NURSE CADET HANDBOOK A PROFESSION OF SERVICE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION A – WELCOME Welcome to the Army Family SECTION B – HELPFUL WEBSITES SECTION C – REIMBURSABLE INCENTIVES Reimbursable Incentives for Cadets Majoring in Nursing CC PAM 145-1, Appendix C: Reimbursable/Non-Reimbursable Fees or Payment Under ROTC Scholarships SECTION D – ARMY PHYSICAL TRAINING Army Physical Training DA Form 705, Army Physical Fitness Scorecard APFT Standards Height/Weight Standards SECTION E – LDAC AND LTC Leader Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) Leader’s Training Course (LTC) SECTION F – NURSE SUMMER TRAINING PROGRAM (NSTP) Requirements Locations SECTION G – REASONS TO CONTACT YOUR BRIGADE NURSE COUNSELOR SECTION H – YOUR FUTURE IN THE ARMY NURSE CORPS (ANC) Army Nurse vs. Civilian Professional Army Nurse Corps Life Cycle Model NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 2 SECTION A WELCOME NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 3 Welcome to the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) and the Army family!! We are excited that you have chosen this opportunity to prepare to become an Army Nurse Corps Officer. While you are pursuing your degree in Nursing, ROTC will provide you with the opportunity to receive practical, hands-on leadership skills. The courses will provide a chance for you to develop management, communication, and decision-making skills in a non-threatening environment. Furthermore, you will be given the chance to challenge yourself both physically and mentally through physical training and confidence building activities such as rappelling. Students who are interested in obtaining a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from an accredited university or college may enroll in ROTC. Whether you enroll as a freshman, sophomore, or junior you will receive the training necessary to succeed in ROTC and your future assignments. Upon completion of the program, students are commissioned as officers in the United States Army. There are some exciting times ahead as well as some growth periods in which you may question your decision to join ROTC. The Army ROTC cadre and support staff is present to support you throughout this rewarding challenge of becoming an Army Nurse Corps Officer. Also, remember that you are not in this alone. More than 450 colleges and universities offer both a BSN degree and access to Army ROTC. Please ask your Brigade Nurse Counselor (BNC) for contact information if you are interested in talking to other nursing cadets. Set yourself up for success from the start. Although you will be very busy while studying to become a nurse and an Army Officer, this experience will set you up for a lifetime of success. Ensure you conduct yourself in a professional manner. Any illegal use of drugs or alcohol is forbidden and could mean the loss of your ROTC benefits. You are representing your school and Army ROTC; please conduct yourself as an Army Nurse Corps Officer would conduct him/herself. Take advantage of every leadership opportunity presented to you. This will come in handy in the future. Talk to junior and senior Cadets in your program and learn as much as you possibly can. Remember that they have already been through what you are going through. Your ROTC department will have a mentorship program in place so you can receive guidance from the other nursing students on ROTC and nursing related questions and concerns. It can be very difficult to recover from a bad semester so seek help early. Remember – ask early and ask often! Attempt to do your very best on the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). You must maintain good physical fitness. Many Cadets need to be involved in an exercise program outside of their regularly scheduled Physical Training (PT) to perform well on the APFT. Keep in mind that consistency is the key to success. PT on a regular basis can assist you in improving your muscle strength and maintaining or reducing your weight. Furthermore, a healthy diet is essential to maximizing your physical fitness goals. Please keep in mind that you must keep the ROTC cadre up to date on your nursing schedule and identify conflicts early so a plan to meet both ROTC and nursing requirements may be formulated. Meeting your nursing course requirements must be your priority so ensure you focus on your studies and inform your cadre and nurse counselor if you are not succeeding in your classes. The earlier you seek assistance in these courses the greater your chance of success. Last but not least, you must keep your BNC informed about your current address, phone number, and email address. If this information changes, you must notify your BNC. NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 4 SECTION B HELPFUL WEBSITES NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 5 Websites 1. Army ROTC Home Page – Gives basic information about Army ROTC as well as opportunities that ROTC can offer you. 2. ROTC Blackboard – Updated to give you PowerPoint lessons learned in ROTC. It is also utilized by Cadre at your ROTC battalion with assignments and extra help. 3. Army Knowledge Online (AKO) This is the most important website for you to know how to navigate on. From your AKO site, you can find websites to everything you need, including finance, healthcare, military forms and publications, and your Officer Record Brief (ORB). You will need to remember your username and password to access this account. 4. Military One Source This website is a great resource for military members, spouses and families. It provides access to the following features: Online articles, worksheets and suggested reading lists; educational materials; local community information; interactive tools; personalized homepage; and much more. 5. Army Nurse Corps Home Page This website contains information on continuing education, assignment opportunities, how to interpret your orders, etc. 6. The US Army Homepage Helps you stay current on what is happening in the Army. 7. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Includes top news stories on what is happening in the AMEDD, the Surgeon General’s blog, and information on current healthcare programs. 