BEd (Primary) Programme Year 2 School Experience (Solo Placement) Summer Term 2016 Notes of Guidance for Student Teachers, School Based Tutors, University Visiting Tutors and Mentors Partnership Office Plymouth University Plymouth Institute of Education Drake Circus Plymouth PL4 8AA Tel: 01752 585324 Fax: 01752 585328 E-Mail: BEd (Primary) Year 2, Solo Summer School Experience Date Detail w/c 14 March 2016 Briefing Meetings for Schools Wednesday 16 March 2016 Year Group Preparation Meeting Associate Partnership Schools Teaching Partnership Schools School representative attends School representative attends n/a n/a First profiling conference to be held on campus with Professional Tutor School experience begins w/c 11 April 2016 (Week 1) Weekly Monitoring & Evaluation Form (WM&EF) (1) Completed and Profiling Conference Record Shared Led by School Mentor (SM) Led by University Mentor (UM) Jointly led by SM Jointly led by UM Led by SM Led by UM WM&EF inc Observation completed (4) Led by SM Led by UM Moderation Meetings at a variety of venues SM to attend SBT and/or UM to attend Led by SM Led by UM Early Alert issued no later than 15th April WM&EF inc Observation completed (2) w/c 18 April 2016 (Week 2) w/c 25 April 2016 (week 3) w/c 2 May 2016 (week 4) Second profiling conference held this week. Cause for Concern issued no later than 22nd April WM&EF inc Observation completed (3) Insufficient Progress should be issued no later than 5th May Final profiling conference held this week. w/c 9 May 2016 (week 5) Visits will be made by University staff during this week to moderate those students who have been issued with Insufficient Progress BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 1 of 20 Friday 13 May 2016 End of school experience. Reports should be completed electronically by this date and emailed together with an Excel export of the final online profile to the Partnership Office. BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Completed by SM Completed by UM Page 2 of 20 Introduction The Summer Term Year 2 School Experience, is a solo placement which provides opportunities for the student to demonstrate that they can teach in a different Key Stage and with greater independence. Student teachers are expected to build on outcomes from the Year 2, Autumn Term Paired Placement and consolidate their learning by working in a different school. Student teachers placed in KS1 classes may well be required to work with Reception age children. Where this is the case it is essential that student teachers read the Notes of Guidance - Early Years (Section 10 of the Primary Partnership Portfolio) and take steps to ensure they are sufficiently prepared for working within the EYFS prior to starting the placement. In the Year 2, solo placement, the Partnership expects a school based training programme to include: planning , assessment and provision for individual differences (including EAL); planning for pupils who have particular education needs, working within the Code of Practice, implementing individual education plans, knowing where to get help in order to give positive and targeted support; opportunities to observe good practice across the curriculum; opportunities to observe good practice in their specialist subject where possible and appropriate; how the school implements SMSC and promotes fundamental British Values; support in planning individual lessons and sequences of lessons which have clear learning objectives where the student teacher continues to develop a growing awareness of the impact of their teaching; opportunities to work alongside experienced TAs; opportunities for teaching individuals, groups and whole classes and develop further awareness of pupil progress; opportunities to teach spelling and/or grammar to groups and whole classes and receive structured feedback; opportunities to discuss Behaviour Management policy, and the opportunity to observe/discuss its implementation in a range of classrooms; opportunities to consider and implement assessment of children’s learning and to begin to use assessment to inform further planning; in light of the current focus on the teaching of mathematics, have opportunities to explore the impact of this in school; opportunities to address targets identified during earlier school experiences and university based modules and detailed in the student teacher’s professional development profile; BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 3 of 20 Leave of Absence during School Experience Placement The health and well-being of student teachers is paramount, and they should take care to remain well and appropriately rested during school experience placements. Inevitably, a small percentage of students will succumb to minor ailments when on placement which may require 24/48 hours rest and absence from school. Other leave requires greater consideration, and is not necessarily granted. Illness during school experience Student teachers who become ill during school experience must personally inform the school by telephone before the start of the school day, on the day that they become ill. They also need to inform the university by contacting the Partnership Office, Tel: 01752 585324 or They should also inform their University Mentor/Visiting Tutor if they are due to visit on that day. If the illness persists a doctor’s note may be required. Absence as a result of accidental injury or hospitalisation Student teachers who cannot attend the school experience placement due to unexpected accidental injury or hospitalisation must personally inform the school on the day of their absence before the start of the day, and they should also inform both the Partnership Office and their University Mentor/Visiting Tutor as above. A letter from the doctor or hospital may be required. Requesting leave of absence during school experience placements Any request for leave of absence during a school experience placement must be gained from the Headteacher in the first instance, who will judge whether or not it is appropriate in line