1501 IT 102 HOB Microcomputer Fundamentals Fall Quarter 2014

1501 IT 102 HOB
Microcomputer Fundamentals
Fall Quarter 2014
Class meetings:
Office Hours:
5:30pm – 9:30pm
Edward J Hawkins II (Mr. Hawkins)
4:00pm – 5:00pm or by appointment
ehawkins@tacomacc.edu (best contact method)
Open Lab!
Open Lab: Friday 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Course Description
This course provides concepts and hands-on experience in understanding and supporting a
Windows-based microcomputer. Topics include microprocessors, system architecture, system
boards, expansion cards, memory, input/output devices, and peripherals. The student learns how
to build, configure, and troubleshoot a personal computer. The objectives of the course are based
on those of the A+ Hardware Core Certification Exam.
Prerequisite(s): CU 100 with a grade of C or higher. Or Program Chair permission.
College Wide Student Learning Outcomes
Tacoma Community College has identified six college-wide student learning outcomes that form
the foundation of our educational emphasis: 1) communication (COM), 2) critical thinking &
problem-solving (CRT), 3) responsibility & ethics (RSP), 4) information & information
technology (IIT), and 5) living & working cooperatively (LWC).
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course requirements for the AAS degree in Networking and
Convergence Technologies, students will:
Demonstrate effective verbal and written communication skills necessary in information
Function professionally, ethically and effectively as an information technology team
member within an organization, including time management
Use critical thinking skills by researching, formulating algorithms and applying the
System Development Life Cycle to information technology issues
Take responsibility for their own lifelong learning including anticipation and adaptation
to ever-changing environments
Demonstrate an integrated, comprehensive proficiency in the content area of information
technology and interpolate this knowledge to the real world
Course & Student Learning Objectives: Upon successfully completing this course the student
will have an understanding of the following:
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Identify Microsoft operating system functions, structure and recognize system file types.
Define and explain terms, concepts and technologies applied to Microsoft operating
systems. (CRT, IIT)
Demonstrate skills needed to document processes, install and update Microsoft operating
systems. (COM, CRT, IIT)
Demonstrate the ability to navigate and access Microsoft operating systems components
and applications. (CRT, IIT)
Demonstrate basic networking skills by creating and using shares both locally and
remotely on a small network. (CRT, IIT)
Identify the relationship between device drivers, installing new hardware, and the
interaction between the device drivers and the operating system. (CRT, IIT)
Prepare for the A+ Certification testing. (CRT, IIT)
Exemplify effective interpersonal skills involving teamwork, professionalism and ethical
behavior. (COM, IIT, LWC, RES)
Construct critical questions to identify needs, research solutions, isolate technical
problems by applying the troubleshooting process to technical issues and business needs.
Recognize best practices for maintaining safety in a technical environment and how to
address environmental issues and hazards. (COM, IIT, LWC, RES)
Web Site
Each week I will post the weeks assignments on the course Canvas website. The syllabus,
lectures, calendar, class announcements, weekly quizzes, exams, and supplementary information
for the course will all be available here.
Textbooks & Supplemental Materials
CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Jean Andrews, 8th Edition
CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC Lab Manual, Jean Andrews, 8th
ISBN for Required Books: 9781285481951 (Bundle ISBN at the TCC Bookstore)
Your performance will be evaluated based
upon the following categories.
Weekly Activities
Group Project
Your grade will be based on the following
Letter Grade
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Preparation for Class
Each week I will post readings from the text and other sources, as well as videos and podcasts, in
the weekly lessons folder in Canvas. You are expected to be familiar with this material prior to
I will provide you with feedback about your performance in the course as needed. However, if
you have special needs or are having problems with meeting course requirements it is your
responsibility to let me know.
Late Work
Assignments should be completed by the date/time assigned. You are responsible for checking
the weekly lesson listing and the course calendar for due dates.
Class Attendance and Participation
You are expected to attend class, be prepared for class, contribute to class discussions, ask
questions, and work with other students in a team. Due to the potential flu season disruptions
you are expected to stay home if ill and communicate via email regarding your condition.