6. Army Family Websites Army Families Online US Army Family Child Care Family Advocacy Program Online 7. Military Pay Basic Allowance for Housing NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 6 8. Military Healthcare 9. Education Army Center for Lessons Learned CSA Reading List Army Training Requirements and Resources System Army E-Learning Take Rosetta Stone courses for free. NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 7 SECTION C REIMBURSABLE INCENTIVES NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 8 Reimbursable Incentives for Cadets Majoring in Nursing All of the following incentives apply to scholarship Cadets. If you are a non-scholarship Cadet please ask your BNC for clarification. Book Allowance – Presently, the book allowance is at $1200 per year divided between semesters. For nurse Cadets the total book allowance will be paid at the beginning of the Fall semester for the whole school year. This action will allow the Cadet to purchase the high cost reference books required for the year at the beginning of the Fall semester. Nurse Malpractice Insurance – Many schools of nursing require their students to obtain student nurse liability (malpractice) insurance prior to beginning their clinical experience and hands-on patient care. All costs and fees associated with this yearly expense are reimbursable. Immunization and testing prior to beginning clinical training – All fees incurred by a Cadet to meet mandatory immunization and/or laboratory testing required before coming in contact with patients are reimbursable. This includes but not limited to PPD, Hepatitis A/B, Tetanus and HIV screening. Nursing uniforms and clinical supplies – A major financial expense at the beginning of a student's clinical experience is the purchase of unique nursing uniforms for their school of nursing and associated equipment. Dependent on the school's requirements, the cost can exceed $400. Therefore, there is a ONE TIME PAYMENT to cover the cost of the required number of school of nursing uniforms, lab coat, and shoes. Accessories and equipment include, but are not limited to: stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, penlight, tape measure, bandage scissors, forceps, pocket/belt carrying pouch, clip board, and, if required, clinical bag for community health visits. To get reimbursed, bring the list of required items you receive from your school of nursing along with the receipts to your ROTC Human Resource Technician (HRT) so a request for reimbursement may be submitted. Bring ALL receipts for required purchased items at the time of the request for re-imbursement as you will receive a one-time only payment for your costs. *Because you will receive a very nice Littman Cardiology III stethoscope during your junior year, ROTC will only reimburse for a $40 stethoscope. If you would like to purchase one over this amount, you may pay the difference. Clinical nursing fee – Dependent on the school of nursing, there may be an additional fee for the use and upkeep of the "learning lab" area. This is an area within the school of nursing set up like a hospital ward with bed, equipment, and patient care models. Basic nursing theory and concepts, i.e., injections, bed baths, are practiced in this area before performing the skills on actual patients. Also, often included in the fee is the cost for CPR certification required prior to entering a hospital setting. If the cost of CPR certification is not included in this fee you may request reimbursement. NCLEX-RN review course (even offered to non-scholarship students; pay inquiry info provided in folder) – For the nurse Cadet to become a professional Registered Nurse (RN), they must take and successfully pass the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 9 (NCLEX-RN). An officer must pass the exam and hold a valid license before being accessed into the Army Nurse Corps. The knowledge used to pass this exam comes from the years of attending classes within the school of nursing. To assist students to focus their studies and provide a general refresher of their nursing knowledge, many schools offer a NCLEX review course. Frequently a school of nursing will present this review as a non-credit elective during the last semester before graduation. There are also many private educational corporations that offer the review course in larger cities nation-wide as well as on-line. The cost varies by state and may range from $200 - $500. There are two methods of requesting reimbursement for this program. The preferred method is a review course offered through the school of nursing. The cost of the course is listed as an additional fee charged through the university for the semester in which the course takes place. Even if the school offers a NCLEX-RN review course, the nurse Cadet may take one provided by an educational corporation outside of their institution. This review course will be paid for only ONE time by ROTC. Also, the nurse Cadet must schedule it and it must be paid for prior to graduation. Scholarship nurse Cadet payments are processed through CCIMS/Scholarship Tracking Module. Non-scholarship nurse Cadet payments are processed through usage of the IMPAC credit card. Please contact your Battalion HRT to request payment. NCLEX-RN Testing Fee – A $200 processing fee is charged to cover the test center cost of administering the exam. No earlier than 60 days prior to graduation and no later than 30 days prior to graduation, the HRT will submit a request to Cadet Command for $200 to cover the cost of the Cadet taking the NCLEX-RN. This process will allow the Cadet to take advantage of this incentive while meeting the requirement for payment prior to graduation. The testing fee will only be reimbursed for the first attempt. Please note this reimbursement does not include the fee charged by each state to process the license application. This fee varies by state. Each nurse will be required to renew their license through their particular state either annually or biennially (dependent on state law). It is a professional responsibility to obtain and maintain a license to practice nursing. Extension of benefits for Mandatory Summer Sessions – The majority of nursing programs throughout the United States offer their required curriculum during the Fall and Spring semesters. However, there are a few schools that require students to attend specific courses during the summer between the sophomore and junior years and/or junior and senior years. For these few schools with mandatory summer sessions, an attempt to streamline the payment process is currently being worked. For Cadets taking an optional summer session to reduce their academic course load and to keep aligned with projected mission sets, an extension of scholarship benefits for summer tuition is required. For Cadets required to take mandatory summer course work, an identification process is currently being developed to allow the school to submit a request for payment without filing for an extension of benefits. Resource Management will pay the tuition and fees after crossreferencing the request with a list of schools and courses that are mandatory for academic progression. As this incentive is finalized, it will be described in a separate newsletter article. Please ask your school for guidance. Until the new process is implemented, a request must be submitted to Cadet Command for an extension of benefits. Please keep in mind that each extra semester that is funded by Cadet NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 10 Command will require a six-month active duty pay back. Also, Cadet Command does not currently cover summer classes between the freshman and sophomore year. *Please remember that payment of educational fees or reimbursement for any of the above items is prohibited after you graduate and commission. The following is