Department of Computer Engineering Decisions 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers Department of Computer Engineering Objectives Students should: • Be able to use Java conditional constructs, including if, if-else, and switch, as well as the nested version of those constructs correctly. • Be able to perform equality testing suitable with each primitive data type. • Be able to design programs that require the inclusion of decisions. 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 2 Department of Computer Engineering Conditional constructs • Provide – Control whether statements listed is executed. • Two constructs if 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 3 Department of Computer Engineering ‘If’ Construct • Syntax if (Test Expression) Action • Action is either a single statement or a group of statements within braces. Test Expression • If the boolean of Test Expression is true then execute Action. • Otherwise, the program will skip over Action to the next statements, if there are any. true Action 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY false 4 Department of Computer Engineering Example if (d < 0) { d = -d; } Is our number negative? d<0 If d is less than zero then we need to update its value to that of its additive inverse true false d = -d If d is not less than zero then our number is fine as is Our number is now definitely nonnegative 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 5 Department of Computer Engineering Sorting two values import*; public class ShowInOrder { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { double d1,d2,temp; BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.print("Enter the 1 st. number:"); d1 = Double.parseDouble(stdin.readLine()); System.out.print("Enter the 2 nd. number:"); d2 = Double.parseDouble(stdin.readLine()); if(d1 > d2){ temp = d1; d1 = d2; d2 = temp; } System.out.println("Showing the numbers from small to large."); System.out.println(d1+", "+d2); } } 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 6 Department of Computer Engineering If semantics Rearrange d1 and d2 to put their values in the proper order d2 < d1 true false temp = d1; d1 = d2; d2 = temp; The numbers were rearranged into the proper order The numbers were initially in order 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 7 Department of Computer Engineering ‘If-else’ Construct • Syntax if (Test Expression) Action1 else Action2 • If Test Expression is true then execute Action1 otherwise execute Action2 Test Expression true false Action1 Action2 • The actions are either a single statement or a list of statements within braces 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 8 Department of Computer Engineering Finding the maximum of two values import*; public class PrintBiggerNumber { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { double d1,d2,bigger; BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.print("Enter the 1 st. number:"); d1 = Double.parseDouble(stdin.readLine()); System.out.print("Enter the 2 nd. number:"); d2 = Double.parseDouble(stdin.readLine()); if(d1 < d2) bigger = d2; else bigger = d1; System.out.println("The bigger number is "+bigger); } } 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 9 Department of Computer Engineering Finding the maximum of two values (2) Is d2 larger than d1 Yes, it is . So d2 is larger than d1. In this case, bigger is set to d2 No, its not. So d1 is at least as large as d2. In this case, bigger is set to d1 d1 < d2 false true bigger = value2 bigger = value1 Either case, bigger is set correctly 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 10 Department of Computer Engineering Nested If Construct • Syntax An if statement if(Test Expression 1) if(Test Expression2) Action Another if statement nested inside the first one. This if statement is just one of valid Java statements. Or, if(Test Expression 1){ if(Test Expression 2){ Action } } 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 11 Department of Computer Engineering More Complex if(Test Expression 1){ Action1 else{ can also be if(Test Expression 2){ written as Action2 }else{ if(Test Expression 3){ Action3 } } } if(Test Expression 1) Action1 else if(Test Expression 2) Action2 else if(Test Expression 3) Action3 See example program, FunnyEncoder 2 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 12 Department of Computer Engineering Use Braces to Avoid Coding Confusions • Consider the following code segment. if(p) System.out.println("A"); if(q) System.out.println("B"); else{ System.out.println("C"); } • What will the program print out when: p is false and q is true? 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 13 Department of Computer Engineering Use Braces to Avoid Coding Confusions • Consider the following code segment. if(p) System.out.println("A"); if(q) System.out.println("B"); else{ System.out.println("C"); } • What will the program print out when: p is false and q is true? 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 14 Department of Computer Engineering Use Braces to Avoid Coding Confusions (2) • Better if(p){ System.out.println("A"); } if(q){ System.out.println("B"); }else{ System.out.println("C"); } 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 15 Department of Computer Engineering The ?: Operator • An if statement can sometimes be replaced by the ? : operator • Syntax Test Expression ? Expression1 : Expression2 • If Test Expression is true, the value of the whole expression is equivalent to the value of Expression1. • If Test Expression is false, the value of the whole expression is equivalent to the value of Expression2. 