Jemma Rose The physiological effects of nitrate supplementation when exercising at altitude HEPH04 20033556 Introduction Larsen et al., (2007) explained the roles of nitrate oxide (NO) and the physiological effects and adaptations it has within the body. These effects include increasing blood flow to the working muscles, regulating muscle contractions and glucose uptake, reducing resting blood pressure and the oxygen demand during submaximal exercise in healthy individuals (Bailey et al., 2009 ; Larsen et al., 2007). NO is also an important modulator of blood flow and mitochondrial respiration during physical exercise. Nitrate supplementation has recently been studied for its potential to enhance exercise performance. The most commonly used source of nitrate is organic beetroot juice. Bailey et al., (2009) and Lansley et al., (2011) completed similar studies that examined the pulmonary and cardiovascular responses during progressive load cycling. Both studies used the same protocol of 500ml of beetroot juice for six consecutive days. Lansley et al., (2011) reported that the consumption of nitrate was associated with an improvement of the body’s efficiency to utilise oxygen. Both studies evidently show that the participant’s systolic blood pressure values decreased and they were able to prolong the time at which they reached exhaustion. Cermak et al ., (2008) study found supporting results from using 140ml beetroot juice for six consecutive days. The findings from this study reported a decrease of 3.5% and 5.1% oxygen consumption during submaximal exercise. These findings are 1 Jemma Rose significant in view of the traditional belief that exercise efficiency is resistant to significant change, particularly as efficiency has been found to be similar across training status (Moseley et al., 2004). Given that this is considered a key predictor of endurance exercise performance (Joyner and Coyle, 2008), there is potential for nitrate supplements to be used as ergogenic aids in endurance based activities. Maximal oxygen uptake decreases as altitude increases. Thus, VO2max decreases as the atmospheric pO2 drops below 131 mmHg, this generally occurs at an altitude of 1,500 to 1,600m. At altitudes of up to 5,000m, the decreased vo 2max is due to the reduced arterial PO2; at higher elevations, a decreased maximal cardiac output further limits the body’s overall efficiency to consume oxygen (Wilmore et al., 2008). This drop in pO2 also causes an increased heart rate and stroke volume resulting in a higher blood pressure and the individual to hyperventilate as each breath delivers less oxygen to the body. Due to this increase in respiratory, the cardiovascular response is to increase heart rate and stroke volume and a decrease in plasma volume (Wilmore et al., 2012). Alizadeh et al., (2012) explains these atmospheric changes can cause acute mountain sickness (AMS). AMS has been defined as developing two or more of the following symptoms: dizziness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and headaches. Burtscher (2005) explains AMS can also have a negative impact on an athlete’s ability to utilise their aerobic capacity resulting in a reduction in performance. Hahn and Gore, (2001) review of relevant literature also highlights the negative effect altitude can have on cycling as they reported a 6% decrease in performance. Therefore when oxygen availability is reduced unavoidably, as it is at high altitude, a potential mechanism to improve oxygen delivery to working tissues is necessary to 2 Jemma Rose increase blood flow (Bond et al., 2012). Many people train and live at high altitudes without pulmonary hypertension or cardiac hypertrophy, which suggests that another factor may intervene to maintain blood flow when the blood carries less oxygen and the usual vasoconstriction response increases pulmonary resistance (Brian et al., 2005), that factor is NO. NO is a vasodilator and can be found within the lungs, particularly among Tibetans (Ezurum et al., 2007). In order to enhance performance whilst training at high altitudes, nitrate supplementation has been used in an attempt to enhance the functions of NO. For example, supplementation with dietary nitrate sources or sodium nitrate has been shown to reduce blood pressure and improve an athlete’s ability to efficiently use utilise oxygen (Bond et al., 2012). The aim of this study was to examine the effects that beetroot supplementation had on the physiological components of cycling at altitude. It is hypothesized