or dismantling the apparatus structure. SINGLE AXLE CONFIGURATION The apparatus shall have a single rear drive axle configuration. LEFT SIDE COMPARTMENTS COMPARTMENT L1 There shall be a full height compartment located ahead of the rear wheels on the left side of the apparatus body. This compartment shall be designated as L1 within these specifications and any ensuing paperwork or drawings after contract execution. It shall be equipped with a roll-up door. Door opening - 39" wide x 55.5" high The compartment shall have a usable depth of 25.75" in the lower portion and 15.25" in the upper portion. COMPARTMENT L2 There shall be an upper compartment located over the rear wheel on the left side of the apparatus body. This compartment shall be designated as L2 within these specifications and any ensuing paperwork or drawings after contract execution. The compartment shall be equipped with a roll-up door. Door opening - 53" wide x 24" high The compartment shall have a usable depth 15.25". Revised April 11, 2012 Page 31 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 COMPARTMENT L3 There shall be a full height compartment located behind the rear wheels on the left side of the apparatus body. This compartment shall be designated as L3 within these specifications and any ensuing paperwork or drawings after contract execution. The compartment shall be equipped with a roll-up door. Door opening - 41" wide x 55.5" high The compartment shall have a usable depth of 15.25" in the upper portion and transverse in the lower portion. RIGHT SIDE COMPARTMENTS COMPARTMENT R1 There shall be a full height compartment located ahead of the rear wheels on the right side of the apparatus body. This compartment shall be designated as R1 within these specifications and any ensuing paperwork or drawings after contract execution. It shall be equipped with a roll-up door. Door Opening - 39" Wide x 55.5" High The compartment shall have a usable depth of 19.75" in the lower portion and 15.25" in the upper portion. COMPARTMENT R2 There shall be an upper compartment located to the rear of the hydraulic ladder rack on the right side of the apparatus body. This compartment shall be designated as R2 within these specifications and any ensuing paperwork or drawings after contract execution. It shall be equipped with a roll-up door. Door Opening - 27" Wide x 24" High The compartment shall have a usable depth of 15.25". COMPARTMENT R3 There shall be a full height compartment located behind the rear wheels on the right side of the apparatus body. This compartment shall be designated as R3 within these specifications and any ensuing paperwork or drawings after contract execution. It shall be equipped with a roll-up door. Door Opening - 41" Wide x 55.5" High The compartment shall have a usable depth of 15.25" in the upper portion and transverse in the lower portion. TRANSVERSE REAR COMPARTMENTS The rear lower compartment shall be transverse from the left side of the body to the right side of the body. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 32 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 REAR COMPARTMENT There shall be a full height compartment located at the rear of the apparatus body. This compartment shall be designated as T1 within these specifications and any ensuing paperwork or drawings after contract execution. It shall be equipped with a roll-up door. Door Opening - 39" Wide x 31" High The compartment shall have a usable depth of 28". ROLL-UP DOORS ( SATIN FINISH ) Roll-up doors shall be ROM shutter type with 34 millimeter slats that roll onto a spool at the top of the compartment. Each slat shall be equipped with nylon end shoes to assure operation without the need of constant lubrication. ROM COMPARTMENT LIGHTING All compartments that are equipped with a ROM rollup door and have an opening of less than 42" shall be furnished with one (1) ROM LED compartment light mounted on the front corner of the compartment. All compartments that are equipped with a ROM rollup door and have a door opening that is 42" wide or wider shall have a light installed on the front and rear corner of the compartment. An automatic door switch shall activate these compartment lights. ROM ROLL UP DOOR HANDLES The ROM roll-up door shall be supplied with a full width handle for ease of opening with only one hand, allowing quick access to equipment. There shall be nylon end shoes on every slat to assure operation without constant lubrication. ROLL-UP DOORS Roll-up doors shall be ROM shutter type with 34 millimeter slats that roll onto a spool at the top of the compartment. Each slat shall be equipped with nylon end shoes to assure operation without the need of constant lubrication. PAINTED ROM DOORS The slats of the Robinson roll up doors shall be wet painted to match the apparatus body. The doors tracks and bottom sill shall also be painted to match the apparatus body. The roll up doors shall be painted by the door manufacturer. NO EXCEPTIONS ROM COMPARTMENT LIGHTING Revised April 11, 2012 Page 33 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 All compartments that are equipped with a ROM rollup door and have an opening of less than 42" shall be furnished with one (1) ROM LED compartment light mounted on the front corner of the compartment. All compartments that are equipped with a ROM rollup door and have a door opening that is 42" wide or wider shall have a light installed on the front and rear corner of the compartment. An automatic door switch shall activate these compartment lights. ROM ROLL UP DOOR HANDLES The ROM roll-up door shall be supplied with a full width handle for ease of opening with only one hand, allowing quick access to equipment. There shall be nylon end shoes on every slat to assure operation without constant lubrication. FIRE EXTINGUISHER COMPARTMENT There shall be a fire extinguisher compartment with bracket on the rear left hand side of the apparatus. WALKWAY LIGHTS Lights shall be mounted in a manner that illuminates all walkways and steps for safe operation of the apparatus. These lights shall become illuminated when the parking brake is engaged. FIRE EXTINGUISHER COMPARTMENT There shall be a fire extinguisher compartment with bracket on the rear right hand side of apparatus. WALKWAY LIGHTS Lights shall be mounted in a manner that illuminates all walkways and steps for safe operation of the apparatus. These lights shall become illuminated when the parking brake is engaged. NFPA STEP REQUIREMENTS All steps shall have a surface area of at least 35 square inches and shall be able to withstand a load of at least 500 pounds. Steps shall be provided at any area that personnel may need to climb and shall be adequately lighted. STEPS, FOLDING, CAST PRODUCTS All steps shall have a surface area of at least 35 square inches and shall be able to withstand a load of 500 pounds. Steps shall be provided at any area that personnel may need to climb and shall be adequately lighted. Each folding step shall have two large open slots to prevent buildup of ice or mud and to provide a handhold when necessary. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 34 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 Steps shall be provided in the following locations: Three (3) folding steps on the left front compartment Three (3) folding steps on the right front compartment Six (4) steps at the rear of the body, two (2) on each side. NOTE: The exact number of steps provided may vary depending upon body configuration and options. WALKWAY LIGHTS Lights shall be mounted in a manner that illuminates all walkways and steps for safe operation of the apparatus. These lights shall become illuminated when the parking brake is engaged. FULL WIDTH HOSE BED STEP There shall be a full width treadbrite step located above the rear compartment door. The step used to assist in reloading the hose bed. shall be PUMP COMPARTMENT HEAT PAN There shall be a heat pan with a slide-in bottom panel installed beneath the pump compartment to contain the engine heat and prevent freezing of valves and plumbing in cold weather. The lower portion of the pump compartment area shall be enclosed on all sides, front, and rear. The slide-in panel shall be easily removable for warm weather operations. The slide-in panel and housing shall be constructed out of aluminum. RIGHT SIDE PUMP ACCESS DOOR There shall be a treadbrite door above the right hand side pump panel to allow access to the pump compartment. The vertically hinged panel shall be of the single pan design and shall be positively latched in the closed position utilizing a pushbutton latch. A gas strut shall be provided on the door. This door shall be wired into the door ajar warning light circuit. An aluminum sill protector shall be installed on the bottom of the door opening to protect the paint from chipping and scratching. PUMP ACCESS WITH DOOR There shall be a treadbrite access panel provided on the front of the pump compartment. The panel shall be of the single pan design and shall be positively latched in the closed position utilizing a pushbutton latch. An aluminum sill protector shall be installed on the bottom of the door opening to protect the paint from chipping and scratching. This area shall be accessible when the cab is tilted. COMPARTMENT VENTING Revised April 11, 2012 Page 35 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 Each body compartment shall be properly vented in a manner that will reduce the amount of dirt and water that may enter the compartment. Venting shall be directly to the atmosphere rather than into another compartment, which would only spread moisture throughout the body rather than dissipate it. The vent opening, which is located in the lower corner of the compartment, shall have a filter which is easily removable to allow cleaning it Additionally, each compartment shall be equipped with drain holes to allow standing water to exit. HEAT DEFLECTOR SHIELD, EXHAUST Increased standards for emission have caused most exhaust temperatures to increase. To keep the exhaust heat from adversely affecting anything stored in the body, a deflector shield shall be provided to aid in dissipating the heat. LEFT SIDE MODULAR RUNNING BOARD A modular running board shall be installed on the left side of the pump compartment module. The running board shall be constructed of non-slip treadbrite. The outside edge of the running board shall be flush with the rub rail that is installed on the body to maintain a uniform appearance. All running boards shall be installed with sufficient support to form a sturdy, non-deflecting step area for personnel. RUNNING BOARD HOSE COMPARTMENT - LEFT There shall be soft suction hose compartment recessed in the running board on the left side. The floor of this compartment shall be covered with Dri-Dek flooring. RUNNING BOARD HOSE COMPARTMENT COVER There shall be an aluminum treadbrite cover installed on the running board hose compartment. The lid shall be equipped with a hinge on the backside. A gas strut shall be provided to hold the lid in the open position. RIGHT SIDE MODULAR RUNNING BOARD A modular running board shall be installed on the right side of the pump compartment module. The running board shall be constructed of non-slip treadbrite. The outside edge of the running board shall be flush with the rub rail that is installed on the body to maintain a uniform appearance. All running boards shall be installed with sufficient support to form a sturdy, non-deflecting step area for personnel. RUNNING BOARD HOSE COMPARTMENT - RIGHT There shall be soft suction hose compartment recessed in the running board on the right side. The floor of this compartment shall be covered with Dri-Dek flooring. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 36 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 RUNNING BOARD HOSE COMPARTMENT COVER There shall be an aluminum treadbrite cover installed on the running board hose compartment. The lid shall be equipped with a hinge on the backside. A gas strut shall be provided to hold the lid in the open position. MODULAR REAR DECK A modular bolt-on deck shall be installed on the rear of the apparatus to form a step area. The rear deck shall be constructed of non-slip treadbrite. The recessed rear deck shall be installed between the left and right side body, below the rear compartments. All running boards and rear decks shall be installed with sufficient support to form a sturdy, non-deflecting step area for personnel. ULTRA STAINLESS™ MARUTEX® SCREWS Stainless steel screws shall be provided throughout the body in locations such as: overlays, pump panels, and other numerous hardware mounting locations. In these locations the following screw specification shall apply. The special ingredient in Ultra Stainless™ is Marutex®, which adds 2% molybdenum (moly) to 410 stainless. Moly is the significant component of 316 stainless that provides extra corrosion resistance. The moly is now added to 410 self drilling screws to produce Ultra Stainless™. This combination provides for unprecedented corrosion resistance combined with hardness for drilling. Marutex® screws are tempered and quenched; regular T-140 self-drilling screws are case hardened. The additional carbon in Marutex® provides hardness for better drilling. In certified testing the Marutex® screws have shown far superior corrosion resistance than that of 410 stainless, and 304 Bimetal screws. The screws were tested using two methods, the first was a 500 hour salt spray test, and the second was the European Air Pollution Test using the Kesterich method. In this test a combination of condensation water and atmosphere containing sulfur dioxide was sprayed on the screws. In both tests the Marutex® screws did not show any signs of rust, the 410 and 304 samples on the other hand did. As part of quality control standards, samples from each batch of Ultra Stainless™ Marutex® screws shall be subject to a salt spray test for a minimum of 2500 hours. The test results shall be provided at any time upon request by the customer. STEPPING, STANDING, WALKING SURFACES All exterior surfaces designated by the manufacturer as stepping, standing, or walking areas shall be constructed of grip strut or textured treadbrite and shall provide a highly slip resistant surface, even when the surface is wet. All interior surfaces designated by the manufacturer as stepping, standing, or walking areas shall be slip resistant when the surface is dry. The degree of slip resistance shall be in compliance with the intent of NFPA 1901 newest version. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 37 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 It is the desire of the fire department to purchase an apparatus that utilizes aluminum treadplate as an overlay of the main apparatus body structure. Aluminum treadplate may also be utilized in the construction of enclosure doors, lids and covers where applicable. Aluminum treadplate is not to be utilized as a main structural member of the apparatus body or pump enclosure. TREADBRITE OVERLAYS There shall be aluminum treadbrite overlays installed on the apparatus in those areas designated as walking areas or where additional scuff protection of the apparatus finish is desired. The top treadbrite overlay shall be mounted flush with the outer edges of the apparatus body. A "J" channel shall be incorporated into the body design in order to provide a rain gutter to further assist in preventing excessive moisture from getting into the compartments. Overlays shall be totally insulated from the apparatus with nylon shoulder washers that extend into the hole that is drilled into the body. Stainless steel cap nuts shall be employed where bolts may damage equipment or cause injury. After painting and final construction overlays shall be additionally sealed at the edges with a caulking compound. POLISHED STAINLESS STEEL OVERLAYS ON FRONT VERTICAL AREA There shall be a vertical polished stainless steel overlay on each side of the apparatus body. The overlay will be located in front of the L1 and R1 compartments. REAR WHEEL WELLS The fenders shall be integral with the body sides and compartments with a seamless appearance. The fenders shall be fitted with bolt-in removable full circular inner liners in the wheel well area for ease of cleaning and maintenance. There shall be sufficient clearance provided in the wheel well to allow the use of tire chains when the apparatus fully loaded. REAR FENDERETTES Two (2) stainless steel fenderettes shall be installed at the outboard edge of the rear wheel well area, one on each side. The fenderettes shall be bolted to the apparatus body using nylon washers to space them slightly away from the body to reduce build-up of road grime. The fenderettes shall be constructed of stainless steel that has been polished to a high quality finish. BODY RUB RAILS Rub rails shall be installed beneath the compartment doors to protect them from damage should the body be brushed or rubbed against another object. The rub rails shall be 3/16 inch aluminum channel, 2-1/2 inch x 1 inch. The rub rails shall be highly polished and then Bright Dip anodized. It shall be installed on the body utilizing non-corrosive nylon spacers and secured with stainless steel bolts. The outside edge of the rub rails shall be even with the fenderettes and bolt-on steps to prevent snagging. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 38 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 REAR TOW HOOK One (1) rear tow hook shall be installed directly below the rear of the chassis frame rails. The tow hook shall be capable of a 15,000 lb. straight pull rating. HANDRAILS All handrails, unless otherwise stated, shall be constructed of knurled aluminum of not less than 1-1/4" in diameter. All railing shields and brackets shall be chrome plated, and shall be bolted to the body with stainless steel bolts. The lower bracket on all vertical handrails shall have a drain hole drilled in it at the lowest point. Horizontal rear hand rail above the rear center compartment. Grab handle on top of catwalk on the left side of the apparatus in front of the tank fill tower. Grab handle on top of catwalk on the right side of the apparatus. Left rear vertical hand rail from top of body to just above the rear step. Right rear vertical hand rail from top of body to just above the rear step. HYDRAULIC LADDER RACK WITH PIKE POLE STORAGE The ladders shall be mounted above the high compartments on the right side of the apparatus on a pivoting ladder rack. The pivoting ladder rack shall be operated hydraulically, lowering the ladders firmly to shoulder height for easy removal and reloading. The hydraulic ladder rack shall be painted the same color as the apparatus and shall have space available for three (3) pike poles to be stored directly on the ladder rack. The control switch shall be located on the right side of the body to allow viewing the ladder rack when operating the mechanism. The control shall be wired to the parking brake and shall only be operable when the parking brake is applied. The ladder rack shall be modular in design and built in a "T" shape pivoting on a 20 inch wide arm. The module shall be located between the high side compartments. There shall be no guide arms or stabilizer arms located on the ends of the folding ladder rack. The right side compartments shall be accessible when the ladder rack is in either the up or down position. When in the up position the ladder rack lifting mechanism shall be fully retracted into the apparatus body and is flush with the side of the apparatus. Pilot operated check valves shall be installed in the hydraulic system to lock the rack in the stored position by maintaining pressure on the hydraulic cylinder. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 39 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 There shall be a master shut off switch and a flashing indicator light on the chassis dash to warn the driver when the ladder rack is in the down position or in motion when the chassis parking brake is disengaged. The warning light shall be operative regardless of the position of the master switch. Reflective striping shall be applied to the ladder rack assembly in a manner that will readily indicate a hazard or obstruction to personnel. In addition to the reflective striping, Whelen TIR3 series LED lights shall be affixed to the front and rear of the ladder rack. These lights shall automatically become energized any time the ladder rack is not fully bedded. LADDER RACK SHIELD There shall be a shield installed on the hydraulic ladder rack. The shield shall protect the lifting mechanism of the ladder rack when in the up and stored position. The shield shall be painted to match the body. GROUND LADDER BRACKETS The ground ladder brackets shall provide a quick method of removing and reloading the ladders. A quick release allows personnel to loosen and unhook the strap in order to remove the ladders, a ratchet style mechanism securely and easily fastens the ladders back into place. The bracket will allow the sectional ladder to still be clamped into position when the roof ladder has been removed. LADDER RACK AUDIBLE ALARM There shall be an audible alarm installed on the apparatus to indicate when the ladder rack is in motion. The alarm shall be activated by the control switch located on the right side of the apparatus body. One (1) 10' folding attic ladder(s), Alco-Lite FL-10 with brackets. ATTIC LADDER BRACKETS One (1) set of Zico model FLB mounting brackets shall be installed in order to accommodate a folding attic ladder. One (1) 14' roof ladder(s), Alco-Lite PRL-14 One (1) 24' Two section extension ladder(s), Alco-Lite PEL-24 One (1) 6' Fiberglass Pike Pole(s), Akron Brass UL-6 Revised April 11, 2012 Page 40 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 One (1) 8' Fiberglass Pike Pole(s), Akron Brass UL-8 One (1) 10' Fiberglass Pike Pole(s), Akron Brass Ul-10 SHELVING CHANNELS There shall be two (2) strut channels, one (1) per side, installed in one (1) standard height compartment(s) for future shelves. The strut channels shall be installed in R2. SHELVING CHANNELS There shall be four (4) strut channels, two (2) per side, installed in one (1) standard height compartment(s) for future shelves. The strut channels shall be installed in L2. SHELVING CHANNELS There shall be two (2) strut channels, one (1) per side, installed in four (4) full height compartment(s) for future shelves. The strut channels shall be installed in L1, L3, R1, and R3 FLOOR MOUNTED ROLL OUT EQUIPMENT TRAY There shall be one (1) roll out equipment tray installed on the floor of the compartment that is equipped with an Austin Hardware drawer slide. The roller assembly shall have a rated capacity of 300 lbs. distributed load and have 100% extension capabilities. The tray shall be constructed of 3/16" aluminum sheet with 3" lips to prevent items from being shifted during transportation. The tray shall have an abraded finish and shall be equipped with a Front Drawer Release (FDR) System to pull the tray open. The FDR System uses 7650 series “LILO” (Lock-in, Lockout) heavy duty drawer slides. The tray(s) shall be located in L1 and T1. PAC TRAC ON BACK WALL OF COMPARTMENT There shall be PAC TRAC tool mounting system installed in one (1) compartment(s). The PAC TRAC shall be constructed of 7/8" thick, 6063-T5 extruded aluminum. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 41 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The PAC TRAC shall be installed in the upper section of L1. AIR BOTTLE COMPARTMENT There shall be three (3) single cylinder air bottle compartment(s) installed in the rear wheel well area. The tube(s) shall be constructed from injection molded plastic to assist in preventing damage to the air cylinder(s). There shall be a drain hole in the rear of the compartment. AIR BOTTLE COMPARTMENT DOOR The single air bottle compartment shall have a stainless steel Fire Shopp hinged door. All hinges and mounting hardware shall be concealed. A Southco latch shall be utilized for opening and securely closing the door. Weather stripping will also be provided to keep the inside of the compartment dry. HOSE BED CAPACITY The hosebed shall have the capacity for: Two (2) Lays of 1-3/4" 500' of 2-1/2" 1000' of 5" HOSE BED The hose bed compartment shall have a minimum of 30 cubic feet of storage space in accordance with NFPA latest edition 1901. HOSE BED FLOORING The floor of the hose bed compartment shall be constructed of Dura-Dek fiber reinforced plastic material. The flooring shall be fabricated of "T" beam pultrusions in parallel connected with cross slats that are first mechanically bonded and then epoxied, forming a large sheet. The top portion of each "T" cross section shall measure 1-1/4" wide and 3/16" thick with beaded ends. The vertical portion shall be 3/8" thick, beading out at the bottom to a thickness of 1/2" and tall enough to result in an overall height of 1". The "T" sections shall be spaced 3/4" apart to allow for drainage and ventilation. Each "T" beam shall be constructed utilizing a core of 250,000 continuous glass fiber strands that are high in resistance to tension, compression and bending. An outer sheath consisting of a continuous strand mat to prevent lineal splitting and shipping shall surround the core. The sheath shall also serve to draw the protective resin to the bar surface. Both reinforcements shall be pulled through an isophthalic polyester resin, treated with antimony trioxide for fire resistance, to form a solid length. The flooring shall then be protected with a polyurethane coating to screen out ultraviolet rays. This bright white coating shall be baked on and shall provide a pleasing contrast when installed in the apparatus. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 42 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 ALUMINUM HOSE BED PARTITION(S) Two (2) hose bed partition(s) shall be installed in the hose bed. The partition(s) shall be fabricated from 1/4" smooth aluminum plate and an aluminum extrusion. The partition(s) shall be mounted on hot-dipped galvanized slide rails at the front and rear of the hose bed. Where no obstruction such as a fill tower is present, the slide rails shall allow full movement of the partition along the width of the hose bed. Each hose bed partition shall have an oval shaped hand hold slot to assist in moving the partition. This shall provide the capability for variable hose load configurations & capacities. ABRADED FINISH HOSE BED DIVIDER Two (2) adjustable hose bed divider(s) shall have a maintenance free abraded finish. POWER OPERATED ALUMINUM HOSE BED COVER The hose bed storage area shall be covered with two (2) hinged aluminum doors. The doors shall be hinged on the outside edges, utilizing full length stainless steel piano hinges. The doors shall lift up and out towards the outside of the body. The doors shall be fabricated with 1/8" aluminum inner panel for superior strength. The outside sheet shall be constructed of non-slip treadbrite. The hose bed doors shall be power operated utilizing a self-contained hydraulic system. The system pressure of the hydraulic system shall be factory set to a pressure that will smoothly power the cover doors upward and downward. The system is designed to keep the doors firmly open when reloading hose as well as to hold the cover doors firmly down in the travel position. Mechanical locks are not required in order to avoid possible injury from accidental closing of cover doors. Hydraulic cylinders, located in front of the hose bed storage area shall be utilized to open/close the cover doors. The hydraulic system shall be powered by Parker Hannifin series 108 self-contained power unit. The hydraulic system shall be designed so the doors only operate in the predetermined factory-set sequence. The system shall only allow one door at a time to move. The cylinders, when the doors are in the closed position, shall lower into a secluded compartment that is separate from the stored hose to ensure unobstructed hose deployment operations. The cylinder pins attached to the doors shall be designed to be removable with the doors in the closed position without having to climb inside the hose storage area. A self-contained switch shall be utilized to raise/lower the cover doors. The switch shall be located at the rear of the apparatus in a convenient location allowing the operator to view the hose bed cover doors while operating the mechanism from ground level. The switch shall be the momentary type of switch that requires the operator to hold the switch until the desired movement of the cover doors is achieved. The power unit shall be interlocked with the parking brake and shall be operable only when the parkbrake is applied. The doors shall be connected to the open door warning system when in the open condition. An audible alarm shall be located towards the front of the hose bed area designed to warn possible occupants of the hose bed area that door movement is occurring. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 43 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 VINYL FLAP ON END OF HOSE BED COVER There shall be a heavy duty vinyl flap located on the rear of the hose bed cover installed on the apparatus. The bottom edge of the flap shall be secured with a positive means to prevent unintentional deployment of the hose. The end flap shall be black in color and the method of attachment shall be footman loops. HOSE BED COVER LIGHTS There shall be one (1) Truck-Lite model 40 light installed on the inside of each hose bed cover door. The lights shall be activated when the door is opened. HARD SUCTION HOSE STORAGE There shall be storage for one (1) hard suction hose provided on the right side of the hose bed, below the ladder rack. Velcro straps shall be supplied to hold the hard suction hose secure. HARD SUCTION HOSE, FIREQUIP The following hard suction hose shall be supplied by body builder at the time of delivery: One (1) 6" x 10' length(s) of flexible PVC hard suction hose. 12 VOLT SYSTEM SCHEMATIC A complete electrical schematic for the apparatus shall be provided. This schematic shall be specifically prepared for this individual unit rather than a generic schematic designed to accommodate all apparatus. 12 VOLT SYSTEMS TEST After completion of the unit, the 12 volt electrical system shall undergo a battery of tests as listed in the latest addition of NFPA Pamphlet 1901. These tests shall include, but not be limited to: a reserve capacity test, alternator performance test at idle, alternator performance test at full load, and a low voltage alarm test. Certification of the results shall be supplied with the apparatus at the time of delivery. REAR WORK LIGHT SWITCH A switch shall be installed above the tail light bezel on the left side. The switch shall be wired to the backup lights to provide additional work lighting. The rear work light circuit shall be deactivated when the park brake is disengaged. In addition to the lights being activated by the above switch, the lights shall also come on when the transmission is placed in reverse. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 44 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 MIDSHIP TURN SIGNAL ( LED ) There shall be one (1) Truck-Lite model 21 LED midship auxiliary / turn signal lights installed in the rub rail, on each side of the body. CLEARANCE LIGHTS/REFLECTORS Clearance lights and clearance reflectors shall be installed on the body and/or pump module as necessary to be in full compliance with applicable ICC and DOT codes and regulations. GROUND LIGHTING Truck-Lite model 40 lights shall be installed beneath the apparatus in areas where personnel may be expected to climb on and off of the apparatus. The lights shall illuminate the ground within 30" of the apparatus to provide visibility of any obstructions or hazards. These areas shall include, but not be limited to, side running boards and the rear step area. WALKWAY LIGHTS Lights shall be mounted in a manner that illuminates all walkways and steps for safe operation of the apparatus. These lights shall become illuminated when the parking brake is engaged. WIRING HARNESSES Wiring harnesses shall be the automotive type, engineered specifically for the builder's apparatus, and shall meet the following criteria. Under no circumstances shall diodes, resistors, or fusible links be located within the wiring harness. All such components shall be located in an easy to access wiring junction box or the main circuit breaker area. All wire shall meet white book, baseline advanced design transit coach specification and Society of Automotive Engineers recommended practices. It shall be stranded copper wire core with cross linked polyethylene insulation complying with SAE specification J1128. Each wire shall be hot stamp function coded every three inches starting one inch from the end and continuing throughout the entire harness. In addition to function coding, each wire shall be number, color, and gauge coded. Wire harnesses shall be wrapped with a high abrasion and chemical resistant thermoplastic polyester elastomer coated polyester yarn for braiding constructions of electrical wiring systems. The braid yarn shall have a minimum tensile strength of 15 lbs before breaking and have a maximum of 20% elongation before breaking. Temperature properties for the yarn shall range from a minimum 280°F (138°C) service temperature to a maximum -112°F (-80°C) brittleness temperature with a cold flex tolerance of at least 49°F (-45°C). Harnesses shall be modular in design; a main harness system subdivided into several smaller subharnesses. The harness subsections shall be connected using Deutsch branded, heavy duty, environmentally sealed, connectors with silicone seals and a rear insertion/removal contact system. For isolation of electrical “zones” the harness subsections shall consist of a main harness, a pump harness with a separate pump gauge panel harness, a left body harness with a separate left compartment harness, a right body harness with a separate right compartment harness, and a rear body harness with two separate rear compartment harnesses. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 45 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The main harness and three body harnesses shall interconnect at a central, easy to reach location and their connectors shall not be obstructed by other harnesses or fuel/air lines. In addition, the main and body harness connectors shall be color coded for ease of identification with their respective colors noted on the accompanying electrical diagrams. Where connectors are not provided by the electrical component manufacturer, all 12 volt lights and other electrical components (excluding rocker and toggle switches) shall connect to the harnesses using Deutsch brand connectors; butt connectors are considered unacceptable. All Deutsch connectors shall meet the following criteria: All connectors shall have a minimum IP67 rating. Temperature range from -67°F (-55°C) to 257°F (125°C) continuous at rated current. Only solid contacts will be used. Stamped and formed contacts are unacceptable. All contacts shall be soldered unless a crimping tool or machine is used that gives an even and precise pressure for the terminal being used. All contacts shall be pull-tested to insure their integrity. V-MUX ELECTRICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The apparatus be equipped with a V-MUX Multiplex System, no substitutes accepted. The Manufacture of the Multiplex system shall provide at a minimum three cities of reference that have at least 10 trucks operational for over a one year period. The Multiplex system hardware that is being put into the apparatus of this bid shall be field proven for a minimum of two years. Any multiplex system that has less then 200 systems in vehicles with less then two years field time on the identical hardware that shall be put into the apparatus shall be excluded from this bid process. Any Multiplex system with a warranty higher then 1% over the past 2 years shall be excluded. There are several key benefits to multiplexing, one is to reduce the number of connections in a vehicles electrical system, because of this it is important to limit the amount of modules that control certain functions of the vehicle, therefore wherever it is stated that an “add-on” module will not be acceptable, there shall be No Exceptions. Outputs: The outputs shall perform all the following items without added modules to perform any of the tasks. 1. Load Shedding: The System shall have the capability to Load Shed with 8 levels any output. This means you can specify which outputs (barring NFPA restrictions) you would like Load Shed. Level 1 12.9v, Level 2 12.5V, Level 3 - 12.1V, Level 4 - 11.7V, Level 5 11.3V, Level 6 10.9V, Level 7 10.5, Level 8 10.1. Unlike conventional load shedding devices you can assign a level to any or all outputs. No add-on modules shall be acceptable; the module with the outputs must perform this function. 