a list of fees that are reimbursable for Scholarship Cadets per CC PAM 145-1 (Rev: 09/04/09), Appendix C Reimbursable/Non-Reimbursable Fees or Payment Under ROTC Scholarships C-1. Reimbursable/appropriate fees for payment (when required for degree completion or to attend the college or university) Academic enrichment fee Equipment fee Academic program fee Equipment rental fee Accident insurance fee Facility fee Activity fee Faculty improvement fee Application fee Financial aid trust fee Art gallery fee Freshman of the year studies fee Artist fee General use fee Arts and science fee Graduation fee Athletic fee Health and recreation fee Auxiliary fee Health center fee Auxiliary maintenance fund fee Health enhancement fee Building maintenance fee Health fee Bond Requirement fee Health insurance fee CAAP testing fee campus activity fee Health service fee Campus privilege fee ID card fee Campus recreation fee Infirmary fee Campus services card fee Instructionally related activities fee (IRA) Cap & gown fee International student service fee Chapel fee Internet/On-Line Class fee Class activity fee Laboratory fees CLEP fee (payable only if taken after contract date) Learning technical fee Lecture fee Clinical nursing fee Communication lab fee Liability fee Comprehensive fee Library fee Computer lab fee Mail box fee Computer lease fee (not auth if applied to purchase) Maintenance fee Computer usage fee Malpractice fee Construction fee Matriculation fee Convocation fee Medical center fee Course fee Medical science fee Course incidental fee Medical service counseling fee Early experience fee Microscope fee Ecology lab fee Mobile Computer Access fee (not authorized is applied to purchase) Education fee Music fee NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 11 Educational enhancement fee English lab fee Enhancement fee Enrollment fee Equipment fee Required Nurse uniforms/clinical supplies/equipment to be paid no earlier than the start of clinicals (up to three school of nursing uniforms, lab coat (one), and shoes (up to two pairs). Required accessories and equipment may include, but are not limited to: blood pressure cuff, penlight, tape measure, bandage scissors, forceps, pocket/belt carrying pouch, bag for community health visits. The stethoscope is normally authorized in the Junior year. If according to the school catalog, one is needed prior to the Junior year, the Cadet can purchase a less expensive stethoscope and we will reimburse up to $40.00. If the stethoscope is more expensive, the Cadet must pay the remaining amount over $40.00). NOTE: One time payment. The Cadet should receive a list of uniforms and equipment from the nursing department for items needed for clinicals. ALL items should be purchased in the first qtr/semester in which clinicals begin. These costs will be the one time payment authorized for uniforms and clinical supply purchases. The amount of reimbursement to the Cadet will be validated in CCIMS. Attach receipts to obligation report and submit to Pay Operations ROTC Cadet Command.1 NCLEX-RN Review Course (must be paid prior to commissioning) 1,2 NCLEX-RN PREP Test 1,2 Nurse State Licensing Exams (must be paid prior to commissioning) 1,2 Nursing immunization fee 1,2 Observer fee Orientation fee Phone registration fee Photo ID fee Recording fee Recreation fee Registration fee Science lab fee Sickness insurance fee Music room practice fee New student orientation fee Nonresident fee Nurse Malpractice insurance fee Special operating fee State university fee Student activity fee Student assessment fee Student center fee Student commons fee Student government fee Student publications fee Student record Student recreation complex fee Student recreation fee Student union fee Technology fee Telecommunications fee (cannot include dorm hookup, cable TV, telephone) Special assessment fee Telecommunications fee (cannot include dorm Special course fee (required for degree; i.e., music, PE, hookup, cable TV, telephone) biology, physics, science, engineering, business, Theater fee chemistry, art, choir fee, opera fee, natural science, Transcript fee NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 12 criminology, etc.) (does not include flying hours of any Union maintenance fund course) Wellness center fee 1 All scholarship nurse Cadets are eligible for these fees regardless of whether they have elected tuition and fees or the room and board scholarship option. 2 GRFD-NG and dedicated National Guard scholarship nurse Cadets are not eligible for reimbursement of NCLEX Review course, prep test or exam fees. C-2. Non-Reimbursable Fees/Items Not Paid by ROTC Scholarship Add/drop fee Payment plan change fee Alumni Fee Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs) – this is an MRI for nurse Cadets – non-reimbursable for all Cadets Audit fees Placement test fee Aviation fees (including flying hours of any type) Post office box rental (unless mandatory for all students) Cable TV fee Private music lessons Complete withdrawal fee Replacement of student ID card Copies Residence fee (if Tuition and Fee elected) Correspondence fee ROTC or Military Science fees not included in tuition Course change fee State licensing application fees Credit card processing fee Supplies Departmental billing fee Syllabus Deposits (not related to Room & Board) Telephone service fee (unless mandatory for all students) Dorm fee (if Tuition and Fee elected) Third party billing fee Dorm network or hookup fee (if Tuition and Fee Transit fee (unless mandatory for all students) elected) Equipment purchases - Computer/automated Transportation fee equipment purchase cost if identified as separate fee Field trips Uniforms Food service (if Tuition and Fee elected) University facilitation system Housing (if Tuition and Fee elected) Voice mail (if not required for all for registration) Incomplete registration fee Yearbooks (unless mandatory for all students) Invoice preparation fee Late fee Laundry/dry cleaning Lost book fee NCLEX-RN Licensure Testing Fee (taken after *I-Touch – this is an MRI for nurse cadets – graduation) non-reimbursable Packets Parking/permit/decal fees (any fees associated with vehicles) *Recent addition, not yet reflected in CC Pam 145-1 NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 13 SECTION D ARMY PHYSICAL TRAINING NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 14 Army Physical Training Physical training (PT) involves safe training that challenges all soldiers while improving their physical fitness level to meet the Army standard. The regulation and doctrine that govern the conduct of PT are AR 350-1, Army Training and Education; TRADOC Regulation 350-6, Enlisted Initial Entry Training (IET) Policies and Administration; and the TRADOC Standardized PT Guide (BCT). Physical fitness is defined in the TRADOC Standardized PT Guide (BCT) as the ability to effectively function in work, training and other activities while maintaining optimal health and well-being. Standardized PT contains three interrelated components: strength, endurance