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 16 Department of Computer Engineering Example int bigger = (intA > intB) ? intA : intB; is equivalent to: int bigger; if(intA > intB){ bigger = intA; else{ bigger = intB; } 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 17 Department of Computer Engineering Equality Testing • Consider int a = 1; int b = 1; System.out.println("a and b are "+((a==b)?"equal.":"not equal.")); //comparing char char c1 = 'z'; char c2 = 'z'; System.out.println("c1 and c2 are "+((c1==c2)?"equal.":"not equal.")); //comparing double double d1 = 1.44; doubled2 = 1.44; System.out.println("d1 and d2 are "+((d1==d2)?"equal.":"not equal.")); //comparing double double d3 = 0.9; double d4 = 0.3+0.3+0.3; System.out.println("d3 and d4 are "+((d3==d4)?"equal.":"not equal.")); System.out.println("d3="+d3); System.out.println("d4="+d4); 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 18 Department of Computer Engineering Equality Testing • We can see that a and b are equal, c1 and c2 are equal, as well as d1 and d2 are equal as expected. • However, d3 and d4 are not while they should. The reason lies in the limitation in representing floating points with binary representation. • To compare whether two floating point values are equal, we instead test whether the difference between them are small enough. Thus, two values, x and y, are said to be equal as long as |x-y| < ε, where ε is a small tolerance value. 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 19 Department of Computer Engineering Example • Consider public class EqualityTesting2 { public static void main(String[] args) { double d3, d4; final double MAX_DIFF = 1e-10; d3 = 0.9; d4 = 0.3+0.3+0.3; System.out.println("d3="+d3); System.out.println("d4="+d4); boolean isEqual = (Math.abs(d3-d4)<MAX_DIFF)? true : false; System.out.println("d3 and d4 are "+(isEqual?"equal.":"not equal.")); } } 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 20 Department of Computer Engineering Example 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 21 Department of Computer Engineering String Equality Testing • Consider System.out.print("Enter a string: "); String s1 = stdin.readLine(); System.out.print("Enter another string: "); String s2 = stdin.readLine(); if (s1 == s2) { System.out.println("Same"); } else { System.out.println("Different"); } • What is the output if the user enters “test” both times? 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 22 Department of Computer Engineering String Equality Testing s1 “Test” False!! s2 “Test” s1 == s2 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 23 Department of Computer Engineering String Equality Testing • To compare whether two String objects carry similar character sequences, a method called equals() is used. • Consider String s1 String s2 boolean p boolean q = = = = “Viva Java”; “Viva Java”; s1.equals(s2); (s1==s2); • The boolean variable p is true, while q is false. 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 24 Department of Computer Engineering ‘Switch’ Constructs • Java provides a conditional construct that selects which code segment to be executed from a number of them based on an integer value. • E.g. a value of type int, char, 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 25 Department of Computer Engineering ‘Switch’ Constructs (2) • Syntax switch(SwitchExpression){ case Case1 : Action1 break; case Case2 : Action2 break; Case1 : Action1 : : case CaseN : ActionN break; default : DefaultAction } SwitchExpression CaseN Case2 Action2 …. 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY Action N Default Default Action 26 Department of Computer Engineering ‘Switch’ Constructs (3) • When SwitchExpression is evaluated. The program flow jumps to the case whose associated CaseExpression equals to the value of SwitchExpression. • if the value of SwitchExpression does not match with any CaseExpression’s, the program flowjumps to default. • After that, the code below that point will be executed until a break command or the end of the switch block is reached. • When a break is reached, the program flow jumps to the closing braces of that switch statement immediately. 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 27 Department of Computer Engineering SwitchDemo import*; public class SwitchDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { int n; String stringToPrint; BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.print("Enter an integer from 1-4"); n = Integer.parseInt(stdin.readLine()); 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 28 Department of Computer Engineering SwitchDemo switch(n){ case 1: stringToPrint break; case 2: stringToPrint break; case 3: stringToPrint break; case 4: stringToPrint break; default: stringToPrint } = "*"; = "* *"; = "* * *"; = "* * * *"; = "Integer out of range."; 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 29 Department of Computer Engineering SwitchDemo System.out.println(stringToPrint); } } 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 30 Department of Computer Engineering SwitchDemo2 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 31 Department of Computer Engineering SwitchDemo2 See another example, BaseConverter 2140101 Computer Programming for International Engineers INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY 32