2. Load Sequencing: The System shall be able to sequence from 0 8 levels any output. With 0 being no delay and 1 being a 1 second delay, 2 being a 2 second delay and so on. Sequencing reduces the amount of voltage spikes and drops on your vehicle, and can help limit damage to your charging system. No add-on modules shall be acceptable; the module with the outputs must perform this function. 3. Output Device: The System shall have solid-state output devices. Each solid-state output shall be a MOS-FET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor - Field Effect Transistors); MOS-FETs are solid-state devices with no moving parts to wear out. A typical relay when loaded to spec has a life of 100,000 cycles. The life of a FET is more than 100 times that of a relay. No add-on modules shall be acceptable; the module with the outputs must perform this function. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 46 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 4. Flashing Outputs: The System shall be able to flash any output in either A or B phase, and logic is used to shut down needed outputs in park, or any one of several combined interlocks. The flash rate can be selected at either 80, or 160 FPM. This means any light can be specified with a multiplex truck with no need to add flashers. Flashing outputs can also be used to warn of problems or other unique idea you may come up with. No add-on modules shall be acceptable; the module with the outputs must perform this function. 5. PWM: The modules shall have the ability to PWM at some outputs so that a Headlight PWM module is not needed. No add-on modules shall be acceptable; the module with the outputs must perform this function. 6. Diagnostics: An output shall be able to detect either a short or open circuit. Inputs: 1. The inputs shall have the ability to switch by a ground or battery signal. 2. The inputs shall be filtered for noise suppression via hardware and software so that RF or dirty power will not trick an input into changing its status. System Network: The Multiplex system contain a Peer-to-Peer network. A Master Slave Type network is not suitable for the Fire/Rescue industry. A Peer-to-Peer network means that all the modules are equal on the network; a Master is not needed to tell other nodes when to talk. System Reliability: The Multiplex system shall be able to perform in extreme temperature conditions, from -40° to +85° C (-40° to +185° F.) The system shall be sealed against the environment, moisture, humidity, salt or fluids such as diesel fuel, motor oil or brake fluid. The enclosures shall be rugged to withstand being mounted in various locations or compartments around the vehicle. The modules shall be protected from over voltage and reverse polarity. PUMP COMPARTMENT LIGHTS, TRUCK LITE There shall be two (2) Truck-Lite model 40 incandescent lights installed in the pump compartment. The lights shall be activated by an automatic switch in the right side pump compartment access door and shall be located in a manner that will provide maximum lighting. TAIL LIGHTS There shall be a Whelen 600 series LED tail light assembly installed on each side of the rear of the apparatus. Each assembly shall include one (1) red LED stop/tail light model number 60R00BRR, one (1) amber LED model 60A00TAR turn light with arrow and one (1) clear halogen backup light model 60F000CR. The lights shall be mounted in a chrome plated composite housing. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 47 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 12 VOLT SCENE LIGHTS ( LED ) There shall be four (4) Weldon Diamondback LED model V26S, Scenelight(s), installed on the apparatus. The lights shall be installed in a bezel. The scene lights shall be controlled by a switch located in the chassis within reach of the driver. The scene lights shall be located on the left and right side of the chassis, (2) each side. BROW MOUNTED LED FLOODLIGHT Fire Research Focus LED model FCA800-Q14 contour roof mount light shall be installed. The mounting brackets shall attach to the bottom of the lamphead and be machined to conform to the roof radius. Wiring shall extend from a weatherproof strain relief at the rear of the lamphead. The lamphead shall have ten (10) ultra-bright white LEDs. It shall operate at 12/24 volts DC, draw 13/6.5 amps, and generate 14,000 lumens. The lamphead shall direct 50 percent of the light onto the action area while providing 50 percent to illuminate the working area. The lamphead shall incorporate heat-dissipating fins and be no more than 4" high by 11 1/2" wide. The lamphead and mounting arm shall be powder coated white. The floodlight shall be for fire service use. There shall be a remote switch provided in the chassis cab for the above mentioned 12 volt light(s). FRC LED SCENE LIGHT Fire Research Spectra LED Scene Light model SPA260-Q15 surface mount light shall be installed. The light shall be mounted with four (4) screws to a flat surface. It shall be no more than 5 7/8" high by 14 1/2" wide and have a profile of less than 1 7/8" beyond the mounting surface. Wiring shall extend from a weatherproof strain relief at the rear of the lamphead. The lamphead shall have sixty (60) ultra-bright white LEDs, 56 for flood lighting and 4 to provide a spot light beam pattern. It shall operate at 12/24 volts DC, draw 13/6.5 amps, and generate 15,000 lumens of light. The lamphead shall have a unique lens that directs flood lighting onto the work area and focuses the spot light beam into the distance. The lamphead shall be powder coated. The LED scene light shall be for fire service use. The light shall be installed center on the rear of the apparatus, in the recessed area below the handrail. REAR SCENE LIGHT SWITCH IN CAB, W/REVERSE, & AT THE REAR Revised April 11, 2012 Page 48 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The rear scene lights shall be controlled by a switch located in the chassis within reach of the driver. The switch shall have an indicator which shall illuminate when the switch is in the “ON” position. One switch shall control all of the rear scene lights if multiple scene lights are selected. The switch shall be labeled "REAR SCENE.” In addition to the switch located in the cab, the rear scene lights shall be activated by the rear work light switch, and when the apparatus is placed in reverse. SGE Auxiliary Power Unit The apparatus shall be equipped with a SGE auxiliary power unit specifically designed to reduce Idle times of the main chassis engine. Benefits of the SGE auxiliary power system shall reduce the amount of emissions otherwise released from the main chassis engine as well as greatly reduce the amount of fuel used during the in-service life of the apparatus. Verified Idling Reduction Technologies EPA has evaluated idle reduction technologies/devices as part of grants, cooperative agreements, emissions testing, engineering analyses, modeling, demonstration projects and external peer reviewed reports to study the effects of idling on air quality, fuel consumption and driver health. Based on this evaluation and research, EPA has determined that a variety of idle reduction technologies save fuel and reduce emissions when compared to idling the main engine. Idle reduction technology allows engine operators to refrain from long-duration idling of the main propulsion engine by using an alternative technology. An idle reduction technology is generally defined as the installation of a technology or device that: is installed on a vehicle reduces unnecessary main engine idling of the vehicle or equipment, and/or is designed to provide services (e.g., heat, air conditioning, and/or electricity) to the vehicle or equipment that would otherwise require the operation of the main drive engine while the vehicle or equipment is temporarily parked or remains stationary. The SGE auxiliary power unit shall provide 12v DC power, 120/240v A/C power and HVAC for the apparatus. Idle times of the main engine are reduced utilizing automatic start / stop control of the main chassis engine and the APU. In addition to automatic control, manual control of the APU shall be provided. Systems that require the APU to run continuously in conjunction with the main chassis engine are not desired and shall be immediately rejected. System Components Diesel Generator The APU shall provide power through the use of a Caterpillar C1.5 Tier 4 Emissions diesel engine. Fuel for the operation of the APU shall be provided by the main fuel tank as utilized for the main chassis engine. A separate fuel pick up shall be provided to the APU engine. A Mcmillian 120v/240v generator capable of 9Kw of continuous operation with a intermittent peak load of 12Kw shall provide A/C power. The APU shall be adequately enclosed and protected from the elements. Alternator Revised April 11, 2012 Page 49 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 12v power for the apparatus shall be provided by a 200 Amp alternator Generator. HVAC The HVAC system shall utilize a TM 16 HD 160CC Compressor and condenser section utilizing a custom condenser coil and 2 spall fans. The Integrated HVAC System shall be capable of 30,000 BTU/hr upgradable to 48,000 Btu/hr Controls There shall be an integrated color display control panel located on the pump panel. The display shall provide the user with the following information: : Mode selector for manual or automatic operation Start/stop switch for manual operation Run indicator 120/240 VAC generator information: volts, frequency, and amps (each leg) DC volts (measured at the chassis batteries with a low voltage warning at 12.5 VDC) SGE hours (with maintenance required indicator) SGE water temperature (with overheat warning) SGE oil pressure (with low pressure warning) HVAC mode (off, heat, A/C) and fan speed control Glow plug preheat indication Shutdown status (low oil pressure or high water temperature) Time remaining on auto start timer There shall be a three position mode selector switch, a start/stop button, and a run indicator in the cab in a location readily accessible to the driver position. Position 1: Auto Position 2: Manual Position 3: Disable The run indicator shall “slow blink” when preheating the glow plugs, and “fast blink” when there is a high water temperature or low oil pressure fault at the SGE. The start (stop) button shall be inoperable in all modes except Manual Mode. An optional secondary display (if specified) shall be installed in the chassis cab. This display will eliminate the need for the three position switch, start button, and run indicator. System Operation The SGE automatically engage once the factory pre-determined conditions have been met. When the chassis engine remains at an idle condition for a predetermined period of time, and only after the parkbrake has been engaged, the SGE system shall automatically engage and provide power to the Revised April 11, 2012 Page 50 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 apparatus. Once all conditions are met the SGE system shall automatically begin chassis engine shutdown. The SGE, when activated, shall supply power for the following features/components of the apparatus: 12-volt scene lights 12-volt chassis interior lights 12-volt compartment lights DOT running lights Head and tail lights Warning lights APU Cab heater and air-conditioning Engine block heater (optional) Heated mirrors (optional) AC generator features (lights, cord-reel, etc…) Auto Mode ( Pump/PTO Not Required) When the mode selector switch is set to “Auto” and the chassis master power disconnect switch is turned on, the SGE controller shall power up and display any available data on the screen. If the engine is not started the system will “reset” and enter into a “standby” mode. After the engine is started and the park brake is not released within three minutes (user adjustable), the system shall trigger an audible alarm, issue a message on the display, flash the indicator light in the chassis cab, and power up the glow plug preheat circuit. When the glow plugs are sufficiently warmed, the SGE engine will start. Once started the system shall shut down the chassis engine. Should the park brake be released within three minutes, the SGE shall remain on standby. Auto Mode ( Pump/PTO Required) When the apparatus arrives at the scene and use of the fire pump or PTO (If equipped) is required, the system shall “not” activate the APU if the following conditions are met Pump engaged signal and/or Aerial master signal (or PTO) and/or Loss of neutral signal and/or Loss of park brake signal After operation of the pump or PTO are no longer required, The system shall activate the APU if the following conditions are met. Pump is disengaged and/or Aerial master (or PTO) is shut off and/or Transmission is shifted to neutral and/or Park brake is applied Revised April 11, 2012 Page 51 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 Should the operator determine the chassis engine is to be started the operator shall utilize normal procedures for engine start as per departmental procedures. When the chassis engine has been started, the SGE shall shut down and “reset” to standby mode. Turning the master power disconnect switch to the off position shall automatically shut down the SGE system. Manual Mode Should manual operation of the system be desired the mode selector switch shall be set to “Manual” and the chassis master power disconnect switch is turned on, the SGE controller shall power up and display any available data. The SGE shall not operate until the start button is pressed. When the button is pressed, the SGE will trigger an audible alarm, issue a message on the display, flash the indicator light in the chassis cab and power up the glow plug preheat circuit. The SGE shall continue to run until the operator hits the start (stop) button or turns off the master power disconnect switch. Disable Mode When the mode selector switch is set to “Disable” and the chassis master power disconnect switch is turned on, the SGE system shall be entirely shut-down and inoperable. The system shall remain inoperable until the system selector is moved to either auto or manual mode. The display will continue to function as a chassis engine information center when in disable mode. Peripheral Systems/Devices HVAC Full heat Full AC Three-speed fan A/C compressor Heater core/exchanger 240 VAC Generator Chassis engine block heater through transfer switch 200 amp 12 VDC alternator LOAD CENTER The entire 120/240 volt electrical system shall be installed in strict compliance with NFPA Pamphlet 1901, newest edition. This shall include all testing, labeling, wiring methodology, and dimensional requirements. Certification of compliance shall accompany the apparatus at the time of delivery. There shall be a 120/240 volt load center incorporated into the 120/240 volt wiring system. The load center shall include adequate circuit breakers to protect the loads specified on this apparatus. All 120/240 volt A.C. Wiring shall be done in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet 1901 as well as nationally accepted electrical codes. BRANCH CIRCUIT OVERCURRENT PROTECTION Revised April 11, 2012 Page 52 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 Over current protection devices shall be provided for circuits in accordance with NFPA 1901 newest version. The load center shall be equipped with a non-GFI two pole main breaker when the six or more individual branch circuits are present. Over current protection devices shall be marked with labels to identify the function of the circuit they protect. The load center shall be located in L1 LOAD CENTER ROLL UP DOOR DRIP TRAY, ROM There shall be a drip pan with drain provided in the upper section of the compartment. The drip pan shall prevent moisture from the roll-up door spool from coming in contact with the breaker box. PROTECTIVE COVERS AND ENCLOSURES FOR ELECTRICAL TERMINALS All ungrounded electrical terminal shall have a protective cover or be in an enclosure. 120 VOLT TWIST LOCK RECEPTACLE(S) There shall be two (2) NEMA L5-20, 120 Volt 20 ampere rating Twist Lock type receptacle(s) wired to the generator. The receptacle(s) shall have a spring loaded weather resistant cover. The receptacle(s) shall be located one (1) in L1 and one (1) in R1 240 VOLT TWIST LOCK RECEPTACLE(S) There shall be one (1) NEMA L6-30, 240 Volt 30 ampere rating Twist Lock type receptacle(s) wired to the generator. The receptacle(s) shall have a spring loaded weather resistant cover. The receptacle(s) shall be located in T-1. TELESCOPING LIGHT MOUNTS - REAR CAB WALL The following 120 volt telescoping lights shall be mounted to the rear of the cab. TELESCOPIC 750 WATT FLOODLIGHT There shall be two (2) Fire Research Optimum model OPA530-S75-HC side mount push up telescopic light(s) installed. The light pole shall be anodized aluminum and have a knurled twist lock mechanism to secure the extension pole in position. The extension pole shall rotate 360 degrees. The outer pole shall be a grooved aluminum extrusion and qualify as an NFPA compliant handrail. The pole mounting brackets shall have a 2 3/4" offset. Wiring shall extend from the pole bottom with a 4' retractile cord. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 53 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The lamphead shall have one (1) quartz halogen 750 watt 120 volt bulb. The bulb will draw 6.3 amps and generate 19,600 lumens. The bulb shall be accessible through the front. The lamphead shall incorporate a vacuum deposit polished reflector and two optimizing mirrors to produce a uniform beam that lights up an area 100° vertically by 150° horizontally. The lamphead shall have a heat dissipating curved front lens. The curve of the lens shall have a radius of 5.16 inches to optimize light emission. The lamphead shall be no more than 4 3/4" deep by 5 1/8" high by 8 3/4" wide. Lamphead and brackets shall be powder coated white. The lights shall be mounted on the rear of the custom cab. The above 120 volt light shall be controlled with the circuit breaker. There shall be a remote switch provided on the pump operators panel for the above mentioned 120 volt light. UPPER ZONE A VISUAL WARNING There shall be one (1) Whelen Engineering model FN72VLED, with part number 9LLTH82 added to make a custom length of 82", light bar installed on the chassis cab roof. The lightbar shall be equipped with two (2) forward facing linear "Red" LED's, two (2) forward facing linear "White" LED's, two (2) corner forward facing "Red" LED's, and two (2) corner rear facing "Red" LED's, The lightbars shall be equipped with clear lenses. All clear LEDs in the lightbar shall be deactivated in the Blocking Right of Way mode. UPPER ZONE C VISUAL WARNING There shall be two (2) Whelen Engineering model B6TMRR1P rotating halogen beacon with LED directional light in a single fixture, installed high at the rear of the apparatus. The halogen rotators shall have red lenses and the LED shall have red lenses. LOWER ZONE B VISUAL WARNING There shall be one (1) Whelen Engineering model 60R02FRR super LED lights with flanges installed in the lower warning zone. The lights shall be red with red lenses. LOWER ZONE C VISUAL WARNING There shall be two (2) Whelen Engineering model 60R02FRR super LED lights with flanges installed in the lower warning zone. The lights shall be red with red lenses. LOWER ZONE D VISUAL WARNING There shall be one (1) Whelen Engineering model 60R02FRR super LED lights with flanges installed in the lower warning zone. The lights shall be red with red lenses. AIR HORN BUTTON ON PUMP PANEL Revised April 11, 2012 Page 54 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 One (1) air horn button shall be provided on the pump panel. WHELEN "LED" TRAFFIC ADVISOR There shall be one (1) Whelen model TAL65W "LED" Traffic Advisor installed on the apparatus. The traffic advisor shall contain six medium intensity LED lamps. The traffic advisor shall be recess mounted on the rear of the body above the rear compartment. A deluxe controller shall be supplied and installed in the cab to control the traffic advisor. THERMOPLASTIC COATING In the designated areas, Line-X™, a two component spray-in-place thermoplastic polyurethane system shall be used for maximum protection of the body and equipment. The system shall utilize flexible 100% solids applied with high pressure impingement-mix polyurethane dispensing equipment. The coating shall be a fast cure, textured surface, multi-purpose material designed for commercial and industrial applications. It shall exhibit excellent adhesion to the body and serve as a protective, abrasion resistant liner where applied. The density of the material shall be a minimum of 70 PCF as measured using ASTM test method D-1622. The taber abrasion resistance shall be a minimum of 0.03% per 1000 cycles as measured utilizing ASTM test method D-4060. The minimum tensile strength as measured using ASTM D-2370 shall be 1540 pounds per square inch. BODY COMPARTMENTATION COATING The interior of the body compartments shall be coated with a gray thermo-plastic polyurethane coating. The coating shall be durable enough to withstand every day abuse of equipment removal and shifting. BODY PAINT PREPARATION After the body and components have been fabricated and assembled they shall then be disassembled prior to painting so when the apparatus is completed there shall be finish paint beneath the removable components. The body shall be totally removed from the chassis during the painting process to insure the entire unit is covered. The apparatus body and components shall be metal finished as follows to provide a superior substrate for painting. All aluminum sections of the body shall undergo a thorough cleaning process starting with a phosphoric acid solution to begin the etching process followed by a complete rinse. The next step shall consist of a chemical conversion coating applied to seal the metal substrate and become part of the aluminum surface for greater film adhesion. After the cleaning process the body and its components shall be primed with a High Solids primer and the seams shall be caulked. All bright metal fittings, if unavailable in stainless steel or polished aluminum, shall be heavily chrome Revised April 11, 2012 Page 55 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 plated. Iron fittings shall be copper underplated prior to chrome plating. PAINT PROCESS The paint process shall follow the strict standards as set forth by PPG Fleet Finish Guidelines. The body shall go through a three-stage paint process: primer coat, base coat ( color ), and clear coat. In the first stage of the paint process the body shall be coated with PPG F3980 Low VOC / High Solids primer to achieve a total thickness of 2-4 mills. In the second stage of the paint process the body shall be painted with PPG FBCH Delfleet™ High Solids Polyurethane Base Coat. A minimum of two to three coats of paint shall be applied to achieve hiding. In the final stage of the paint process the body shall be painted with PPG DCU-2002 Clear Coat. A minimum of two to three coats shall be applied to achieve a total dry film thickness of 2-3 mills. As part of the curing process the painted body shall go through a Force Dry / Bake Cycle process. The painted components shall be baked at 185 degrees for 3 hours to achieve a complete coating cure on the finished product. HAND POLISHED After the force dry / bake cycle and ample cool down time, the coated surface shall be sanded using 3M 1000, 1200, and or 1500 grit sandpaper to remove surface defects. In the final step, the surface shall be buffed with 3M superduty compound to add extra shine to coated surface. No more than .5 mil of clear shall be removed in this process. APPARATUS BODY COLOR The apparatus shall be painted with PPG High Solids Polyurethane Base Coat. The apparatus shall be painted ( RED ) PPG# FBCH - 71096-ALT. TOUCH UP PAINT One (1) two ounce bottle of acrylic enamel touch-up paint or two (2) touch up paint pens, if color is available, shall be supplied. CORROSION PREVENTION One (1) 3.75 ounce shall be provided to use whenever additional items are mounted to the apparatus. ECK protects aluminum and stainless steel against electrolytic reaction, isolates dissimilar metals and gives bedding protection for hardware and fasteners. ECK contains anti-seizing lubricant for threads. ECK is dielectric and perfect for use with electrical connectors. NFPA COMPLIANT REFLECTIVE STRIPING Revised April 11, 2012 Page 56 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 Reflective striping shall be applied to the exterior of the apparatus in a manner consistent with the National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet 1901, latest edition. It shall consist of a 1", 4", and a 1" wide stripe low across the front of the chassis and along the sides up to the first compartment on each side where it shall then angle up and back to a point above the wheel well area where it shall then run level to the back edge of the body. There shall be a 1" gap provided between each of the stripes. The reflective striping shall be white in color. CHEVRON REFLECTIVE STRIPING, REAR OF UNIT In addition to the custom striping pattern supplied on the apparatus, there shall be additional reflective striping applied to the entire rear of the unit. The reflective striping shall cover at least 50% of the rear facing vertical surface, per NFPA 1901 newest edition. The striping shall consist of alternating red and yellow, fluorescent yellow or fluorescent yellow-green reflective stripes. Each stripe shall be a minimum of 6" in width and shall be applied to the apparatus at 45° angle. The entire rear shall be covered in chevron EXCEPT the roll up door. CHEVRON REFLECTIVE STRIPING, RED/FLUORESCENT YELLOW The chevron striping shall consist of 3M part numbers 1172 EC, red and 3983, fluorescent yellow-green. RUB RAIL REFLECTIVE STRIPING There shall be 2" reflective striping installed in the rub rail channel. The reflective striping shall diamond grade quality material for increased visibility. The reflective shall be silver in color. be UNDERCOATING The apparatus shall undergo a two (2) step undercoating process. The first step shall be a rubberized polyurethane base compound that is applied after the body has been primed. The materials used shall incorporate unused paint products to reduce the amount of waste released into the environment. This coat shall be applied to all hidden pockets and surfaces that shall not be visible after completion. As a final step, the entire underside of the body shall be coated with a bituminous based automotive type undercoating when the apparatus is completed. During this application, special care shall be taken to avoid spraying the product on air lines, cables, or other items that would cause normal maintenance to be hindered. MUD FLAPS (4) There shall be two (2) mud flaps at the front of the chassis which are provided by the custom chassis supplier. Two (2) more at the rear of the unit will be provided by the apparatus manufacturer. The mud flaps shall be a minimum of 3/8" thick to prevent "sailing". Revised April 11, 2012 Page 57 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 WHEEL CHOCKS & MOUNTING There shall be one (1) pair of Cast Products, Inc. wheel chocks provided with the apparatus. The chocks shall be mounted in brackets that are easily accessible under the left side body. Centron Custom Chassis GAST COMPRESSOR SYSTEM A Gast, model # 1HAB-10-M100X, 120 volt Air Compressor shall be installed. The system shall receive power from the 110 volt shoreline receptacle. The compressor shall have an AC motor operating a single cylinder air compressor. The pump shall automatically start to maintain the air brake pressure. A heavy duty pressure switch is adjusted to start the compressor when the system pressure drops below 75psi and stops the compressor when 95 psi is attained. The start up pressure shall be field adjustable- the pressure differential between start up and stopping is fixed. The compressor requires no routine maintenance. BATTERY CHARGER A Three Bank Pro Power, 120 volt, 30 amp (10 amps per bank), automatic battery charger shall be installed and wired to the shoreline receptacle and the chassis batteries. The charger shall be a fully automatic waterproof system. Each bank of the charging system shall be capable of producing a charge to bring the batteries back to full charge. The unit shall turn off when the battery is at full charge and turn on automatically if the battery voltage drops. There shall be a charge indicator display provided on the charger. The unit shall have as standard a Three Year Warranty. REMOTE CHARGE INDICATOR A bar graph shall be provided in a remote location to show what the status of the charge on the batteries. The remote indicator shall be installed in the mid widow on the driver's side. OEM PAINTED CHASSIS RIMS The chassis rims shall be as painted from the chassis manufacturer. NFPA RECOMMENDED TOP SPEEDS GVWR OVER 26,000 LBS. (11,800 KG): The maximum top speed shall not exceed either 68 MPH (105 km/hr) or the tire manufacturer's maximum fire service speed rating, whichever is lower. GVWR OVER 50,000 LBS. (22,680 KG): The maximum top speed shall not exceed either 60 MPH (85 km/hr) or the tire manufacturer's maximum fire service speed rating, whichever is lower. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 58 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 FOAM & WATER TANK CAPACITY EXCEEDS 1,250 GALLONS (4,732 L): The maximum top speed shall not exceed either 60 MPH (85 km/hr) or the tire manufacturer's maximum fire service speed rating, whichever is lower. NO ESC/NO TILT TABLE The apparatus shall not have ESC and shall not be required to take the tilt table test. Heat Exchangers - Chassis Mftr Supplied FUEL TANK GAUGE ACCESS PANEL There shall be a removable panel provided in the rear compartment to allow for access to the fuel tank gauge without removing the fuel tank. AIR OUTLET There shall be one (1) 1/4" quick connect female air outlet. This outlet shall be used for filling tires fire extinguishers. The air outlet shall be located on the left side pump panel. or FRONT BUMPER GRAVELSHIELD The space between the bumper and the cab shall be covered with a gravel shield of treadbrite aluminum with gaps provided where needed to allow for chassis frame rail movement. Support for the gravel shield shall be installed to provide a strong, steady area for personnel while servicing the apparatus. ROAD SAFETY KIT There shall be one (1) road safety kit provided with the apparatus. The kit shall consist of three (3) DOT approved reflective triangles. STAINLESS STEEL FUEL FILL DOOR The fuel fill pocket shall be located in the left rear wheel well area. The fuel fill shall have a Fire Shoppe stainless steel door. The door shall have a brushed stainless steel finish. CENTER FRONT STORAGE WELL IN BUMPER There shall be a storage well in the extended front bumper. The well shall be located in the center between the chassis frame rails, in the bumper and shall be as large as practical. The floor shall be covered with Dri-Dek. FRONT BUMPER HOSE COMPARTMENT COVER(S) Revised April 11, 2012 Page 59 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 There shall be one (1) aluminum treadbrite cover(s) installed on the front bumper hose compartment(s). The hose compartment cover shall be notched to allow for the stored hose to be preconnected. AIR TANK DRAIN CABLES The chassis air tank drain cables shall be extended to the outside of the body for ease of maintenance. MANUFACTURING LABELS A permanent plate shall be mounted in the driver's compartment specifying the quantity and type of the following fluids that may be used in the apparatus for normal maintenance. Where a fluid is not applicable to the unit, the plate shall be marked N/A to inform the service technician who may not be familiar with the apparatus. Engine oil Engine coolant Transmission fluid Pump transmission fluid Pump primer fluid Drive axle fluid Air conditioning refrigerant Power steering fluid Cab tilt mechanism fluid Transfer case fluid Equipment rack fluid Air compressor system lubricant Generator system lubricant Front tires air pressure Rear tires air pressure A permanent plate shall be affixed in the driver's area that states the maximum number of personnel allowed to ride on the apparatus at any time. A sign shall be affixed in the chassis cab, in plain sight of the driver that states the overall travel height, overall length, and gross GVWR of the apparatus. On any gated inlet on the apparatus, a permanent label shall be provided that states: "WARNING: Death or serious injury might occur if proper operating procedures are not followed. The pump operator as well as individuals connecting supply or discharges hoses to the apparatus must be familiar with water hydraulics hazards and component limitations." All other appropriate labels to ensure safe operation of the apparatus shall be permanently affixed in conspicuous locations. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 60 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 APPARATUS CAB AND CHASSIS The cab and chassis shall be designed and manufactured specifically for the extreme duties required of Emergency Apparatus while maintaining safe and secure area for the responding personnel. Special attention shall be paid to the ingress and egress of emergency personnel especially when responding in full personnel protective equipment. CAB AND CHASSIS MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS The cab shall be fabricated of 5052-H32 aluminum alloy plate, 6061-T6 aluminum Alloy extrusions and 3003-0 aluminum alloy tooled stampings. These materials shall be joined together to form a solid unitized cab using aircraft style huck bolts and minimum welding. The chassis frame shall be a heavy duty ladder type frame with AISI 1527 Modified Manganese Steel tempered to 125,000 psi ultimate tensile strength and 120,000 psi minimum yield strength. FRONT BUMPER The front bumper of the apparatus shall be a 2-Rib, 10” high design formed of highly polished 10-gauge 304-2B stainless steel securely attached to the chassis frame extension, which extends 24" from the front of the cab. BUMPER EXTENSION 24" The front bumper of the apparatus shall be securely attached to the chassis frame extension, which is 24” from the front of the cab. FRONT TOW HOOKS Two-(2) painted tow hooks shall be mounted to the bottom flange of the frame rail extension at a position that maintains an angle of approach compliant to NFPA 1901. AIR HORNS Two-(2) chrome plated Grover Stuttertone 21" air horns shall be mounted through the front bumper, one(1) each side and plumbed to the chassis air brake system. A horn/air horn selector switch shall be installed on the central dash panel allowing the choice of either the electric horns or the air horns to be activated by the steering wheel horn button. There shall be a foot switch installed on the officers' side of the cab. SIREN/PA WITH SPEAKER One-(1) 200 Watt, full feature, solid state, electronic siren shall be installed in the cab. The siren includes a hard wired microphone, a remote mounted amplifier and a flush mounted control panel located in the center of the dash for accessibility to both the driver and officer. One-(1) 100- watt speaker with cast Revised April 11, 2012 Page 61 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 aluminum housing and a protective grill shall be recessed in the center of the bumper and wired to the electronic siren. ALUMINUM DIAMONDPLATE GRAVELSHIELD A 3/16" thick bright finish aluminum diamondplate gravelshield shall be installed between the extended front bumper and the face of the cab. FRAME The chassis frame shall be built with a heavy duty ladder type frame, utilizing AISI 1527 Modified Manganese Steel, quenched and tempered with 125,000 psi ultimate tensile strength and 120,000 psi minimum yield strength. Each frame rail shall be 11/32" thick material formed to a "C" channel shape with 3-1/2" flanges and a 1015/16" web. The section modulus shall be 16.98 cubic inches per rail and the RBM shall be 2,040,000 pound/ inches, per rail. Each frame rail shall be mechanically punched for the components selected and shall bear the engraved vehicle serial number. Cross members shall be formed steel and reinforced. Cross member spacing shall sustain the chosen Gross Vehicle Weight Rating, permit properly engineered installation of chosen chassis components and support a lifetime warranty against cracking of either rail in emergency vehicle service. The rear of the frame shall be square and shall incorporate an inverted "Dog Bone" cross member allowing for service access between the frame rails to the top of the fuel tank from inside the rear compartment. A "C" channel inner frame reinforcement shall be provided and installed. The inner liner shall be formed to a "C" channel shape to fit the contours of the main frame rail without exceeding the flange width. The overall insert length shall be 3" plus the wheelbase plus the rear frame overhang in length. Combined, the section modulus for the 11/32" frame and liner shall be 26.79 cubic inches, per rail, and the RBM shall be 3,155,000 inch-pounds, per rail, with a yield strength of 120,000 psi, per rail. GRADE 8 FRAME FASTENERS The chassis frame shall be constructed using Grade 8 threaded hex-headed