22 April 2009
Regional Transport Strategy
Approved by ministers in July 2008
Our vision for transport underpins our objectives and actions:
“A transport system for the north east of Scotland which enables a more economically competitive, sustainable, and socially inclusive society.”
RTS Action Plans and Studies
Action Plan / Study
Health and Transport Action Plan
Bus Action Plan
Freight Action Plan
Travel Planning Strategy
Rail Action Plan
Access from the South
Access from the North
AWPR Locking in the Benefits
Haudagain Study
High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes
Progress to date
Complete and being implemented by Joint
Public Sector Group
Final Draft available on Nestrans website
Final Draft available on Nestrans website
Draft available on Nestrans website
Currently being developed
Complete and being taken forward
Complete and being taken forward
Complete and sent to Transport Minister
Study ongoing due to complete this summer
Developing a Delivery Plan
Lots of priorities and actions emerging from the action plans and studies
However there are a number of constraints to delivery:
– Only so much money available
– Other partners have their own priorities and projects
Nestrans is developing a Delivery Plan to prioritise our spending and align with partner priorities.
Jenny will discuss later how this is being done and the input we are asking for from you.
Other issues affecting Nestrans work
Aberdeen City and Shire Structure Plan
– Planning for significant growth in the region
– Significant implications for transport provision
Local Development Plans
Single Outcome Agreements
– Now the responsibility of Community
Planning Partnerships of which Nestrans is a partner
– 15 National Outcomes
None directly related to transport
BUT transport influences 13 of them
Strategic Transport Projects Review
20 Year Plan beginning around 2012
Projects categorised as follows:
– Maintaining and safely operating existing assets
– Making better use of existing capacity
– Targeted infrastructure improvements
Prior government commitments for the North East:
– Balmedie to Tipperty
– Haudagain
– Aberdeen to Inverness rail improvements
North East projects included within the STPR
A96 & A90(S) Park and Ride
Kintore station assessment
A96 improvements including Inveramsay Bridge
A90 improvements Ellon North
Road safety improvements and rail improvements
– including express rail services to Edinburgh &
Eventual (probably beyond the plan) electrification of the rail line south and double tracking at Montrose
BUT Scottish Government national priorities are:
– Forth Crossing
– Edinburgh to Glasgow rail line
– Inverness to Central Belt rail line
– Aberdeen to Inverness rail line
Key Achievements: Bus
New bus stations at Peterhead and
Increase in bus passenger numbers on Quality Bus Corridors
Introduction of Service 80 Dyce Airlink
– National Integrated Ticketing
Key achievements: Rail
Enhanced rail timetable for the north east cutting journey times and overcrowding to
Laurencekirk Station under construction, due to open May
New rail freight facilities at
Craiginches and Raiths completed
Rail Gauge Enhancement -
Elgin to Mossend completed
Key achievements: Rail cont…
Timetable improvements Inverurie /
Aberdeen (December 2008)
– Service enhancements Aberdeen-
– Service enhancements Aberdeen-
Central belt
– Eventual electrification
– Kintore Station identified as a national scheme
– All contributing to objectives of
Key achievements: Park and Ride and Parking
Sites identified at A96
Bucksburn and A90(S)
(Portlethen) – design work underway
City centre parking signage enhancement and variable message signage
– Sites on A90 and A96 identified as national schemes
Key achievements: Road
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
PLI completed
– Two councils supporting purchase of land & relocations
Balmedie to Tipperty Public Local
Inquiry in August 2009
Commitment from Minister to fix and pay for Haudagain before reverting to
Haudagain Study delivered to Minister
Renewed commitments from Minister for these projects at STPR announcement and meeting with
Nestrans Board
Key achievements: Road cont…
Market Street, College Street and Berryden demolitions
South College Street - summer 2009 subject to funding
– in advance of Union Street pedestrianisation proposals
– A90 Ellon to NE communities improvements
– A96 safety and environmental improvements
– A96 Inveramsay Bridge
– General safety improvements (local push for Laurencekirk junction)
Key Achievements: Ports
Improvements at Aberdeen Harbour