with school policy that is applied to all other members of the school staff. If the request is granted the student teacher will then seek further verification from the Programme Leader by completing a Leave of Absence form. This will be considered and may or may not be granted. It is appropriate to seek Leave of Absence for: Planned hospital visits/appointments School visits and interviews for first teaching posts The funeral of a close family member It is not appropriate to seek Leave of Absence for: an interview unrelated to securing a first teaching post i.e. a holiday job an interview relating to a post within the university i.e. hall of residence manager the funeral of a person who is not a close relative (each school will have specific guidance on this) attending a wedding traveling to a wedding abroad or at a distance childcare issues As part of the Primary Partnership Agreement schools have the right to ask a student to leave for a range of reasons which includes if they have concerns that the progress of the pupils in the school is being hampered by poor attendance or disruption caused by unnecessary or unauthorised absence. BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 4 of 20 English There is an expectation that all students will observe, teach and be given feedback on the teaching of all aspects of English as appropriate to the age phase or key stage in which they are working. They need to continuously develop their awareness of the impact of teaching phonics, spelling and grammar, as well as their practice. They should also find out the approaches that are used in the other age phases/key stages in the school and have evidence of 2 focussed observations that they have made of this. They should regularly comment on these approaches in their Reflective Weekly Overview, recording how they have influenced their teaching in all areas of the curriculum and impacted on pupil progress. Mathematics There is an expectation that all students will observe, teach and be given feedback on the teaching of mathematics as appropriate to the age phase or key stage in which they are working. All students should be mindful of, and reflect on, misconceptions in mathematics. They should also find out the approaches that are used in the other age phases/key stages in the school and have evidence of 2 focussed observations that they have made of this. They should regularly comment on these approaches in their Reflective Weekly Overview, recording how they have influenced their teaching in all areas of the curriculum and impacted on pupil progress. In addition: a. Student teachers on BEd Year 1 or PGCE ASE school experience placements should focus on the teaching of geometry (EYFS: Space, Shape and Measures) whilst b. Student teachers in on BEd Year 2 or PGCE BEES1 school experience placements should focus on number. Progress during School Experience Discussions about a student teacher’s progress and targets for improvement during each placement are based on: the Weekly Monitoring and Evaluation Report Form which includes an observation, learning conversation, the school’s viewpoint and the engagement of the student teacher in a professional capacity within the school; Focussed observations; Reflective Weekly Overview and Progress Record; Lesson Planning and Evaluation, and all teaching, learning and pupil progress through the presentation, organisation and content of required files; The Profiling Conference Records. BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 5 of 20 The Online Profile All of these elements can be exemplified in the levels and stages within the teachers Standards as set out in the online profile (SCROLL), and the online profile gives a clear indication of the progress being made by the student teacher whilst on placement. When the student teacher begins a school experience placement they will have already discussed what their targets for progress might be with their Professional Tutor, based on their previous placement. They will share these with their mentor at the earliest opportunity, usually during the first profiling conference. Profiling conferences are held at intervals during the placement and provide the opportunity for the mentor and student teacher to discuss evidence for progress and update the online profile. The student teacher will regularly (weekly) update their online profile to indicate when they have achieved targets and gathered evidence in support of this. Some mentors find it easier to manage this process of checking more frequently than at the point of profiling conferences, and in any case should, at the very least, ensure that the student teacher is actively engaged with their online profile on a weekly basis. The Weekly Monitoring and Evaluation Record Form This is a new document which the partnership have developed in response to comments from evaluations and national initiatives. The purpose of this new weekly evaluation is to determine a more holistic and detailed view of the student teachers’ progress. It includes: a short, focussed observation linked to specific targets for improvement that the student teacher has previously identified; a learning conversation with key questions about the impact of teaching on learning; further discussion on areas for further development and agreed targets to take forward; comment on files, preparation and professionalism as exemplified in Part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards; An agreed overall weekly grade which the student teacher uploads, and gives the campus based staff, including their professional tutors an indication of their progress. Student teachers should keep a completed copy of this weekly document within their school experience file in each tabulated weekly section. Reflective Weekly Overview and Progress Record, Part 1, 2 and 3 (For Yr 1 Summer term; year 2 and 3 and PGCE BEES1 and BEES2) Part 1 – requires the student teacher to reflect on all the Teachers’ Standards that they have addressed during the course of the week, including those