and mobility. The TRADOC Standardized PT Guide (BCT) defines strength as the ability to overcome resistance. Soldiers need strength to march under load, enter and clear a building or trench line, repeatedly load heavy rounds, lift equipment, and transport a wounded soldier to the casualty collection point. The goal of strength training is to attain the strength required to perform functional movements against resistance. A well-designed strength training program improves performance and controls injuries. Calisthenics are the foundation of Army strength training and body management. The conditioning drills contain a structured sequence of calisthenics designed to develop the fundamental movement skills necessary for soldiers to manipulate their own body weight. Strength is further developed through the use of pull-ups, rope climbing, obstacle negotiation, free weights and strength training machines. The TRADOC Standardized PT Guide (BCT) defines endurance as the ability to sustain activity. Endurance training enhances both the ability to sustain high intensity activity of short duration (anaerobic) and low-intensity activity of long duration (aerobic). Examples of anaerobic training are sprinting, individual movement techniques, and negotiating obstacles. Examples of aerobic training are continuous running, foot marching, cross-country movement, and water survival. A properly planned and executed endurance-training program will be balanced with respect to both aerobic and anaerobic training. Endurance training programs based solely on distance running, while likely to improve aerobic endurance, may fail to prepare units for the anaerobic endurance requirements of soldier common tasks. The TRADOC Standardized PT Guide (BCT) defines mobility as movement proficiency. The component of mobility functionally applies strength and endurance to enhance performance of physical tasks. For example, strength with mobility allows a soldier to squat low, in order to achieve a safe and effective position to lift a casualty. Without sufficient mobility, a strong soldier may have difficulty executing the same casualty transport technique. Likewise, endurance without mobility may be fine for a distance runner, but for soldiers performing individual movement techniques (IMT), both components are essential for success. Mobility consists of eight qualitative performance factors: agility, balance, coordination, posture, stability, flexibility speed and power. Army leaders may use a number of assessment tools appropriate to determining unit readiness based on mission. The APFT is one of these tools. The APFT measures baseline NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 15 physical fitness, qualifying soldiers to wear the uniform. There may be additional physical requirements to meet the unit mission. IAW AR 350-1, Training in Units, the APFT must be performed at least two times per year for active units and once per year for reserve component Soldiers. The APFT provides a measure of upper and lower body muscular endurance. It is a performance test that indicates a Soldier’s ability to perform physically and handle his or her own body weight. APFT standards are adjusted for age and physiological differences between the genders. The APFT consists of push-ups, sit-ups, and two-mile run—done in that order—on the same day. Soldiers are allowed a minimum of ten minutes and a maximum of 20 minutes rest between events. Soldiers must attain a score of at least 60 points in each event and an overall score of at least 180 points. The maximum score a Soldier can attain on the APFT is 300 points. APFT results will be recorded on a DA Form 705, Physical Fitness Scorecard and one will be maintained for each Soldier. Below you will see a sample Army Physical Fitness Test Scorecard as well as the standards scales for all three events. To read the standard chart, first, find your age and gender across the top of the chart. Then follow that column down to find the number of repetitions or time for the event to see the number of points earned for each event. NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 16 DA Form 705, Army Physical Fitness Scorecard NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 18 PUSH-UP STANDARDS 17-21 AGE GROUP Repetitions M 22-26 F M 27-31 F 77 M 32-36 F M 37-41 F M 100 76 42-46 AGE GROUP F 99 Repetitions M 47-51 F M 52-56 F M 57-61 F M 62+ F M AGE GROUP F Repetitions 77 77 76 76 75 100 98 100 75 75 74 99 97 99 74 74 73 98 96 98 100 73 73 72 97 95 97 99 72 72 71 100 96 94 96 98 71 71 70 99 94 93 95 97 70 70 69 97 93 92 94 96 69 69 68 96 92 91 93 95 68 68 67 94 91 89 92 94 67 66 93 90 88 91 93 66 100 66 65 92 89 87 90 92 65 99 65 64 90 87 86 89 91 64 98 64 63 89 86 85 88 90 63 97 63 62 88 85 84 87 89 62 96 62 61 88 84 83 86 88 61 94 60 85 83 82 85 87 60 93 59 83 82 81 84 86 59 92 100 59 58 82 81 80 83 85 58 91 99 58 57 81 79 79 82 84 57 90 98 56 79 78 78 81 83 56 89 96 100 55 78 77 77 79 82 55 88 95 99 54 77 76 76 78 81 54 87 94 98 53 75 75 75 77 79 53 86 93 97 100 53 52 74 74 74 76 78 52 84 92 96 99 52 51 72 73 73 75 77 51 83 91 94 98 50 71 71 72 100 74 76 50 82 89 93 97 100 50 49 70 70 71 99 73 75 49 81 88 92 95 99 49 48 68 69 69 98 72 74 48 80 87 91 94 98 48 47 67 68 68 96 71 73 47 79 86 90 93 96 47 46 66 67 100 67 95 70 72 46 78 85 89 92 95 46 45 64 66 99 66 94 69 100 71 45 77 84 88 91 94 45 44 63 65 97 65 93 68 99 70 44 76 82 87 90 93 44 43 61 63 96 64 92 67 97 69 43 74 81 86 89 92 43 42 60 100 62 94 63 90 66 96 68 42 73 80 84 87 91 42 41 59 98 61 93 62 89 65 95 67 41 72 79 83 86 89 41 40 57 97 60 92 61 88 64 93 66 100 40 71 78 82 85 88 40 39 56 95 59 90 60 87 63 92 65 99 39 70 76 81 84 87 39 38 54 93 58 89 59 85 62 91 64 97 38 69 75 80 83 86 38 37 53 91 57 88 58 84 61 89 63 96 37 68 100 74 79 82 85 37 36 52 90 55 86 57 83 60 88 62 94 36 67 98 73 78 81 84 36 35 50 88 54 85 56 82 59 87 61 93 35 66 97 72 77 79 82 35 34 49 86 53 83 55 81 58 85 60 91 34 64 95 71 100 76 78 81 34 33 48 84 52 82 54 79 57 84 59 90 33 63 94 69 98 74 77 80 33 32 46 83 51 81 53 78 56 83 58 88 32 62 92 68 97 73 76 79 32 31 45 81 50 79 52 77 55 81 57 87 31 61 90 67 95 72 100 75 78 31 30 43 79 49 78 50 76 54 80 56 85 30 60 89 66 93 71 98 74 76 30 29 42 77 47 77 49 75 53 79 55 84 29 59 87 65 92 70 96 73 75 29 28 41 76 46 75 48 73 52 77 54 82 28 58 86 64 90 69 95 71 100 74 28 27 39 74 45 74 47 72 51 76 53 81 27 57 84 62 88 68 93 70 98 73 27 26 38 72 44 72 46 71 50 75 52 79 26 56 82 61 87 67 91 69 96 72 25 37 70 43 71 45 70 49 73 51 78 25 54 81 60 85 66 89 68 94 71 100 25 24 35 69 42 70 44 68 48 72 50 76 24 53 79 59 83 64 87 67 92 69 98 24 23 34 67 41 68 43 67 47 71 49 75 23 52 78 58 82 63 85 66 90 68 96 23 22 32 65 39 67 42 66 46 69 48 73 22 51 76 56 80 62 84 65 88 67 93 22 21 31 63 38 66 41 65 45 68 47 72 21 50 74 55 78 61 82 63 86 66 91 21 20 30 62 37 64 40 64 44 67 46 70 20 49 73 54 77 60 80 62 84 65 89 20 19 28 60 36 63 39 62 43 65 45 69 19 48 71 53 75 59 78 61 82 64 87 19 18 27 58 35 61 38 61 42 64 44 67 18 47 70 52 73 58 76 60 80 62 84 18 17 26 57 34 60 37 