– Additional rail sidings at Waterloo
– Deepening of harbour entrance
Improvements at Peterhead Harbour
– Recognition as a deep water opportunity in NPF2
– Extensions to the quayside are underway
Coming Year
Laurencekirk Station re-opening May 2009
Improved access to airport (particularly public transport and taxis)
Strategic road safety improvements
Structural repairs to Bervie Bridge
Firm engineering proposals for Kintore Station
Aberdeen Rail Station upgrading
Core paths and cycle routes
Improvements at Peterhead Harbour
Airport resurfacing and extension phase 1
Continued support of the service 80 Dyce Airlink service
Interchange improvements
Within Next 6-7 Years
Balmedie to Tipperty
Improved access to Airport
Park and Ride at A96
Park and Ride at A90 (S)
Park and Ride at A93 Banchory
Pedestrianisation of Union Street
Improved bus reliability
Improved train service (Aberdeen to Inverness improvements)
Kintore Station
Airport upgrades and runway extension
Improved train times Aberdeen to Glasgow/Edinburgh
Better/safer cycling/walking
Other issues
Aberdeen Airport
– Competition Commission
– Economic Regulation
London rail services
– Office of Rail Regulator review of capacity down south
Bus guidance from the Scottish Government
– Quality Partnerships
– Bus Punctuality Improvement Partnerships
European projects
– Motorways of the Sea
– Low emissions zone
Travel Planning and active travel
– Don to be discussing this later
Monitoring progress
The Nestrans Board have agreed indicators and targets
The first monitoring report is to be discussed at the next Board meeting
Monitoring report will be published within the Nestrans Annual Report
A likely topic of the next NETCF meeting
Jennifer Anderson
Transport Executive (Programmes)
Regional Transport Strategy – Approved July 08:
Defines the vision, issues, objectives and strategy proposals
Delivery Plan:
Prioritised and costed actions to efficiently and effectively achieve the
Regional Strategy
Regional Transport Strategy
Reference Case Projects
Key Projects Additional to Reference Case
(from March 07 RTS)
Access to Aberdeen from the South
AWPR – Locking in the Benefits
A90/A96 Haudagain Junction Improvements
Park & Ride Studies
Access from the North (ongoing)
Action Plans
Health & Transport
Other Sources
Strategic Transport Project
Building on Energy
(Economic Action Plan)
Aberdeen City and Shire
Structure Plan
Travel Planning Strategy
Step 2 - Sift / Sort Actions
Remove Duplicates
Sort into Groups: a) Completed Projects b) Projects by Partners c) Projects with Nestrans Involvement d) Liaison / Guidance
Designate Hierarchy: a) National b) Regional c) Local
To enhance and exploit the north east’s competitive economic advantages, and reduce the impacts of peripherality.
To make the movement of goods and people within the north east and to/from the area more efficient and reliable.
To improve the range and quality of transport to/from the north east to key business destinations.
To improve connectivity within the north east, particularly between residential and employment areas.
Accessibility, safety and social inclusion
To enhance choice, accessibility and safety of transport, particularly for disadvantaged and vulnerable members of society and those living in areas where transport options are limited.
To enhance travel opportunities and achieve sustained cost and quality advantages for public transport relative to the car.
To reduce the number and severity of traffic related accidents and improve personal safety and security for all users of transport.
To achieve increased use of active travel and improve air quality as part of wider strategies to improve the health of north east residents.
To conserve and enhance the north east’s natural and built environment and heritage and reduce the effects of transport on climate and air quality.
To reduce the proportion of journeys made by cars and especially by single occupant cars.
To reduce the environmental impacts or transport, in line with national targets.
To reduce growth in vehicle kilometres travelled.
Spatial planning
To support transport integration and a strong, vibrant and dynamic city centre and town centres across the north east.
To improve connectivity to and within Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire towns, especially by public transport, walking and cycling.
To encourage integration of transport and spatial planning and improve connections between transport modes and services.
To enhance public transport opportunities and reduce barriers to use across the north east, especially rural areas.