that they had identified as specific targets for improvement. Part 2 – requires the student teacher to reflect on the progress of 3 different groups of pupils (individuals, small groups, whole class) during the week. They should consider how their teaching has impacted on the progress of these 3 groups and include commentary on marking and assessment, and future planning. BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 6 of 20 Part 3 – requires the student teacher to consider their progress, and that of the pupils to date and as a result, identify their personal targets for the coming week. They will be directly linked to the Teachers’ Standards and be reported on in Part 1 of the following week’s progress record. It is a requirement that Reflective Weekly Overview and Progress Record, Part 1, 2 and 3 is emailed to the mentor, who will provide a signed copy for the student to include in their school experience file, in each tabulated weekly section. Daily Reflections For BEd Year 1 (and PGCE student on ASE placement), student teachers should reflect on a daily basis what they have done towards meeting target Standards; and on the impact of their own and the pupils’ progress. This will provide a supportive framework and establish the foundations for reflective practice. Those student teachers who are issued with Insufficient Progress will also be required to complete daily reflections in order to support them through this intervention. Daily Reflections should be kept in the School Experience file under each weekly tabulated section. Lesson Planning and Evaluation The Lesson Planning and Evaluation Form should be used in all school experience placements when the student teacher is required to plan and prepare an episode of teaching and learning. They are working documents and should be completed including annotations to clearly indicate this. In some longer placements the mentor supporting the student teacher will make a decision about whether the student teachers planning, the evaluation of their teaching and the understanding of the impact of this on pupil progress is sufficiently developed to allow them to use the school’s preferred mode of planning. The calendar at the start of each set of Notes of Guidance for longer placements, indicate when this is likely to be. Lesson Planning and Evaluation Forms should be kept in the School Experience file under each weekly tabulated section. Focussed Observations The purpose of these are twofold. They should be used by the student teacher to gather evidence of and provide opportunities for personal professional development and progress during the 25% School Based Training Programme. In this instance the focus needs to be discussed and agreed with the mentor, and negotiated with the recipient of the observation. Professional boundaries need to be observed with the student: a. agreeing the focus of the observation with the person being observed and b. following it up with a learning conversation with the person, with agreed outcomes. The student teacher should negotiate with the School Based Tutor (or another member of the teaching staff e.g. a PE specialist) to complete at least one focussed observation form, on a weekly basis, for specific elements of their teaching in order to support their individual BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 7 of 20 progress. Completed focussed observations should be kept in the identified tabulated section of the School Experience File. Profiling Conference Record Sheet The profiling conference is held at key points during the school experience placement. It is designed to reflect on and refocus the student teacher progress against Part 1 of the Teachers’ Standards and to comment on their status against Part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards. This record sheet provides a written record of the headlines from the learning conversation that takes place during the profiling conference, suggested targets and how they might be achieved and comments on professionalism. Copies of the Profiling Conference Record should be signed and kept in the correctly tabulated section of the School Experience File. The First Week in School (w/c 11 April 2016) The purpose of this week is to enable student teachers to begin to get to know the class and the needs of its individual members through discussion with class teachers and other professionals in school. The students will come to the placement with their files prepared ready to begin using so that by the end of week 1 there is clear evidence that they have: discussed the Safeguarding and Ethics proforma and have a signed copy in their school experience file? established an understanding of the school’s routines, procedures and the general management routines of their specific classroom/s? got to know the children, their capabilities and needs, through working with individuals and groups including working with those pupils with special educational needs? got to know the TAs in their particular classroom? discussed and recorded medium term planning for subject areas they will teach? agreed detailed planning in some areas (preferably Core subjects) for their teaching in the second week? discussed and begin to implement a School Based Training Programme with school based colleagues? agreed a detailed timetable for specific teaching responsibilities, focused observations and professional learning activities outlined in their School Based Training Programme for the first week? participated in individual or group work during English (including phonics) and mathematics sessions? prepared for the first Weekly Monitoring and Evaluation with their School/University Mentor? BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 8 of 20 undertaken observations of the class teacher working with the pupils in a range of differing situations, focusing specifically on the teaching of the Core subjects and on more general classroom management routines? in consultation with the School Based Tutor identify 4 pupils for profiling? The