60 41 63 43 66 17 46 68 51 72 57 75 59 78 61 82 17 16 24 55 33 59 36 59 39 61 42 64 16 44 66 49 70 56 73 58 76 60 80 16 15 23 53 31 57 35 58 38 60 41 63 15 43 65 48 68 54 71 57 74 59 78 15 14 21 51 30 56 34 56 37 59 39 61 14 42 63 47 67 53 69 55 72 58 76 14 13 20 50 29 54 33 55 36 58 38 60 13 41 62 46 65 52 67 54 70 56 73 13 12 19 48 28 52 32 54 35 56 37 59 12 40 60 45 63 51 65 53 68 55 71 12 11 17 46 27 50 31 52 34 54 36 57 11 39 58 44 62 50 64 52 66 54 69 11 10 16 44 26 49 29 50 33 52 35 56 10 38 57 42 60 49 62 51 64 53 67 10 9 14 43 25 49 28 49 32 50 34 54 9 37 55 41 58 48 60 50 62 52 64 9 8 13 41 23 48 27 49 31 49 33 53 8 36 54 40 57 47 58 49 60 51 62 8 7 12 39 22 46 26 48 30 49 32 51 7 34 52 39 55 46 56 47 58 49 60 7 6 10 37 21 45 25 47 29 48 31 50 6 33 50 38 53 44 55 46 56 48 58 6 5 9 36 20 43 24 45 28 47 30 48 5 32 49 36 52 43 53 45 54 47 56 5 4 8 34 19 42 23 44 27 45 29 47 4 4 3 6 32 18 41 22 43 26 44 28 45 3 3 2 5 30 17 39 21 42 25 43 27 44 2 1 3 29 15 38 20 41 24 41 26 42 1 Repetitions M F M F M F M F M F Repetitions AGE GROUP 17-21 22-26 27-31 32-36 37-41 AGE GROUP 67 61 60 57 56 55 54 51 26 2 1 M F 42-46 M F 47-51 M F 52-56 M F 57-61 M F 62+ Repetitions AGE GROUP Scoring standards are used to convert raw scores to point scores after test events are completed. Male point scores are indicated by the M at the top and bottom of the shaded column. Female point scores are indicated by the F at the top and bottom of the unshaded column. To convert raw scores to point scores, find the number of repetitions performed in the left-hand column. Next, move right along that row and locate the intersection of the soldiers appropriate age column. Record that number in the Push-Up points block on the front of the scorecard. APD PE v1.00ES NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 19 SIT-UP STANDARDS AGE GROUP 17-21 22-26 27-31 32-36 37-41 AGE GROUP 42-46 47-51 52-56 57-61 62+ AGE GROUP Repetitions MF MF MF MF MF Repetitions MF MF MF MF MF Repetitions 82 100 82 82 81 99 81 81 100 98 80 80 80 79 99 97 79 79 78 100 97 96 78 78 77 98 96 95 77 77 76 97 95 94 100 100 76 76 75 95 93 92 99 99 75 75 74 94 92 91 98 98 74 73 92 91 90 96 97 73 72 90 89 89 95 96 72 100 72 71 89 88 88 94 95 71 99 71 70 87 87 87 93 94 70 98 70 69 86 85 86 92 93 69 97 69 68 84 86 85 91 92 68 96 67 82 83 84 89 91 67 95 66 81 81 83 88 89 66 94 100 100 65 79 80 82 87 88 65 93 99 99 64 78 79 81 86 87 64 92 98 98 100 63 76 77 79 85 86 63 91 97 97 99 100 63 62 74 76 78 84 85 62 90 96 96 98 99 62 61 73 75 77 82 84 61 89 94 95 97 98 61 60 71 73 76 81 83 60 88 93 94 96 97 60 59 70 72 75 80 82 59 87 92 93 95 96 59 58 68 71 74 79 81 58 86 91 92 94 95 58 57 66 69 73 78 80 57 85 90 91 92 94 57 56 65 68 72 76 79 56 84 89 89 91 92 56 55 63 67 71 75 78 55 83 88 88 90 91 55 54 62 65 70 74 77 54 82 87 87 89 90 54 53 60 64 69 73 76 53 81 86 86 88 89 53 52 58 63 68 72 75 52 80 84 85 87 88 52 51 57 61 66 71 74 51 79 83 84 86 87 51 50 55 60 65 69 73 50 78 82 83 85 86 50 49 54 59 64 68 72 49 77 81 82 84 85 49 48 52 57 63 67 71 48 76 80 81 83 84 48 47 50 56 62 66 69 47 75 79 80 82 83 47 46 49 55 61 65 68 46 74 78 79 81 82 46 45 47 53 60 64 67 45 73 77 78 79 81 45 44 46 52 59 62 66 44 72 76 77 78 79 44 43 44 50 58 61 65 43 71 74 76 77 78 43 42 42 49 57 60 64 42 70 73 75 76 77 42 41 41 48 56 59 63 41 69 72 74 75 76 41 40 39 47 55 58 62 40 68 71 73 74 75 40 39 38 45 54 56 61 39 67 70 72 73 74 39 38 36 44 52 55 60 38 66 69 71 72 73 38 37 34 43 51 54 59 37 65 68 69 71 72 37 36 33 41 50 53 58 36 64 67 68 70 71 36 35 31 40 49 52 57 35 63 66 67 69 70 35 34 30 39 48 50 56 34 62 64 66 68 69 34 33 28 37 47 49 55 33 61 63 65 66 68 33 32 26 36 46 48 54 32 60 62 64 65 66 32 31 25 35 45 47 53 31 59 61 63 64 65 31 30 23 33 44 46 52 30 58 60 62 63 64 30 29 22 32 43 45 50 29 57 59 61 62 63 29 28 20 31 42 44 49 28 56 58 60 61 62 28 27 18 29 41 42 48 27 55 57 59 60 61 27 26 17 28 39 41 47 26 54 56 58 59 60 26 25 15 27 38 40 46 25 53 54 57 58 59 25 24 14 25 37 39 45 24 52 53 56 57 58 24 23 12 24 36 38 44 23 51 52 55 56 57 23 22 10 23 35 36 43 22 50 51 54 55 56 22 21 9 21 34 35 42 21 49 50 53 54 55 74 73 68 67 66 65 64 21 Repetitions MF MF MF MF MF Repetitions MF MF MF MF MF Repetitions AGE GROUP 17-21 22-26 27-31 32-36 37-41 AGE GROUP 42-46 47-51 52-56 57-61 62+ AGE GROUP Scoring standards are used to convert raw scores to point scores after test events are completed. To convert raw scores to point scores, find the number of repetitions performed in the lefthand column. Next, move right along that row and locate the intersection of the soldier’s appropriate age column. Record that number in the Sit-Up points block on the front of the scorecard. APD PE v1.00ES NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 20 2-MILE RUN STANDARDS 17-21 AGE GROUP Time M 22-26 F M 27-31 F M 32-36 F M 37-41 F M 42-46 AGE GROUP F 12:54 Time M 47-51 F M 52-56 F M 57-61 F M 62+ F M AGE GROUP F Time 12:54 12:54 13:00 100 100 13:00 13:00 13:06 99 99 13:06 13:06 13:12 97 98 13:12 13:12 13:18 96 97 100 100 13:18 13:18 13:24 94 96 99 99 13:24 13:24 13:30 93 94 98 98 13:30 13:30 13:36 92 93 97 97 100 13:36 13:36 13:42 90 92 96 96 99 13:42 13:42 13:48 89 91 95 95 98 13:48 13:48 13:54 88 90 94 95 97 13:54 14:00 86 89 92 94 97 14:00 14:06 85 88 91 93 96 14:06 100 14:06 14:12 83 87 90 92 95 14:12 99 14:12 14:18 82 86 89 91 94 14:18 98 14:24 81 84 88 90 93 14:24 97 100 14:30 79 83 87 89 92 14:30 97 99 14:36 78 82 86 88 91 14:36 96 98 14:42 77 81 85 87 91 14:42 95 98 100 14:42 14:48 75 80 84 86 90 14:48 94 97 99 14:48 14:54 74 79 83 85 89 14:54 93 96 98 14:54 15:00 72 78 82 85 88 15:00 92 95 98 15:00 15:06 71 77 81 84 87 15:06 91 95 97 15:12 70 76 79 83 86 15:12 90 94 96 15:18 68 74 78 82 86 15:18 90 93 95 100 15:18 15:24 67 73 77 81 85 15:24 89 92 95 99 15:24 15:30 66 72 76 80 84 15:30 88 91 94 98 15:36 64 100 71 100 75 79 83 15:36 87 91 93 97 15:42 63 99 70 99 74 78 82 15:42 86 90 92 97 100 15:42 15:48 61 98 69 98 73 100 77 81 15:48 85 89 91 96 99 15:48 15:54 60 96 68 97 72 99 76 100 80 15:54 84 88 91 95 98 15:54 16:00 59 95 67 96 71 98 75 99 80 16:00 83 87 90 94 97 16:00 16:06 57 94 66 95 70 97 75 99 79 16:06 83 87 89 93 96 16:06 16:12 56 93 64 94 69 97 74 98 78 16:12 82 86 88 92 95 16:12 16:18 54 92 63 93 68 96 73 97 77 16:18 81 85 87 91 94 16:18 16:24 53 90 62 92 66 95 72 97 76 16:24 80 84 87 91 93 16:24 16:30 52 89 61 91 65 94 71 96 75 16:30 79 84 86 90 93 16:30 16:36 50 88 60 90 64 93 70 95 74 16:36 78 83 85 89 92 16:36 16:42 49 87 59 89 63 92 69 94 74 16:42 77 82 84 88 91 16:42 16:48 48 85 58 88 62 91 68 94 73 16:48 77 81 84 87 90 16:48 16:54 46 84 57 87 61 91 67 93 72 16:54 76 80 83 86 89 16:54 17:00 45 83 56 86 60 90 66 92 71 100 17:00 75 80 82 85 88 17:00 17:06 43 82 54 85 59 89 65 92 70 99 17:06 74 79 81 84 87 17:06 17:12 42 81 53 84 58 88 65 91 69 99 17:12 73 78 80 83 86 17:12 17:18 41 79 52 83 57 87 64 90 69 98 17:18 72 77 80 83 85 17:18 17:24 39 78 51 82 56 86 63 90 68 97 17:24 71 100 76 79 82 84 17:24 17:30 38 77 50 81 55 86 62 89 67 96 17:30 70 99 76 78 81 83 17:30 17:36 37 76 49 80 54 85 61 88 66 96 17:36 70 99 75 100 77 80 