that after the nitrate supplementation period oxygen consumption will decrease and the RER and heart rate values will reduce. Method Subject characteristics Three healthy and moderately fit subjects (two females, one male) with a mean age (23) and body mass (74.13kg) completed the nitrate supplementation study. The subjects were asked to refrain from consuming alcohol and caffeine 24 hours prior to testing and nitrate high foods throughout the experimental period. The subjects were also asked to consume 1.5L of water the night before the experiment and 500ml the morning of the experiment to ensure they were hydrated. Each subject gave their 3 Jemma Rose informed consent and filled out a Par-Q form prior to the trail. The subjects were made aware they could withdraw from the study at any time. Protocol The experiment consisted of each subject cycling at 70 (RPM) for 30 minutes at a work rate of 3% body mass at 2660m altitude. The subjects completed this protocol twice, once as a baseline for all subjects and again after the subjects had completed the consumption of 500ml per day for six consecutive days of beetroot juice as a nitrate supplementation. Procedure After consent was provided from all the subjects, the preparation procedures began by the subjects providing: a urine sample for analysis (Osmochek, Vitech scientific Ltd. West Sussex, UK), nude body weight (Excell weight counting scale excel precision co ltd, Taiwan), Height (Seca medical measuring systems, Birmingham, UK), body fat percentage (Tanita multi-frequency body composition analyser MC180MA, Tanita corporation, Tokyo, Japan), heart rate monitor (Polar heart rate monitor, polar electro, Finland), taking an average blood pressure value from 3 readings (Digital automatic blood pressure monitor, MX2 basic, Omron, Kytoto, Japan) and a resting blood lactate measure taken from a capillary sample from the finger (YSI 2300 stat plus, YSI, Ohio, USA). The subject then made their way into the chamber which was set to 2660m (Climatic test chamber 201003-1, T.I.S services, Hampshire, UK) and onto the bike where a heart rate monitor was attached around their chest. The subjects then placed a cortex mask on that was attached to a pre calibrated gas analyser (cortex metalyser 3B, cortex, Leipzip, Germany). The subjects were required to pedal sub-maximally against 3% of their body weight, maintaining an average of 70 RPM continuously for 30minutes with the HR, RER, Vo2, VCo2 and RPE values being collected every 5 minutes. Once the subjects had reached the 15 minute mark, blood lactate and blood pressure values were both 4 Jemma Rose taken. All these measurements were repeated once the subjects had completed the experiment and then they were removed from the chamber. This procedure was then repeated 14 days later prior to the beetroot supplementation period. The beetroot supplementation period was consumed 7 days before retesting and the subjects were required to drink 500ml every morning after breakfast. This nitrate supplementation was to be part of the subject’s usual diet minus foods high in nitrate. To ensure the subjects diets were similar they were asked to keep a daily diary to record the foods/drinks they consumed. The subjects were then asked to replicate what they consumed two days prior to retesting. Data analysis Excel will be used in order to calculate the subjects average data values, STDEV and to design appropriate line graphs in order to interoperate the data effectively. The data that will go through this process is; systolic blood pressure, vo 2, heart rate, RER and RPE. SPSS will then be used to run a pre and post paired sample T-test to see if there is a significant difference to the data stated. 5 Jemma Rose Results Vo2 4.5 VO2 (mL/(kg·min) 4 3.5 3 PRE VO2 POST VO2 2.5 2 1.5 1 5 10 15 20 Time (mins) 25 30 Figure 1. Pre and Post nitrate supplementation averages from 3 of the participant’s VO2 (mL/(kg-min) values against time (mins). Data showing nitrate supplementation did not improve O2 consumption efficiency. 2.5 VO2 mL/(kg-min) 2.3 2.1 PRE VO2 1.9 POST VO2 1.7 1.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (mins) Figure 2. Pre and Post nitrate supplementation values of participant A’s VO2 (mL/(kg-min) data against time (mins). Data showing nitrate supplementation did not improve the participants O2 efficiency. 