Second Week in School (w/c 18 April 2016) During this week student teachers should: Continue to familiarise themselves with the school’s policies, routines, procedures and the general management routines of their specific classroom/s; discuss the school’s behaviour management policy and how it is implemented in their particular classroom; by working with individuals and groups, get to know the pupils, their capabilities and needs; discuss those pupils supported by IEPs with the class teacher and other colleagues in order to enable appropriate planning; take sufficient responsibility in the classroom to establish themselves as members of the school’s teaching team by undertaking further duties; taking the lead in at least one whole class introduction for both English and mathematics; begin to keep records and information for pupils’ profiles. It is very important that this begins early in order to inform teaching and learning. Teaching commitments and expectations during the remainder of the School Experience For the remainder of the placement, the student teachers should work with children for 75% of the day. Student teachers should teach each of the core subjects within individual, group or whole class situations as appropriate. For 75% of the school week student teachers are expected to: teach English and mathematics in whole class situations on a regular basis preferably daily - and in the final two weeks take full responsibility for teaching these. When working with children in the EYFS, student teachers should ensure they provide appropriate activities in the Prime and Specific Areas of Learning (see Notes of Guidance – Early Years – Section 10 of the Primary Partnership Portfolio); teach as wide a range of curricular areas as possible; plan and teach PE; make use of a variety of strategies and resources and select evidence of pupils’ progress to enable them to differentiate their teaching; BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 9 of 20 embrace the school’s implementation of SMSC and promotion of fundamental British Values; where possible and appropriate work alongside experienced TAs either in their own or another classroom, focusing on English and mathematics; undertake monitoring and assessment of pupils’ achievement; observe, plan and teach phonics and be observed; negotiate and discuss specific focused observations linked to personal targets by school staff. The School Based Training Programme This is a professional learning component to school experience called school based training. It takes place in the 25% of time remaining. Each student teacher should negotiate this school based training with the School Based Tutor in order to develop a heightened awareness of the following list which is not exhaustive but should include: undertaking focused observations across the school of the teaching of English (including phonics and SPAG) and mathematics, science and their specialist subject. These observations should wherever possible include the use of ICT; developing an awareness of the TAs’ role in their particular classroom, or in another classroom focusing on English and mathematics; developing an awareness of other professionals who support children’s learning or development including, where possible, before and after school care; develop an awareness of and keep a record of how the school is implementing support for children with EAL, SEN, PP and what strategies and systems the school uses, and reflect this in weekly reviews; undertake observations of PE, music and practical sessions; discussion with the School Based Tutor , and other colleagues as appropriate, concerning planning, assessment and provision for individual differences (including EAL); observing good practice across the school – especially in the Core and their own specialist subject; discussing their work and holding profiling conferences about their work and progress with school based colleagues, including engaging in the profiling process with the School/University Mentor and/or University Visiting Tutor; undertaking AM activities. BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 10 of 20 Beyond the School Day Student teachers are expected to: analyse and reflect on their teaching daily. Each lesson plan should be annotated to indicate children’s learning and progress in relation to learning objectives. It is important that student teachers discuss ‘next steps’ and evaluate their teaching and the impact on pupils learning; plan and resource lessons; participate fully in the life of the school by attending staff meetings or INSET, meeting with parents, including attending parents evenings and participating in extra-curricular activities; complete a Weekly Reflection and Evaluation Record highlighting targets for progress and email to their School/University Mentor; consider their progress on their online profile (SCROLL). Assessment and Monitoring (AM) Assessing Learning Outcomes in Sessions All students will prepare an Assessment & Monitoring File – the layout and content will be organised as set out in the proforma section of the Primary Partnership Portfolio. Lesson evaluations will include assessment of pupils’ learning in relation to objectives and expected outcomes as detailed in lesson plans. Evaluations will contain some references to particular pupils, their learning or responses and should be used to inform further planning. Review of lesson evaluations on a daily basis contributes to evidence of pupils’ progress. All student teachers have been made aware of a range of assessment strategies both on campus and through other school experience placements. The Primary Partnership Portfolio contains a format for class list records for use by student teachers if this is appropriate and recommended by the school. Formative Assessment Working alongside an experienced colleague, student teachers need to further develop their understanding of how to undertake monitoring and formative assessment of pupils’ learning as part of their teaching. This will range from