82 17:36 17:42 35 75 48 79 52 84 60 88 65 95 17:42 69 98 74 99 76 79 81 17:42 17:48 34 73 47 78 51 83 59 87 64 94 17:48 68 97 73 99 76 78 80 17:48 17:54 32 72 46 77 50 82 58 86 63 94 17:54 67 97 73 98 75 77 80 17:54 18:00 31 71 44 76 49 81 57 86 63 93 18:00 66 96 72 97 74 77 79 18:00 18:06 30 70 43 75 48 80 56 85 62 92 18:06 65 96 71 97 73 76 78 18:06 18:12 28 68 42 74 47 80 55 84 61 92 18:12 64 95 70 96 73 75 77 18:12 18:18 27 67 41 73 46 79 55 83 60 91 18:18 63 94 69 96 72 74 76 18:18 18:24 26 66 40 72 45 78 54 83 59 90 18:24 63 94 69 95 71 73 75 18:24 18:30 24 65 39 71 44 77 53 82 58 89 18:30 62 93 68 94 70 72 74 18:30 18:36 23 64 38 70 43 76 52 81 57 89 18:36 61 92 67 94 69 71 73 18:36 18:42 21 62 37 69 42 75 51 81 57 88 18:42 60 92 66 93 69 70 72 18:42 18:48 20 61 36 68 41 74 50 80 56 87 18:48 59 91 65 92 68 70 71 18:48 18:54 19 60 34 67 39 74 49 79 55 87 18:54 58 90 65 92 67 69 70 18:54 19:00 17 59 33 66 38 73 48 79 54 86 19:00 57 90 64 91 66 100 68 69 19:00 19:06 16 58 32 65 37 72 47 78 53 85 19:06 57 89 63 91 65 99 67 68 19:06 19:12 14 56 31 64 36 71 46 77 52 85 19:12 56 89 62 90 65 99 66 67 19:12 19:18 13 55 30 63 35 70 45 77 51 84 19:18 55 88 62 89 64 98 65 67 19:18 19:24 12 54 29 62 34 69 45 76 51 83 19:24 54 87 61 89 63 97 64 66 19:24 19:30 10 53 28 61 33 69 44 75 50 82 19:30 53 87 60 88 62 96 63 65 19:30 19:36 9 52 27 60 32 68 43 74 49 82 19:36 52 86 59 87 62 96 63 64 19:36 19:42 8 50 26 59 31 67 42 74 48 81 19:42 51 85 58 87 61 95 62 100 63 19:42 19:48 6 49 24 58 30 66 41 73 47 80 19:48 50 85 58 86 60 94 61 99 62 19:54 5 48 23 57 29 65 40 72 46 80 19:54 50 84 57 86 59 93 60 98 61 20:00 3 47 22 56 28 64 39 72 46 79 20:00 49 83 56 85 58 93 59 98 60 100 20:00 20:06 2 45 21 55 26 63 38 71 45 78 20:06 48 83 55 84 58 92 58 97 59 99 20:06 20:12 1 44 20 54 25 63 37 70 44 78 20:12 47 82 55 84 57 91 57 96 58 98 20:12 20:18 0 43 19 53 24 62 36 70 43 77 20:18 46 82 54 83 56 90 57 95 57 98 20:18 20:24 42 18 52 23 61 35 69 42 76 20:24 45 81 53 82 55 90 56 95 56 97 20:24 20:30 41 17 51 22 60 35 68 41 75 20:30 44 80 52 82 55 89 55 94 55 96 20:30 F M F M F M F M F Time M F M F M F M F M F Time AGE GROUP M 17-21 22-26 27-31 32-36 37-41 AGE GROUP 13:54 14:00 14:18 42-46 14:24 14:30 14:36 47-51 15:06 15:12 52-56 15:30 15:36 57-61 19:48 19:54 62+ Time AGE GROUP APD PE v1.00ES NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 21 2-MILE RUN STANDARDS 17-21 AGE GROUP 22-26 27-31 32-36 37-41 42-46 AGE GROUP 47-51 52-56 57-61 62+ AGE GROUP Time M F M F M F M F M F Time M F M F M F M F M F Time 20:18 0 43 19 53 24 62 36 70 43 77 20:18 46 82 54 83 56 90 57 95 57 98 20:18 20:24 42 18 52 23 61 35 69 42 76 20:24 45 81 53 82 55 90 56 95 56 97 20:24 20:30 41 17 51 22 60 35 68 41 75 20:30 44 80 52 82 55 89 55 94 55 96 20:30 20:36 39 16 50 21 59 34 68 40 75 20:36 43 80 51 81 54 88 54 93 54 95 20:36 20:42 38 14 49 20 58 33 67 40 74 20:42 43 79 51 81 53 87 53 92 53 94 20:42 20:48 37 13 48 19 57 32 66 39 73 20:48 42 78 50 80 52 87 52 91 53 94 20:48 20:54 36 12 47 18 57 31 66 38 73 20:54 41 78 49 79 51 86 51 91 52 93 20:54 21:00 35 11 46 17 56 30 65 37 72 21:00 40 77 48 79 51 85 50 90 51 92 21:00 21:06 33 10 45 16 55 29 64 36 71 21:06 39 77 47 78 50 84 50 89 50 91 21:06 21:12 32 9 44 15 54 28 63 35 71 21:12 38 76 47 77 49 84 49 88 49 90 21:12 21:18 31 8 43 14 53 27 63 34 70 21:18 37 75 46 77 48 83 48 87 48 90 21:18 21:24 30 7 42 12 52 26 62 34 69 21:24 37 75 45 76 47 82 47 87 47 89 21:24 21:30 28 6 41 11 51 25 61 33 68 21:30 36 74 44 76 47 81 46 86 46 88 21:30 21:36 27 4 40 10 51 25 61 32 68 21:36 35 73 44 75 46 81 45 85 45 87 21:36 21:42 26 3 39 9 50 24 60 31 67 21:42 34 73 43 74 45 80 44 84 44 86 21:42 21:48 25 2 38 8 49 23 59 30 66 21:48 33 72 42 74 44 79 43 84 43 86 21:48 21:54 24 1 37 7 48 22 59 29 66 21:54 32 71 41 73 44 79 43 83 42 85 21:54 22:00 22 0 36 6 47 21 58 29 65 22:00 31 71 40 72 43 78 42 82 41 84 22:00 22:06 21 35 5 46 20 57 28 64 22:06 30 70 40 72 42 77 41 81 40 83 22:06 22:12 20 34 4 46 19 57 27 64 22:12 30 70 39 71 41 76 40 80 40 82 22:12 22:18 19 33 3 45 18 56 26 63 22:18 29 69 38 71 40 76 39 80 39 82 22:18 22:24 18 32 2 44 17 55 25 62 22:24 28 68 37 70 40 75 38 79 38 81 22:24 22:30 16 31 1 43 16 54 24 61 22:30 27 68 36 69 39 74 37 78 37 80 22:30 22:36 15 30 0 42 15 54 23 61 22:36 26 67 36 69 38 73 37 77 36 79 22:36 22:42 14 29 41 15 53 23 60 22:42 25 66 35 68 37 73 36 76 35 78 22:42 22:48 13 28 40 14 52 22 59 22:48 24 66 34 67 36 72 35 76 34 78 22:48 22:54 12 27 40 13 52 21 59 22:54 23 65 33 67 36 71 34 75 33 77 22:54 23:00 10 26 39 12 51 20 58 23:00 23 64 33 66 35 70 33 74 32 76 23:00 23:06 9 25 38 11 50 19 57 23:06 22 64 32 66 34 70 32 73 31 75 23:06 23:12 8 24 37 10 49 18 56 23:12 21 63 31 65 33 69 31 73 30 74 23:12 23:18 7 23 36 9 49 17 56 23:18 20 63 30 64 33 68 30 72 29 74 23:18 23:24 5 22 35 8 48 17 55 23:24 19 62 29 64 32 67 30 71 28 73 23:24 23:30 4 21 34 7 48 16 54 23:30 18 61 29 63 31 67 29 70 27 72 23:30 23:36 3 20 34 6 47 15 54 23:36 17 61 28 62 30 66 28 69 27 71 23:36 23:42 2 19 33 5 46 14 53 23:42 17 60 27 62 29 65 27 69 26 70 23:42 23:48 1 18 32 5 46 13 52 23:48 16 59 26 61 29 64 26 68 25 70 23:48 23:54 0 17 31 4 45 12 52 23:54 15 59 25 61 28 64 25 67 24 69 23:54 24:00 16 30 3 44 11 51 24:00 14 58 25 60 27 63 24 66 23 68 24:00 24:06 15 29 2 43 11 50 24:06 13 57 24 59 26 62 23 65 22 67 24:06 24:12 14 29 1 43 10 49 24:12 12 57 23 59 25 61 23 65 21 66 24:12 24:18 13 28 0 42 9 49 24:18 11 56 22 58 25 61 22 64 20 66 24:18 24:24 12 27 41 8 48 24:24 10 56 22 57 24 60 21 63 19 65 24:24 24:30 11 26 41 7 47 24:30 10 55 21 57 23 59 20 62 18 64 24:30 24:36 10 25 40 6 47 24:36 9 54 20 56 22 59 19 62 17 63 24:36 24:42 9 24 39 6 46 24:42 8 54 19 56 22 58 18 61 16 62 24:42 24:48 8 23 39 5 45 24:48 7 53 18 55 21 57 17 60 15 62 24:48 24:54 7 23 38 4 45 24:54 6 52 18 54 20 56 17 59 14 61 24:54 25:00 6 22 37 3 44 25:00 5 52 17 54 19 56 16 58 13 60 25:00 25:06 5 21 37 2 43 25:06 4 51 16 53 18 55 15 58 13 59 25:06 25:12 4 20 36 1 42 25:12 3 50 15 52 18 54 14 57 12 58 25:12 25:18 3 19 35 0 42 25:18 3 50 15 52 17 53 13 56 11 58 25:18 25:24 2 18 34 41 25:24 2 49 14 51 16 53 12 55 10 57 25:24 25:30 1 17 34 40 25:30 1 49 13 51 15 52 11 55 9 56 25:30 25:36 0 17 33 40 25:36 0 48 12 50 15 51 10 54 8 55 25:36 25:42 16 32 39 25:42 47 11 49 14 50 10 53 7 54 25:42 25:48 15 32 38 25:48 47 11 49 13 50 9 52 6 54 25:48 25:54 14 31 38 25:54 46 10 48 12 49 8 51 5 53 25:54 26:00 13 30 37 26:00 45 9 47 11 48 7 51 4 52 26:00 26:06 12 30 36 26:06 45 8 47 11 47 6 50 3 51 26:06 26:12 11 29 35 26:12 44 7 46 10 47 5 49 2 50 26:12 26:18 11 28 35 26:18 43 7 46 9 46 4 48 1 50 26:18 26:24 10 28 34 26:24 43 6 45 8 45 3 47 0 49 26:24 26:30 9 27 33 26:30 42 5 44 7 44 3 47 0 48 26:30 F Time F M F M F M F M F Time AGE GROUP M F 17-21 M F 22-26 M F 27-31 M F 32-36 M 37-41 AGE GROUP M 42-46 47-51 52-56 57-61 62+ Time AGE GROUP Scoring standards are used to convert raw scores to point scores after test events are completed. Male point scores are indicated by the M at the top and bottom of the shaded column. Female point scores are indicated by the F at the top and bottom of the unshaded