6 Jemma Rose Heart rate 200 Heart rate (Bpm) 190 180 170 160 Pre HR 150 Post HR 140 130 120 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (mins) Figure 3. Pre and Post nitrate supplementation averages from 3 of the participant’s Heart rate (Bpm) values against time (mins). Data showing nitrate supplementation did not decrease the participant’s heart rate values. 195 190 Heart rate (Bpm) 185 * 180 175 PreHR 170 PostHR 165 160 155 150 5 10 15 20 Time (mins) 25 30 * Indicates significant different between Pre and Post heart rate (Bpm) values (p<.006) Figure 4. Pre and Post nitrate supplementation values of participant A’s Heart rate (Bpm) during submaximal exercise against time (mins). Data showing nitrate supplementation had a positive effect and reduced participant A’s heart rate (Bpm). 7 Jemma Rose RER 1.2 1.1 RER 1 0.9 PreRER 0.8 PostRER 0.7 0.6 0.5 5 10 15 20 Time (mins) 25 30 Figure 5. Pre and Post nitrate supplementation averages from 3 of the participant’s respiratory exchange ratio (RER) values against time (mins). Data showing that the participant’s RER values fluctuated throughout the incremental exercise test. 1.1 RER 1 0.9 * 0.8 PreRER PostRER 0.7 0.6 0.5 5 10 15 20 Time (mins) 25 30 *Indicates significant different between Pre and Post RER values (P<.001) Figure 6. Pre and Post nitrate supplementation values of participant A’s RER values during submaximal exercise against time (mins). Data showing nitrate supplementation had a positive effect on the participant’s efficiency to burn fats. 8 Jemma Rose Systolic blood pressure 150 Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 145 140 135 130 125 Pre Systolic BP 120 Post Systolic BP 115 110 105 100 0 30 Time (mins) Figure 7. Pre and Post nitrate supplementation averages from 3 of the participant’s systolic blood pressure (mmHg) values against time (mins). Data showing that systolic blood pressure did not decrease but remained the same post supplementation. Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 145 140 135 130 125 120 pre systolic BP 115 Post systolic BP 110 105 100 0 30 Times (mins) Figure 8. Pre and Post nitrate supplementation values of participant A’s systolic blood pressure (mmHg) data during submaximal exercise against time (mins). Data showing systolic blood pressure values were not significantly different. 9 Jemma Rose RPE 19 17 RPE 15 13 PreRPE 11 PostRPE 9 7 5 5 10 15 20 Time (mins) 25 30 Figure 9. Pre and Post nitrate supplementation averages from 3 of the participant’s RPE values against time (mins). Data showing RPE increased after the nitrate supplementation period meaning the participants found the exercise more strenuous . 20 18 RPE 16 14 PreRPE 12 PostRPE 10 8 6 5 10 15 20 Time (mins) 25 30 Figure 10. Pre and Post nitrate supplementation values of participant A’s RPE data against time (mins). Data showing no significant different post nitrate supplementation. However from the graph it is clear there was a slight improvement post nitrate. 10 Jemma Rose Discussion Physiological adaptation to exercise involves major cardiovascular and metabolic changes within the body. Oxygen consumption increases in the active and working muscles with a similar increase in the muscle blood flow. During these processes, the endogenous gas nitric oxide (NO) plays an important regulatory role. NO increases blood flow to the muscles and regulates muscular contraction and glucose uptake (Stamler and Meissner, 2001). In addition, it is involved in the control of cellular respiration through interaction with enzymes of the mitochondrial respiratory chain (Moncada and Erusalimsky, 2002). However due to high atmospheric pressure during training at altitude, there is a decrease in the oxygen supply which further limits the bodies oxygen cost. Thus, the nitrate- nitrite- nitric oxide pathway is more active under hypoxia, therefore studies have shown nitrate supplementation can enhance and improve an athlete’s ability to utilise oxygen more efficiently whilst training at high altitudes. Larsen et al., (2007) ; Muggeridge et al., (2013) studies both evidently show corresponding results for the positive effects of beetroot supplementation. Both sets of results show a reduced oxygen consumption of the participants within their studies. Contrary to these positive results, they can’t be identically compared to the findings from this study, but only used as a guideline. Due to the fact Larsen et al., (2007) created their study based around a specific criteria and purposeful sampling (Patton, 2002), using ‘nine well trained male athletes’. Both sets of data within figures 1 and 2 show no significant difference of vo2 improvements from pre and post beetroot