frame fasteners. The frame fasteners shall include SAE Class C torque prevailing flange nuts. 12V ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AND COMPONENTS The electrical system shall be equipped with, but not limited to the following. Batteries, generating, starting, lighting, ignition, visual and audible warning systems, specified electronic equipment and devices including switch controls located in the cab and on the pump panel as specified as well as other specified accessory wiring. The electrical system and its equipment shall comply with all applicable FMVSS requirements, including Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) and shall also conform to all the applicable SAE recommended standards and practices, whether or not specifically referenced in this document while complying with the subparagraphs herein. All electrical and electronic components shall be selected to minimize electrical loads. All electrical system components and wiring shall be readily Revised April 11, 2012 Page 62 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 accessible through access panels for checking and maintenance. All switches, indicators, and consoles shall be located and installed in a manner that facilitates easy removal and servicing. All exterior housings of lamps, electronic devices, and fixtures shall be corrosion resistant and weatherproofed. The electrical system for this vehicle shall be the most technologically advanced system available for emergency vehicles. It shall not be of an experimental nature and must have a proven record of accomplishment in emergency vehicle applications. The electrical system shall provide multiple switching and interlocks to turn on outputs from two or three switch locations making control of specific devices more operationally efficient. Multiple devices shall be controlled ON or OFF with a single switching function. The system shall have the capability to shed extraneous electrical loads from any power distribution units output at eight (8) different voltage levels. This feature shall provide micro-management of necessary electrical loads during acute or transitory electrical system failures. This shall allow the vehicle to perform even though there are service issues to correct. The system shall have the capability to flash any node output in either A or B phase. This means that any light on the vehicle can be programmed to flash without the use of additional flashers or relays. The flash rate shall be eighty (80) flashes per minute with no more than two-tenths (.20v) volts drop through the node. The durability of this system shall equate to one hundred (100) times the durability of a conventional relay-type system. The system shall be designed to survive extreme temperature conditions from -40F to +185F. The system shall be sealed against environmental conditions of moisture, salt and fluids and shall be protected against over voltage and reverse polarity conditions. Troubleshooting and service shall be accomplished by attaching a PC Diagnostics interface and viewing the messages across the communications node on a laptop computer. Each node shall be capable of being queried for voltage levels and indicate where in the system a voltage drop has occurred. Status of all inputs and outputs shall be determined through the PC interface. The electrical control system shall be the Weldon Technologies, Inc. (WTI) V-MUX Multiplex System. As Weldon is a vendor whose products are available to any apparatus manufacturer, no other electrical control system will be accepted. The wiring shall be permanently color coded to identify wire function. Wires shall be permanently heat ink embossed with both number and function codes. The function codes shall be the "descriptive" name of the circuit served. The number code shall be the exact purpose of that circuit. This number code shall be completely referenced in a detailed wiring schematic provided with the vehicle. Wiring installed in the manufacturing process shall be routed in conduit or high temperature loom with a rating of 300 degrees Fahrenheit where necessary to protect it. All added wiring shall be located in accessible, enclosed, and protected locations. All conduits, looms, and wiring shall be secured to the body cable straps in order to prevent sagging and movement that result in chafing, pinching, snagging, or any other damage. These cable straps shall be secured to “welded” stud provided as required throughout the harness run to provide security. All apertures on the vehicle shall be properly grommeted and sealed for passing wiring and conform to SAE 1292. All items used for protecting or securing the wiring shall be appropriate for the specific application and be standard automotive, aircraft, marine or electronic hardware. Wiring connections from the wiring harnesses to various components or electrical assemblies shall be made using either machine crimped, epoxy sealed ring terminals or self-sealing Deutsch type connectors. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 63 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 DUAL ELECTRIC HORNS Dual electric horns rated at 400hz/500hz shall be installed under the cab, controlled through the horn ring on the center of the steering column, and wired through a dash mounted selector switch allowing control of either the electric or air horns. REFLECTORS Reflectors shall be installed on the apparatus in compliance with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and NFPA 1901 guidelines. BACK-UP ALARM A Preco model 230, 97 db back-up alarm shall be installed on the apparatus, the alarm automatically actuates when the truck is shifted into reverse gear. HEADLIGHTS AND TURN SIGNALS The Headlights, Turn Signals, Parking Lights and Front Warning Lights shall be in common bezels one on each side of the cab fascia. These chrome plated bezel assemblies shall house the Four-(4) rectangular halogen headlights, two-(2) each side in the lower section of the bezel assemblies. In the upper section of each of these assemblies there shall be an alternately flashing LED warning light in the inboard position and an amber LED turn signal in the outboard position. There shall be side marker lights located in the outward side of the headlight bezels. CAB SIDE WARNING LIGHTS, LED There shall be two (2) red LED alternately flashing warning lights installed one (1) each side in the sides of the front bumper. CAB SIDE WARNING LIGHTS, LED There shall be two (2) red LED alternately flashing warning lights installed centered above the front wheelwells, one (1) each side. GROUND LIGHTING There shall be ground illumination lighting provided to illuminate the ground areas at the cab doors. This illumination shall be provided by LED lights installed below each cab door. These cab ground illumination lights shall be switchable but automatically activate when the cab doors are opened. LIGHTS, CAB CLEARANCE, LED Revised April 11, 2012 Page 64 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 There shall be five (5) LED amber Clearance/Marker lights installed on the forward section of the cab roof, spaced appropriately for maximum visibility. SCENE LIGHTS Two-(2) Whelen 810 series, halogen scene lights with a clear lens and chrome trim shall be surface mounted behind the rear cab doors, one each side. These scene lights shall be controlled by a switch in the cab and have wide-angle light heads, prismatic inner lens to direct the light downward at an 8-32 degree angle. ENGINE, CUMMINS ISL9-400 HP The apparatus shall be powered by an electronically controlled Cummins ISL9 8.9L 400 Horsepower, Turbocharged and Charge Air Cooled Engine which is 2010 EPA emissions compliant and has the following characteristics: Horsepower: 400 hp @ 2100 rpm Peak Engine Torque: 1250 lb/ft @ 1400 rpm Governed Speed: 2200 rpm Configuration: Inline 6 Cylinder Displacement: 8.9L (543 cubic inches) Fully Integrated Electronic Controls Ultra High Pressure Fuel System Electrically Activated Variable Geometry Turbocharger Cooled Exhaust Gas Recirculation Cummins Aftertreatment System ENGINE WARRANTY Cummins fire apparatus engines are backed by a base warranty of 5 years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes first, including parts, labor and towing. There is no deductible for covered repairs during the first two years of the base warranty. STARTER The engine starter shall be a Delco Remy 12 volt 39 MT HD AIR COMPRESSOR The engine driven air compressor shall be a Wabco rated at 18.7 cfm airflow. The air compressor discharge line shall be stainless steel braid reinforced Teflon hose. ENGINE COOLING FAN Revised April 11, 2012 Page 65 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The nylon radiator cooling fan shall be controlled with an electric controlled automatic fan clutch. An automatic fan control shall be activated when the air conditioning system is on and when the fire pump is engaged. COOLANT FILTER The engine cooling system shall be equipped with a Fleetguard coolant filtration system with spin-on filter for collection of potentially harmful contaminants and their eventual build up on coolant system components. TRANSMISSION The chassis shall be equipped with an Allison 3000 EVS-P, six (6) speed automatic transmission. The transmission shall be equipped with the following: Allison 4th Generation Controls and programmed for Fire Apparatus vocation Oil level indicator shall be provided 4th gear lock-up circuit for fire pump operation The chassis to transmission wiring harness shall utilize weatherproof connectors with seals protect electrical connections from contamination without the use of coatings. A 5- years/unlimited distance warranty includes internal components of the Allison transmission. An authorized Allison distributor or sales and service facility shall conduct the repairs. Claims are filed directly with Allison by repair facility. TRANSMISSION PROGRAMMING The transmission shall be equipped with Allison 4th Generation Controls and shall be programmed for five (5) speed Fire & Emergency Vocational Package pumper application. TRANSMISSION SHIFT SELECTOR An Allison "Touch Pad" electronic shift selector with transmission fluid level check feature, shall be located on the cab dash. Shift position indicator will be easily visible and lit for both day and night operations. TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER A water to oil transmission cooler shall be provided. TRANSMISSION FLUID The transmission shall be equipped with petroleum based transmission fluid. DRIVE SHAFT Revised April 11, 2012 Page 66 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 A balanced drive line from the transmission to the rear axles shall be engineered to handle the combination of the engine and transmission torque and the resistance created by the GVW (gross vehicle weight) rating. AUXILIARY BRAKE The engine shall be equipped with a Cummins Engine Variable Geometry Turbocharger is also utilized as an engine brake providing auxiliary braking. The Variable Geometry Turbocharger is electronically controlled. A pump shift interlock circuit shall be provided to prevent the engine brake from activating during pumping operation. FUEL FILTER A Cummins Spin On Fuel Filter shall be installed and plumbed to the chassis fuel system as recommended by Cummins. This fuel filter shall be located for ease of access for maintenance. EXHAUST AFTERTREATMENT SYSTEM The Diesel Engine Exhaust shall be routed through a Selective Catalytic Reduction System. The diesel exhaust first enters a Particulate Filter which collects and oxidizes carbon to reduce the Particulate Matter by more than 90%. The exhaust gas containing Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) exits the Particulate Filter and enters a tube called the Decomposition Reactor, where a fine mist of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) from the chassis mounted 5 gallon DEF reservoir is sprayed into the hot exhaust stream. The DEF reservoir is located at the right side rear of the cab and can be accessed through an individual door in the right side rear cab step well. DEF breaks down the ammonia (NH3) during a chemical reaction in the Decomposition Reactor through a process known as hydrolysis. The NOx and NH3 pass into the SCR element where a catalytic reaction takes place, converting the NOx into harmless nitrogen gas (N2) and water vapor (H2O) resulting in near zero noxious emissions. The treated exhaust exits the system on the right hand side forward of the rear axle. 12-VOLT POWER SUPPLY The alternator shall be a 270 amp Leece Neville model 4944A, engine driven via a multi-groove polyvee belt and shall be automatically tensioned. The alternator shall meet all applicable NFPA 1901 requirements for performance. ENGINE AIR INTAKE AND CLEANER The frontal air intake shall be molded to allow for an integral ember separator to prevent burning embers, dirt and re circulating hot engine air from entering the air cleaner while allowing for moisture separation and drainage. Two (2) captive screws on the frontal air intake duct allows the air intake duct and ember separator to be easily removed from the air cleaner housing for ease of cleaning out of chassis and air cleaner element replacement Revised April 11, 2012 Page 67 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The engine air cleaner shall be the size recommended by the engine manufacturer. The air cleaner element shall be a Donaldson Power Core, rectangular in shaped and mounted above the radiator with the frontal air intake system no less than 64.00" (inches) off the ground to allow for clean ambient air supply to the engine and high water fording capabilities. The placement of the air cleaner forward of the engine turbo will prevent radiant turbo heat from adversely affecting any portion of the air intake system over time, promoting long component life of the air intake system. AIR INLET / GAUGE A mechanical air inlet restriction gauge shall be visible through the in-cab service access door and it shall trigger a dash mounted warning light in the event of an air inlet restriction. RADIATOR The chassis shall be equipped with a high capacity down flow 1627 square inch radiator. The radiator core shall have (16) fins/inch with (3) rows of serpentine tubes made of aluminum, with header plates made of aluminum. The radiator top and bottom tanks shall be non-corrosive, high temperature composite that are swaged to the core. The core shall be supported on both sides by a wrap around steel c-channel section and upper l-section brace with (2) cross brace reinforcements between them. Each channel section shall be equipped with a gusseted mounting angle for attachment to a frame mounted, offset bracket, and a cantilever offset bracket for strut rod attachment. The mounting assembly shall dampen road shock and engine torque transmitted to the radiator. The cooling system shall include a molded, translucent surge and de aeration tank. The surge tank shall be located and molded around the upper LH side of the fan shroud and easily serviced from the LH side of the vehicle. This tank shall have a sensor to warn the driver of a low coolant level via a red warning light on the dash. The entire cooling system shall be capable of maintaining both NFPA and engine manufacturers recommended engine operating temperature during all load conditions required by the engine manufacturer. The radiator core shall be compatible with all commercial antifreeze solutions. COOLANT HOSES The chassis shall be equipped with Gates "Blue Stripe" coolant hoses. Hose construction shall be with EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Dien Monomer). The hose wall construction shall reduce water permeation, decreasing radiator topping and coolant concentration imbalances. These hoses will provide a high durometer clamping surface to prevent cold seepage. Constant tension hose clamps shall be provided for all coolant hoses of 5/8" diameter and greater. COOLANT Engine coolant shall be heavy-duty pre-mixed ethylene glycol antifreeze. The engine coolant shall be treated with supplementary coolant additives (SCA's) as required by engine manufacturers. Engine coolant shall provide anti-freeze protection to -34 degrees Fahrenheit. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 68 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 ENGINE PROTECTION ALARMS The engine shall be equipped with an alarm system for low oil pressure, high coolant temperature and low coolant level. The system shall warn the driver or pump operator of a potentially damaging engine operating condition. This warning system shall not shut down the engine or reduce power under any conditions. ENGINE COMPARTMENT LIGHT One (1) engine work light shall be installed in the engine enclosure. HEATER HOSE The chassis shall be equipped with flexible hose plumbing to provide flow of engine coolant fluid to the front and rear heater cores. Formed hard line plumbing shall be used from the front of the cab back to the rear cab heaters. Lines shall be routed to prevent chafing or damage by other components of the apparatus. ENGINE COOLER An auxiliary (heat exchanger) engine cooler shall be provided for added engine cooling during pump operation. The auxiliary engine cooler shall be mounted directly behind the lower radiator tank and shall use water from the fire pump during pumping operation. The cooler shall be oriented with the pump ports turned downward for ease of draining. FAST IDLE A preset fast idle set at 1200 rpm (or as otherwise required) shall be included with the electronic engine. The High Idle function shall be activated by a switch in the cab. ENGINE START/STOP CONTROL The vehicle shall be equipped with a keyless ignition, three (3) position rocker switch, "Off/Run/Start" that shall be easily accessible to the driver. FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENTS The chassis shall be equipped with a 65 gallon rear mounted rectangular fuel tank that shall be constructed of steel alloy with stamped heads. It shall provide a minimum 65 gallon (246 liter) "draw" capacity on an incline in any direction up to 8 degrees. The fuel tank shall be certified to meet FMCSR 393.67 requirements. Dual pick-up, dual return ports and dual fuel level sender ports with a single 3/4" tank draw tube shall be provided for possible future requirements. A 1/4" atmosphere vent line shall be included. The bottom of the fuel tank shall contain a 3/4" magnetic drain plug that shall be recessed to prevent the plug from protruding from the bottom of the fuel tank. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 69 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The tank shall be spring mounted to the frame aft of the rear axle. Mounting shall include (2) steel straps protected against chafing the tank by form fitted rubber channels. FUEL FILL The fuel tank shall be equipped with a 2" filler neck assembly with a 3/4" vent to prevent back splash at rapid filling rates and shall be located on the left hand side of the tank. The fuel fill cap shall have a lanyard. FUEL LINES The fuel lines shall be high temperature reinforced nylon single suction and return with crimped fittings. The lines shall be carefully routed along the inside of the frame rails, protected against chaffing by nonconductive, frame mounted stand off fasteners. A fuel cooler will be provided to maintain the proper fuel temperature. FRONT AXLE COMPONENTS The front axle shall be a Meritor model MFS-133A with a maximum beam and spindle capacity of 20,000 pounds. It shall be provided with oil lubricated wheel bearings seals and a clear oil level viewing window. STEERING GEAR The steering gear shall be a TRW model TAS-85 with ram assist and rated at 21,500 pound capacity maximum. Steering geometry shall be capable of 45 degree cramp angle, minimum, in both directions limited only by specified tires and wheels. POWER STEERING PUMP The power steering pump shall be a Vickers V20. POWER STEERING RESERVOIR The power steering reservoir shall have a capacity of four (4) quarts of power steering fluid. FRONT SUSPENSION WITH SHOCK ABSORBERS The front suspension shall be a taper leaf design with a capacity of 20,000 pounds. Front spring bushings shall be graphite impregnated bronze spring pin with grease seals. Heavy duty, double acting shock absorbers shall be provided. FRONT BRAKE COMPONENTS Revised April 11, 2012 Page 70 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The front brakes shall be Meritor "Q-Plus" 16.5" x 6" cam type with a capacity of 20,000 pounds. Ferro or equal non-asbestos brake shoe linings, specifically designed for fire and emergency severe service, shall be supplied. Automatic slack adjusters will be provided. FRONT TIRES The front tires shall be Michelin XZY-3 WB radial tires with all position tread. The tires shall be 385/65R22.5, Load Range "J" and shall have a total GAWR of 18,740 pounds. FRONT WHEELS Front wheels shall be 10-bolt, hub piloted aluminum disc, 22.5" x 12.25" with a maximum capacity of 22,000 pounds. FRONT WHEELS Each front wheel outer surface shall be polished. HUB AND LUG NUT COVERS Polished 304L Stainless steel axle hub and lug nut covers shall be installed on the front axle. The front axle covers shall include openings to view axle seal oil level. REAR AXLE COMPONENTS The rear axle shall be a Meritor RS-26-185 with a fire and emergency rating of 27,000 pounds. The axle shall include single reduction hypoid gearing and oil lubricated wheel bearings. TIRE INFLATION INDICATORS, VISUAL The apparatus shall be equipped with visual tire pressure indicators installed in each tire valve stem, in place of the standard valve cap. The pressure indicators are matched to the required tire pressure to assure proper monitoring. These indicate that the tire is properly inflated by displaying a green center core, if the tire pressure falls 10% below the proper inflation pressure the core displays red. The inner dual tire shall have a braided wire valve extension installed allowing the pressure to be easily monitored. REAR AXLE RATIO The apparatus shall have a rear axle gear ratio, which allows a maximum top speed of 68 miles per hour, in compliance with NFPA 1901, 2009 Edition section 4.15.2. REAR SUSPENSION The rear suspension shall be a self-leveling Reyco spring pack. The suspension shall have a rating of 28,000 pounds. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 71 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 REAR SHOCKS Shock absorbers shall be provided on the drive axle. REAR BRAKE COMPONENTS The rear brakes shall be Meritor "P" series 16.5" x 7" heavy duty cam type, equipped with non-asbestos brake shoe linings specifically designed for fire and emergency severe service and for application with a single drive axle. Brakes shall be equipped with double anchors and cast iron shoes. Automatic slack adjusters will be provided. A yellow, dash mounted, push/pull parking brake control shall be conveniently located for driver access and shall be accessible to the officer. A light located on the cab dash shall indicate when the parking brake is activated. AIR RESERVOIRS The air brake system air storage reservoirs shall be custom configured for each chassis to provide optimum brake performance and exacting compliance with FVMSS-121. AXLE SEALS The rear axle shall be equipped with appropriate oil seals based on the rear axle manufacturer and axle series. REAR TIRES Four rear tires shall be Michelin XDN2 radial tires with drive position tread. The tires shall be 12R22.5, Load Range "H" and shall have a total GAWR of 27,120 pounds. REAR WHEELS Rear wheels shall be 10-bolt, hub piloted aluminum disc, 22.5" x 9.0". REAR WHEELS Each outer rear wheel, outer surface shall be polished. HUB AND LUG NUT COVERS Polished 304L Stainless steel axle hub and lug nut covers shall be installed on the rear axle outer wheels. ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM Revised April 11, 2012 Page 72 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 A Meritor Wabco, four-channel Anti-Lock Braking System with four-wheel sensors and four modulators to control and compensate braking force at each wheel shall be installed. A dash mounted diagnostic light shall be installed for servicing the system. The system shall prevent wheel lock-up during braking thereby allowing the vehicle to accomplish a controlled stop while remaining substantially in the direction of travel at the time of brake application. AXLE LUBRICANT The axles shall be supplied with a petroleum based lubricant. AIR BRAKE SYSTEM A dual circuit, air operated braking system, meeting the design and performance requirements of FMVSS121 and the operating test requirements of NFPA 1901, shall be installed. The system shall be powered by an engine mounted, gear driven air compressor. The air system shall be plumbed with reinforced, color coded nylon air brake tubing in conformance to SAE J844-94, Type B and US D.O.T. Standards. The compressor discharge shall be plumbed with stainless steel braided hose lines with a Teflon lining. Nylon air lines shall be enclosed in high temperature convoluted loom run along the inside frame rails, secured with non-conductive, corrosion resistant strapping mounted with stand-off fasteners. Cord reinforced rubber hose lines with brass fittings shall be installed from frame rail to axle mounted air connections. A pressure protection valve shall be installed to prevent the use of air horns or other air operated devices should the air system pressure drop below 80 psi (552 kPa). The chassis air system shall meet NFPA 1901, latest edition for rapid air pressure build-up within sixty (60) seconds from a completely discharged air system. This system shall provide sufficient air pressure so that the apparatus has no brake drag and is able to stop under the intended operating conditions following the sixty (60) seconds build-up time. AIR DRYER A Meritor Wabco System Saver 1200 air dryer with spin-on cartridge and heater shall be installed on the frame rails under the cab. The dryer shall have a pressure control valve, and shall be used to maintain the warranty coverage on brake system components. TANK DRAINS Air tanks shall be equipped with manual drain valves operated by stainless steel pull cables. CAB The cab shall be designed specifically for the rigors and ergonomics of emergency response and will be manufactured by the chassis builder. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 73 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The cab and chassis shall be engineered and assembled as a premium quality, integrated unit which provides for safe and comfortable entry and egress of firefighters properly clothed in full protective gear. Safe and comfortable transport shall be afforded each occupant who is properly seated, restrained and attentive. The cab interior shall be styled by professional automotive designers. The interior trim shall be tooled to support repeatable high quality fit-up and appearance as well as serviceable component access. Interior surfaces shall be comfortable, easy to clean and long lasting under the rigors of contact with firefighter's clothing and personal protective equipment. To insure this quality and integration the cab shall be built by the apparatus manufacture in the same facility that the chassis is built (no exception). CAB CONSTRUCTION The cab will be constructed of 5052-H32 aluminum sheet and plate alloys and all extrusions will be 6061T6 using minimal welds. Featuring double-walled aluminum body panels joined with aircraft-style Huck bolts for extreme strength, occupant protection and longevity. For increased structural integrity the cab shall utilize a one piece, .25” thick, full height inner sidewalls extending from the .25” thick front firewall to the back vertical corner extrusion and shall extend from the roof side extrusion down to the bottom steps. Both firewall and inner sidewalls are .25” thick aluminum with milled openings for repeated accuracy. The back wall shall be constructed with interlaced stamped 5052-H32 and extruded 6061-T6 aluminum hat sections skeleton. A .125” thick aluminum panel is chemically-bonded to the hat section skeleton to provide far greater sheer strength over traditional spot welds. The cab roof shall be an aluminum structure utilizing tooled stampings of 3003-0 alloy in roof contour areas to prevent large zones of heat affected metal adjacent to welds. All metal joints shall be caulked. The cab design shall not require the use of body fillers to achieve smooth contours or flat surfaces. All exterior cab panels and stampings will be .125” thick aluminum in addition the rear cab wall will be covered using .060” aluminum tread plate. The roof exterior shall be free of indentations and shall have a convex profile to provide water run off to the incorporated drip moldings over the doors. The cab floor sub-structure will include an extruded aluminum longitudinal running from the front fire wall to the rear wall with lateral floor stiffeners for added support while tilting the cab. CAB DIMENSIONS The cab exterior width dimension shall not exceed 95.5" from side to side and 148" front to back. With appurtenances including fenders, cab trim, hand rails and warning lamps, the overall outer dimension shall not exceed 99.5" and 119" overall width including mirrors. The cab exterior length shall be 74" from the front wall to the front axle centerline and 74" from the front axle centerline to the back of the cab. The cab will have an interior width between closed doors not to exceed 89.75". The cab interior will be completely open and free of internal cab support structure for improved visibility and communication between the occupants seated in the front and rear crew cab sections. The rear crew cab section will provide not less than 72" floor-to-ceiling height clear standing room in the centers for proper head clearance and safety. The crew cab section will permit the installation of up to two (2) rear facing seats and up to (4) forward facing seats. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 74 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 DOORS The cab shall have four (4) side mounted, fully gasketed, weatherproof doors, which pivot on hidden automotive type hinges. Each door shall be 69.3” tall, by 32.5” wide and equipped with 5” wide interior paddle latches, and 8” wide, exterior grab handle style latches. These doors shall include exterior key locks (all keyed the same) and push/pull tab interior locks. Each door shall be equipped automotive style door check to keep the door from closing due to the wind or on an incline. Additionally a door strap assembly shall be provided to prevent doors from opening beyond ninety degrees. The door strap assembly shall consist of a 3” wide section of seat belt material with both ends folded back to the center and sewn together to form loops on both ends. There is a 3/8” diameter stainless steel pin inserted into each loop and then the pins are attached, one to the cab door jamb and the other to the cab door preventing the door from opening beyond ninety degrees. STEPS The cab shall be equipped with a bolt on, expanded stainless metal first step mounted under each door. The steps shall be contoured to the radius of the cab fender and shall protrude from the cab the same distance as the fender. The steps shall have exposed, safety grate. An enclosed second step shall be provided below the cab floor level. The first step shall be 8.5" deep x 26" wide and 20.75" from ground. The second step shall be 8.25" deep x 27" wide and 11.5" above the first step and 8.5" below the floor of the cab. FRONT CAB SECTION The cab front shall be a curved, one piece streamlined design with a centered radiator air intake. The air intake shall be designed to maximize air flow through a slat style chromed grille. The windshield base plane shall be set back from the front cab wall to permit an aerodynamic rearward sloping windshield and placement of wiper motor for optimal clearing surface area. The windshield slope in combination with its proximity to driver and officer seating positions shall provide optimal upward visibility to identify overhead obstructions at scene locations. Additionally, the officer and driver shall be able to see the ground surface 11.5 feet in front of the cab CAB GLASS The cab doors and side windows shall have tinted automotive safety plate glass with solar management treatment to assist with the reduction of interior heat loading from UV penetration. The windshield shall be tinted laminated safety glass also with solar management treatment. The windshield shall be curved; two piece design, with replacement glass readily available from manufacturer's and dealer's stock. The chassis shall have dual heavy-duty bus, pantograph type, and wet arm windshield wipers, driven by a single 4.5 million-cycle electric motor. The wipers shall have a dash mounted switch that provides a delay function for the wipers in the event of light rain, fog or mist. The windshield shall be 3,370 square inches. Front door glass area shall be 779 square inches each. Rear door glass shall be 708 square inches each and sidewall cab glass between the front and rear doors shall be 370 square inches each. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 75 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 CAB INTEGRITY The cab and chassis shall meet and/or exceed all applicable FMVSS and FMCSR, Title #49, U.S. Code Requirements for vehicles domiciled in the United States and all applicable CMVSS and Canada Transport Regulations for vehicles domiciled in Canada. The cab shall have passed all load and impact tests required for compliance certification with United Nations Agreement, "Standard for Protection of Cab Occupants", Regulation #29. A copy of test reports shall be available upon request. SIDE CAB WINDOWS The cab shall have fixed side windows, one each side between the front and rear doors. They shall be tinted and include solar management treatment. CAB TILT SYSTEM The apparatus cab shall tilt up to provide access to the engine, transmission and other components located beneath the cab. The cab shall pivot at the front and be raised by dual hydraulic cylinders each equipped with hydraulic velocity fuses, which prevent excessive cylinder speed especially when lowering the cab. The cab tilt is operated by a 12VDC self-contained hydraulic system with a manually operated back up hydraulic pump. This system shall include an interlock to prevent the operation of the cab tilt system if the parking brake is not engaged. This cab tilt system shall be controlled by a push button controller, tether mounted and connected to the cab by a plug located in the forward left side step well. A mechanical lock system shall automatically engage, when the cylinders are fully extended, holding the cab in the tilted position. This mechanical lock system is disengaged by a “T” handle cable control located next to the cab tilt control connection. There shall be a red “Cab Lock” indicator light on the cab dash that, when illuminated, shall indicate that the cab is not latched in the down position. CAB MOUNTS The cab shall be supported at four points. The front cab supports shall be pivot points to allow the cab to tilt 35 degrees for service and maintenance. This tilt angle will provide access to the engine area forward of the front axle and stop the cab from making contact with the equipment mounted to the front bumper deck plate. There will be no need for hinged mounts on equipment mounted to the front bumper deck plate. The cab shall incorporate an air suspension system to support the rear of the cab. It shall consist of dual air springs with a shock absorber mounted as an assembly, one assembly shall be mounted on each side. The suspension will allow the cab to move vertically up 1" and down 1". All four mounting points shall be bolted directly to the mainframe rail. The cab air suspension system will minimize cab vibration and road shock thereby extending cab life, while protecting mounted equipment and providing firefighters a quiet, more comfortable cab environment. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 76 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 CAB SEATING DRIVERS SEAT The driver's seat shall be an H.O. Bostrom model "Firefighter Sierra" High Back, Air Suspension Drivers Seat. The seat includes integral 3 point seat belts with a seat belt sensor and shall be upholstered with Durawear fabric upholstery. The air suspension seat shall be equipped with 5" fore/aft adjustment and vertical travel of 6". These seats includes the ABTS (All Belts To Seat) fully integrated 3-point seat belt system for additional safety. By incorporating the seat belts into the seat design it insures that each seat is designed, built and tested as a unit for unsurpassed fire fighter safety. OFFICER SEAT The officer seat shall be an H.O. Bostrom "Firefighter Tanker" 450 ABTS high back, non-suspension SCBA seat with a full seat cushion and 5" of fore/aft travel. The seat includes integral 3 point seat belts with a seat belt sensor and shall be upholstered with Durawear fabric upholstery. REAR SEATING The rear cab area shall contain two H.O. Bostrom "Firefighter Tanker" 450CT SCBA high back nonsuspended rear facing seats. The seat includes integral 3 point seat belts with a seat belt sensor and shall be upholstered with Durawear fabric upholstery. They shall be mounted behind the driver and officer seats. REAR SEATING The rear area of the cab shall have two (2) H.O. Bostrom SCBA Seats with ABTS seat belts, installed on the back wall of the cab, forward facing, in the center positions. These forward facing seats shall have flip up seat cushions which automatically swing up when the seat is not occupied. The seat includes integral 3 point seat belts with a seat belt sensor and shall be upholstered with Durawear fabric upholstery. AIR PACK BRACKETS The SCBA Seats shall have SecureAll Air Pack Brackets. These SCBA brackets are in compliance with NFPA 1901, 2009 edition for use inside apparatus cabs. DURAWEAR FABRIC The seats shall be upholstered in Black Durawear fabric which is a high strength-wear resistant fabric with a PVC coating on the back side creating a waterproofing ideal for wet applications such as firefighting. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 77 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 GRAB HANDLES There shall be four exterior grab handles, one at each cab door opening. The grab handles shall be 231/4" long, bright finish extruded aluminum with replaceable rubber insert grips. Two additional grab handles, one mounted at each of the "A" door pillars inside the forward section of the cab, on the hinge side, shall be installed. The interior grab handles shall be 11" long and shall be vinyl covered. The grab handles shall be in compliance with NFPA 1901. CAB MIRRORS There shall be two 16" high x 7" wide side mounted rear view mirrors. Both mirrors shall be heated and remotely adjustable by the driver. The mirrors shall have an aerodynamic design to reduce wind buffeting and resultant vibration. The mirror housings shall have a chrome finish and a single mounting clamp. The doors shall be equipped with a 32" tall, tubular stanchion for the mounting of the mirrors. Each stanchion shall be mounted to the cab door frames with two "break-away" mounts, to help reduce the chances of damage. The mirror heads heat and motor function wire harness shall be placed within the tube of the stanchion to protect them from damage. CONVEX MIRRORS The same aerodynamic design shall be incorporated into the 7" high x 7" wide parabolic convex mirrors, mounted below the primary mirrors on each side of the cab. CAB FENDERS The cab shall be equipped with polished stainless steel fender extensions that fit into the radius of the cab fender well. The fenders shall provide protection against water and mud spray onto the cab from the front tires. FRONT MUD FLAPS The front wheel wells shall be equipped with anti-spray mud flaps. MULTIPLEXED ELECTRICAL SYSTEM The chassis shall be equipped with an integral fire and emergency vehicle electrical package, which shall include the electrical requirements of the fire apparatus body and cab warning light devices, power distribution, load management, lighting administration, and interlock requirements as set forth and recommended by NFPA 1901. The components of the electrical package shall be integrated into the system by an engineered wiring harness and interconnect system designed such that the system wiring, interconnects, warning control, load management, interlock system and associated documentation can remain unchanged regardless of the vehicle lighting and interlock configuration. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 78 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The electrical system shall include solid-state control modules, power distribution modules and a display module, and shall provide a high level of integration between the operator controls and the various vehicle electrical systems, such as the engine, transmission and ABS brakes. Two main solid state control modules shall be provided. Each module shall be capable of carrying 120 amps and will contain sixteen high-current outputs rated at 10.5 amps each, eight low-current outputs rated at 2 amps each, two ground outputs rated at 2 amps each, 16 digital inputs and three analog inputs. These modules shall be Weldon V-Mux Hercules nodes. The outputs shall: · Be fully programmable by the OEM. · Provide diagnostic capabilities including open circuit and short circuit indications. The digital inputs shall be programmable by the OEM to accept input signals that are active under one of the following conditions: · 12 volts. · Ground. · 12 volts or ground. · Not 12 volts. · Not ground. · Floating. The analog inputs shall accept 0-5 volt signals from temperature sensors, pressure sensors, current sensors or other similar devices. A Weldon Vista III touchscreen control and display module shall be provided that will allow the driver to operate the various vehicle and emergency systems, such as lights, climate control, PTOs and pumps, and will provide visual indications of system status and safety-related information, such as doors that are ajar or vehicle-mounted equipment that is out of stow. The Vista III display shall be recess mounted in the cab dash center console in clear view of the driver. The Vista display shall provide control of (as applicable): · All warning lights. There shall be an Emergency Master switch provided on the display that will activate all components of the emergency lighting system. There shall be switches provided so that individual emergency lighting components may be deactivated the operator's discretion. · Scene lights and other work- or access-related lighting. · The main HVAC system for the driver and officer. · Split-shaft fire pump shifting. · Transmission-mounted PTOs. at The Vista display shall indicate (as applicable): · The status of each system that is controlled by the Vista. Switches shall be easily identifiable as being “On” or “Off”. Open doors. Each door shall be individually indicated, so that the operator can easily identify the specific doors that are ajar. The status of vehicle-mounted equipment, such as split-shaft pump operating mode, PTOs, telescoping lights and other components which may affect the safe operation of the vehicle. · The status of each seat and seatbelt as required by the current edition of NFPA standard 1901. On-board diagnostic features shall be included in the Vista, to assist in troubleshooting: · Display of system faults such as short or open circuits. · Proper V-Mux network communication. · Proper J1939 network communication. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 79 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 · · Status of each V-Mux command the messages that are communicated between nodes. The load shed status of each node. Gateway Climate module General system load shed, sequencing SOLID-STATE CONTROL MODULES The electrical package can be readily configured to meet the interlock requirements of various PTO and pump configurations, without wiring modifications from the pre-engineered harness and interconnect system. The module shall consolidate all interlock signals, relays and indicators and shall attach to the harness system through connectors. Independent relays dispersed about the apparatus for the purpose of pump and throttle interlocks shall not be utilized. The interlock module shall also control and indicate the following functions: Transmission lockup command, high idle control logic with adjustable speed potentiometer for electronic engines, engine run/starter lockout relay, select switch for foot throttle inhibit during pump operation, and cab and body "door ajar" indication with relay for "door open" alarm. LOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) The electrical package shall include an electrical load management system which will control the warning light switch bank, lighting system operational mode (scene/response), automatic high idle activation, NFPA recommended voltage monitoring, load sequencing, and load shedding functions. The system shall meet the requirements of various system configurations, without wiring modifications from the preengineered harness and inter-connect system. The LMS shall consolidate all load management signals, relays and indicators and shall attach to the harness system through connectors. The LMS shall monitor the main battery bank and shall be capable of monitoring a second, independent battery or battery bank (if present). The voltage detected on each of the battery banks shall be displayed by the load management system. The load management system shall be configurable so that any warning light or switch controlled by the system can be assigned or reassigned without additional wiring or modifications from the pre-engineered harness and interconnect system. A control switch (or device) can be assigned a mode of operation. There shall be three possible modes of operation: 1) Scene Mode: The device can be turned "ON" only when the park brake is set. 2) Response Mode: The device can be turned "ON" only when the park brake is not set. 3) All Mode: The device can be turned "ON" without regard to park brake position. A control switch or device can be assigned to be dependent, or not dependent, upon the Master Warning Switch. Devices that are not dependent on the Master Warning Switch will sequence "ON" when the Revised April 11, 2012 Page 80 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 vehicle power is turned on. Devices that are dependent on the Master Warning Switch will sequence "ON" when the Master Warning switch is turned on. Any control switch or device can be assigned a priority level at which a given device is sequenced "ON" and "OFF" and at which point the given device is automatically shed (turned OFF) by the load management device during low system voltage conditions. There shall be nine (9) levels of priority programmable for any given device connected to the load management system. Devices will be sequenced "ON" from priority 0 (P0) to priority 8 (P8). Devices will sequence off from P8 to P0. When load management is enabled, devices assigned P8 shall be shed first, while P1 is to be shed last. P0 devices shall not be shed by the load management control. Any control switch or device can be assigned two modes for reactivation: Automatic - The load will reactivate when system voltage increases appropriately. SHED HOLD - The load will not reactivate once it is shed. The following load management functions shall be active whenever the chassis park brake is set: The load management system shall be capable of activating the apparatus high idle system when the system voltage drops to an unacceptable level. The load management system shall activate the high idle feature before any devices are automatically shed OFF. The high idle function request from the load management device shall function only if the appropriate interlocks are present; that is, control of the high idle system is monitored and shall be superseded by the state of the interlock control module. The automatic high idle system shall be deactivated whenever the brake pedal is pressed, and shall remain inactive for two minutes thereafter to allow an operator to override the high idle function and return the engine to idle before pump or PTO engagement. The load management system shall be capable of automatically turning off device loads when the system voltage becomes degraded. Loads will shed according to their assigned priority levels. Electrical loads will be turned off only after the system voltage drops to the given priority shed point for more than one minute. Once a load is shed, it shall remain off for a minimum of five minutes and until the voltage exceeds the given shed point by at least 0.2 volts (if it is programmed to automatically reset). If a load is programmed to remain off after it is shed, the given load shall remain off until the master switch is toggled, or a "power-on" cycle (POC) is initiated. The following load management functions will be active in both scene and response mode. The load management system shall provide a low voltage output which meets the NFPA recommended timing and voltage levels. The load management system shall provide a warning if voltage measured on an attached secondary battery bank (or voltage source) falls below 11.9 volts. The load management device shall support a user configurable load management output. The output shall be capable of being set at any voltage between 10.5 volts and 15 volts. If the Set Point is selected below 13.8 volts, the output shall activate when the voltage drops to or below the desired Set Point; this shall allow the output to be utilized to activate an auxiliary device or alarm at a user defined point. If the Set Point is selected at or above 13.8 volts, the output shall activate when the voltage rises to or above the Set Point; this shall allow the output to be utilized to activate an over-voltage alarm at a user defined point. LOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND DIAGNOSTICS The load management system features shall be easily configured through an on-board configuration menu. The system shall display the settings for each independent switch configuration and adjustable output. The load management system shall provide visual indication of the following parameters: Revised April 11, 2012 Page 81 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 Operating mode Main battery voltage User set point value Output priority level Master warning switch status Secondary battery voltage On/off indicator for each output Load management enable input POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM The electrical package shall incorporate power distribution modules (PDM)s as an integral part of the electrical system to supply power to all loads controlled by the load management system, including all warning lights, the air conditioning system, and all interior lighting. Each PDM shall be able to switch current to circuits via plug-in replaceable relays. Plug-in automatic, self-resetting circuit breakers shall also be provided. To minimize failures and voltage drop, each PDM shall have no point-to-point wiring and shall include integral connectors so as to be a plug-in component in the electrical system. VEHICLE DATA RECORDER The Vista III display shall include a vehicle data recorder in compliance with NFPA 1901, 2009 Edition; article 4.11 Vehicle Data Recorder. Recorded information shall be retrievable through a Type-A universal serial bus (USB) jack located on the lower left-hand dash area. SEAT BELT WARNING SYSTEM The Vista III display shall include a seatbelt warning system in compliance with NFPA 1901, 2009 Edition; article Seat Belt Warning System. BATTERY SYSTEM The battery system shall be a single system consisting of four (4) 12 volt group 31 heavy-duty high cycle commercial batteries. Each battery has an 1100 CCA cold cranking amp rating, with the battery bank group rating of 4400 cold cranking amperes (CCA) at 0 degrees Fahrenheit and a reserve capacity of 780 minutes with a 23 amp draw at 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Group 31 battery features include full frame Compucast grids instead of typically sharp X metal grid wires that cause short circuits. Heavy-duty plates with high density oxide to withstand “high cycling” type vocational services. Glass glued envelope separators act like “rebar” in concrete, locking the active material onto the plate for longer life. Anchor locking elements at the bottom, to resist the damaging effect of pounding vibration. Designed leak resistant cover with a tilt angle of 45 degrees to keep battery compartments clean and dry even in sever tilt angles. MASTER BATTERY SWITCH The batteries shall have a red master power on/off rocker switch in close proximity to the engine start switch within easy reach of the driver. Master battery power switch is backlit with an indicator light to notify driver of battery system status. BATTERY MOUNTING Revised April 11, 2012 Page 82 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 The battery group shall be well ventilated and mounted under the crew cab door steps bolted directly to the chassis frame. The battery compartment will be constructed from 5052 aluminum plate and are designed to hold four (4) group 31 batteries on the left side. Included is a masticated rubber pad on the battery compartment floor and drain holes to prevent corrosive build up and provide additional vibration resistance. JUMPER STUDS One (1) set of battery jumper studs will be provided on the lowest point of the driver side battery box, facing outboard, to provide easy access to connecting jumper cables. Both positive/negative terminals will be clearly labeled and have color coded plastic caps. RECEPTACLE A Kussmaul Super Auto Eject shore line receptacle shall be provided. The auto eject receptacle shall be completely sealed preventing road dirt contamination and shall be mounted in the driver step well below the door. The electrical shore line shall be automatically ejected when the engine starter circuit is engaged. A yellow spring-loaded weatherproof cover shall protect the receptacle. OEM WIRING INTERFACE The chassis shall include a wiring interface connection allowing the OEM to connect with the chassis electrical system. REMOTE THROTTLE WIRING HARNESS There shall be a remote throttle wiring harness located to the rear of the cab at the left side frame rail. OFFICER SPEEDOMETER The cab shall include a speedometer located in the cab in view of the officer. CAB INTERIOR The front dash area shall be a highly tooled powder coated aluminum, styled into two cockpits; one in front of the driver and one in front of the officer. They shall be separated by the insulated engine enclosure which shall have a contoured front, symmetrical with the dual cockpits. The center section of the dash shall bridge the engine tunnel and shall provide a central instrument and control panel, and provide unobstructed accessibility for both officer and driver. The upper dash section will be a vacuum formed, molded-in-color, textured ABS panel with both HVAC and defrost air ducts integrated into the panel. The entire upper dash panel must be completely removable to provide unobstructed service access to dash mounted electrical power distribution modules, air brake control plumbing as well as the instruments and controls in the center dash. Two padded vinyl visors shall be installed across the windshield. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 83 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 Daily engine and transmission inspection and service checks shall be accessed from inside the cab. There shall be a hinged access door located at the rear of the engine enclosure. Fluids checked from inside the cab shall be engine oil, transmission oil, power steering fluid and windshield washer solvent. The engine enclosure shall be a flat rectangular shape and have a powder coated aluminum plate on top for ease of mounting additional equipment. The driver's dash shall consist of an automotive styled, powder coated aluminum housing incorporating the main instrument and control panels with serviceable gauges, warning lamps and audio alarm. The instruments and controls shall be panoramically arranged for ease of locating, reading and understanding. The officer's dash shall consist of a contoured, powder coated aluminum housing incorporating two panels arranged panoramically. The cab shall be completely insulated against heat and sound intrusion. The cab roof and rear wall shall be covered with closed cell foam insulation. The cab floor shall be completely covered by an insulated non-slip vinyl floor mat. The floor shall be insulated to minimize exterior noise intrusion. Cab interior noise shall not exceed 80 dB at any seat position at 45 mph when the engine fan is not engaged. STEERING COLUMN AND WHEEL The steering column shall be a tilting and telescoping type, designed to collapse under impact. The steering column shall be capable of telescoping up to 3", tilting up to 6" and shall have infinite adjustment within its range of operation. This shall be controlled by an air operated foot switch. The steering column shall have a self-canceling turn signal switch that includes the headlamp dimmer, windshield washer and wiper switches located in the control stalk. The hazard flasher shall be controlled by a separate switch. STEERING WHEEL An 18" diameter padded charcoal gray steering wheel with a center horn button and four grip spokes shall be provided. OVERHEAD CONSOLE An overhead console shall run the width of the cab above the windshield and shall have a flared center section which sweeps back between the driver and officer. It shall be designed into the cab's interior ceiling. DASH GAUGES U.S. The dash gauges shall have chrome bezels with black faced with white numbers and orange pointers and shall read in U.S. measurements only. INTERIOR CAB LIGHTING Revised April 11, 2012 Page 84 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 There shall be five white LED dome lamps, with one lamp located above the driver, one above the officer, and three spaced across the rearward section of the cab ceiling to provide illumination to the rear passenger seats. All five lamps shall illuminate upon opening any cab door. There shall also be six overhead courtesy light clusters, each consisting of a red LED and a white incandescent flush mounted lamp. Each white or red lamp shall be operable from the seat positions when the doors are closed. The lights shall be activated by pushing directly on the light. There shall be a single lamp with a red/clear lens installed in the center of each cab door lower panel. This lamp shall be automatically activated when the cab door is opened providing a red warning to approaching traffic and illuminating the cab step and ground. In compliance with NFPA 1901, there shall be a minimum of 96 sq. in. of reflective material installed on the interior lower portion of the cab doors. There shall be a white LED lamp to illuminate each cab step. The lamps for each step shall be activated when the respective cab door is opened. WEATHER BAND RADIO A seven-channel weather band radio, with four speakers and AM/FM/WB/CD/MP3 and WMA capabilities shall be installed in the cab overhead, forward of the driver. RADIO ANTENNA An AM/FM radio antenna shall be provided and installed on the forward left side of the cab roof, approximately 27.95" from center, above the driver's side door. AUXILIARY 12 VOLT OUTLETS There shall be three (3) automotive 12-volt auxiliary constant battery hot, electrical outlets with covers mounted two (2) on the central dash panel and one (1) on the officer RH panel for accessory items. Automatic self-resetting circuit breakers shall also be provided. HVAC SYSTEM The cab shall be equipped with a primary heater/defroster system with a fresh air inlet filter and air conditioning. The system shall provide environmental air treatment in accordance with published SAE standards. The defroster system shall include cold air returns across the top of the windshield to assist in the movement of air across the full height of the windshield without the necessity of auxiliary fans. The heater and air conditioner shall have adjustable air outlets incorporated into the cab dash at torso and foot levels for optimum distribution of air. The front heater shall have a rating of 44,000 BTU/hour. The front air conditioner shall have a rating of 16,000 BTU/hour. Airflow shall be provided by a 380 CFM fan. The primary heating and air conditioning system shall be controlled by the V-Mux system, and shall be capable of operating in the following modes: Auto: Desired cab temperature can be set using the Vista display. The heater and air conditioner will be automatically controlled to maintain the set temperature. Fresh air input or re-circulation modes may be Revised April 11, 2012 Page 85 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 selected using a switch on the Vista display. An additional switch on the Vista display will allow the operator to direct the air through the dash vents, toward the windshield or to choose one of four proportional settings to provide air to both locations. Fan speed will be automatically controlled, and will be proportional to the difference between the set temperature and the actual inside cab temperature. A/C: Desired cab temperature can be set using the Vista display. The air conditioner will be automatically controlled to maintain the cab temperature so that it doesn't rise above the set point. Fresh air input or re-circulation modes may be selected using a switch on the Vista display. An additional switch on the Vista display will allow the operator to direct the air through the dash vents, toward the windshield or to choose one of four proportional settings to provide air to both locations. Fan speed may be selected by the operator, at one of ten levels. Heat: Desired cab temperature can be set using the Vista display. The heater will be automatically controlled to maintain the cab temperature so that it doesn't fall below the set point. Fresh air input or recirculation modes may be selected using a switch on the Vista display. An additional switch on the Vista display will allow the operator to direct the air through the dash vents, toward the windshield or to choose one of four proportional settings to provide air to both locations. Fan speed may be selected by the operator, at one of ten levels. Defog: Desired cab temperature can be set using the Vista display. The air conditioner compressor will be activated to remove moisture from the interior cab air. Fresh air input or re-circulation modes may be selected using a switch on the Vista display, and the air will automatically be directed toward the windshield. Fan speed may be selected by the operator, at one of ten levels. Defrost: The cab temperature will be automatically set by the V-Mux system to provide maximum heat. The air conditioner compressor will be activated to remove moisture from the interior cab air. Fresh air input or re-circulation modes may be selected using a switch on the Vista display, and the air will automatically be directed toward the windshield. Fan speed may be selected by the operator, at one of ten levels. Fan Only: If the climate system is off not providing heat or A/C the fan can still be used. The operator can set the fan to 10 different speeds. The air can be directed to the dash vents or to the windshield or to one of the combinations of the two. The fresh air/recirculation switch is also still active, and can be used to determine where the air is coming from. AUXILIARY HEAT/AIR CONDITIONING An auxiliary (crew area) heating and air conditioning system shall be integrated into the design of the cab. The auxiliary air conditioner evaporator unit shall be mounted in an overhead ceiling console and shall be rated at 30,000 BTU/hour. The auxiliary air conditioner will have four large adjustable louvered vents positioned on the back of the overhead console. A 577 CFM fan at the evaporator shall provide air flow. Two auxiliary heaters shall have a combined rating of 44,000 BTU/hour and shall be mounted one in each rear facing crew seat base. Air flow shall be provided by a 380 CFM fan at each heater. Both the auxiliary cooling and auxiliary heating systems shall be controlled by the rear crew persons. The auxiliary heater/air conditioner shall have controls mounted on the rear of the engine tunnel. AIR COMPRESSOR Revised April 11, 2012 Page 86 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 A Zexel (Seltek) refrigerant compressor shall be provided to power the primary and auxiliary air conditioner evaporators. The compressor shall be engine driven via a poly-groove power belt tensioned by a threaded rod. CONDENSER A radiator mounted air conditioner condenser shall be provided and installed in front of the engine radiator. HVAC SYSTEMS OPERATION The HVAC system shall be capable of and tested for cooling and heating a custom cab with a total open space of 360 cubic feet, and without occupants, to the following performance requirements: The air conditioning systems shall reduce the in-cab temperature to 72 degrees Fahrenheit within 30 minutes from an ambient temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit and relative humidity, starting with a cold (ambient) engine. The heating systems shall increase the in-cab temperature to 80 degrees Fahrenheit within 20 minutes from an ambient temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit, starting with a cold (ambient) engine. DOOR INTERIOR TRIM The interior of each door shall have a soft touch ABS trim panel on the upper section. A stamped stainless steel kick plate shall be installed. WINDOW REGULATORS The cab door windows shall be equipped with electric window regulators. These power windows shall be operated by heavy duty switches located within the reach of the driver and officer. There shall be additional switches located in the rear crew section, on the engine cover, for the operation of the rear cab door windows. SEAT BELTS All seats shall be equipped with red, three-point seat belts. The seats without built-in seat belts will have adjustable height D-ring retractors. WARNING SIGNS Warning signs shall be affixed to the cab and crew cab prohibiting personnel against riding on the outside of the vehicle, and to ride only inside the cab on the seats provided with seat belts fastened. Each seating position that is not designed to be used during transit will have a warning sign that says: Revised April 11, 2012 Page 87 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 "THIS SEAT IS NOT TO BE OCCUPIED WHILE VEHICLE IS IN MOTION" FLUID CAPACITY PLATE A permanently mounted plate shall be installed in the driver's compartment. It shall identify the quantity and type of the following fluids used in the vehicle: Engine Oil Engine Coolant Chassis Transmission Fluid Pump Transmission Fluid Pump Primer Fluid Drive Axle(s) lubrication Fluid Air Conditioning Refrigerant Air Conditioning Lubrication Power Steering Fluid Cab tilt fluid (if applicable) Transfer Case fluid ( if applicable) Equipment Rack fluid (if applicable) Air Compressor system lubricant Generator system lubricant (if applicable) Front tire pressure cold Rear tire pressure cold SEATING CAPACITY PLATE A permanently mounted plate shall be installed in the cab, specifying the quantity of personnel the cab is designed to accommodate. APPARATUS LUBRICATION CHART A lubrication chart shall be installed in the cab to indicate the type and capacities of fluids utilized in the proposed apparatus. The chart shall be easily accessible. The chart shall include, but not be limited to; Engine Oil Engine Coolant Power Steering Fluid Transmission Fluid Axle Lubrication Lubrication Grease for Spring Pins Hydraulic Fluid (Aerial Device) CAB PAINT The apparatus cab shall be finish painted using a multi step finishing system developed by the apparatus manufacturer, in conjunction with the paint manufacturer to insure a durable, high gloss, finish. The exterior of the cab shall be finished using the following procedure: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Component surfaces thoroughly cleaned using an acid wash. All surfaces sanded using 180-grit sandpaper, filtered air used to remove all sanding residue. Any imperfections or defects discovered are filled using premium body filler, and sanded smooth. Apply a top quality glaze to the filled area, sand to eliminate all imperfections. The cab shall be primed with the paint manufacturers recommended primer. The entire surface re-sanded using 320-grit sandpaper, then meticulously inspected for any imperfections. A grease and wax remover is used to clean the entire cab surface. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 88 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 8) A base coat/clear coats applied following the guidelines as established by the finish manufacturer. 9) Components are to bake for a minimum of 45 to 60 minutes at 140 degrees F. After the completion of the above steps all exterior components are to be final finished using the following method: 10) The cabs inspected for any imperfections and color mismatch. 11) Areas with imperfections are repaired sanded using 1500 to 3000-grit sandpaper. After the repair has been completed and inspected the units shall have be finely compounded, machine glazed, and a final glaze applied to achieve maximum gloss, durability and a mirror like finish. TWO-TONE CAB PAINT The cab shall be painted two (2) colors. The paint break line shall be below the window line. The break line shall be trimmed with a one inch (1") wide bright chrome finish trim strip mounted on a heavy wall vinyl backing. The trim strip shall encircle the entire cab. Cab paint shall be PPG base coat, clear-coat system. The cab shall be etched chemically to remove any surface oxidation prior to primer application, which shall be corrosion resistant. After priming, the entire cab shall be coated with a sealant to achieve a smooth, consistent painting surface. The cab shall then be finish sanded and painted with two (2) coats of PPG paint and then clear coated. All cab painting shall be completed prior to installation of doors, cab insulation, glass, accessories or trim to achieve complete coating and corrosion protection. All accessories shall be painted individually at the same time as the cab. CHASSIS PAINT The chassis frame and all frame mounted components, less the engine and transmission shall be painted with black high solids polyurethane paint. CAB AND CHASSIS WARRANTY BASIC CAB & CHASSIS, (1) YEAR; Coverage includes all factory installed components of the Cab & Chassis that are not listed or excluded else ware in this warranty statement. BRIGHTWORKS, (6) MONTHS; Coverage includes all factory installed components with chrome, polished aluminum, or polished stainless steel surfaces. Excludes any damage to bumper, back side of bumper and concealed or inner surfaces. CAB COROSSION/PERFORATION, (10) YEARS; Coverage is limited to rust through or corrosion perforation of the cab structure due to corrosion from within. CAB PAINT, (7) YEARS; Coverage includes all factory painted exterior surfaces, (except those included in the chassis paint coverage). The cab paint is warranted against orange peel; peeling or delaminating; cracking or checking; loss of gloss due to cracking, checking or hazing. Excludes lack of gloss issues on Revised April 11, 2012 Page 89 of 90 Custom Pumper Green Technology SG-09 Unit #4080 vehicles painted with low gloss colors; any damages to the paint or painted surfaces such as chips and scratches. CAB STRUCTURE (10) YEARS; Coverage includes cab structural components, sheet metal panels, doors and engine covers. Excludes all bolt on components including hinges, latches, guides and other mounting hardware. CORROSION, (6) MONTHS; Coverage provides warranty against corrosion to any metal or metal alloy part of the vehicle. Exclusions to this warranty include but are not limited to, corrosion or rust to tone rings, rotors or drums and corrosion caused by general rust (for example, rust on the unfinished back side of a bumper); severe wash solutions, cleaning solvents, detergents, compounds, high pressure washing; corrosive road salts/chemicals or environmental damage (Including ocean spray); airborne fallout (includes chemicals and tree sap, etc.), or other atmospheric conditions or other acts of nature; Improper use, misuse, neglect, including improper or insufficient maintenance; salinity in the environment or corrosive salts and or chemicals used on the road surface; acid rain or other industrial fallout; surface rust caused by chips or scratches in the paint or chrome surfaces; improper prevention measures during Storage or use. CROSSMEMBERS, (5) YEARS; Coverage includes crossmembers, gussets and huck mounting bolts that attach gussets to crossmembers and gussets/crossmembers to frame rails. Excludes and bolt on items, other than gussets attached with either conventional or huck bolts. DRIVE TRAIN, (3) YEARS; Coverage includes steering axle(s) and drive axle(s). FRAME RAILS, LIFETIME; Warranty coverage is limited to breaking or cracking of factory installed frame rails, frame rail liners, frame rail extensions and any item welded to them. Excludes all bolt on items regardless if attached with conventional or huck bolts. CHASSIS PAINT, (6) MONTHS; Coverage includes all factory fainted surfaces on frame rails, crossmembers, gussets, front bumpers, suspension components, power train components, driveline's, fuel tanks, air tanks, wheel end equipment, battery boxes, attaching brackets and hardware against peeling and non adhesion. TOWING, (6) MONTHS; Coverage includes towing for warrantable repairs in a vehicle down situation that prevents safe and lawful operation of the vehicle. A Maximum of $450.00 US dollar per occurrence. CHASSIS MANUALS There shall be two (2) Custom Chassis Operation and Maintenance Manual, an Engine Manual and a Transmission Manual Supplied with the chassis. Revised April 11, 2012 Page 90 of 90