column. To convert raw scores to point scores, find the number of repetitions performed in the left-hand column. Next, move right along that row and locate the intersection of the soldier’s appropriate age column. In all cases, when a time falls between two point values, the lower point value is used. Record that number in the 2MR points block on the front of the scorecard. APD PE v1.00ES NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 22 Height Weight Standards U.S. Army height/weight charts from AR 600-9, The Army Weight Control Program, 27 November 2006. Body Composition Standards Body composition is the amount of body fat a soldier has in comparison to his lean body mass. Body composition is a component of health and well being, contributing to physical performance. Improving the components of strength, endurance and mobility through a sound physical training (PT) program, accompanied by good nutritional practices, will promote the maintenance of appropriate body composition. Maximum allowable percent body fat standards Information on the Army Weight Control Program maximum allowable percent body fat standards from AR 600-9 Age Group: 17–20 Age Group: 28–39 Male (% body fat): 20% Male (% body fat): 24% Female (% body fat): 30% Female (% body fat): 34% Age Group: 21–27 Age Group: 40 & Older Male (% body fat): 22% Male (% body fat): 26% Female (% body fat): 32% Female (% body fat): 36% NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 23 SECTION E LEADER DEVELOPMENT AND ASSESSMENT COURSE LEADER’S TRAINING COURSE NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 24 Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) An experience common to all Officers commissioned through ROTC is the Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. Most ROTC Cadets attend the course during the summer between their junior and senior year, however there are alternate options available for those that have academic requirements that preclude them from attending that summer. The purpose of LDAC is to assess the leadership ability and potential of Cadets during a common experience. The assessment is very important in determining what type of jobs and training the Cadets will get when they come onto active duty in the Army after graduation. For nurse Cadets LDAC does not determine your job when you are on active duty, however, those who perform well will have a better chance of getting their duty assignment of choice. The assessment is a 29-day experience that contains both garrison and field based training. The cadets are placed into platoons of approximately 30 Cadets that come from universities all around the nation. The Cadets go through physical training tests, weapon familiarization, and land navigation training and testing. They also spend time building their leadership skills in settings that include a confidence course and a leadership reaction course. In the field setting, Cadets are allowed to demonstrate their leadership skills through the utilization of the infantry tactics that they have learned at their university. The entire focus of the course is assessing leadership. The Cadets take turns leading squads (10 people), platoons (30 people), and companies (120 people). Each Cadet is assessed several times in various leadership positions throughout LDAC. There are also self evaluations and peer evaluations. At the end of the course the leadership ability and potential of the Cadet is known with a fairly high level of certainty. LDAC is generally seen as the “final exam” for ROTC, where Cadets are given the opportunity to demonstrate the skills they have learned on their campus and perfect their leadership skills. Often, Cadets have another year of training prior to commissioning. Therefore, they can then use their experience at LDAC to train other Cadets preparing to attend LDAC the following summer. Nurse Cadets often wonder why it would be necessary to learn infantry skills and attend LDAC with all the other Cadets. The reality is that we as nurses do need the training. Although we may not be conducting raids or ambushes, the Army Nurse Corps depends on the leadership training we receive in ROTC to support the Nurse Corps as competent leaders in various position throughout the Army. Also, the reality is that until you pass the NCLEX-RN you cannot be assessed as a Nurse Corps Officer. Therefore, in the unfortunate event that you are unable to pass the NCLEX-RN after two (possibly three) times, you may be assessed on active duty to another branch and will be attending BOLC II and BOLC III as a line officer. At LDAC you will receive a physical that will clear you medically for Active Duty. You will not assess on active duty if the physical is not within two years. Therefore, if you attend LDAC two years prior to commissioning, talk to your ROTC personnel to get your physical updated. NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 25 Leader’s Training Course (LTC) If you join ROTC after your Sophomore year, you may be required to attend LTC in the summer to receive training that was missed in ROTC freshman and sophomore year. This 29day course includes basic Soldiering skills (drill and ceremony, military bearing, army etiquette, basic rifle marksmanship, squad tactics), as well as basic leadership skills (such as squad leader in charge of up to 12 Soldiers or Platoon leader in charge of 40 people). At the end of this training, you will be caught up in all lessons that were taught to the other ROTC Cadets entering their junior year. Many people explain this course as a "good prerequisite leadership development and assessment course". This course is also used by many universities to re-align nursing Cadets by permitting them to attend LDAC a year earlier; this will allow more study time for nursing courses and not compete with training time preparing for LDAC. NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 26 SECTION F NURSE SUMMER TRAINING PROGRAM NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 27 Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP) The Nurse Summer Training Program (NSTP) is a voluntary, paid clinical elective for nurse Cadets. The program’s primary focus is to provide nurse Cadets with at least 120 hours of clinical experience during a three to four week rotation. During the experience, Cadets will utilize military, leadership, clinical nursing, administrative and interpersonal skills. The 120 hours of clinical will be completed in an Army Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) alongside an Army Nurse Corps Officer. This training is intended to expose you to the mission, structure and personnel of the U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) and solidify your basic nursing skills. This is also an excellent opportunity to see what you can expect your daily routine to be like once you are on active duty. As a general rule, you will attend NSTP during the summer between your junior and senior year. However, circumstances such as summer classes may require you to attend NSTP at an alternate time. If you anticipate a conflict with attending NSTP that summer, notify your Brigade Nurse Counselor. For those who attend LDAC the summer prior, NSTP will last four weeks at all locations for pay purposes. Cadets who attend LDAC and NSTP during the same summer will attend NSTP for three weeks unless assigned to an overseas MTF. You are eligible to attend NSTP once you have met the following criteria: 1. Successfully complete the Leadership Development Assessment Course (LDAC). Exceptions to policy may be granted on a case-by-case basis, specifically for End of Camp Commissionees – speak to your Brigade Nurse Counselor to determine your eligibility. 