Environmental Management Systems in the Public Sector Paul White Phil Morton White Young Green Environmental November 2007 www.wyg.com Outline EMS in the Government estate EMS in local authorities Workshop exercise – Environmental aspects in a local authority Government-funded EMS support packages www.wyg.com EMS in the Government Estate www.wyg.com Some WYG Public Sector Projects Border & Immigration Agency, SOGE reporting and EMS implementation Defence Estates Sustainability appraisals Funded EMS projects www.wyg.com Government Sustainable Operations Targets PRIORITY AREA TARGETS CARBON EMISSIONS FROM OFFICES Reverse the current upward trend in carbon emissions by April 2007. Reduce carbon emissions by 12.5% by 2010/11, relative to 1999/2000 levels. Reduce carbon emissions by 30% by 2020, relative to 1999/2000 levels. CARBON EMISSIONS FROM ROAD VEHICLES CLIMATE CHANGE & ENERGY Reduce carbon emissions from road vehicles used for Government administrative operations by 15% by 2010/11, relative to 2005/2006 levels. CARBON NEUTRAL Central Government’s office estate to be carbon neutral by 2012. ENERGY EFFICIENCY Departments to increase their energy efficiency per m2 by 15% by 2010, relative to 1999/2000 levels. Departments to increase their energy efficiency per m2 by 30% by 2020, relative to 1999/2000 levels. www.wyg.com Government Sustainable Operations Targets PRIORITY AREA TARGETS WASTE ARISINGS Departments to reduce their waste arisings by 5% by 2010, relative to 2004/05 levels. SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION & PRODUCTION Departments to reduce their waste arisings by 25% by 2020, relative to 2004/05 levels. RECYCLING Departments to increase their recycling figures to 40% of their waste arisings by 2010. Departments to increase their recycling figures to 75% of their waste arisings by 2020. BIODIVERSITY NATURAL RESOURCE PROTECTION Departments to meet or exceed the aim of having 95% of SSSIs in sole ownership or control in target condition by 2010. WATER CONSUMPTION Reduce water consumption by 25% on the office and non-office estate by 2020, relative to 2004/05 levels. Reduce water consumption to an average of 3m3 per person/year for all new office builds or major office refurbishments. www.wyg.com Government Sustainable Operations Targets ‘Government to mandate’ targets: “Departments to work towards an accredited certified environmental management system (EMS) i.e. ISO 14001 or EMAS” www.wyg.com Government EMS Performance 2006 Department Total no. of offices/sites No. of offices/sites with EMS % EMS coverage achieved by site/offices Reported % of total staff covered by EMS A3 target met? CO 16 10 62.5% 75 N DCLG 20 19 95.0% 84 N DfES 5 0 0.0% 0 N DFID 2 2 100.0% 100 Y DfT 1082 26 2.4% 76 N DH 30 7 23.3% 70 N DTI 21 17 81.0% 83 N DWP 1473 1473 100.0% 100 Y ECGD 2 1 50.0% NK N FSA 7 2 28.6% 100 N 678 1 0.1% 17 N HMT 1 1 100.0% 100 Y LOD 96 2 2.1% 2 N ONS 6 6 100.0% 100 Y 3439 1567 45.6% HMRC Total offices www.wyg.com 4/14 Government EMS Performance 2006 Department Total no. of offices/sites No. of offices/sites with EMS % EMS coverage achieved by site/offices Reported % of total staff covered by EMS A3 target met? DCA 866 5 0.6% 4 N DCMS 15 13 86.7% 100 Y Defra 82 36 43.9% 82 N FC 53 0 0.0% 0 N FCO 6 3 50.0% 91 N HO 1509 36 2.4% 14 N MOD 4000 163 4.1% 80 N Total offices 3439 1567 45.6% Data source: Sustainable Development in Government, Annual Report 2006 (SDC, February 2007) www.wyg.com 4/14 Government EMS Performance 2006 Why is performance low? www.wyg.com EMS in Local Authorities www.wyg.com Source: EMAS.org.uk www.wyg.com 0 1 United Kingdom 7 Sweden 30 Spain Slovenia Slovak Republic Portugal Poland Norway Netherlands Malta Luxembourg Lithuania 10 Latvia 60 Italy Ireland 2 Hungary 2 Greece 80 Germany France Finland Estonia 9 10 Denmark Czech Republic 10 Cyprus 20 Belgium Austria EMAS Public Authorities by Country 22/10/07 100 90 75 70 59 50 40 27 18 7 Workshop Exercise Evaluating Environmental Aspects for Significance in a Local Authority Using the case study Local Authority: 1. How will you identify your aspects and impacts? 2. Critique the methods provided – Criteria, Qualitative and Quantitative based approaches for this application 3. Try to come up with your own approach considering the unique challenges to a Local Authority – e.g. stakeholders, strategy, the sheer number of activities and services, etc. 4. Write up on the flip chart paper provided and prepare to feed back to the group www.wyg.com Public-Funded EMS Projects www.wyg.com Public-funded EMS projects GreenLINCS www.greenlincs.co.uk BREW EMS project Using EMS as a tool for supply chain management www.wyg.com The BS 8555/Acorn Phased Approach Phase 6: EMS acknowledgement Environmental Management in Bite Sized Chunks Phase 5: Checking, audit & review Phase 4: Implementation & operation Phase 3: Developing objectives, targets & programmes Phase 2: Compliance with legal & other requirements Phase 1: Securing commitment & establishing the baseline www.wyg.com Possible solutions… Pilot a BS 8555 EMS, in a manageable area of your operations, incorporating the SOGE targets if a Government agency, or targets relevant to your local authority Public or privately funded projects to increase EMS take-up in the supply chain www.wyg.com Open discussion… What can be done to increase take-up of EMS in public sector? What methodology best suits the public sector? www.wyg.com Thanks for listening Any questions? Paul White Phil Morton 07795 426816 07920 756628 paul.white@wyg.com phil.morton@wyg.com www.wyg.com