Massachusetts Public Health Inspector Training Wastewater Certificate Program (MA PHIT WW) Session 3: Site Evaluation and Selection MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 1 Learning Objectives After completing this session, you will be able to: List design considerations for site evaluation and selection for onsite systems Discuss safety precautions in the field Describe requirements for deep observation holes and percolation tests Explain how to witness and document a percolation test Explain how to determine soils layers and seasonal high groundwater levels MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 2 Site Evaluation A conventional septic system has a septic tank, a distribution box, and a soil absorption system (SAS) MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 3 Site Evaluation Criteria 1. Location and position (including topography and condition) 2. Setbacks 3. Soil classification and permeability (deep hole and percolation tests) 4. Estimated seasonal high groundwater MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 4 Video Play these videos Preliminary research to be performed in office MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 Necessary Tools for Site Evaluation 5 1. Location and Position Key question: Where do we locate the onsite system components? For septic tanks, what should we consider? For the SAS what should we consider? MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 6 1. Location and Position MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 7 Video Play this video Site view and assessment of site constraints MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 8 2. Setbacks MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 9 2. Setbacks Why? MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 10 3. Soil Classification and Permeability Deep Observation Holes and Percolation Tests Who can conduct the tests? Who can witness and document the tests? What is the purpose of the deep observation holes? What is the purpose of a percolation test? True/False: the BOH must witness perc tests and deep holes. MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 11 Videos Play these videos Safety during soil testing MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 12 Safety First What are potential hazards? MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 13 Safety First Know your limits Be cautious around big equipment Know confined entry procedures Use DigSafe Go with your “gut” MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 14 Protective Measures Develop and use sanitary procedures Know first aid MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 15 Deep Observation Hole MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 16 Videos Play these videos Deep Hole Observations MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 17 Soil Suitability and Profile Soil Suitability and Profile 1.Soil texture 2.Soil structure 3.Pervious material present 4.Depth and thickness of layers 5.Groundwater indicators Image credit: MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 18 Field Notes MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 19 Deep Observation Hole Summary Minimum of two test holes in each proposed SAS including reserve areas for new construction or an increase in flow 10 feet deep Minimum of one test hole in proposed SAS and one in reserve area for repair (remedial) Additional holes may be required by BOH—ask for examples Must be witnessed by BOH and documented if MA PHITWastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 requesting certain waivers on design plan 20 Percolation Testing Minimum of one perc test in each proposed SAS Additional perc testing may be required by BOH Use most restrictive area Witness by BOH Documented MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 21 Video Play this video Percolation test MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 22 Steps 1. Dig and confirm depth 2. Add water 3. Soak for 15 minutes (called 4. 5. 6. 7. pre-soak) keeping water level at 12” Let water drop from 12” to 9” and record time Let water drop from 9” to 6” and record time on Form 12 Determine the rate What if you’re unable to maintain 12” for pre-soak? MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 23 Practice PT 1 12:15 pm Time at 12” 12:45 pm Time at 9” 1:30 pm Time at 6” Time 9” to 6” Perc Rate (mpi) if okay for new if okay for repair MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 PT 2 PT 3 PT 4 9:00 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm Noon 10:15 am 2:30 pm 5:00 pm 10:18 am 4:30 pm 24 Key Points Percolation Testing is not allowed in: ̶ Frozen, non-naturally occurring, or filled/disturbed soils ̶ Fractured or weathered rock ̶ Soils exposed to air for >3 days Additional Percolation Testing can be required for: ̶ Varying soil conditions or designs over 2000 gpd Design using the slowest rate How long are the test results good for? MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 25 4. Groundwater Determination Deep observation holes also determine estimated seasonal high groundwater elevation. Read more: MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 26 System Design Considerations The onsite system can now be designed. Design considerations include: Site evaluation results Source of the sewage Daily flow Waste strength/characteristics MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 27 Session Recap We discussed: Design considerations for site evaluation and selection for onsite wastewater systems Safety on the job site Requirements for deep observation holes and percolation tests How to conduct and witness a percolation test How to determine seasonal high groundwater levels MA PHIT- Wastewater Certificate Program, Session 3 28