2. Complete at least one semester or two quarters of an inpatient nursing clinical (neither Psychiatric Nursing nor Community Health Nursing clinical meet this requirement). NSTP locations vary from year to year based on the number of slots each MTF has the ability to support at that time. Each MTF hosts NSTP Cadets for a specific date range; therefore, where you attend NSTP will be based primarily on the dates that you are available. Factors that determine your NSTP rotation include: LDAC attendance, summer school, date your spring term ends, date your fall term begins, etc. Possible NSTP sites include but are not limited to: Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC), Landstuhl, Germany Tripler Army Medical Center (TAMC), Honolulu, HI Madigan Army Medical Center (MAMC), Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC), Fort Sam Houston, TX Womack Army Medical Center (WAMC), Fort Bragg, NC Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC), Washington DC William Beaumont Army Medical Center (WBAMC), Fort Bliss, TX Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center (DAMC), Fort Hood, TX Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center (DDEAMC), Fort Gordon, GA Winn Army Community Hospital (WACH), Fort Stewart, GA Bayne-Jones Army Community Hospital (BJACH), Fort Polk, LA NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 28 Your BNC will discuss NSTP with you during your fall semester counseling prior to the summer you are eligible to attend. Your BNC may provide you with an NSTP application or you can access it on the Cadet Command website (Your PMS or HRT should be able to help you). You must complete an NSTP application and provide all supporting documentation (BLS card, immunization records) in order to be reserved a spot. Applications are generally due in December. Ensure the application is sent directly to your BNC. It is highly advised that you carry a copy of the entire packet to your NSTP site. Furthermore, prior to attending your NSTP training you will receive a welcome packet from the MTF you are assigned. If you do not receive a packet by May please inform your BNC. If you are attending “NSTP Only” or go to NSTP before LDAC, ensure your flight itinerary is sent to the POC at the MTF so they can plan for your arrival. Also, please ensure that you provide an e-mail and phone number that you can be reached at during the summer on your NSTP application. If there are any changes to your contact information, notify your BNC. When you arrive to your MTF, ensure you have a valid military ID. Also, bring a copy of all immunizations and your BLS card. If you have issues that arise while attending NSTP, contact your BNC immediately. We cannot help you if we do not know that anything is wrong. Before attending NSTP, make sure to visit the NSTP website on AKO. If you are unable to find access to the website, contact your BNC to provide you with the information on the AKO site. This includes site information from each of the training sites, requirements, applications and handbooks for NSTP. NSTP Home site NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 29 SECTION G REASONS TO CONTACT YOUR NURSE COUNSELOR NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 30 Reasons to Contact your Nurse Counselor 1. Academic Progression: You must keep your Professor of Military Science (PMS) and the BNC informed of any academic issues that may change your graduation date. Academic failure will postpone your advancement in the ROTC program as well as your nursing studies. Also, keep your CC Form 104-R updated identifying classes completed and those needed for graduation. 2. HT/WT/APFT Standards: You must pass the APFT and meet the height and weight standards to contract and receive ROTC benefits. Furthermore, you must continue to meet the standard to participate in Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC) and commission. If you are unable to pass an APFT or fall outside of the height/weight standards, you will not be allowed to attend LDAC nor NSTP. This may be a cause for disenrollment from the Army ROTC program. Because not meeting the standard may prevent you from progressing in your ROTC training you must keep the BNC informed if you are having difficulty in this area. 3. Profile/Injuries: If you have an injury that will prevent you from participating in required ROTC events, inform your BNC immediately. 4. Questions or Problems: Keep your BNC as well as your chain of command informed of any difficulties you may be experiencing. If not informed, we cannot help you. Furthermore, look at your BNC as your link to the Active Duty Nurse Corps. If you have questions, ask. Your BNC can be reached by phone or e-mail for any questions or concerns you may have. 5. Change of Contact Information: If your contact information changes notify your BNC. Also, ensure your BNC has an e-mail and phone number that you will use during breaks and holidays if it is different from your primary contact information. NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 31 SECTION H YOUR FUTURE IN THE ARMY NURSE CORPS NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 32 ARMY NURSE vs. CIVILIAN PROFESSIONAL Compare Your Future Civilian Professional Army Officer VACATION Two weeks per Year 30 Days per Year SICK LEAVE Limited Unlimited, with full pay and allowances MEDICAL/ DENTAL Possible Professional Discount FREE TRAVEL At Own Expense Military facilities around the world and space available flights overseas RECREATION At Own Expense Officers Club, golf courses, fitness centers, etc. at reduced rates. Planned family activities CONTINUED EDUCATION Possible Reimbursement Programs available for tuition Army pays 100% of all tuition cost RETIREMENT Social Security at 62 and own retirement plan Eligible for retirement after 20 yrs. Active service PAY RAISES As determined by civilian institution Automatic raises every 2 years SHOPPING Civilian stores Reduced prices at Base Exchange and Commissary, Garden Shop, etc. RELOCATION ALLOWANCE At Own expense Household goods moved government expense, plus moving allowances LIFE INSURANCE At Own expense $400,000 term policy for only $27 per month JOB SECURITY Seniority lost when relocating SECURE! Your security moves with you NURSE CADET HANDBOOK 33 Army Nurse Corps Life Cycle Model NURSE CADET HANDBOOK