supplementation. This could have been 11 Jemma Rose due to the time at which the post experiment took place, as this experiment was completed late afternoon compared to pre-test which was recorded during late morning. Two of the subjects used within this study were classified as ‘trained’ as they competed within various sports which required more than 12 hours of training per week. Schena et al., (2002) stated that trained participants require more NO3 to see similar adaptations as untrained athletes when conducting experiments at high altitudes. This could explain the results within figure 2 as the athletes could already have been fully nitrate loaded prior to the pre nitrate supplementation test. Results obtained by subject A showed that nitrate supplementation over a 6 day period had a positive effect on heart rate, RER and RPE. This is shown within the figures above as there is a sufficient decrease in the exercise variables post beetroot supplementation. There is a clear significant reduction (P<.001) to the subjects RER values. Goedecke et al., (2000) explains that the RER value is used to represent a ratio between carbon dioxide and oxygen that is measured from an athletes expired gas. Values for RER range from 1.0 to 0.7 with the athletes utilising carbohydrates at a value of 1 and fats with a value of 0.7. This is due to fat only being burned during the presence of oxygen whereas; carbohydrates are burned when the oxygen supply is depleted (Goedecke et al., 2000). The results within figure 6 show clearly that the participant reduced their RER value throughout the entire submaximal exercise cycle. Resulting in the subject exercising more aerobically and burning more fats in comparison to the results pre beetroot supplementation where their RER value was evidently closer to a value of 1. This can be due to the subject working less hard at the same rate of exercise. Thus, as the subject completed the post experiment late afternoon, there is a high possibility that their glycogen stores could have been 12 Jemma Rose higher due to the time of the day. This could have had a positive effect on the subjects RER values as the intake of carbohydrates are more efficiently utilised as an energy substrate compared to fatty acids (Cermak et al., 2012). If more carbohydrates are used as a substrate, this should yield a lower oxygen uptake at a given work rate. Larsen et al., (2007) explains the physiology behind why heart rate may have decreased after supplementation. They state nitrate supplementation can increase the levels of circulatory NO, which can lead to an increase in blood flow to the exercising muscles. This increase in blood flow can increase nutrition delivery and improve waste removal from the working muscles, resulting in the athlete improving their exercise performance and developing a more efficient rate of recovery. In theory this means after nitrate supplementation, working at the same rate of exercise as the participants were within this study, should require less work from the heart to supply the same amount of blood and oxygen required in order to complete the exercise duration. This is evident from participant A within figure 10 and explains why they felt as though they were working less hard on the RPE scale. Pre-exercise values were not significantly different for any of the physiological variables. This shows that nitrate supplementation in this study did not affect preexercise variables. Cermak et al., (2012) completed a similar study using the same dosage of beetroot juice for 6 consecutive days. Results from Cermak et al., (2012) study correspond with the pre-exercise blood pressure variables identified within this experiment, as they stated nitrate supplementation did not have an impact on resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure values. However, Vanhatalo et al., (2010) found reductions in both the systolic (−4 mmHg; −3%) and diastolic (−4 mmHg; −5%) blood 13 Jemma Rose pressure values post nitrate supplementation. Therefore data has proven to be conflicting in terms of the benefits of nitrate supplementation. Lansley et al., (2011) ; Bescos et al., (2011); Wilkerson et al., (2012) showed improvements in performance and exercise efficiency arose from an acute dose of nitrate supplementations 75-150 minutes prior to exercising. Suggesting that the effects of nitrate supplementation may have positive benefits for athletes within a short time frame. Overall, more studies have demonstrated the support for the multiple