Lab Exercises
Students will work as a two person team to complete all labs. Labs are a hands-on activity. Each
lab assignment will require you to complete a lab written activity. You will be graded on the
completeness of the lab write-ups. A rubric will be provided to help guide you in completing
the lab write-ups.
Team Project
The class will be divided into small teams that will complete the same project. The project
consists of research and hands-on activities. Successful completion of the project includes a
presentation and supporting documentation presented during the last week of class; see the
course calendar for the schedule.
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly quizzes are based on the information(s) being covered during the previous week.
Midterm Exam
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The midterm exam will be available online and based on ALL assigned reading, lectures,
textbook, labs and other assignments in the course presented through the week of the exam. See
the calendar for the date of the exam.
Final Exam
The final exam will be online and based on ALL material from assigned reading, lectures,
textbook, labs and other assignments in the course. See the calendar for the date of the exam.
Extra Credit
There are two opportunities for extra credit:
 The T-Zone PC Clinic – You can receive 10 points for participation in either the morning
session (9 am – 12 pm) or the afternoon session (12 pm to 3 pm).
 Research Paper up to 10 points – only for those who cannot attend the T-Zone
Hardware based topic; i.e. comparing vendors, systems, processors, etc. A template for
the paper will be posted on Canvas. The paper must be a minimum of 1200 words,
double space, 12 pt font, .5 first line indents, and include APA style citations and
reference page with a minimum of three references. The paper must be submitted via the
Canvas dropbox by the last day of classes for the quarter.
Class Policies
 Be on time for class – latecomers are a disturbance to the class.
 No food, drink or children are permitted in classrooms at any time.
 Cell phone use and texting are not permitted during class. You will be asked to leave if
your cell phone rings.
 Computer use, except for classroom activities is not permitted during class.
 Please be considerate of fellow students learning needs and communicate in a
professional manner.
 At the end of class please cleanup your lab station and place all equipment in orderly
state for the next user or session.
 Academic Dishonesty: Academic dishonesty includes (1) cheating, (2) plagiarism, (3)
fabrication, and (4) academic misconduct. Cheating is an act of deception by which the
student misrepresents that he or she has mastered information on an academic exercise
that in fact has not been mastered. Plagiarism is the inclusion of someone else’s words,
ideas or data as one’s own work without acknowledgment. Fabrication is the intentional
use of invented information or the falsification of research or other findings with the
intent to deceive. Academic misconduct is the intentional violation of a college policy.
Acts of academic dishonesty are sufficient grounds for earning a grade of “E” in the
course. In this course, if an assignment, quiz or exam is verified as academically
dishonest, the student will receive zero (0) points for that assignment, quiz or exam. Two
such instances will result in the student receiving a course grade of “E.” The complete
Administrative Procedure for Academic Dishonesty is available on the TCC website at:
 Drop and Withdrawal: Students may withdraw from the class before the 50th calendar
day of the quarter following the procedures detailed in the TCC Catalog. Withdrawal
before the 11th day of the quarter does not require an instructor’s signature. Withdrawal
between the 11th and 50th day of the quarter requires an instructor’s signature and results
in a grade of “WI” for the class. Saving a grade point average is not a valid reason to
withdraw. For other situations and/or circumstances affecting withdrawal, please see the
TCC Catalog and the instructor.
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Students with Special Needs: All students are responsible for all requirements of the
class, but the way they meet these requirements may vary. If you need specific auxiliary
aids or services due to a disability, please contact the Access Services office in Building 7
(253-566-5328). They will require you to present formal, written documentation of your
disability from an appropriate professional. When this step has been completed,
arrangements will be made for you to receive reasonable auxiliary aids or services. The
disability accommodation documentation prepared by Access Services must be given to
me before the accommodation is needed so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
Approved Excuse: An approved excuse is defined as an excuse pre-approved by your
instructor, a death in your immediate family, or a severe illness to yourself or a member
of your immediate family. In the cases of a death or a severe illness, a written verification
by a third party may be required upon your return to class.
Please note that the terms of this syllabus and associated schedule are subject to change.
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