elicitation exercises to marking, questioning or oral comments. Giving pupils appropriate feedback, both oral and written, will be part of the planning and assessment cycle. Student teachers will also, where possible, become involved in diagnostic assessment to identify the extent of pupils’ existing understanding and any gaps or misconceptions in that learning. This will help them consider targets for individual pupils’ development. Student teachers are also expected to: prepare for their work in AM through discussing the school’s approach to monitoring, assessment and record keeping with key members of staff as such as the School Based Tutor, School Mentor and senior staff. Records should be kept of the key points of these discussions; undertake formative marking – taking into account pupils’ individual targets and considering next steps; BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 11 of 20 monitor and assess the achievements of the whole class across those aspects of the Core subjects and their specialist subjects for which they have teaching responsibilities; maintain records which can contribute to planning and reporting; make a detailed Core and specialist subject profile for four pupils based on a variety of assessment strategies (in consultation with school based colleagues and pupils as appropriate). When working with children in the EYFS, student teachers should ensure they provide appropriate records of attainment in the Prime and Specific Areas of Learning based on a variety of assessment strategies. (see Notes of Guidance - Early Years – Section 10 of the Primary Partnership Portfolio); complete a child profiling sheet for each profile pupil at the beginning and towards the end of the school experience. The student should focus on the impact of their teaching on the child’s learning and be able to explain this in discussion. prepare actual or simulated reports for parents, relating to attainment in literacy and numeracy, science and their specialist subjects for ONE of the profiled pupils. The reports must be discussed with school based colleagues. Summative Assessment Student teachers should include outline information on assessment that is used in the school at key points throughout the year and what this tells them about the learning that has taken place. Moderation Meetings Near the end of the Year 2 Summer School Experience, a sample cross section of files are selected from across the Partnership to be assessed and moderated against the Teachers’ Standards. The meetings are a crucial part of the Partnership’s rigorous quality assurance procedures and are held at a variety of locations across the Partnership. Most importantly, they form a key element of the on-going trainee support and feedback process. Student teachers who are selected for moderation should not be overly concerned about the process. However, they should ensure that their school experience files are well presented and fully reflect the standard of work they have completed in school. Identification of Areas of Concern The Primary Partnership Portfolio (Section 7) details the procedure to be adopted. Weekly written feedback in the Weekly Review and Monitoring Report must clearly identify any areas of concern. Early Alert proforma used in order to put interventions in place by Friday 15th April 2016. The Partnership Office must be notified by Friday 22nd April 2016 if there are serious concerns about a student teacher’s ability to complete the school experience satisfactorily by completing a Cause for Concern proforma. BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 12 of 20 If concerns persist the Insufficient Progress formal notification should be given to the student teacher no later than Thursday 5th May 2016. The appropriate proforma is provided in the proforma Section of the Primary Partnership Portfolio. In exceptional circumstances, formal notification of insufficient progress may be given at a later date. Evaluation At the end of the school experience, all partners are invited to contribute to our on-going quality assurance process by completing an evaluation form. BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 13 of 20 Quality Assurance Record BEd 2 Year Summer School Experience Checklist and Weekly Monitoring and Evaluation Record for School Based Tutors, School/University Mentor and University Visiting Tutor. (Copies of this QA record should be placed at the front of student teachers’ school experience files). Observation Feedback Record Student teachers should be observed and have a feedback and learning conversation on a weekly basis. This is a minimum requirement but further focussed observations may be required or negotiated. Week Tutor (School Based Tutors, School Mentors, University Visiting Tutors/Mentors Weekly Focussed Monitoring Observation & Feedback Evaluation Given Report Initials Student teacher’s initials Date Week 1 w/c 11 April Week 2 w/c 18 April Week 3 w/c 25 April Week 4 w/c 2 May Week 5 w/c 9 May BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 14 of 20 School Experience checklist for all partners These checklists are designed to be an aide memoire for all partners supporting students as well as for the student themselves to ensure rigorous coverage of all requirements. The completed documents form part of our Quality Assurance procedures. Week 1 By the end of week 1 in school has the student teacher: discussed the Safeguarding and Ethics proforma and have a signed copy in their school experience file? established an understanding of the school’s routines, procedures and the general management routines of their specific classroom/s? got to know the children, their capabilities and needs, through working with individuals and groups including working with those pupils with special educational needs? got to know the TAs in their particular classroom? discussed and recorded medium term planning for subject areas they will teach? agreed detailed planning in some areas (preferably Core subjects) for their teaching in the second week? discussed and begin to implement a School Based Training Programme with school based colleagues? agreed a detailed timetable for specific teaching responsibilities, focused observations and professional learning activities outlined in their School Based Training Programme for the first week? participated in individual or group work during English (including phonics) and mathematics sessions? prepared for the first Weekly Monitoring and Evaluation with their School/University Mentor? undertaken observations of the class teacher working with the pupils in a range of differing situations, focusing specifically on the teaching of the Core subjects and on more general classroom management routines? in consultation with the School Based Tutor identify 4 pupils for profiling? Signed Student................................................................ School Based Tutor........................................... Date...................................................................... BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 15 of 20 Week 2 By the end of week 2 in school has the student teacher: continued to familiarise themselves with the school’s policies, routines, procedures and the general management routines of their specific classroom/s? discussed the school’s behaviour management policy and how it is implemented in their particular classroom? worked with individuals and groups, to get to know the pupils, their capabilities and needs? discussed those pupils supported by IEPs with the class teacher and other colleagues in order to enable appropriate planning? taken sufficient responsibility in the classroom to establish themselves as members of the school’s teaching team by undertaking further duties? taken the lead in at least one whole class introduction for both English and mathematics? begun to keep records and information for pupils’ profiles? Signed Student................................................................ School Based Tutor........................................... Date...................................................................... BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 16 of 20 Teaching commitments and expectations during the remainder of the School Experience Has the student teacher: taught English and mathematics in whole class situations on a regular basis – preferably daily – and in the final two weeks take full responsibility for teaching these? taught as wide a range of curricular areas as possible? planned and taught PE? made use of a variety of strategies and resources and select evidence of pupils’ progress to enable them to differentiate their teaching? embraced the school’s approach to SMSC and promotion of fundamental British Values throughout their teaching? where possible and appropriate worked alongside experienced TAs either in their own or another classroom, focusing on English and mathematics? undertaken monitoring and assessment of pupils’ achievement? observed, planned and taught phonics and be observed? negotiated and discussed specific focussed observations linked to personal targets by school staff? Signed Student................................................................ School Based Tutor........................................... Date...................................................................... BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 17 of 20 The School Based Training Programme For approximately 25% of the week, has the student teacher negotiated a training programme which includes (indicate the weeks this has been achieved in the boxes below): undertaking focused observations across the school of the teaching of English and mathematics, science and their specialist subject? These observations should wherever possible include the use of ICT. developed an awareness of the TAs’ role in their particular classroom, or in another classroom focusing on English and mathematics? developed an awareness of other professionals who support children’s learning or development including, where possible, before and after school care? developed an awareness of and keep a record of how the school is implementing support for children with EAL, SEN, PP and what strategies and systems the school uses, and reflect this in weekly reviews? undertaken observations of PE, music and practical sessions? discussed with the School Based Tutor , and other colleagues as appropriate, concerning planning, assessment and provision for individual differences (including EAL)? observed good practice across the school – especially in the Core and their own specialist subject? discussed their work and holding profiling conferences about their work and progress with school based colleagues, including engaging in the profiling process with the School/University Mentor and/or University Visiting Tutor; undertaken AM activities? Signed Student................................................................ School Based Tutor........................................... Date..................................................................... BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 18 of 20 Beyond the School Day Has the student teacher: analysed and reflected on their teaching daily? Each lesson plan should be annotated to indicate children’s learning and progress in relation to learning objectives. planned and resourced lessons? participated fully in the life of the school by attending staff meetings or INSET, meeting with parents, including attending parents evening and participating in extra-curricular activities? completed a Weekly Reflection and Evaluation Record highlighting targets for progress and emailed to School/University Mentor? considered their progress on their online profile (SCROLL)? BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 19 of 20 BEd Yr2 RECORD OF SCHOOL BASED TRAINING All Professional Learning Activities Week 1 w/c 11 April Week 2 w/c 18 April Week 3 w/c 25 April Week 4 w/c 2 May Week 5 w/c 9 May BEd Yr 2 Solo Summer Notes of Guidance Page 20 of 20