day dosing strategy as used within this study. Vanhatalo et al., (2010) directly compared the effects of acute and chronic nitrate supplementation on exercise efficiency. This study revealed no improvement in performance during a graded exercise test following an acute dose of beetroot juice (0.5L, 2.5 hours before exercise). However, following 5 and 15 days of supplementation, of 500ml daily, there was an improvement of peak power and gas exchange threshold. Thus, the duration and dosage of beetroot supplementation used with this study alongside all the other literature stated, could have played an instrumental role in the improvements of subjects A’s RPE, RER, and heart rate values. Conclusion The experiment and literature discussed within this report has been designed to explore the factors and results related to nitrate supplementation and exercising at altitude. Prior to the experiment it was hypothesized that after the nitrate supplementation oxygen consumption, RER, heart rate and blood pressure values will all reduce resulting in nitrate playing a positive role when training at altitude. Therefore it can be concluded that nitrate had a positive effect on some of the 14 Jemma Rose variables relating to subject A but did not have a beneficial effect based on the groups averages. It was stated that this could have been due to two of the participants being classified as ‘trained’, therefore they could have been fully nitrate loaded prior to the post test experiment. The duration and dosage of nitrate supplementation could have impacted the NO levels and the time at which the post experiment took place. 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USA: Human kinetics. 19 Jemma Rose Appendices A PRE VO2 Participant c 0.4 PARTICIAPNT A 0.3 Participant B 0.3 average 0.333333 stdev 0.057735 5 1.7 10 2 15 1.9 20 2.2 25 2.1 30 2.3 2.4 2.1 2 2 2.2 1.9 3.4 3.1 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.8 2.5 2.4 2.466667 2.566667 2.633333 2.666667 0.8544 0.608276 0.896289 0.814453 0.83865 1.001665 POST VO2 Participant c 1.8 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2 2.3 PARTICIAPNT A 0.3 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.3 Participant B 0.8 3.8 4.2 3.4 4.3 3.5 4.3 average 0.966667 2.7 2.866667 2.666667 3 2.566667 2.966667 stdev 0.763763 0.953939 1.159023 0.64291 1.126943 0.814453 1.154701 PRE RPE Participant C PARTICIAPNT A Participant B Average stdev POST RPE Participant C PARTICIAPNT A Participant B Average stdev 20 6 7 10 12 12 12 14 6 13 15 15 15 17 18 6 7 10 12 12 12 14 6 9 11.66667 13 13 13.66667 15.33333 0 3.464102 2.886751 1.732051 1.732051 2.886751 2.309401 6 11 13 14 15 17 16 6 13 6 13 6 12.33333 1.154701 13 13 13 0 14 14 14 0 15 16 17 15 16 17 15 16.33333 16.66667 0 0.57735 0.57735 Jemma Rose RER PRE Participant C Participant B PARTICIAPNT A AVERAGE STDEV POST Participant C Particpant B PARTICIAPNT A AVERAGE STDEV 5 0.87 0.98 10 0.86 0.99 1 0.95 0.07 0.97 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.95 0.94 0.926667 0.883333 0.9 0.883333 0.07 0.10116 0.142244 0.183576 0.198578 0.97 1.06 0.97 1.1 0.94 1.01 20 0.72 0.95 0.96 1.03 0.88 0.75 0.7 0.67 0.97 0.94 0.883333 0.886667 0.09 0.176918 0.162583 0.190875 PRE HR PARTICIAPNT A Participant C Participant B AVERAGE ST DEV 15 0.81 0.98 80 103 94 25 0.69 1.03 30 0.66 1.04 0.97 1.01 0.99 1.12 0.81 0.81 0.93 0.973333 0.10583 0.155671 5 10 15 20 25 30 171 150 155 178 152 173 182 157 181 184 151 183 185 155 187 189 159 189 92.33333 158.6667 167.6667 173.3333 172.6667 175.6667 179 11.59023 10.96966 13.79613 14.15392 18.77054 17.92577 17.32051 POST HR PARTICIPANT A Participant C Participant B 81 80 79 AVERAGE STDEV 80 171.3333 180 182.6667 186.3333 188 193.6667 1 4.618802 5.196152 6.658328 4.618802 3.464102 6.658328 166 174 174 174 183 183 175 186 187 181 189 189 184 190 190 POST SYSTOLIC BP PRE SYSTOLIC BP 0 PARTICIPANT A Participant C Participant B 21 average stdev 30 114 107 124 140 111 127 115 8.544004 126 14.52584 PARTICIPANT A Participant C Participant B average stdev 0 30 119 130 120 104 120 130 119.6667 121.3333 0.57735 15.01111 186 197 198 Jemma Rose Appendices B Particpant A data systolic HR RER VO2 114 119 140 pre 130 post PRE POST 171 178 182 184 185 189 166 174 175 181 184 186 PRE 1 0.97 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.95 POST 0.88 0.75 0.7 0.67 0.81 0.81 PRE 2.4 2.1 2 2 2.2 1.9 POST 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.3 15 15 15 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 RPE PRE 13 POST 13 22