Regional Transport Strategy (March 2007 Interventions)
Action Plans
Other Studies
Time Period for Delivery Plan:
Short Term:
2010 - 2011, 2011 - 2012 and 2012 - 2013
Medium Term:
2013 - 2017
Long Term:
2017 - 2021
Funding Sources
Partner Commitments a) Scottish Government – STPR b) Council Programmes c) Private Organisations – Harbour, Rail, Air
Nestrans Budget – annual allocations from Gov and Councils
(Current year Revenue = £1.2M, Capital = £3.4M)
Other Funding Sources a) European Bids b) Scottish Government Grants
Timescale Considerations:
1. Pre / post AWPR
2. Necessary Processes: a) Feasibility studies b) Design Processes c) Planning Applications d) Land Acquisition
What are Your Views for Prioritisation of Actions?
Are there Priorities amongst the RTS Objectives (Economy; Accessibility,
Safety and Social Inclusion; Environment and Spatial Planning)
Equal spread or priorities amongst various strands of the Regional Transport
Strategy (External / Internal Connection by Mode, Travel Behaviour and
Incentives and Enforcement)
Larger Scale Schemes with greatest potential impact
Quick win smaller scale schemes, but with lesser impact
Concentrate on Structure Plan development corridors
Achieve a spread across the North East
Next Steps
Continue to develop the Delivery Plan with assistance from Local
Authority Officers
Incorporate Feedback from NETCF workshops
Progress reports and Approval from Nestrans Board
Consideration by Councils
• Smarter Choices is patchy in Scotland
• Travel plans are monitored sporadically and inconsistently
• There is no consistent standard for travel plans in the
North East
• Infrastructure cannot solve problems without cultural change
• There is a strong car/infrastructure culture in the North
• Consistent resources have not been allocated to travel plans
• Obesity and weight related problems are increasing
• Social exclusion affects about 25% of the North
East’s population
• 80% Co2 cuts are impossible without a large contribution from transport
• The AWPR will give a one off opportunity to re order the transport priorities of the city and promote a city which people want to visit rather than have to
• No lead organisation
• Consensus before decision
• Individual activities under 1 brand
• Flexible and responsive
• Standard, easily understood travel plan builder
• Consistent across both authorities
• Linked to monitor for the first time in British isles
• Will produce monitoring reports easily and in many configurations
• Interactive
• Members section – The Getabout club
• Competitions and promotions
• Kept up to date and relevant
• Getabout by rail – section on local rail services
• Getabout by car share – re branded lift share site
• Bebo/Facebook sites to compliment, and facility for the public to upload photos and video clips
• The attractive public facing information site
• Raise the Standard – the launch event
• Flag leaves Old Meldrum
• On Bike to Inverurie Station
• Train To Dyce
• Car share to Bridge of Don
• Bus to Castlegate Square
• 30 Children of Hanover St
School walk to Town House
• Present the standard to Chair of Nestrans
• Bling their boots
• Raising the standard of
• 6 days of fun
• Belmont Street Aberdeen
• Inverurie Academy
• Kirkhill Industrial estate
• University of Aberdeen
• Hazelhead Academy
• The Queen
• Sean Connery
• Lewis Hamilton
• Billy Connelly
• Marilyn Monroe
• Jack Sparrow
• Professional photo shoot , Bikes,
Cabriolet, Bus Station, North link
Ferry, Station
• Then an afternoon on the buses in
City and Shire!
• Prizes and fun when a celebrity gets on your bus !
• Thursday Transport Day
• 3 All day events
• Aboyne Academy
• Portlethen ASDA
• Trinity Mall
• With the Carbon Gym
• and a staff of 5
• Breakfasts to market Travel Plan builder to Businesses
• Events every month , Bike2Work day, Lift share day,
European mobility week etc
• The Get about kit allows partners to pick up equipment and run events everywhere
• Interactive and information packed website
• Rail and car share sites re branded Getabout and incorporated in website
• Evaluate progress and plan for 2010/11
• Getabout is all about cultural change everybody is influenced by the current cultural norm in particular decision makers and the poor – so
How do we get people to see their car as a form of transport and not the form of transport
Senior Managers and politicians are critical to the process how do we get them on board when they are subject to the same cultural drives and everybody else and usually have reserved parking etc how do we influence their decision making?
The poor have more need of active travel (to get them to jobs, training and health care) yet are the least likely to cycle and have limited Public Transport horizons – how do we influence them?